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Barkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

“Barkly International College (BIC) is an English language and Vocational Education and Training (VET) institute based in Melbourne. Its campuses are conveniently located in the Central Business District (CBD) of Melbourne, with easy access to public transport.

In addition to being conveniently located, campuses are equipped with modern style class-rooms, library resources, student recreational areas including kitchen facilities and computer labs with free access to internet and email.


Barkly International College Pty Ltd strives to offer affordable and high quality education in a friendly environment.

BIC regularly organises extra activities outside of class, which give students the opportunity to discover some of Australia’s most beautiful places. All activities are run by BIC staff members who ensure an English speaking environment at all times. Other activities include Conversation Club, Movie Club, Job Club and group sporting activities. The atmosphere at BIC is very student friendly.

BIC teachers and administration staff are always happy to help students with any problems which they may face and work to make the students feel at home in the BIC family!

Level 1, 377 Lonsdale StreetMelbourne, VIC 3000

(03) 9600 2996

Level 1, 377 Lonsdale StreetMelbourne, VIC 3000

49 Henderson Street,North Melbourne, Victoria 3051

(03) 9600 2996

49 Henderson Street,North Melbourne, Victoria 3051

[email protected]

[email protected]


1. ACADEMIC STAFFWe understand that successful trainer and assessors equals successful course completion! This is why BIC’s trainer and assessor selection and recruitment is rigorous. Our commitment to you is to engage with only experi-enced, passionate and committed trainer and assessors.

4. STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICESThe Student Support officers comprise of professional and friendly staff qualified to assist students in a broad range of areas, including accommodation arrangements, meet-ing other students, job search and career advice and coun-selling. The service is free and confidential. Appointments can be made at reception.

5. FACILITIESFree internet access, student email, IT support is available for all students enrolled at BIC. A student lounge and a student dining area provides the students with a place to rest and recharge.

2. STUDY SUPPORTBIC offers Study Skill Sessions for its students, which in-clude academic and report writing, computer literacy and time management skills. The aim of the Study Skills Ses-sions is to support students in achiev ing successful course outcomes as well as preparing students for further study.

3. OPTIONS FOR FURTHER STUDYInternal and external pathways for our English, vocational and higher education programs provide our students with reliable and valid routes to transition from one level, or field of study, to the next.

Barkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195



www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195


Business qualifications reflect the role of individuals with substantial experience in a range of settings who are seeking to further develop their skills across a wide range of business functions. This qualification is also suited to the needs of individu-als with little or no vocational experience, but who possess sound theoretical busi-ness skills and knowledge that they would like to develop in order to create further educational and employment opportunities.


Course Duration : 26 weeksDelivery Hours : 480 Hours

Employment PathwayProvides participants with the skills to obtain the following occupational position as a qualied Manager, Executive Of cer or Supervisor.


Unit Code Unit Description

BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selectionand induction processes

BSBADM506 Manage business documentdesign and development

BSBWOR502 Lead and manage teameffectiveness

BSBWOR501 Manage personal work prioritiesand professional development

BSBMGT502 Manage people performance

BSBRSK501 Manage risk

BSBPMG522 Undertake project work

BSBADM502 Manage meetings


Course Duration : 26 weeksDelivery Hours : 420 Hours

Employment PathwayProvides participants with the skills to obtain the following occupational position as a team leader, project leader or to start their own business.


Unit Code Unit Description

Core Unit

Elective Units

BSBWHS401Implement and monitor WHSpolicies, procedures and programsto meet legislative requirements

BSBMKG413 Promote products and services

BSBCUS401Manage personal work prioritiesand professional development

BSBHRM405Support the recruitment, selectionand induction of staff

BSBCUS402 Address customer needs

BSBCUS403 Implement customer servicestandards

BSBCMM401 Make a presentation

BSBMGT401 Show leadership in the workplace

BSBMGT402 Implement operational plan

BSBMGT403 Implement continuous improvement


Course Duration : 50 weeksDelivery Hours : 800 Hours

Employment Pathway

The best way

is to create it.to predict the future

Provides participants specialisedknowledge and skills, togetherwith experience in leadershipand management, across a rangeof enterprise and industry contexts.

Core UnitsBSBFIM601




Elective UnitsBSBMGT616



Manage Finances

Lead and manage organisational change

Provide leadership across the orgranisation

Develop and implement a business plan

Develop and implement strategic plans

Develop organisational marketing objectives

Develop a marketing plan




Manage Risk

Optimise customer engagement operations

Manage knowledge and information



Develop and maintain a service level strategy

Manage human resources strategic planning

Unit Code Unit Description


Barkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195


www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

These qualifications reflect the roles of individuals working in a variety of marketing positions across different industry sectors that possess a sound the-oretical knowledge base and demonstrate a range of managerial skills.

Participants will be provided with a sound theoreti-cal knowledge base in marketing and communica-tion and will be equipped with a range of manage-rial skills to ensure that functions are effectively con-ducted in an organisation or business marketing environment.

Participants will develop the skills and knowledge necessary in managing marketing communica-tions and brand support activities within organisa-tions.


Entry Requirements

All students must be of the age of 18 years or over at the time of applying for admission at Barkly Inter-national College.IELTS band score of 5.5 or equivalent in line with DHA regulations.Satisfactory completion of studies in applicant’s home country equivalent to an Australian Year 12 qualifications is required for entry into all courses.Mature age students will also be considered without the minimum education requirements but with relevant work experience within chosen area of study and a demonstrated capacity to meet course requirements. A minimum of 5 years’ experience would normally be expected but each case will be reviewed individually with relevant work experience evidenced by work reference letter on company letterhead, work samples and curriculum vitae submitted will be considered.considered.A Language, Literacy, Numeracy, (LLN) assessment must be under-taken by all International Students to assign them into the correct course level.

Monthly intakes for International students occur on the 1st of every month.

Recognition of Prior Learning and credit for prior studies is available to all students who wish to apply. For further information please contact [email protected].

No application or enrolment fees apply. For further information on fees please contact [email protected].

Intake Dates

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)


www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195



so usefulpeople would

www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195



Barkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195



Course Duration : 60 weeksDelivery Hours : 1140 Hours




www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

Cars are the


SCULPTURESof our everyday

www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

Those undertaking the Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis must have completed an automotive mechanical Cer-tificate III qualification, or be able to demonstrate equivalent competency.

All students must be 18 years of age or over at the time of apply-ing for admission at Barkly International College.

IELTS band score of 5.5 or equivalent in line with DHA regulations.

Satisfactory completion of studies in applicant’s home country equivalent to an Australian Year 12 quali cation is required for entry into all courses.

MaturMature age students will also be considered without the mini-mum education requirements but with relevant work experience within chosen area of study and a demon- strated capacity to meet course requirements. A minimum of 5 years’ experience would normally be expected but each case will be reviewed indi-vidually with relevant work experience evidenced by work refer-ence letter on company letterhead, work samples and curriculum vitae submitted will be considered.

A Language, Literacy, Numeracy (LLN) assessment must be un-dertaken by all International Students to assign them into the correct course level.

Monthly intakes for International students occur on the 1st of every month.

Recognition of Prior Learning and credit for prior studies is available to all students who wish to apply. For further information please con-tact [email protected].

No application or enrolment fees apply. For further information on fees please contact [email protected].

Entry Requirements

Intake Dates

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)




www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195


Melbourne is the capital of the State of Victoria. It is situated on the Yarra River and around Port Phillip Bay with its beautiful beaches and water sports facilities. It is a beautiful spacious city with all the parks, gardens, sporting venues and scenic places that Australian space and natural resources allow.

MelbournMelbourne is a world-renowned cultural, artistic, fin-nancial and communications centre served by an inter-national airport, a cargo and passenger seaport, and rail links to neighbouring States.

Melbourne has been voted the most livable city for 7 years straight from 2011 to 2017.

Melbourne is considered to be the shopping capital of Australia and offers some of Australia’s biggest shop-ping complexes as well as sophisticated, exclusive bou-tiques and a host of lively and popular markets.

One quarter of Melbourne’s population was born over-seas making it one of the world’s most multicultural cities. There are now people from 140 nations living har-moniously together. This broad ethnic mix has brought many benefits to the city including a wide range of cui-sines and over 2,300 elegant restaurants, bistros and cafes. Melbourne has an excellent public transport system with trams, trains and buses providing an ex-tensive network throughout the city and suburbs.

The population is approximately 4 million. Melbourne is a sprawling city with suburbs extending up to 50km from the centre of the city.

The city centre is on the banks of the Yarra River, 5km from Port Phillip Bay.

The city centre features world class Department stores Historical architecture Theatres, galleries and arts centres

Melbourne is only a short distance from many beautiful beaches as well as the Victorian mountain regions, where skiing is popular during winter.

TThe city and surrounding suburbs are well serviced by a public transport network of buses, trains and trams.

A multicultural city enriched by 170 ethnic groups. Sometimes called the culinary capital of Australia, Melbourne has a vast array of restaurants, offering a variety of international cuisine.

BustlinBustling Chinatown in the heart of the city, serves up the finest of Asian cuisine and culture. Several other Melbourne streets are dedicated to Vietnamese, Japa-nese, Italian and Greek food - cuisine to suit every palate and many to suit a student’s budget.



www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195


Melbourne enjoys a temperate climate with four dis-tinct seasons in the year - spring, summer, winter and autumn. Below is a guide to the average daily tempera-tures.

Spring September to November 12-22°C Summer December to February 28-32°C Autumn March to May 12-20°C Winter June to August 10-15°C

Melbourne does not have a specific wet season; it can rain at any time of the year.


More than 100 ethnic groups are represented in Austra-lia, making Australia one of the most culturally diverse countries in the world. Australia’s dynamic multicultur-alism can be attributed to its unique combination of In-digenous cultures, early European settlement and im-migration from all parts of the world.

Australians value the wealth of cultural diversity and social sophistication that international students bring to our campuses and our communities. We take great care in looking after international students and helping them to adjust to the Australian way of life. Internation-al students also gain great benefits from their educa-tion in Australia and make lifelong friendships.


www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195



The following types of accommodation are available for International students:

Full Board (Home stay) A$225.00 - A$325.00 per week

Student house A$80.00 - A$100.00 per week

Half - Board A$ 70.00 - A$ 100.00 per week (plus expenses).

Rental/Flat A$165.00 - A$440.00 per week(unfu(unfurnished)

Boarding schools - A$11,000 to A$22,000 a year

On campus - A$90 to A$280 per week

This accommodation can be booked prior to arrival. Two weeks advance notice is required before you depart for Australia. Further details can be obtained from the International Student Welfare Officer.

SoSome useful internet sites for housing are:

http://www.s-h-a.com.au/ http://www.find-studentaccommodation.com/ http://www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au/

There are requirements for compulsory school atten-dance for children or dependents of international stu-dents. In Victoria, it is compulsory for children to attend school until the age of 16. The choice of schools includes public schools, private schools and religious schools.


Melbourne is a reasonably priced city providing good quality affordable living and abundant accommoda-tion. Students will need about A$18,610 per year (ex-cluding tuition) to cover living expenses. According to the Government Website, Study in Australia, Australia is a sophisticated, friendly and affordable country which enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world. The average international student in Austra-lia spends about A$360 per week on accommodation, food, clothing, entertainment, transport, international and domestic travel, telephone, and incidental costs.

The cost of living depends a lot on the kind of accom-modation a student chooses. A married student with dependents will need approximately an additional A$4,000 per year for each dependent.

The lifestyle in Australia is safe and friendly. Australians have a high standard of living. The climate is pleasant, there is plenty of food and the vast natural resources in Australia enable most people to live well.

Fruit,Fruit, vegetables and meat are available fresh and at reasonable prices. Clothing and personal effects are usually good quality and available at a wide variety of prices.

BelBelow is a price table of typical daily items. This is only a guide. Remember that you can shop around for items such as clothing and shoes to find a cheaper source.



$20.00$43 per week


www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

People over the age of 16 can continue to attend school until they have completed year 12. Dependents of persons holding a student visa may be required to pay full fees in any school, college or university that they enrol in whilst in Australia.

Schooling in Australia is a great opportunity for your dependentdependent children to experience another culture and learn English. School aged children (generally age 6-17) can enrol and attend at a Victorian government school for a set fee for the duration of a parent’s visa.

Additional school fees are usually required at Catholic and independent schools. Find out more about interna-tional student fees in Victoria before you arrive.

The Department of Home Affairs publishes a full list of mandatory and discretionary student visa requirements at http://www.immi.gov.au/students/visa-condi-tions-students.htm


Upon arriving in Australia, you are required to advise the CCollege of your residential address and telephone number. You are also obliged to notify the college of any subsequent change in your contact details during the course.


This is extremely important. Under Section 20 of the EduEducation Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000, the College is obliged to serve a notice at your last known address if you breach a student visa condi-tion relating to academic performance. The College may also send warning notices to you which are aimed at helping prevent breaches of your visa conditions. It is your responsibility and in your own interest to ensureensure that you always update your address details at the College to ensure you receive important informa-tion about your course, fees and possible breaches of your student visa.

Additional information on student visa issues is available on the DHA web site at www.immi.gov.au.


Students may initiate a request to defer commence-ment of studies or suspend their studies on the grounds of compassionate or compelling circumstances. Stu-dents wishing to defer the commencement of studies or suspend their studies must apply to do so in writing to the College using the student deferral, suspension or cancellation application form or in writing by email, fax or post. Full details and documentary evidence of the compassionate or compelling circumstances must be included with the application for it to be considered.

If approved, the College will report your deferral of commencement or suspension of studies to DHA which may affect the status of your visa. If you require more information as to how this action may affect your visa status, please contact your local DHA office.


Cancellation of enrolment will trigger the refund arrangements in the Written Agreement between the College and the student. Students who cancel their enrolmentenrolment and think they are due for a refund must also apply for a refund. Refund applications must be made in writing to the College Training Manager. The student refund application form, available from the College, may be used as the written application. Writ-ten applications for refunds will also be accepted by mail or by email. Refunds will be made within 28 days oof receipt of a written application and will include a statement explaining how the refund was calculated.

The College will report your cancellation of studies to DHA which may affect the status of your visa. If you require more information as to how this action may affect your visa status, please contact your local DHA office or phone the DHA helpline 131 881.


www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

RELEVANT LEGISLATIONA range of legislation is applicable to all staff and students. Information on relevant legislation can be found at the following websites.

It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure the requirements of relevant legislation are met at all times. Please make good use of the web sites indicated, or contact the General Manager International if you require further information.

There may be additional, course-specific, legislation that is relevant. Information about this legislation will be communicated during the course.

Occupational Health & Safety https://www.worksafe.vic.gov.au/laws









Equal Opportunity Act 2010

RTO & CRICOS Registration

Education Service for OverseasStudents (ESOS) Act

Department of Immigrationand Border Protection

Education and Training reform Act

National VET Regulator (NVR)

Student Identifiers Act

Department of Home Affair

www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

The College may decide to suspend or cancel a student’s en-rolment on its own initiative as a response to breaching the student code of behaviour through misbehaviour, a poor ac-ademic record by the student. If the College is intending to initiate a suspension or cancellation of enrolment, a warn-ing letter will be sent to the student’s currently notified ad-dress and the student will have 20 working days from the date of the warning letter to complain or appeal against the College suspension or cancellation. The College will report any suspension or cancellation to DHA which may affect the status of your visa. If you require more information as to how this action may affect your visa status, please contact your local DHA office or phone the DHA helpline 131 881.


International students are required by the Government to join a private health insurance scheme. The OSHC premium cover must be paid before a student visa is issued. You will need to pay the OSHC premium at the same time as the tui-tion fees. The OSHC entitles you to free hospital cover and 85% of standard doctor’s fees.

OSHC is also charged on a pro-rata basis for shorter courses.

A Good Choice for StudyThere are more than 50,000 overseas students studying in Australia and each year approximately 15,000 students from the Asia Pacific region arrive in Australia to continue their education. They have chosen Australia for several rea-sons:

• Australia has a high quality education system, the equal of any country in the world

• Australia offers traditional education in reputable schools, colleges and universities

• Awards from Australian institutions of higher education are recognized internationally

•• Australian universities, colleges and schools have estab-lished networks of support to help overseas students

• The Australian education system includes informality and accessibility of academic staff, the availability of computers, small group tutorials and close supervision

• Living costs and tuition costs compare well with other countries and most overseas students are permitted to work part-time.

• Australia is a safe, stable country with a pleasant climate.


TThe College may also decide to defer the commencement of a course. If the College defers the commencement of a course, the provider default conditions in the Written Agree-ment between the College and the student will be trig-gered and the College will be obliged to repay all course money within 14 days of the date of deferral unless alterna-tive arrangements can be made which are acceptable to students.

If approved, the College will report its deferral of com-mencement to Department of Education which may affect the status of your visa. If you require more information as to how this action may affect your visa status, please contact your local DHA office or phone the DHA helpline 131 881.


AAccording to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DHA), you must provide evidence that satisfies the assessment factors applicable to you to be granted a student visa. Assessment factors include your financial abil-ity, English proficiency, likely compliance with the condi-tions of your visa and any other matters considered relevant to assessing your application.

AAdditional information on student visa issues is available on DHA Internet site on http://www.immi.gov.au and the Study in Australia internet site http://www. studyinaustralia.gov-.au/global/apply-to-study/ visas


DHA laws allow students to work for a limited number of hours whilst studying on a student visa in Australia. Once your course has commenced you are permitted to work a maximum of 20 hours per week when your course is in ses-sion, and unlimited hours when your course is not in ses-sion. However, work is not always easy to find and under no circumstances can students rely solely on income earned in Australia to pay tuition fees. Students are not permitted to work if it interferes with their study.


Occupational Health & Safety Workplace

Barkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195




Depression and anxiety support centre (Beyondblue) Phone 1300224636

Melbourne Sexual Health Centre 580 Swanston St, Carlton VIC 3053 Ph. 03 9341 6200

Swanston Street Medical Centre 3/255 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Ph. 03 9205 7500

QV Dental Level 3, Medical One, 23 QV Terrace 292 Swanston St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Ph. 03 9654 2755



Dental On Flinders Suite 2, Level 5, 276 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000



23 David St, Brunswick VIC 3056



Ph. 03 9041 0049

The Centre: Connecting Community in North and West Melbourne Inc.58 Errol St, North Melbourne VIC 3051 Ph. 03 9328 1126

Collins Street Physio MelbournePhysiotherapist Level 4, 520 Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000

Islamic Council of Victoria 66-68 Jeffcott St, West Melbourne VIC 3003

570 Bourke St, Melbourne VIC 3000

https://www.gumtree.com.au/jobs https://www.seek.com.au/

Ph. 1300 792 387

Ph. 03 9629 4299





Study in Australia https://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/english/apply-to-study:

Complaints or problems http://www.ombudsman.gov.au/about/overseas-students:

Equal opportunity http://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/:

Protection of student fees https://tps.gov.au:

Study Information http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/:

Placement assessmentAll students will undertake a placement assessment to ensure they are enrolled in the most suitable course for them. The placement assessment will maximise their opportunity at successfully completing their course of study. Furthermore the placement assessment will determine support strategies and the most suitable training and assessment methods for individual students. All students are also required to complete anan LLN test as part of this assessment, this test will help to identify areas of special needs and assist the college in applying appropriate support for all students.


TThe Education Services for Students Act governs and regu-lates the delivery of education in Australia for overseas stu-dent studying in Australia on a student visa. The National Code sets forth nationally consistent standards that edu-cation providers must comply with regards to course de-livery and the related laws protecting international stu-dents.

Tuition Protection Servicewww.tps.gov.au

The TPS is a government initiative protecting international students in the event that an education provider is unable to ful l their obligation to delivery the agreed course of study. The TPS ensures that international students are abletto complete their study in another course or another edu-cation provider or that they get a refund of their unspent tuition fees.

Refunds and deferments

Barkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

Refer to Refunds and Deferments Policy P.28 V8 on http://barkly-college.vic.edu.au/ policies-and-procdures.html

Tuition Fees

Please contact us at [email protected]. for all current fees.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)If you're thinking about studying or training, think first about what skills you already have. You may be able to reduce the time it takes to get your qualification.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is about the skills and knowledge you've gained through work and life experiences.

FoFor example, working in an office could help you get a certifi-cate in business administration. Working on a farm could count towards a qualification in agriculture or mechanics. Working as a volunteer with teenagers may get you a certificate in youth work. RPL applies for both paid and unpaid work.

Credit for prior studiesYou may be eligible for credit(s) in your chosen course, if you have already met the learning/ competency outcomes through previous learning.

To be eligible for credit towards a course, you must dem-ostrate that you have already completed learning that is:

Relevant Current Satisfies the learning/competency outcomes of the course.

To apply for RPL or credit for prior studies, students must complete the relevant application form and attach copies of certified documentation in support of the application they are submitting.

For further information please visit: www.barklycollege.vic.edu.au or contactPh.:Ph.: 9600 2996


ESOS Framework



www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

Other relevant Policies and Procedureshttp://barklycollege.vic.edu.au/ policies-and-procedures.html

Please visit our website for information on the following:

P4.V4 Applications and Admissions Policy P7.V7 Code of Student Behaviour Policy P11.V4 Credit of Prior Study Policy P25.V4 Recognition of Prior Learning Policy P23. V4 Academic Conduct Plagiarism and Cheating Policy P31.V6 Complaints and Appeals Policy P33.V3 Student Transfer Policy P38.V8 Student Support Welfare Services Policy P10.V8 Course Progress and Intervention Strategy for Inter national Students

Enrolment Process

Wait for one of our staff members to contact you!

1. Please visit us on www.barklycollege.vic.edu.au2. Download and complete the enrolment form3. Attach all the required documents Photocopy of passport

Highest education and relevant academic documents

IELTS or equivalent

English Proficiency (one only)

a. Pre-Intermediate level of English or above

b. IELTS 5.5 or above

c. English Placement test - available for EAL student


4. Email your enrolment form and documents to [email protected]


www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195























www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195











www.barklycollege.vic.edu.auBarkly International College Pty Ltd T/A Barkly International College | CRICOS No.: 03136D | RTO No.: 22238 | ABN: 22 132 320 195

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