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Page 1: inTeGrATion of cGPs And meTeoroloGicAl dATA for ATmosPheric … · 2017. 4. 14. · ENAV LEICA GRX1200 + LEIAT504 LEIS CAGL TRIMBLE 4700 + TRM29659.00 NONE MAFE LEICA GRX1200 + LEIAT504

inTeGrATion of cGPs And meTeoroloGicAl dATA for ATmosPheric PreciPiTAble wATer reTrievAl: some cAse hisTories concerninG The cAmPAniA reGionu. riccardi1, u. Tammaro2, P. capuano3

1 Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, dell’Ambiente e delle Risorse (DiSTAR) University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy2 Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia Sezione “Osservatorio Vesuviano” Naples, Italy3 Department of Physics “E.R. Caianiello” University of Salerno Fisciano, Italy

Introduction. This research deals with an application of GPS technique in meteorology aimed mainly at weather hazard mitigation. We report on the analysis of the observed tropospheric delay on some continuous GPS (CGPS) stations belonging to the RING (Rete Integrata Nazionale GPS) Italian network (Avallone et al., 2010) and NeVoCGPS (Neapolitan Volcanoes Continuous GPS) network (Bottiglieri et al., 2010). Mainly we focus on the potentialities coming from the integration among meteorological observations (air pressure, temperature, humidity, rain and satellite radio images) and CGPS data in studying the time evolution of the atmospheric precipitable water PW. We report on some selected extreme meteorological events set up on the Campania region.

Since long time ago Global Positioning System (GPS) has acknowledged for other than the classical geodetic positioning even as a tool to study the Earth and other planets atmosphere and namely its water vapor content, if any, with an accuracy comparable to other techniques and means of measurement (Bevis et al., 1992). Most of the ideas in this subject originate from geodesists and geophysicists spending efforts trying to model and removing the atmospheric “noise”. Hence the atmospheric effect is going to be time to time transformed from an annoying noise source, degrading the accuracy of positioning, into a valuable meteorological


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Page 2: inTeGrATion of cGPs And meTeoroloGicAl dATA for ATmosPheric … · 2017. 4. 14. · ENAV LEICA GRX1200 + LEIAT504 LEIS CAGL TRIMBLE 4700 + TRM29659.00 NONE MAFE LEICA GRX1200 + LEIAT504

probe (Champollion et al., 2004). The basic idea behind this topic is that when travelling through the atmosphere to Earth-based antennas or other satellite, microwave radio signals transmitted by GPS satellites experience changes in velocity and deviation (bending) from the Fermat’s straight lines depending on the refractive index gradients and related physical conditions of the atmosphere. All these effects increase the travel time of the GPS signals. GPS meteorology is then concerned with inverting this delay time to shed light on the atmospheric conditions. Two main branches of GPS meteorology deal with “radio occultation”, which is a satellite-to-satellite technique for limb sounding, and “ground-based GPS” measurements. The propagation problem of the GPS radio waves develops in a different way in the troposphere and ionosphere. Fortunately ionosphere is dispersive (i.e. frequency dependent) for microwave radiation and propagation effects can be reduced by just collecting a linear combination of both L1, L2 frequencies transmitted by the GPS satellites, the so called “LC-ionofree” observable (Hoffman-Wellenhof et al., 2001). On the contrary, the troposphere is non-dispersive, so the consequent delay cannot be directly eliminated from GPS observations. The tropospheric delay in GPS signals is due to the permanent electric dipole moment of the molecule of water so that it is nearly proportional to the quantity of water vapor (WV) integrated along the signal path. Being directly responsible for the unusually large latent energy associated with water’s change of phase, WV plays a fundamental role in the transfer of energy through the atmosphere and in the formation and propagation of weather systems and tropospheric fronts (Stephens et al., 1991; IPCC, 1992). Because of its extremely variable distribution both in time and space as well as a poor correlation with surface humidity, the WV is one of the most difficult meteorological parameter to quantify. Routinely WV content in the atmosphere is measured by means of standard synoptic radio soundings (water vapor radiometers –WVR-balloons), but they are too sparsely distributed in space and time to support reliable forecasting. The societal impact of extreme weather events such as floodings and associated effects (rock fall and mud flow) set a claim for an improvement of our skill to monitor moisture-fluxes able to trigger such severe weather.

The nowadays extensive use of geodetic permanent GPS networks offers a powerful tool for a high resolution remote sensing of atmospheric WV and “precipitable water” (PW), which is the total quantity of WV overlying a point on the Earth’s surface expressed as the height of an equivalent column of liquid water.

Duan et al. (1996) demonstrated that a pure GPS solution was possible for PW retrieval on a regional network by incorporating few remote (distance > 200 km) stations into the geodetic analysis.

Modelling of GPS atmospheric delay. The observed tropospheric delay (TD) of a generic GPS signal is customarily described as resulting from three contributing components according to the equation:

TD( , ) =STDsym( )+STDaz( , )+S (1)A spherically symmetric component STDsym( ), only depending on the elevation angle (

) of the satellite to the station; a second component allowing to account for the atmosphere anisotropy and dependent on both elevation and azimuth ( ) angles and last a generic “residual” term (S), which could be defined as the difference between a model daily solution and the observed one.

Both of the first two terms in the Eq. (1) are customarily implemented in software packages devoted to GPS analysis in the following form:




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As described in the previous equations the slant delay (STD) can be split in two zenithal (i.e. vertical) components: an hydrostatic or “dry” part (ZHD), which accounts for nearly 95 % of the observed delay, and a “wet” component (ZWD) due to the WV along the signal path, so that it amounts to zero if there is no WV. The first component represents the delay induced by the troposphere in hydrostatic condition and can be well modelled because once the precise position of the point is known, the delay is only function of the observed surface pressure (Saastamoinen, 1973). On the contrary the “wet” component is poorly predicted by the models. The terms “MD” and “MW” represent the “mapping functions” which allows mathematically modelling the elevation dependence of the respective wet and dry delays. The mapping functions (for both the dry and wet terms) amount approximately to the cosecant of elevation. Different mapping functions, implemented as numerical gridded values, are currently available in the geodetic software for GPS data analyses (e.g. Bohem et al., 2006; Niell, 1996).

DhNS; Dh

EW; DwNS; Dw

EW are NS and EW component of hydrostatic and wet gradients, while maz( ) are the gradient mapping functions having the form:


Strategy of data processing and analysis. In this study we use CGPS measurements collected at five GPS permanent stations. MAFE, located in Napoli at DiSTAR (University “Federico II” of Napoli), ENAV located at Punta Campanella (Sorrento Peninsula); both stations belong to the GPS network of Neapolitan volcanic area (NeVoCGPS). PACA, located in Palma Campania, and included in the GPS network of Italian Space Agency (ASI). CAGL, located in Cagliari and MATE, installed at ASI headquarters in Matera. The GPS equipments for each station are listed in Tab. 1. In this study MAFE is the reference station because both GPS and meteorological data were available with a suitable continuity. MAFE is equipped with a 12- channels, dual frequency L-band receiver, so that it allows simultaneously assessing the tropospheric delay in GPS signal on up to 12 satellites.

About 7 months of CGPS observations, collected on selected sites spanning an area encompassing Campania Region and surroundings have been analyzed. The ionofree linear combinations were processed by GAMIT v. 10.4 (Herring et al., 2010) in order to have the precise positions of the GPS stations in the ITRF2008 frame (Altamimi et al., 2011). We used

Fig. 1 – Tropospheric parameters and meteorological observations at MAFE CGPS station: (a) total zenith delay, (b) hydrostatic dry and (c) wet components, (d) precipitable water and rain.


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daily sessions (24 hour), a cut-off angle of 10° and IGS final orbits. 11 European IGS stations are used for the frame referencing. The final station coordinates are obtained by constraining the fiducial GPS stations to their ITRF2008 coordinates using the Kalman filter GLOBK (Herring et al., 1990). The final daily solutions resulted to have a repeatability of about 5 mm on horizontal and 10 mm on vertical baseline components. Then a second run have been done with loose constraints of 1 meter on the coordinates to evaluate bi-hourly tropospheric parameters (Haase et al., 2003), i.e., the zenith total delay (ZTD) and the total gradients. Two remote stations (CAGL and MATE, 486 and 208 km far from Napoli respectively) equipped with meteorological sensors have been incorporated into the analysis, in order to overcome the large correlation of the errors among the stations in a small regional network (Duan et al., 1996). This allows retrieving absolute values of the PW even on close stations. The calculated atmospheric parameters are the ZTD and its two constituent components ZHD and ZWD (Fig. 1 a-c). As expected from theory (Saastamoinen, 1973), the hydrostatic delay overlaps the surface pressure time changes (Fig. 1b). Subtracting the hydrostatic delay (ZHD) from the total one (ZTD), we have obtained the wet delay (ZWD) leading us to assess the PW. The PW (Fig. 1d) has been computed with the “sh_metutil” routine available in the GAMIT software package.

Tab. 1 – GPS instruments equipping the network analyzed in this study.

Site GPS Equipment (Receiver + Antenna)


CAGL TRIMBLE 4700 + TRM29659.00 NONE




Fig. 2 – Phase residuals (black curve) and elevation angle (blue curve) at MAFE on 2012 October 12th; the largest residuals for the most elevated satellites are highlighted in the yellow box.


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Results and conclusions. Al-though the WV and PW content can-not be directly linked to the precip-itation amounts, nevertheless some interesting correlations between the time changes of PW and rainfall can be envisaged (Fig. 1d). We fo-cused on the rainfall event occurred on October 12th 2012 (Julian day: 276), when a cold front coming from Tyrrhenian Sea and moving towards SE has struck the South of Italy. A double thunderstorm cluster enucle-ates since 07:00 UTC breaking out a heavy event with large rain amount concentrated in a very short time span; about 40 mm of rain in about 50 minutes were detected at MAFE station. Infrared channel of the Me-teo satellites (MSG) in the Euro-At-lantic area allowed clearly following the front evolution and migration. Aimed at detecting any traces in the GPS signals, we analysed the phase residuals for each visible GPS satel-lite at MAFE station above the eleva-tion cut-off angle. In Fig. 2 the time series of the phase residuals around 7:00 UTC are plotted; a “normal” phase plot showing the typical in-crease of the phase scattering of the radio signal at low elevation is even drawn as a reference (see PRN1 in Fig. 2a). The large phase residuals when the satellites transit at high elevation angles (Fig 2b, …) clearly indicate that the observed delays are likely due to tropospheric effects.

To better follow the migration of the cold front and the related WV fluxes, the PW time series were even computed for MATE and CAGL IGS stations (Fig. 3). Unfortunately no rain data were available for MATE station. An increase of about 13 mm peak to peak was observed at MAFE in the PW accumulating during the 24 hours preceding the pouring rain event. Co-herently to the evolution shown by the sequence of the satellite radio images, at CAGL station no rainfall was recorded and no significant variation in the PW can be envisaged. On the con-trary, in Matera (SE of Napoli) an increase of the PW is observed but it appears to be delayed of about 4 hours in respect to MAFE. The GPS observations in the vicinity of the most intense rainfall area are all consistent with the WV depicted in the satellite meteorological radar obser-vations. Moreover we found that the maximum amplitude of the wet gradients is not correlated with the rain itself but with rapid changes in both the orientation and the amplitude of the wet gradients.

Our study confirms that, thanks to the nowadays dense covering of national networks, the integration of ground based and satellite meteorological data with GPS technique is a useful tool for monitoring atmospheric parameters and for capturing their temporal variability. Ac-tually we acknowledge that raining phenomena are a very complex physical process, hence is naive claiming that PW alone could be enough for rainfall forecast. Nevertheless in a mul-

Fig. 3 – Precipitable water (PW) assessed at MAFE and two remote CGPS stations on the occasion of the extreme rainfall event occurred on 2012 October 12th.


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ti-parametric model PW values, retrieved from dense CGPS networks, can contribute into improving forecast meteorological models.

As a future perspective, a tomographic 3D mapping of the water content in the troposphere could turn useful to better understand the humidity distribution in respect to the topography.Acknowledgements. We are grateful to Prof A. Mazzarella and Dr. R. Viola who provided us with meteorological data for MAFE station.referencesAltamimi Z., Collilieux X., Métivier L (2011) ITRF2008: an improved solution of the international terrestrial reference

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