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8/20/2019 Intercontinental Article on Barrick

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Gdp 6.144 million usd

Per capita income – 523 usd

On April 27, more than 300 homes ere !urned to the "round in a

#iolent e#iction o$ indi"enous landoners near %arric& Gold's

Por"era open pit "old mine in Papua (e Guinea.

 At least 200 police and militar) personnel ere sent to the #illa"e,and !e"an settin" $ire to the landoners* homes. +he A&ali +an"e

 Association A+A-, a human ri"hts or"aniation in Por"era, said on

the da) o$ the e#iction that that no one as "i#en an) time to "ather 

their possessions, and /an)one ho spo&e up as reportedl)

ph)sicall) attac&ed !) the securit) $orces and some ere arrested,/

rela)s protest!arric&.net.

/ncreasin" num!ers o$ people are reportin" inuries, as are those

ho are !ein" detained. Althou"h the landoners recei#ed no

$ormal arnin" that the) ere to see their houses destro)ed –

accordin" to the A+A – %arric& Gold had demanded that the land !e

cleared o$ local #illa"ers, some o$ hom are small scale artisanal

miners e&in" out a li#in" !eside the

mine,/ protest!arric&.net continues.

mplo)ees o$ %arric& Gold assert that the landoners are *ille"al*

and issued a memorandum one ee& earlier that demanded an end

to their su!sistence acti#ities and $or the landoners to a!andon

their territor).

 Also leadin" up to the e#iction, Por"era P Philip i&alaesta!lished a tate o$ mer"enc) o- in an e$$ort to /restore

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peace/ in Por"era. +he landoners pre#iousl) as&ed the

"o#ernment $or help in dealin" ith some local pro!lems.

oe#er, the police operation as carried indiscriminatel). ar&&epa, chairman o$ the Por"era andoners Association, insists

that the o did not ser#e its purpose, that the police operation

tar"eted innocent people, and that the homes police !urnt don

!elon"ed to second and third "eneration landoners /ho ere not

thou"ht o$ !) the (ational Go#ernment and %arric& Gold in their

relocation plan in 1898,/ states &epa.

 Accordin" to a a) 2 report on radio (e :ealand, the Police den)

that the) destro)ed an) o$ the landoners* houses, sa)in" it as

onl) 50 or so /ille"al ma&e;shi$t shelters and huts !uilt ithin the

Por"era pecial inin" ease area./

On a) 2, the landoners announced tha) are no plannin" to sue

the police and "o#ernment $or the anton destruction o$ theirhomes.


eanhile, in a stran"e and $ar aa) place called <anada, =ethro

+ulin $rom the A&ali +an"e Association con$ronted %arric& Gold at

the compan)*s Annual General eetin" AG- last ee&.

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+ulin as

 oined !)



communities around the orld ho are similarl) e$$ected !) the


pea&in" outside the AG, +ulin called on the compan)*s <O

to invest some conscience into the Por"era re"ion. +ulin e>plained

that, in addition to the e#iction, %arric& is continuin" to dump to>ic

aste into Por"era*s local ri#er s)stem, hich recentl) /caused the

(ore"ian Go#ernment to di#est its pension $und/ in the compan) ;

orth more than ?230 million dollars. e also pointed out that, since

last )ear*s AG, /there ha#e !een 5 more &illin"s o$ indi"enouscommunit) mem!ers... and more omen ha#e !een raped !) )our

securit) "uards./

+ulin called on %arric& to call $or an end to the e#iction, hich as

still on"oin" at the time. e also re@uested that the compan) /a"ree

to mo#e the more than 5,000 $amilies ho li#e ithin )our mine

lease area in a a) that is $air and ill pro#ide us an opportunit) to!e health), to $eed our $amilies, and to educate our children/ to

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/finally  pa) $air compensation to the $amilies ho ha#e lost their

lo#ed ones to the "uns o$ )our securit) $orces, to the rape #ictims,

to the $amilies ho ha#e lost mem!ers in )our open pit and in the

aste dumps and ho ha#e droned in )our ri#er o$ tailin"s/ and,to /carr) out the recommendations o$ the 1886 <BO report and

stop dumpin" mine aste into our ri#er./

Cn$ortunatel), +ulin mi"ht as ell ha#e !een spea&in" to a !ric&

all, !ecause the compan) cate"oricall) denied e#er)thin" he said.

 As $ar as %arric& is concerned, and /$or the sa&e o$ theshareholder*s mone)/, the) are $aultless <hampions ho can do no


+he same is dou!ltess true $or all o$ %arric&*s operationsD

on hoshone +erritor), at the Gold mine in a&e <oal, at the

Eamatina camp in Ar"entina, at the (orth ara open pit mine in

+anania and elsehere around the orld. t*s all a $i"ment o$ ourima"ination.

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