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Page 1: Internet Marketing Magazine - JulAug2011
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From the Desk oF the eDitorWelcome to this the fourth edition of ‘Internet Marketing Magazine’ – the original and leading free magazine designed specifically for Internet Marketers to be delivered on the iPad, iPhone, Android and web platforms.

‘Internet Marketing Magazine’ is growing exponentially fast month-

by-month. We welcome both the thousands of new readers as well as subscribers who are coming back for more of the very

latest in Internet Marketing News and Articles.

We’ve had lots of questions about how readers can get copies of the back issues. The best way to do this is head over to InternetMarketingMag.net and become a member as you’ll be emailed the back issues link as well as provided the additional training videos and reports.

That’s the admin out of the way, let’s roll up our sleeves and get stuck into it…

The State of the Internet“Long Live the Day of the App”The traditional search based HTML browser session isn’t as sexy as it once was. Now apps (applications) are taking their place as people spend more and more time consuming content and interacting on mobile devices without being tied to a web browser. The web is now less about the searching and more about the getting.

These are the sorts of common place apps and your interaction with them that are changing the digital landscape: Email on your iPad, living on Facebook everyday, chatting on Skype, listening to your favourite Podcast on iTunes, the kids playing Farmville or Moshi Monsters for hours on end, reading Internet Marking Magazine from Zinio or iTunes, Google Maps App on your phone, reading books on your kindle… and the list goes on.

For all of these daily activities you don’t even need to search the web –you just go straight to the platform that delivers what you need.

It’s driven largely by the rise of the Smart Phone, and mobile computing that just fits into your life because it’s always in your pocket.

As a side note, Mobile is now making up 10%+ of all digital search traffic and is rising steadily.

Freemium – the New Free! Freemium is a very cool word I’ve seen thrown around on the web recently. If you think about the biggest apps on the planet they all have a Free model and then have an emphasis on moving you towards a premium version of the service.

The reality is that these free samples really work as marketing for paid services. To see what I mean go to your iPhone and look at the App Store and suss out the ‘Top Paid’ and ‘Top Free’ and notice how many there are in common. The marketing behind it is to give you a free subset of the full product to get you hooked on the app and then get you to upgrade.

It’s the old try before you buy – ‘The Puppy Dog Close’. The storeowner says to you ‘take the puppy home and if the kids don’t like it just bring it back on Monday with no charge’. Not much chance of the pup getting returned is there?

The Ever Changing Face of FacebookBusinessInsider.com revealed recently“Facebook is now number one in display advertising, which is a $2 billion business for them… Facebook is the enabler of social games, which is now a multibillion dollar industry, and takes a cut through advertising and credits. But the next big endeavor is a social music serve… Facebook’s upcoming big social music service. Your Facebook homepage will include a Music tab leading to a Music Dashboard where you will be able to listen to music and see what music your friends are listening to.

The goal is to do for music what it did for games: use its social graph to help Facebook users discover music and help music startups get users.

However, a music dashboard would get Facebook users to stay on Facebook.com all through the day if that’s where they stream music from, and so they would see a lot more ads.”

Facebook eCommerce Set to RiseThere is increasing talk online of Facebook and Amazon partnering up to be able to sell through Amazon’s ecommerce engine from within Facebook, so we’ll have to watch and see what happens in that space.

Something that is happening and is massive is Payvment – an eCommerce and Discovery engine on Facebook. It’s a social media sell-ing app that is integrated into Facebook and lets businesses like yours import your e-commerce products to a Facebook fan page. After setting up a Free Payvment online shop on Facebook, a separate tab will appear on the seller’s profile or a page under “Storefront.” It’s quick and easy to setup and has all the viral advantages of Facebook built right into it. These types of social media online stores are going to be more and more commonplace as the web and Facebook evolves.

Wishing you the best of success online

Greg CassarInternet Marketing Strategist& Editor – Internet Marketing Magazine

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still hiDing behinD your computer?Fast-Action Strategies For Breaking Your “Fear of Phone” And Maximizing Your Sales Success

By Ari Galper

Many Sales and Marketing people need to transfer from being “passive” to being “active”… including Internet Marketers

One pattern that is emerging as I spend more time interacting with sales and marketing people, is that the day is spent sending emails back and forth to prospects with the purpose of attempting to get the sale (not even just to move them to a phone conversation).

In fact, I’m seeing a trend that many Internet Marketers today are afraid of the phone, so they avoid it.

Read that last sentence again.

Yes, you read that right, they avoid picking up the phone and instead spend most of their day being “busy” behind their computers.

If you capture leads on your website and you sell a medium or high price ticket item then having a sales team, or even yourself follow up these prospects on the phone will have a massive impact on your bottom line.

Many of the most profitable marketers online in 2011 use medias like webinars and other lead magnets to capture leads and then use the phone to close the sale on high priced items like coaching services.

The problem though… it turns out that many marketers fears of picking up the phone stem from the anticipation of being rejected when they call a new prospect or lead.

I know you’ve heard the old adage that you’ve got to be “tough” and be able to handle rejection if you’re going to be successful in selling...but that is a very old and broken way of thinking.


Because we have discovered that rejection is triggered.

It’s triggered by three things:

1. Your voice tonality and how you come across

2. The languaging that you use (if it’s a pitch, forget it, it’s over at “hello”)

3. Mindset (If you’re focused on your objective of making the sale, even though you think you’re a good listener, your prospect is going to detect that you have a hidden agenda within seconds of your conversation)

When you become fully aware of the fact that it is YOU that is triggering the rejection, you’ll be well on your way to never trigger rejection from occurring.

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Here’s the required steps to perform at a level of excellence when following up with your leads via the phone:

1. Change Your Mental Objective Before You Make the CallIf you’re like most people who make sales calls, you’re hoping to make a sale -- or at least an appointment --before you even pick up the phone.

The problem is, the people you call somehow always pick up on your mindset immediately.

They sense that you’re focused on your goals and interests, rather than on finding out what they might need or want.

This short-circuits the whole process of communication and trust-building.

So try this. Practice shifting your mental focus to thinking, “When I make this call, I’m going to build a conversation so that a level of trust can emerge allowing us to exchange information back and forth so we can both determine if there’s a fit or not.”

2. Understand the Mindset of the Person You’re CallingLet’s say you’re at your office and you’re working away.

Your phone rings and someone says, “Hello, my name’s Mark. I’m with Financial Solutions International, you left a message on our site. We offer a broad array of financial solutions. Do you have a few minutes?”

What would go through your mind?

Probably something like this: “Uh-oh, another salesperson. I’m about to be sold something. How fast can I get this person off the phone?”

In other words, it’s basically over at “Hello,” and you end up rejected.

The moment you use the old sales pitch approach -- the traditional pitch about who you are and what you have to offer, which all the sales gurus have been teaching for years -- you trigger the negative “salesperson” stereotype in the mind of the person you’ve called, and that means im-mediate rejection.

I call it “The Wall.”

The problem is with how you’re selling, not what you’re selling.

This is an area that’s been ignored in the world of sales.

We’ve all been trained to try to push prospects into a “yes” response on the first call. But that creates sales pressure.

But, if you learn to really understand and put yourself in the mindset of the person you call, you’ll find it easier to avoid triggering The Wall.

Start thinking about language that will engage people and not language that will trigger rejection.

3. Identify a Core Problem That You Can SolveWe’ve all learned that when we begin a conversation with a prospect, we should talk about ourselves, our product, and our solution. Then we sort of hope that the person connects with what we’ve just told them. Right?

But when you offer your pitch or your solution without first involving your prospect by talking about a core problem that they might be having, you’re talking about yourself, not them.

And that’s a problem.

Prospects connect when they feel that you understand their issues before you start to talk about your solutions.

When people feel understood, they don’t put up The Wall. They remain open to talking with you.

4. Start With a Dialogue, Not a PresentationLet’s return to the goal of a sales call, which is to create a two-way dia-logue engaging prospects in a conversation.

We’re not trying to set the person up for a yes or no. That’s the old way of selling.

This Unlock The Game approach is designed to engage people in a natu-ral conversation. The kind you might have with a friend. This lets you both of you decide whether it’s worth your time to pursue the conversa-tion further.

The key here is never to assume beforehand that your prospect should buy what you have to offer, even if they’re a 100 percent fit with the pro-file of the “perfect customer.”

If you go into the call with that assumption, prospects will pick up on it and The Wall will go up, no matter how sincere you are.

Avoid assuming anything about making a sale before you make a call. Stay focused on opening a dialogue and determining if it makes sense to continue the conversation.

The moment you begin trying to direct your prospect into your “sales process”, there is a very high likelihood that you can “turn off ” your prospect’s willingness to share with you the details of their situation.

It’s important to allow the conversation to evolve naturally and to have milestones or checkpoints throughout your call so you can assess if there is a fit between you and the person you are speaking with.

5. Determine a FitNow, suppose that you’re on a call and it’s going well, with good dialogue going back and forth. You’re reaching a natural conclusion...and what happens?

In the old way of cold calling, we panic. We feel we’re going to lose the opportunity, so we try to close the sale or at least to book an appointment. But this puts pressure on the prospect, and you run the risk of The Wall going up again.

Here’s a step that most people miss when they cold call. As soon as they realize that prospects have a need for their solution, they start thinking, “Great, that means they’re interested.”

What they don’t ask is, “Is this need a top priority for you or your organization to solve, or is it something that’s on the back burner for a while?”

In other words, even if you both determine that there is a problem you can solve, you have to ask whether solving it is a priority. Sometimes there’s no budget, or it isn’t the right time. It’s important that you find this out, because months later you’ll regret not knowing this earlier.

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Bringing it all together

As an Internet Marketer you should be trying to drive online traffic to offline leads wherever possible by getting the phone number of the prospect and having them request information about your products and services.

Be brave, strong, confident and calm as you call and engage in conversation to see if there is a connection. Then and only then work towards figuring out if you are a fit for each other and there is a want, a need, a timeframe and priority to do further business together by booking a further appointment or taking the order.

Ari Galper is the World’s #1 Authority on Trust-Based Selling and the creator of Unlock The Game®, a new sales mindset that overturns the notion of selling as we know it today. Unlock The Game has been available for over 10 years and has made sales breakthroughs for business owners and entrepreneurs in over 38 countries. You can take a Free Test Drive of Unlock The Game by downloading Ari’s free audio seminar “7 Sales Secrets Even The Sales Gurus Don’t Know!” at http://www.UnlockTheGame.com.au.

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Page 7: Internet Marketing Magazine - JulAug2011

how i quit my Day job...A Possible Roadmap for You Too...By Greg Cassar

I’ve been working in IT ever since university, and dabbling in my own online entrepreneurial projects since 2003, but I’ve only been a full time internet marketer for 3 years now.

Towards the end of 2003 I went to a positive cashflow property seminar. I met a fellow property enthusiast there and we started talking about that maybe we should publish and sell some property content of our own.Within a matter of weeks we formed a JV (Joint Venture) and started writing an eBook each. We then built our first website. As I was a geek in IT I did everything the hard way, right down to getting a developer to code our own shopping cart from scratch.

As you can imagine the whole process was very time consuming and it took us over 6 months before we were online and made our first sale.Back then traffic was cheap. I was able to buy targeted traffic from Google Adwords for 15 cents a click and if we got a 1% conversion rate to sale we still made $15 on a $30 book.

We then started sourcing books from distributers and found that they sold better.

We very quickly learned that we were never going to get rich driving traffic directly to a $30 product.

I sourced a product that sold for $97 that was a printed manual that was in high demand. This started selling well and before we knew it we were turning over $3k a month.

I learned about up-sells and put a second printed manual as an up-sell before the customer went through the checkout and quickly found that 33% of people took the up-sell to the new two manuals offer for $120. This made the business more profitable almost instantly and we were now turning over $5k a month, but not all of it was profit as roughly 50% of it was costs.

This whole process took a year or two. We split up the JV as we were moving in different directions and sold the business for $10k.With the benefit of hindsight staying in that property niche and building a big list rather than just focussing on one-off sales would have been much smarter, but we live and we learn.

Fast forward on to 2008 and a combination of both successful and unsuccessful niches and techniques tested over the following years.

I was working for a major corporate IT company in Sydney. I was what you call an IT Infrastructure architect. It meant that I designed computer systems on either a national or global scale for large corporations like banks and insurance companies.

It was a high paying, rewarding job for a great company, so in theory I had nothing to complain about, but it was also highly stressful. Can you imagine the kind of pressures that came with working as the architect on a $4 billion dollar contract? There were times I got sick from the pressure of it all.

I had a sales component to my job also. The straw that broke the camel’s back was when one of my customers came to me for a $200,000 job, but by outlining their strategic requirements I was able to do a $1.1 million up sell and turn it into a $1.3 million job.

So how was I rewarded by my employer for boosting its coffers by over a million dollars? With a $250 Myer shoppinggift voucher, that’s how.That was the day I decided I was over working for ‘the man’. So I started ramping up my online businesses with a vision to very quickly get out of the day job.

I was a constant student of marketing through all this time and people within the marketing community as well as other business owners started asking me if I could I build sites, adwords campaigns and podcasts etc for them. I started doing this part time by using a casual web development contractor who was a young guy from the local university to help me build the sites while I balanced the day job and my new found consulting clients.

Within 3 short months I was happy to make the call to my boss to give him notice. The boss wasn’t so happy about it, but I knew I was doing the right thing, even though my wife was due to give birth to our third child in two months time. As you can imagine everyone was telling us we were crazy, but we stuck at it.

My quality of life is so much better these days now that I’m out of the rat-race. My wife and young family and I averaged five days a week at the beach during the summer of 2009/2010 and a similar amount in 2010/2011. It was the most time I had spent at the beach since I was a back packer in my younger days.

I’m often lying on my back floating in the water in the middle of what would traditionally be a working day just because it was too hot. When it cooled down a bit I’d go and catch up on work. That’s the freedom of the passive income you get with online businesses.

Now our business is structured so that we have the consulting business as well as various products and services that we sell online to multiple target niches. The affiliate cheques keep flowing in from other peoples products and services that we promote and we now partner with success-ful businesses to promote them as JV’s and affiliates for additional income streams.

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So if you look back at my story I’d love to be able to say that I was one of those guys that got online and found it all to be very simple and started making money from day 1, but the reality is that that was just not the case.

At times it felt like 2 steps forward and 1 step back, and then at other times all our ducks lined up and we made good money online. We are now at the point where we consistently back winners and are on the fast track, but that has come about because we persevered, we kept investing in our education and never gave up. We also diversified our income streams so that we had multiple sources.

Think about this for yourself now. If you are in the day job still can you become a master at web development or Adwords etc and start picking up some consulting clients to supplement your income while you build your other online businesses?

The sky is the limit... just never give up, back your winners long and cut your losers short.

Greg Cassar is the leading Internet Marketing Strategist behind the scenes of many of the biggest Internet marketers in Australia and abroad (InternetMarketingDoneForYou.com). You can follow Greg’s latest updates by subscribing to Internet Marketing Magazine at InternetMarketingMag.net for free video training and the latest edition updates.

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by David Jenyns

Have you been keeping up with what’s going on in search lately? Google’s +1, Farmer updates, Panda updates, changes to real time search, Facebook feeding Bing social data - and that’s just over the past few months! Sheesh... SEO is definitely one of the fastest changing industries in the world. So what’s working today and where is Search Engine Optimization (SEO) headed?

At the core of SEO you still need the basics and they haven’t changed that much over the years – simply, it can be broken into two components – on-page SEO and off-page SEO.

On-page optimization is centered around picking the right keywords and then including those keywords in your page’s title tags, description tags and headers and using them in well-written, informative text on your page at least a couple of times. If you do these things well then you are already 80% towards achieving good on-page SEO that will get you into Google’s good books. There’s no “voodoo” or secrets with this - just simple steps to follow.

Off-page SEO revolves around the concept of websites ranking well when other web sites reference them, by linking to them. Like a research report that becomes popular and highly regarded because other research reports reference it – it gains credibility and achieves an authoritative status on the subject. This has been the mainstay of Google’s measurement system for a long time and will no doubt play a major part for some time to come… or is that all about to change?

There’s a war brewing between the social media giant Facebook and Google and the present debate might just change the face of search. Clearly Facebook dominates the social space with its 500 million plus users and smart innovations such as the “Like” button and it is hoping to revolutionize how people interact on the web.

In a world where the landscape can change quickly, Google appears to be becoming more and more threatened by Facebook and is keen to get its own slice of the social media pie. We saw with Google’s failed “Buzz” platform that it’s been knocking at the door for a while and its latest “+1” tool released in March 2011 is set up as a direct challenge to Facebook’s “Like” button as a means for users to flag content that is seen as most relevant to them.

So why is social media so important to the future of search?

Well let me ask you this: if you’re looking for a pizza restaurant for dinner tonight, who’s opinion would you trust more, a computer program’s or your closest friend’s? Your friend’s of course and social media gives access to this kind of data - Facebook knows it, Google knows it and even

Bing knows it. In fact, in a move to throw Google off its search throne, Facebook and Bing (Google’s biggest competitor) have joined forces to combine their technologies and data to create a search engine with results personalized by what your friends think. Google’s looking to do the same, already integrating tweets from your social network into search results and more social ranking factors with their +1 button’s recent launch to be introduced shortly.

The influence of this type of comment upon buyers is undeniable and Google know that unless they start including it in their search results somebody else will eat into their “space”. Google’s own advertisements via AdWords now include the +1 button – a sign that they are serious about incorporating it into their long-term plans.

In the recent annual report of SEO Ranking factors by SEOMoz it was made clear how social signals have, this year, shot up in the relative importance of the factors that the search engines consider when ranking sites.

In my opinion, it’s only a matter of time before, when you search “pizza restaurant”, you will find standard search results personalised to you, using social data listing only those restaurants favorably reviewed by your friends and family. So if Auntie Doris tweeted that she went to a great pizza restaurant in Footscray called Pepe’s, and they do the best pepperoni pizza in Melbourne, you’ll know all about it!

is seo going seocial?

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As a website owner how can you prepare for the changes?

Well, if you’re a website owner who’s fared pretty well with Google rankings and SEO, it’s not time to change any of the things that have worked for you in the past – onpage and offpage SEO still matters! You’re still on the leading edge by reading this article, but it is time to start planning for the future. You need to consider “social indicators” as part of your future strategy.

Here’s a few points to keep you on the right track.

#1. Sell great products and/or services. In the social media world, word travels quickly. Good news travels quickly and bad news even quicker. Whether it’s Facebook’s Like, Google’s +1, or whoever wins the search engine war, you can guarantee they’ll be listening to what people are saying about your business.

#2. Join the conversation. People are talking about your products and/or services whether you like it or not – you need to be there and share your views. Set up Google Alerts and watch your company and product keywords on Twitter, Blogs, YouTube, Facebook and other web 2.0 properties.

#3. Encourage the conversation. Make it easy for people to talk about you - add re-tweet buttons, Google +1’s and Facebook Like’s. Encourage people to comment on your blogs, post reviews on Google Places and tell them how to share it with their friends.

Although we can’t say for sure which factors will play the biggest role in the way search engines rank websites in the future, we can say, whatever happens, social media is here to stay and will play a major part. Join the conversation today or you’ll be left out.

David Jenyns (www.davidjenyns.com) has many stories to share, from selling the Melbourne Cricket Ground for $24.95 to setting up a chain of punk rock clothing franchise stores, he is more than just another Internet Marketer – he’s a business builder. Most recently, David has started the almost overnight success, Melbourne SEO Services – one of Australia’s leading online marketing companies. Now he’s looking to help you, small and medium sized business owners, grow to the next level.

Discover how he can help you: www.MelbourneSEOServices.com

Page 11: Internet Marketing Magazine - JulAug2011

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Page 12: Internet Marketing Magazine - JulAug2011

grabbing more than your Fair share oF the traFFicBy James Schramko There is an art to driving traffic. My main focus is on grabbing targeted traffic fast. Targeted, as opposed to any traffic or silly free list building type traffic, the type you can expect to leverage more profit. When you’re traffic is targeted and you get lots of it you can make sales from every campaign. This works well in all different models and repeatedly.

My team and I have tested for a large amout of time building a powerful proven system that we use on my own websites for getting fast, targeted, strategic traffic. We call it Traffic Grab. This process is really about getting more of the right traffic and leveraging that traffic into profit. I’ll share the high level overview of the 6 phase process with you now...

Phase 1: ResearchResearch – is the key to knowing your target audience and what content to prepare for them. You need the right traffic so we need to find out where your best target clients are. You also need to know which traffic sources that they respond to the best and know your competition and what sort of traffic they’re getting.

This is really about researching ‘buyer traffic’. ‘Buyer Traffic’ converts, so people who buy things are the ones we want to focus on. We need to identify those target prospects from our research and gear our content towards them.

Phase 2: ContentContent –is the phase following on from research.We want the most compelling content so that we can get to provide the maximum value for our target market and in turn which helps our conversions.

Many traffic sources especially Facebook and Google are keen to offer a high value experience to customers so they love great content. When it comes to content there are four main categories of content that you should focus on with your marketing. These are: 1. Articles 2. Videos 3. Audio 4. Images

With these content pillars in place you can drive a lot of traffic.

Phase 3: SiteSite – There are two main components to your website design that you need to take into consideration. 1. The website you have needs to be designed to get more traffic. 2. You need do more when that traffic arrives – drive them towards your primary desired course of action on your money pages.

This is a massive area, but some of the main things to think of are: •UsingageddomainsforSEO •Havingseparatemoneypagesforeachmajorbuyingkeyword phrase •SendingyourtrafficviralwithtoolslikeFacebookShare, Facebook Like and Facebook Comments •UsingplatformslikeWordpressandit’sextensivelistof plugins and themes to design and efficient and effective site •SettingyourwebsiteURLpermalinkssothattheyinclude your keywords eg. Site.com/keyword1-keyword2 •UsePopup Domination for more opt-in’s •TrackandMeasureeverythingwithyouranalytics

Phase 4: TrafficTraffic –There’s over 20 steps/techniques we use for driving traffic. Some of the main ones are: •ArticleMarketing •Blogging •Web2.0andsomesuperextraweb2.0stuffincludingPDF’s •Videomarketing •Affiliatemarketing •Bookmarking •PressReleases •LeveragingRSS •Facebookmarketing •Twitter •PPC(PayPerClick) •CPV(CostPerView) •Forums •Ezines •MediaBuys •Podcasts •Classifieds •Webinars •WordofMouths •Pingtraffic

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Phase 5: ConversionsConversions – If you can convert traffic into opting in to your list or making a sale then improving conversions has exactly the same effect as getting more traffic.

Importantly when you can convert traffic well and test and measure, this actually opens up the paid traffic as a good viable option. Some people are obsessed with free traffic which is crazy when you consider that if you could make $2 by investing $1 why don’t you ramp things up a little? This just tells me they don’t really understand traffic.

OptimizePress is one of the greatest tools I’ve come across to build landing pages that convert well. It’s a great tool to use for your landing pages and also your product launch sequences.

Tracking your conversions with Google Analytics and mapping out a sales funnel with goals can make a massive difference. Most people who are not profitable online are just not tracking and measuring properly.

Tools like CrazyEgg and Clicktale can give you advanced insights and visual analytics tools such as heatmaps and video tracking to figure out exactly what your prospects and clients are doing on your site and adjust accordingly.

Phase 6: LeverageLeverage – this is where we hit the boost button and take everything we’ve learned and look for the optimization hacks. I have a really a strong background in strategy and innovation, so you’ll see exactly how you may add a zero to your bottom line over and over again.

This phase really is about running your winners long and cutting your losers short.

It’s certainly been a lifestyle change year for me because when I grew up, never in my wildest dreams would I think I could be living the lifestyle I now have on the beach since I recently moved to 5 acres in the heart of Sydney. I had a great day not long ago where walked into my Mercedes-Benz dealership and bought 2 cars for cash, had no debt. So these traffic strategies actually work, the question is can and will you apply it? Visit TrafficGrab.com for free video training that builds on what we’ve shared here.

James Schramko is a Sydney based entrepreneur who owns several Internet Business ranging from SEO to coaching. See more at www.SuperFastBusiness.com or see James’ Free traffic video series online at www.TrafficGrab.com

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Page 15: Internet Marketing Magazine - JulAug2011

the nine keys to success in making passive income

By Andrew and Daryl Grant

Hi again from Andrew and Daryl! This issue, we want to continue through our Nine Keys to Success in Making Passive Income. So far we’ve talked about the first two keys: Key #1—Have a Clear, Specific Goal. Key #2—Use a proven system (don’t reinvent the wheel).

In this edition we’re talking about the third key – “Apply the 80/20 principle”.

We love the 80/20 principle. We’ve used it to build a multi-million dollar online business very quickly. And we only work in that business part time. In this article we’ll show you exactly how we did it.

Applied correctly, the 80/20 principle saves you loads of time and money – and gives you much more return for less effort. You’ve got to love that!

In terms of Internet marketing, the 80/20 principle basically means that 20% of what you do gets 80% of the results (and makes 80% of the income!).

We find (largely from personal experience!) that there are two types of people who struggle with this concept – read on to see if this is likely to be holding you back.

The first type of person who struggles to apply the 80/20 principle is the Perfectionist. These are people who have to get everything perfect before taking action. Now if you’re a brain surgeon, then being a perfectionist is probably a really good thing.

But if you’re an Internet Marketer, then it’s costing you time and money. Here’s an example: Spending a day going through an info product you’re selling on line and perfecting the grammar and punctuation when it’s already 95% right will not make you an extra dollar. If you’re a Perfectionist it may make you feel great (and if that’s your goal, then go for it!). But it won’t make you any more money.

However, spending the same amount of time going through and tweaking your sales letter will generally reap massive rewards.It’s all about knowing which is the 20% of tasks that will get you 80% of the results.

So, Perfectionists, here’s the challenge for you.

For the next week, monitor all the things you do in your Internet Business. For each task, ask yourself “Is this part of the 20% that is most effective? Or are there better things I could be doing with my time?”You’ll find that simply monitoring what you’re doing will get you an improvement in your results.

The second type of person who struggles with the 80/20 principle is the Opportunity Seeker. This is the person who loves the idea of finding and starting new opportunities – but then gets overloaded with all the work required, so nothing ever gets finished.

Here’s the issue for the Opportunity Seeker on the Internet. We find that an Internet Business is very different from a bricks and mortar business. Online there are loads more opportunities than you can ever possibly handle. If you try to do all of them you’ll grind to a halt.

If this is you, then here’s what to do about it:

List out all the projects you have on right now. Let’s say you have 10 of them. Go through all of them, and ask yourself “If I could wave a magic wand and have each of these up and running, which one would get me closest to my income and lifestyle goal?”

Once you’ve found the top one, then find the next highest, then the next highest – put the whole list in order, then give them a rating with 10 be-ing the highest.

Next, go through the list again, but this time ask “Which of these would be easiest for me to do?” Then identify the next easiest, then the next, until you’ve again gone through the whole list. Again, give each one a rating, with 10 being the easiest.

Now here’s where the 80/20 principle applies.

Look for the opportunities that score closest to 10 and 10.These are the things that give you the “biggest bang for the bucks”, as they are easiest to do, and are most likely to get you to your income and lifestyle goals if you do them.

Now here’s the challenge for the Opportunity Seeker.

Choose ONE project that scores closest to 10 and 10, and focus your energy on this for the next 30 days, or until the project is complete. Do not spend time on other projects until this one is done. Once it’s finished and making money, choose the next highest and do the same thing.

We GUARANTEE that you will make more money quicker doing this, than by spreading yourself across multiple projects. It’s the key thing we’ve done to build a multi-million dollar online business in just 2-3 years.

If you’re interested in learning more about how we focus our efforts to make money online, check out our blog at www.OurInternetSecrets.com. There we give you a simple system to sell information products, in our Quickstart Guide to Making Money Online. Loads of people have used the information in this free report to set up very successful info product businesses. Enjoy!

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increase your sales by upsell

If you’re not Upselling your customers, you’re missing out on an easy Internet marketing strategy that could increase your sales by 39%–or more!

Adding complementary “Upsell” offers to your thank-you pages or pages prior to checkout is by no means a new strategy, but it’s just as effective now as it was years ago.

According to Marketing Sherpa, 39% of their newsletter subscribers take advantage of one of the opt-in offers they put on their “thank you for subscribing” page.

Upselling your customers at the point of purchase is a KEY Internet marketing strategy for growing your business.

Why is Upselling so effective?Well, by the time a customer sees your thank-you page, they’ve already made the decision to trust you enough to buy something from you… so encouraging them to make a second purchase that you have positioned as a ‘no-brainer’ offer is a relatively easy sell.

This type of Upsell has become more popular in the last year with shoppingcart and other shopping cart providers building in ‘1 click Up-sell’ type functionality that remembers the credit card details and can do an Upsell without requiring the card details to be entered again – very effective.

The other main place to do an upsell is between the ‘Order’ page and the ‘Checkout’ process. I’ve used this one very effectively in the past.When I was in the positive cash flow property niche (my first online business) we had 1 product that out-sold everything else on the site. We sold about $2,500 a month of this particular $97 printed manual. Then we added an Upsell in the middle between the order and the checkout of a second complementary $97 manual for just $45 more.

Over about a year it averaged out that 33% of people took the Upsell. This equated to an extra roughly $800 a month in additional sales just for adding in this one Upsell step.Because our cost of acquisition was still the same (our traffic costs), most of this ended up as pure profit.

Up to date knowledge of what you can Upsell is critical. Upselling the wrong or irrelevant products or services will just alienate your clients. Upselling and cross-selling the right stuff at the right time can make a massive difference on your profitability.

I find a high value low price Upsell behind an email opt-in works well. I often use this to fund my cost of traffic and break even on the front end.Perhaps the biggest block to upselling is that most marketers don’t do it. Maybe they feel scared. Perhaps they feel cheeky. Maybe they think that they don’t have the right. Perhaps they “already know” that the client will say, “No”. Whatever! The biggest problem with upsellingis that most marketers quite simply just do not ask for the order.

Call it the McDonalds affect if you like… you have to ask! They Upsell on everything and they get a lot of “Nos” but they also get a lot of “Yeses”!

You need to make just asking part of your sales process too. You could significantly increase your sales results over night.

With McDonalds they ask you ‘would you like fries with that’ or “would you like to upsize for an extra xx amount?” It’s easy because the decision to buy has already been made.

When you provide recommendations based on their needs, then you are increasing the value to the customer. It’s important to be specific, don’t ask the customer ‘is there anything else you need’ because at this point they don’t know what they need.

Make suggestions based on the most likely item that the customer will want or need and why you think they will need it. Only recommend what the customer genuinely needs, not just what you want to sell them.

So just think, is there anywhere in your business that you can add an upsell for extra profit?

Greg Cassar is the leading Internet Marketing Strategist behind the scenes of many of the biggest Internet marketers in Australia and abroad (InternetMarketing-DoneForYou.com). You can follow Greg’s latest updates by subscribing to Internet Marketing Magazine at InternetMarketingMag.net for free video training and the latest edition updates.

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