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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Integrated Skills/Speaking Strand - Advanced

Stafford House Level 6 / CEF Level C1

Course Vision and Goals

Advanced students will be able to use the language fluently, accurately and effectively on a wide

range of general, academic, vocational or leisure topics, marking clearly the relationship between

ideas. Students will be able to communicate spontaneously with good grammatical control without

needing to restrict what they say too much. They will be able to select the correct level of formality

for the situation.

The goal of this Level is to challenge and motivate students to keep improving, so they don’t plateau

at an advanced level.

Required Student Texts: American English File Student Book 5 [Second Edition] and Student

Workbook 5 [Second Edition]

Teacher Resources: American English File Teacher’s Book 5 [Second Edition]; AEF Class

Audio CDs; AEF Class DVD 5; Test Generator 5 CD ROM; AEF iTools 5.

Introduction to American English File 5 (AEF 5) Second Edition

There are 10 units (chapters) in American English File Student Book 5, and each unit is divided into

two files: A, B. Each file contains a four page lesson that presents and practices Grammar,

Vocabulary and Pronunciation, with a balance of reading and listening activities, a great deal of

opportunity for speaking and usually one major writing assignment per unit. These lessons also refer

to the Grammar Bank and Vocabulary Bank at the back of the book.

The units are not organized by theme in the book. Instead, chapters have readings on many

different, interesting topics. You will cover material from 2 files per week, starting on Tuesday and

ending the following Monday. In the curriculum described below, these files have been loosely

organized into general weekly topics in order to provide a more cohesive overarching structure.

Review and Check. After every even numbered file, there is a two-page section reviewing the

Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation introduced in each file and providing Reading, Listening

and Speaking ‘Can you….?” challenges to show students what they can achieve.

Colloquial English. After every odd-numbered file, there is a two-page lesson that teaches high-

frequency, every day English that expands on the topics and language used in the files. These have

been marked as optional in the curriculum due to timing restrictions, but they are very useful and

strongly recommended to do if possible.

The Workbook contains practice for the Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation in the Student’s

Book. It also contains extra listening, reading and useful words and phrases for every lesson.

Students can also do extra reading, listening, reading or writing tasks online using the access code

at the back of their student book.

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

The Teacher’s Book contains detailed lesson plans for all the lessons, with suggested methods for

exploiting and contextualizing the material. It also includes extra ideas, suggestions for how to

provide extra challenge or extra support for stronger or weaker students.

There are also extra grammar, vocabulary and communicative photocopiable materials at the back of

the teacher’s book. These have been added into the curriculum at appropriate places as an optional

extra. You are free to use them as suggested, or as you wish.

Digital Resources: the iTools DVD ROM includes all the pages from the Students Book and

Workbook, which can be presented to students onscreen. In addition, there are interactive activities

for the Grammar and Vocabulary Banks, plus ‘click and reveal’ answer keys for exercises in the

Student Book and Workbook. There are also Powerpoints and Vocabulary flashcards.

The Class DVD includes extra material to support the Review and Check sections, including real-

world interviews and short documentary films. These can also be found on iTools.

You Have Flexibility

The curriculum in the following pages is spelled out in close detail. The syllabus includes most of the

exercises from the student’s book as well as optional resources from the Teacher’s Book. The

curriculum team tried to identify the exercises that would best help your students learn English.

Having said that, every class (and every student) is different. You will probably want to adjust the

material in the syllabus to better meet your students’ needs.

However you decide to teach, exploit or customize the material for your students, always ensure that

you meet the daily and weekly objectives that are outlined in blue text.

Teaching Grammar

Students are not given a separate grammar textbook. Instead, grammar is taught through exercises

in AEF and reinforced through homework from the AEF Workbook. While this may be a new

experience for students, between the file exercises, the Grammar Banks at the back of the AEF

Student Book and the grammar teaching tips in the AEF Teacher’s Book, there is ample grammar

instruction for students.

Role of the Common European Framework (CEF)

The Common European Framework is a system for language teaching which is used in numerous

countries worldwide as a proficiency scale of language acquisition.

The CEF is a powerful tool for language instruction. Its standards are based on “can do” statements

– what students are actually able to do with language, not just the grammar they know. Because the

CEF is used internationally, students can continue their English language studies anywhere in the

world, picking up just where they left off. Finally, the CEF encourages students to take charge of

their own learning. One way it does so is by having students evaluate their own English language

ability through its “can do” statements.

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Using the Weekly and Daily Objectives

Every week has objectives that are based on the language introduced in AEF, and are designed to be

achievable and measurable. For example:

Week 1 Objective: Students will: - Use discourse markers, connectors, have. –Use vocabulary related

to work, personality and family. –Describe a job they would hate or love. – Have a debate. –Write a

job application.

The week’s objectives are broken down day by day on Tuesday through Monday. The language that

is presented in each lesson corresponds with a speaking, listening, reading or writing task that

students should complete and the teacher should assess. The objective and the assessment are

both underlined in blue, as seen in the example below:

Tuesday: AEF Unit 1, File A. Students are introduced to discourse markers + vocabulary related to work. Task: Describe who

motivates you. Assessment: Listening [p. 7, 4 f) ]

Warmer: Get to know each other [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Reading: p. 4 exercises 1 a) to 1 c

Speaking: p. 4 exercise 1 d): Describe who motivates you.

Lexis in Context: p.8, exercises 1 e) to 1 h)

Grammar: p.8 exercises 2 a) to 2 f); Grammar Bank 1A p. 138 CD 1 tracks 2, 3

Grammar Activity: [optional] 1A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 141

Listening: [optional] Song: ‘The Anthem’, AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 216 CD1 track 4

Speaking and Listening: p. 6 +7, exercises 4a) to 4h) CD 1, tracks 5 and 6. *Exercise 4 f) = Listening Assessment

Vocabulary: p. 7, exercises 5 a) to 5 d) CD 1, track 7; Vocabulary Bank p. 158

Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or couldn’t


HW – AEF Workbook p. 4 and 5

The assessed task helps provide ongoing evidence for the teacher as to how well the student is

doing across a range of skills. Not every skill is assessed every week, but over time the teacher

should be able to gain an understanding of how well each student is doing in areas not limited to

grammar and vocabulary.

You can also map the assessment to the Common European Framework, using the AEF mapping

guide. This relates every activity in the AEF student’s book to a can-do statement. This helps inform

students and teachers as to where they are at in relation to the CEFR and will greatly inform your

assessments. It is highly recommend that you download / print this and use it regularly in class and /

or give it to your students to refer to at home as well.


Doing homework is key to learning English. Because there is a lot of material to cover and limited

class time, some exercises (like the vocabulary banks, extra writing) can be assigned for homework.

Supplemental grammar exercises from the Workbook are assigned as mandatory homework, with

some suggested as optional. It is important that students do their homework, which is vital for

review and practice. If students do not do their homework, they will not be able to follow the class.

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Weekly Assessments

You should use the daily assessment to informally assess students over the course of the week [as

outlined above].

During Weeks 1-5 you also have the option to give students a weekly Quick Test to assess students’

understanding of the language [i.e. grammar and vocabulary] covered in that unit. You also have the

option of assigning students a project or presentation task as suggested in the Monday curriculum.

Flexibility with the weekly assessment: You can choose to give students a Quick Test OR the project /

presentation, or both. If you wish, [for example, if some material is in the test that you didn’t have

time to cover] you can choose to adapt the Quick Test using the ‘custom’ test provided. You could

also choose if you prefer to give your students the relevant File Test instead of the Quick Test.

In Weeks 6 + 7, students will do a mandatory File Test in order to prepare them for the style of the

End of Session test in Week 8.

* * Please note that this Level End of Session Test is an adaptation of AEF Progress Test 1-5 and

AEF End of Course Test. Please do not do these with your class.

Writing Projects and the Online Portfolio

Learning to write is a major part of Integrated Skills. Writing is where students not only master

grammar, vocabulary and register, but also the skills of written organization, genre, and revision.

Advanced students complete 5 Writing Projects over an 8-week session. Each project not only helps

students learn English; it also gives them something concrete to show future employers to

demonstrate their ability to use English language to accomplish real-world tasks.

Here is a list of the Writing Projects:

Week 1: Write a Job Application

Week 2: Write an Online Magazine Article

Week 3: None

Week 4: Write a Book Review

Week 5: Write a Discursive Essay

Week 6: Write a Report

Week 7: None

Week 8: None

Week 9: Write a Discursive Essay [optional]

Students will upload completed Writing Projects to their online portfolio. Please encourage your

students to bring a USB drive to store their Writing projects.

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Working with the English Conversation Interns

Suggestions for working with the ECIs have been integrated into this curriculum, but you should feel

free to adapt these suggestions to what works well for you. If you need help incorporating the ECIs

into your class, please ask your Academic Supervisor or Lead Teacher for a copy of the ECI Usage



‘Anecdotes’ are used frequently as an optional extended speaking task throughout this curriculum.

An anecdote is an extended speaking activity, which provides opportunity for students to tackle a

longer piece of discourse and to develop their speaking skills.

Setting them up

Anecdote topics need to be meaningful to virtually all your students. They should be subjects about

which most people have something to say: a film they’ve seen, a close friend, a journey, an evening

out in a restaurant or a childhood memory. However, even though the topics are universal, many

students will find it difficult to think of what to say on the spur of the moment. They may not be able

to elaborate without some kind of framework to follow; they will need to have their memories jolted,

their ideas ‘activated’.

This is achieved in the anecdote activity by careful preparation of a series of leading questions

designed to trigger ideas.

Carrying them out: Option 1

The easiest way to do an anecdote activity is as follows: Give your students a list of leading questions

to read and ask them to tick the questions they can or want to answer. This allows them to take

control of the activity and also means that shier students can avoid matters they feel are too


Then give them planning time to think about both what they are going to say and how they are going

to say it. Be on hand to help them and encourage them to use dictionaries and make notes, but

discourage them from writing out what they will actually say. The planning stage need not take more

than ten minutes, but students are more likely to be adventurous and use more complex language if

they have had time to think about it. Research has shown that students who plan for tasks attempt

more ambitious language, hesitate less and make fewer basic errors.

In “Challenge and Change” published by Macmillan Heinemann, Pauline Foster writes: “Planning

time allows students to devote attention to both form and content, rather than forcing them to

choose one at the expense of the other.” After the preparation time, ask students to work in pairs

and to exchange anecdotes.

Carrying them out: Option 2

The following is another way of doing an anecdote activity: Ask students to listen to you reading the

leading questions aloud. Tell them to close their eyes if they wish and just to listen and to allow

thoughts to come into their minds as you speak. Read the questions aloud, slowly, in your most

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hypnotic tones, pausing for a few seconds between questions while the students’ memories are

activated. Some classes will find this a more involving process. It also allows you to adapt the

questions to your class, adding new ones or missing out ones you think are inappropriate. After the

reading, give students time to prepare in detail for the speaking task and put them in pairs to

exchange anecdotes.

Following them up

An anecdote activity is not the kind of speaking task that requires students to use target structures

as in the ‘free’ stage of the PPP approach. Rather, in line with a task-based model of language

teaching, it may be followed with native speakers performing the same, or similar, tasks for students

to listen to- this is where the ECI / Teacher model comes in. As the students are already personally

engaged with the topic, they are likely to be receptive to the new language they are exposed to in this


Doing them again

Research indicates that asking students to repeat a task a second time is well worthwhile. When

students do an anecdote activity for the first time, tell them that you are going to ask them to repeat

the same anecdote with a new partner later. This will not only reassure them that you are doing it

deliberately, but, more importantly, it will mean that they can dedicate some time and thought to


Students appreciate the opportunity to do the same thing in their second language and research has

shown that given this opportunity they become more adventurous and more precise in the language

they use. The first time the students do an anecdote activity, they are more likely to concentrate on

content; repetition of the task means they have more time to process the language, increase the

range of vocabulary and use more syntactically complex language.

When you repeat the task, it is a good idea to mix the class so that each student works with a new

partner. If you are still worried that your students may be reluctant to repeat the same task, move

the goal posts: for instance, tell them that you are going to record them this time. It is a real boost for

the students to hear themselves (or even better, see themselves on video) and notice the

improvements in their performance the second time round.

Classroom Management

Now that class time has been extended, it is worth anticipating that there may be a slight increase in

classroom management issues that could arise in a long class.

Students may get tired, they may get demotivated, and they may lose interest. They may need to go

to the bathroom. They may ‘need’ to check their phones. They may arrive late. There are lots of

things teachers can do to anticipate these issues and minimize the disruption they may cause. Here

are a few ideas to start you off:


Be clear and consistent about the rules and expectations of your classroom. What will you do if

students are late? School policy is that students will be marked absent if they are 15 minutes + late

for class, but you can allow students in after that (at your discretion). What is your discretion? Be

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clear and consistent about this. What about cell phone use? Consider negotiating a short class

contract at the beginning of every Tuesday lesson, or take the opportunity on Tuesdays to reinforce

the rules by having old students let any new students know the class expectations.


Consider having a ‘pause’ at the 75 minute mark [or at a natural point around this time] for students

to check their phones, stretch, regroup, refresh, and where you can admit late students. They should

stay in the classroom but it might give them a little energy boost to take a time out at this point. It will

also help you to keep students on track throughout the rest of the lesson if they know there will be a

point when they can check their phones etc.

Classroom dynamics and interaction

When planning, consider who is going to be doing what, and with whom.

-Try to make your classroom as student-centered as possible, and vary the interaction so that you are

changing the classroom set up often.

- Make sure each lesson contains a variety of pair work, group work, active games, individual

thinking and reading time.

-Think about the length of each activity and try to keep each stage of the lesson to about 10-15


-Make sure you are doing something to inject some energy at the beginning or end of every stage,

even if it is something as simple as changing pairs. You can do this in creative ways e.g. line up in

order of height or who lives nearest to furthest from school or birthdays [or any comparative you can

think of] and whomever they are standing next to is their new partner.

-For more ideas on classroom dynamics check out Classroom Dynamics by Jill Hadfield.


-Try to anticipate when the energy of your students is likely to drop, and plan for your lesson to

contain different types of activity to help balance different students’ needs at various stages of your

lesson: warmers, fillers, mingles, games, songs.

-Consider incorporating short physical activities to inject energy where necessary.

-For more ideas on warmers, fillers and games check out these resources:

Warmers and Fillers Book

Five Minute Activities by Penny Ur

700 Classroom Activities by David Seymour and Maria Popova


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Consider varying the way you do feedback in order to include all students and inject energy, or just

make feedback efficient so you can move on to the next stage. Think about these alternatives to

whole class feedback:

1. Give the students an answer key or put the answer key on the wall or the board.

2. One student has the answer key and plays the teacher.

3. Get students to write the answers on the board.

4. Get one student to read out his/her answers – the rest of the class see if they have

the same.

5. Give the students a reading text with all the answers in.

6. Students nominate each other to say the answer.

7. Do it as a competition – students work in teams to check their answers and then get points.

8. Teacher monitors while students are on task and makes a note of common problems to

concentrate on in feedback.

Location, location, location

To help vary the dynamics and inject energy, consider a change of location:

- go to the computer lab, or go outside if possible

- Team teach with another teacher who is teaching the same level- e.g. put your classes

together for a mingle activity

- Go on a field trip e.g to practice restaurant language go to a restaurant [make sure you let

someone at the center know where you are going]

For any other questions or issues with classroom management, please see your Lead Teacher or

Academic Supervisor.

Copyright, 2014, Intrax

Layout update only 2015-2016 Stafford House

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Week 1: Motivation and Personality AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] Unit 1A and 1B Week 1 Objective: Students will: - Use discourse markers, connectors, have. –Use vocabulary related to work, personality

and family. –Describe a job they would hate or love. – Have a debate. –Write a job application.

Tuesday: AEF Unit 1, File A. Students are introduced to discourse markers + vocabulary related to work. Assessment:

Listening [p. 7, 4 f) ]

Warmer: Get to know each other [see Warmers and Fillers Book for ideas]

Reading: p. 4 exercises 1 a) to 1 c

Speaking: p. 4 exercise 1 d): Describe who motivates you.

Lexis in Context: p.5, exercises 1 e) to 1 h)

Grammar: p.5 exercises 2 a) to 2 f); Grammar Bank 1A p. 138 CD 1 tracks 2, 3

Grammar Activity: [optional] 1A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 141

Listening: [optional] Song: ‘The Anthem’, AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 216 CD1 track 4

Speaking and Listening: p. 6 +7, exercises 4 a) to 4 h) CD 1, tracks 5 and 6. *Exercise 4 f) = Listening Assessment

Vocabulary: p. 7, exercises 5 a) to 5 d) CD 1, track 7; Vocabulary Bank p. 158

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 4 and 5

Wednesday: AEF Unit 1, File B. Students write a job application and discuss jobs with the ECI. Task: Describe a job you

would love or hate. Assessment: Writing [A Job Application]

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary review 1A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 192 [suggestion: make it a team race]

HW review

Writing: p.7 exercise 8 Writing p. 104 *Assessment: Write a Job Application

Peer Editing

Pronunciation: p.7 exercises 6 a) to 6 c) CD 1, track 8

ECI Segment. Speaking Preparation: p.7, exercises 3 a) to 3 b) CD 1 track 9

Speaking: p. 7 exercises 6 c), d), e). You can have the ECI spend 5-10 minutes with each group (when the ECI's with

one group, T should circulate and work with the other groups working on the task). The groups are responsible for

recording and asking the ECI about any new language (words, idioms, expressions, slang). Ss can also take this

opportunity to get to know the ECI and ask them some introductory questions if they wish.

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Speaking: [optional]: Job Anecdote. Alternatively, instead of the group discussions, you can use the ECI as a model for an

Anecdote task. [NB Please see the curriculum notes for further details re: how to set up Anecdote tasks]

Put students with different partners than those they usually work with. Tell them English speakers often tell anecdotes

and they are going to tell their new partner an anecdote about a job they had. They will talk for one to two minutes- their

partner won’t ask questions until the end, it will be like a story, not a conversation. Later they will video their story, this is a

practice. Then have them take 5 minutes to think carefully about what they are going to say, and make notes [they should

not write full sentences] about some of the following ideas [they can choose which ones]:

- what the job was

- what their role and responsibilities were

- why they did it

- who they worked with, what their colleagues were like

- what they thought about the job

- what the atmosphere was like

- anything interesting that happened while they were doing that job

Be on hand to help them and encourage them to use dictionaries, or the AEF vocabulary bank and make notes, but

discourage them from writing out what they will actually say.

Give each student one to two minutes to tell their partner their anecdote. Give students a listening task i.e. did their

partner talk about all the topics? If not, which ones did they talk about?

T monitors for errors and ‘good’ language for cold feedback.

Part B: Model Anecdote: ECI’s Job

Task Prep: ECI prepares their own anecdote based on the above prompts.

Elicit ‘useful language’ for students: asking to repeat, slow down, clarify. Tell them that if they hear any items of language

they are not sure about, they should interrupt the ECI to ask for clarification.

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

ECI talks for 2- 3 minutes to the class about their story- in an anecdote style.

Give students a listening task i.e. did the teacher talk about all the topics? Which ones?

Can students remember any information about the teacher’s story? Optional: have each group ask one follow up


Feedback: Ss discuss in pairs and note down any interesting language the ECI used.

Part C: Video Project- ‘Job’ Anecdote [optional]

Have students think again for 2-3 minutes about their own anecdote and if there is anything they want to change / add.

They are now going to video it. Put students with different partners to record their anecdote.

Ss video their anecdote.

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 6 and / or complete writing task. [Job application]

Thursday: AEF Unit 1, File B Students are introduced to have + vocabulary related to personality + family. Assessment:

Speaking ;Debate’

Suggested Warmer: Vocab review e.g. Warmers and Fillers Book p. 3 – 6

HW review

Review: [optional] Communicative 1A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 167

Reading and Speaking: p. 8, exercises 1 a) to 1 c); exercise c is Communication p. 118

Grammar: p. 8 exercises 2 a) to 2 d) Grammar Bank 1B is on p. 139

Grammar Activity: [optional] 1A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 142

Suggested Filler: Word Tennis. Two teams [2 halves of class]. Three points each. When you point at a student they say a

vocabulary word related to family. Then point [gesture] to S from other team. If S er,, repeats. Hesitates etc then they lose a


Listening + Speaking [optional]: p. 10 exercises 3 a) to 3 e) CD 1, track 10

Vocabulary [optional]: p. 11 exercise 4 a)

Vocabulary: p. 11 exercises 4b) to 4d) Vocabulary Bank p. 159

Pronunciation and Speaking: p. 11 exercises 5a) to 5 c) * Assessment- ‘Debate’

Speaking: [optional] Communicative 1B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 168

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p. 7, 8, 9 and / or prepare for the project on Monday,

Monday: Review / Catch Up / Project Students review and practice the language learned this week. Assessment: Project /

Quick Test.

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary review 1B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 193

Review HW

Colloquial English [optional]: p. 12 + 13

Project [optional]: Look in the jobs vacancy section for your city on Craigslist and choose an ad. [You may want to narrow

it down to some relevant fields]. In class, have a look at everybody else's advert and agree the three or four most

interesting ones. Work in groups, one advert for each group. Agree a list of the skills, personal qualities and strengths

needed for the job and write a short letter of application for the job.


Write your own CV in English and bring it to class. Make sure it includes the following: personal details;

personal profile; education and qualifications; employment history; other skills; interests; referees. In class,

work in pairs or small groups. Look at another student’s CV and make suggestions for improving it.

Review / Catch up Unit 1A and 1 B

Assessment: [optional] Ss do Quick Test 1 and review it in class together.

Week 2: Language and Stories AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] Unit 2A and 2B

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Week 2 Objective: Students will: - Use pronouns, narrative tenses, used to and would. –Use vocabulary related to language,

abstract nouns. –Express their opinion about language. –Write an article for an online magazine.

Tuesday: AEF Unit 2, File A. Students are introduced to pronouns + vocabulary related to language. Speaking Assessment:

Give your opinion about language.

Warmer: Get to know new students [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Reading + Speaking: p. 14 exercises 1 a) to 1 d

Lexis in Context: p.15, exercises 1 e) to 1 f)

Grammar: p.15 exercises 2 a) to 2 b); Grammar Bank 2A p. 140

Grammar Activity: [optional] 2A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 143

Assessment: Speaking: p. 15 exercises 3 a) and 3 b) Give your opinion about language.

Speaking and Listening: p. 16, exercises 4a) to 4e) CD 1, tracks 18 and 19.

Vocabulary: p. 16, exercises 5 a) and 5 b)

Pronunciation: p. 16, exercises 6 a) to 6 c) CD 1, track 20

Speaking [optional]: Communicative 2A, AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 169

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 11, 12, 13

Wednesday: AEF Unit 2, File B. Students are introduced to narrative tenses and discuss childhood memories with the ECI.

Task: Describe a memory from your childhood. Assessment: Reading [p. 18 exercises 1 a) and 1d)]

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary review 2A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 192

HW review

Suggested Lead-in: If T feels it is appropriate, T can bring in photos of themselves as children to show the class. Have

them ask you questions about the pictures, guess how old you are, where you were etc.

Reading: p.18 exercise 1 a) Assessment: Reading for gist

Lexis in Context: [optional] p. 19, exercises 1 a) and 1 b)

Reading: p.19 exercises 1 d) and 1e) Assessment: Wxercise 1 d) Reading for specific information

Grammar: p.19 exercises 2 a) to 2 c) Grammar Bank 2B is on p. 141

ECI Segment. Speaking Preparation: p.19, exercise 3 a) CD 1 track 21

Speaking: p. 19 exercises 3 b), c), and Communicative 3A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 170

You can have the ECI spend 5-10 minutes with each group (when the ECI's with one group, T should circulate and work

with the other groups working on the task). The groups are responsible for recording and asking the ECI about any new

language (words, idioms, expressions, slang). New Ss can also take this opportunity to get to know the ECI and ask them

some introductory questions if they wish.

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Speaking: [optional]: Childhood Anecdote. Alternatively, instead of the group discussions, you can use the ECI as a model

for an Anecdote task. [NB Please see the curriculum notes for further details re: how to set up Anecdote tasks]

Put students with different partners than those they usually work with. Tell them English speakers often tell anecdotes

and they are going to tell their new partner an anecdote about a childhood memory. They will talk for one to two minutes-

their partner won’t ask questions until the end, it will be like a story, not a conversation. Later they will video their story, this

is a practice. Then have them take 5 minutes to think carefully about what they are going to say, and make notes [they

should not write full sentences] about some of the following ideas [they can choose which ones]:

- a specific incident or something that happened regularly?

- when this was

- how old you were

- who else was there

- any other information

- what you felt

- what you think about this now

Be on hand to help them and encourage them to use dictionaries, or the AEF vocabulary bank and make notes, but

discourage them from writing out what they will actually say.

Give each student one to two minutes to tell their partner their anecdote. Give students a listening task i.e. did their

partner talk about all the topics? If not, which ones did they talk about?

T monitors for errors and ‘good’ language for cold feedback.

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Part B: Model Anecdote: ECI’s Childhood Anecdote.

Task Prep: ECI prepares their own anecdote based on the above prompts.

Elicit ‘useful language’ for students: asking to repeat, slow down, clarify. Tell them that if they hear any items of language

they are not sure about, they should interrupt the ECI to ask for clarification.

ECI talks for 2- 3 minutes to the class about their story- in an anecdote style.

Give students a listening task i.e. did the ECI talk about all the topics? Which ones?

Can students remember any information about the ECI’s story? Optional: have each group ask one follow up question.

Feedback: Ss discuss in pairs and note down any interesting language the ECI used.

Part C: Video Project- ‘Childhood Memory’ Anecdote [optional]

Have students think again for 2-3 minutes about their own anecdote and if there is anything they want to change / add.

They are now going to video it. Put students with different partners to record their anecdote.

Ss video their anecdote.

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 14, 15 and / or SB p. 19 exercise 3 d)

Thursday: AEF Unit 2, File B Students write an article for a magazine and are introduced to word building: abstract nouns.

Assessment: Writing: An article for an online magazine.

Suggested Warmer: Vocab review e.g. Warmers and Fillers Bookp. 3 – 6

HW review

Review: Grammar Activity [optional] 2B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 144

Writing: p. 19 exercise 3 e) Writing p. 106

Suggested Lead-in: Memory Game e.g Kim’s Game

Listening and Speaking: p. 20, exercises 4 a) to 4 f); CD 1, tracks 23 and 24

Vocabulary and Pronunciation: p. 21 exercises 5 a) to 5 d)

Listening: [optional] Song: ‘Kid’, AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 217; CD1 track 26

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p. 16 and / or complete the writing task / prepare the presentation for Monday.

Monday: Review / Catch Up / Presentation Students review and practice the language learned this week. Assessment:

Presentation / Quick Test.

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary 2B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 195

Review HW

Review and Check: p. 22 + 23

Presentation [optional]: Ss present individually [or in pairs if you have a number of ss with the same language] 2-3 mins

on the topic: My Language. They can use some or all of these questions to prompt them, or they can talk about anything

related to the topic.

Where did your language originate? What other languages is it similar to? How many people speak it? Where? How

different is it to English? Are there any words which look or sound similar to any English words? What English words are

regularly used in your language? What words has English borrowed from your language? How do you feel about English

being the world language? etc

Assessment: [optional] Ss do Quick Test 2 and review it in class together.

Week 3: Fact or Fiction? AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] Unit 3A and 3B Week 3 Objective: Students will: - Use get, discourse markers, adverbs and adverbial expressions –Use vocabulary related

to get, history and warfare. –Describe a movie scene. –Write a paragraph describing a movie.

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Tuesday: AEF Unit 3, File A. Students are introduced to get and phrases with get. Assessment: Listening for specific

information and detail [p. 26, exercises 5 b) and 5 c)

Warmer: Get to know new students [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Reading + Speaking: p. 24 exercises 1 a) to 1 b)

Lexis in Context: p. 24, exercises 1 d) to 1 e)

Pronunciation [optional]: p. 24 exercises 2 a) to 2 b); CD 2, track 2

Speaking and Listening: p. 16, exercises 4a) to 4e) CD 1, tracks 18 and 19.

Vocabulary: p. 25, exercises 3a) and 3 b) Vocabulary Bank is on p. 160

Listening: [optional] Song: ’50 Ways to Say Goodbye’, AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 218 CD 2 track 3

Speaking and Listening: p. 26, exercises 5a) to 5 d) CD 2, track 4 * Assessment: 5 b) and 5 c)

Lexis in Context: [optional] p.26, exercise 5 e) CD 2, track 5

Grammar: p 27, exercises 6 a) to 6 c) Grammar Bank 3A is on p. 142

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 17, 18 + 19

Wednesday: AEF Unit 3, File B. Students are introduced to vocabulary of history and warfare, and discuss movies with the

ECI. Task: Describe a movie scene. Assessment: Speaking: describe a movie scene.

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary review 3A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 196 [suggest do as a race in teams]

HW review

Review: Grammar Activity [optional] 3A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 145

Colloquial English [optional]: p. 32 + 33

Vocabulary: p.28 exercises 1 a) to 1 d)

Pronunciation: [optional] p. 29 exercises 2a) and 2b)

ECI Segment. Speaking Preparation: p.29, exercise 2 a)

Speaking: p. 29 exercise 2 b) You can have the ECI spend 5-10 minutes with each group (when the ECI's with one group,

T should circulate and work with the other groups working on the task). The groups are responsible for recording and

asking the ECI about any new language (words, idioms, expressions, slang). New Ss can also take this opportunity to get to

know the ECI and ask them some introductory questions if necessary.

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Speaking: [optional]: Movie Anecdote. Alternatively, instead of the group discussions, you can use the ECI as a model for

an Anecdote task. [NB Please see the curriculum notes for further details re: how to set up Anecdote tasks]

Put students with different partners than those they usually work with. Tell them English speakers often tell anecdotes

and they are going to tell their new partner an anecdote about a movie they have seen. They will talk for one to two

minutes- their partner won’t ask questions until the end, it will be like a story, not a conversation. Later they will video their

story, this is a practice. Then have them take 5 minutes to think carefully about what they are going to say, and make notes

[they should not write full sentences] about some of the following ideas [they can choose which ones]:

-Where did you see the movie? (at the movie theater? at home?...)

-Why did you choose this movie?

-What did you know about it beforehand?

-Who did you see it with?

-Do you know who directed the movie?

-Who were the actors?

-What type of movie was it?

-What was the main story?

-Did it have a happy ending?

-Did you enjoy the movie more or less than you expected?

-What was the most memorable scene?

-What made it so powerful / moving / dramatic etc?

-Would you recommend this movie?

Be on hand to help them and encourage them to use dictionaries, or the AEF vocabulary bank and make notes, but

discourage them from writing out what they will actually say.

Give each student one to two minutes to tell their partner their anecdote. Give students a listening task i.e. did their

partner talk about all the topics? If not, which ones did they talk about?

T monitors for errors and ‘good’ language for cold feedback.

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Part B: Model Anecdote: ECI’s Movie

Task Prep: ECI prepares their own anecdote based on the above prompts.

Elicit ‘useful language’ for students: asking to repeat, slow down, clarify. Tell them that if they hear any items of language

they are not sure about, they should interrupt the ECI to ask for clarification.

ECI talks for 2- 3 minutes to the class about their story- in an anecdote style.

Give students a listening task i.e. did the ECI talk about all the topics? Which ones?

Can students remember any information about the ECI’s story? Optional: have each group ask one follow up question.

Feedback: Ss discuss in pairs and note down any interesting language the ECI used.

Part C: Video Project- ‘Movie’ Anecdote [optional]

Have students think again for 2-3 minutes about their own anecdote and if there is anything they want to change / add.

They are now going to video it. Put students with different partners to record their anecdote.

Ss video their anecdote.

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 20 and / or SB p. 29 exercise 3 c)

Thursday: AEF Unit 3, File B Students are introduced to discourse markers Assessment: Reading for gist and detail [p. 30 +

31, exercises 4 b) and 4 c) ]

Suggested Warmer: Vocab review e.g. Warmers and Fillers Bookp. 3 – 9

HW review

Suggested Lead-in: Show a short clip of Saving Private Ryan, Titanic and / or Braveheart. Do you recognize these

scenes? What kind of movie? How would you describe them? Historically accurate? etc

Reading: p. 30, exercises 4 a) to 4 c); CD 1, tracks 23 and 24 * Assessment exercises 4 b) and 4 c) ]

Lexis in Context: p. 31 exercises 4 d) to 4 e)

Listening and Speaking: p. 31 exercises 5 a) to 5 d) CD 2, track 8

Grammar: p. 31, exercises 6 a) to 6 c) CD 2, track 9; Grammar Bank 3B is on p.143; Communication p. 119. 121

Grammar Activity [optional]: 3B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 146

Speaking [optional]: Communicative 3B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 172

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p. 21 + 22 and / or prepare the presentation on Monday.

Monday: Review / Catch Up / Presentation Students review and practice the language learned this week. Assessment:

Presentation / Quick Test.

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary Activity: 3B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 197

Review HW

Colloquial English: p. 32 + 33

Presentation [optional]: Ss present individually [or in pairs if you have a number of ss from the same country] 5 mins on

the topic: A Short History of My Country. They can use some or all of these questions to prompt them, or they can talk about

anything that interests them related to the topic.

pre-history / ancient people / unification / religion / politics / trade / colonialism and imperialism / heroes and anti-heroes

/ revolution

Assessment: [optional] Ss do Quick Test 3 and review it in class together.

Week 4: Lost in Translation AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] Unit 4A and 4B Week 4 Objective: Students will: - Use language for speculation and deduction; language for adding emphasis: inversion. –

Use vocabulary related to sounds and the human voice; describing books. –Describe their reading preferences. –Write a

book or movie review.

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Tuesday: AEF Unit 4, File A. Students are introduced to language for speculation and deduction, and vocabulary related to

sounds and the human voice. Assessment: Listening for gist and detail [p. 35, exercises 3 b) and 3c)

Warmer: Get to know new students [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Suggested Lead-in: Onomatopoeia. In pairs, listen to these descriptions. Discuss how you write the sounds in your

language and in English e.g. the sound two cars make as they collide- Crash!

The noise a car horn makes [beep]

What a cat does when it is happy [purr]

The sound of frying meat [sizzle]

What a snake does [hiss]

The sound you hear when you stick a pin into a balloon [pop]

In pairs, look at these words and say them. Guess what makes each sound. Compare your ideas with another pair.

buzz / tinkle / squeak / growl / hum / squelch / rustle / crunch / thud

What are some of the ‘sound words’ in your language?

Vocabulary and Writing: p. 34 exercises 1 a) to 1 f) Vocabulary Bank is on p. 161; CD 2, tracks 15, 16, 17

Pronunciation: p. 35 exercises 2 a) to 2 c); CD 2, tracks 18 + 19

Speaking and Listening: p. 35, exercises 3 a) to 3 e) CD 2, track 20 * Assessment 3 b) and 3 c)

Grammar: p 36, exercises 4 a) to 4 c) Grammar Bank 4A is on p. 144

Reading and Speaking [optional]: p. 36, exercises 5 a) to 5 h) CD 2, track 21

Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or couldn’t


HW – AEF Workbook p. 24, 25, 26 and / or Writing p. 37 exercise 6

Wednesday: AEF Unit 4, File B. Students are introduced to vocabulary for describing books and discuss reading preferences

with the ECI. Task: Describe your movie preferences. Assessment: Speaking: describe your reading preferences.

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary review 4A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 196 [suggest do as a race in teams]

HW review

Review: Grammar Activity [optional]: 4A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 147

Review: Speaking [optional]: Communicative 4A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 173

Reading: p.38, exercises 1 a) and 1 b)

Vocabulary: p.39, exercises 2 a) and 2 b)

ECI Segment. Speaking Preparation: p.39, exercise 2 c)

Speaking: p. 39 exercise 2 d) You can have the ECI spend 3-4 minutes with each group (when the ECI's with one group,

T should circulate and work with the other groups working on the task). The groups are responsible for recording and asking

the ECI about any new language (words, idioms, expressions, slang). New Ss can also take this opportunity to get to know

the ECI and ask them some introductory questions if necessary. NB: if Ss rarely read, or claim not to be interested in

reading, have them talk about a magazine / newspaper / TV series etc instead.

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Speaking: [optional]: Book Anecdote. Alternatively, instead of the group discussions, you can use the ECI as a model for

an Anecdote task. [NB Please see the curriculum notes for further details re: how to set up Anecdote tasks]

Put students with different partners than those they usually work with. Tell them English speakers often tell anecdotes

and they are going to tell their new partner an anecdote about a book they have read. They will talk for one to two minutes-

their partner won’t ask questions until the end, it will be like a story, not a conversation. Later they will video their story, this

is a practice. Then have them take 5 minutes to think carefully about what they are going to say, and make notes [they

should not write full sentences] about some of the following ideas [they can choose which ones]:

- What is the book?

- Who is the author?

-Why did you choose this book?

-What did you know about it beforehand?

-Who were the main characters?

-What type of book was it?

-What was the main story?

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-Did it have a happy ending?

-Did you enjoy the book more or less than you expected?

-What was the most memorable part?

-What made it so powerful / moving / dramatic etc?

-Would you recommend this book?

Be on hand to help them and encourage them to use dictionaries, or the AEF vocabulary bank and make notes, but

discourage them from writing out what they will actually say.

Give each student one to two minutes to tell their partner their anecdote. Give students a listening task i.e. did their

partner talk about all the topics? If not, which ones did they talk about?

T monitors for errors and ‘good’ language for cold feedback.

Part B: Model Anecdote: ECI’s Book

Task Prep: ECI prepares their own anecdote based on the above prompts.

Elicit ‘useful language’ for students: asking to repeat, slow down, clarify. Tell them that if they hear any items of language

they are not sure about, they should interrupt the ECI to ask for clarification.

ECI talks for 2- 3 minutes to the class about their story- in an anecdote style.

Give students a listening task i.e. did the ECI talk about all the topics? Which ones?

Can students remember any information about the ECI’s story? Optional: have each group ask one follow up question.

Feedback: Ss discuss in pairs and note down any interesting language the ECI used.

Part C: Video Project- ‘Book’ Anecdote [optional]

Have students think again for 2-3 minutes about their own anecdote and if there is anything they want to change / add.

They are now going to video it. Put students with different partners to record their anecdote.

Ss video their anecdote.

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 27, exercise 1 and catch up [e.g Grammar Activity not done/ Vocab Activity not done]

Thursday: AEF Unit 4, File B Students are introduced to adding emphasis: inversion. Assessment: Reading for detail [p. 40

+ 41, exercise 5 c) ]

Suggested Warmer: Vocab review e.g. Warmers and Fillers Bookp. 3 – 9

HW review

Grammar: p. 39, exercises 3 a) to 3 d); Grammar Bank 4B is on p. 145

Grammar Activity [optional]: 4B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 148

Pronunciation: [optional] p. 40, exercises 4 a) to 4 c) CD 2, tracks 23 and 24

Reading: p. 40 exercises 5 a) to 5 c) * Assessment: 5 c)

Lexis in Context: p. 40, exercises 5 d) and 5 e)

Listening: p. 41, exercises 6 a) to 6 d) CD 2, track 25

Writing: p. 41 exercises 7 a) to 7 c); Writing p. 108

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p. 27, 28 + 29 and / or finish the writing task.

Monday: Review / Catch Up / Presentation Students review and practice the language learned this week. Assessment:

Quick Test.

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary Activity: [optional] 4B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 199

Review HW

Speaking [optional]: Communicative 4B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 174

Listening: [optional] Song: ‘Story of Your Life’, AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 219 CD 2 track 26

Review: Review and Check p. 42 + 43

Catch up / review

Assessment: [optional] Ss do Quick Test 4 and review it in class together.

Week 5: Time is Money AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] Unit 5A and 5B Week 5 Objective: Students will: - Use language for distancing; language for unreal use of past tenses. –Use vocabulary

related to time and money. –Answer questionnaires about time and money. – Work on a group project.

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Tuesday: AEF Unit 5, File A. Students are introduced to language for distancing. Assessment: Listening for the main idea

and detail [p. 46, exercises 3 b) and 3 d)

Suggested Warmer: Get to know new students [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Reading and Speaking: p. 44 exercises 1 a) to 1 c)

Lexis in Context p. 45 exercises 1 d) and 1 e)

Grammar: p 46, exercises 2 a) to 2 c) Grammar Bank 5A is on p. 146

Grammar Activity [optional]: 5A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 149

Pronunciation and Listening: p. 46 exercises 3 a) to 3 h) CD 3, tracks 2, 3, 4, 5, * Assessment 3 b) and 3 d)

Suggested Lead- in discussion q’s: What would it be like if we didn’t have clocks? Would there be any advantages? /

When is an accurate clock or watch crucially important? / What would be the consequences of the whole world being at the

same time [e.g. it would be 12pm in London, New York and Sydney simultaneously? / How many hours do you think should

be in the working / school day and week? / Do you ever feel like you would like to step ‘out of time’? Why, and what would

you do?

Vocabulary: p.47, exercises 4 a) to 4 c) CD 3, track 6; Vocabulary Bank is on p. 162

Speaking: p. 47 exercise 5

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 30 + 31 +32

Wednesday: AEF Unit 5, File A. Students are introduced to vocabulary related to money and discuss money with the ECI.

Assessment: Speaking: Money Questionnaire.

Suggested Warmer: Vocab review e.g. Warmers and Fillers Bookp. 3 – 9

HW review

Vocabulary review [optional]: 5A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 200

Speaking [optional]: Communicative 5A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 175

Reading and Speaking p. 48, exercises 1 a) to 1 g); Communication p. 119 * Assessment: 1 c)

Vocabulary: p. 49, exercises 2 a) to 2 d): Vocabulary Bank is on p. 163

Pronunciation: [optional] p. 49, exercises 3 a) to 3 d) CD 3, tracks 7 and 8

ECI Segment. Communicative 5B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 176

You can have the ECI spend 5-10 minutes with each group (when the ECI's with one group, T should circulate and work

with the other groups working on the task). The groups are responsible for recording and asking the ECI about any new

language (words, idioms, expressions, slang). New Ss can also take this opportunity to get to know the ECI and ask them

some introductory questions if necessary.

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 33

Thursday: AEF Unit 5, File B Students are introduced to unreal uses of past tenses. Assessment: Reading for detail [ p. 48,

exercise 1 c) ]

Suggested Warmer: Vocab review e.g. Warmers and Fillers Bookp. 3 – 6

HW review

Reading: p. 50 exercises 4 a) to 4 c)

Lexis in Context: p. 50, exercises 4 d) and 4 e)

Listening: [optional] Song: ‘Material Girl’, AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 220 CD 3, track 9

Grammar: p. 51, exercises 6 a) to 6 c); Grammar Bank 4B Is on p. 147

Grammar Activity [optional]: 5B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 150

Listening: p. 51, exercises 7 a) to 7 e) CD 3, tracks 10 +11

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p. 34, 35 and / or prepare project for Monday.

Monday: Review / Catch Up / Project Students review and practice the language learned this week. Assessment: Project /

Quick Test.

Suggested Warmer: Vocabulary Activity 5B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 201 [do as a race]

Review HW

Colloquial English: p. 52 + 53

Catch up / review Unit 5

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Project [optional]: Inventors and Investors.

In pairs, invent a time-saving device which you think will be useful to people. Make some sketches and write a brief

description to explain it. Make this into a proposal for fundraising.

Team up with another pair. Each pair takes it in turns to play the potential investors. Try to persuade the investors to lend

you the money to produce your invention.

Assessment: [optional] Ss do Quick Test 5 and review it in class together.

Week 6: Help Yourself AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] Unit 6A and 6B Week 6 Objective: Students will: - Use verb + object + infinitive or gerund; conditional sentences. –Use compound

adjectives and vocabulary related to phone language. –Discuss self-help and obsessions. – Write a discursive essay.

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Tuesday: AEF Unit 6, File A. Students are introduced to verb + object + infinitive or gerund, and compound adjectives.

Assessment: Listening for the main idea and detail [p. 56, exercises 4 c) and 4 d)

Suggested Warmer: Get to know new students [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Reading and Speaking: p. 54 exercises 1 a) to 1 e)

Grammar: p 55, exercises 2 a) to 2 b) Grammar Bank 6A is on p. 148

Grammar Activity [optional]: 6A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 151

Pronunciation: p. 55 exercises 3 a) to 3 d) CD 3, tracks 17, 18, 19

Listening and Speaking: p. 56, exercises 4 a) to 4 d) CD 3, track 20 * Assessment 4 c) and 4 d)

Lexis in Context: p. 57, exercises 4 e) to 4 g)

Vocabulary: p. 57 exercises 6 a) to 6 c)

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p.37, 38, 39

Wednesday: AEF Unit 6, File B. Students are introduced to conditional sentences and discuss unreal situations with the ECI.

Assessment: Speaking: Unreal situations.

Suggested Warmer: Vocab Activity 6A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 202

HW review

Review: [optional]: Communicative 6A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 177

Vocabulary + Listening: p.58 exercises 1 a) to 1 f) CD 3, tracks 23 + 24;

Pronunciation: p. 59, exercises 2 a) to 2 c) CD 3, track 25

Grammar: p. 59, exercises 3 a) to 3 c); Grammar Bank 6B is on p. 149

Grammar Activity [optional]: 6B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 152

ECI Segment. p. 59 exercise 3 d) and you could also add in some extra questions or situations e.g.:

Your house is on fire. You've got three minutes to save a few things.

You borrow someone's laptop and accidentally delete something off the hard drive.

You inherit a million pounds from an unknown relative.

Your best friend introduces you to their new partner. The new partner is totally obnoxious.

You are shipwrecked on a desert island. The only way to survive is by eating someone.

You lend someone $ 10. After two weeks they still haven't paid you back.

At someone's house for dinner, your place has been set with a dirty fork.

You dream that a friend of yours is going to have a terrible accident.

You can have the ECI spend 5-10 minutes with each group (when the ECI's with one group, T should circulate and work

with the other groups working on the task). The groups are responsible for recording and asking the ECI about any new

language (words, idioms, expressions, slang). New Ss can also take this opportunity to get to know the ECI and ask them

some introductory questions if necessary.

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p.40 + 41

Thursday: AEF Unit 6, File B. Students are introduced to adjectives and prepositions and write a discursive essay.

Assessment: Discursive essay.

Suggested Warmer: Vocab Activity 6A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 203

HW review

Reading: p. 60, exercises 4 a) to 4 e)

Vocabulary: p. 61 ,exercises 5 a) to 5 c)

Listening and Speaking: p. 61, exercises 6 a) to 6 c) CD 3, track 26

Writing: p. 61, exercise 7; Writing p. 110

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p. 42 and / or complete the discursive essay.

Monday: Review / Catch Up Students review and practice the language learned this week. Assessment: File Test.

Suggested Warmer: Song: ‘Never Say Never’, AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 221 CD 3, track 22

Review HW - Peer Editing Feedback form

Speaking [optional]: Communicative 6B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 178

Review and Check: p. 62 + 63

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Catch up / review Unit 6

Assessment: Ss do File Test 6 and review it in class together.

Week 7: Sense and Senses AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] 7A and 7B Week 7 Objective: Students will: - Use language for permission, obligation and necessity and verbs of the senses. –Use

prefixes and vocabulary for place and movement. –Discuss laws, rules, art. – Write a report.

Tuesday: AEF Unit 7, File A. Students are introduced to permission, obligation and necessity. Assessment: Reading for the

main idea, detail and attitude [p. 64, exercises 1 c) and 1 e)

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Suggested Warmer: Get to know new students [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Reading and Speaking: p. 64 exercises 1 a) to 1 f) *Assessment 1 c) and 1 e)

Grammar: p 65, exercises 2 a) to 2 b) Grammar Bank 7A is on p. 150

Grammar Activity [optional]: 7A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 153

Speaking: p. 65, exercises 3 a) and 3 b)

Vocabulary: p. 66 exercises 4) to 4 b)

Listening and Speaking: p. 67 exercises 5 a) to 5 e) Communication p. 119/ 121; CD 3, tracks 28 + 29

Pronunciation [optional]: p. 67, exercises 6a) to 6 d) CD 3, track 30; Communication p. 119 / 121

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p.43, 44, 45

Wednesday: AEF Unit 7, File B. Students write a report and discuss the senses with the ECI. Assessment: Speaking: Art /


Suggested Warmer: Vocab Activity 7A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 204

HW review

Listening and Speaking: p.68 exercises 1 a) to 1 e) CD 4, track 2; Communication p. 120

Grammar: p.68, exercises 2 a) to 2 c); Grammar Bank 7B is on p. 151

Colloquial English [optional]: p. 72 + 73

ECI Segment. p. 69 exercise 2 d) and / or p. 73 exercise 4. You can have the ECI spend 5-10 minutes with each

group (when the ECI's with one group, T should circulate and work with the other groups working on the task). The groups

are responsible for recording and asking the ECI about any new language (words, idioms, expressions, slang). New Ss can

also take this opportunity to get to know the ECI and ask them some introductory questions if necessary.

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Speaking: [optional]: Art Anecdote. Alternatively, instead of the group discussions, you can use the ECI as a model for an

Anecdote task. [NB Please see the curriculum notes for further details re: how to set up Anecdote tasks]

Put students with different partners than those they usually work with. Tell them English speakers often tell anecdotes

and they are going to tell their new partner an anecdote about a picture or a painting that they have a personal connection

with. [If necessary, you can give them a few minutes to look online]. They will talk for one to two minutes- their partner

won’t ask questions until the end, it will be like a story, not a conversation. Later they will video their story, this is a practice.

Then have them take 5 minutes to think carefully about what they are going to say, and make notes [they should not write

full sentences] about some of the following ideas [they can choose which ones]: ---

- describe the composition

- say why it is personal to you (e.g. perhaps it is a piece of art that your parents used to have in their house)

- say what you like about it or what it means to you

- talk about anything that it reminds you of (people, places, dreams, experiences, etc.)

- talk about any imaginary narrative (a story, for example) behind the piece

- mention any questions that the artwork raises

- consider other senses that are brought into the picture (smell and sound, for example)

- look for symbolism in the work (this can also be personal)

- speculate about the artist or his/her intentions

Be on hand to help them and encourage them to use dictionaries, or the AEF vocabulary bank and make notes, but

discourage them from writing out what they will actually say.

Give each student one to two minutes to tell their partner their anecdote. Give students a listening task i.e. did their

partner talk about all the topics? If not, which ones did they talk about?

T monitors for errors and ‘good’ language for cold feedback.

Part B: Model Anecdote: ECI’s Art

Task Prep: ECI prepares their own anecdote based on the above prompts.

Elicit ‘useful language’ for students: asking to repeat, slow down, clarify. Tell them that if they hear any items of language

they are not sure about, they should interrupt the ECI to ask for clarification.

ECI talks for 2- 3 minutes to the class about their story- in an anecdote style.

Give students a listening task i.e. did the ECI talk about all the topics? Which ones?

Can students remember any information about the ECI’s story? Optional: have each group ask one follow up question.

Feedback: Ss discuss in pairs and note down any interesting language the ECI used.

Part C: Video Project- Art Anecdote [optional]

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Have students think again for 2-3 minutes about their own anecdote and if there is anything they want to change / add.

They are now going to video it. Put students with different partners to record their anecdote.

Ss video their anecdote.

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW: AEF workbook p. 46, exercise 1.

Thursday: AEF Unit 7, File B. Students are introduced to vocabulary of place and movement and write a report.

Assessment: Report.

Suggested Warmer: Grammar Activity 7B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 154 [do as a team race]

HW review

Pronunciation [optional]: p. 69, exercises 3 a) to 3 e) CD 4, tracks 4, 5, 6; Communication p. 120/ 122

Reading: p. 70 ,exercise 4

Vocabulary: p. 71, exercises 5 a) and 5 b); Vocabulary Bank is on p. 164

Writing: p. 67, exercise 7; Writing p. 112

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p. 46, 47, 48 and / or complete the report

Monday: Review / Catch Up Students review and practice the language learned this week. Assessment: File Test.

Suggested Warmer: Vocab review 7B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 205

Review HW - Peer Editing Feedback form

Speaking [optional]: Communicative 7A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 179

Catch up / review Unit 7

Assessment: Ss do File Test 7 and review it in class together.

Week 8: Trick or treatment? AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] 8A and 8B; Level Test Week 8 Objective: Students will: - Use gerunds and infinitives; express future plans and arrangements. –Use vocabulary

related to health and medicine and travel and tourism. –Discuss alternative medicine, travel. –Take the level up test.

Tuesday: AEF Unit 8, File A. Students are introduced to gerunds and infinitives. Assesment: Listening for the main idea

and detail [p. 74, exercises 1 c) and 1 d)

Suggested Warmer: Get to know new students [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Listening and Speaking: p. 74 exercises 1 a) to 1 f) *Assessment 1 c) and 1 d)

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Vocabulary: p. 75, exercises 2 a) and 2 b)

Grammar: p 75, exercises 3 a) to 3 d) Grammar Bank 8A is on p. 152; Communication p. 120 / 122

Grammar Activity [optional]: 8A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 155

Vocabulary and Pronunciation [optional]: p. 76 exercises 4) to 4 d); CD 4, tracks 22, 23, 24

Listening and Speaking: p. 76 exercises 5 a) to 5 d) CD 4, track 25

Reading and Speaking [optional]: p. 77, exercises 6a) to 6 d)

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 50, 51 [52]

Wednesday: AEF Unit 8, File B. Students discuss travel and tourism with the ECI. Assessment: Speaking: Travel + Tourism

Suggested Warmer: Vocab Activity 8A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 206 or Communicative 8A p. 181

HW review

Reading and Speaking: p.78 exercises 1 a) to 1 d) CD 4, track 2;

Vocabulary: p.79, exercises 2 a) and 2 b) Vocabulary Bank is on p. 165

ECI Segment. p. 79 exercise 2 c). You can have the ECI spend 5-10 minutes with each group (when the ECI's with one

group, T should circulate and work with the other groups working on the task). The groups are responsible for recording and

asking the ECI about any new language (words, idioms, expressions, slang). New Ss can also take this opportunity to get to

know the ECI and ask them some introductory questions if necessary.

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Speaking: [optional]: Memorable Trip Anecdote. Alternatively, instead of the group discussions, you can use the ECI as a

model for an Anecdote task. [NB Please see the curriculum notes for further details re: how to set up Anecdote tasks]

Put students with different partners than those they usually work with. Tell them English speakers often tell anecdotes

and they are going to tell their new partner an anecdote about a memorable trip that they have taken. They will talk for one

to two minutes- their partner won’t ask questions until the end, it will be like a story, not a conversation. Later they will

video their story, this is a practice. Then have them take 5 minutes to think carefully about what they are going to say, and

make notes [they should not write full sentences] about some of the following ideas [they can choose which ones]: ---

- where you went

- when you went

- who you went with

- what you did / saw

- how you travelled

- people you met on your journey

- anything interesting / exciting that happened

- why the trip was memorable

Be on hand to help them and encourage them to use dictionaries, or the AEF vocabulary bank and make notes, but

discourage them from writing out what they will actually say.

Give each student one to two minutes to tell their partner their anecdote. Give students a listening task i.e. did their

partner talk about all the topics? If not, which ones did they talk about?

T monitors for errors and ‘good’ language for cold feedback.

Part B: Model Anecdote: ECI’s Memorable Trip

Task Prep: ECI prepares their own anecdote based on the above prompts.

Elicit ‘useful language’ for students: asking to repeat, slow down, clarify. Tell them that if they hear any items of language

they are not sure about, they should interrupt the ECI to ask for clarification.

ECI talks for 2- 3 minutes to the class about their story- in an anecdote style.

Give students a listening task i.e. did the ECI talk about all the topics? Which ones?

Can students remember any information about the ECI’s story? Optional: have each group ask one follow up question.

Feedback: Ss discuss in pairs and note down any interesting language the ECI used.

Part C: Video Project- Memorable Trip Anecdote [optional]

Have students think again for 2-3 minutes about their own anecdote and if there is anything they want to change / add.

They are now going to video it. Put students with different partners to record their anecdote.

Ss video their anecdote.

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW: AEF workbook p. 53, 54

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Thursday: AEF Unit 8, File B. Students are introduced to ways to express future plans and arrangements. .

Suggested Warmer: Communicative 8B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 182

HW review

Pronunciation [optional]: p. 80, exercises 3 a) to 3 b)

Grammar: p. 80, exercises 4 a) to 4 e); CD 5, tracks 1, 2, 3; Grammar Bank 8B is on p. 153

Listening and Speaking: p. 81, exercises 5 a) to 5 e)

Writing [optional]: p. 81, exercise 6; Writing p. 114

Review: Review and Check p. 82 + 83

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p.55 and / or Grammar Activity 8B AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 156

+ review Units 1-8.


Assessment: Ss will demonstrate understanding of the material covered to this point in Level 8.

HW review and answer any q’s from students.

Assessment: Ss take the Level 8 Level Up Test.

Week 9: Dog Eat Dog AEF Student Book 5 [Second Edition] 9A and 9B Week 9 Objective: Students will: - Use ellipsis and substitution; compound and possessive nouns. –Use vocabulary related

to the natural world and preparing food. –Discuss pets, food.

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Advanced Level 6 – Syllabus – 9 Weeks

Tuesday: AEF Unit 9, File A. Students are introduced to ellipsis and substitution, and vocabulary related to animals and the

natural world. Assesment: Reading for the main idea and detail [p.84, exercises 1 b) and 1 c)

Suggested Warmer: Get to know new students [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Reading: p. 84 exercises 1 a) to 1 e) *Assessment 1 b) and 1 c)

Grammar: p 85, exercises 2 a) and 2 b) Grammar Bank 9A is on p. 154

Grammar Activity [optional]: 9A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 157

Pronunciation [optional] p. 85 exercises 3 a) to 3 c) ; CD 5, track 9; Communication p. 120 / 122

Vocabulary: p. 86 exercises 4 a) to 4 c) Vocabulary Bank is on p. 166

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW – AEF Workbook p. 56, 57

Wednesday: AEF Unit 9, File A. Students discuss animal issues with the ECI. Assessment: Speaking: Animal Debates

Suggested Warmer: Vocab Activity 9A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 208 or Vocab review [e.g p. 3-6 Warmers

and Fillers Book]

HW review

Listening: p.86 exercises 5 a) to 5 d) CD 5, tracks 10 + 11

ECI Segment. Speaking Preparation: p. 87 exercises 6 a) and 6 b)

Speaking: p. 87, exercise 6 c). You can have the ECI spend 5-10 minutes with each group (when the ECI's with one group,

T should circulate and work with the other groups working on the task). The groups are responsible for recording and asking

the ECI about any new language (words, idioms, expressions, slang).

Feedback: Groups share one or two items of vocabulary or phrases they picked up from the ECI so that everyone has

access to the language the ECI used. T can write the new language on the board, encouraging students to write it down,

along with a definition and how it's used.

Speaking [optional]: Communicative 9A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 183

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW: AEF workbook p. 58

Thursday: AEF Unit 9, File B. Students are introduced to compound and possessive nouns and vocabulary related to

preparing food.

Suggested Warmer: Grammar review

HW review

Vocabulary p. 88, exercises 1 a) to 1 d); Vocabulary Bank is on p. 167

Pronunciation: p. 88 exercises 2 a) to 2 e); CD 5, tracks 14, 15, 16

Listening: p. 89, exercises 3 a) to 3 c) CD 5, tracks 17 + 18

Speaking: p. 89, exercises 4 a) and 4 b)

Grammar: p.90, exercises 5 a) and 5 b); Grammar Bank 9B is on p. 155

Grammar Activity [optional]: 9A AEF Teacher’s Book [Second Edition] p. 158

Reading [optional]: p. 90 + 91, exercises 6 a) to 6 g)

Suggested Wrap-up: Tell your partner what we did today. Is there anything you know now or can do now that you didn’t or

couldn’t before?

HW –AEF Workbook p. 59, 60, 61

Monday: Last Day of Session Celebration

Review games/ activities [see Warmers and Fillers Bookfor ideas]

Colloquial English [optional]: p. 92 + 93

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