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The Proven Path to Integrated Risk ManagementAre you stumbling over risks or seizing opportuni�es?Organiza�ons of all sizes are struggling to manage the magnitude, velocity and complexity of today’s exis�ng and emerging risks. The very strategies they’repursuing to fuel growth and innova�on, such as digital transforma�on and third-party partnerships, expose them to new and unexpected risks.

RSA Archer Suite, a leader in the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for integrated risk management (h�ps://www.rsa.com/en-us/offers/2018-gartner-magic-quadrant-for-integrated-risk-management-solu�ons), empowers organiza�ons of all sizes to manage mul�ple dimensions of risk on one configurable, integratedso�ware pla�orm (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/archer-pla�orm). With RSA Archer, organiza�ons can quickly implement risk managementprocesses based on industry standards and best prac�ces—leading to improved risk management maturity, more informed decision-making and enhanced businessperformance.

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What Is Integrated Risk Management?Integrated risk management (IRM) refers to a set of prac�ces designed to help organiza�ons understand and manage the full scope of risks (strategic, opera�onal,financial, digital, etc.) facing their enterprises, with more flexibility and agility than tradi�onal GRC programs. As the term suggests, integrated risk managementhighlights the integrated nature of risk: both horizontally, across risk domains (e.g., security, compliance, resilience), and ver�cally, by connec�ng opera�onal risksto an organiza�on’s strategy. Integrated risk management is especially intended to help organiza�ons manage new risks stemming from digital transforma�onac�vi�es. Since those risks can quickly have a cascading impact, integrated risk management aims to be�er prepare organiza�ons for those impacts anddependencies.





The Path From GRC to Integrated Risk Management (/en-us/offers/the-path-from-grc-to-integrated-risk-management-white-paper)

Following the path from GRC to Integrated Risk Management can seem a daun�ng prospect. It’s no longer tenable to keep therisk management discussion narrowly focused on compliance or confined to IT—but it can be hard to know exactly where tobegin. Read the following whitepaper to start your journey.

Read the White Paper (/en-us/offers/the-path-from-grc-to-integrated-risk-management-white-paper)

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RSA Archer Audit Management

Transform your internal audit func�on from reac�ve and compliance focused to become a proac�ve and strategic enabler of the business.

Learn about our use cases for audit management (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/audit-management)

RSA Archer Business Resiliency

Automate business con�nuity and disaster recovery planning and execu�on to protect your organiza�on from crisis events.

Learn about our use cases for business resiliency (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/business-resiliency)

RSA Archer Enterprise & Operational Risk Management

Gain a clear, consolidated view of risk across your business by aggrega�ng disparate risk informa�on in one central solu�on.

Learn about our use cases for enterprise and opera�onal risk management (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/enterprise-and-opera�onal-risk-management)

RSA Archer IT & Security Risk Management

Compile a complete picture of technology- and security-related risks and understand their financial impact to improve decision-making.

Learn about our use cases for IT and security risk management (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/it-and-security-risk-management)

RSA Archer Regulatory & Corporate Compliance Management

Establish a sustainable, repeatable and auditable regulatory compliance program by consolida�ng informa�on from mul�ple regulatory bodies.

Learn about our use cases for Regulatory Compliance (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/regulatory-corporate-compliance-management)

RSA Archer Third Party Governance

Get an accurate picture of third-party risk while managing and monitoring the performance of third-party rela�onships and engagements.

Learn about our use cases for third party governance (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/third-party-governance)

RSA Archer Public Sector Solutions

Improve your informa�on assurance program and exceed FISMA and OMB requirements for con�nuous monitoring and assessment &authoriza�on.

Learn about our use cases for the public sector (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/public-sector-solu�ons)

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RSA Archer Cyber Risk Quantification Quan�fy the financial impact of IT and cybersecurity risks so you can make more effec�ve investment and mi�ga�on decisions.

Learn about our use case for cyber risk quan�fica�on > (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/it-and-security-risk-management/cyber-risk-quan�fica�on)

Communicate IT and cybersecurity risk in financial terms to senior management and the board

Make well-informed IT and cybersecurity risk decisions based on qualified financial data

Prioritize risk mitigation and optimize security investments and cyber insurance


Enhances Risk Visibility

RSA Archer Suite consolidates risk data from across an organiza�on and uses risk analy�cs to provide organiza�ons with a comprehensive andintegrated picture of risk.

Improves Efficiency

With RSA Archer solu�ons, organiza�ons are able to ra�onalize and automate a wide variety of governance, risk and compliance processes,leading to cost savings and other efficiency gains.

Accelerates Decision-Making

The risk taxonomy built into RSA Archer gives organiza�ons a framework for collec�ng �mely, ac�onable informa�on that helps to drive moreinformed, risk-based decisions.

Drives Accountability for Risk

Customers say RSA Archer solu�ons enable them to drive a strong culture of risk management across their enterprises by driving clearaccountability to front line managers.

Features a Best-Practices Approach

Designed with built-in industry standards and best prac�ces, RSA Archer allows customers to quickly implement effec�ve risk managementprocesses.

Provides a Proven Solution

Gartner has repeatedly recognized RSA Archer in the “Leaders” quadrant of its Magic Quadrant reports for integrated risk management, IT riskmanagement and more.

Page 5: INTEGRATED RISK MANAGEMENT - quantarsolutions.com€¦ · Integrated risk management (IRM) refers to a set of pracces designed to help organizaons understand and manage the full scope

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RSA Archer Market Analyst Reports (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/rsa-archer-grc-magic-quadrant)

Find out why RSA Archer is recognized as a leader in four Gartner Magic Quadrant reports, including IT risk management, opera�onal riskmanagement solu�ons, IT vendor risk management and business con�nuity management planning.

See What the Analysts Say (/en-us/products/integrated-risk-management/rsa-archer-grc-magic-quadrant)


Gartner: 10 Critical Success Factors for Integrated Risk Management (/en-us/offers/gartner-10-critical-success-factors-for-integrated-risk-management)

In this research brief, Gartner makes a concise and compelling case for integrated risk management and the factors most cri�cal for success.

Get the Complimentary Report (/en-us/offers/gartner-10-cri�cal-success-factors-for-integrated-risk-management)

"RSA Archer has helped us evolve from an organiza�on that was constantly chasing data andinforma�on… Now we have a source of record where employees can more quickly access

and consume data and make decisions based on it."Reid Stephan Director of IT Security St. Luke’s Health System

Page 6: INTEGRATED RISK MANAGEMENT - quantarsolutions.com€¦ · Integrated risk management (IRM) refers to a set of pracces designed to help organizaons understand and manage the full scope

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FORGE YOUR PATH TO LASTING BUSINESS VALUEIDC conducted independent, in-depth interviews with several large RSA Archer customers to quan�fy the value RSA Archer has brought to them. By IDC’ses�mate (/en-us/offers/the-business-value-of-rsa-archer-in-making-grc-opera�ons-more-effec�ve), these organiza�ons are averaging nearly $18,000 in annualbenefits per 100 users, resul�ng in an average, five-year ROI of 496 percent from their investment in RSA Archer Suite.

Find out how you can forge your path to las�ng enterprise value with RSA Archer Suite. Talk to an RSA Archer expert today(https://information.rsa.com/contact-sales).


Analyst ReportsThe Business Value of RSA Archer in Making Governance, Risk and Compliance Opera�ons More Efficient and Effec�ve (/en-us/offers/the-business-value-of-

rsa-archer-in-making-grc-opera�ons-more-effec�ve)This study from IDC shows that organiza�ons can reduce their organiza�onal risk and achieve significant opera�onal efficiencies with RSA Archer.

Gartner: 10 Cri�cal Success Factors for Integrated Risk Management (/en-us/offers/gartner-10-cri�cal-success-factors-for-integrated-risk-management)In this research brief, Gartner makes a concise and compelling case for integrated risk management and the factors most cri�cal for success.

Data SheetsRSA Archer GRC Strategy Roadmap (/content/dam/en/data-sheet/rsa-archer-strategy-roadmap.pdf)Take advantage of the RSA Archer® GRC Strategy Roadmap service to help you assess the current state of your GRC program maturity, iden�fy opportuni�es for growth, and define

your vision for a world-class GRC program.

RSA Archer GRC Expert On-Demand Service (/content/dam/en/data-sheet/rsa-archer-expert-on-demand-subscrip�on-services.pdf)RSA Archer GRC Expert On-Demand service provides RSA Archer consul�ng exper�se for ongoing priori�za�on and planning for project implementa�on, staff augmenta�on, and

subject ma�er exper�se to help mi�gate the risks associated with implemen�ng a single RSA Archer solu�on in a reduced �meframe.

E-Books7 Steps to Build a GRC Framework for Business Risk Management (/en-us/offers/7-steps-to-build-a-grc-framework-for-business-risk-management)Get �ps to build a risk management framework that's based on proven GRC principles.

WebinarsBusiness Risk Management Part 1: Communica�ng the Business Impact of Risk (/en-us/offers/business-risk-management-part-1-communica�ng-the-business)Part one of this two-part webinar series explores how to communicate informa�on security risk in terms of business impact.

Business Risk Management Part 2: 7 Steps to Build a GRC Framework (/en-us/offers/business-risk-management-part-2-7-steps-to-build-a-grc-framework)Part two of this series details a seven-step methodology for a GRC-based business risk management framework.

White PapersThe 6 Dimensions (& Obstacles) of Risk Management (/en-us/offers/the-6-dimensions-and-obstacles-of-risk-management)Learn about the six hallmarks of—and obstacles to— to successful risk management programs. Get a list of 18 assessment ques�ons that can help you iden�fy strategies for

overcoming barriers to success.

Governance, Risk and Compliance: From Nay-Sayers to Believers (/en-us/offers/governance-risk-compliance-from-naysayers-to-believers)Learn how to sell the value that GRC programs can provide your organiza�on. Download the white paper for six steps

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