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Institutional Effectiveness Operational Update

Presentation made to the Presentation made to the

Indiana State University Indiana State University

Board of Trustees Board of Trustees

October 5, 2001October 5, 2001

Learning Community A learning community is an environment in which A learning community is an environment in which

faculty, staff, administration, come together to put faculty, staff, administration, come together to put student learning first.student learning first.

Institutional Effectiveness is a characteristic of Institutional Effectiveness is a characteristic of learning communities. By continually engaging in learning communities. By continually engaging in planning, analyzing and acting on performance planning, analyzing and acting on performance data, an institution can focus its efforts, resources, data, an institution can focus its efforts, resources, and activities on creating a quality learning and activities on creating a quality learning environment for students.environment for students.

Institutional Effectiveness Cycle

Strategic Goals & Initiatives Document


Monitor Progress

Conceptualize Planning

Evaluate & Assess

Identify Issues

Institutional Effectiveness Implementation 2001-2002 Overview

Aug/Sept.President announced


Details in the Fall Address

Oct.Align Vision

Benchmark & Set Goals


January 30&31 RetreatReview Fall & Prepare Spring

Feb/MarchPlan, Set Targets, &



Annual Reporting

JulyLeadership Meetings to

Review, Assess, and plan for 2002-03.

Institutional Effectiveness Implementation – The Particulars

Academic Units

OCT – Aligning Vision

1. Write a Vision Statement of where department will be in five years.

2. Identify 3 attributes/programs/activities of quality learning-centered education being implemented by peers or state competitors that you would like to see in your department

3. What evidence will allow you to assess whether you have reached your vision and associated benchmarks?

Academic Support Units

Institutional Effectiveness Implementation – The Particulars

Academic Units

NOV– DEC – Assessment & Planning

Academic Support Units

Student Outcomes Assessment Plans to Close the Loop

Academic Program Array Review Activities?

Identify Clients & Services Provided

Determine Benchmark Standards

Assess Current Status

Institutional Effectiveness Implementation – Academic Units

Institutional Effectiveness Committee

Enrollment Planning Committee


Operationalize Best Public Comprehensive University

Develop Enrollment Vision Consistent w/ President’s Vision


Assess Current Position and Identify Benchmarks

Review Set Benchmarks for enrollment targets & strategies

Report to Campus Community at January Retreat

Program Array Review Committee

Recommend criteria and a timetable for full implementation of reviews


Mission The mission of the Office of Institutional Research The mission of the Office of Institutional Research

& Effectiveness (OIRE) is to coordinate and & Effectiveness (OIRE) is to coordinate and support effectiveness efforts at the University, support effectiveness efforts at the University, school,/college, departmental, and program level. school,/college, departmental, and program level. Each level necessitates different types of support, Each level necessitates different types of support, but overall OIRE exists to aid in setting goals, but overall OIRE exists to aid in setting goals, facilitate the gathering of data and the analytical facilitate the gathering of data and the analytical process, to coordinate the provision of accurate process, to coordinate the provision of accurate and useful university data to internal and external and useful university data to internal and external audiences, and to encourage the use of results to audiences, and to encourage the use of results to improve the university’s ability to provide improve the university’s ability to provide students with a quality learning experience.students with a quality learning experience.

Specifically, the role of the office in furthering institutional effectiveness at various levels is to:

University LevelUniversity Level- Work collaboratively with - Work collaboratively with faculty and staff to set institutional measures of faculty and staff to set institutional measures of progress and then to track and report these in an progress and then to track and report these in an Annual Report to the President.Annual Report to the President.

Provide assistance/consultation as requested to facilitate setting of goals and/or measures of progress. Work with School/College to ensure that relevant university data can be gathered and delivered to Deans to track progress on goals.

School/College level

Academic Departmental Level

Provide assistance/consultation as requested Provide assistance/consultation as requested through the offering of seminars to set goals through the offering of seminars to set goals and/or measures of progress for and/or measures of progress for departmental departmental success.success. Work to ensure that the Annual Work to ensure that the Annual Reporting process facilitates efficiency in time Reporting process facilitates efficiency in time spent on institutional effectiveness issues.spent on institutional effectiveness issues.

Academic Program Level

Serve as an available resource when Serve as an available resource when requested to Chairs and/or Academic requested to Chairs and/or Academic Affairs. Support efforts underway in Affairs. Support efforts underway in Academic Affairs to ensure that Academic Affairs to ensure that departments are fully engaged in an departments are fully engaged in an effectiveness cycle.effectiveness cycle.

Support for academic programs, such as General Education and the First Year Program, will be determined by Academic Affairs and the availability of resources.

University-Wide Program Level

Provide assistance/consultations as requested to facilitate setting of goals and/or measures of progress. Work with VP unit to gather and deliver university data to VPs.

Vice Presidential Academic Support Level

Lead in developing a system in which departments state goals that contribute to the mission of the institution, define measures of progress, and incorporate formal assessment of goal achievement into management decision making.

Academic Support Unit Level

Summer 2002Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July

Step 1: Disseminate and gather an annual report on past year from administrative units. X

Step 2: Develop an annual report on 2000-01 from Academic Affairs data. X

Step 3: Roll out the goal setting agenda.

Session 1: Setting Mission X

Session 2: Developing Measures of Progress X

Session 3: Informational training X

Goal set by depts. X

Annual Dept. submission X

Step 4: Setup the Institutional Reseach & Effectiveness Committee to:

A: Determine institutional performance and outcome measures XB: Recommend policies outlining administrative responsibility in overseeing the move to institutional effectiveness XC: Review and recommend policies pertaining to sharing data XD: Examine current official reports and advise on establishment of new report s and formats. XE: Review and advise data Steward group and OIRE in developing new reporting mechanisms. X

Fall 2001 Spring 2002

Goal 1: Begin moving the institution into an institutional effectiveness model.

S u m m e r 2 0 0 2S e p t . O c t . N o v. D e c . J a n . F e b . M a r . A p r . M a y J u n e J u ly

S t e p 1 : T o g e t p e r s o n n e l o n b o a r d a n d t r a in e d XS t e p 2 : D e v e lo p a W e b s it e p o r t a l XS t e p 3 : R e d s ig n t h e IR T w e b s it e XS t e p 4 : D e v e lo p W e b s it e t h a t in c lu d e s o f f ic a l r e p o r t d a t a . X XS t e p 5 : C o o r d in a t e f o r r e p o r t in g w e b s it e s . F o r m a n d h e a d c o m m it t e e o f d a t a s t e w a r d s X XS t e p 6 : M o v e f a c u lt y w o r k lo a d in t o B A N N E R f o r m a t X XS t e p 7 : R e v ie w a n d R e v a m p a ll r e p o r t s s o t h a t t h e y a r e o n lin e S p r in g 2 0 0 3

G o a l 2 : H e l p fa c i l i t a te th e m o v e to M S - A c c e s s a n d d e v e l o p i n g m o r e e f f i c i e n t i n fo r m a t i o n s y s te m o u t o f B A N N E R .

F a l l 2 0 0 1 S p r in g 2 0 0 2

S um m e r 2 0 0 2

S e p t.O c t. N o v. D e c . Ja n. F e b . M a r. A p r. M a y June JulyS te p 1 : W o rk w ith A A to m e rg e into d e ve lo p m e nt o f the A nnua l R e p o rt X X X X X X X X X X XS te p 2 : W o rk o n p ro vid ing a n e nro llm e nt m a na g e m e nt p la n. X X X X X X X X X X XS te p 3 : F urthe r d e ve lo p w o rk lo a d re p o rts to m e e t cha ng ing ne e d a nd e xe cp ta tio ns . X X X X X X X

G o a l 3 : S u p p o rt e ffo rts in A c a d e m ic A ffa irs to a d d re s s P ro g ra m A rra y R e v ie w , D e v e lo p F a c u lty H irin g P la n s , P la n n in g R e la te d A c tiv ite s , S tu d e n t O u tc o m e s A s s e s s m e n t, C o m p e n s a tio n Is s u e s

F a ll 2 0 0 1 S p ring 2 0 0 2

Institutional Effectiveness Committee Mission: To aid/advise? In determining policy related to institutional effectiveness. In Fall 2001-Spring 2002, these include determining institutional measures and outcomes, recommend oversight policies and responsbilities, review policies on sharing of data, review and recommend on report formats, review and advise data steward committee and OIRE in developing new gathering techniques.

Institutional Effectiveness/ Assessment

Reporting & Data Management

Testing Institutional Research


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