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Page 1: Interior Design Student Portfolio


nikk iwise

Page 2: Interior Design Student Portfolio

Interior Design StudentUniversity of CincinnatiClass of 2017

c o n t e n t s

03 . . . Design Concept05 . . . Renderings

07 . . . Hand-Rendering09 . . . Design Concept11 . . . Section/Floorplan13 . . . Rendering15 . . . F loorplan17 . . . Sections


Hospi ta l i ty

19 . . . F inish e s Se le c t io n21 . . . Re nd e rings23 . . . P urc h a sing/ F F & E

Hospi ta l i tyInter nshipS tudio

Retai l

C ontact

26 . . . Ré sumé

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Page 4: Interior Design Student Portfolio

Kroger needed to exceed expectat ions such as : prov id ing organic and natural foods, t ransparency of ingredients , and food with integr i ty, The heal th and wel lness surge was taken several s teps fur ther us ing these three not ions : ILLUSTRATE, INFORM, IMPACT.

The organic layouts of the [3] Centres of Impact peak v is i tor interest immediate ly. The curves of each div id ing e lement encourage ci rcu lat ion throughout each Centre . Warm wood tones and scattered lounge seat ing throughout give th is area a cozy res ident ia l atmosphere, whi le int r iguing product displays in every di rect ion keep guests s t imulated and constant ly th ink ing about Kroger products .

Impact Miss ion

Space Design

k r o g e r : f r e s h Concept: Cen t res o f I m p act


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r e t a i l e x p e r i e n c e s


An improved, s t imulat ing space plan, s imple , iconic rebranding and innovat ive technological insta l lat ions a l low Kroger the opportuni ty to drast ical ly improve the shopping exper ience of each and every customer .

Impact Miss ion

Brandin g: Ren deri n gs

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m a t e r i a l e x p l o r a t i o n

After t racing over a prev ious ly designed perspect ive made in Revi t [see p. 14] , marker and colored penci l were used to explore color and mater ia l opt ions that were not prev ious ly explored v ia digi ta l render ings . Mul t ip le phys ical mediums were layered on several paper types in order to better understand how to port ray l ight , ref lect ion and shadow with in a hand-render .

Individual effort : pen/marker/colored penci l

Hotel Bar

Perspect i v e: Ha n d- Ren dering


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T h e L y t l e H o t e l

When deciding the name of our hote l , we looked to the s i te , naming i t The Lyt le Hote l af ter Lyt le Park , which s i ts adjacent to the bui ld ing s i te .

We designed a hote l that would appeal speci f ical ly to our t r ibe: Prosperous Mi l lenia ls and Adventurous Boomers . The publ ic spaces are intended to feel both re lax ing and fami l iar as wel l as st imulat ing and int ru ig ing.

Group effort : Revit/Photoshop

The Venue

Concept: F a m i li a r/ S ti m u lating

The Users


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p u b l i c s p a c e

A cohesive publ ic space layout was i l lust rated through a rendered f loorplan and two sect ions of the ent i re hote l publ ic space. Detai l was appl ied to the lobby, bar , restaurant and bar/routunda. Each member of the group rendered a perspect ive for one of the four programmed spaces.

Group effort : Revit/Photoshop


Sections/ F lo o rpla n : Ren de r ing

1 1

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p u b l i c s p a c e

A cozy, int imate atmosphere is achieved through the use of dark , sof t upholstery. L ights s taggered across the f ront of the bar and grouped together above the bar draw users to the back of the space. A wide var iety of seat ing is avaib le to accomodate any occasion, whi le gold accents and exquis i te pendant l ights and occasional tables add a touch of sophist icat ion and elevate the user ’s expereince.

Individual effort : Revit/Photoshop

The Bar

Mood: Ren deri n g


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g u e s t r o o m

To st imulate guests , curved wal ls , furn i ture and surfaces sur round the main feature - a spacious , round, centra l ly located shower . Fami l iar mater ia ls such as r iver rock , wood, and etched glass are also inc luded. Throughout the room, fami l iar mater ia ls are incorporated into a var iety of unusual appl icat ions , such as the couch, shower t i les , shower g lass , wal ls and lounge coffee table .

Individual effort : Revit/Photoshop

Cult ivat ing Curves

Floorplan : R en deri n g


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[on previous page]Enter into a l iv ing space that is perfect for downt ime spent lounging, convers ing or enjoying a cold beverage.

Another lounging opt ion and s leeping area are located on the far end of the room for maximum pr ivacy.

Individual effort : Revit/Photoshop

Fi rs t Impress ions

g u e s t r o o m

Quieter Quarters

Sections: Ren deri n g


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l u x u r y h o t e l

I in ter ior archi tecture designs for the hote l ’s publ ic space and guestrooms.

Luxur ious , r ich colors appl ied to accent p i l lows, carpet and occasional furn i ture are fur ther emphasized by the neutra ls on the f loor and vert ical sur faces . Metal and wood archi tectural components contrast the beaut i fu l , h is tor ic br ick wal l , and accentuate the f loor-to-cei l ing glass part i t ion at the bar .

My contribution: se lected materials


Finishes S elect i o n

Solut ions


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l u x u r y c o n d o / a p a r t m e n t

As the F lats and The Darcy neared the very end of construct ion, accessor ies were purchased and brought to the s i te a l l at once. Prev ious ly rendered inter ior e levat ions were used to superv ise an FF+E insta l lat ion team as acessor ies were placed throughout both res idencies .

My contribution: purchasing, partial FF&E My contribution: instal lation management

Publ ic Space Insta l l

Purchasi n g/ F F &E


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Page 27: Interior Design Student Portfolio

P | 619 240 6363 E | [email protected] A | 509 Fortune Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219


A team and environment that meets needs, encourages creativity and delivers outstanding design work.

Contributed to fixture designs and store layouts in SketchUp, rendered perspectives in Photoshop and Sketchup and selected inspiration images and materials for concept presentations.

Big Red Rooster, OH 01-05 | 2016

Revised construction documents in Revit and CAD, created FF&E budgets, a hard-copy specification binder and purchased a&E accessories and oversaw an FF&E install during end-phase construction.

ForrestPerkins, DC 05-08 | 2015

Selected finishes, ordered samples, networked with product representatives, contributed to and made revisions to construction documents in Revit and CAD and interior renderings in Photoshop and created rendered floor plans in Photoshop and Revit.

Ware Malcomb, ILWare Malcomb, CA

08-12 | 201401-04 | 2014


University of Cincinnati, OHHigh Tech High, CA


AdobeAutodeskMicrosoft OfficeOther

Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoshopRevit, AutoCADWord, ExcelGoogle SketchUp

2012 | 20172008 | 2012



P | 619 240 6363 E | [email protected] A | 509 Fortune Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219


A team and environment that meets needs, encourages creativity and delivers outstanding design work.

Contributed to fixture designs and store layouts in SketchUp, rendered perspectives in Photoshop and Sketchup and selected inspiration images and materials for concept presentations.

Big Red Rooster, OH 01-05 | 2016

Revised construction documents in Revit and CAD, created FF&E budgets, a hard-copy specification binder and purchased a&E accessories and oversaw an FF&E install during end-phase construction.

ForrestPerkins, DC 05-08 | 2015

Selected finishes, ordered samples, networked with product representatives, contributed to and made revisions to construction documents in Revit and CAD and interior renderings in Photoshop and created rendered floor plans in Photoshop and Revit.

Ware Malcomb, ILWare Malcomb, CA

08-12 | 201401-04 | 2014


University of Cincinnati, OHHigh Tech High, CA


AdobeAutodeskMicrosoft OfficeOther

Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoshopRevit, AutoCADWord, Excel

2012 | 20172008 | 2012



P | 619 240 6363 E | [email protected] A | 509 Fortune Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219


A team and environment that meets needs, encourages creativity and delivers outstanding design work.

Contributed to fixture designs and store layouts in SketchUp, rendered perspectives in Photoshop and Sketchup and selected inspiration images and materials for concept presentations.

Big Red Rooster, OH 01-05 | 2016

Revised construction documents in Revit and CAD, created FF&E budgets, a hard-copy specification binder and purchased a&E accessories and oversaw an FF&E install during end-phase construction.

ForrestPerkins, DC 05-08 | 2015

Selected finishes, ordered samples, networked with product representatives, contributed to and made revisions to construction documents in Revit and CAD and interior renderings in Photoshop and created rendered floor plans in Photoshop and Revit.

Ware Malcomb, ILWare Malcomb, CA

08-12 | 201401-04 | 2014


University of Cincinnati, OHHigh Tech High, CA


AdobeAutodeskMicrosoft OfficeOther

Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoshopRevit, AutoCADWord, Excel

2012 | 20172008 | 2012



P | 619 240 6363 E | [email protected] A | 509 Fortune Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219


A team and environment that meets needs, encourages creativity and delivers outstanding design work.

Contributed to fixture designs and store layouts in SketchUp, rendered perspectives in Photoshop and Sketchup and selected inspiration images and materials for concept presentations.

Big Red Rooster, OH 01-05 | 2016

Revised construction documents in Revit and CAD, created FF&E budgets, a hard-copy specification binder and purchased a&E accessories and oversaw an FF&E install during end-phase construction.

ForrestPerkins, DC 05-08 | 2015

Selected finishes, ordered samples, networked with product representatives, contributed to and made revisions to construction documents in Revit and CAD and interior renderings in Photoshop and created rendered floor plans in Photoshop and Revit.

Ware Malcomb, ILWare Malcomb, CA

08-12 | 201401-04 | 2014


University of Cincinnati, OHHigh Tech High, CA


AdobeAutodeskMicrosoft OfficeOther

Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoshopRevit, AutoCADWord, Excel

2012 | 20172008 | 2012



P | 619 240 6363 E | [email protected] A | 509 Fortune Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219


A team and environment that meets needs, encourages creativity and delivers outstanding design work.

Contributed to fixture designs and store layouts in SketchUp, rendered perspectives in Photoshop and Sketchup and selected inspiration images and materials for concept presentations.

Big Red Rooster, OH 01-05 | 2016

Revised construction documents in Revit and CAD, created FF&E budgets, a hard-copy specification binder and purchased a&E accessories and oversaw an FF&E install during end-phase construction.

ForrestPerkins, DC 05-08 | 2015

Selected finishes, ordered samples, networked with product representatives, contributed to and made revisions to construction documents in Revit and CAD and interior renderings in Photoshop and created rendered floor plans in Photoshop and Revit.

Ware Malcomb, ILWare Malcomb, CA

08-12 | 201401-04 | 2014


University of Cincinnati, OHHigh Tech High, CA


AdobeAutodeskMicrosoft OfficeOther

Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoshopRevit, AutoCADWord, Excel

2012 | 20172008 | 2012



P | 619 240 6363 E | [email protected] A | 509 Fortune Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219


A team and environment that meets needs, encourages creativity and delivers outstanding design work.

Contributed to fixture designs and store layouts in SketchUp, rendered perspectives in Photoshop and Sketchup and selected inspiration images and materials for concept presentations.

Big Red Rooster, OH 01-05 | 2016

Revised construction documents in Revit and CAD, created FF&E budgets, a hard-copy specification binder and purchased a&E accessories and oversaw an FF&E install during end-phase construction.

ForrestPerkins, DC 05-08 | 2015

Selected finishes, ordered samples, networked with product representatives, contributed to and made revisions to construction documents in Revit and CAD and interior renderings in Photoshop and created rendered floor plans in Photoshop and Revit.

Ware Malcomb, ILWare Malcomb, CA

08-12 | 201401-04 | 2014


University of Cincinnati, OHHigh Tech High, CA


AdobeAutodeskMicrosoft OfficeOther

Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoshopRevit, AutoCADWord, Excel

2012 | 20172008 | 2012



P | 619 240 6363 E | [email protected] A | 509 Fortune Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219


A team and environment that meets needs, encourages creativity and delivers outstanding design work.

Contributed to fixture designs and store layouts in SketchUp, rendered perspectives in Photoshop and Sketchup and selected inspiration images and materials for concept presentations.

Big Red Rooster, OH 01-05 | 2016

Revised construction documents in Revit and CAD, created FF&E budgets, a hard-copy specification binder and purchased a&E accessories and oversaw an FF&E install during end-phase construction.

ForrestPerkins, DC 05-08 | 2015

Selected finishes, ordered samples, networked with product representatives, contributed to and made revisions to construction documents in Revit and CAD and interior renderings in Photoshop and created rendered floor plans in Photoshop and Revit.

Ware Malcomb, ILWare Malcomb, CA

08-12 | 201401-04 | 2014


University of Cincinnati, OHHigh Tech High, CA


AdobeAutodeskMicrosoft OfficeOther

Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoshopRevit, AutoCADWord, Excel

2012 | 20172008 | 2012



P | 619 240 6363 E | [email protected] A | 509 Fortune Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45219


A team and environment that meets needs, encourages creativity and delivers outstanding design work.

Contributed to fixture designs and store layouts in SketchUp, rendered perspectives in Photoshop and Sketchup and selected inspiration images and materials for concept presentations.

Big Red Rooster, OH 01-05 | 2016

Revised construction documents in Revit and CAD, created FF&E budgets, a hard-copy specification binder and purchased a&E accessories and oversaw an FF&E install during end-phase construction.

ForrestPerkins, DC 05-08 | 2015

Selected finishes, ordered samples, networked with product representatives, contributed to and made revisions to construction documents in Revit and CAD and interior renderings in Photoshop and created rendered floor plans in Photoshop and Revit.

Ware Malcomb, ILWare Malcomb, CA

08-12 | 201401-04 | 2014


University of Cincinnati, OHHigh Tech High, CA


AdobeAutodeskMicrosoft OfficeOther

Illustrator, InDesign, PhotoshopRevit, AutoCADWord, Excel

2012 | 20172008 | 2012



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