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Intersectional Feminism

Intersectional FeminismBy: Dallas

What is Intersectionality?Intersectionality is interconnected categories of social qualities attributed to a person like race, class, and gender, and how these categories apply to either an individual or a group of people and how these categories are the result of a system that can be oppressive or not. For example, a white, wealthy, man will benefit from the system, while a black, poor, female will not, however intersectionality goes much further than this on a categorical level. Examining our own intersectionality forces us to realize where our place in society is and how other people may not fit in that same realm, allowing us to see and respect peoples differences and understand them.

Applying Intersectionality to FeminismIntersectional Feminism is feminism that uses intersectionality to explore ideas that include marginalized women. Feminism has a history of excluding minority women, so intersectional feminism is an attempt to break free of that. Feminism is much more than women getting jobs, the right to vote, and closing the wage gap. Intersectional Feminism gives marginalized women a voice that they would not have previously had and by understanding their experiences, we can create a world that is more compassionate and respectful.

Advocating for Intersectional FeminismUnderstanding your own intersectionality is a great start and is key. Understand other peoples intersectionality, because this helps you to see how you differ from them. Respect those that are different than you. People who are a different race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation are not scary, just different. Help those who are in need! A small act of kindness goes far. There are many programs out there for you to volunteer that help women and men who are marginalized. Lafayette has great opportunities for this, like Vita Reading Center, which is a literacy program. You can also volunteer for other organizations like Faith House and Habitat for Humanity. These are great ways to get involved and teach others about intersectional feminism. Not everyone will agree with you. Dont get angry, use your skills with intersectionality to understand where they are coming from and move on. Just be compassionate towards other people!

And Remember

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