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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.Combined Financial Statements December 31, 2010

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Independent Auditor’s Report On The Financial Statements 1

Financial Statements

Combined Statement Of Financial Position 2 – 3 Combined Statement Of Activities 4 – 5 Combined Statement Of Cash Flows 6

Notes To Combined Financial Statements 7 – 19

Independent Auditor’s Report On The Supplementary Information 20

Supplementary Information

Combining Statement Of Financial Position 21 – 22 Combining Statement Of Activities 23 – 24 Combining Statement Of Changes In Net Assets 25

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Independent Auditor’s Report

To the Board of Directors International Youth Foundation and Resources for Youth, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland

We have audited the accompanying combined statement of financial position of International Youth Foundation (IYF) and Resources for Youth, Inc. (RFY) (collectively, the Organization) as of December 31, 2010, and the related combined statements of activities and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Organization’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. The prior year’s summarized comparative information has been derived from the 2009 combined financial statements, and in our report dated April 9, 2010, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those combined financial statements.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards,issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Organization’s internal control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the 2010 combined financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of International Youth Foundation and Resources for Youth, Inc. as of December 31, 2010, and the changes in their net assets and their cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report, dated March 24, 2011, on our consideration of the Organization’s internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts and grant agreements and other matters. The purpose of those reports is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. Those reports are an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be considered in assessing the results of our audit.

Baltimore, Maryland March 24, 2011

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International Youth FoundationAnd Resources For Youth, Inc.

Combined Statement Of Financial PositionDecember 31, 2010 (With Comparative Totals For 2009)

Assets 2010 2009Current Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 5,408,902$ 5,620,878$ Investments (Notes 2 and 12) 7,802,031 6,988,589 Grants receivable, net (Note 3) 17,950,625 13,877,444 Pledges receivable, net (Note 4) 332,096 261,374 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 136,854 71,294

Total current assets 31,630,508 26,819,579

Property And Equipment, net (Note 5) 1,166,376 1,390,984

Noncurrent AssetsInvestments – long term, net (Note 2) 310,018 240,034 Grants receivable, net of current maturities (Note 3) 3,261,083 2,734,081 Pledges receivable, net of current maturities (Note 4) 4,808 33,469 Loans receivable (Note 6) 661,642 502,799

Total noncurrent assets 4,237,551 3,510,383

Total assets 37,034,435 $ 31,720,946 $

See Notes To Combined Financial Statements.

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Liabilities And Net Assets 2010 2009Current Liabilities

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 448,737$ 410,780$ Accrued salaries and related benefits 414,820 366,517 Deferred revenue - 410,709 Grants payable (Note 7) 1,546,221 3,625,432

Total current liabilities 2,409,778 4,813,438

Noncurrent Liabilities Loan payable 200,000 200,000

Grants payable, net of current maturities (Note 7) 110,884 939,221 Total liabilities 2,720,662 5,952,659

Contingency (Note 11)

Net AssetsUnrestricted

Undesignated 1,413,698 332,171 Designated for reserve (Note 8) 6,867,329 6,867,329 Designated for endowment (Notes 8 and 13) 2,000,000 2,000,000

Total unrestricted net assets 10,281,027 9,199,500

Temporarily restricted (Note 9) 23,200,784 15,737,824 Permanently restricted (Note 13) 831,962 830,963

Total net assets 34,313,773 25,768,287

Total liabilities and net assets 37,034,435 $ 31,720,946 $

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International Youth FoundationAnd Resources For Youth, Inc.

Combined Statement Of ActivitiesYear Ended December 31, 2010(With Comparative Totals For 2009)

Temporarily Permanently 2009Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Total

Support and revenue:Grants and contributions 3,370,743 $ 26,415,787 $ 999 $ 29,787,529 $ 21,869,931 $ De-obligations - (575,000) - (575,000) - Investment income, net of investment fees (Note 2) 128,666 39,027 - 167,693 226,983 Other revenue 176,039 37,516 - 213,555 96,539 Net assets released from donor restrictions –

program restriction accomplished (Note 9) 18,678,268 (18,678,268) - - - Total support and revenue 22,353,716 7,239,062 999 29,593,777 22,193,453

Expenses:Program services:

Grants (Note 7) 9,347,655 - - 9,347,655 9,669,681 Salaries and benefits 5,714,205 - - 5,714,205 5,480,595 Consultants 1,937,365 - - 1,937,365 1,580,254 Travel 1,070,733 - - 1,070,733 1,027,038 Office expenses 446,518 - - 446,518 471,048 Other 383,797 - - 383,797 324,626

Total program services 18,900,273 - - 18,900,273 18,553,242

Fundraising:Salaries and benefits 66,005 - - 66,005 117,926 Consultants - - - - 207 Travel 676 - - 676 1,200 Office expenses 7,373 - - 7,373 17,530 Other 802 - - 802 3,497

Total fundraising 74,856 - - 74,856 140,360

General and administrative:Salaries and benefits 2,052,630 - - 2,052,630 2,417,036 Consultants 137,049 - - 137,049 317,959 Travel 92,398 - - 92,398 129,373 Office expenses 291,928 - - 291,928 178,952 Other 649,351 - - 649,351 683,503

Total general and administrative 3,223,356 - - 3,223,356 3,726,823

Total expenses 22,198,485 - - 22,198,485 22,420,425



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International Youth FoundationAnd Resources For Youth, Inc.

Combined Statement Of Activities (Continued)Year Ended December 31, 2010(With Comparative Totals For 2009)

Temporarily Permanently 2009Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Total

Change in net assets before other items 155,231 $ 7,239,062 $ 999 $ 7,395,292 $ (226,972) $

Other items:Realized gains (losses) on sales of investments 239,008 (23,210) - 215,798 (349,862) Unrealized gains on investments 687,288 122,542 - 809,830 1,468,260 Currency gain - 124,566 - 124,566 291,087

Change in net assets 1,081,527 7,462,960 999 8,545,486 1,182,513

Net assets:Beginning 9,199,500 15,737,824 830,963 25,768,287 24,585,774

Ending 10,281,027 $ 23,200,784 $ 831,962 $ 34,313,773 $ 25,768,287 $

See Notes To Combined Financial Statements.


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International Youth FoundationAnd Resources For Youth, Inc.

Combined Statement Of Cash FlowsYear Ended December 31, 2010(With Comparative Totals For 2009)

2010 2009Cash Flows From Operating Activities

Change in net assets 8,545,486$ 1,182,513$ Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash

used in operating activities:Depreciation and amortization 249,219 250,689 Realized (gains) losses on sales of investments (215,798) 349,862 Unrealized (gains) on investments (810,861) (1,468,260) Changes in assets and liabilities:

(Increase) decrease in:Grants receivable (4,600,183) 2,674,876 Pledges receivable (42,061) 130,698 Prepaid expenses and other current assets (65,560) 18,011 Translation adjustment on loans receivable (19,186) (51,512)

Increase (decrease) in:Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 37,957 (26,390) Accrued salaries and related benefits 48,303 (66,453) Deferred revenue (410,709) 410,709 Grants payable (2,907,548) (3,309,434)

Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities (190,941) 95,309

Cash Flows From Investing ActivitiesPurchase of property and equipment (24,611) - Purchase of investments (3,458,195) (2,000,740) Proceeds from sale of investments 3,601,428 5,215,471 Issuance of loans receivable (200,000) - Collections on loans receivable 60,343 -

Net cash (used in) provided by investing activities (21,035) 3,214,731

Cash Flows From Financing ActivitiesProceeds from loan payable - 200,000

Net cash provided by financing activities - 200,000

Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents (211,976) 3,510,040

Cash And Cash Equivalents:Beginning 5,620,878 2,110,838

Ending 5,408,902$ 5,620,878$

See Notes To Combined Financial Statements.

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 1. Nature Of Activities And Significant Accounting Policies

Nature of activities: International Youth Foundation (IYF) and Resources for Youth, Inc. (RFY) (collectively, the Organization) are described as follows:

International Youth Foundation – The International Youth Foundation (IYF) is a non-profit organization, incorporated in the state of Illinois. Founded In April 1990, IYF is an independent, international nongovernmental organization, dedicated to improving the conditions and prospects of children and youth. Working with national and regional organizations, IYF works to identify, strengthen, and expand existing programs that have proven effective in meeting young people’s needs. In addition to supporting existing programs, IYF works to increase global awareness of children and youth issues, strengthen the organizational skills of youth program leaders, and increase international philanthropy in support of children and youth.

Resources for Youth, Inc. – In 1998, IYF incorporated Resources for Youth, Inc. (RFY) as a supporting organization. RFY owns the office building which is leased to IYF.

A summary of the Organization’s significant accounting policies follows:

Basis of accounting: The accompanying financial statements are presented in accordance with the accrual basis of accounting, whereby, revenue is recognized when earned and expenses are recognized when incurred.

Basis of presentation: The Organization follows the Not-for-Profit Topic of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification (the Codification). Under this topic, the Organization is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to three classes of net assets: unrestricted net assets, temporarily restricted net assets, and permanently restricted net assets.

Principles of combination: The combined financial statements include the accounts of IYF and RFY. All significant intercompany transactions have been eliminated.

Cash and cash equivalents: IYF considers investments in money market funds of $350,636 at December 31, 2010, to be cash equivalents.

At times during the year, IYF and RFY maintain cash balances at financial institutions in excess of the federally insured limits. Management believes the risk in these situations to be minimal.

Investments: Investments are recorded at market value. Dividend and interest income, net of investment fees is included in investment income in the accompanying combined statement of activities. Net realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments are excluded from investment income and are presented separately as other items in the combined statement of activities.

The Organization invests in professionally managed portfolios that contain U.S. Government bonds, corporate equities, corporate debt securities and mutual funds. Such investments are exposed to various risks, such as market and credit. Due to the level of risk associated with such investments and the level of uncertainty related to changes in the value of such investments, it is at least reasonably possible that changes in risks in the near term could materially affect investment balances and the amounts reported in the financial statements.

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 1. Nature Of Activities And Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Recent accounting pronouncements: In January 2010, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) released Accounting Standards Update No. 2010-06 (ASU 2010-06), which provided accounting guidance that requires new fair value measurement classification disclosures and clarifies existing disclosures. The guidance requires: (i) separate disclosures of significant transfers between Level 1 and 2 and reasons for transfers; (ii) disclosure, on a gross basis, of purchases, sales, issuances and net settlements within Level 3 measurements; (iii) disclosures by class of assets and liabilities; and (iv) a description of the evaluation techniques and inputs used to measure fair value for both recurring and nonrecurring fair value measurements. The guidance is effective for interim and annual reporting periods beginning after December 15, 2009, except for the disaggregation of the Level 3 activity, which is effective for interim and annual periods beginning after December 15, 2010. The IYF adopted ASU 2010-06 during the year ended December 31, 2010.

Grants receivable: Grants receivable are carried at original invoice amount less an estimate made for doubtful receivables based on a review of all outstanding amounts on a quarterly basis. Management determines the allowance for doubtful accounts by identifying troubled accounts and by using the historical experience applied to an aging of accounts. Receivables are written off when deemed uncollectible. Recoveries of receivables previously written off are recorded when received. There was no provision for doubtful promises, based on management’s evaluation of the collection of grants receivable, at December 31, 2010.

Pledges receivable: Pledges receivable are recognized as revenue in the year a commitment is received from the donor. They are reported as increases in the appropriate revenue category of net assets. In regards to allowance for doubtful promises, management’s evaluation is based on experience with the donors and collections. There was no allowance for doubtful promises at December 31, 2010.

Property and equipment: Property and equipment with cost in excess of $5,000 are capitalized and stated at cost. Property and equipment are depreciated on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the related assets, which are 30 years for the building and related improvements and three to five years for furniture, equipment and software. The cost of maintenance and repairs is recorded as expenses are incurred.

Valuation of long-lived assets: The Organization accounts for the valuation of long-lived assets under the Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets Topic of the Codification. The Codification requires that long-lived assets and certain identifiable intangible assets be reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. Recoverability of long-lived assets is measured by a comparison of the carrying amount of the asset to future undiscounted net cash flows expected to be generated by the asset. If such assets are considered to be impaired, the impairment to be recognized is measured by the amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceeds the estimated fair value of the assets. Assets to be disposed of are reportable at the lower of the carrying amount or fair value, less costs to sell.

Grants and contributions: Grants received by IYF are recognized as receivables and revenue when the grant commitment has been received and all significant conditions of the grant have been met. Grant revenue is classified as unrestricted or temporarily restricted, based upon the existence of donor-imposed restrictions. Temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets at the time the restrictions are satisfied.

Grants and pledges receivable due after one year are recorded at the estimated present value of amounts to be received, using an average discount rate of 4.0 percent.

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 1. Nature Of Activities And Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Grants payable: Non-federal grants obligated by IYF are recognized as payables and expenses when the grant commitment is made and all significant conditions have been fulfilled by the grant recipient. Federal grants obligated by IYF are recognized as payables and expenses when the request for payment is received from the subrecipient.

Functional allocation of expenses: The costs of providing the various programs and other activities have been summarized on a functional basis in the combined statement of activities. Accordingly, certain costs have been allocated among the programs and supporting services benefited.

Net asset classification: The net assets are reported in three self-balancing groups, as follows:

Unrestricted net assets include unrestricted revenue and contributions received without donor-imposed restrictions. These net assets are available for the operation of IYF and RFY and include both internally designated and undesignated resources.

Temporarily restricted net assets include revenue and contributions subject to donor-imposed stipulations that will be met by the actions of IYF and RFY and/or the passage of time. When a restriction expires, temporarily restricted net assets are reclassified to unrestricted net assets and reported in the combined statement of activities as net assets released from restrictions.

Permanently restricted net assets represent funds restricted by the donor to be maintained in perpetuity by IYF.

Foreign currency translation: The dollar (dollars) is the functional currency for IYF. Transactions in currencies other than the U.S. dollar are translated into dollars at the rate of exchange in effect on the date of the transaction. Assets and liabilities denominated in non-U.S. currency are translated into dollars at the exchange rate in effect at the date of the combined statement of financial position.

Income taxes: IYF and RFY are exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC). Accordingly, no provision for income taxes has been made in the accompanying combined financial statements. IYF and RFY are not considered private foundations.

On January 1, 2009, the Organization adopted the accounting standard for uncertainty in income taxes, which addresses the determination of whether tax benefits claimed or expected to be claimed on a tax return should be recorded in the financial statements. Under this guidance, the Organization recognizes the tax benefit from an uncertain tax position only if it is more-likely-than-not that the tax position will be sustained on examination by taxing authorities, based on the technical merits of the position. The tax benefits recognized in the financial statements from such a position are measured based on the largest benefit that has a greater than 50 percent likelihood of being realized upon ultimate settlement. The guidance on accounting for uncertainty in income taxes also addresses de-recognition, classification, interest and penalties on income taxes, and accounting in interim periods.

Management evaluated the Organization’s tax positions and concluded that the Organization had taken no uncertain tax positions that require adjustment to the financial statements to comply with the provisions of this guidance. With few exceptions, the Organization is no longer subject to income tax examinations by the U.S. federal, state or local tax authorities for years before 2007.

Use of estimates: The preparation of combined financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the combined financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the reporting period. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates.

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 1. Nature Of Activities And Significant Accounting Policies (Continued)

Prior year information: The combined financial statements include certain prior year summarized comparative information in total but not by net asset class. Such information does not include sufficient detail to constitute a presentation in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Accordingly, such information should be read in conjunction with the Organization’s financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2009, from which the summarized information was derived.

Subsequent events: IFY evaluated subsequent events through March 24, 2011, which is the date combined financial statements were available to be issued.

Note 2. Investments

Investments consist of the following at December 31, 2010:

Market ValueCurrent:

U.S. Government bonds 1,382,850 $Corporate debt securities 475,359 Corporate equity securities 852,134 Fixed-income mutual funds 838,158 Equity mutual funds 3,744,782Fixed-income annuities 125,746 Commodities 383,002


Private equity investments 310,018 8,112,049$

Interest and dividend income of $167,693 is net of investment expenses totaling $27,600.

Note 3. Grants Receivable

All grants receivable are considered to be collectible within one year, unless otherwise stated by the donor. Grants receivable that will not be collected within one year have been discounted using a current interest rate of 4.0% at December 31, 2010. Total discount for the year ended December 31, 2010, was $130,443.

Following is a summary, by years, of grants receivable as of December 31, 2010:

Years Ending December 31,

2011 17,950,625$2012 3,261,083

21,211,708 Less current maturities 17,950,625


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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 4. Pledges Receivable

All pledges receivable are considered to be collectible within one year, unless otherwise stated by the donor. Pledges that will not be paid within one year have been discounted at December 31, 2010, using current interest rates of 4.0 percent. Total discount for the year ended December 31, 2010, was $192.

Following is a summary, by years, of pledges receivable as of December 31, 2010:

Year Ending December 31,

2011 332,096$2012 4,808

336,904 Less current maturities 332,096


Note 5. Property And Equipment

Property and equipment consist of the following at December 31, 2010:

Land 324,980$Building and improvements 3,175,362 Furniture and equipment 429,977

3,930,319Less depreciation and amortization (2,763,943)


Total depreciation expense for the year ended December 31, 2010, was $249,219.

Note 6. Loans Receivable

The loans receivable are between IYF and the non-profit organizations set forth below. Funding for the first three loans was provided by Nokia as part of the Tsunami Reconstruction Initiative and is intended to provide micro-finance loans to victims of the 2004 Tsunami in South Asia. Funding for the fourth loan was provided by the Argidius Foundation as part of the Entra 21 program and is intended to provide micro finance loans to youths who have successfully completed the program.

The loans are non-interest bearing with payments commencing on January 31, 2010:

Community Collective Society for Integrated Development 307,663 $Center for Community Development and Education 124,610 Hambantota District Chamber of Commerce 29,369 Fundación León 2000 200,000


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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 7. Grants Payable And Expense

Conditional and unconditional grant and sub-grant obligations, some of which extend over several years, have been approved by senior management and the Board of Directors. Grants approved by senior management and the Board of Directors during 2010 totaled $10,720,940.

The grants payable balance at December 31, 2010, consists of unconditional and conditional grants where all of the conditions had been met. The balance is expected to be disbursed as follows:

Years Ending December 31,

2011 1,546,221$2012 110,884

1,657,105 Less current maturities 1,546,221


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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 7. Grants Payable And Expense (Continued)

Information concerning the geographic locations of grant expenses for 2010 is summarized as follows for the year ended December 31, 2010:

Antigua/Barbuda 108,602$Argentina 459,266Australia 10,000Brazil 129,010Chile 327,670Colombia 6,271Dominican Republic 148,874Ecuador 143,277El Salvador 175,187Ghana 10,000Grenada 170,683Guatemala 46,942India 48,441Indonesia 33,688Jamaica 385,802Jordan 1,209,438Kenya 591,416Macedonia 28,871Mexico 548,518Morocco 4,424Nicaragua 76,047Nigeria 335,000Paraguay 101,999Peru 1,346,534Philippines 2,388,231Portugal 10,000Senegal 131,461South Africa 200,000Spain 10,000Sri Lanka 25,464St. Lucia 83,714Tanzania 8,154Uganda 27,349United States 45,000Venezuela 55,625Zambia 27,657Zimbabwe 10,000Other 146,960De-obligated Grants (267,920)


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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 8. Board Designated Net Assets

The Board of IYF has designated certain amounts of net assets, as follows:

� Board designated for reserve: The net assets designated for reserve are funds set aside by the Board of Directors as a reserve against current operating losses or for future programs.

� Board designated for endowment: In 2007, the Board of Directors designated $2,000,000 from its reserve funds to establish an endowment. It is the Board’s intention to invest the funds in perpetuity, combining them with permanently restricted donor contributions (See Note 13), to create a sustainable income stream for future years.

Note 9. Temporarily Restricted Net Assets

Temporarily restricted net assets include donor-restricted and other funds, which are only available for program activities or general support designated for future years. Temporarily restricted net assets were released from restrictions during the year ended December 31, 2010, due to the purpose restriction being accomplished, or the time restriction being met.

Temporarily restricted net assets at December 31, 2010, are available for the following programs:

Balance BalanceDecember 31, December 31,

2009 Additions De-Obligated Released 2010Purpose restricted:

Education 3,030,631 $ 11,161,661 $ -$ 5,773,319 $ 8,418,973 $ Employability 9,744,113 12,728,874 - 9,237,969 13,235,018 Health education 680,799 271,811 - 826,687 125,923 Leadership and engagement 1,788,551 2,131,749 - 2,540,288 1,380,012 Other 474,730 422,133 575,000 290,005 31,858

Time restricted – general support 19,000 - - 10,000 9,000 15,737,824 $ 26,716,228 $ 575,000 $ 18,678,268 $ 23,200,784 $

Note 10. Retirement Plans

Retirement benefits are provided to all employees under a defined contribution plan, the Retirement Savings Plan. All participants have a fully vested interest in the employee contributions made to their accounts. Employer contributions include a variable matching contribution and non-matching contribution, and a defined “safe-harbor” non-matching contribution. IYF has no liability under the plan, other than its annual contribution (approximately $443,038), which is calculated as a percentage of employees’ salaries.

Additional retirement benefits have been provided to certain executives under a 457(b) deferred compensation plan. IYF has no expense under the plan, other than its annual contribution, which was $3,769 in 2010. This contribution was calculated as a percentage of employees’ salaries in excess of IRC limitations.

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 11. Contingency

IYF received approximately 68 percent of its revenue from grants from the U.S. Government that are subject to audit. The ultimate determination of amounts received under these programs is generally based upon allowable costs incurred, required to be reported to and subject to audit by the government. Until such audits have been completed and final settlements reached, there exists a contingent liability to refund any amounts received in excess of allowable costs. The Organization’s management is of the opinion that no significant adjustment to these combined financial statements, if any, would result from audit findings.

Note 12. Fair Value Measurements

In accordance with the FASB Codification statement, Fair Value Measurements, the Organization has categorized its financial instruments, based on the priority of the inputs to the valuation technique, into a three-level fair value hierarchy.

The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3). If the inputs used to measure the financial instruments fall within different levels of the hierarchy, the categorization is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the instrument. Investments recorded in the combined statement of financial position are categorized based on the inputs to valuation techniques, as follows:

Level 1 – Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the reporting entity has the ability to access at the measurement date. The types of investments included in Level 1 include listed equities and mutual funds.

Level 2 – Inputs other than quoted prices within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly; and fair value is determined through the use of models or other valuation methodologies. Investments which are generally included in this category include corporate loans, less liquid, restricted equity securities and certain corporate bonds, government obligations and over-the-counter derivatives.

Level 3 – These are investments where values are based on prices or valuation techniques that require inputs that are both unobservable and significant to the overall fair value measurement. These inputs reflect assumptions of management about assumptions market participants would use in pricing the investments. These investments include non-readily marketable securities that do not have an active market.

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 12. Fair Value Measurements (Continued)

Financial assets recorded in the combined statement of financial position are categorized based on the inputs to the valuation technique as follows for the year ended December 31, 2010:

Asset Category Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total

Equity mutual funds Domestic Large Cap Growth 559,453 $ -$ -$ 559,453 $

Domestic Small Cap Value 616,347 - - 616,347

Domestic Small Cap Growth 950,440 - - 950,440

Domestic Large Cap Value 448,712 - - 448,712

International Developed Large Cap 447,844 - - 447,844

Emerging Markets 461,801 - - 461,801

International Developed Small Cap 260,185 - - 260,185

U.S. Government bonds - 1,357,554 - 1,357,554

Municipal Bonds - Ohio State - 25,296 - 25,296

Corporate equity securities Consumer discretionary 51,095 - - 51,095

Consumer staples 42,031 - - 42,031

Energy 92,507 - - 92,507

Finance 46,172 - - 46,172

Health care 128,520 - - 128,520

Industrials 135,637 - - 135,637

Information Technology 356,172 - - 356,172

Fixed-income mutual funds 838,158 - - 838,158

Corporate debt securities Finance - 29,772 - 29,772

Automotive - 57,353 - 57,353

Basic Industry - 87,397 - 87,397

Energy - 95,022 - 95,022

Media - 57,638 - 57,638

Telecom - 54,188 - 54,188

Utilities - 93,989 - 93,989

Private equity investments Buy out - - 91,986 91,986

Venture Capital - - 170,809 170,809

Real Estate - - 47,223 47,223

Fixed-income annuities - 125,746 - 125,746

Commodities Natural Resources 190,074 - - 190,074

Hard Assets 192,928 - - 192,928

Total 5,818,076 $ 1,983,955 $ 310,018 $ 8,112,049 $

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 12. Fair Value Measurements (Continued)

The following table provides a summary of changes in fair value of the Organization’s Level 3 financial assets for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2010:

Private EquityInvestments

Beginning balance as of December 31, 2009 240,034 $ Unrealized and realized gains 66,143 Earned income 3,841 Purchases/distributions -

Balance as of December 31, 2010 310,018 $

The following table provides additional information about the investments by major category:

Fair Value Unfunded Redemption RedemptionInvestment At 12/31/2010 Commitments Frequency Notice Period

Private equity investments 310,018 $ -$ None Locked into a 10-year periodTotal 310,018$

Note 13. Permanently Restricted Net Assets And Endowment

IYF’s endowment consists of donor-restricted endowment funds and funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments. As required by generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), net assets associated with endowment funds, including funds designated by the Board of Directors to function as endowments, are classified and reported based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. The Board of Directors has interpreted the State Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (SPMIFA) as requiring the preservation of the fair value of the original gift as of the gift date of the donor-restricted endowment funds, absent explicit donor stipulations to the contrary.

As a result of this interpretation, IYF classifies as permanently restricted net assets (a) the original value of gifts donated to the permanent endowment, (b) the original value of subsequent gifts to the permanent endowment, and (c) accumulations to the permanent endowment made in accordance with the direction of the applicable donor gift instrument at the time the accumulation is added to the fund.

The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment fund that is not classified in permanently restricted net assets is classified as temporarily restricted net assets, until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by IYF in a manner consistent with the standard of prudence prescribed by SPMIFA. In accordance with SPMIFA, IYF considers the following factors in making a determination to appropriate or accumulate donor-restricted endowment funds:

� The duration and preservation of the fund � The purpose of IYF and the donor-restricted endowment fund � General economic conditions and the possible effect of inflation and deflation � The expected total return from income and the appreciation of investments � Investment policies of IYF

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 13. Permanently Restricted Net Assets And Endowment (Continued)

Endowment net asset composition by type of fund as of December 31, 2010, is as follows:

Temporarily PermanentlyUnrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Donor-restricted endowment funds -$ 106,484 $ 831,962 $ 938,446 $Board designated endowment funds 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000

Total 2,000,000$ 106,484 $ 831,962 $ 2,938,446 $

Changes in endowment net assets for the year ended December 31, 2010, are as follows:

Temporarily PermanentlyUnrestricted Restricted Restricted Total

Endowment net assets, beginning of year 2,000,000 $ -$ 830,963 $ 2,830,963 $Investment earnings:

Interest and dividends - 7,153 - 7,153 Total - 7,153 - 7,153

Net present value adjustment for pledges receivable - - 999 999

Net unrealized/realized gains - 99,331 - 99,331 - 99,331 999 100,330

Endowment net assets, end of year 2,000,000 $ 106,484 $ 831,962 $ 2,938,446 $

Return objectives and risk parameters: IYF has adopted an investment policy for endowment assets that attempts to provide a predictable stream of funding to programs supported by its endowment, while seeking to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment assets. Endowment assets include those assets of donor-restricted funds that IYF must hold in perpetuity or for a donor-specified period, as well as board designated funds. Under this policy, as approved by the Board of Directors, the endowment assets are invested in a manner that is longer-term oriented and include assets which are not intended for current use. The primary objective will be to provide for consistent long-term growth of principal, without undue exposure to risk. Investment performance will be measured on a roIling five-year basis. The total return will be expected to exceed the return of a Blended Market Index that represents the target asset allocation. The total return shall exceed the U.S. Consumer Price Index +3 percent. The investment manager shall rank in the top 50 percent versus the appropriate manager universe with a similar equity exposure and with a similar investment philosophy. Actual returns in any given year may vary from this amount.

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International Youth Foundation And Resources For Youth, Inc.

Notes To Combined Financial Statements


Note 13. Permanently Restricted Net Assets And Endowment (Continued)

Strategies employed for achieving objectives: To satisfy its long-term rate-of-return objectives, IYF relies on a total return strategy, in which investment returns are achieved through both capital appreciation (realized and unrealized) and current yield (interest and dividends). The objectives shall be accomplished utilizing a strategy of fixed income, equities and cash equivalents in a mix which is conducive to participation in rising markets while allowing for protection in falling markets within prudent risk constraints.

Spending policy and how the investment objectives relate to spending policy: Currently, IYF does not have a spending policy. Spending is in accordance with any donor-imposed restrictions. Accordingly, over the long-term, IYF expects to allow its endowment to grow annually. This is consistent with IYF’s objective to maintain the purchasing power of the endowment assets held in perpetuity or for a specified term, as well as to provide additional real growth through new gifts and investment return.

The board designated endowment was created to generate undesignated income for operations. Therefore, all income earned is recorded as unrestricted and undesignated.

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Independent Auditor’s Report On The Supplementary Information

To the Board of Directors International Youth Foundation and Resources for Youth, Inc. Baltimore, Maryland

Our audit was conducted with the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic combined financial statements taken as a whole. The combining information which follows is presented for the purposes of additional analysis of the basic combined financial statements, rather than to present the financial position and changes in net assets of the individual entities. The combining information has been subjected to auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic combined financial statements and in our opinion is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation to the basic combined financial statements taken as a whole.

Baltimore, Maryland March 24, 2011

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International Youth FoundationAnd Resources For Youth, Inc.

Combining Statement Of Financial PositionDecember 31, 2010

Assets IYF RFY Eliminations TotalCurrent Assets

Cash and cash equivalents 5,384,902 $ 24,000 $ -$ 5,408,902 $ Investments 7,802,031 - - 7,802,031 Grants receivable, net 17,950,625 - - 17,950,625 Pledges receivable, net 332,096 - - 332,096 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 128,029 8,825 - 136,854 Intercompany receivables 1,082,621 - (1,082,621) -

Total current assets 32,680,304 32,825 (1,082,621) 31,630,508

Property And Equipment, net 54,734 1,111,642 - 1,166,376

Noncurrent AssetsInvestments – long term, net 310,018 - - 310,018 Grants receivable, net of current maturities 3,261,083 - - 3,261,083 Pledges receivable, net of current maturities 4,808 - - 4,808 Loans receivable 661,642 - - 661,642

Total noncurrent assets 4,237,551 - - 4,237,551

Total assets 36,972,589 $ 1,144,467 $ (1,082,621) $ 37,034,435 $

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Liabilities And Net Assets IYF RFY Eliminations TotalCurrent Liabilities

Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 448,737 $ -$ -$ 448,737 $ Accrued salaries and related benefits 414,820 - - 414,820 Deferred revenue - - - - Grants payable 1,546,221 - - 1,546,221 Intercompany payables - 1,082,621 (1,082,621) -

Total current liabilities 2,409,778 1,082,621 (1,082,621) 2,409,778

Noncurrent Liabilities Loan payable 200,000 - - 200,000

Grants payable, net of current maturities 110,884 - - 110,884 Total liabilities 2,720,662 1,082,621 (1,082,621) 2,720,662

Net AssetsUnrestricted

Undesignated 1,351,852 61,846 - 1,413,698 Designated for reserve 6,867,329 - - 6,867,329 Designated for endowment 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000

Total unrestricted net assets 10,219,181 61,846 - 10,281,027

Temporarily restricted 23,200,784 - - 23,200,784 Permanently restricted 831,962 - - 831,962

Total net assets 34,251,927 61,846 - 34,313,773

Total liabilities and net assets 36,972,589 $ 1,144,467 $ (1,082,621) $ 37,034,435 $

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International Youth FoundationAnd Resources For Youth, Inc.

Combining Statement Of Activities Year Ended December 31, 2010

IYF RFY Eliminations TotalUnrestricted revenue:

Grants and contributions 3,370,743 $ -$ -$ 3,370,743 $Investment income, net of investment fees 128,666 - - 128,666 Other revenue 151,226 511,612 (486,799) 176,039 Net assets released from donor restrictions 18,678,268 - - 18,678,268

Total unrestricted revenue 22,328,903 511,612 (486,799) 22,353,716

Expenses:Program services:

Grants 9,347,655 - - 9,347,655 Salaries and benefits 5,714,205 - - 5,714,205 Consultants 1,937,365 - - 1,937,365 Travel 1,070,733 - - 1,070,733 Office expenses 446,518 - - 446,518 Other 383,797 - - 383,797

Total program services 18,900,273 - - 18,900,273

Fundraising:Salaries and benefits 66,005 - - 66,005 Consultants - - - -Travel 676 - - 676 Office expenses 7,373 - - 7,373 Other 802 - - 802

Total fundraising 74,856 - - 74,856

General and administrative:Salaries and benefits 2,052,630 - - 2,052,630 Consultants 137,049 - - 137,049 Travel 92,398 - - 92,398 Office expenses 254,218 524,509 (486,799) 291,928 Other 649,351 - - 649,351

Total general and administrative 3,185,646 524,509 (486,799) 3,223,356

Total expenses 22,160,775 524,509 (486,799) 22,198,485

Change in unrestricted net assetsbefore other items 168,128 (12,897) - 155,231

Other items:Realized gains on sales of investments 239,008 - - 239,008 Unrealized gains on investments 687,288 - - 687,288

Change in unrestricted net assets 1,094,424$ (12,897) $ -$ 1,081,527 $


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International Youth FoundationAnd Resources For Youth, Inc.

Combining Statement Of Activities (Continued)Year Ended December 31, 2010

IYF RFY Eliminations TotalTemporarily restricted revenue:

Grants and contributions 26,415,787 $ -$ -$ 26,415,787 $De-Obligations (575,000) - - (575,000) Dividends and interest income, net of

investment fees 39,027 - - 39,027 Other revenue 37,516 - - 37,516 Net assets released from donor restrictions (18,678,268) - - (18,678,268)

Change in temporarily restricted net assets before other items 7,239,062 - - 7,239,062

Other items:Realized losses on sales of investments (23,210) - - (23,210) Unrealized gains on investments 122,542 - - 122,542 Currency gain 124,566 - - 124,566

Change in temporarily restricted net assets 7,462,960$ -$ -$ 7,462,960 $

Permanently restricted revenue:Grants and contributions 999 $ -$ -$ 999 $

Change in permanently restricted net assets 999$ -$ -$ 999 $

Change in net assets 8,558,383$ (12,897) $ -$ 8,545,486 $

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International Youth FoundationAnd Resources For Youth, Inc.

Combining Statement Of Changes In Net AssetsYear Ended December 31, 2010

IYF RFY Eliminations TotalUnrestricted net assets:

Net assets at beginning of year 9,124,757 $ 74,743 $ -$ 9,199,500 $Change in unrestricted net assets 1,094,424 (12,897) - 1,081,527

Net assets at end of year 10,219,181$ 61,846 $ -$ 10,281,027 $

Temporarily restricted net assets:Net assets at beginning of year 15,737,824 $ -$ -$ 15,737,824 $Change in temporarily restricted net assets 7,462,960 - - 7,462,960

Net assets at end of year 23,200,784$ -$ -$ 23,200,784 $

Permanently restricted net assets:Net assets at beginning of year 830,963 $ -$ -$ 830,963 $Change in permanently restricted net assets 999 - - 999

Net assets at end of year 831,962$ -$ -$ 831,962 $

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