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Interim Management Committee Charter

Table of Contents 1. Background and Purpose ............................................................................................................ 3

2. Regulatory Authority and Overarching Governance Responsibilities ........................................ 3

3. Roles, Responsibilities and Actions ............................................................................................. 4

3.1. IA ......................................................................................................................................... 4

3.2. IMC ...................................................................................................................................... 4

3.3. Standing Committees .......................................................................................................... 5

3.4. Audit and Risk Management Committee ............................................................................ 6

3.5. Office of the IA .................................................................................................................... 6

3.6. IMC Secretary ...................................................................................................................... 6

3.7. ICC CEO ................................................................................................................................ 6

4. Composition and Tenure ............................................................................................................. 7

5. Relationship between the IMC and ICC Executive Leadership Team ......................................... 7

5.1. Alignment of IMC to ICC Departments and Executive Leadership Team ............................ 7

5.2. Guidelines for Interaction ................................................................................................... 7

5.3. IMC and ELT Meetings ........................................................................................................ 8

6. Business Transformation Program .............................................................................................. 8

7. IMC Meetings .............................................................................................................................. 9

7.1. Chair .................................................................................................................................... 9

7.2. Meeting Frequency ............................................................................................................. 9

7.3. Notice of Meeting ............................................................................................................... 9

7.4. Meeting Time and Location ................................................................................................ 9

7.5. Attendees .......................................................................................................................... 10

7.6. Dissemination of Information ........................................................................................... 10

7.7. Agenda .............................................................................................................................. 10

7.8. Quorum and Voting .......................................................................................................... 11

7.9. Preparation of IMC Meeting Papers ................................................................................. 11

7.10. Minutes ......................................................................................................................... 11

7.11. Record Keeping ............................................................................................................. 12

8. Time Recording and Necessary Work ....................................................................................... 12

9. Right to Information.................................................................................................................. 13


10. Conflicts of Interest ................................................................................................................... 13

11. Code of Conduct........................................................................................................................ 13

12. Charter Approval ....................................................................................................................... 13

Annexure 1 – Extract of Local Government Act 2009 regarding Roles and Responsibilities ................ 14

Annexure 2 – Draft IMC Meeting Agenda ............................................................................................. 23

Annexure 3 – Remuneration Template ................................................................................................. 24


1. Background and Purpose

On 21 August 2018, the Queensland State Parliament passed the Local Government (Dissolution of Ipswich City Council) Act 2018. On the commencement of this Act on 23 August 2018, the Council was dissolved.

On 22 August 2018, Mr Greg Chemello was appointed the Interim Administrator (“IA”) of the Ipswich City Council (“ICC”) under section 123 of the Local Government Act 2009 (“the Act”).

Furthermore, on 22 August 2018 the Minister for Local Government also appointed an Interim Management Committee (“IMC”) of the following persons pursuant to section 205 the Act:

• Stan Gallo; • Simone Webbe; • Jan Taylor; • Steve Greenwood; and • Robert Jones.

The persons listed above, together with the IA, are referred to as the “Members” of the IMC throughout this Charter.

The purpose of this Charter is to set out the roles, responsibilities, structure and processes of the IMC, as well as the IMC’s relationship with the IA, the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and the staff of the ICC.

2. Regulatory Authority and Overarching Governance Responsibilities

The following legislation is relevant to this Charter:

• Local Government Act 2009 (“the Act”) • Local Government Regulation 2012 (“the Regulation”)

The overarching responsibilities relating to governance of local governments are set out in the “founding principles” contained in section 4 of the Act:

4. Local government principles underpin this Act

(1) To ensure the system of local government is accountable, effective, efficient and sustainable, Parliament requires-

a. anyone who is performing a responsibility under this Act to do so in accordance with the local government principles; and

b. any action that is taken under this Act to be taken in a way that-

i. is consistent with the local government principles; and

ii. Provides results that are consistent with the local government principles, in as far as the results are within the control of the person who is taking the action.

(2) the local government principles are-

a. Transparent and effective processes, and decision-making in the public interest; and

b. Sustainable development and management of assets and infrastructure, and delivery of effective services; and


c. Democratic representation, social inclusion and meaningful community engagement; and

d. Good governance of, and by, local government; and

e. Ethical and legal behaviour of councillors and government employees.

3. Roles, Responsibilities and Actions 3.1. IA

Section 124(2) of the Act specifies that:

(2) The interim administrator has all the responsibilities and powers of-

a. the local government; and

b. the mayor.

Chapter 2, Part 1 of the Act sets out the responsibilities and powers of the local government and the councillors, an extract of which is provided at Annexure 1 to the Charter.

In summary, the IA will act in the place of the Ipswich City Councillors and will have all the responsibilities and powers of the ICC and the Mayor.

The IA will be responsible for the good rule and Local Government of the ICC area, which means the IA will lead, manage and make decisions on behalf of the ICC.

In relation to the IMC, the IA is the Chair of the IMC, and is responsible for the leadership of the IMC, for efficient organisation and conduct of the IMC’s function and the briefing of all Members in relation to issues arising at IMC meetings.

3.2. IMC

Section 205 of the Act specifies:

(1) When an interim administrator is appointed for a local government, the Minister may appoint a committee of persons to help the interim administrator to perform the interim administrator’s responsibilities.

(2) A person may be appointed as a member of a committee for a limited time or indefinitely.

(3) The interim administrator is chairperson of the committee and must preside at every meeting of the committee at which the interim administrator is present.

(4) If, because of absence or incapacity, the interim administrator can not perform the responsibilities of chairperson of the committee, the other members of the committee must appoint another member to act as chairperson.

Unlike the IA, IMC Members do not act in the place of the Ipswich City Councillors. The role of the IMC is to help the IA to perform their responsibilities, and to support the IA to rebuild and maintain a healthy Council culture, install sound financial management practices, progress key projects and manage considerable policy, procedural and operational change.

Specifically, the IMC will provide this support by:

• Assisting the IA to identify the immediate, strategic and organisational priorities of the ICC; • Considering and providing advice regarding ICC’s organisational change, including project

and program development and delivery. This may involve direct liaison between the Member and ICC CEO and COOs (“ICC Executive”) and staff, and accordingly Members should give consideration to the matters set out in section 5 of this Charter;


• Assisting with the development of leading practices across all departments and branches of the ICC;

• Providing advice to the IA regarding matters requiring a decision of the ICC in line with the delegations.

The table below sets out the key areas of expertise in which each Member of the IMC (excluding the IA) will support the IA:

Member Expertise

Stan Gallo Forensic Investigations, Governance Risk and Compliance, Ethics and Integrity.

Simone Webbe Governance, Ethics, Change Management, Emergency Management, Events and Tourism and Grants Administration

Jan Taylor Community Engagement and Community Development

Steve Greenwood Business Engagement, Governance, Public Policy Review and development, Planning and Development, Waste Environmental Health, Parks and Open Space, Environmental and Natural Resource Management, Community Development, Regulatory Services and Economic Development.

Robert Jones Future Financial Practices, Governance and Ethics, and Business Engagement.

3.3. Standing Committees

Pursuant to section 264 of the Regulation:

(1) A local government may- a. appoint, from its councillors, standing committees or special committees; and b. appoint advisory committees.

(2) Two or more local governments may appoint, from their councillors, a joint standing committee.

A standing committee means a committee of ICC Councillors that meets to discuss the topic decided by the local government when establishing the committee.

The ICC has five standing committees, as listed below:

• Economic Development Committee; • Growth and Infrastructure Committee; • Communities Committee; • Environment Committee; and • Governance Committee.

In line with its roles and responsibilities, the IA is the sole member of the nine standing committees.

Local Law No. 2 (Council Meetings) 2013 (“LLN2”), Part 3, section 13 states that:

‘Any person not being a councillor of the local government or a member of the committee, must not take part in a committee debate unless the chairperson invites the person to address the committee upon the matter before it’


Pursuant to section 13 of LLN2, the IA has the ability to invite Members of the IMC to take part in a committee debate. As such, it is required that each Member uses its best endeavours to attend the standing committee meetings.

3.4. Audit and Risk Management Committee

The Local Government Act requires that each large local government must establish an audit committee. In this regard, ICC has a separate charter document which defines the governance structure of its Audit and Risk Management Committee.

As a critically important committee of the ICC, the IA will request a Member with the requisite skills to sit on the Audit and Risk Committee.

3.5. Office of the IA

The Office of the IA provides operational support to the IA, and provides oversight and guidance to matters of high importance. The roles and key activities include:

• Provide strategic support and guidance to the IA, including preparation of meeting briefs, reports, submissions, media interviews and other correspondence, whilst also ensuring the IA is briefed on key issues;

• Anticipating priorities and ensuring clear communication and information flow between the IA, IMC, and ICC Executive;

• Ensuring the IA is well informed of the progress of the Administration and implementation of initiatives;

• Co-ordinate meetings of, and act as key liaison between, the IA, the IMC and the ICC Executive;

• Co-ordinate and set meetings for the IA as required; and • Oversee the drafting of reports, correspondence and meeting minutes of the IA.

3.6. IMC Secretary

A staff-member of the Office of the IA will act under the instruction of the IA as secretary and administrative support to the IMC.

This role will lead the:

• Organisation of meetings; • Collation of meeting information; and • Attending to the preparation of meeting minutes.

The IMC Secretary will also maintain a calendar of availability of the IMC and of the key dates of the ICC including but not limited to Council meetings, standing committee meetings, and statutory reporting dates (including the dates certain reports are due, such as the annual report), and also assist the diary management of the IMC.

3.7. ICC CEO

The day to day management and operations of the ICC are the responsibility of the CEO, who reports to the IA on key management and operational issues.

The responsibilities of the ICC are set out in section 13(2) and (3) of the Act.


4. Composition and Tenure

Given the Members of the IMC are appointed by the Minister, the composition and tenure of the IMC is at the Minister’s discretion.

The IA, as Chair of the IMC, will however provide advice to the Minister on the composition and tenure of Members as considered necessary.

5. Relationship between the IMC and ICC Executive Leadership Team 5.1. Alignment of IMC to ICC Departments and Executive Leadership Team

The table below provides a high level summary of the anticipated relationship and interaction between the Members of the IMC and the ICC Executive.

Department COO/Branch Manager IMC

Executive Secretariat Charlie Dill (Acting) ALL MEMBERS OF THE IMC

• Legal Services Tony Dunleavy

(Acting) Simone Webbe Stan Gallo

• Internal Audit Freddie Beck Stan Gallo Simone Webbe Rob Jones

Finance and Corporate Services Jeff Keech (Acting) Rob Jones Stan Gallo Simone Webbe

• Governance Angela Harms

(Acting) Simone Webbe Stan Gallo Rob Jones

Health, Security and Regulatory Services Sean Madigan Simone Webbe Stan Gallo

Economic Development and Marketing Ben Pole Rob Jones Jan Taylor

Arts, Social Development and Community Engagement

Caroline McMahon Jan Taylor Simone Webbe

Works, Parks and Recreation Bryce Hines (Acting) Steve Greenwood Jan Taylor

Infrastructure Services Tony Dileo (Acting) Steve Greenwood Rob Jones

Planning and Development City Planner John Adams Steve Greenwood Rob Jones Jan Taylor

In addition to the table above, there may be instances whereby cross-departmental projects and programs are developed for which the IMC is requested to take an active role. In such instances, the IA will request Members to assist who are considered to have the most relevant expertise to the respective project and program being developed.

5.2. Guidelines for Interaction

Sections 170, 170A and 13(3)(f) of the Act provide the legislative framework for interaction between Councillors (and therefore the IA) and the ICC Executive and ICC staff.

ICC’s ‘Councillors’ Acceptable Requests Guidelines for Advice or Information’ Policy (the “Acceptable Request Policy”) sets the guidelines for Councillors and Council Officers in relation to the provision of advice or information to assist Councillors to carry out their responsibilities under the Act and the reasonable time limits on requests that a Councillor may make.


The Acceptable Request Policy should be read, understood and used as a guide by the IMC Members, however it should not restrict the IMC given its role as set out in section 3.2 of this Charter.

The Acceptable Request Policy does not prohibit ICC staff from approaching IMC Members, and the IMC Members from receiving information offered by ICC staff.

The Member is required to use its best endeavours to keep the IA and IMC informed of the interactions between the Member and the ICC Executive and ICC staff.

5.3. IMC and ELT Meetings

The IMC and ELT will meet as a group each month following the conclusion of the committee meetings. The purpose of these meetings is to promote a collaborative working relationship and to provide a forum for the IMC and ELT to address and clarify issues, concerns and challenges being experienced.

6. Business Transformation Program

Ipswich City Council has identified 18 transformation projects as part of a Business Transformation Program (“BTP”), which will create leading practice frameworks across all operational areas, from risk management and procurement, community engagement, through to people and performance management, knowledge management, budgeting, councillor training, reporting, project management and legislative requirements.

The 18 projects will be led by individual Project Teams. To assist with project and program governance, and management of interdependencies between projects, projects have been grouped into the three themes of governance and risk, finance and reporting, and whole of council projects.

Steering Committees have been formed for each of the three themes. Two IMC Members will be allocated respective membership to each Steering Committee as set out in the below table:

Steering Committee IMC Member

Governance and Risk Simone Webbe, Stan Gallo

Finance and Reporting Rob Jones, Steve Greenwood

Whole of Council Jan Taylor, Rob Jones

Steering Committee membership will not preclude additional IMC Members’ involvement on non-allocated Steering Committee meetings. From time to time IMC Members may be required to attend non-allocated Steering Committee meetings in order to maintain awareness of all matters and interdependencies across the BTP and also allow them to appropriately undertake their role to advise the Interim Administrator.

An IMC Member attending a non-allocated Steering Committee meeting will not be able to participate in decision-making or voting. However, this should not preclude and IMC Member from participating in discussion, offering insights, asking questions and making recommendations to the Steering Committee.

Should an IMC Member wish to attend a non-allocated Steering Committee meeting, they should:

• Notify the Chair and TPCT within a reasonable time ahead of the upcoming Steering Committee.


• Briefly outline the reasons for their attendance to the Chair and TPCT (i.e. Interdependencies with a project overseen by a different Steering Committee, or offering input/advice on specific items).

The above requirements will assist the TPCT amend meeting documents and assist Steering Committee members prepare for any additional matters that might not have otherwise been raised.

7. IMC Meetings 7.1. Chair

As noted in section 3.1 of this Charter, the IA is the Chair of the IMC.

The role of the Chair of the IMC is to:

• Provide leadership for the IMC and chair all IMC meetings; • Ensure the effectiveness of IMC meetings; • Ensure Members act in accordance with this Charter and the relevant legislation; • Brief all Members in relation to the issues arising at IMC meetings; and • Together with the CEO:

o sets an IMC meeting calendar, o establishes the agenda for IMC meetings, o ensures that appropriate IMC papers are prepared on all matters for discussion at

IMC meetings and that such papers are circulated in advance as specified in section 6.6 of this Charter.

7.2. Meeting Frequency

The Chair will convene formal fortnightly meetings of the IMC (“formal IMC Meetings”), which are to be generally scheduled for each Tuesday fortnight, unless notified otherwise.

The Chair may convene other meetings of the IMC if, in the Chair’s opinion, these meetings are necessary for the efficient performance of the ICC.

7.3. Notice of Meeting

A rolling schedule of IMC commitments and meetings for the upcoming six months will be distributed by the Office of the IA on a monthly basis.

The timeframe regarding formal IMC Meeting confirmations, and distribution of documents, is set out in section 6.6 of this Charter.

7.4. Meeting Time and Location

Formal IMC Meetings will usually be held at 9am (or following the completion of Council or Standing Committee meetings) at the ICC Administration Building, 45 Roderick Street, Ipswich. In conjunction with the IMC, the Chair will decide the day of week and venue of any special IMC meetings.

Although the personal attendance of Members is preferred, the IMC may hold formal IMC Meetings at one or more venues using technology (including teleconferencing and videoconferencing) that gives all Members a reasonable opportunity to participate in the meeting.

Where a formal IMC meeting is arranged to be held using technology, the Chair should notify Members accordingly, and participation in these meetings is equivalent to attendance at a meeting in person.


7.5. Attendees

All Members and the CEO are to use best endeavours to attend meetings of the IMC.

In addition:

• Members of the ICC Executive will be invited to attend or give presentations on relevant matters, and

• The Chair or a majority of the IMC may request the attendance at a meeting of the IMC any person who may be able to assist the IMC in any matter under consideration.

A Member must send an apology to the Chair for any IMC meeting which they are unable to attend prior to the commencement of the meeting.

A record of attendance at each IMC meeting will be kept.

7.6. Dissemination of Information

To assist the running of formal IMC Meetings, the table below specifies timeframes regarding the dissemination of information to Members regarding meetings:

Item Business Day

Office of the IA updates actions arising from previous meeting


Draft agenda prepared by the Office of the IA -5

Confirmation of meeting and draft agenda is sent to IMC -5

Reports received by Office of the IA -5

The CEO reviews the proposed agenda with the Chair -4

IMC papers and agenda are finalised and distributed -3

IMC meeting 0

Draft minutes prepared by Office of the IA and sent to Chair


Draft minutes sent to IMC 2

The above is indicative only, and subject to events and circumstances surrounding each formal IMC Meeting. Additionally, in the event significant or more complex papers are to be put to the IMC, the Office of the IA and CEO is to provide the IMC additional time for review prior to a formal IMC Meeting.

7.7. Agenda

The Office of the IA, in consultation with the Chair and the CEO, is responsible for preparing the agenda for each formal IMC Meeting.

Any Member may request items to be added to the agenda for upcoming meetings. This request should be made in writing to the Chair at least 5 working days before the formal IMC Meeting.

All matters to be discussed at a formal IMC Meeting must be included in the agenda. Additional items can only be tabled and discussed at a formal IMC Meeting at the discretion of the Chair.

A sample agenda is attached at Annexure 2.


7.8. Quorum and Voting

The IMC does not have any voting powers.

All decisions required by Councillors under the legislation or in line with ICC’s delegations will be considered and decided upon by the IA.

7.9. Preparation of IMC Meeting Papers

The Office of the IA is responsible for the collation and circulation of IMC Meeting Papers. All meeting packs including a full set of IMC Meeting Papers and agenda must be circulated to the IMC at least three business days prior to the scheduled meeting.

The Chair and/or CEO will review the IMC Meeting Papers or other information supporting each draft agenda item to ensure they provide adequate information and assist the IMC throughout discussions.

IMC Meeting Papers should:

• be succinct; • follow a consistent format; • clearly identify the issues; • draw on expertise from relevant ICC personnel as required; and • clearly state the recommended resolution or outcome.

The Chair and/or CEO will direct any proposed meeting papers that do not meet the above criteria to be re-written, allowing for necessary time for the circulation of updated meeting papers prior to the scheduled formal IMC Meeting.

The Chair and/or CEO may also invite the relevant ICC personnel to speak to the IMC Meeting Paper, if considered necessary and appropriate.

7.10. Minutes

The IMC Secretary is responsible for the preparation of the draft meeting minutes, and sending the draft minutes to the IMC for review and ratification.

The minutes of formal IMC Meetings should follow the outline of the meeting agenda and contain:

• Date, time and location of the meeting; • List of participants, positions and apologies; • Conflicts of interest identified with any items on the IMC agenda; • Agenda items discussed, with a summary of the discussion; • Actions arising from the meeting; and • List unresolved items, i.e. items postponed or not discussed, with an explanation.

Draft minutes are to be provided to the Chair for review within 1 business day after the meeting, subject to events and circumstances surrounding the meeting.

Following approval of the draft minutes by the Chair, the Office of the IA is to circulate the draft minutes to the Members.

Members should send suggested changes to the draft minutes within 3 businesses days of receipt from the Office of the IA.


The draft minutes, updated for changes suggested by the Members, are to be provided with the IMC Meeting Papers for the subsequent meeting in line with section 6.6 of this Charter.

The meeting minutes are confirmed and signed at the next formal IMC Meeting, with the Chair signing that the minutes are a true and accurate record of proceedings. For transparency, the formal IMC Meeting minutes will be published on the ICC website after they have been confirmed and signed by the Chair.

7.11. Record Keeping

The Office of the IA maintains a complete set of IMC Meeting Papers at the ICC Administration Building, 45 Roderick Street, Ipswich.

Members may keep their own personal notes or comments on IMC Meeting Papers.

The vast majority of documents created by the IMC are available to the public under the Right to Information Act 2009, as set out in section 8 of this Charter.

8. Time Recording and Necessary Work

Members are required to record their time spent on work necessary to perform their roles and responsibilities.

Necessary work includes tasks that are connected with the IMC, and done in the furtherance of the roles and responsibilities of the Member.

Members should exercise professional judgement in considering whether work is considered necessary. If there is doubt regarding whether tasks are necessary, the Member should confer with the IA.

Members are to claim their respective meeting fees only for formal IMC Meetings as held under section 6 of this Charter. Remuneration for the performance of all other necessary work, including preparation for IMC Meetings, should be claimed at the Member’s respective hourly rate.

In accordance with the Remuneration Procedures for part-time chairs and members of Queensland Government Bodies (“RPQGB”), Members are only entitled to claim remuneration for ‘significant’ travel time, being instances where the total time spent travelling to and from a meeting (round-trip) from the Member’s usual residence or workplace exceeds four hours. The amount of remuneration for significant travel time must be calculated in line with the RPQGB.

Claims by Members for out of pocket expenses must be in accordance with Attachment 3 of the RPQGB.

Prior to seeking remuneration, Members must submit details of the work undertaken and out of pocket expenses for the invoicing period to the IA for approval in the form prescribed in Annexure 3. Only following receipt of approval of time by the IA should a remuneration claim be submitted to the Queensland Department of Local Government, Racing and Multicultural Affairs.

Members should use best endeavours to proactively keep the IA informed of work streams being undertaken by that Member, as well as the associated time commitment, especially in circumstances where the time commitment is greater than 20 hours per week.


9. Right to Information

Right to Information is the Queensland Government’s approach and commitment to provide access to information, unless it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information. Right to Information aims to:

• Make more information available; • Provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community; and • Provide appropriate protection for individual’s privacy.

Members will perform their roles and responsibilities in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009, the Information Privacy Act 2009 and relevant ICC procedures.

10. Conflicts of Interest

As highlighted in section 3.2, with the exception of the IA, Members of the IMC do not act in the place of Ipswich City Councillors. However for transparency, Members are required to declare a real or perceived conflict, whether it be a conflict of interest or a conflict of duties. Each Member is required to:

• Ensure the IMC is notified immediately on becoming aware of any such conflicts of interest; • If any matter is or is likely to be brought before the IMC which could give rise to such a

conflict of interest, then the Member: o Shall disclose this to the IMC; o Shall continue to receive IMC Meeting Papers or other information which relates to

the matter which is the subject of the conflict, unless the Member requests, or the Chair determines, that he or she shall not receive any or all of those documents; and

o Shall withdraw from any part of an IMC meeting for the duration of any discussion, unless the Chair decides that the disclosed interest should not disqualify the Member from discussions.

11. Code of Conduct

The Councillor Code of Conduct (“the Code”), adopted by resolution of Council, provides guiding principles for Ipswich City Councillors about their roles, obligations and behavioural standards and demonstrates the ICC’s commitment to conducting its business with integrity, honesty and fairness.

With the exception of the IA, the IMC is not bound by the Code given they are not Councillors, however, the IMC will be guided by the Code in the performance of their roles and responsibilities.

12. Charter Approval

This Charter has been discussed with the IMC, and approved by the IA on 20 September 2018. Amendments to the Charter were approved on 22 November 2018 and 24 January 2019.


Annexure 1 – Extract of Local Government Act 2009 regarding Roles and Responsibilities


Annexure 2 – Draft IMC Meeting Agenda




On [Day of Week] of Month Year Invitees:

Greg Chemello Interim Administrator and Chair of the IMC Simone Webbe IMC Member Jan Taylor IMC Member Rob Jones IMC Member Stan Gallo IMC Member Steve Greenwood IMC Member

Council Chambers Item No. Item Title Responsible

** Item includes confidential papers


Annexure 3 – Remuneration Template

Remuneration claim for the month of ___________________ for _________________(IMC Member)

Date Description of Tasks Hours Amount

Hourly Charges

Total Hourly Charges (ex GST)


Date Description of Tasks Hours Amount

Meeting Charges

Date of Meeting




Total Meeting Charges (ex GST)

Out of Pocket Expenses











Total Out of Pocket Expenses (ex GST)

Total Hourly and Meeting Charges and Out of Pocket Expenses (ex GST)

GST (if applicable)

Total Hourly and Meeting Charges and Out of Pocket Expenses (Inc GST)

Signed: ______________________________________

Name: IMC Member

Approved: ______________________________________

Name: Greg Chemello Interim Administrator

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