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Page 1: Insidious trailer titles
Page 2: Insidious trailer titles

The opening screen commences with a green screen from the MPAA. This splash screen shows the audience that this film has an age rating of PG 13 meaning nobody under the age of 13 should watch and parents are strongly cautioned to watch with their children. The websites of the company are shown on the screen. This gives the audience he chance to visit the websites if they want to find out more information about why the film has received a certain age rating and what is in the film that makes the film of this certain age rating. All professional film companies use these screens at the beginning of the film to make the audience aware of the age rating and shows the professionalism behind the creation of the film. The green background and white text is centred and capitalized to show the importance behind this screen as age ratings are used to protectyounger viewers.

Page 3: Insidious trailer titles

This screen is used to show the audience what production company has been used to create the film. The title “Film District” is used to show the audience the production company and is also used to show the audience that films that they may have watched in the past has the same production company. If the audience recognize the film company from a good film that they have watched previously, they will be more interested in knowing what the film is going to be about as they will know that this company produces amazing films and that this film is going to be good. The title is capitalized to signify the importance of the production company as without the production company the film would not be a reality. The title is black and so is the ground underneath the title which shows the audience the mysterious side behind the company as this company is called “Film District” showing the audience that horror is not the only genre this company specialize in. The dark black and red clouds connote danger and death which are connotations of a horror film.

Page 4: Insidious trailer titles

The first title that appears is the name of the film. The title of the film in a trailer is usually one of the last titles to appear but in this trailer the title of the film is the first title to appear. In my opinion, I think that the director should always leave the title of the film until the last title as the audience engage more on the content of the film rather than knowing the title first as they may look up the film before they know what the film content is going to be based on. The black background and the capitalized white text makes the title stand out to the audience and makes the audience aware of the title of the film. The title is animated and the words get scrambled up when the title is coming to a close. This has an effect on the audience as it makes them question the meaning behind this word and makes the audience question what the storyline may contain as the idea of words being scrambled up could be telling the audience that the storyline may be a little difficult to understand or may be a very disturbing storyline.

Page 5: Insidious trailer titles

The background is the same as the previous background of being plain black but the text is different. The non-capitalized text saying “From the makers of” shows the audience that this is not the main focus of this title, as the main focus of this title is the capitalized words being of the films “Paranormal Activity” and “Saw”. This makes the audience aware that the “makers” of this film have also created the other two films that are mentioned. The films “Paranormal Activity” and “Saw” are both very well-known horror films which were huge hits in the box office telling the audience that this film is also going to be a success. This makes the audience want to watch the film as if they are fans of the other films, they would want to see what the directors have done similarly and different to the previous films. The positioning of the text is centred telling the audience that this title is very important as it gives the audience a little bit of background of what they should be expecting from both the trailer and the film.

Page 6: Insidious trailer titles

The next title is the words “Is Insidious”. This is showing the audience the title of the film again with the word “Is”. The text being capitalized and some of the letters being cut shows the audience that this is a horror film and tells the audience that something weird is happening as the word “is” is very out of place and leaves the audience questioning the relevance behind this phrase. The phrase then appears again but now the phrase says “Insidious Is”. This could be considered a question and answer phrase as the first phrase has been answered. This leaves the audience questioning who is answering the phrase and if any of the question has been missed off the first title. There is elements of mystery from these titles leaving the audience on edge to what exactly is happening in this trailer.

The next title again is the phrase “Insidious is”. This phrase keeps getting repeated for the next two titles and shows the audience that this phrase is going to be playing an important and key role throughout both the trailer and the film. This time, the phrase is coloured in gold which has the connotations of strong and rich which could be referring to the protagonist in the trailer who has power over the entire family that the protagonist is targeting. This is showing elements of the families lives being threatened by the protagonist and leaves the audience thinking what actions the protagonist is going to take to hurt this family.

Page 7: Insidious trailer titles

The next three titles are all split up into one word phrases. Although the titles are split up, they all are made to be linked in together as no scenes are shown in between these words suggesting to the audience that some kind of separation is happening throughout the trailer to do with the storyline that has been shown. The phrase again is repeated of “Insidious is” but this time the phrase has added the word “Insidious” at the end. This shows the audience that the question has been answered that “Insidious is Insidious” but the audience are yet to find out the meaning behind this phrase as it has been repeated and answered several times through the trailer. There has also been a change in the background in these three titles as elements of red have been added to the existing bold white capitalized text. The colour red has the connotations of blood and danger which are conventions of horror films. The idea of blood and danger leaves the audience linking these ideas with the protagonist that is featured in the trailer. This is an Hermeneutic Code as it refers to an element of the story that is not fully explained and this has now became a mystery to the audience and they will need to watch the film to find out the mystery behind this phrase.

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The next title is has a similar background to the last title as the background has elements of red in. The text is not capitalized but is the last title. The last title and the first title are the titles that the audience will remember the most as it will be the first and last thing that they see which is used so that the audience remember the title of the film and the release date of the film. The word “Everywhere” is used to show the audience that the release date compels to every country around the world. Even though the film may not have been shown in every cinema, the companies aim is that they will be able to watch the film in at least one cinema screening in the audience members surrounding area. The last title is the end screen of the trailer. The end screen of the trailer shows the audience the company that has produced the film, the association, some of the actors names, costume designers etc. and it also includes the website of the film at the very bottom. This is used to make the audience aware of some of the actors, directors etc. that have created the film. If the audience known of any of these people that have created the film, the films fan base may grow as famous actors will draw a lot of attention to the film. The website is the only thing that is not capitalized on this last title which makes the audience’s attention focus on the website. The website is added so that the audience can go onto the website to find more information about the film and to see where they can view the film when it has been released.

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