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Guru Gobind Singh Foundation’s

GURU GOBIND SINGH POLYTECHNIC.NASHIK (Approved by AICTE,Govt.of Maharashtra & DTE Mumbai, Affiliate to MSBTE,Nashik.)





ISBN: 978-81-944855-1-3

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Published By:

A.R. Research Publication

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Conference World and AR Research Publication is fast growing group of academicians in Engineering,

Sciences and Management. AR Research Publication is also known for fast reply and zero error work.

Conference world has organized a various conferences at renowned places namely Delhi University;

New Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University; New Delhi, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry New

Delhi, YMCA New Delhi, India International Centre New Delhi Sri Venkateswara college of

Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh, Dhananjay Mahadik Group of Institutions (BIMAT),

Shivaji University, Maharashtra, Vedant Engineering Kota and many more places across the country.

We are very pleased to introduce the proceedings of the “International Conference on Science,

Technology and Management (ICSTM-2020)”. As For Previous conferences, the theme was the link

between the information provided by conference world and the use made of this information in

assessing structural integrity. These were the issues addressed by the papers presented at the

conference. The level of interest in the subject matter of the conference was maintained from previous

events and over 72 suitable papers were submitted for presentation at the conference.

Papers were well represented in the conference to arouse a high level of international interest. Three

countries were represented in the final program from Europe, North America and Asia. In the event, the

conference was highly successful. The presented papers maintained the high promise suggested by the

written abstracts and the program was chaired in a professional and efficient way by the session

chairmen who were selected for their international standing in the subject. The number of delegates was

also highly gratifying, showing the high level of international interest in the subject. This is also

indicated by the large number of countries, 04 represented by the delegates. This Proceeding provides

the permanent record of what was presented. They indicate the state of development at the time of

writing of all aspects of this important topic and will be invaluable to all workers in the field for that

reason. Finally, it is appropriate that we record our thanks to our fellow members of the Technical

Organizing Committee for encouraging participation from those areas. We are also indebted to those

who served as chairmen, without their support, the conference could not have been the success that it

was. We also acknowledge the authors themselves, without whose expert input there would have been

no conference. Their efforts made a great contribution to its success.

Proceeding of the conference has been published with ISBN: 978-81-944855-1-3

“International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2020)”was organized

at Guru Gobind Singh Foundation’s, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Nashik, India on 15th


February 2020.

Total __ papers were received for the conference and __papers were shortlisted by the committee.

Page 4: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY …proceeding.conferenceworld.in/ICSTM2020/Preface.pdf · “International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2020)”was


ABOUT Guru Gobind Singh Foundation, Nashik

GGSF is a registered Non- minority service organization established among the youth, to develop a

sense of discipline which is important to mould them as innovative learner‘s intellectuals with social


GGSF has been instrumental in setting example of imparting education with high standards within

nominal cost in Nashik city. GGSF spotted the chinks in the armor of education system in Nashik and

went about changing it to make it more effective, productive, contempary, progressive and powerful.

President Sardar Gurdev Singhji Birdi has been leading this Institute from 2000 he believes- ―You take

care of the society and society will reciprocate. You are not in isolation nor in your family, it is all part

of society and growth is independent‘. He believes that any duty towards Foundation should be done

with honesty and responsibility. He believes knowledge is core strength of society, GGSF Institute

follows this philosophy by serving the society in its own humble way and endeavor to be ‗Perfect


Intuitions belongs to our Group

Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic Nashik

Guru Gobind Singh College of Engineering and Research Centre Nashik

Guru Gobind Singh Public School & Junior College Nashik.

About Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic, Nashik.

―We Transform Youngsters by Creating Intellectuals and Innovative Learners with social



An Institute striving for excellence in providing transformative Education and enhancing

multidisciplinary skills for developing Intellectual, Innovative and Quality Technician / Engineer /

Entrepreneur which will benefit the Society and the Industrial challenges.


To be a Technical Educational Institute in transforming aspiring Technicians/ Engineers through

rigorous coursework and Technical skills, by providing understanding of the needs of Society and


To benchmark with the best global standards of Quality Education.

To enhance the commitment of faculty staff and Students by inculcating the spirit of

inquisitiveness, teamwork, innovation and professionalism.

Establish a center of excellence to enhance Academia-Industry partnership work on collaborative

projects and encourage students to develop micro projects and patents.

To develop globally competent students by enhancing indigenous technologies and inculcating

entrepreneurship quality in them.


Student Centric Learning

Professional Development & Scholarships

Integrity & Ethics

Innovation & Flexibility

Team work & Collaboration

Page 5: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY …proceeding.conferenceworld.in/ICSTM2020/Preface.pdf · “International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2020)”was



Guru Gobind Singh Foundation is now more than 4 decades old in Nashik. It‘s the Foundation which is

efficiently managed by elected committee, by Sikh citizens of Nashik democratically. They have

demonstrated that this institute can be managed successfully and peacefully. We started as humble

school and soon began to grow into mighty chain of Institute having School, Polytechnic and

Engineering Institutes in 12 acres of land which has been carved out of landed donated by members of

foundation. Thanks to the untiring commitment and dedicated students their parents and staff of GGSF,

Today the Institute has come long way to be regarded as among reputed academic center in Nashik.

Today our vision is to provide quality education even to the poorest of poor, cutting across all barriers

of caste, creed and religion.

I thank all members of Foundation, Management Committee Members, Students and staff who have

worked hard to make this Institute best in Nashik.

With Best Wishes

S.Gurdev Singh Birdi

President GGSF

Page 6: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY …proceeding.conferenceworld.in/ICSTM2020/Preface.pdf · “International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2020)”was



21st Century will be century of Imparting and Exchanging Knowledge. Education makes man

knowledgeable and aware about his environment. Guru Gobind Singh Foundation is first step of our

promise to the students to create intellectuals who are Innovative learners and socially committed, at

same time they are financially independent and also dignified and honorable Indian citizens.

At Guru Gobind Singh Foundation teaching faculty hails from best educational Institutions all over

India, having set global standards of education. We are also leaders in molding the career of students by

imparting strict discipline and make them ready to face challenges in the ever changing world with

multi disciplinary growth of human knowledge.

At every step we have the support and motivation provided by the confident parents, dedicated teachers

and committed students. Today GGSF has grown from strength to strength with ethical professional

practices and is recognized as reputed name in Education.

Today my vision is set on raising the stature of GGSF of being one of most professionally managed,

ultramodern student centric institute at National and International Forum.

The task is difficult and path is Grueling but I have two things which keep me going, ―One my parents

words of motivation and other unstinted support of Management committee and members of


With Best Wishes

Permindur Singh


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It is my privilege to warmly welcome you our college, Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic (GGSP), which

is an institution having a commitment towards quality education. With the inspiring thought of Guru

Gobind Singh, Society has laid a Guru Gobind Singh Foundation to provide education in the field of


We at GGSP continuously keep our students updated on new technologies. The key Innovation, we

create an environment in the institute where students are motivated to think of innovative ideas and are

encouraged to put these ideas in their project work.

I congratulate the faculty, non-teaching staff, students, parents and our industrial partners for the

sincere efforts put in by them to achieve this milestone.

We very much look forward to welcome you as our students in your expedition for lifelong learning.

With best wishes



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It is my great pleasure to present the proceedings of the International Conference on "Science

Technology & Managment", ICSTM-2020. We were honored to have Hon.G.S.Birdi, Hon.Balbirsingh

Chhabra, Prof.S.R.Upasani Principal Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic Nashik as the Key Note Speaker

on this special occasion.

We have received 83 research papers and after review 50 papers were accepted. These 50 papers were

presented in different categories of 2 oral sessions. ICSTM-2020 covered four major areas of Science

Technology & Management.

As the convener of the conference, I extend my gratitude to Chief Patron Hon.G.S.Birdi ,

Hon.Balbirsingh Chhabra, Hon. Harjeet Singh Aanand, Hon. Permindur Singh. I would like to thank

technical program committee, local organizing committee, volunteers and the Electrical Faculty

members of the Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic for their dedicated support.

Finally I would like to thank all the authors, volunteers and persons who directly or indirectly \

contributed to the conference. I like to thankful our CEO Hon.Permindur Singh & Principal

Prof.S.R.Upasani for giving me the opportunity to conduct this conference.

With best wishes


(Conference Convener-ICSTM-2020)

Page 9: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY …proceeding.conferenceworld.in/ICSTM2020/Preface.pdf · “International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2020)”was


Hon. Chief Patron G.S.Birdi ,

Balbirsingh Chhabra

Harjeet Singh Aanand

Permindur Singh

Patron Permindur Singh, Dr. S. D. Kalpande

Chief Guest

Er. Kailas Pawar

Pawar Patkar Assosciates, Nashik.

Keynote Speaker

Dr. O. G. Kulkarni

Scientist & Mentor

Dr. Suryakant Patil

Director PSP-IP Pune


Principal Guru Gobind Singh Polytechnic Nashik

Conference Convener Prof.Sunil Magan More

Prof.Pravin S Khade

Session Chair

Dr. Chandrakant Y. Seemikery

Organizing Committee Prof. S.R.Upasani Mrs. A.R.Shandilya Prof. Sunil Magan More Prof.A.A.Shaikh

Prof. Pravin Khade Mr.K.P.Suryvanshi Ms. D. R. Dhagate Ms. R.S.Kadam Ms. Parneet Kaur Mr.Aniket Patil Mr. Pankaj Dadhich Mr. Mayer Joshi Mr. A. R. Gaikwad Ms.Renuka Desai Mrs.K.P.Mungad Ms.Aliza

Mr. Vishal Patil Ms.Alisha Nandwani Mrs. Vishakha Pawar Mr. O.A.Hussain Ms. Smita Shimpi Mrs.V.M.Ambekar Mr. Pappu Yadav Mrs.Priti Kudal

National Advisory Board Dr. D. P. Bandgar, Former Vice-Chancellor, Kolhapur University, Kolhapur

Dr. V. S. Jamode, Former-Pro Vice Chancellor, SGBAU Amravati

Dr. J. A. Tidke, Former -Pro Vice Chancellor and HOD, Botany SGBAU Amravati..

Dr. P. Y. Bhogaonkar, Former – Director, GVISH Amravati

Dr. P. R. Solanki, Secretary K.V.K. Badnera.

Dr. T. R. Sahu, Prof. & Head, School of life Science Sagar.

Dr.S.V.Moharil ,Former Professor and Head PGTD RTM Nagpur

Dr.V.S.Deogaonkar, Former Professor and Head Shivaji college Amravati

Dr. M. S. Ali, Principal, Ram Meghe College, of Engineering, Badnera

Dr. D. G. Bhadange, Former Principal, Sci. College, Shirpur –Jain.

Dr. R. O. Dusane, IIT Pawai.

Page 10: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY …proceeding.conferenceworld.in/ICSTM2020/Preface.pdf · “International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2020)”was


Dr. S. S. Bhoga PGTD, RTM Nagpur.

Dr. P. K. Bute, Prof. Kamla Nehru Mv. Nagpur.

Dr. S. P. Deshpande, IPRL, Ahemdabad.

Dr. Shital Dandale, Hyderabad.

Dr. Milind Raut, Reddy Lab. Hyderabad.

Dr. A. K. Pandey, Principal Scientist, NBFGR Lacknow.

Dr. S. K. Ladhke, Principal, Cipana College of Engineering, Amravti

Dr. R. J. Andrews, President, South Asian Association of Odonatalogy Nagpur.

Dr. R. C. Kapil Professor & Head, Physical Education, HVPM Amravati

Dr. P. B. Raghuwanshi , Professor, Biyani College, Amravati

Dr. Rajesh Singh, Professor. SGBAU Amravati.

Dr. B. M. Suryawanshi, Institute of Sci., Nagpur.

Dr. K. V. Rewatkar, Ambedkar College Nagpur.

Dr. S. P. Patil, Head, Dept of Physics, Sandeep Foundation Nashik.

Dr. Shri Ram, Ex-Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics, IIT-BHU, Varanasi

Dr. K.S. Adhav, Professor and Head, Deptt. of Mathematics,

Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Amarkantak

Dr. G.S. Khadekar, Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics,

RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur

Dr. S.D. Katore, Professor and Head,

Department of Mathematics, SGBAU Amravati

Dr. D.D. Pawar, Director, School of Mathematical Sciences, SRTM University, Nanded

Dr. Mrs. M.P. Wasadikar, Professor and Head, Department of Mathematics,

Dr. C.P. Singh, Department of Mathematics, Delhi Technological University, Delhi

International Advisory Board Dr. Samia Nasr, Tunisia. Association of Crystallography

Dr. Hamod Chebi, P,G.Deptt. of Chemistry Tunesia.

Dr. Sofiane BOUACIDA, Algeria.

Dr. Areej ,Deptt of Crystallography Jorden

Dr. Christelle Djimeli , Camaroon.

Dr. Ajmal Pathan, Software Engineer Consultancy Kenia.

Dr. Jokopovic, Mushroom Medicinal society Croatia.

Dr. V. A. Jambhekar, Marine Engineering Germany.

Dr. P.K. Sahoo, Head, Department of Mathematics,

BITS-Pilani, Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad

Dr. Mrs. P. V. Jambhekar, Cancer Research Institute, Germany.

Dr. Wahid Akhtar, COMSATS Institute , Pakistan.

Dr. Chandana Unithen, Deqkin University Austrelia.

Dr. Nilesh K Heda ,Post. Doctorate. Wageningen University, Netherland

Dr. Anshuman Dalvi, BITS Pillani.

Dr. R. P. Tondon, Delhi Uni. Delhi.

Ms. Pratiksha D.Dongare, Rice University U.S.A.

Dr. Bhekisipho Twala, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Dr. Sisil Kumarawadu, Univeristy of Moratuwa, Srilanka

Dr. Ahmed Zobaa, Brunel University, London

Prof. Akhtar Kalam, Victoria University, Australia

Dr. G. Mohan Kumar, Dongguk University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Dr. AR Abdul Razak, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Dubai

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Advisory Committee

Dr. F. C. Raghuwanshi, Dean, Faculty Science, SGBAU & Principal V.B.M.V. Amravati.

Dr. D. G. Wakode, Director, Dr. P. R. Pote College of Engineering, Amravati

Dr. U. S. Chaudhary, Director, Shivaji Agro Biotech College Amravati.

Dr. S. K. Omanwar, Head and Professor, Deptt. Of Physics SGBAU Amravati.

Dr. A. U. Pachkhede, Former Head, Dept. of Botany, Biyani Science College Amravati.

Dr. Mrs. M. K. Kulkarni, Principal, Shivaji Mv., Asegaon-Purna

Dr. V. M. Thakre, Head and Professor, COMP Dept SGBAU Amravati.

Dr. V. G. Thakare .Principal,Shivaji Science College, Amravati

Dr. K. K. Tapar ,Principal, Vidya Bharati Pharmacy College, Amravati

Dr. A. G. Moharil,Principal, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Amravati

Dr. D. H. Kale Principal, College of Social work, Badnera

Dr. V. K. Morya, Principal, Govt. Pharmacy College, Amravati

Dr. S. G. Chapake Principal, LRT College, Akola

Dr. A. P. Charjan Principal, R. G. Rathod Sci. College, Murtizapur

Dr. R. M. Sadan Principal, Nehru Mv. Nerparsopant

Dr. R. A. Mishra Principal, Amlokchand Mv. Yeotmal

Dr. S. G. Bhadange Principal, Shivaji College, Akola

Dr. V. D. Nanoty Principal, RLT College, Akola

Dr. D. P. Rohankar ,Principal, Jagdamba Mv., Achalpur

Dr. Varishtha Chaube ,Principal, Radhabai Sarda College, Anjangaon Surji

Dr. S. S. Thakare. Principal, Rajshri Shahu Sci. College, Chandur-Railway

Dr. J. M. Sabu Principal, Shankarlal Khandelwal College, Akola

Dr. G. N. Parihar Principal, MES College, Mehakar

Dr. N. B. Bhusari Principal, Shivaji College, Chikhali

Dr. V. N. Shrikhande Principal, Rajendra Gode College of Pharmacy Malkapur

Dr. P. M. Nagarkar Principal, Dr. Sudhakar Naik Institute of Pharmacy, Pusad

Dr. M. M. Sancheti Principal, R. A. College, Washim

Dr. N. S.Thakare Principal, S.P.M. College, Manora

Dr. V. R. Bhonde Principal, Y.C. College Mangrulpir

Dr. U. R. Jane Principal, Arts & Sci. College, Kamargaon

Dr. J. B. Devhade Principal, Pushpadevi Patil College, Risod

Dr. Vivek Gulhane Principal, Padmprabhu College, Anshing

Dr. Subhash Gawai, Principal, Dhabekar College, Karanja Lad.

Dr. V. B. Raut, Principal, M. M. Mv. Darwha.

Dr. D. T. Tayade, Assoc. Professor, GVISH, Amravati

Dr. Debenath ,Principal, HVPM Amravati

Dr. V. N. Waghmare, SITRC Nashik.

Dr. A. B. Lad, Amolakchand Mv. Yeotmal.

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Published by

AR Research Publication,

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“International Conference on Science, Technology and Management (ICSTM-2020)”. Vol 1 © 2020, by

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