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Role of Interleukin-1 in the Pathogenesis of Experimental ShigellosisPhilippe J. Sansonetti,* Josette Arondel,* Jean-Marc Cavaillon,* and Michel Huerre§*Unite' de Pathoge'nie Microbienne Moleculaire, Unit6 389 Institut National de la Sante' et de la Recherche Medicale,*Unite d'Immuno-Allergie, §Unite6 d'Histopathologie, Institut Pasteur, F-75724 Paris Ce'dex 15, France


The effect of human recombinant interleukin-1 receptor an-tagonist on intestinal inflammation, tissue destruction, andbacterial invasion during experimental shigellosis caused byShigellaflexneri was studied in the rabbit-ligated loop infec-tion model. Intravenous infusion of the inhibitor at a doseof 2 mg/kg per h, was initiated 30 min before intestinalloops were ligated and infected, and continued during the 8-h period of infection. The animals treated with IL-1 receptorantagonist showed a striking decrease in inflammation, de-struction, and bacterial invasion of their tissues, both at thelevel of the villous intestine and Peyer's patches. This isconclusive evidence that interleukin-1 plays a critical rolein the pathogenesis of shigellosis. This proinflammatory cy-tokine is here proposed as a major trigger of the inflamma-tory reaction which is characteristic of this invasive diseaseof the intestine, due to the particular interaction existingbetween S. flexneri and macrophages. (J. Clin. Invest. 1995.96:884-892.) Key words: shigellosis * invasion * inflamma-tion * interleukin-1 * interleukin-1 receptor antagonist


Shigellosis is an invasive disease of the human colon, causedby Shigella, a gram-negative bacillus of the family enterobac-teriaceae. Children in developing areas are the principal victimsof this disease which is largely caused, in its endemic form, byShigella flexneri.

The clinical symptoms of shigellosis range from diarrhea todysentery, characterized by fever, severe intestinal cramps, andemission of stools containing blood, pus, and mucus.

The disease is caused by penetration of invasive shigellaeinto the colonic and rectal mucosa. Intestinal cells are generallyconsidered the primary target for the pathogen ( 1). As recentlyreviewed, in vitro experiments demonstrate that Shigella hasthe capacity to establish efficient intracellular colonization ofan epithelial layer by hijacking components of the host cellcytoskeleton both for entry and for cell to cell spread (2).

Address correspondence to Philippe J. Sansonetti, Unite de PathogdnieMicrobienne Moleculaire, Institut National de la Sante et de la Re-cherche Mddicale U389, Institut Pasteur, 28 rue du Dr. Roux, F-75724Paris Cedex 15, France. Phone: 33-1-45-68-83-42; FAX: 33-1-45-68-89-53; E-mail:[email protected].

Receivedfor publication 22 February 1995 and accepted in revisedform 17 April 1995.

Mutants unable to enter cells are avirulent in vivo, and thoseimpaired in cell to cell spread express attenuated virulence ina model of dysentery in macaque monkeys (3).

However, several observations indicate that shigellosis isnot exclusively characterized by invasion of colonic and rectalepithelial cells. Acute inflammation occurring early after infec-tion (4) by a small bacterial inoculum (5) may not only accountfor final mucosal destruction, but also, at an early stage, fordisruption of the epithelial barrier, thus facilitating bacterialinvasion through the basolateral pole of epithelial cells, whichappears to be the essential site of entry (6). This has recentlybeen confirmed in vitro, by showing that invasive shigellaeinoculated on the apical side of a differentiated monolayer ofhuman colonic T84 cells are unable to invade these cells. Onthe other hand, they can promote strong transmigration of PMNdeposited on the basal side, thus allowing invasion by openingof the paracellular pathway to the bacteria (7). In a model ofmucosal invasion in rabbit ligated intestinal loops, pretreatmentof animals by infusion of an anti-CD18 monoclonal antibodywhich blocks immigration of PMNleukocytes into the mucosa,decreases bacterial invasion and prevents tissue destruction (8).Shigellosis therefore resembles an acute inflammatory boweldisease, sharing significant clinical and histopathological simi-larities with ulcerative colitis.

Based on these data, we have recently started to investigatethe pathogenesis of this acute inflammatory process. The macro-phage appears to be a key player. In vitro, infected macrophagesundergo apoptosis when infected with an invasive isolate of S.flexneri (9). IpaB, a 62-kD invasin of this species accounts forinduction of programmed cell death (10). The period precedingmacrophage apoptosis is characterized by the release of largequantities of IL- la precursor and mature IL- 1/ ( 11 ). A schemeemerges in which bacteria invade the intestinal barrier, essen-tially through M cells of the dome epithelium covering thelymphoid follicles of the mucosa (8, 12). They are then rapidlytranslocated to local macrophages, trigger their apoptosis, thusachieving release of significant quantities of IL-1, and triggeringa cascade of proinflammatory cytokines. This early inflamma-tory response is expected to spread from these areas and todestabilize the epithelium, thus facilitating bacterial invasion.

Wetherefore hypothesized that if IL-1 played a major roleat early stages of shigellosis, antagonizing its biological functionshould have an effect on the development of the disease. Thiswork demonstrates, in a model of mucosal infection of ligatedintestinal loops in rabbits, that intravenous infusion of IL-lreceptor antagonist (IL-Ira)' starting 30 min before infectionand continuing for the duration of the experiment, causes con-siderable attenuation of the disease symptoms, encompassingalterations in volume and composition of fluid exudate, tissue

1. Abbreviations used in this paper: IBD, inflammatory bowel disease;IL-lra, IL-1 receptor antagonist; L/W, length/width.

884 P. J. Sansonetti, J. Arondel, J.-M. Cavaillon, and M. Huerre

J. Clin. Invest.© The American Society for Clinical Investigation, Inc.0021-9738/95/08/0884/09 $2.00Volume 96, August 1995, 884-892

Page 2: Interleukin-1 Pathogenesis Experimental Shigellosisdm5migu4zj3pb.cloudfront.net/manuscripts/118000/... · Roleof Interleukin-1 in the Pathogenesisof Experimental Shigellosis Philippe

architecture, and bacterial invasion. In as much as this animalmodel reflects the exact pathogenesis of shigellosis, this workdemonstrates that IL- is a key player mediating invasion andinflammation of the intestinal mucosa in the course of this dis-ease.


Bacterial strains and growth conditions. S. flexneri strain M90T, aserotype 5 invasive isolate ( 13 ), was used throughout these experiments.Bacteria were routinely grown in Tryptic Soy broth (TSB; Difco Labora-tories Inc., Detroit, MI). For animal infections, a confluent culture wasobtained on TSB medium after overnight growth at 370C. From theseplates, a bacterial suspension was established in saline at a concentrationof 10'0 bacteria/ml.

Rabbit intestinal loop assay. A total of 12 New Zealand Whiterabbits, weighing 2.5-3.0 kg (Charles River Laboratories, St. Aubinles Elbert, France), was used in these studies. Animals were fasted 24h before infection and all manipulations were performed under generalanaesthesia obtained by intravenous injection of 6% sodium pentobarbi-tal (0.5 ml/kg).

Perfusion of IL-lra was initiated 30 min before intestinal loop liga-tion. Briefly, local surgery allowed for exposure of the femoral vein. Acatheter was inserted, and IL-Ira (Synergen, Boulder, CO) diluted inhospital-grade saline was perfused at constant flow, with an electricpump, at a concentration of 2 mg/kg per h, for a total of 8 h and 30min. Control animals were perfused under similar conditions with saline.

Intestinal segments of 10 cm in length were ligated, some of whichcontained a Peyer's patch. The blood supply was carefully preservedwhile ligation was performed. In each loop, 0.5 ml of a bacterial suspen-sion containing 10.'0 bacteria/ml was injected. The abdominal cavitywas then closed and animals were killed 8 h later. Ligated intestinalloops were dissected. The volume of fluid exudate was aspirated andmeasured. 1 ml of fluid was immediately frozen for dosage of TNFactivity.

Depending on the next step, loops were either filled with 5 ml of agentamicin solution (50 ,g/ml in 0.1 MPBS) for counting of invasiveintracellular bacteria, or opened and dissected for histopathological anal-ysis.

In each rabbit, eight loops were ligated, four corresponding to villousintestine and four to Peyer's patches. Therefore a total of 48 blocks ofvillous intestine and 48 blocks of Peyer's patches were submitted tohistopathological analysis.

Bacterial counts in tissue samples. These experiments were per-formed as recently described (8). As mentioned above, loops used forcounting invasive bacteria were treated with a solution of gentamicin.This antibiotic, which penetrates poorly into cells, was used twice toeliminate as many extracellular bacteria as possible. First by replacingthe fluid accumulated in the loop, and second by soaking the biopsysamples from these loops into gentamicin solution. Intestinal tissuesamples were obtained by punching a disk of 8 mmdiameter with a skinbiopsy apparatus (Biopsy Punch; Stiefel, Nanterre, France). Extensivewashing was performed with 0.1 MPBS to eliminate residual gentami-cin, and ice-cold PBS was added to prevent further bacterial growth.Tissue samples were then ground in an Ultra-turrax apparatus (Janke &Kunkel GmbH, Staufen, Germany) in ice-cold PBS. A '/Io solution wasobtained in TSB and incubated for 30 min at 370C. Serial dilutions ofthese suspensions were then plated onto Tryptic Soy agar plates. CFUswere counted and the number of bacteria was calculated for an area of1 cm2 of intestinal mucosa.

Tissue sampling for histopathological analysis, observation, andrecording of the results. All tissue samples were immediately fixedin 10% paraformalin, dehydrated, and embedded in historesin (LeicaInstruments, Heidelberg, Germany). Sequential sections were taken atdifferent levels of the sample. Thin cuts of 1-2 sm were made andstained with hematoxylin and eosin. Histopathological observations

(M) muc


I _ _ - -

MUSCLE Iaws --e=_I-Figure 1. Schematic representation of a histopathological section ofrabbit intestinal tissue. The criteria used to establish parameters of muco-sal damage are shown.

were carried out as follows. For each sample, either from villous intes-tine or from Peyer's patches, four thin sections were observed, belongingto different areas of the block. The parameters selected to establish thecriteria of villous tissue modification are shown on Fig. 1.

Four criteria were considered: (a) length/width ratio (L/W) of thevilli: 40 villi were measured on each thin section, their length and widthwere recorded, and the ratio Icalculated; since four thin sections wereobserved on each block, the mean value was therefore computed on atotal of 160 villi; (b) percentage of villi with an ulceration; (c) ratiobetween thickness of the submucosa and thickness of the submucosa+ mucosa (SM/SM + M) of villi, this ratio was calculated, based onmeasures taken in 10 different areas of each thin section observed. Themean was therefore calculated on 40 ratios for each block; (d) numberof PMN leukocytes invading tissues. On each of the 40 intestinal villiexamined on thin sections, PMNwere counted at two levels as shownon Fig. 1: in the crypt area and in the villus area. Again, the mean wascalculated from a total of 160 observations for each block.

For Peyer's patches, only typical histopathological description isgiven.

IL-Ira bioassay. Serum levels of perfused human IL- Ira were mea-sured at 2 and 8 h after initiation of the perfusion, using the QuantikineIL-ira Immunoassay kit (Research & Diagnostics Systems, Minneapo-lis, MN). Similar measures were performed in control animals. In brief,the assay used a quantitative sandwich ELISA in which a monoclonalantibody specific for human IL-Ira was coated onto a microtiter plate.After addition of serum samples, enzyme-linked polyclonal antibodyspecific for human IL-Ira was added, followed by washing and additionof the substrate. The enzymatic reaction was then stopped and the opticaldensity read on a spectrophotometer. A standard curve was prepared todetermine the actual concentration of IL-Ira present in each sample.

TNF bioassay. Fluid aspirated from infected loops were stored fro-zen for subsequent TNF bioassay. WEHI 164 (clone 13) cells wereseeded (3 x 104 cells/well) in 96-well plates and incubated for 24 hat 370C in 5%CO2. Supernatants, in six different dilutions, were addedto the assay wells, RPMI-1640 was added to negative control wells,and TNF to positive control wells. Incubation was resumed for 20 h at370C in 5%CO2. 125 Ag of MU(3-(4,5-dimethyl-thiazolyl-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide) in PBS was added to the wells and after2 h of incubation at 37°C, the test was stopped with 100 isl of extraction

Role of Interleukin-J in Shigellosis 885

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buffer (20% SDS, 50% dimethylfonnamide in H20, 2.5% HCl 1 N,2.5% of a 80% solution of acetic acid, pH 7.4). After overnight incuba-tion at 370C, the absorbance was measured at 540 nm, using an auto-mated microELISA autoreader (Dynatech MR4000; Dynatech, Guerne-sey, United Kingdom). One unit of TNFa activity was defined as theamount required to lyse 50% of WEHI 164 (clone 13) target cells (14).


Control of the titers of serum IL-Ira during the course of infec-tion, with or without perfusion of the antagonist. These controlswere carried out at 2 and 8 h of perfusion of 2 mg/kg per h ofhuman recombinant IL-ira. As expected, very high serum titersof 23,282±5,649 pg/ml, and 27,757±1,163 pg/ml were, respec-tively, observed. Control animals infected with M9OTand per-fused with saline showed titers - 1,000 pg/ml, similar to thoseof noninfected animals. As the assay is not designed to dosingrabbit IL-lra, no conclusion can be drawn from these lattervalues.

Effect of IL-Ira treatment on intestinal inflammation causedby S. flexneri. Three major criteria were used to assess thedecrease of intestinal inflammation caused by continuous intra-venous administration of IL-Ira during mucosal invasion byshigellae.

The volume of mucopurulent and often bloody exudate thatconstitutes the fluid produced in infected loops, correlates wellwith intensity of the inflammatory process, as already demon-strated (8). As shown in Fig. 2 A, the average volume of exudatepooled from the eight ligated loops in each rabbit was threetimes higher in control animals (57.3±36.4 ml) than in animalstreated with IL-lra (18.0±9.5 ml).

The amount of TNF present in the mucosal exudate hasalso been shown to correlate with the intensity of intestinalinflammation caused by Shigella invasion (8). As shown inFig. 2 B, the average quantity of TNF present in the pooledfluid of the eight loops in each control rabbit was 176.408x 103+16.394 x i03 U, as compared to 45.402 x 103±4.043x 103 U in animals treated with IL-ira, a fourfold difference.

Infiltration of the lamina propria with PMN. Upon observa-tion of histopathological sections of intestinal tissues in controlanimals, we noticed that PMNwere migrating into the connec-tive tissue of the lamina propria and then on to the epitheliallayer, by following two routes. One corresponded to PMNex-travasating from the small vessels of the submucosa, crossingthe muscularis mucosae, infiltrating the lamina propria betweenthe crypts, transmigrating to the crypt lumen, thus causingcryptitis, and also migrating higher in the axis of the villus.Another route consisted in PMNextravasating from the bloodcapillaries present in the villus axis, directly invading the laminapropria of the villus, and proceeding to the basal side of theepithelial layer before transmigrating to the intestinal lumen, ordestroying the basement membrane, thus causing detachmentof the epithelium from the villus.

Based on this observation, PMNwere counted in these two"compartments," crypt and villus axis. Results are shown inFig. 3 A as the average number of PMNper one villus. Numera-tion of PMNin the tissue of control animals was underevaluatedbecause, in some cases, infiltrates were so dense that the actualnumber could not be counted. In the lamina propria of thecrypts, an average number of 14.8±6.7 PMNwas observed inthe control animals, whereas only 1.8±0.68 PMNwere ob-






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IL-lra Control




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IL lra Control

Figure 2. Characteristics of fluid exudate in infected loops of IL-lra-treated and control rabbits. Average volume (A) and average TNF con-tent (B) of the pooled exudate fluid collected from the eight intestinalloops infected in each animal.

served in animals treated with IL-Ira, close to the number ofPMNobserved in uninfected tissues (data not shown). In thelamina propria of the villus axis, 15.2±6.6 PMNwere countedin control animals whereas 5.7±2.5 PMN leukocytes werecounted in animals treated with IL-ira.

These results clearly demonstrated that perfusion of IL-Iraachieved very efficient control of the inflammatory reaction,primarily by preventing extravasation of PMNand their immi-gration into the lamina propria. It must be emphasized, however,that IL-Ira achieved better control of the PMNinfiltrate in thecrypt area than in the villus axis.

Evaluation of the degree of tissue modification and destruc-tion. An obvious criteria of tissue alteration was the frequencyof ulcerated villi. Any disruption of the continuity of the villusepithelium associated with significant inflammatory infiltrate

886 P. J. Sansonetti, J. Arondel, J.-M. Cavaillon, and M. Huerre

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IL-1ra Control IL-Ira Control

Crypt Villus axis IL-1ra Control






0,4 -




0,3 -

0,2 -

0,1 -


Figure 3. Tissue inflammation and destruction in IL-ira-treated andcontrol rabbits.,(A) Average number of PMNleukocytes infiltrating thelamina propria of one crypt and one villus axis. (B) Average percentageof ulcerated villi in the eight intestinal loops of each animal.

was considered as an ulceration. According to these criteria, asshown in Fig. 3 B, 67+3% of the villi presented ulcerations incontrol animals, whereas only 3.3±1.9% of the villi were ulcer-ated in animals treated with IL-lra. Lesions ranged from limitedulcers to purulent necrosis of the entire villus. Severity of theulcerations has not been recorded here. It must be emphasizedthat purulent necrosis of the entire villus was only observed incontrol animals, whereas animals treated with IL-lra presentedonly limited ulcerations of the tip of their villi.

For more global evaluation of tissue alterations, we consid-ered two criteria. The reduction in the length/width ratio of


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Figure 4. Villus atrophy and submucosal inflammation in IL-Ira-treatedand control rabbits. (A) Average L/W ratio reflecting villus atrophy.(B) Average submucosa/submucosa + mucosa ratio reflecting intensityof the submucosal edema, a characteristic of experimental shigellosisin rabbit-ligated loops.

villi, which is among the first symptoms of dysfunction in intes-tinal tissues (i.e., mucosal atrophy). The ratio between thick-ness of the submucosa and thickness of the entire mucosal plussubmucosal layer, as it appeared that severe inflammation wasreflected by major submucosal edema (see Fig. 5 A).

Length/Width (L/W) ratio of intestinal villi is shown inFig. 4 A. Control animals showed striking flattening of theirintestinal villi with a L/W ratio of 1.9±0.4 characteristic ofsevere villus atrophy. The actual ratio was even lower since alarge number of villi were destroyed. However, only nonulcer-

Role of Interleukin-I in Shigellosis 887


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Figure 5. Characteristic aspect of villi and Peyer's patch tissue in animals infected by M90T. Bar = 30 ,um. (A) Villous intestine in control animals.(B) Villous intestine in animals treated by IL-Ira. (C) Peyer's patch in control animals. Arrowhead points to the destroyed dome that leaves thelymphoid nodule exposed to the lumen. (D) Peyer's patch in animals treated by IL-Ira. Arrowhead points to preserved epithelium of the dome inspite of a significant edema in the subepithelial zone.

ated villi or villi presenting limited tip ulcers were taken intoaccount here. In comparison, the L/W ratio was 4.7±1.2 inanimals treated with IL-lra, indicating reasonable preservationof the villi structures, since the average ratio in non infectedloops in this model was 6 (data not shown).

Submucosa/submucosa + mucosa ratio. These results areshown in Fig. 4 B. Control animals showed a high ratio of0.42, reflecting the enormous edema that often characterizedthe submucosal layer of these animals. Conversely, the ratio of0.07 observed in animals treated with IL-Ira was extremely lowand equivalent to the ratio observed in noninfected loops (datanot shown).

Fine histopathological analysis of the lesions. Histopatho-logical analysis was carried out both on sections of the villousintestine and on Peyer's patches.

Examination of villous intestinal tissues revealed significantdifferences between samples taken from control animals andanimals treated with IL-Ira. As shown in Fig. 5 A, and already

suggested in Figs. 3 and 4, the villi of control animals wereeither reduced in length, or destroyed by a purulent necroticprocess leaving vast areas of the crypt chorion infiltrated withPMN, and dissected by large hemorrhagic foci. Complete de-tachment of the epithelial layer was seen in many places. Thesubepithelial layer was characterized by enormous edema andinfiltration of inflammatory cells, primarily PMN. NumerousPMNwere seen immigrating from the vessels localized in thesubmucosa into the lamina propria surrounding the crypts, oftenleading to disruption of the muscularis mucosae.

In animals treated by IL-Ira, the histopathological aspectwas strikingly different. Villi were consistently altered in lengthand shape, but never destroyed. As shown in Fig. 5 B, theyoften showed a "club-like" aspect, the tip of the villus beinginflated by edema, whereas the basal half of the villus and thecrypt area appeared normal. As suggested in Fig. 3 A, twocompartments of PMNinfiltration were constituted. One corre-sponding to the crypt region which is colonized by PMNimmi-

888 P. J. Sansonetti, J. Arondel, J.-M. Cavaillon, and M. Huerre

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IL-1ra Control



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IL-lra ControlFigure 6. Tissue invasion by M9OTin IL-Ira-treated and control ani-mals. (A) Average number of bacteria/cm2 of villous intestinal tissue.(B) Average number of bacteria/cm2 of Peyer's patch tissue.

grating from the small and medium-size vessels of the submu-cosa, the other corresponding to the villus axis in which PMNseem to immigrate from local capillaries. This observation sug-gests that IL-Ira is mainly preventing the inflammatory processelicited at the crypt level, at a distance from the bacteria,whereas it is more difficult for IL-Ira to control inflammationelicited in areas of the villus that are in close contact with theoffending microorganism.

Histopathological examination of Peyer's patches alsoshowed striking differences between control and IL- Ira-treatedanimals. In control animals, extensive destruction of the domewas consistently observed with intense edema and infiltrationby PMN. In contrast, in IL-ira-treated animals, in spite ofsignificant edematous reaction and infiltration by PMN, thedome was preserved or presented only few superficial ulcers of

the epithelial layer. These results are summarized in Fig. 5, Cand D.

Bacterial invasion of mucosal tissues. As shown in Fig. 6,control of the inflammatory process by IL-Ira caused significantdecrease in the capacity of shigellae to invade the mucosa. Theaverage number of bacteria per cm' of mucosal tissue was 2.3x 106±2.1 x 106 in control animals and 6 x 104±5 X 104 inanimals treated with the inhibitor. The average number of bacte-ria per cm- of Peyer's patch tissue was 1.3 x 10i+0.5 X 105in control animals and 1.8 x 104± 1.4 x 104 in animals treatedwith the inhibitor. Bacterial invasion of the villus mucosa wastherefore reduced by a factor of 40 in the presence of IL-ira, whereas it was reduced only by a factor of 7 in Peyer'spatches tissue. This probably indicated that the physiologicalcapacity of the epithelial dome of Peyer's patches to internalizebacteria reduced the need for an inflammatory infiltrate to desta-bilize the epithelial structure and facilitate invasion.

In conclusion, based on all the criteria considered, treatmentof animals with IL-ira caused significant protection against bothShigella invasion and intestinal tissue destruction.


There is now evidence that IL-1 is involved in the pathogenesisof inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). On the other hand,there has been no investigation addressing the role of this proin-flammatory cytokine in the pathogenesis of an invasive infectionof the gut such as shigellosis.

Clinical and histopathological observations ( 15), and recentexperiments on the pathogenesis of shigellosis (8), suggest thata pattern of acute inflammation is initiated at the early stage ofintestinal invasion by S. flexneri, particularly in the lymphoidfollicles associated with the mucosa. In addition to ultimatelycausing tissue destruction, inflammation is essential to disorga-nizing the epithelial barrier and facilitating bacterial invasion(8). Macrophages present in the dome of lymphoid structuresbecome infected by invasive shigellae, and some of them arerapidly killed. In vitro experiments have demonstrated that viru-lent S. flexneri causes apoptosis of infected macrophages (9).Initiation of the cell death program in macrophages preactivatedwith LPS induces their release of large amounts of IL-la precur-sor and mature IL-1,3 (11). These data suggest that releasingIL-1 may be a characteristic of resident macrophages presentin the follicular dome of mucosal lymphoid structures whenthey phagocytose the invading pathogen. This population ofmacrophages, due to its permanent contact with bacterial prod-ucts, particularly LPS, is probably more reactive to a pathogenlike S. flexneri. In addition, Mcells themselves have the capacityto produce IL- I after stimulation with LPS (16). Inflammationelicited in these areas may spread beyond lymphoid structuresto the villous epithelium. In patients at the acute stage of shigel-losis, immunohistochemical analysis of rectal biopsies, hasshown a predominance of IL-i -producing cells, particularly intissue samples showing signs of severe inflammation. Mononu-clear cells, but also PMNand endothelial cells were the predom-inant IL-i -producing cell populations ( 17). These experimentstherefore point to IL-1 as a likely key player in the cascadecausing the inflammatory process of shigellosis.

Similarly, current evidence indicates that IL-I plays a cru-cial role in colonic lesions in IBDs. This is suggested by clinicaland experimental studies. Clinical studies show that IL-1 is

Role of Interleukin-J in Shigellosis 889


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transcribed and expressed at a significantly higher level bymononuclear cells purified from intestinal tissues of patients atthe acute phase of IBD (16-23). In mice, recombinant IL-Ialone has been shown to be able to induce intestinal pathology,particularly villus atrophy, crypt hyperplasia, and increase innumber of intraepithelial lymphocytes (24, 25). In the variousanimal models of ulcerative colitis, clear demonstration of theproinflammatory role of IL-1 has been provided by demonstra-ting the antiinflammatory effect of IL-Ira. Intravenous adminis-tration of this molecule before and during the development ofrabbit immune complex colitis, significantly reduced all theparameters of intestinal inflammation and injury (26). Thesedata were further confirmed in a series of experiments showingthat in a similar animal model, IL-lra did not alter the level ofIL-la present in intestinal tissues, but induced a decrease inlevels of proinflammatory molecules such as PGE2 and leuko-triene B4 (27). IL-Ira was also effective in reducing bowelinflammation in a model of rat colitis induced by local instilla-tion of acetic acid (28). In addition, in various experimentalmodels, the receptor blocking activity of IL-Ira has significantlyreduced the severity of diseases such as septic shock, lethalsepsis, and experimental arthritis (29). The role of other in-flammatory cytokines is less clear, although TN]Fa, IFNy, andIL-8 are good candidates to induce further inflammation andtissue destruction. Moreover, the chronic enterocolitis and ulcer-ative colitis patterns observed in interleukin-2 and interleukin-10-deficient mice harboring an intestinal flora (30, 31) suggestthat these two cytokines, particularly IL-iO, a potent suppressorof macrophage activation in vitro (32), may be important nega-tive regulators to consider in vivo in IBD as well as in shigel-losis.

A major limitation to experimental approaches of shigello-sis, however, is the lack of a reliable intestinal model of inva-sion. The guinea pig keratoconjunctivitis test is reliable to assessShigella invasiveness but is irrelevant in this case. Mice do notdevelop rapid and consistent intestinal invasion by Shigella evenin ligated loops. Alternatively, the rabbit-ligated loop assay ap-pears sufficiently reliable to use it as a model of tissue invasionand inflammation. This allows us to consider using antagonistsof proinflammatory molecules such as IL-lra. This inhibitorbinds to both IL-1 receptors, but particularly relevant is itscompetitive binding to IL-i receptor 1 which blocks signaltransduction induced by IL-ia and IL-l,6. It has no agonisteffect and is produced by the same cells which produce IL-iwith a delay of a few hours (33). Rabbit IL-lra exhibits 77%amino acid sequence homology to the human molecule (34).This high degree of conservation accounts for the capacity ofhuman recombinant IL-Ira to antagonize rabbit IL-i. Thesecharacteristics made IL-lra the best candidate molecule to as-sess the role of IL-1 in shigellosis.

The present experiments have demonstrated that IL-Iracould significantly reduce the severity of intestinal lesions ob-served in rabbit experimental shigellosis as well as mucosalinvasion by Shigella. The amount of circulating IL-ira obtainedby perfusion of 2 mg/kg per h in rabbits reached values of25,000 pg/ml similar to those obtained in human volunteers byperfusion of 10 mg/kg over a period of 3 h (i.e., 29,000 pg/ml) (35). The general structure of the intestinal epithelium waspreserved in animals treated by the inhibitor, whereas massivedestruction was observed in control animals. The amount ofluminal exudate was reduced, as well as its content in TNF, an

established parameter of the inflammatory process of experi-mental, but also natural shigellosis (8, 36). In the completepathogenic scheme, it is important to understand whether TNFaor IL-i is the primary initiator. We are currently conductingexperiments with TNF inhibitors to address this point. Wewould also like to evaluate how much of the epithelial destruc-tion observed in shigellosis is due to the high titer of TNFaproduced and secreted intraluminally. These experiments alsoconfirm our recent observation that the severity of mucosalinflammation accounts for the extent of mucosal invasion bythe bacteria (7, 8). It seems as if the initial interaction of thebacteria with cellular components of the intestinal barrier trig-gers an early inflammatory response which causes serious desta-bilization of epithelial cohesiveness thus facilitating further bac-terial invasion.

An unexpected observation was made here concerning thetraffic of extravasating PMN. IL-ira appeared more efficient atattenuating (eliminating in many animals) immigration of PMNfrom submucosal vessels into the crypt lamina propria than atattenuating immigration of PMNfrom villi capillaries into thelamina propria occupying the upper half of intestinal villi. Thiscaused the characteristic club-like morphology of the villi (seeFig. 5, B and E), with localized edema. The reason for this"compartmentalization" of the inflammatory response remainsunclear. However, it is possible that long range triggering ofPMNextravasation requires a full cascade of inflammatory cy-tokines, IL-1 playing a major role in this process. On the otherhand, elicitation of short range extravasation of PMNfrom villicapillaries may somewhat bypass the need for IL-1. It has re-cently been shown in vitro that infected epithelial cells or epithe-lial cells exposed to LPS are able to produce inflammatorycytokines, including the potent chemokine IL-8 (37, 38). Re-cent work indicates that Shigella dysenteriae, upon invasion ofhuman colon epithelial cells, induces expression of IL-8, MCP-1, GM-CSF, and TNFa (39). A similar situation in vivo maylead to direct inflammation through the epithelium by invadingmicroorganisms. However, based on the present experiments,it appears obvious that IL-i -mediated long range inflammatoryresponse is much more deleterious for tissues.

These observations validate the hypothesis that IL-I playsa significant physiopathological role in shigellosis and that themacrophage, which is a major producer of IL-1 (40), is a keyplayer in the pathogenesis of this disease, particularly in thelymphoid structures associated with the intestinal mucosa. Inthe current experimental system, after 8 h of intestinal infectionin ligated loops, it is difficult to demonstrate a different reactiv-ity of the lymphoid structures of Peyer's patches and of thevillous intestine. Ligation of the intestine and high bacterialinoculum artificially facilitate invasion of the intestinal barrier.A closer model to human shigellosis is intragastric infection ofmacaque monkeys, followed by endoscopic observation of thecolo-rectal mucosa as the disease develops (3). However, theseexperiments are almost impossible to achieve, particularly ifconstant infusion of IL-Ira needs to be maintained. The rabbitmodel, within well-defined limits, allows to draw conclusionson the role of IL-1 which would need definitive confirmationin a human trial as also suggested for IBD.

Webelieve that based on these observations, there is nowsolid ground to draw a parallel between shigellosis and someacute forms of IBD, particularly ulcerative colitis. In supportof this idea, it is worth noting that the deleterious effect of

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IL-1 in experimental shigellosis appears rather specific of thecausating pathogen Shigella. Indeed, in many other models ofinfection, such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Klebsiellapneumoniae (41), Listeria monocytogenes (42), Salmonellatyphimurium (43), Escherichia coli (44, 45), and Mycobacte-rium avium (46), IL-i was shown to play a protective role, andIL-I blockade was reported to exacerbate the infectious process(47, 48). This indicates that, as in IBDs, destructive inflamma-tion is the predominant feature of shigellosis. Whether colonicdestruction is the price to pay to eradicate Shigella from tissues,or whether these bacteria, even at low inoculum, can generatemassive uncontrolled inflammation, remains to be analyzed.

Finally, it is not at all clear how shigellosis resolves. It asbeen shown that healthy human volunteers receiving E. coliendotoxin showed plasma levels of IL-1p6 peaking at 79 pg/ml,whereas their levels of IL-Ira, 1-3 h later were 100-foldhigher (49)..This excess amount of IL-lra may be sufficient toantagonize the biological effect of IL-1/3. Moreover, in acutelyill surgical patients, very high levels of IL-ira (i.e., 54,300pg/ml) have been observed (50). This indicates that seriousconditions (with or without sepsis) may cause circulating levelsof IL-ira equivalent to those obtained by perfusion, rangingbetween 1 and 10 mg/kg per h. Wecan therefore speculate thata physiological increase of IL-ira to high titers may be observedin the course of severe sepsis such as shigellosis. IL-ira titersproduced locally by intestinal mononuclear cells and possiblyother cell populations may account for efficient antagonism ofIL-1p6, thus leading to healing.


Weare extremely indebted to Synergen, especially, Dr. James L. Van-nice for his generous provision of recombinant IL-Ira. It is obvious thatwithout their help, this work would not have been possible. Wealsowish to thank Catherine Fitting for cytokine measurement, NicoleWuscher for her expertise in histopathological studies, and Colette Jac-quemin for the editing of this manuscript.

This work was in part funded by the European Union (EEC grantNo. BI02 - CT 92-0134).


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