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Research Report

Instruction effects in implicit artificial grammar learning: Apreference for grammaticality

Christian Forkstama,b,c,⁎, Åsa Elwéra, Martin Ingvara, Karl Magnus Peterssona,b,c,d

aCognitive Neurophysiology Research Group, Stockholm Brain Institute, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, SwedenbF. C. Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Radboud University Nijmegen, The NetherlandscMax Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, The NetherlandsdCognitive Neuroscience Research Group, Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal


⁎ Corresponding author.Max Planck InstituteE-mail address: [email protected]

0006-8993/$ – see front matter © 2008 Elsevidoi:10.1016/j.brainres.2008.05.005


Article history:Accepted 5 May 2008Available online 13 May 2008

Human implicit learning can be investigated with implicit artificial grammar learning,a paradigm that has been proposed as a simple model for aspects of natural languageacquisition. In the present study we compared the typical yes–no grammaticalityclassification, with yes–no preference classification. In the case of preference instruction noreference to the underlying generative mechanism (i.e., grammar) is needed and the subjectsare therefore completely uninformed about an underlying structure in the acquisitionmaterial. In experiment 1, subjects engaged in a short-term memory task using onlygrammatical strings without performance feedback for 5 days. As a result of the 5acquisition days, classification performance was independent of instruction type and boththe preference and the grammaticality group acquired relevant knowledge of the underlyinggenerativemechanism toa similar degree. Changing the grammatical stings to randomstringsin the acquisition material (experiment 2) resulted in classification being driven by localsubstring familiarity. Contrasting repeated vs. non-repeated preference classification(experiment 3) showed that the effect of local substring familiarity decreases with repeatedclassification. This was not the case for repeated grammaticality classifications. We concludethat classification performance is largely independent of instruction type and that forced-choice preference classification is equivalent to the typical grammaticality classification.

© 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords:Artificial grammarImplicit learningPreference classificationStructural mere exposure

1. Introduction

Humans are equipped with acquisition mechanisms with thecapacity to implicitly extract structural regularities fromexperience (Reber, 1967; Stadler and Frensch, 1998). Reber(1967) showed that humans can classify strings generated froman implicitly acquiredartificial grammarandhe suggested thatthis process is intrinsic to natural language learning. Implicitlearning has four characteristics: (1) no or limited explicit

for Psycholinguistics, P.O.l (C. Forkstam).

er B.V. All rights reserved

access to the acquired knowledge; (2) the acquired knowledgeismore complex than simpleassociationsor exemplar-specificfrequency-counts; (3) is an incidental consequence of informa-tion processing; and (4) does not rely on declarative memory(Forkstam and Petersson, 2005; Seger, 1994). In this context,we note that several studies (see e.g. Bahlmann et al., 2006;Fletcher et al., 1999) use stimulus material generated fromartificial grammars in combination with explicit problemsolving tasks with feedback (for a brief review see Petersson

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Fig. 1 – The transition graph representation of the Rebermachine used in all experiments to generate the stimulusmaterial. Grammatical strings are generated by traversingthe transition graph from state 1 through the internal statesalong the direction indicated by the arrows (grammaticaltransitions) until an end state is reached. For example, thegrammatical string MSVRXVS can be generated and parsedby the machine through the sequence [1-2-2-4-3-2-4-6] ofstates, while the non-grammatical string MXVRXSS cannot.

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et al., 2004). It is important to distinguish these explicit ex-periments from the type of implicit learning experimentsoutlined below.

Natural language acquisition is a largely spontaneous, non-supervised, andself-organizedprocess. The structural aspects ofnatural languageare acquiredat anearlyageand largelywithoutexplicit feedback (Chomsky, 1965; Jackendoff, 2002; Pinker, 1994;for a different view see e.g. Goldstein andWetherby, 1984; Hirsh-Pasek et al., 1984; Moerk, 1980). In contrast, reading and writingare examples of typically explicitly taught cognitive skills (seee.g. Petersson et al., in press). Recently, the artificial grammarlearning (AGL) paradigm has been proposed as a model foraspects of language acquisition (Gomez and Gerken, 2000;Petersson et al., 2004) and for exploring differences betweenhuman and animal learning relevant to the faculty of language(Hauser et al., 2002). Evidence from functional neuroimagingdata is consistent with this suggestion. Brain regions related tonatural language syntax are also engaged in artificial syntacticprocessing. In particular, the left inferior prefrontal cortexcentered on Broca's region (Brodmann's area, BA, 44/45) is sen-sitive to artificial syntactic violations (Forkstam et al., 2006;Petersson et al., 2004). Moreover, this region is specifically sen-sitive to the structural properties rather than to local linear sur-face features of the input items.

The artificial grammar learning paradigm is a suitablemodelfor the structural aspects of language acquisition. The under-lying grammar supports unbounded parsing and generation,and the paradigmcomprise implicit learning on acquisition setsof grammatical examples alone without performance feedback(Forkstam et al., 2006; Petersson et al., 2004). It is likely thatnatural and artificial language acquisition share implicit ac-quisition mechanisms, as originally suggested by Reber (1967).Additional support for the implicit character of artificial gram-mar learning comes from lesion studies on amnesic patients.Knowlton and Squire (1996) investigated artificial grammarlearning in amnesic patients and normal controls on gramma-ticality classification. Both groups performed similarly ongram-maticality classification, while the amnesic patients showed noexplicit recollection of either whole-item or substring informa-tion, suggesting that artificial grammar learning depends on theimplicit acquisition of structural knowledge (i.e., “rule-based”representations). Alternative theoretical frameworks havequestioned the abstract (“rule”) acquisition picture and suggestinstead that grammaticality classification utilizes exemplar-based representations (Vokey and Brooks, 1992) or substringrepresentations (Perruchet and Pacteau, 1991). In order to ad-dress this issue and to control as well as test for any potentialsubstring dependency, the ACS measure was developed(Knowlton and Squire, 1996; Meulemans and Van der Linden,1997). Associative chunk strength (ACS) is a statistical measureof the associative familiarity of local substrings (e.g., bi- andtrigrams) between a classification item and the acquisition set.It is quantified in terms of the frequency with which its sub-strings occur in the acquisition set. In this approach, acquiredstructural and instance specific information is quantified bygrammaticality and ACS, respectively. From several studieswhich control ACS it is clear that structural knowledge is ac-quired (Forkstam et al., 2006; Meulemans and Van der Linden,1997). This is also consistent with the fact that long-distancedependencies are implicitlyacquired inAGL (e.g., Poletiek, 2002).

Taken together, the evidence suggest that grammar learn-ing — whether natural or artificial — can be conceptualizedboth in terms of structure based rule acquisition and surfacebased statistical learning mechanisms and not as typically hasbeen proposed as either one or the other. We have recentlyproposedanalternative viewonAGL somewhere between thesetwo conceptualizations (Forkstam et al., 2006; Petersson et al.,2005). In essence, our proposal re-traces a major trend intheoretical linguistics in which syntax is “shifted” into themental lexicon andwhere the distinction between lexical itemsand grammatical rules is beginning to vanish (Culicover andJackendoff, 2005; Jackendoff, 2002, 2007). In brief, hierarchicallystructured information is recursively constructed from primi-tive structures which are stored in long-term memory. On-lineintegration of structured information results from the unifica-tion or successive merging of primitive structures, which areretrieved from long-termmemory to aunification componentofworking memory when activated. Now, if a mechanism for on-line structural integration is already in place, then there is noneed for a specific “rule” acquisition mechanism in order toestablish a parsing process. In a sense, “rule” acquisition isaccomplished by lexical acquisition of structured representa-tions and their subsequent on-line unification (cf. e.g., Hagoort,2004; Jackendoff, 2007; Vosse and Kempen, 2000).

The typical artificial grammar learning experiment includesa short acquisition session followed by a classification test.During the acquisition phase, participants are engaged in ashort-termmemory task using an acquisition sample of symbolsequences generated from an artificial grammar, typically aright-linear phrase structure grammar (e.g., Fig. 1, Davis et al.,1994; Perrin and Pin, 2004). Subsequent to the acquisitionsession, the subjects are informed that the items were gene-rated according to a complex systemof rules, without providinginformation about the rules, and the subjects have to classifynew items as grammatical or non-grammatical guided by theirimmediate intuitive impression (i.e., guessing based on “gut-feeling”); this instruction type will be called the grammaticalityclassification (GC) instruction in this paper. The subjects

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Fig. 2 – Experiments 1–3: Acquisition rate as a function ofclassification performance. Strings correctly classified=[number of hits and correct rejections] / [total number ofresponses] (mean and standard error); B = baseline, D1–5 =day 1–5 classification, D5G = final grammaticalityclassification, and variable dotted line = response biasdeviating from 50% chance level (straight dotted line), seeTable 2 for group abbreviations.

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typically perform reliably above chance, suggesting that theyacquired knowledge about relevant aspects of the underlyinggrammar. Based on the fact that subjects are typically unable toprovide sufficient, if any, reasons tomotivate their classificationdecisions (for reviews see Forkstam and Petersson, 2005; Seger,1994; Stadler and Frensch, 1998), it has been assumed that theclassification performance is based on implicit acquisitionmechanisms. However, it has been suggested that invokinggrammaticality judgments might not be the best way ofaccessing implicit knowledge, since the grammaticality classi-fication instruction may induce a rule-seeking strategy that, inprinciple at least, might encourage explicit processing (Manzaand Bornstein, 1995; Newell and Bright, 2001). An alternativeapproach to probe implicit knowledge is based on the mereexposure effect. This effect refers to the finding that repeatedexposure to a stimulus induces an increased preference for thatstimulus compared to novel stimuli (Zajonc, 1968).

In the present study we investigated the typical artificialgrammar learning design while taking advantage of thestructural mere exposure effect (Manza and Bornstein, 1995).In mere exposure artificial grammar learning subjects receivepreference classification (PC) instruction which make noreference to any previous acquisition episode and the subjectsare not informed about the existence of an underlyinggenerative mechanism. The idea is that mere exposure AGLmightmeasure implicit knowledge inamorepuremanner sincethere is nothing in the classification procedures that refers tothe acquisition part of the experiment. It has been shown thatthe preference classification instruction induces similar classi-fication performance as the grammaticality classification in-struction (Buchner, 1994;ManzaandBornstein, 1995) inagradedclassification task (i.e., preference continuum). This rules out orcomplicates a direct comparison with forced-choice (yes–no)grammaticality classification. The primary objective of thepresent studywas to compare forced-choice (yes–no) preferencewith grammaticality classification and to investigate whetherand to what extent preference classification would show asimilar pattern of results as the standard grammaticality clas-sification. In experiment 1we directly compared the outcome ofimplicit artificial grammar learning in subjects given either thegrammaticality classification or preference classificationinstruction. The stimulus material was organized in a 2×2factorial design using the factors grammaticality (grammaticalG/non-grammatical NG) and level of associative chunk strength(ACS; high H/low L). Thus we are able to assess differencesbetween instruction types related to grammaticality as well asof substring familiarity (i.e., ACS). In addition to the rate ofacquisition, we also investigated the influence of instructiontype on pre-acquisition baseline classification.

2. Results

2.1. Experiment 1 — preference andgrammaticality classification

2.1.1. Baseline classificationInstruction type (grammatical/preference classification) influ-enced the classification behavior already during baselineclassification (i.e., pre-acquisition; Fig. 2). Both groups rejected

more strings than they accepted, and effects of grammati-cality and associative chunk strength developed in the twogroups, but in the opposite direction (Fig. 3; preference clas-sification: grammaticalNnon-grammatical and lowNhigh ACS;grammaticality classification: non-grammaticalNgrammati-cal and highN low ACS). To investigate the effect of instructionduring baseline, we pooled the participants from experiments1–3 (i.e., 20 participants with grammaticality classification and20 with preference classification) and divided the baselineitems into two equal sized time-blocks of 20 items (first/second half as they were presented over time). The basicANOVA was extended with the factor block [1/2]. Any blockeffect would suggest that the subjects learned properties ofthe stimulus material already during the baseline classifica-tion. The preference classification group increased theirrejection rate over time while the rejection rate decreased inthe grammaticality classification group, a drift in responsebias that differed between groups (F(1,266)=4.1, Pb0.043). Theeffect of grammaticality increased over time in both groupsbut in the opposite direction. The changing grammaticalityeffect derives from an increased rejection rate of non-grammatical strings in the preference classification groupwhile this decreased in the grammaticality classificationgroup. The effect of associative chunk strength tended todevelop over time in the grammaticality classification groupwhile the preference classification group showed a constantassociative chunk strength effect (as well as a tendency todiminish over time, Figs. 3a and b). In summary, the preferenceclassification group acquired sensitivity to grammaticality butshowed a constant associative chunk strength effect, whilethe grammaticality classification group acquired sensitivityto grammaticality and a tendency for an associative chunk

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Fig. 3 – Experiments 1–3: Baseline classification performance. Endorsement rate (mean and standard error) as a function ofinstruction type: (a) main factors (in 5 blocks); (b) main factors (in 2 blocks); as well as (c) factor levels; Block 1–5 andBlock 1–2 = equally sized parts of baseline classification; Dotted line = response bias, ACS = associative chunk strength, andvariable dotted line = response bias deviating from 50% chance level (straight dotted line).

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strength effect. However, all effects developed over time, asindicated when dividing the baseline classification perfor-mance in more than two blocks (Fig. 3a). The detailed resultsare outlined in the following two paragraphs. Effects of grammaticality. Both the preference andgrammaticality classification groups showed effect of gram-maticality, although in an instruction dependent manner.The preference classification group rejected non-grammaticalstrings (F(1,133)=11, P=0.001), while the grammaticality classi-fication group rejected grammatical strings (F(1,113)=29,Pb0.001; PC vs. GC group: F(1, 266)=37, Pb0.001). This reversedeffect of grammaticality increased over time in both groups.The preference classification group rejected non-grammaticalstrings more often during the second block (block 1: PN0.24;block 2: F(1,57)=12, Pb0.001; block 2 vs. block 1: F(1,133)=3.0,Pb0.085), an effect that derived from a significantly increasedrejection rate of non-grammatical strings (F(1,59)=8, P=0.008).

Fig. 4 – Experiment 1: Classification performance day 1–5. Endoinstruction type: (a) main factors; as well as (b) factor levels; B =NG = non-grammatical, ACS = associative chunk strength, and valevel (straight dotted line).

In contrast, the rejection rate of non-grammatical stringsdecreased in the grammaticality classification group (F(1,59)=6,P=0.019), leading to increased rejectionof grammatical strings(block 1: F(1,57)=6, P=0.018; block 2: F(1,57)=23, Pb0.001; block2Nblock 1: F(1,133)=4.5, P=0.035). Overall, this difference inclassification differed between groups (F(1,266)=7, P=0.007). Effects of associative chunk strength. Both groupsalso showed an effect of associative chunk strength in an in-struction dependent manner. The preference classificationgroup preferred low ACS strings and rejected high ACS strings(F(1,113)=8, P=0.004) while the grammaticality classificationgroup displayed the opposite behavior classifying high ACSstrings as grammatical and rejecting low ACS strings (F(1,113)=3.9, P=0.05; PC vs. GC group: F(1,266)=12, Pb0.001). The asso-ciative chunk strength effect did not change significantly overtime ineither group,butweobservedannon-significant increasein the grammaticality classification group (block 1: F(1,57)=0.8,

rsement rate (mean and standard error) as a function ofbaseline, D1–5 = day 1–5 classification, G = grammatical,riable dotted line = response bias deviating from 50% chance

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Table 1 – Structural knowledge vs. local substringfamiliarity

Item category Structural knowledge(grammaticality)

Local substringfamiliarity (ACS)

High ACS–Grammatical

Accept Accept

Low ACS–Grammatical

Accept Reject

High ACS–Non-grammatical

Reject Accept

Low ACS–Non-grammatical

Reject Reject

The predicted classification pattern over the item types dependingon whether the classification is driven by structural (grammatical)knowledge or local substring familiarity (ACS=associative chunkstrength).

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PN0.36; block 2: F(1,57)=3.1, P=0.08; block 2Nblock 1: F(1,133)=0.6,PN0.4, ns.), aswell asa tendency todecrease in thepreferenceclassification group (Fig. 3a).

2.1.2. Classification: day 1–5The baseline response bias disappeared immediately afterthe first acquisition session. Over the 5 days, the grammati-cality effect developed in both groups. The grammaticalityclassification group also switched their preference from non-grammatical to grammatical strings after the first acquisitionsession, so that the difference between groupswith respect tothe grammaticality effect disappeared from day 3 onwards.Thus, while both groups acquire sensitivity to grammatical-ity, the course of acquisition ismodulated by instruction type.The effect of associative chunk strength decreased over the5 days in the preference classification group but stayedconstant in the grammaticality classification group. Thistogether with the opposite associative chunk strength effectin the preference and grammaticality classification groupssuggest that the associative chunk strength effect is notacquired in the same way as the grammaticality effect. Theassociative chunk strength effect either does not change overacquisition sessions, as is the case for the grammaticalityeffect in the grammaticality classification group, or repre-sents only a transient effect that washes out with repeatedacquisition, as in the preference classification group (Fig. 4).The detailed results are outlined in the following threeparagraphs. Effects of grammaticality. Significantly, both groupspreferred grammatical over non-grammatical strings duringeach classification session except for the grammaticalityclassification group on day 1. However, in the grammaticalityclassification group the switch in preference from non-gram-matical to grammatical strings between baseline and theclassification on day 1 was significant (F(1,63)=4.1, P=0.046). Inaddition, the grammaticality effect increased in both groupsover acquisition sessions, although the increase was larger inthe grammaticality than in the preference classification group(day 5Nday 1; preference classification: F(1,63)=4.0, P=0.05;grammaticality classification: F(1,63)=15, Pb0.001; GCNPCgroup: (F(1,126)=3.8, P=0.05). Effects of associative chunk strength. The preferenceclassification group generally preferred lowACS over high ACSstrings, while the grammaticality classification group tendedto classify high ACS strings as grammatical more often thanlow ACS strings. The effect of associative chunk strengthdecreased over acquisition sessions in the preference classifica-tion group (day 1–5: F(4,171)=2.6, P=0.037; day 1–2: F(1,27)N13,Pb0.001; day 1Nday 5: F(1,63)=4.2, P=0.045), while the effectof associative chunk strength stayed essentially constantover days in the grammaticality classification group (day 1–5:F(4,171)=0.08, P=0.99, ns.). The grammaticality×associativechunk strength interaction was consistently significantthrough the acquisition days in the preference classifica-tion group (F(1,171)=23, Pb0.001), independent of acquisitionsession (F(4,171)=0.4, PN0.8), and it was modulated by in-struction type (PCNGC group: F(1,342)=5.6, P=0.018; GCgroup: F(1,171)=0.3, PN0.6). Effects of structural knowledge and local substringfamiliarity. We investigated the effects of grammaticalityand associative chunk strength as a function of instructiontype and number of acquisition sessions relative to the re-sponse bias (i.e., the mean endorsement rate over all fourcategories). With the assumption that acceptance decisionsduring classification are based on acquired knowledge aboutgrammaticality or high ACS, and rejection otherwise, two(pure) cases are possible: (1) if structural (i.e., grammatical)knowledge drives classification, the predicted classificationpattern over the item types HG/LG/HNG/LNG is accept/accept/reject/reject, while (2) if the classification is driven by localsubstring familiarity (i.e., ACS) the predicted pattern is accept/reject/accept/reject (cf., Table 1).

Following this logic, the preference classification groupacquired structural knowledge already at an early stage, asindicated by their significant preference (relative responsebias) for low ACS grammatical strings and rejection of highACS non-grammatical strings (over all days including base-line; accept LG: baseline: F(1,19)=7, P=0.01, day 1–5: F(1,10)N26, Pb0.001; reject HNG: baseline: F(1,19)=11, P=0.004, day 1–5:F(1,10)N11, Pb0.007; Figs. 3c and 4b). Similarly, also thegrammaticality classification group acquired structuralknowledge. After an initial influence of local substringfamiliarity during baseline (reject LG: F(1,19)=12, P=0.003;accept HNG: F(1,19)=4.8, P=0.042), the grammaticality groupswitched to accepting low ACS grammatical strings from day 3and rejecting high ACS non-grammatical strings from day 2(LG day 1–5: F(1,36)=4, Pb0.05; LG test day interaction term: F(4,36)=2.5, P=0.06; HNG day 1–5: F(1,36)=5.4, Pb0.026; HNGtest day interaction term: F(4,36)=6, Pb0.001; Figs. 3c and 4b).This pattern of results suggests that acquired grammaticalknowledge plays a central role in classifying novel stringsregardless of instruction type. It provides support for thenotion that the basis of preference and grammaticalityclassification is structural knowledge rather than local sub-string familiarity.

2.2. Experiment 2 — Reber and random strings

In order to establish a reference for the acquisition rate ofgrammatical structure in the acquisition input, we included

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an experimental group similar to the grammaticality classifi-cation group of the first experiment with the only differencethat the Reber strings were replaced by random strings in theacquisition set. Both the grammatical structure group (acqui-sition on Reber strings) and the random structure group(acquisition on random strings), showed an effect of gramma-ticality on day 1–5 although in a manner depending on theacquisition set. The grammaticality effect increased over day1–5 in the grammatical structure group, while this was not thecase in the randomstructure group. Therewas also an effect ofassociative chunk strength in both groups over day 1–5. Withthe same rationale as in experiment 1, using the low ACSgrammatical and high ACS non-grammatical dissociation as amarker for structural knowledge vs. local substring familiaritydriving the classification performance, the random structuregroup was guided relatively more by local substring familia-rity compared to the grammatical structure group which based

Fig. 5 – Experiment 2: The effect of acquisition on Reber and randfunction of acquisition material: (a) main factors; as well as (b) faG = grammatical, NG = non-grammatical, ACS = associative chunfrom 50% chance level (straight dotted line).

their classification decisions primarily on acquired structuralknowledge (Fig. 5).

In greater detail, the grammatical structure group gen-erally endorsed grammatical strings while the random struc-ture group endorsed non-grammatical strings (grammaticalstructure: F(1,171)=157, Pb0.001; random structure: F(1,171)=62, Pb0.001; grammatical vs. random structure: F(1,342)=218,Pb0.001). This effect increased in the grammatical structuregroup over acquisition dayswhile the endorsement rate of non-grammatical strings remainedconstant in the randomstructuregroup (grammatical structure: F(4,171)=5.8, Pb0.001; gram-matical vs. random structure: F(4,342)=5, Pb0.001). Bothgroups endorsed high ACS compared to low ACS strings to asimilar degree, and this effect remained constant over days(grammatical structure: F(1,171)=18, P=0.001; random struc-ture: F(1,171)=51, Pb0.001). However, the random structuregroup showed the opposite endorsement behavior with respect

om strings. Endorsement rate (mean and standard error) as actor levels; B = baseline, D1–5 = day 1–5 classification,k strength, and variable dotted line = response bias deviating

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to lowACS grammatical and highACS non-grammatical stringscompared to the grammatical structure group regardless ofinstruction type, i.e. compared to both the preference and gram-maticality classification groups (LG strings: F(1,10)N7, Pb0.03;HNG strings: F(1,10)N6, Pb0.03; Fig. 5b).

2.3. Experiment 3— repeated and non-repeated preferenceclassification

In the third experiment we followed up on the result onpreference classification in experiment 1 by investigating theeffect of repeated classification. We included an experimentalgroup similar to the repeated preference classification groupin experiment 1, with the only difference that they onlyparticipated in classification before and after the 5 days ofacquisition, that is, non-repeated classification. We found noeffect of classification session repetition with respect togrammaticality in either the repeated or non-repeated classi-fication group. Repeated classification did however modulate

Fig. 6 – Experiment 3: The effect of repeated classification. Endopreference classification repetition: (a) main factors; as well as (b)final grammaticality classification, G = grammatical, NG = non-grdotted line = response bias deviating from 50% chance level (stra

the effect of associative chunk strength by decreasing theeffect of associative chunk strength on endorsement withrepeated classification to the degree that the effect was absentfrom day 3 onwards (Fig. 6). However, on the last day, day 5,the effect of grammaticality increased significantly for thenon-repeated classification session group, between the switchfrom the last preference classification to the final grammati-cality classification. The detailed results are outlined in thefollowing two paragraphs.

2.3.1. Effects of grammaticalityBoth the repeated and the non-repeated classification groupsshowed an effect of grammaticality to a similar degree on theday 5 final preference classifications (repeated: F(1,27)=72,Pb0.001; non-repeated: F(1,27)=69, Pb0.001; repeated vs. non-repeated: PN0.4). This was already the case for the first classi-fications session (i.e., on day 1 for the repeated group and day5 for non-repeated group; repeated-day-1: F(1,27) = 33,Pb0.001; non-repeated-day-5: F(1,27)=69, Pb0.001; repeated-

rsement rate (mean and standard error) as a function offactor levels; B = baseline, D1–5 = day 1–5 classification, D5G =ammatical, ACS = associative chunk strength, and variableight dotted line).

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day-1 vs. non-repeated-day-5: PN0.14), though in the repeatedclassification group the effect of grammaticality increasedsignificantly over day 1–5 (day 1: F(1,27)=72, Pb0.001; day 5: F(1,27)=69, Pb0.001; day 5 vs. day 1: F(1,63)=4, P=0.05). Theeffect of grammaticality increased significantly in the non-repeated classification group on the final grammaticalityclassification on day 5, but not in the repeated classificationgroup (non-repeated: F(1,63)=14, Pb0.001; repeated: PN0.8;non-repeated vs. repeated: F(1,126)=4.1, P=0.045).

2.3.2. Effects of associative chunk strengthThe effect of associative chunk strength differed significantlybetween groups during the day 5 preference classification, inthat the non-repeated classification group preferred high ACSstrings while the repeated classification group showed nopreference (non-repeated: F(1,27)=13, P=0.001; repeated:PN0.6; non-repeated vs. repeated: F(1,54)=7, P=0.009). How-ever, the repeated classification group showed an initial effectin the opposite direction for low ACS strings on day 1, whichdisappeared over days 1–5 (day 1: F(1,27)=13, P=0.001; day 5:PN0.6; day 5 vs. day 1: F(1,63)=4.2, P=0.045). This pattern ofresults did not change on the last grammaticality classifica-tion (repeated: PN0.2; non-repeated: PN0.6; Fig. 6).

3. Discussion

The main finding of the present study is that preferenceclassification is behaviorally equivalent to the typical gram-maticality classification. This is important because the pre-ference version of artificial grammar learning overcomes thepotential concern that informing the participants about theexistence of an underlying set of rules for generating theacquisition strings, induce explicit strategies. The typicalartificial grammar learning setup employs grammaticalityclassification instruction. Some researchers have raised theconcern that this might direct subjects to use explicit problemsolving strategies, based on perceived regularities or imaginedrules, and that this might interfere with the implicitlyacquired knowledge put to use during classification. Allexperimental groups (except the random-acquisition groupof experiment 2) displayed the same qualitative classificationbehavior overall and acquired knowledge of the underlyingsyntactic regularities to the same degree. Thus, this concernappears unwarranted, as long as incidental implicit acquisi-tion is employed and the subjects base their classificationdecisions on their immediate “gut-feeling”. Interestingly, thegrammaticality effect was boosted in the non-repeatedpreference classification group when switching from prefer-ence to grammaticality instruction (a finding replicated inFolia et al., 2008; Folia et al., in submission). Thismight suggestthat the grammaticality instruction is perceived as more well-defined or focused by the subjects. Alternatively, the gram-maticality instruction might trigger general vigilance, motiva-tion, or attention effects. The results also show that thestandard grammaticality version of artificial grammar learn-ing assesses implicit acquisition of knowledge about theunderlying generative mechanism in the same way as thepreference version. However, we suggest that forced-choicepreference classification might have certain theoretical

advantages over grammaticality classification. It appears thatpreference classification induces lesser dependency on surfacefeatures related to local substrings. Preference classificationmight thusbe less likely to induceexplicit rule-basedorproblemsolving strategies, if these latter possibilities are of a realconcern. Moreover, the fact that effects of grammaticality aswell as associative chunk strength can develop already duringclassification prior to acquisition suggest that the mechanismengaged (not necessarily the same as in artificial grammarlearning proper) can work on surprisingly scarce input. Forexample, Reber and Perruchet (2003) list a number of features(e.g., number of letters in strings, multiple letter position, letterrepetitions, and bigram reoccurrence) which they suggesteduntrained subjects might employ during baseline or the initialclassification phase. However, in this context in the currentstudy, it is important to observe that the participants classifiedat random at the very beginning of the baseline classificationand that the instruction effects developed subsequently overthe baseline session (see Fig. 3a).

The first experiment showed that the preference andgrammaticality classification groups displayed the samequalitative classification behavior. Both groups acquiredstructural (grammatical) knowledge to the same degree overthe 5 days of acquisition. Thus once the initial transient effectsof acquisition had passed, knowledge of the underlyingstructural regularities was largely independent of instructiontype. In other words, the preference classification groupstarted to show preference for grammaticality to the samedegree as the grammaticality classification group classifiedtest items correctly. In contrast, the influence of substringfamiliarity depended on instruction type.

Interestingly, the instruction type modulated the early ac-quisitionpatternduringbaseline classification. The two typesofinstruction induced slightly different initial response biases. Inaddition, the preference classification group developed sensi-tivity to grammaticality during baseline classification, whichcontinued to develop during the 5 days of acquisition. Thegrammaticality classification group also showed an effect ofgrammaticality during baseline classification, but in the oppo-site direction compared to the preference classification group.However, once the acquisition part of the experiment was ini-tiated, the grammaticality classification group started toendorse grammatical instead of non-grammatical strings,which then developed in the samemanner as in the preferenceclassificationgroup.Moreover, both instructions inducedeffectsof substring familiarity but in opposite direction throughout theexperiment. Interestingly this effect of substring familiaritywashed out as a function of acquisition in the preference clas-sification but not in the grammaticality classification group.Instead, the grammaticality instruction appeared to promote ahighACS string preference that remained throughout thewholeacquisition period in the grammaticality classification group.

In the second experiment we establish an acquisition ratereference for the grammaticality classification group. Weinvestigated a group of participants, similar to the grammati-cality classification group of the first experiment but with theReber strings replaced by random strings during acquisition.We found that the classification behavior was driven by localsubstring familiarity when the acquisition material lacked theunderlying grammatical composition (i.e., consisted of

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random strings). Classification thus predictably did notdepend on acquired structural knowledge, as was the case inexperiment 1 when grammatical acquisition material wasused (Fig. 5).

In the third experiment we followed up on the result onpreference classification in experiment 1 by investigating theeffect of repeated classification on performance. Repeated clas-sification entails multiple exposures to both positive (gramma-tical) and negative (non-grammatical) examples. Although noperformance feedback was ever given it is conceivable thatrepeated classification on grammatical and non-grammaticalitems influence classification performance. It might e.g. changethe acquisition dynamics, make the subjects more likely tobecomeaware of theunderlying objective of the experiment, or itmight make the subjects process the non-grammatical andgrammatical information in a non-differentiated manner. Weinvestigated a group of subjects on preference classificationbefore and after the 5 days of acquisition, in contrast to therepeated preference classification in experiment 1. We foundthat repeated classification had no effect on the acquisition ofstructural knowledge. In other words, both the repeated and thenon-repeated preference classification groups displayed thesame classification behavior with respect to grammaticality. Onthe other hand, the effect of associative chunk strength de-creased as a function of classification repetition (Fig. 6). It is thuspossible that the increased exposure to negative examples (non-grammatical items) andsubstringswith lowsubstring familiarityduring repeated classification provides the implicit learningmechanism with additional information. Once the processingsystem has acquired sufficient structural knowledge to distin-guish between grammatical and non-grammatical items, thismechanism can make beneficial use of information fromnegative examples — both non-grammatical and low ACS — inthesenseof reducing the influenceofassociativechunkstrength.

In the current series of experiments all groups receivedtheir respective classification instruction at the baseline test.Thus the participants were aware what their task would beduring the 5 days. This had no qualitative effect on the resultswith respect to structural acquisition. The same pattern ofresults is observed in paradigms, which do not includebaseline classification, including our own (see e.g. Forkstamet al., 2006; Petersson et al., 2004) and several other AGLexperiments (for a review see Forkstam and Petersson, 2005;Pothos, 2007). Thus this aspect of the current paradigm doesnot result in something new or unexpected. Importantly, thepreference groups were never informed about the existence ofa complex set of rules generating the acquisition set until theirfinal grammaticality classification test. Nonetheless, prefer-ence and grammaticality classification yielded the sameresult. Moreover, it was emphasized that there was no rightor wrong with respect to preference classification and that thesubjects should base their classification decision on theirimmediate gut-feeling. Still preference correlated with gram-maticality status independent of local substring familiarity(ACS) on the final day in the preference groups, and to asimilar degree as in the grammaticality group. The same holdsfor the grammaticality group which was also instructed tobase their classification decision on their immediate gut-feeling. Although these participants were aware of the exis-tence of a complex set of rules during the 5 days of acquisition,

it is all the more surprising that this had virtually no effect onthe overall pattern of results, in particular with respect to theacquisition of structural regularities. Again the emphasis wason classification decision based on gut-feeling and thespeeded presentation during classification basically precludedany elaborate explicit strategy — this was also what the sub-jects reported in the post-experiment interview. All subjectscomplied with the instruction to base their decisions on theirimmediate gut-feeling and none reported basing their deci-sions on any substantial rules.

Finally, the non-repeated preference classification grouphad a final grammaticality classification test on the last day.These participants were never informed about the existence ofa complex set of rules for generating the acquisition set untiltheir final grammaticality classification test. This groupshowed the same overall pattern of results as the grammati-cality group and the repeated preference classification group(recently replicated by Folia et al., 2008; Folia et al., in sub-mission). Thus, the conclusion to draw from this set offindings is that the AGL paradigm yields very robust implicitlearning quite independent of the experimental details.

4. Conclusion

We have shown that classification performance in implicitartificial grammar learning is largely independent of instruc-tion type (preference or grammaticality instruction) and thatall experimental groups exposed to grammatical acquisitionitems acquired structural knowledge related to the underlyinggenerativemechanism to a similar degree. In contrast, surfacebased substring familiaritywas dependent on instruction. Thiseffect decreased with repeated preference classification butnot with repeated grammaticality classification. When theunderlying grammatical composition of the acquisition mate-rial was removed the classification behavior was predictablydriven by local substring familiarity and not structural knowl-edge.We conclude that forced-choice preference classificationis equivalent to the typical grammaticality classification. Pre-ference instruction overcomes some concern raised by the factthat instruction on grammaticality depends on informing sub-jects about the existence of an underlying set of generativerules. We suggest that the preference instruction carry certaintheoretical advantages relative the grammaticality instructionin that the classification performance appears to be less de-pendent on surface features such as substring familiarity, apotentialmarker for explicit problemsolving strategies. On theother hand, our results also show that the standard version ofartificial grammar learning assesses implicit acquisition ofknowledge about the underlying generativemechanism in thesame way as the mere exposure version.

5. Experimental procedures

5.1. Experiment 1

5.1.1. ParticipantsTwenty healthy right-handed university students volunteeredto participate in the study (12 females, range 18–40 years).

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Participants were pre-screened and none of the subjects usedany medication, had a history of drug abuse, neurological orpsychiatric illness, or a family history of neurological orpsychiatric illness. All subjects were right handed. Theexperimental protocol was approved by the local Ethicscommittee, and all participants gave their written informedconsent according to the Declaration of Helsinki. To investi-gate the effect of instruction during baseline, we pooled theparticipants from experiments 1–3 (i.e., 20 participants withgrammaticality classification and 20 with preferenceclassification).

5.1.2. Experimental groupsThe 20 participants were randomly allocated to 2 groupsbalanced for gender. All subjects participated in one acquisi-tion session each day for 5 days. The classification instructionwas manipulated between groups. Participants in the gram-maticality classification (GC) group were informed that theywere taking part in an artificial grammar learning experimentconsisting of repeated short-term memory experiments (i.e.,the acquisition sessions), that a complex set of rules generatedthe underlying structure in the acquisition material, and theywere instructed to classify novel strings as grammatical or notduring the classification sessions. It was emphasized that thesubjects should base their decisions on their immediateintuition (i.e., guessing based on their “gut-feeling”) andavoid any attempt to explicitly analyze strings, since thiswould yield the best classification performance. Participantsin the preference classification (PC) group were not informedabout the existence of an underlying generative mechanismuntil the last classification sessionwhich they performedwiththe grammaticality instruction. They were informed that theywere taking part in repeated short-termmemory experiments,and that they should classify novel strings as preferable or not(i.e., whether they liked the symbol string or not). Just as forsubjects given the grammaticality classification instruction, itwas emphasized that they should base their classificationdecisions on their immediate intuition (i.e., guessing based ontheir “gut-feeling”) and avoid any attempt to explicitly analyzethe strings.

The grammaticality instruction was administered to thegrammaticality classification group (Table 2) before the base-line (pre-acquisition) classification and each subsequent

Table 2 – Experiments 1–3: Experimental design

AQ = acquisition; CL = classification session; GC = grammaticality classificastrings = light grey.

Table 2 – Experiments 1–3: Experimental design

classification session. Similarly, the preference instructionwas administered to the preference classification group beforethe baseline (pre-acquisition) and each subsequent classifica-tion session day 1–5, followed by a final classification sessionwith the grammaticality instruction.

5.1.3. Stimulus materialWe generated 569 grammatical (G) strings from the Rebergrammar (5–12 consonants long from the alphabet {M, S, V, R,X}; see Fig. 1). Toderive theassociative chunkstrength (ACS) foreach string, we calculated the frequency distribution of bi- andtrigrams (i.e., substrings of length 2 and 3) for both terminaland complete string positions (Knowlton and Squire, 1996;Meulemans and Van der Linden, 1997). In an iterativeprocedure we randomly selected 100 strings to generate anacquisition set which were representative in terms of associa-tive chunk strength in comparison to the complete string set.For the random acquisition set, 100 random strings weregenerated from the same alphabet and of the same length andwith similar levels of associative chunk strength as the Rebergrammar acquisition set. For each remaining grammaticalstring in the complete string set, we generated non-gramma-tical (NG) strings by a switch of letters in two non-terminalpositions. We selected the non-grammatical string that bestmatched the grammatical strings in terms of both terminaland complete string position associative chunk strength (i.e.,collapsed over order information within strings). Thesegrammatical and non-grammatical strings were further clas-sified in terms of their associative chunk strength statusindependent of grammatical status. High/low associativechunk strength refers to classification strings composed ofcommon/uncommon bi- and trigrams in the acquisition set(for both terminal and complete string position). In an iterativeprocedure we randomly selected 6 sets of 40 strings each suchthat for a given classification set: (1) its highACS strings did notdiffer significantly in terms of associative chunk strengthcompared to theacquisition set; (2) its highand lowACSstringsdid not differ significantly with the high and lowACS strings inthe other classification sets; and (3) its low ACS strings diddiffer significantlywith both the acquisition set and to thehighACS strings in each classification set. Thus the classificationmaterial was organized in a 2×2 factorial design with thefactors grammaticality (grammatical/non-grammatical) and

tion; PC = preference classification; Reber strings = dark grey; Random

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associative chunk strength (high/low), and the classificationsets included 10 strings from each category: high ACSgrammatical (HG), low ACS grammatical (LG), high ACS non-grammatical (HNG), and low ACS non-grammatical (LNG).

5.1.4. ProcedureDuring acquisition, 100 strings were presented on a computerscreen one by one. The string presentation order was rando-mized for each acquisition session. Each string was presentedfor 5 s and the participants were asked to type the string frommemory after the string disappeared fromscreen in a self pacedmanner. Each acquisition task took between 25 and 45min. Theclassification sets were balanced across subjects, days andgroups, and the string presentation order was randomized foreach test. The baseline test was presented to the subjects asindependent of the subsequent testing. The preference classi-fication groups were unaware of the final grammaticality clas-sification test until it occurredon the last day,while participantswith grammaticality instructions were informed about theexistence of an underlying complex set of rules in the acqui-sitionmaterial during the5days. Eachclassification sessionwaspresented as a yes/no classification task and lasted approxi-mately 5 min during which 40 strings were presented one at atime for 3 s on a computer screen. The subjects made theirclassification decision during a 2 s response window.

5.1.5. Data analysisWe used a mixed-effect multi-way repeated measures analy-sis of variance (ANOVA) with endorsement rate (i.e., stringsaccepted as grammatical/preferable regardless of grammati-cality) as the dependent variable using the statistics package R(www.r-project.org). We modeled the main factors grammati-cality [G/NG], associative chunk strength [H/L], and classifica-tion session [baseline/day 1–5] as within subjects fixed-effects,group [GC/PC] as between subjects fixed-effect, and subjects asrandom-effects. An overall significance level of Pb0.05 wasused for statistical inference, and explanatory investigationsfor significant effects were restricted to the reduced ANOVAcontrasted over the appropriate factor levels. To investigatethe effect of instruction during baseline, we pooled theparticipants from experiments 1–3 (i.e., 20 participants withgrammaticality classification and 20 with preference classifi-cation) and divided the baseline items into two equal sizedtime-blocks of 20 items (first/second half as they werepresented over time). The basic ANOVA was extended withthe factor block [1/2].

5.2. Experiment 2

5.2.1. Participants, experimental groups and proceduresTen new healthy right-handed university students volun-teered in the study (6 females, range 18–40 years), andparticipated in a random grammaticality classification (GCR)group (Table 2). For the random grammaticality classificationgroup grammaticality classification instructions were admi-nistered during both the baseline (pre-acquisition) classifica-tion and during each subsequent classification session. Theonly difference between the random grammaticality classifi-cation and the grammaticality classification group was thenature of the acquisition material in that it consisted of

random strings for the random grammaticality classificationgroup while it was derived from the Reber grammar for thegrammaticality classification group. In all other respects theparticipant screening, stimulusmaterial and the experimentalprocedure was identical to experiment 1.

5.2.2. Data analysisWe modeled the main factors grammaticality [G/NG], asso-ciative chunk strength [H/L], and classification session [base-line/days1–5] as within subjects fixed-effects, group [GC/GCR]as between subjects fixed-effects, and subjects as random-effects. An overall significance level of Pb0.05 was used forstatistical inference, and explanatory investigations for sig-nificant effects were restricted to the reduced ANOVAcontrasted over the appropriate factor levels.

5.3. Experiment 3

5.3.1. Participants, experimental groups and proceduresTen additional healthy right-handed university studentsvolunteered in the study (6 females, range 18–40 years), andparticipated in a non-repeated preference classification (PCN)group (Table 2). For the PCN group preference instruction wereadministered during the baseline (pre-acquisition) classifica-tion and during the classification session subsequent to theacquisition sessions on test day 5, followed with a finalclassification session with the grammaticality instruction.The only difference between the non-repeated preferenceclassification and the preference classification group inexperiment 3 was the number of classification sessions inthat classifications were also administered during each day(1–5) for the preference classification group. In all otherrespects the stimulus material and the experimentalprocedure was identical to experiments 1 and 2.

5.3.2. Data analysisWe modeled the main factors grammaticality [G/NG], asso-ciative chunk strength [H/L], and classification session [base-line/day5PC/day5GC] as within subjects fixed-effects, group[PC/PCN] as between subjects fixed-effects, and subjects asrandom-effects. An overall significance level of Pb0.05 wasused for statistical inference, and explanatory investigationsfor significant effects were restricted to the reduced ANOVAcontrasted over the appropriate factor levels.

Appendix — task instructions

Short term memory task

During this task consonant strings will be presented on thecomputer screen. You shall study the string attentively andafter presentation you shall retype the string as correct aspossible on the computer keyboard. It is important that youconcentrate on each string to remember it correctly.

Preference classification

During this task consonant strings will be presented on thecomputer screen. You shall study the string attentively during

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presentation and respond whether you like the string or notbased on your immediate impression. Trust your immediateintuitive impression or guessing based on ‘gut-feeling’ andavoid any other elaboration of the basis for your decision.

Grammaticality classification

The consonant strings presented during the short-termmemory test all belong to an artificial language. They weregenerated according to a complex set of rules, that is, they areall grammatical in relation to these rules. During this taskconsonant strings will be presented on the computer screen.Half of the set of strings is grammatical and the other half isnot. You shall study the string attentively during presentationand respond whether the string is grammatical or not. Trustyour immediate intuitive impression or guessing based on‘gut-feeling’ and avoid any other elaboration of the basis foryour decision. You will achieve the best performance if youbase the decisions on your intuitive ‘gut-feeling’.


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