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Page 1: Internal DSLs in Scala

Internal DSLs in Scala

Andrey Adamovich


Page 2: Internal DSLs in Scala

What’s in this presentation?

� Definition and usage of DSLs

� Overview of Scala features that can

be used to create internal DSL

� Examples of Scala-based DSLs

� Some links and reading material

� Questions

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What is DSL?

DDDDomain-SSSSpecific LLLLanguage

A Domain-Specific Language is a programming language or

executable specification language that offers, through

appropriate notations and abstractions, expressive power

focused on, and usually restricted to, a particular problem


The opposite is:

• a general-purpose programming language, such as C,

Java or Python,

• or a general-purpose modeling language such as the

Unified Modeling Language (UML).

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Examples of DSL

� Examples of domain-specific languages include:


� LogoLogoLogoLogo for children,

� VerilogVerilogVerilogVerilog and VHDLVHDLVHDLVHDL hardware description languages,

� MataMataMataMata for matrix programming,

� MathematicaMathematicaMathematicaMathematica and MaximaMaximaMaximaMaxima for symbolic mathematics,

� spreadsheet formulas and macros,

� SQLSQLSQLSQL for relational database queries,

� YACCYACCYACCYACC grammars for creating parsers,

� regularregularregularregular expressionsexpressionsexpressionsexpressions for specifying lexers,

� the GenericGenericGenericGeneric EclipseEclipseEclipseEclipse ModelingModelingModelingModeling SystemSystemSystemSystem for creating

diagramming languages,

� CsoundCsoundCsoundCsound for sound and music synthesis,

� and the input languages of GraphVizGraphVizGraphVizGraphViz and GrGenGrGenGrGenGrGen,

software packages used for graph layout and graph


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Goals of DSL

� Use a more expressive more expressive more expressive more expressive language than a general-

purpose one

� Share a common metaphor of common metaphor of common metaphor of common metaphor of understanding understanding understanding understanding

between developers and subject matter experts

� Have domain experts help domain experts help domain experts help domain experts help with the design of the

business logic of an application

� Avoid cluttering business code with too much too much too much too much

boilerplate technical boilerplate technical boilerplate technical boilerplate technical code code code code thanks to a clean


� Let business rules have their own lifecycleown lifecycleown lifecycleown lifecycle

Guillaume LaforgeGroovy Project Manager

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What is internal DSL?

Internal DSLs are particular ways

of using a host language to give

the host language the feel of a

particular language

Martin Fowler

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Library vs. DSL

� Is there any difference between a

well-structured library or API and an

internal DSL?

� Not much, except for the following:

• Internal DSL does not look like code in

host language

• It’s more readable in general and is

much closer to natural language

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Fluent API

In software engineering, a fluent interface

(as first coined by Eric Evans and Martin

Fowler) is an implementation of an object

oriented API that aims to provide for more

readable code.

A fluent interface is normally

implemented by using method chaining

to relay the instruction context of a

subsequent call (but a fluent interface

entails more than just method chaining).

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Fluent API examples


Guava http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/


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Features of Scala

� Lightweight syntax

� Combines functional and object-

oriented aproaches

� Advanced type system: everything

has a type

� Strong type inference

� Performance comparable to Java

� Fully interoperable with Java

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What makes internal DSL possible

in Scala?

� ”Dot-free”, infix and postfix operator


� ”Bracket-free” function calls

� (Almost) any character can be used

in method names

� Implicit conversions

� Advanced type system

� By-name parameters and currying

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Lightweight syntax

val numbers = List(1, 2, 3)

numbers map { x => x + 1 }

numbers sortWith { (x, y) => x > y }

numbers map { _ + 1 } sortWith { _ > _ }

numbers size

Page 15: Internal DSLs in Scala

Implicit conversions

Map( "first" -> "Test", "second" -> "Code" )

/* Defines a new method 'sort' for array objects */

object implicits extends Application {

implicit def arrayWrapper[A : ClassManifest](x: Array[A]) =

new {

def sort(p: (A, A) => Boolean) = {

util.Sorting.stableSort(x, p); x



val x = Array(2, 3, 1, 4)

println("x = "+ x.sort((x: Int, y: Int) => x < y))


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By-name parameters

debug("This" + " is" + " very" + " costly!")

def debug(msg: => String): Unit =

if (isDebugEnabled()) println(msg)

spawn(println("I run in different thread!"))

def spawn(p: => Unit) = {

val t = new Thread() { override def run() = p }



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Curryng I

In mathematics and computer science,

currying is the technique of

transforming a function that takes

multiple arguments (or an n-tuple of

arguments) in such a way that it can be

called as a chain of functions chain of functions chain of functions chain of functions each with

a single argument (partial application).

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Curryng II

using(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("file"))) { r =>

var count = 0

while (r.readLine != null) count += 1



def using[T <: { def close() }]

(resource: T)

(block: T => Unit)


try {


} finally {

if (resource != null) resource.close()



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Advanced type system

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object ScalaBasicRunner extends Baysick with Application {

10 PRINT "Scala"

20 LET ('number := 1)

30 IF 'number > 0 THEN 50

40 PRINT "Java"

50 PRINT "rulez!"

60 END




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Time DSL

import org.scala_tools.time.Imports._



DateTime.now + 2.months

DateTime.nextMonth < DateTime.now + 2.months

DateTime.now to DateTime.tomorrow

(DateTime.now to DateTime.nextSecond).millis

2.hours + 45.minutes + 10.seconds

(2.hours + 45.minutes + 10.seconds).millis

2.months + 3.days

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Spring Integration DSL

val messageFlow =

filter using

{ payload: String => payload == "World" } -->

transform using

{ payload: String => "Hello " + payload } -->

handle using

{ payload: String => println(payload) }


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DSLs in Action

Debasish Ghosh

Programming in Scala, Second Edition

Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, and Bill Venners

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� http://www.scala-lang.org/

� https://github.com/jorgeortiz85/scala-time

� http://blog.springsource.org/2012/03/05/introducing-spring-integration-scala-dsl/

� http://blog.fogus.me/2009/03/26/baysick-a-scala-dsl-implementing-basic/

� http://habrahabr.ru/post/98288/

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