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Page 1: Instilling Reading Habits in Toddlers

Instilling Reading Habits in Toddlers

There’s No Apropriate Age for a Child to Start Enjoying Books

A Child Reading - Punitha MuniandyChildren as young as toddlers can be taught to like books and to enjoy reading.

Swiss psychologist, Jean Piaget, who was known for his Cognitive Development theories stated that a little child knows more than he can verbalize. And in his Cognitive Development studies, Piaget discovered that by the age of one and half years old, a child develops what he refers to as mental representation which is “the ability to hold an image in their mind for a period beyond the immediate experience.”

During this phase, especially between the ages of one and three, kids make big leaps in vocabulary, letters, shapes, and colours. Reading to toddlers at this age is imperative. When a toddler hears a new word, he may not understand it but he may absorb some meaning from the context which will deepen his understanding of the word the next time it’s used.

Importance of Reading to Toddlers

Reading to children at a young age encourages language and speech development. But before children can read independently, they need to build their reading skills or need emergent reading skills. According to an article entitled "Toddler Reading Time" reviewed by Laura L. Bailet in KidsHealth.org, this includes, “having a large vocabulary of words and knowing how to use them, understanding that words are made of smaller sounds (phonemic awareness), understanding that marks on a page represents letters and words and knowing the letters of the alphabet.”

Reading Tips for Parents for Toddlers

Reading to a toddler can be adventurous but at the same time, challenging. It’s important for parents to keep things lively and animated to keep toddlers interested. Toddlers have very short attention span, as short as five minutes in some cases. Here are some tips of how to read effectively to young ones.

1. Toddlers love looking at books. When reading to toddlers, talk about the pictures, the images and the colours. As they grow, start reading them the first few pages. Toddlers will demonstrate when they have had enough by grabbing the book away from the parents, or walking away to find something else.

2. Allow toddlers to familiarize themselves with books by making books readily available, around the house, within their reach and allow them to flip the pages.

3. Make reading time special. It may be done as a routine before nap time or just before they call it a night. When a routine is created, children will look forward to sitting on parents’ laps and listening to stories.

4. Read out loud. Before reading to toddlers, parents should love the book they read. By feeling passionate about a story, parents will be able to dramatize the characters better while reading the stories out loud. Always read with expressions and excitement. There’s nothing more a toddler enjoys than an animated, lively story time.

5. Pick books with a lot of pictures and characters toddlers are familiar with. Picture books not only add extra dimension to the story but encourages better understanding and language appreciation in toddlers.

6. Ask open-ended questions when pointing at a picture. For instance, “What is that Pooh bear holding?” Allow children to name their characters or use child’s name for a character. This makes reading more personal and children love hearing their names repeated in a story.

Suggested Early Reading Books

When deciding on books to read to toddlers, it’s important to pick books that could get a child to turn the pages. According to Esme Raji Codell in her book, How To Get Your Child To Love Reading (Alconquin Books, 2003), in order to motivate a child to read, it’s important to find books that enhance interest, integration and invention.

ABC Books: Anamalia Midi (Harry N Abrams, 1993) by Graeme Base, I Spy an Alphabet in Art (Greenwillow Books, 1996) by Lucy Micklethwait,

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Alphabet City (Puffin USA, 1999) by Stephen Johnson, The Butterfly Alphabet (Scholastic Paperback, 1999) by Kjell Bloch Sandved.

Best number books: One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (I Can Read It All by Myself) by Dr. Seuss and Theodor Seuss Geisel (Random House Books For Young Readers, 1960).

Early reading habits are instrumental to growing toddlers. Besides promoting language and vocabulary skills, through reading children are exposed to an ocean of endless new information which will only benefit them as they grow into adulthood. The more children are read to at a young age, the sooner they will embrace the art of reading and make reading a part of their lives.

How to Jumpstart Early Reading Skills in Your Toddler

As a parent of a toddler, you've probably already figured out that your little one has an incredible knack for learning new things quickly. Not only are toddlers busy and curious, they have a special ability to record and remember sights and sounds at an astronomical rate in toddlerhood. Their world is new, alive and incredibly fascinating to them. Their tiny little brains are like a sponge soaking up life. They are learning how to talk, how to form words, how to interpret meanings of words, voice patterns and inflections and emotions. It all collides and forms the ever cute and adorable "baby talk" unique to our own toddler that we parents can't stop oohhhing and awwwhhhing over!

By the age of 2, toddlers are beginning to recognize letters and sounds and learn how to use them. These are important foundational building block years!

Here are some practical ways to jumpstart early reading skills in your toddler that will enhance, stimulate and increase your child's future reading and language learning experiences.


1. Read Books Aloud During the Day: As your baby grows into a toddler, reading becomes even more important. Many parents are starting to read to their children while yet still unborn. With modern technology, we now know that unborn babies can hear and recognize voices while in the womb.

Toddlers love to hear their mothers and fathers and older siblings read. It stimulates the brain and forms language patterns that are vitally important to future reading and writing.

So your toddler is wiggly and acts disinterested when you read? Do not let a wiggly toddler discourage you from reading aloud to him or her!

You could still let your wiggly toddler play on the floor or play with his train track or play with her kitchen set, while you sit on the floor nearby reading a favorite book. The power of aloud reading is being heard and stimulating the toddler's brain no matter how wiggly they are!

Here are some reading pointers when reading to a toddler:

1.) Engage your child in reading.

2.) Point to pictures, words and letters.

3.) Play word games with your books.

4.) Play "I Spy" while reading. Say something like, "I spy a cute little brown monkey? Can you find that cute little brown monkey?"

5.) Make the characters in the book come alive. Read with feeling, different voices. Read with different pitches. Toddlers love this!

6.) Give your toddler the job of turning pages.

7.) Show your toddler how to point to pictures and words in the book.

8.) Show your toddler how to hide pictures and words in the book by placing his hand over them for a brief moment while you say,

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"HMMM, I wonder where that big red apple went?" Then have him pull his hand away while you point to the apple and say..."There it is! That big red Apple. See the A...A is for Apple!"

9.) Read and Relate!!! Relate the books you read to real life. Point out words or pictures that you saw or read in the book that morning, to something you see at the grocery store that afternoon.

10.) Let your toddler handle books. Show him how to care for them and expect that some books will inevitably get pages torn. When this happens, let your toddler know that it is O.K....but we need to fix it. Have your toddler help you tape the page back together as you talk about how we must care for books because they are so very important! Your little toddler will eventually learn ownership and develop a love for books.

2.Read Good Books Aloud During Nap and Bedtime: Develop a habit of reading with your toddler at nap time and bedtime. Reading to a toddler as he or she is about to go to sleep is soothing and relaxing. It communicates a thousands words and feelings to that little one that will be greatly beneficial! Pick soothing and relaxing books to read during bedtimes and nap times.

You can tell your little one to close his eyes and imagine the words you are reading.

Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown The Peter Rabbit Series by Beatrix Potter Good Night, Spot by Eric Hill Good Night God by Holly BeaGood Night, Little Bear by Patricia M. Scarry Kiss Good Night (Sam Books)by Amy Hest Good Night, Sweet Butterflies: A Color Dreamland by Dawn Bentley One Snowy Night by M. Christina Butler Good Night, Baby Bear by Frank Asch I See The Moon: Good-Night Poems and Lullabies by Marcus Pfister

3.Encourage Good Books: Give your toddler lots of board books! There are some really great books that are cloth, board and safe plastic. Give your toddler books while he or she is sitting in the highchair or sitting in the carseat on car rides. They will tend to be more interested in these items


Some recommended books for toddlers:

Any of the Baby Einstein BooksCurious George Books by H.A.RayDr. Seuss BooksBeatrix Potter BooksThe Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? by Bill Martin, Jr. The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister Corduroy by Don Freeman The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Guess How Much I Love You by Sam McBratney The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by John Archambault The Complete Tales of Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne Are You My Mother? by Philip D. Eastman

4.Buy Lots of Children's Books: You can find exceptional deals on books on Amazon.com, Half.com, Ebay.com as well as at your local bookstores. Check the clearance sections of Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, Boarders, Target and Walmart. Also check thrift stores, goodwill stores, and yard sales for excellent deals on children's books.

You can also find great children's books at your local library!

5.Pursue educational toys over trendy toys: There are an abundant amounts of excellent educational toys for your toddler. Invest in good books, puzzles, coordination and memory toys, developmental toys. Invest in basic toys like wooden blocks with the ABC's on them. Never underestimate the power of simplicity!

Here are some recommended educational resources:Melissa and Doug puzzles and blocksBaby Einstein Baby MozartBaby Webster

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Infantino PuzzlesBasic ABC block train

6Educate Yourself! Learn as much as you can about reading aloud to your toddler. There are many books on the subject listed in the resource area below.

7.Expand your toddlers world! Many parents go through life putting up with toddlers, not directing them! Direct and guide your toddler. Set boundaries and actively teach...don't just survive.

8.Expand your view: Point beyond the narrow visionary box. When you take your toddler on a walk, bend over and touch the grass, pick up a rock, smell the flours, feel the pavement, touch the dirt. When you walk into the grocery store, point his gaze to see all the wonderful varieties of foods available. Talk, touch...read...spell.

You are your toddlers best teacher. Expand your vision. Take seriously the God-given role you have and enjoy toddlerhood! Look forward to all the investment paying off in the many years to come, as your wiggly toddler develops strong reading and language skills all because you cared to expand, excite, invest and believe in that little bundle of high speed energy!

Why Reading to Children Is Important

What’s the most important trait you’d like to develop in your child? If you’re like most parents, intelligence is probably at the top of your list. We all want bright, smart children, which is why we spend so much time choosing the right schools and making sure teachers are exceeding expectations. But remember: as a parent, you have the power to boost your children's learning potential simply by making books an integral part of their lives.

We all know reading to our kids is a good thing—but are you familiar with the specific advantages your toddler or preschool-age child can receive by being exposed to the merits of reading? Below are some benefits that highlight the importance of reading to your child between the ages of 2-5.

• A stronger relationship with you. As your child grows older, he’ll be on the move—playing, running, and constantly exploring his environment. Snuggling up with a book lets the two of you slow down and recaptures that sweet, cuddly time you enjoyed when he was a baby. Instead of being seen as a chore or a task, reading will become a nurturing activity that will bring the two of you closer together.

Academic excellence. One of the primary benefits of reading to toddlers and preschoolers is a higher aptitude for learning in general. Numerous studies have shown that students who are exposed to reading before preschool are more likely to do well in all facets of formal education. After all, if a student struggles to put together words and sentences, how can he be expected to grasp the math, science, and social concepts he’ll be presented with when he begins elementary school?

• Basic speech skills. Throughout toddlerhood and preschool, your child is learning critical language and enunciation skills. By listening to you read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, your child is reinforcing the basic sounds that form language. “Pretend reading”—when a toddler pages through a book with squeals and jabbers of delight—is a very important pre-literacy activity. As a preschooler, your child will likely begin sounding out words on his own.

• The basics of how to read a book. Children aren’t born with an innate knowledge that text is read from left to right, or that the words on a page are separate from the images. Essential pre-reading skills like these are among the major benefits of early reading.

• Better communication skills. When you spend time reading to toddlers, they’ll be much more likely to express themselves and relate to others in a healthy way. By witnessing the interactions between the characters in the books you read, as well as the contact with you during story time, your child is gaining valuable communication skills.

• Mastery of languages. Early reading for toddlers has been linked to a better grasp of the fundamentals of language as they approach school age.

• More logical thinking skills. Another illustration of the importance of reading to children is their ability to grasp abstract concepts, apply logic in various scenarios, recognize cause and effect, and utilize good judgment. As your toddler or preschooler begins to relate the scenarios in books to

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what’s happening in his own world, he’ll become more excited about the stories you share.

• Acclamation to new experiences. As your child approaches a major developmental milestone or a potentially stressful experience, sharing a relevant story is a great way to help ease the transition. For instance, if your little one is nervous about starting preschool, reading a story dealing with this topic shows her that her anxiety is normal.

• Enhanced concentration and discipline. Toddlers may initially squirm and become distracted during story time, but eventually they’ll learn to stay put for the duration of the book. Along with reading comprehension comes a stronger self-discipline, longer attention span, and better memory retention, all of which will serve your child well when she enters school.

• The knowledge that reading is fun! Early reading for toddlers helps them view books as an indulgence, not a chore. Kids who are exposed to reading are much more likely to choose books over video games, television, and other forms of entertainment as they grow older.

Books have the power to benefit toddlers, and preschoolers in a myriad of ways. As a parent, reading to your child is one of the most important things you can do to prepare him with a foundation for academic excellence.

How a Child Becomes a Reader

For most adults, reading is second nature—something we do while barely thinking about it. For young children, reading is not so simple. As a parent, your job is to provide guidance and support to help smooth the way to fluent reading.

As your child approaches preschool, his teachers will most likely use one of these three basic methods to foster beginning reading skills. It’s never too early to begin preparing your little one for these teachings.

1. The auditory approach involves reading books aloud to your little one. This strategy can start even before your baby is born; as early as seven months in utero, a fetus can hear what is going on outside the womb.

2. With the phonetic approach, you can help your child break apart new words into individual syllables to show how those parts combine to form words. When using phonics to teach toddlers to read, you’ll slowly introduce certain rules of pronunciation and speech sounds.

3. The third method of teaching reading is the whole language method, which focuses on entire words and how they fit into sentences. This technique is most effective for preschoolers who have already mastered the alphabet and letter sounds. With less emphasis on grammatical rules and repetition of sounds, whole language learning helps your child learn to read by identifying connections between the words on the page and aspects of your little one’s life.

When it comes to helping your child read, there’s no right or wrong way. The whole language approach is more likely to be embraced by children who learn by visual cues, while auditory children will benefit more from the phonetic style of teaching toddlers to read.

Regardless of which technique you prefer for introducing your child to the world of reading, combining the three basic methods of instruction will help to ensure a solid head start toward understanding grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.

Below are some specific things you can do to help your child learn to love reading:

• Simply stated: read! If your toddler notices you enjoying the written word, he’ll be more likely to embrace it himself. Let your little one see you engrossed in books, magazines, newspapers, and other reading materials.

• Make it an all-day affair. Too often, parents relegate reading to just a short session right before bed. Try reading to your child at various times throughout the day, so it will seem less like a chore and more like a fun treat. Whenever possible, substitute a television show, DVD, or electronic toy with Go, Dog. Go! or Hop on Pop.

• Hit the floor. For babies and young toddlers who don’t want to sit still, lap reading can be a struggle. Get down on the floor with your crawler and a book, and read as your little one explores the room. Before long, you’ll

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likely find your audience circling back around to you and taking a peek at the pages.

• Make reading engaging and interactive. As you progress through the story, point out interesting pictures, ask questions, and encourage your child to chime in as you recite familiar verses and phrases.

• Read during feedings. While spoon-feeding your baby in his highchair, have a book on hand for quick snippets between bites. This can have an added benefit of keeping your little one occupied and leading him to associate meals with fun and learning.

• Help associate printed words with the story. One of the most effective ways to help your child read is to run your finger beneath the words on the page to help your youngster understand that the letters combine to represent words and sentences.

• Make up quizzes. When reading to children of preschool age, ask questions about what you read. This will help encourage your little one to pay attention during reading sessions and improve his critical thinking skills.

• Make a book together. Looking for more creative ideas for teaching your older child how to read? Use small poster boards to create a customized book where the characters, plotline, and pictures are all derived from your little one’s imagination. Encourage him to read the book to family and friends.

By implementing these easy strategies for early literacy, you’ll be well on your way to helping your child achieve academic success and fulfillment.

Why Reading to Children Is Important

What’s the most important trait you’d like to develop in your child? If you’re like most parents, intelligence is probably at the top of your list. We all want bright, smart children, which is why we spend so much time choosing the right schools and making sure teachers are exceeding expectations. But remember: as a parent, you have the power to boost your children's learning potential simply by making books an integral part of their lives.

We all know reading to our kids is a good thing—but are you familiar with the specific advantages your toddler or preschool-age child can receive by being exposed to the merits of reading? Below are some benefits that highlight the importance of reading to your child between the ages of 2-5.

• A stronger relationship with you. As your child grows older, he’ll be on the move—playing, running, and constantly exploring his environment. Snuggling up with a book lets the two of you slow down and recaptures that sweet, cuddly time you enjoyed when he was a baby. Instead of being seen as a chore or a task, reading will become a nurturing activity that will bring the two of you closer together.

• Academic excellence. One of the primary benefits of reading to toddlers and preschoolers is a higher aptitude for learning in general. Numerous studies have shown that students who are exposed to reading before preschool are more likely to do well in all facets of formal education. After all, if a student struggles to put together words and sentences, how can he be expected to grasp the math, science, and social concepts he’ll be presented with when he begins elementary school?

• Basic speech skills. Throughout toddlerhood and preschool, your child is learning critical language and enunciation skills. By listening to you read One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish, your child is reinforcing the basic sounds that form language. “Pretend reading”—when a toddler pages through a book with squeals and jabbers of delight—is a very important pre-literacy activity. As a preschooler, your child will likely begin sounding out words on his own.

• The basics of how to read a book. Children aren’t born with an innate knowledge that text is read from left to right, or that the words on a page are separate from the images. Essential pre-reading skills like these are among the major benefits of early reading.

• Better communication skills. When you spend time reading to toddlers, they’ll be much more likely to express themselves and relate to others in a healthy way. By witnessing the interactions between the characters in the books you read, as well as the contact with you during story time, your child is gaining valuable communication skills.

• Mastery of languages. Early reading for toddlers has been linked to a better grasp of the fundamentals of language as they approach school age.

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• More logical thinking skills. Another illustration of the importance of reading to children is their ability to grasp abstract concepts, apply logic in various scenarios, recognize cause and effect, and utilize good judgment. As your toddler or preschooler begins to relate the scenarios in books to what’s happening in his own world, he’ll become more excited about the stories you share.

• Acclamation to new experiences. As your child approaches a major developmental milestone or a potentially stressful experience, sharing a relevant story is a great way to help ease the transition. For instance, if your little one is nervous about starting preschool, reading a story dealing with this topic shows her that her anxiety is normal.

• Enhanced concentration and discipline. Toddlers may initially squirm and become distracted during story time, but eventually they’ll learn to stay put for the duration of the book. Along with reading comprehension comes a stronger self-discipline, longer attention span, and better memory retention, all of which will serve your child well when she enters school.

• The knowledge that reading is fun! Early reading for toddlers helps them view books as an indulgence, not a chore. Kids who are exposed to reading are much more likely to choose books over video games, television, and other forms of entertainment as they grow older.

Books have the power to benefit toddlers, and preschoolers in a myriad of ways. As a parent, reading to your child is one of the most important things you can do to prepare him with a foundation for academic excellence.

Promoting Literacy: 1- to 2-Years-Old

As your baby enters toddlerhood, he’ll approach a whole new set of firsts, most notably first steps and first words. The random syllables he’s been trying out over the past few months will develop into his first honest-to-goodness words. It’s estimated that your child will learn up to 10 new words each day, usually starting to string two or more of them together into phrases by 18 months of age. (Remember, every child develops at a different pace. If you have any questions or concerns about your child's development, ask your pediatrician.)

As your toddler’s imagination soars, pretending is likely to become a favorite activity. If you see your little one paging through a book and pretending to read along, he’s engaging in a constructive early literacy activity. One-year-olds are also intent on forging their independence in their little circle of the world, attempting to put on and take off socks and shoes, climb onto and off of furniture, and put on and remove lids. This newfound self-sufficiency will also extend to reading—don’t be surprised if your toddler insists on holding the book or turning the pages while you read.

Best books for toddlers

When choosing reading material for your one-year-old, cater to his budding independence and imagination with books that include Velcro® closures, buttons, snaps, ties, and flaps. Any story that encourages interaction will be a big hit. Toddlers are also enthralled by books with mirrors, music, and built-in puzzles, such as those in Baby's First Book Club. Get your one-year-old on the fast track to learning by choosing books that focus on the fundamentals:

• Alphabet: It will be a couple of years before your toddler begins recognizing and writing letters, but it’s never too soon to expose him to the alphabet. The more he sees the letters and hears their names, the easier it will be for him to make the associations on his own when the time comes. Dr. Seuss’s ABCs from the Dr. Seuss & His Friends club is a time-honored alphabet classic. The Baby Einstein Playful Discoveries title My ABCs is another favorite.

• Music and movement: Toddlers love to be on the move—especially when they have a soundtrack. Books that incorporate songs and moving parts are sure to engage them. Stories that focus on transportation (cars, trucks, buses, and airplanes) also hold a big fascination. My First Music Collection includes 15 CDs of music created just for children, while the book, Music on the Go (from Baby Einstein Playful Discoveries) features trains, trucks, and other favorite modes of transportation paired with playful, musical rhymes.

• Shapes and colors: These are two of the most important associations to teach your one-year-old. Dr. Seuss’s Shape of Me and Other Stuff (from

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the Dr. Seuss & His Friends club) helps toddlers start to see how the world is made up of shapes and help them to apply it to their environment.

• Numbers and counting: Reading books that incorporate numbers and counting, especially when paired with catchy rhymes, is a fun and effective way to introduce your toddler to the basic math skills he’ll master as he approaches preschool and kindergarten. Choose a favorite counting book, like Ten Apples Up on Top by Dr. Seuss. Explore the math titles in the award-winning My First Steps to Learning series to familiarize your child with basic numbers.

• Moods: Toddlers are just beginning the long process of learning to understand and process their emotions, which is why books dealing with feelings and dispositions are so captivating. Choose a book that focuses on happiness, anger, sadness, and other basic moods, along with lessons for constructive ways to handle them. Mimi's Day, from the award-winning Baby Einstein Playful Discoveries series, is an effective mirror book that teaches little ones how to recognize their feelings and practice those faces while looking in the mirror located in the book.

Although it can sometimes be difficult to capture your one-year-old’s focus long enough to read one page, much less an entire book, you're making a difference by trying to make it fun and to follow his cues. When reading to a young toddler, quality is much more important than quantity. Do your best to make every minute you read together fun.

1-2 years old Child Development Tips

• Independence Through Reading

At one year of age, your toddler will be anxious to express his independence and opinions. Reading time provides the perfect opportunity for him to assert his newfound self-sufficiency. Let your toddler choose the book and the location for each session, and don’t be surprised if he insists on holding the book and turning the pages. Although his response to the story may be limited to non-verbal cues (smiling, laughing, etc.) and babbling, this is the mark of a healthy interaction with the reading material and is an important early literacy activity.

• Separation Themes: Ease Transitions Through Reading

During this stage, toddlers often struggle with separation anxiety. Your easy, go-anywhere baby who was happy to be held by anyone may suddenly become panicked at the prospect of leaving your side. By choosing books with themes of separation—such as greeting Daddy when he gets home from work or waving bye-bye to Mommy—you’ll show your little one that transition is a normal, healthy part of life.

• Reading on the Move: First Steps, First Books

Most toddlers of this age are just beginning to pull themselves to a standing position, "cruise" along furniture, and perhaps even take a few first steps. Once your little guy is on the move, it will be hard to keep him still. At this stage, every step is a feat to be celebrated, and every waking minute provides an opportunity to explore. Unlike adults, one-year-olds don’t view reading as a sedentary activity. Your toddler may prefer to read standing up or while walking around, and that’s perfectly fine. The most important thing is that he’s interacting with books!

• Give & Take: Interactive Reading

Interactivity is key to relating to toddlers, especially with reading. Instead of just narrating the words on the page, encourage your little one to respond to what’s happening on the page. Take frequent breaks from the action to ask questions—“I wonder why he did that?”—and to repeat favorite rhymes or phrases. Although you may not get a verbal response, your little one will likely react with smiles, laughter, eye contact, and the basic syllables that make up the beginnings of his language. This give-and-take narration style makes reading more of a shared than a one-sided activity.

• Books of His Own: Learning about Possession

Toddlers take pride in their own spaces and items. Building a library of books for your one-year-old is a great way to foster early literacy. Providing him with a hand-picked collection of books shows him that reading is an important and enjoyable part of life, and gives him the freedom to choose whatever story appeals to him. Building your toddler’s library is easier than you might think. Joining a book club gives you easy access to the most popular titles. You might also ask family and friends to give books instead of toys for birthdays and holidays.

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Beginning Reading Behaviors in Young Children

Strategies for Identifying and Encouraging Emergent Literacy

Parents can expand the emergent literacy behaviors that indicate an understanding of what reading is and serve as a strong foundation for later reading instruction.

Young children display numerous behaviors that demonstrate a beginning understanding of what reading is and how to do it (Clay, 1993). More than forms of play or imitation of adult behaviors, these behaviors are forms of emergent literacy that may be fostered by parents or caregivers in order to better prepare children for reading instruction.

Emergent Literacy Behaviors

A child who is in the process of becoming literate

knows the front and back of a book and opens it from left to right.

knows that the reader is using the words, not the pictures, to tell the story.

knows that the reader reads from left to right, and from top to bottom, and can trace the “return sweep” a reader uses as he finishes one line of text and moves to the next.

knows that words, sentences and stories all have a beginning and an ending.

knows that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the words on the page and those being spoken by the reader.

knows that words are made up of letters.

knows that letters make sounds.

can identify punctuation marks.

can identify upper and lower case letters

"reads" environmental print, such as cereal boxes, fast food signs, road signs, and other highly familiar text and images.

Strategies for Parents

Parents who want to foster emergent literacy should employ strategies that make reading a focus in the home, rather than trying to teach disparate skills outside a natural context. The following seven strategies will encourage the development of written literacy in much the same way as speech is learned, through authentic use and practice.

From birth, provide lots of books, making them accessible to children, even if they end up worn out. Children love to choose and page through their own books.

Read aloud to children several times a day, such as after meals and before nap and bedtime. Children love to hear the same story over and over as they "learn" it. Young children do not yet realize that the story is in the words and will think the reader has simply memorized the story to tell. In time, they notice the words on the page and gain an understanding of the reading process.

Let children see the adults in the home reading daily. Talk about reading and why it is enjoyable or useful for gaining information.

Discuss characters and plots with children as stories are read. Make a game of predicting what will happen next or guessing how a character feels by the expression on his or her face. Ask the children what they would do in a situation like the one the character is in.

Provide opportunities for book responses….drawing characters, dressing-up, writing (dictating) their own adventures similar to the books they are reading.

Visit the library regularly and participate in the family literacy activities offered there and by many local school and park districts.

Limit TV or other screen time, so that children get in the habit at an early age of choosing reading for pleasure.


By following these strategies, parents offer young children a literacy-rich environment where early reading behaviors will emerge naturally and

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provide a strong foundation upon which teachers will build when they begin formal reading instruction.

Alphabet Games and Number Games

This page is full of ideas for using our Alphabets and our Alphabet and Number Strips for learning alphabets and numbers as well as for playing alphabet games and number games. Ideas range from learning and recognising numbers and letters, to practicing alphabetical order and expanding vocabulary, so you should find something appropriate for all ages

. Use our alphabets in scrapbooksUse them to decorate your scrapbook pages, or spell out your child's name on a school folder or workbook or file.

Make door signsChildren love to mark their own territory with their name on their bedroom door! Depending on age they can perhaps colour and cut their own sign, which can then be laminated for durability if you wish.

Make key rings, satchel tagsPrint and laminate your child's initial, make a hole and attach to a key ring. Or use a ribbon or string to decorate a school bag or satchel so that your child will easily identify it.

Decorate bulletin boardsTeachers will come up with all sorts of ideas for using the alphabets on bulletin boards and around the classroom.

Learning the alphabetPrint out one of our alphabet strips and display it where little ones will see it all the time! You may want to choose lower case letters for the UK, as most children are introduced to these first. Go through the alphabet regularly, pointing to the letters and saying the sounds they make; of course you can also sing the alphabet song!

Alphabet flashcardsOur alphabets make wonderful flashcards. Choose one which will appeal to your child, and print onto coloured card if you like. Laminate for durability and you will be able to use it for all sorts of games in the future.

Play alphabet bingoIf you print one of the alphabet strips and leave it in sections, each section forms an easy alphabet bingo card for little children. Give each child one or two sections. Print out a matching set of alphabet cards and put them in the middle of the table. Take turns to choose an alphabet card and see if you have the matching letter on your bingo section. If you do you could cover it with the card, or with a counter. The first to fill their section completely is the winner.

Upper and lower case bingoBoth the penguin strip and the sweet heart strip have upper and lower case letters. Print out a set of lower case sections as the bingo cards, and print out the upper case letters onto individual alphabet cards. Play as above.

Editor's note: these bingo games are great games for mixed aged siblings to play together as the competitive element keeps the game fun for all ages.

Alphabet racePrint out one of the alphabet strips and use it as a game board. Have a counter for each player and a dice. Put the counters at the beginning of the board (that is, just before the "a") and let the youngest child roll and move their counter the appropriate number of spaces. Depending on the age of the child, you can adapt the game in many ways:

when you land on a letter, you say the sound that the letter makes or move back x number of spaces

when you land on a letter, you say the name of that letter or move back

say a word which begins (or ends) with the letter you have landed on, or move back

say a noun, adjective, verb, adverb etc which begins with the letter you have landed on, or move back

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The winner is the first to reach "z"! This game is also very adaptable for different ages, as you can assign each child a task appropriate to their age and skill.

Alphabet file folder anagram game Cut out one of the alphabets and place them in a never-ending path or circle, like a board game. You can place them in random or alphabetical order. Provide each child with a counter and a piece of paper and pencil. The children choose a letter and place their counter on it, writing the letter on their piece of paper. Now take it turns to roll one or two dice and move around the board. Wherever your counter lands, write down that letter on your paper. The first child to find a three-letter word using their letters wins. Older children can play with four or five letter words. You can also print out extra copies of the vowels and most popular consonants and use more than one of them on your board.

Alphabet scramblePrint out a set of alphabet cards and choose a combination which makes a word appropriate for your child's age. Scramble them up and have the child put them in the right order. You can make this game more energetic by "hiding" the cards around the room and telling the child how many cards he has to find. It is also a fun team game: use two different sets of alphabet cards and the kids will have great fun running around each other trying to find where their cards are hidden without giving away cards to the other team!

Alphabet trailCreate a trail of alphabet cards around the room (or house), spelling out a word or short sentence which the child will need to write down in a little notebook and present to you when he reaches the end. You can make this more difficult for older children by throwing in "extra" letters which he will need to identify and exclude.

Which letter is missing?Lay out a set of alphabet cards in alphabetical order. While the children close their eyes, take one card away. On your command they open their eyes and identify which letter is missing.

Beginning, middle and endUse a set of alphabet cards and 3 containers (bowls, paper plates etc) marked "beginning", "middle" and "end". Shuffle the cards and have the

child turn them over one by one and place them in the appropriate container. Younger children could do this with the help of an alphabet strip.

Either sideUsing a set of alphabet cards, turn one over at a time and try to identify as quickly as possible the letter before, the letter after, or both! Younger children could use an alphabet strip to help.

Alphabetical sortSimply shuffle up a set of alphabet cards and put them back into order as quickly as possible.

How many wordsGive each player a piece of paper and a pencil, and shuffle a pack of alphabet cards. Decide on a "theme" such as flowers, girls' names, cities etc. Turn the top card over and, in a given amount of time, see how many words you can write down which begin with that letter. You can control this game more by deciding after the card is turned over what the theme will be!

A shorter and easier (and noisier) variation of the game is to decide on a theme for the whole game, and to try to shout out an answer as quickly as possible for each letter. Perhaps the winner of each round could take a counter and at the end of the game the counters are tallied for the winner.

Alphabet magnetsYou can use the printable alphabets to make magnets, by laminating them and attaching magnets to the back.

Change a letter Choose a word and find the correct letters to assemble for your child. Challenge them to change the word to another by swapping one letter at a time. For example, change "cat" to "cot" to "cop" and so on.

Alphabet Go FishPrint out two sets of alphabet cards (you could print one set of upper case and one set of lower case if appropriate) and deal five cards to each player. Place remaining cards in a stack face down in the middle of the table. Players check their hands for any pairs, and place them face up in front of them if they have any. The youngest player then asks a player of his

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choice whether he has a particular card. If he does, he must hand it over, and the pair can be placed on the table. If he doesn't, he says "Go Fish", and the first player must take a card from the centre pile. The winner is the first player to put all their cards down on the table.

Alphabet Old MaidYou need at least three players. Print out two sets of alphabet cards, and include one blank card too. Doctor the set so that there are enough cards for each player to have between 6 and 8 cards (less for younger players) and the pack is made up of pairs plus the extra card - you will have an odd number of cards! Shuffle and deal out the cards. Each player checks their hands for any pairs, and places them face up in front of them if they have any. The youngest player then turns to the player on his left, and takes a card (without looking at it!) from his hand. If it makes a pair with one in his hand, he can put it down on the table. Play continues around the circle until one player is left holding the odd card and is called the "Old Maid".

Alphabet Match up Print out and join together an alphabet strip of lower or upper case letters (laminate if required). Write the other case of letters onto a set of wooden clothes pegs (you can usually buy these very cheaply at a pound / dollar store). Ask your child to clip the clothes pegs at the correct place on the line.

Number match up  Print out a number strip and join together as above. Draw a number of dots, or perhaps some easy sums, onto the clothes pegs, and ask your child to match the pegs to the correct number on the line.

Alphabet war  Print out a set of alphabet cards. Deal them evenly between two players. Players turn over the first card on their pile simultaneously, and call out if their card is closer to the beginning (or end) of the alphabet. They take both cards. The winner has the most cards when the pack is completed.

Which is missing?Make two copies (or how ever many you need) of alphabets and numbers.  Lay the cards in alphabetical or numerical order replacing one of the letter / number cards  with the ? card. Ask child to identify the missing letter or number. For older child, the number cards could be placed in skip

counting sequence, backwards, etc. The letters could be used to spell words.

Reading Milestones

At this stage, your toddler learns about reading through everyday experiences with books. Simply through reading with adults, your toddler learns that books contain lots of interesting pictures and words and that stories show her worlds to explore.

Toddlers who have been read to will invite others to read to them. When adults stop and talk about the pictures, label objects on the page, and describe what they see, they are also promoting the child's language development. As his language develops, your toddler will do these same things when he looks at books.

Toddlers learn that books are special. Your toddler's experiences interacting with books teach her how to handle books. She learns that there is a front and a back to the book. She also learns how to hold a book and how to turn its pages.

Toddlers may use "storybook language" in their everyday conversations. For example, over a bowl of hot macaroni, you may hear your toddler say, "I'm gonna huff and I'm gonna puff." Some toddlers may also incorporate reading into their fantasy play. For example, your child may read stories to his stuffed animals as he puts them down for a nap.

Toddlers learn about the structure of stories from books. Through reading different books, toddlers learn that most stories contain the same parts: a setting, characters, a series of events that lead to a problem, and a solution to the problem. When your toddler understands the way most stories are built, it helps her to understand new stories that are read aloud to her. Years later, this will help her to understand stories she reads independently.

Toddlers often show clear preferences and will ask to have a book read over and over again. Although parents may not want to read the same book, rereading is useful for toddlers. Reading a favorite book like Goodnight Moon for the one hundredth time will actually help your child relate what he hears to the words and letters on the page.

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Encouraging Your Toddler

Read a variety of books to your toddler. Toddlers enjoy books about animals, the alphabet, and children their age. Rhyming books are also popular with children this age. Just keep in mind that not every book a child becomes interested in will be a favorite of his parent or caregiver. Even if the book doesn't seem very interesting to you, your toddler may enjoy hearing the story over and over again.

Talk to your toddler as you read a book. While you and your toddler read together, try labeling objects on a page, talking about the pictures, or taking turns telling the story. As you read, remember to stop every now and then and give your toddler time to focus on pages that are interesting to her. These interactions will also provide you with a window into your child's interests, fears, and wishes.

As you read, take your cues from your toddler. It is OK if your toddler only wants to talk about the pictures or skip pages of the book. To make stories more interesting, you may want to change words or substitute the name of your child for one of the characters. What is most important is that you and your toddler have fun as you explore the world of books together.

Build reading into everyday routines. Whether it's at naptime or after dinner as a family, incorporating reading into daily events firmly establishes reading as a part of your toddler's life. An important part of reading together is the physical closeness between adult and child. Toddlers love to be read to on a loving adult's lap or tucked into their bed with their parent right beside them.

Enjoy alphabet books together to introduce letters. Keep in mind that the emphasis in reading alphabet books is not to "teach" the alphabet. Start by choosing books about things your toddler is interested in and books with engaging pictures. Reading these books together will provide you and your child with an opportunity to talk about the letters, their shapes, and familiar things associated with the letter, such as "B is for Bear." In talking about the letters, their shapes and sounds, your child will begin to learn about how letters and sounds go together.

Draw your toddler's attention to the printed words and letters he sees while doing everyday things. Simply through exposure to print, older toddlers may begin to recognize very familiar signs, labels, and names. As you bring your car to a halt at a stop sign, point and say, "Look, it's a stop sign. I have to stop. The sign says STOP!" Pretty soon, your child will recognize the sign and tell you to stop. Pointing out signs and other ways writing is used in the environment will help your child begin to develop an understanding of the uses of print and build a foundation for reading.

18-36 Months: Learning to Love Books

When toddlers are introduced to the magic of books, they develop a love of reading that can last a lifetime. Language is the foundation for literacy, and you can help your toddler get ready for reading by incorporating listening and talking into everyday activities. Even though children are still developing language, reading is very important at this age. When you read to your toddler, you help her to learn about new words and concepts, learn letters, and learn about the way the printed word works. Reading to your toddler, talking about books and the printed word as much as possible, and providing many opportunities for her to experiment with writing will help her get ready to read.

Your toddler is a natural explorer, and his curiosity sparks the development of language, reading, and writing. He listens intently to adults in order to learn new words, is interested in the way language works, and experiments with using new grammar when he speaks. Toddlers love adults to read stories aloud, and they especially like to hear the same stories repeatedly. By listening to stories over and over again, your toddler learns about the way stories are built, which will help him as he gets closer to being a reader and writer.

You can help your toddler become a reader and writer by incorporating talking and reading into everyday activities. Simple actions like looking at signs as you ride the bus, looking for letters at the grocery store, reading a rhyming book together, or making a books of photos and talking about the pictures will help your child develop the language skills on which literacy

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is built. Learn more ways you can support your toddler as he moves towards literacy.


Your One Year Old

There is no one like your child

Every child's development is unique and complex. Although children develop through a generally predictable sequence of steps and milestones, they may not proceed through these steps in the same way or at the same time. A child's development is also greatly influenced by factors in his or her environment and the experiences he or she has. The information in this guide explains what child development experts consider to be "widely-held expectations" for what an average child might achieve within a given year. Please consider what you read in the context of your child's unique development.

Below is a snapshot of this year. For more in-depth information click on the specific areas of development in the menu at the left.

How your child may develop this year

Everything is new and interesting to one-year-olds. They enthusiastically use their five senses to actively explore the world around them. They find pleasure in causing things to happen and in completing basic tasks. And once a discovery is made, one-year-olds want to make it happen again and again and again!

Emotionally, one-year-olds are just learning to recognize and manage their feelings. They experience a wide range of emotions and have tantrums when they are tired or frustrated. They may also respond to conflict by hitting, biting, screaming, or crying. One-year-olds seek autonomy and may say, "No!" to adult suggestions or insist that they, "Do byself!" Then, moments later, they might cling to an adult's leg or ask for help.

During this year, language skills typically progress from grunting and pointing to speaking single words and experimenting with simple word combinations. Pronunciation is quite difficult, however and familiar adults almost always need to "translate" for

others. One-year-olds steadily build their vocabularies by absorbing the language around them. They are able to understand common phrases and simple directions used in routine situations.

Even though one-year-olds have no awareness of print at this age, they take pleasure in nursery rhymes and books with single pictures of familiar and related items. They may apply their growing vocabularies by naming pictures in books read to them. Children this age also have no understanding of true "writing," but many enjoy experimenting with marks and scribbles on a surface.

As one-year olds play, they start to build their mathematical thinking by recognizing patterns and understanding shapes. For example, they notice that night is followed by day and that socks go on feet before shoes. They begin to sort familiar objects by one characteristic, such as whether they are "hard" or "soft." They may enjoy filling and emptying containers. They know that when an object is hidden, it is still there. Many can also do simple insert puzzles when the puzzle pieces show whole objects.

One-year-olds are just discovering their creative abilities. Their interest in art is focused on the sensory exploration of art materials, such as paint and clay. With music, they can respond with their whole bodies to rhythm, beat and melody. Children this age make an important developmental leap by beginning to pretend during play, often by imitating adult movements.

Some of the most obvious changes that you will notice in your child this year are in the area of physical development. Most one-year-olds typically move from crawling to running by about 20 months. They hold their hands out to the side or poke their bellies out for balance. Their gait is a bit awkward and clumsy and falls are common. They use their new mobility to push and pull toys, dance and climb. One-year-olds also improve in hand and finger coordination, but skills at this age are still immature, so they fumble and drop objects frequently.

Creative Arts

One-year-olds recognize different qualities in music, and respond with their whole bodies to rhythm, beat and melody. Their interest in art is focused on the sensory exploration of art materials, such as paint and clay.

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The options for art projects at this age are limited by a one-year-old's undeveloped hand dexterity. Children this age make an important developmental leap by beginning to pretend during play, often by imitating adult movements.


Reflects the overall mood of music (e.g., claps hands and moves body to a happy-sounding song).

Enjoys making own music and noise (e.g., shakes a maraca, mimics the sounds that adults make).

Uses musical sounds to aid in communication prior to the advent of language (e.g., babbles in a sing-song manner).

Explores musical instruments to see how they work (e.g., shakes bells, bangs piano keys).

Begins to understand that sounds and music affect behavior (e.g., can be startled by loud music, comforted by a musical stuffed animal).


Uses senses to explore what art materials can do (e.g., scribbles with jumbo crayons, uses fingers to swirl finger paint or shaving cream, squeezes oily molding dough).

Takes pleasure in exploring the textures of art materials (e.g., finger paints with abandon, squeezes play dough through fingers and squeals).

Explores basic art tools and materials (those that do not demand great manual dexterity) to see how they work (e.g., scribbles with chalk, finger paints on a tray, makes crayon dots on paper).

Shows a preference for particular textures and art experiences (e.g., delights in squeezing slick doughs).


Responds to music with full body movements (e.g., holds adult's hands and sways to music).

Uses body to communicate needs before language skills are developed (e.g., extends arms upward and toddles toward an adult to indicate a desire to be picked up).

Dramatic Play

Plays interactive games with adults to explore concepts (e.g., learns that objects are still there when they aren't visible by playing "peek-a-boo").

Uses gestures to communicate feelings and actions (e.g., blows a kiss and waves "bye-bye").

Relates to dolls and stuffed animals in real ways (e.g., holds and burps a baby doll, sits stuffed animals at the table for lunch).

Approaches to Learning

Research shows that if children start school with a strong set of attitudes and skills that help them "learn how to learn," they will be better able to take advantage of educational opportunities. While some learning skills come naturally to children, others can be developed through a supportive environment.

Tips for building learning skills:

Let them choose. Give kids a chance to make simple choices, such as what to wear or what to eat for a snack.

Help them finish what they start. Children experience great satisfaction when they try and finish new things. Give them a bit of support when they need it, but be careful not to take over completely.

Nurture creativity. Encourage children to ask questions, try different ways of using materials, or offer them a wide range of new experiences.

Don't rush activities. Whether at home or in preschool, children need extended periods of time to really get involved in activities and to experience the "engagement" that is such an important foundation for learning.

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Provide encouragement. All children start life eager to learn, but if adults are critical, that eagerness may disappear by the elementary grades. Look for achievements to praise and acknowledge your child's progress whenever possible.

One-year-olds are in the act of discovering the world. They enthusiastically use their senses to purposefully explore everything they can. They find pleasure in causing things to happen and in completing basic tasks. They also enjoy sharing interesting learning experiences with adults, and may use gestures and simple sounds or speech to ask adults questions. Since language skills are still developing, one-year-olds rely more heavily on nonverbal, physical strategies to reach simple goals.

Initiative, Engagement, and Persistence

Indicates preferences non-verbally or with simple language (e.g., points to an apple and pushes banana away).

Focuses attention on interesting sights or sounds, often in shared experiences with adults (e.g., sits on father's lap looking at a picture book).

Shows pleasure in completing simple tasks (e.g., drops clothespins into a bucket and smiles and claps when all are inside).

Increasingly tries to help with self-care activities (e.g., feeding, undressing, grooming). When reading with adults, may want to hold the book or try to turn the pages. Collects information about the world using the senses.

Curiosity and Eagerness to Learn

Actively participates in a variety of sensory experiences (e.g., tastes, touches, pats, shakes).

May seek information from adults by pointing to an interesting object, and then giving a questioning look, making a vocal sound, and/or saying a single word. In the second half of the year, children will be able to combine words to ask simple questions (e.g., says, "What that?" or "Who coming?").

Shows physical and vocal pleasure when exploring objects and other things. Finds pleasure in causing things to happen (e.g., picks

up bells and rings them, then smiles broadly when each one sounds different).

Reasoning and Problem-solving

Tries a variety of physical strategies to reach simple goals (e.g., when a cart gets stuck while being pushed through a door, he or she turns the cart a different way and tries again).

Uses gestures and (toward the end of the year) simple language to get help when "stuck" (e.g., extends arms toward grandfather and says, "Up Up!" when trying to get into large chair).

Discovers aspects of the physical world using early language skills and purposeful exploration with the senses (e.g., turns a plastic bucket over and over, raising and lowering the handle thoughtfully).

Invention and Imagination

Pretends one object is really another with simple physical substitutions (e.g., picks up a wooden block and holds it to his or her ear like a phone).

Uses objects in new and unexpected ways (e.g., puts saucepan on head, laughs uproariously).


One-year-olds are building a foundation for language. They absorb the language around them and are steadily building their vocabularies. They understand common phrases and simple directions used in routine situations. They have great difficulty with pronunciation, and familiar adults almost always need to "translate" for others. During this year, communication skills typically progress from grunting and pointing to speaking single words and experimenting with simple word combinations.

Receptive Vocabulary (words recognized when heard or seen)

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At 12 months, understands 50 words; at 15 months, 120 words; at 16 months, 170 words; at 18 months, 200 or more words.

Between 12 and 15 months, acquires about one word every other day. During a "spurt" between 16 and 23 months, children typically acquire one or two words per day.

At 12-14 months, learns words when adults name objects that are nearby or in hand. By 14 or 15 months, points to objects further away for adults to name.

Vocabulary words include many nouns (names of things), some verbs (e.g., kiss, kick, open, sleep), some descriptive words (e.g., cold, full, all gone, broken), some pronouns (e.g., he, me, mine) and some location words (e.g., down, in).

Language Comprehension

Understands a few common phrases used in routine situations (e.g., "Do you want more?", "Give me a kiss.", "Let's go bye-bye.").

Understands simple directions used in routine situations (e.g., "Stop that.", "Spit it out.", "Please hold still.", "Sit down.", "Stand up.")

Understands only the simplest explanations in routine contexts.

Speech Sound Perception

Perceives individual speech sounds in native language. Is less able now than at 6 months of age to discriminate individual sounds in other languages, and this sensitivity will continue to decrease.

Distinguishes between commenting and questioning intonation (patterns of pitch changes in speech), and between a positive and negative tone of voice.

Expressive/Productive Vocabulary (words used when speaking or writing)

At 12 months, the average child says up to three words and may also communicate by grunting, nodding, pointing, etc. At 15 months, the average child says 14 words. At 16 months, the average child says 40 words. At 18 months, the average child says 68 words. At 23 months, the average child says about 200 words.

Over- and under- extends meanings. For example, a child calls a cow "horsie" or does not use "shoe" to label footwear that is not a common shoe (i.e., boot or sandal).


From 12 months to 24 months, words are rarely spoken correctly in the adult manner. Has great difficulty with pronunciation. Parents and caregivers almost always need to "translate" for others

Grammatical Development

Up to about 18 months, children express themselves with single words, using different vocal sound changes to show what they mean. Around 18 months, children typically experiment with combining words to form phrases and sentences. Such communications consist of a few words, and are lacking parts of speech (e.g., "Mommy sock?" for "Is this Mommy's sock?", "Daddy go." for "Daddy is going bye-bye.").


ne-year-olds enjoy nursery rhymes and books with single pictures of familiar and related items. They may name pictures in books read to them. They have no awareness of print at this age, and no specific knowledge of alphabet letters as a distinct group of graphic patterns. They enjoy experimenting with marks and scribbles on a surface, but have no understanding of the use of marks as "writing."

Phonological Awareness (awareness of sounds)

Enjoys nursery rhymes and imitates various sounds made by adults (e.g., boo-boo; goo-goo; moo-moo; beep-beep). Also, makes sounds associated with animals and vehicles (e.g., moo-moo, baaa baaa, beep beep, choo choo).

Developing an awareness of sounds can be stimulated by face-to-face language play with adults during infancy.

Book Knowledge and Appreciation

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Looks at books and inspects pictures. Holds a book right side up based on knowledge of the proper positions for objects pictured.

Most children this age have a short attention span for stories and are easily distracted. They enjoy books of nursery rhymes, and books with single pictures of familiar and related items (e.g., toys, clothes, animals). By the end of this year, many children interact with simple picture books by naming pictures that have been named repeatedly for them.

By late in this year, some children may jabber, as if reading, while they turn pages in a familiar book. Their "reading" style accurately captures the tone of voice and stress on words that adults have when reading the book.

May name pictures as adults come to these in books they share.

By the end of this year, many children label pictures when asked, "What's that?" Some children may comment when asked, "What happened?" or "What is _______ doing?"

Interest and enjoyment of books is highly variable, depending on availability of books and whether adults spend time sharing these with children in positive ways.

Print Awareness and Concepts

Does not show awareness of print at this age.


Makes circular, continuous scribbles, with occasional straight lines added. Draws straight lines at times that stand by themselves, beside and/or on top of one another. Experiments sometimes by drawing a mixture of lines, often with each placed on top of those placed earlier.

Has no understanding of use of marks as "writing." Children simply experiment with making marks on a surface, such as paper. At this age, what and how children write is limited by the immature fine motor skills in the hand, and a lack of knowledge of letter shapes.

Makes marks anywhere and everywhere. Has no awareness of the organization of writing vs. drawing (i.e., linear versus amorphous).

Has no understanding of the uses and formats of writing at this age.

Has no written word creation strategies.

Alphabet Knowledge

Has no specific knowledge of alphabet letters as a distinct group of graphic patterns. How quickly a child acquires this knowledge is influenced greatly by how much experience the child has with looking at and examining graphic patterns in the world around him or her. This experience lays the foundation for learning later that some of these patterns have symbolic functions that communicate meaning.

ne-year-olds enjoy nursery rhymes and books with single pictures of familiar and related items. They may name pictures in books read to them. They have no awareness of print at this age, and no specific knowledge of alphabet letters as a distinct group of graphic patterns. They enjoy experimenting with marks and scribbles on a surface, but have no understanding of the use of marks as "writing."

Phonological Awareness (awareness of sounds)

Enjoys nursery rhymes and imitates various sounds made by adults (e.g., boo-boo; goo-goo; moo-moo; beep-beep). Also, makes sounds associated with animals and vehicles (e.g., moo-moo, baaa baaa, beep beep, choo choo).

Developing an awareness of sounds can be stimulated by face-to-face language play with adults during infancy.

Book Knowledge and Appreciation

Looks at books and inspects pictures. Holds a book right side up based on knowledge of the proper positions for objects pictured.

Most children this age have a short attention span for stories and are easily distracted. They enjoy books of nursery rhymes, and books with single pictures of familiar and related items (e.g., toys,

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clothes, animals). By the end of this year, many children interact with simple picture books by naming pictures that have been named repeatedly for them.

By late in this year, some children may jabber, as if reading, while they turn pages in a familiar book. Their "reading" style accurately captures the tone of voice and stress on words that adults have when reading the book.

May name pictures as adults come to these in books they share.

By the end of this year, many children label pictures when asked, "What's that?" Some children may comment when asked, "What happened?" or "What is _______ doing?"

Interest and enjoyment of books is highly variable, depending on availability of books and whether adults spend time sharing these with children in positive ways.

Print Awareness and Concepts

Does not show awareness of print at this age.


Makes circular, continuous scribbles, with occasional straight lines added. Draws straight lines at times that stand by themselves, beside and/or on top of one another. Experiments sometimes by drawing a mixture of lines, often with each placed on top of those placed earlier.

Has no understanding of use of marks as "writing." Children simply experiment with making marks on a surface, such as paper. At this age, what and how children write is limited by the immature fine motor skills in the hand, and a lack of knowledge of letter shapes.

Makes marks anywhere and everywhere. Has no awareness of the organization of writing vs. drawing (i.e., linear versus amorphous).

Has no understanding of the uses and formats of writing at this age.

Has no written word creation strategies.

Alphabet Knowledge

Has no specific knowledge of alphabet letters as a distinct group of graphic patterns. How quickly a child acquires this knowledge is influenced greatly by how much experience the child has with looking at and examining graphic patterns in the world around him or her. This experience lays the foundation for learning later that some of these patterns have symbolic functions that communicate meaning.


As one-year olds play, they start to recognize patterns and understand shapes. They begin to sort familiar objects by one characteristic, such as whether they are "hard" or "soft." They may enjoy filling and emptying containers. They notice that night is followed by day, and that socks go on feet before shoes. They know that when an object is hidden, it is still there. Many can also do simple insert puzzles when the puzzle pieces show whole objects.


Between 18-24 months, some children will begin to use a few number words without understanding quantity (e.g., imitates a simple counting rhyme). Some children may also begin to understand the words "one" and "two" (e.g., distinguishes "one" or "two" from many; identifies pairs of items as "two;" identifies three or more items as "many" rather than as "one" or "two;" asks for "one" or "two" of something; knows age; responds appropriately to the request, "Take just one," or "Give me two.").

Operations on Numbers

Between 18-24 months, a few children will begin to nonverbally and mentally determine that one item added to another makes "two," and that one item taken away or subtracted from "two" makes "one."

Geometry and Spatial Sense

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Between 12 and 18 months, the average child understands that when an object is completely hidden, it is still there ("object permanence"), and can be recovered. (Some children may understand this between 18-24 months.)

During the first half of this year, some children will even be able to recover an object that has been hidden in one place, and then visibly moved to a second position and re-hidden. (The average child will establish such "object permanence" during the second half of this year.) During the first half of this year, the average child will also be able to recover an object that has been covered with one item, and then covered with something else while remaining in the same position

Between 18 and 24 months, some children will informally identify and play with solid objects (e.g., picks out a familiar object by touch when that object is placed in a bag with two other objects).

Between 12-24 months, children are typically able to work simple "insert" puzzles (e.g., completes a three-piece simple puzzle where pieces are whole objects). Also, children can remove a part from a toy (e.g., a wheel) and replace it. Finally, children can build three-dimensional structures using one type of item (e.g., a cube).


Between 12-18 months, children adjust their reach based on the distance and size of an object (e.g., accurately reaches and closes hand around an item instead of missing the object or closing hand before contact). Children also adjust their grasp of an object based on its weight (i.e., no longer grasps all items tightly or allows arm to drop when given heavy items).

Some children at 12-18 months believe that a cracker broken into many pieces is more food than the same type of cracker that is whole. (The average child believes this between 18-24 months.)

Some children during the second half of this year will explore objects by filling and emptying containers (e.g., with sand or water).

During the second half of this year, a few children begin to develop a sense of time through participation in routine daily activities (e.g., knows about when it is time to eat, nap time, etc.).

Children's sense of time develops gradually over the next several years.

Patterns, Reasoning, and Algebra

Between 12-18 months, some children recognize that there is an order to the day (e.g., Mommy comes to get me after storytime). The average child sees daily patterns by the second half of this year. In the second half of the year, some children show a greater understanding of daily time sequence (e.g., time to eat, nap time, etc.).

During the second half of the year, some children notice patterns in the environment (e.g., day follows night, patterns in carpeting or clothing, etc.). They also use the terms, "tomorrow," and "yesterday."

In the second half of this year, some children show interest in patterns or sequence (e.g., attempts to follow patterns with stringing beads, magnetic shapes, peg boards).

Between 18-24 months, some children can classify, label and sort familiar objects by a known group (e.g., hard v. soft, large v. small, heavy v. light).

During the second half of this year, some children can pick up blocks in the order of size.

Physical Health

One-year-olds make dramatic physical progress, typically moving from crawling to running by about 20 months. They hold their hands out to the side or poke their bellies out for balance. Their gait is a bit awkward and clumsy, and falls are common. They use their new mobility to push and pull toys, dance and climb. One-year-olds also improve in hand and finger coordination, but skills at this age are still immature, so they fumble and drop objects frequently.

Motor Skill Development

Progresses from crawling to "cruising" (moves on feet from place to place while holding on to a support) to walking by 15 months, and runs by 20 months.

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Kneels, creeps up stairs (walks up them by the end of the year), and pushes and pulls toys (e.g., toy lawnmower, train with pull-string).

Locomotor skills can be stimulated by providing an open area where balls, push and pull toys, wagons and other equipment encourage free movement. Also, by providing low climbing structures, ramps and steps.

Around the thirteenth month, can pull self up to a standing position. Learns to move hands and body off of the support and stand alone by the fourteenth month. Steadily improves balance through "cruising" (moves on feet from place to place while holding on to a support), then walking (by 15 months), and running (by 20 months). Gait is a bit awkward and clumsy, and falls are common.

By fifteenth month, can typically bend down from a standing position and pick up an object.

Can maintain balance while sitting and manipulating toy. Also, can stay balanced in a kneeling position while rotating head.

Can grasp and release a ball. By the end of the year, can kick a small ball forward.

Skills related to tracking a ball can be stimulated through watching a mobile as an infant, and as a toddler through activities that encourage the tracking of moving objects (e.g., following the path of bubbles blown in the air by parents).

Explores various ways to move body (e.g., climbing, dancing).

Many children this age have a keen interest in tiny particles, such as crumbs. They may use their "pincer" grasp (thumb and forefinger working together) to pick them up and bring them to mouth. (A few children can use their fingers in this way to pick up small objects when they are eight months old, but many aren't able to accomplish this until nearly 15 months.)

Makes progress in abilities to use hands and fingers effectively, but skills at this age are still immature, and children fumble and drop objects frequently.

Children use their hands to experiment with objects by turning them in all directions, banging them, and bringing them to the mouth. They enjoy feeling different textures (e.g., bricks, walls, tile, wood, twigs, rocks, water)

During this year, children are typically able to scribble with oversize crayons on a large sheet of paper taped down to a table. Often, children this age shift drawing and painting tools from hand to hand and draw strokes.

Can use a spoon and fork. Handles a cup well with minimal spilling. Feeds self crackers and other finger foods.

Is able to turn the pages of books and magazines, but may not turn them one at a time.

Claps hands.

Can build a block tower of six cubes.

Can put rings on a peg.

Early in the year, children start to push their feet into their shoes and their arms into their sleeves. Over time, they are more actively involved in dressing and undressing (e.g., removes pants with elastic waistband, takes off shoes).

Health Status and Practices

Depends on grown-ups for most aspects of care. May be able to put on and/or take off one article of clothing.

Pushes arm into sleeve and foot into shoe.

Tries to brush own teeth, but requires adult follow-up.

Resists nail trimming.

Around 20 months old, may stay dry for longer periods of time and begin to have bowel movements at predictable times each day. May also become curious about the bathroom habits of others. Can learn to wash and dry hands.

Driven to explore. Typically doesn't take into account hazardous circumstances.

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The overall goals of children's development in science are to deepen their conceptual understandings of the world around them, to increase their comprehension of how science is practiced and to develop their abilities to conduct scientific investigations. Adults can help children achieve these goals with a supportive environment.

Everything is new and interesting to one-year-olds. They want to use their five senses to actively explore the world around them. The process of shaking, tasting, banging, dropping and otherwise manipulating objects teaches children important scientific properties. Experiencing cause and effect is exciting too. And once a discovery is made, one-year-olds want to make it happen again, and again, and again!

Inquiry Skills

Learns primarily through sensory exploration of the world. Explores objects in many different ways (e.g., shaking, banging, throwing, dropping). Repeats an action to make it happen again, experiencing cause and effect (e.g., dropping items off highchair tray).

Uses all five senses (touching, tasting, hearing, seeing, and smelling) to collect information about the world.

May use motion or sound to represent observations (e.g., shows with hands how big or fast, makes sounds of animals).

Enjoys playing next to others and sharing the same experiences.

Knowledge of Physical Sciences

Actively explores objects and experiences their properties (e.g., color, texture, weight, taste). Begins to develop his or her vocabulary for describing properties.

Notices sounds and light and responds to their variations.

Enjoys playing with water (e.g., pouring, splashing).

Enjoys creating movement in toys (e.g., pushing, pulling).

Knowledge of Life Sciences

Shows interest in own body.

Social and Emotional Growth

The significance of social and emotional development is seen in every area of a child's life. A child will have a strong foundation for later development if he or she can manage personal feelings, understand others' feelings and needs, and interact positively with others. Differences in social and emotional development result from a child's inborn temperament, cultural influences, disabilities, behaviors modeled by adults, the level of security felt in a child's relationships with adults, and the opportunities provided for social interaction.

One-year-olds are just learning to recognize and manage their feelings. They experience a wide range of emotions and have tantrums when they are tired or frustrated. They may also respond to conflict by hitting, biting, screaming, or crying. One-year-olds seek autonomy and may say, "No!" to adult suggestions or insist that they, "Do it byself!" Then, moments later, they might cling to an adult's leg or ask for help.

Emotional Development

Shows pleasure when familiar adults are nearby. Has developed close attachments with parents and other frequent caregivers; uses these relationships as a secure base to explore (e.g., digs in the sandbox but runs back to dad for a cuddle from time to time).

Knows own name. Uses "my" and "me" often, and with pride (e.g., says, "MY mama!"). Shows beginning signs of self-consciousness (e.g., hides behind a chair and looks ashamed after breaking an ornament).

Is keenly observant of others' emotional reactions. Checks parent's facial expressions (e.g., considers climbing up a ladder at the playground, but first looks back at mother's face for encouragement or warning).

Experiences a wide range of emotions (e.g., affection, frustration, fear, anger, sadness). Tends to express and act on impulses; has tantrums when tired or frustrated. With adult help, begins to use strategies to control emotional expression (e.g., goes to get teddy

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bear or another comfort object when upset so he or she can calm down).

Social Development

Is aware of others. Enjoys exploring objects with adults as a basis for establishing relationships (e.g., plays "peek-a-boo" over and over again with grandfather).

May make simple overtures to familiar children (e.g., looks for and smiles at children at the store, offers a toy or hug to another child whether or not the gesture is welcome).

Shows "contagious distress" when others are unhappy (e.g., at child care, starts to cry when he or she sees another child crying).

When a conflict occurs with another child or adult, he or she often acts out physically or emotionally (e.g., another child grabs Sara's shovel, so she pushes the child and screams). Calms down when an adult helps resolve the conflict.

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