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Page 1: Into the Deep - Issue 5 May 2011

Into The DeepIssue Five

A Fanzine For Classic Traveller: Set in Reavers' Deep

The Urlaggash Subsector andthe Virushi of Virshash


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Into The DeepIssue Five - May 2015CONTENTSEditor's Desk.................................................................................................................................Travellers Guide: Virshash ‐ The Home of Giants...........................................................Travellers Guide: Havant.............................................................................................................Featured Adventure: Havant Happenings...........................................................................Construction Yard: Gran Slam Trader..................................................................................Who Are You?: Travik Sundowner.........................................................................................Who Are You?: Darka Mancinado..........................................................................................Business As Usual: Carellines Ltd. ‐ An Aggressive Competitor.............................Bestiary: Besar................................................................................................................................Contact!: The Virushi, The Intelligent Bulldozers............................................................News Feed:........................................................................................................................................Library Data: The Urlaggash Subsectors.............................................................................Back Page: ....................................................................................................................................


Editor: Brett KrugerLayout Design: Brett KrugerProofreading: Brett KrugerContributing Authors: Brett Kruger, Timothy CollinsonPlaytesters: The Crew (Reavers Deep PbEM Group)Cover Picture: Red Dwarf Star Photo by NASAContributing Artists: Brett Kruger, Timothy Collinson

Legal Stuff:

The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright 1977 - 2008Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. FarFuture permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, thatFar Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. Thecontents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far FutureEnterprises' copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its filesshould not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, anyprogram/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent ofthe author who contributed it.


Into The Deep



All articles within "Into The Deep' fanzine are copyright by their respective authors, andmay not be reproduced anywhere else without the expressed permission of the author ofthat article. The editor of 'Into The Deep' fanzine cannot give out author's contactinformation but will, if possible, pass on requests for contact.

BKP - Brett Kruger Publishing 1

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Welcome Citizens!

This is the fifth issue of INTO THE DEEP, a free PDF based fanzine dedicated to the TravellerRole Playing Game (RPG) sector of space called Reavers' Deep. Each issue endeavours todevelop some aspect of the Reavers' Deep sector, its citizens, the worlds they inhabit and theadventures awaiting them. Hence the title!

Now about the contents of the fanzine and some of the articles you can expect to find inside.The Travellers Guide in this issue details the high population world of Virshash, found within theImperium of the Urlaggash subsector. Who are you? details a down on his luck ex-scout patronhoping to score big. The News Feed in this issue updates the special article on the extendedhistory of Reavers' Deep from last issue. Contact! explores the Virushi, the intelligent bulldozersof Reavers' Deep. In the Construction Yard you will find the Grand Slam Trader outlined,including full deck plans. The aggressive and ruthless Carrillian Assembly company CarellinesLtd is detailed in Business As Usual. There is also an extra Travellers Guide on Havant andsome additional articles by Timothy Collinson. Also starting this issue world data is beingbrought in line with the T5 survey data.

My goal is still to release an issue of INTO THE DEEP with twenty or more pages of content,although as always this really depends on my creative juices and any submissions I might get.On the topic of content and submissions INTO THE DEEP will support Classic Traveller.Submissions can be for other Traveller systems but they must be either set in the Reavers'Deep sector or be generic enough to work on a world in that sector. Article submissions can beup to six pages in length, though I reserve the right for creative editing, in RTF, TXT, DOC orODT formats and should be checked for grammar if possible. I use Australian spelling in myarticles but at least you don't have to put up with my accent. If you have graphics, which wouldbe great as I am no artist, please include them separately as that makes it easier to put into mydesktop publishing software.

Most of my articles will be set in the Official Traveller Universe (OTU) and will be in line withexisting canon, although I will happily accept non-canon and other Traveller universes (MTU) aswell. Just remember that the goal of this fanzine is to develop the Reavers' Deep sector. If youare thinking about submitting an article then I would recommend looking at the ads within thefanzine as I will be targeting them at topics that I hope to cover in the next issue or two.

This fanzine is to be a non-profit endeavour, written totally for the love of the game. It is hopedthat someone, somewhere will find the content within these pages useful in inspiring a greatadventure with a group of friends, and if not then just have a good read. I am happy to receivefeedback, especially if an article of mine contradicts canon, but please remember I am doing thisin my own time so I may or may not get time to respond to all correspondence.

Finally I would like to thank my 'Crew', the regular players of my Reavers' Deep PbEM group -Bonni, David, Gabe, Matt, Pat and last but by no means least Sue. A lot of the concepts andideas in this fanzine have been tested by the Crew and I can't thank them enough for the hoursof entertainment that they provided.Anyway, please enjoy the issue. You never know what you will discover in the Deep!

Brett KrugerEditor of INTO THE [email protected]




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Travellers Guide



TRAVELLERS GUIDEVirshashBy Brett Kruger

Virshash is a high-population Imperial worldthat is notable due to it being the homeworld ofthe Virushi, a Minor Race that are among thelargest intelligent races encountered byHumaniti. The system contains a Scout Base.

System Data:Virshash (DA86954-6) is found in the

Urlaggash subsector of Reavers' Deep, justwithin the borders of Imperial space. Theprimary star is called Virstirsh and has aspectral classification of F9V. There is asecondary star in close orbit called Vergish andit has a spectral classification of M4V. TheVirshash planetary system has nine majorbodies with only Virshash inhabited. There arethree gas giants and no planetoid belts in thesystem.

Orbital Dispersion Table:0 - VergishI - FlameII - Virstirsh IIIII - VirshashIV - Large Gas GiantV - EmptyVI - Large Gas GiantVII - Small Gas GiantVII - Virstirsh VIIIX - Virstirsh IXX - Virstirsh XXI - Virstirsh XI

Planetary Data:Virshash, the Virushi homeworld, has a

notably dense core and a diameter ofsomewhat over 16,000 kilometres, giving it agravity of 1.75G, and is part of a relativelyclose double-star system. The second star ofthe pair produces high levels of radiation,which Virshash's dense atmosphere only partlyblocks. Virshash has two satellites, Viris andValcala. Virshash's has an atmospheric

composition of a dense oxygen-nitrogen mix.Hydrographic percentage is 60% liquid water.The population of four billion is composedentirely of the minor race of Virushi. There isalso a population of several thousand, mostlyhumans, who operate the scout base in thesystem. The trade classification of Virshash isrich with an average law level of 4. Currenttechnology level on Virshash has been gradedby the ISS at six.

Early History:Because of food requirements the early

Virushi were forced into a solitary, wide-rangingpattern of foraging. They found considerableadvantages in cooperation and the formation ofsocial groups took place over considerabletime. They learned to build shelters that gavethe small settlements protection from the largepredators of the world and eventually masteredtool-making. As the Virushi progressedtowards civilization, an unusual social unitcalled the "cooperative" came into being.

The cooperative organization was nevercoercive or hierarchical as the race lackedaggressive instincts, and individual Virushihave always been able to wander off alone onforaging expeditions. However, thoseindividuals who cooperated in building shelters,tools, fire, and, of course, families, had a betterchance for survival. The resultant culture todayis semi-feudal and these cooperatives wereindirectly involved in the extinction ofVirshash's large predators.

The Virushi were first contacted whenSolomani explorers ventured into the Reavers'Deep sector during a lull in the Interstellar

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southern oceans. The poles are cold but polarice rarely forms due to the dense atmosphereof the world. The oceans are filled with vastfields of kelp, which has kept aquatic life on thesmall side. In fact the kelp is so dense insome areas a man can walk across thesurface of the ocean without sinking more thanfive or ten centimetres.

Ecology:Virshash is a dense atmosphere planet with a

high gravity which is heavily irradiated by themore energetic of the world's two suns. Thesefactors of high gravity, dense atmosphere, andheavy radiation have shaped life on Virshash.During the day the brilliant sunlight fromVirshash's primary star Virstirsh bathes theworld, but even during the night reflected lightfrom the two moons and the secondary starVergish means the world is rarely in fulldarkness. Night time is also the mostdangerous time for radiation exposure fromVergish.

Virshash has a significantly unstableenvironment and a prolific ecology with somephysically formidable large life-forms, althoughnone larger than the Virushi. There is a hugevariety of flora across the world, from the low,rough bush of the cooler scrub lands, the twometer tall grasses and rushes of the rivervalleys and the massive, squat trees of theworld's great forests.

Society:See the Contact! article on the Virushi for

more information.

Government:See the Contact! article on the Virushi for

more information.

Military:See the Contact! article on the Virushi for

more information.

Trade:Trade is exclusively with Imperial

corporations that the Grand Council approvesof. Imports are invariably technology itemswhile exports are restricted to local foodstuffs.Mining and agriculture on the planet isrestricted to Virushi co-ops.

Wars. They remained in at least intermittentcontact with various Human states throughoutthis period and into the Long Night. When theThird Imperium finally arrived in Reavers' Deepthe Virushi welcomed them. The scout base inthe Virshash system became the first Imperialasset in Reavers' Deep when construction wascompleted in 198.

Modern History:For the majority of the Virushi life continues

on much the same as it always has. A few ofthe more enterprising Virushi have createdcommercial co-ops to trade with Imperialcorporations. As with all things Virushi thetrade co-ops are operated by those individualsthat wish to participate, and membership canfluctuate greatly as individual Virushi come andgo.

The Virushi have always been interested intechnology, especially technology that easesthe burden of food gathering, and in the lastdecade a herd of young Virushi have becomeinvolved in expeditions to other worlds insearch of such technologies. These offworldtrips have contributed greatly to the generalknowledge of the Virushi in the sub-sectorsaround Virshash, which has also lead to ageneral increase for Virushi items in thesecultures.

The Virushi are now very close to having anative level seven in certain areas oftechnology, although there is a definiteacceleration in food production technologies asincreasing population levels start to straintraditional food production techniques.

Geography:There is very little tectonic activity on

Virshash, the core having cooled long ago, sothe land masses of the world have lowmountain ranges, undulating hill country andmany open plains. Several of the largercontinents have deserts in their hearts. In thetropical zones of the world the trees can growup to 100 meters tall, but elsewhere bush,shrub and grasses tend to dominate the land.Except for the giant forests of the tropics mostvegetation tends towards the sparse side.

The oceans are generally shallow, especiallyaround the land masses, except for anexceptionally deep trench in the largest of the


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Adventure Hooks:A Virushi named Thum-mer-gath

approaches the PCs seeking passage off-world as he wishes to explore nearby worlds.He is offering gold to the value of 50,000Cr tobe taken of a tour of the three closest worlds.Modifications to the PCs ship will need to bemade to accommodate Thum if they chooseto take him on as a passenger.

A man claiming to be a representative of theCarrillian company Carellines Ltd approachesthe PCs with a business proposal. He wishesto import hi-tech goods to Virshash but needsan Imperial intermediary to be able to reducecustoms fees to a profitable level. If the PCstake the work they will later find out that theVirushi will only trade with registered Imperialcompanies and that they are basicallysmuggling under the Virushi-Imperial tradeagreement.

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TRAVELLERS GUIDEHavantBy Timothy Collinson

Often described in gazetteers and even by itsinhabitants, as a 'quiet backwater', Havant isn'twithout its points of interest. Some 700,000people live sandwiched between two highlypopulated worlds that account for about twothirds of the population of the system.

System Data:Havant (3120 B-542524-B) is found in Nightrimsubsector of Reavers' Deep. The primary star,called Karantia, has a classification of M3V anda companion (Ba-Karantia) in Orbit 4 classifiedM5V. As well as Havant, two gas giants orbitKarantia, one large and one small. Around thecompanion are three worlds. Throughout thesystem there are 12 satellites and one ringwhich are almost all uninhabited.

Orbital Dispersion Table:0 - B-542524-B HavantI - Large Gas Giant Loo

1 Y-R00000-07 Y-420000-0 Mengham8 Y-300000-0 Estoke12 Y-100000-0 Selsmor200 Y-300000-0 Tourner275 Y-S00000-0 Pound

II - Small Gas Giant Suggs7 H-100000-0 Hayling8 G-541212-A Clanfield11 Y-S00000-0 Gable12 Y-S00000-0 Rane60 Y-430000-0 Mylor

III - Empty

IV - M5D Ba-Karantia0 - Y-530000-0 Leigh

9 Y-S00000-0 St Helens60 H-S00135-A Wiite

I - G-334207-A SworthII - Y-100267-A Farling

5 Y-S00000-0 Kench

Planetary Data:Havant is a non-industrial, poor world with a

diameter of 8,267km. It has a thin, taintedatmosphere with elevated levels of CO2 which,along with a molten core, keep it warmer thanmight otherwise be the case. Filter masks arerequired outside any enclosed habitats. Watercovers some 23.9% of the surface in variousseas, lakes and ice caps. The population of704,682 is of mixed human stock and includesa community of 5,445 Aslan. Nearly 2,000people live on two other worlds and twosatellites elsewhere in the system. Thegovernment is a participating democracy andthe law level of 4 prohibits light assaultweapons. Technology Level is rated as B.

Clanfield, in Orbit 8 of the small gas giant, ishome to 310 workers of the Estok ExplorationCompany.

Around the companion star Ba-Karantia, 850people call Sworth home and 750 people liveon Farling as part of a University of Havantresearch project. The planet Leigh isearmarked for future possible development,but in the meantime one of its satellites hasbeen bought up by the wealthy, if eccentric,Wiite family. Ninety one of them live there inalmost total seclusion from outside society.

Early History:For all the history of the sector, Havant hasn't

much to boast about. Even the reaversneglected it in favour of neighbouring worldswith breathable atmospheres. Right on theedge of the sector, it was one of the firstworlds of Reavers' Deep explored by ImperialScouts in 107, but even when other worlds

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consider ways to relieve their huge populationpressures. Some immigration has alreadytaken place on a small scale from Khakhanwhich is looking to send many more settlers.Some on Havant feel it is the charitable thingto do, after all there's plenty of space even if itthe environment isn't as hospitable as might bedesired; others fear the break-up of Havant'ssociety in the face of the overwhelmingnumbers which could be involved.

Geography:Havant has a surface area of 214,706,774

square kilometres which is broadly divided intotwo large fertile areas warmed by upwellings ofmagma under thin crustal plates; these areusually surrounded by bands of tundral landmarginally able to support flora and fauna;there are two large areas of solid ice and asouth polar ice cap; one major ocean is frozenin its north eastern half; and there are twominor oceans, three small seas and scatteredlakes making up the remainder of the planet'shydrographics.

The ice cap covers some 5% of Havant'ssurface area and is generally unremarkable.There is a research base located here abovean under ice lake which has formed in an oldimpact crater.

The capital city of Havant is called Longstonand has a population of over 117,000. Thereis also a highport with 53,000 inhabitantscalled Wittering, or occasionally, Havant High.The only other major city is Faarem with apopulation of 30,000. As well as the 60townships (defined as having a population ofbetween 1,000 and 10,000), there are a coupleof thousand hamlets spread around the world'ssurface. With such small centres of populationwhich are widely distributed, Havant has a veryrural feel.

were being colonized in the 200s, Havant wasbypassed for other places. By 407, however, acouple of failed attempts at colonization ledfinally to the beginning of a permanentpresence on the planet. Initially, mineralextraction drew workers who were followed byfamilies and supporting trade. Settlementssprang up around various mines and it wasn'ttoo long before the CO2 rich atmosphere wasfound to be conducive particularly to certainplants of the brassica genus. Farming soonbecame more and more widespreadthroughout the more temperate latitudes.

In the 700s the Aslan population began toincrease when the opportunity to buy landcheaply for development came up. In the 800smissionaries from the Reformed CatholicChurch of Sylea made a large impact andmany turned to that faith. Some 90% claim aconnection with the church although that mayoften be a rather nominal allegiance. In 956exploration of the moons of Suggs revealedresources worth developing on Clanfield.

One of the few 'claims to fame' that Havantmakes for what little tourist industry it sees, isthat Winchestur Mollh once spent a season ona mustard farm in his early years. History issilent on whether it was simply to earn somecash, an opportunity to explore his spiritualside in 'retreat', or a place to hide from anangry creditor, but the locals will often have atale to tell a traveller willing to listen.

Modern History:Havant has now grown to a population of

three quarters of a million spread through twosurface cities and a highport, some 60townships, and a large number of hamlets andfamily units. Mining and farming predominatebut are mostly small scale concerns. For themost part life is quiet on Havant with the mostexcitement happening at the annual LakeBroadwater sailing regatta drawing crowdsfrom all over the world. This is a large socialevent as much as a sporting one, with familiesmeeting up, the chance to make new friends,and an opportunity for singles to meet andmingle and perhaps even find a spouse.

The generally harmonious society however isbeginning to show signs of discord as theneighbouring worlds of Khakhan and Khaghish


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Havant Domes

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Ecology:Havant would be a frigid place without the

high levels of carbon dioxide in theatmosphere and the molten core still warmingparts of the surface of the world. Vegetationtends towards the sparse in the tundral areasalthough lichens are common, scrubby plantsdo their best to survive and the occasionaltree breaks up an otherwise featurelesslandscape of plains or undulating hills.

There is very little vegetation in the barrenterrain, but some cacti thrive on the CO2

where they can find enough water. Severalhundred years ago the main fertile regionsmostly consisted of light woodland.Increasingly, these areas are being cultivatedand in particular cabbages, broccoli, sprouts,and kales seem to thrive in the particularcombination of soil and atmosphere.Mustards and cress are also widely cultivated.

There is some wildlife, none native to theworld, but various creatures that can toleratethe higher levels of C02 have been imported.

Society:Society on Havant is generally conservative

and harmonious. As noted above that may beunder threat in the coming years. 'Live and letlive' would be an appropriate motto if thepopulation went in for such things. There iscertainly a tendency to keep to oneself andnot pry into a neighbour's business.Inhabitants are known as Vantites - a recentdrive to adopt 'Havanters' came to nothing.Religion is a unifying force here with alltownships and many hamlets boasting achurch. That's not to say that Vantitesnecessarily have much to do with the churchexcept at the usual births, deaths andmarriages, but most would subscribe to acharitable view of their neighbours, tithe theirincome and possibly even volunteer in variousways depending on skill and aptitude.

The Aslan population is well integrated and alarge proportion of them serve in the militaryor as police (see below).

Government:Havant has a somewhat unusual form of

participatory democracy harking back to thevery oldest forms of government by thepeople. The form of sortition used on theworld means that every citizen - essentially


everyone over the age of 16 barring convictedcriminals serving their sentence - is not onlyeligible but required to take part in a lottery thattakes place every two years to appoint apresident. It's considered an honour to servethe term and former presidents are held in highregard. The president is 'advised' by planet-wide referenda when appropriate and by asmall civil service of professional bureaucrats.

The present President is a 19 year oldwoman called Darka Mancinado who is comingto the end of a very successful term. It's beensome time since the world has had such ayoung president and there were those whovoiced (muted) concerns about her being up tothe job. In fact, she's been very capable andwell liked.

Military:The armed forces of Havant are a modest

affair comprising just 1% of the population.This includes crews for half a dozen SDBs,ground army units, a very small air force of g-carriers, and the sheriffs carrying out a policingrole. Half of these forces are comprised ofcommunity service personnel for whom itcompletes their final year of education at theage of 15, 18 or post-university.

Of the SDBs - their crews are normallyprofessional full-timers - four are on duty atany one time and one of these is stationed outat Ba-Karantia. The sheriffs are also full timepolice officers although they take somecommunity service volunteers who show aparticular aptitude and inclination. There arearound 500 of them with a significant numberbased in the three cities and on the high port.Nearly 2,000 of the Aslan on the world havealso signed up.

In general the ground and air (grav) forcesare occupied with community projects whennot training, occasional disaster relief work,and are also used to provide security servicesto business which requires such. For the mostpart it's a quiet life, however!

Trade:Although the mining concerns are limited andthe farming mostly used to feed its ownpopulation, there is some export trade and atleast two brands of mountain mustard havegained some small but sought after markets inReavers' Deep and Daibei. Most imports come

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from the neighbouring worlds of Khagish andKhakhan - particularly the latter for its muchvaunted technology.

Adventure Hooks:A Khakhan trader who imports goods toHavant, has some machine parts he needsdelivering to a string of hamlets on the otherside of the world. His usual distributor has lethim down, but he has all the permits required.The PCs just need to fly the parts to thelocations provided and ensure that paymentis received. Should be straightforward.

A protest group against immigration fromneighbouring worlds has called for a marchon the downport just as the PCs are passingthrough. A counter protest by those recentlyarrived from Khakhan or Khagish is beingheld in response. (There is even thepossibility of conflict between the two sets ofimmigrants.) Anything from minor delays tooutbreaks of violence are possible. The PCsmay be put on the spot - even as offworlders -as to their view on the subject and dependingon which faction is asking may find theiropportunities for trade enhanced ordiminished.

President Mancinado is on a visit to Wittering,the highport, at the same time the PCs arethere. It's a small backwater and relativelyinformal so her small entourage gets entangledwith the PCs at one of the gates. Waiting foran elevator or a tubeshuttle to another portionof the station, conversation strikes up (the PCsmay not even recognise the President) and theyoung woman is rather taken with one of thePCs and invites them to dinner.

Making a delivery to one of the most northerlytownships, mostly inhabited by Aslan, the PCsturn up at the dome's main airlock on schedule.Unfortunately, there's a still warm dead bodyalso just outside the airlock and no obvioussign of foul play. The town will call on a sheriffto investigate but the PCs, as strangers, willhave questions to answer. If they can establishtheir innocence, the sheriff may even deputisethem as disinterested strangers to help himinvestigate - particularly if they have anyfamiliarity with Aslan culture.

Note: The Jump-4 map has been producedusing The Traveller Mapwww.travellermap.com; the world map andother images are by the author.

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Havant HappeningsBy Timothy Collinson

This straightforward adventure is designed for a group of PCs who own their own ship – or are makingpayments on it, need to make a few Credits, and are in the Havant system for whatever reason. It canbe played fairly straight as written, or could play up on the paranoia of players, or could be a light‐hearted Heinleinesque romp in which case a sentient computer and/or polymath, jack‐of‐all tradecharacters should be added. (See Scene 6 for details on why this might be appropriate.) Theadventure deals with issues of tolerance and the acceptance of ‘other’.

Scene 1. SysconAs the PC's ship Jumps into the Havant

system and approaches the mainworld,there's the usual traffic from System Control,or Syscon, welcoming them and giving detailsabout vectors to Wittering, arrival slots at thehigh port and so on. Lt Kent Phillst is on dutyand if engaged in conversation will happilyramble on about the latest events on Havant.These will typically be rather dull for widelytravelled Imperial citizens: A small group of"Havanters" have started a law suit to haveofficial documents carry the usage despite therecent referendum which they resoundinglylost; Mamma's Mountain Mustard recentlywon a subsector gourmet award; the firstlarge scale survey of Hayling has begun as ateam of six have set up base; two Aslan havea rescued a miner trapped in mountains ofthe northern tundra. Alternatively, the PCsmay hear the above in general comms chit-chat, or local news broadcasts as they getnearer to the world. In general the picture ofa bucolic backwater should predominate.

Scene 2. PlanetfallAt Wittering, the high port, the PCs are

approached by Phillst who has beendeputised by the port manager. "Things arepretty informal around here," he tells them.Once he's dealt with the usual formalities hebegins to explain them something else.

infection - he can give details if needed - andwon't be cleared by the hospital for a couple ofweeks. The starport is willing to pay Cr10,000,plus they'll waive fuelling charges and portfees, if the PCs can make the run out to themoonlet. They've a contract to fulfil andpenalties they'd have to pay if they didn't meetit. Straightforward trip, the regular crew havenever had any problems, he doesn't foreseeany difficulties. Phillst is genuine, honest anda cheerful if perhaps lonely soul. He won'toffer the information but if asked will makesome excuse about no one else being able toget out there for the next month or two. He'lltell the PCs that the port stevedores will beable to handle the loading of the supplies oncethe PCs have offloaded their inbound cargoand if pressed he'll even waive the cargohandling fees for the PC goods and put in agood word for them in the marts when itcomes to picking up cargo for onwardshipment.

Scene 3. The Cargo DocksAssuming the PCs accept the job, they'll be

free to supervise both their own cargooffloading and the stevedores work as theyload the supplies. There won't be anyobjections to checking on the containers whichwill contain food stuffs, medicines, some tools,and some university teaching material.However, as the stevedores do their work, theywill either directly address the PCs or the PCswon't fail to hear discussions between them.It's a small world and the news is out alreadythat the PCs are doing the work.

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Lines such as "Not surprised the Lunchers(i.e. a nickname of the usual supply crew)have all come down with something, I wouldtoo if I had to drag all the way out to Wiite.""Well, I'm just glad it's not me shipping outthere..." "If they're such decent folks, whydon't they come for their own gear?" And soon. The Referee can keep this relativelyinnocuous or play it up depending on how thescenario is to be played. There may even bea dissenting voice along the lines of "oh comeon, they're just rumours, ain't nothin' wrongwith a bit of privacy." If the comments aredirected at the PCs they will be warningssuch as "you want to tak' care out there - stuffhappens" or "you did screw the Lieut for theusual doubled danger Creds, didn't you?

Scene 4. Further EnquiriesIf the PCs enquire further of the dock

workers they won't know much but will talk ingeneralities about bad things happening anytime anyone goes near the place and thecrew of the Out to Lunch being on good payfor the supply run. There's one rumour aboutno one ever having come back to Havantfrom Wiite, another about the graves oftwenty Aslan at the south pole of the moon,and another about a strange cult. Anyonethinking about the first rumour for a momentwill realize that the Out to Lunch crewregularly return from the moonlet. No dockworker has any evidence for any of this andvirtually all of them will have a "No..., what Iheard was..." type of line.

If the PCs enquire of the Out to Lunch crew,they'll have difficulties at least initially ofgetting past the medical staff who arekeeping them in quarantine and then relativeswho don't see the need to trouble them whenthey're so unwell. If the PCs press, they'll beable to speak to the captain who will tell themthere are no problems - "just do the run,deliver the stuff, come back". It should benoted that their infection is nothing to do withWiite and was picked up in Longston - thehospital can confirm this.

If the PCs enquire further of Lt Phillst hewon't think there's a problem. In fact, he

knows that rumours and gossip float about aplace like this and even's heard some of them,but he gives them no credence and won'tmention them unprompted. If the PCs bringanything they've heard to his attention, he'lllook uncomfortable and say "oh, you knowwhat people are like in small towns, smallworlds... pay no attention." He will be able toexplain to them that the moonlet is inhabitedby a single family that live out there, theWiites, mining and keeping themselves verymuch to themselves.

Scene 5. WiiteThe run out to Wiite will be completely

uneventful and the PCs will be able to get intouch with the inhabitants as soon as they'rewithin range. Whatever paranoia the PCshave been infected by from the Vantites will beunfounded and any precautions unnecessary.A genial man in his 50s, Goss Wiite, will be onthe comms and initially suspicious of a crewhe doesn't know. However, once he knowsthat the PCs are filling in due to the virus, he'llsound genuinely glad to hear the ship is on itsway - although he'll be curious to know what'shappened to the Out to Lunch crew andexpress genuine sorrow to hear of their ill-health. "Great that you guys could ship outhere, though. We'll be expecting you forsupper.

Wiite is a typical unregarded moonlet of noastronomical interest whatsoever. It's a barrenrock with no water - or rather ice at thisdistance from Ba-Karantia. Leigh is areasonably sized world which even boasts avery thin atmosphere and it hangs low in thesky when the PCs arrive. The 'port' facilitieson Wiite are pretty much non-existent.Essentially a flattened piece of bedrock withlights and landing markers. A short distanceaway is a small dome. Most of the Wiitefamily's home is underground and this smalldome is merely the entrance. There's apersonnel airlock and cargo airlock. TheReferee may wish to create a plan of the homeand detail some of the key inhabitantsdepending on how subsequent events arelikely to play out.

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Travellers Guide



Scene 6. The HomeThe PCs will be directed to the dome on

landing and welcomed once inside by Goss,a young woman in her twenties, and severalsmall children who are all excitedly runningaround and eager to get close to the visitors.In the melee, Goss will introduce his "thirdwife" Minda and gesture at some of theirchildren. "We don't get many visitors out hereas you can imagine." Goss will lead themdown a couple of levels to a very comfortableapartment with corridors and rooms off alarge central living space. If the PCs areinterested they'll get a full tour. The place canhold 100 or more people comfortably, hasstorage areas and mining equipment on thetop levels, hydroponics and aquaponicsbelow that, and accommodation areasbeneath that. Goss will explain that this isthe home of his family and, as he carries onwith the tour, will be constantly greeting menand women and happily telling kids racingpast to slow down and introducing folk,probably not everyone if they're obviouslybusy, by name but not necessarilyrelationship. However, he may slip up andrefer to another wife who is clearly not onlystill alive but present or he might give otherclues that this is perhaps not quite thetraditional set up you, or at least Vantites,might expect. The dress code is apparentlyvery relaxed.

The Wiite family practices a 'line marriage' -a form of group marriage (seehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_marriageand various Robert Heinlein novels asreferenced in the article). This would bedeeply frowned on by the conservative,religion bound (if not practising) inhabitants ofHavant were it generally known. However,rumours have spread about all sorts of'goings on' most of which are completelyuntrue and the result of wild imagination andlittle actual information. Random events fromaround the system may be attributed to themas well - even though they're nothing to dowith the family. The Wiites keep tothemselves for the most part on the moonthey own, mine precious metals which they

ship back to Havant so they can purchasesufficient for their modest needs, and areactually very charming and sociable (within thefamily) once you get to know them. Imaginethe Waltons on steroids. The key thing is thatthe moonlet is a very comfortable home - ifperhaps kept a little warm, with all theamenities TL-A allows, and a large family offriendly, intelligent people.

Goss is the patriarch of the family, genuinelygrateful to the PCs for making the supply run(he knows what the rumours are like back onHavant), and is determined to show the PCsgenerous hospitality while they're there. Theyoung wife who met the strangers at their frontdoor may have a particular form of hospitalityin mind given the general lack of contact withthe outside world. Depending on theproclivities of the players and the Referee'sidea of the scenario, this can be played up (orelided over) and genders of the Wiite familyswitched as necessary. It may also becompletely against the will, or without theknowledge, of the rest of the family or Goss inparticular.

Usually the crew of the Out to Lunch delivertheir cargo, stay for a couple of days enjoyingthe hospitality of the family - but they do nottalk about this back on Havant - and treat it asan odd, if interesting visit. The rumours don'tcome from them but from the lack ofinformation and the odd visits one of the Wiitesmight make to Havant.

Scene 7. Those Good Ol' BoysHowever, several months ago one of the

crew of the Out to Lunch was sacked becauseof a drink problem he was failing to get undercontrol. He's now looking for work out onSworth, a small world in orbit around Ba-Karantia, and he has been talking ratherunguardedly. Half a dozen ruffians have puttwo and two together and made three; they'vedecided to poke their noses in where theymost certainly won't be welcome and they'll belooking to make trouble if things don't go theirway. The Referee should decide on where thefinal confrontation takes place: in space, onthe surface of the moonlet, within the

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Travellers Guide



homestead, or a mixture of these. In spacethe Referee will need to pick a vessel -probably not a starship - that can transportthe ne'er-do-wells from Sworth to Leigh andinto orbit around Wiite where they can eitherland directly or use an air/raft to approach theWiite's residence. They may arrive while thePCs are still there, or after they've left butbefore they are out of immediate commscontact. Their ship, numbers and gearshould be appropriate for the strength andabilities of the PCs, or the PCs and the Wiitefamily, depending on how the scene is to beplayed out. The Wiites aren't incapable ofdefending themselves - they have someenergy rifles, pistols and the skills to usethem. But they have no heavy weapons andthe only vessel they have is an old pinnacearmed with just one pulse laser.

Of course, the PCs may not wish to getinvolved and they could depart swiftly, but ifso they won't be welcome on the moonlet atany time in the future and if they report onwhat they've seen to the authorities back atHavant, won't be welcome back at themainworld either should they admit to'abandoning' the family. For all that the Wiiteskeep to themselves, they're still citizens.They are scrupulous about paying bills andtaxes on time. The PCs may choose to stayand help, either using their ship or in personwithin the homestead if things get that far,

or they may have to help out if the intrudersdeliberately target or damage the PC's ownship. If the latter, it should be damage that theWiites have the equipment and skills toreplace or repair. Should the PCs stay to helpout and successfully drive off, capture, or killthe attackers, they'll be hailed as heroes bythe family and may even be made honorarymembers. Depending on how the hospitalitymentioned above has been played, this mayradically change their reception amongst allthe adults.

Scene 8. Back at HavantAssuming the PCs have helped drive off the

attack, Goss will give them advice on whatthey might tell the authorities back at Havant.But of course, if anyone from Lieutenant Phillstdown to a big-eared barfly gets any impressionon their return that they're not quite telling thewhole story, that will only add to the rumoursand mystique about the world and its familyeven if they say nothing at all. The PCs will bemore than welcome on Havant, receive all thepayment (or waived fees) they've beenpromised, and possibly even become a minormedia story depending on what they've saidand who they've said it to. If their protection ofa Vantite (even recluses like the Wiites) ismade public, they may also be able to get veryfavourable deals on any cargo they wish topurchase.

A New Era is Coming........

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Construction Yard



Ship: Marie TomicClass: Grand SlamType: TraderArchitect: Brett KrugerTech Level: 11

USPEX-3222221-040000-30002-0 MCr

158.500 300 TonsBat Bear 1 1 1 Crew: 8Bat 1 1 1 TL: 11

Cargo: 105.000 Fuel: 66.000 EP: 6.000Agility: 1Craft: 1 x 4T Air/raftFuel Treatment: Fuel ScoopsArchitects Fee: MCr 1.579 Cost in Quantity:MCr 126.920

Detailed Description

HULL300.000 tons standard, 4,200.000 cubicmeters, Cone Configuration

CREWPilot, Navigator, 2 Engineers, Medic, 3Gunners

ENGINEERINGJump-2, 2G Manuever, Power plant-2, 6.000EP, Agility 1

AVIONICSBridge, Model/2 Computer


HARDPOINTS3 Hardpoints

ARMAMENT1 Triple Missile Turret organised into 1 Battery(Factor-2), 1 Triple Beam Laser Turretorganised into 1 Battery (Factor-3)

DEFENCES1 Triple Sandcaster Turret organised into 1Battery (Factor-4)

CRAFT1 4.000 ton Air/raft (Crew of 0, Cost of MCr0.600)

FUEL66.000 Tons Fuel (2 parsecs jump and 28days endurance)On Board Fuel Scoops, No Fuel PurificationPlant

MISCELLANEOUS14.0 Staterooms, 4 Low Berths, 105.000 TonsCargo


COSTMCr 159.479 Singly (incl. Architects fees ofMCr 1.579), MCr 126.320 in Quantity, plusMCr 0.600 of Carried Craft

CONSTRUCTION TIME71 Weeks Singly, 57 Weeks in Quantity

Grand Slam TraderBy Brett Kruger

Built by Starstream Enterprises on Caledon and designed by an architect of Solomanidescent, each ship in the Grand Slam class of traders was named after a supreme championof an ancient Terran sport called tennis. Fifty such ships were produced, with the firstcompleted in 1060, and it is not known how many are still in service. Three are known to havesuffered drive failures and have been scrapped in recent years.

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Construction Yard


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Construction Yard


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Travik SundownerBy Brett Kruger

Patron Type: Ex-scout pilotNecessary Skills: Zero-GNecessary Equipment: Starship, vac suits,recovery/mining equipmentLocale: Any system with a planetoid belt andwithin jump of a scout base

Player Information:Travik is stuck in system after being

dismissed from the ISS for being excessivelydrunk and disorderly. He was escorted fromthe scout base onto the first outboundstarship. The players now find him in adownport bar drowning his sorrows. Whenasked he will regale the players with tales ofsecret missions and strange stellar anomaliesin systems across Reavers' Deep. Oneparticular tale will catch the player's attention,that of a derelict starship in the belt of thissystem. It seems that Travik spent a fewmonths a year ago in this system, conductingan extensive survey of the belt. The sensorspicked up what Travik initially thought was asensor ghost, but a visual of the area showedwhat looked like a derelict ship. Travik taggedthe ghost image but due to the volume of datato be processed it would be years before theISS tagged the vessel for further investigation.

If the players press Travik he will agree toshow them where the ship is, as long as theytake him with and give him an equal cut of anyprofit they make off the derelict. Travik willguide the players to a distant spot in thenearby belt where, after several false startslooking at larger rocks, they will arrive at arock approximately 5000 meters across, witha large impact crater around 3000 meterswide and 2000 meters deep in one side. Inthe bottom of the impact crater is a wreckedstarship, clearly of Solomani origin. The shipis a bulk freighter of 4000 tons displacement.Airlocks can be seen along the top of the ship,but it is clear the ship has no power and hasbeen there a very long time.

Referee Information:1. All is as presented above. The ship hasseveral hundred thousand credits worth ofcargo. The ship itself has a million creditsworth of tech level 12 parts still in workingorder that will take several months of work toremove.

2. All is as presented above, except that thereis no salvageable parts on the ship and it willtake several weeks to cut a hole large enoughto extract the cargo.

3. All is as presented in #2, however the shipis actually a makeshift base for piratesoperating outside of Imperial space. They willreturn to the system after a week in a suitablychallenging starship.

4. There is nothing of value in the ship and it isa right-off.

5. As per #4, however the crew booby-trappedthe ship before they expired.

6. As per #1, however with about six months'worth of work and the right spare parts thestarship can be made to fly again. It will notbe capable of entering atmosphere or jumpingdue to the extensive damage but could beused as an orbital base or sold as scrap foraround 10Mcr. However if sold the originalowners will discover the sale and pursue theplayers for restitution.

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Who Are You


Darka MancinadoBy Timothy Collinson

Age 19, 1 partial term, Cr0, UPP: 8949B8Leader 1, Liaison 1, Admin 0, Broker 0,Computer 0Equipment: Handcomp

Player InformationDarka Mancinado is a remarkable young

woman on the world of Havant, largelybecause she is so unremarkable. However,under the world's sortition method of selectingits President, Darka became the head ofgovernment just two months after her 18thbirthday.

Born the eldest child of very ordinary parents,her father - Sole Mancinado - is a teacher inthe township of Stuub some 2400km to theeast of Longston; her mother - Entli - is a lifesupport engineer. Darka grew up with a twoyear younger sister in a modest 4n4 module inStuub (four rooms, four foodchits) and whilenot excellent at school, she worked hard andin her best subjects (astrography and writing)was in the top 20% of her class. Like manyVantites she kept a besar as a pet and trainedit to perform a variety of tricks. (See Bestiary:Besar on page 23.) She also took lessonsfrom the age of 8 on the vooli and althoughshe's not natural on the instrument she canplay simple tunes for her own and her family'samusement.

On completing school at 18 she moved toFaarem where she obtained a job in theadministrative department of the EstokExploration Company. Having barely startedthere, however, her name was drawn in thebiannual presidential lottery and her lifechanged overnight.

As is usually the case, her presidential dutieshave rather taken over her life, but she's kepta cool head, not allowed it to overwhelm her,and has developed her own voice amidst thecivil servants who advise her. She's alsobrought something of a freshness andsimplicity to the position that has stood her in

good stead - repealing a widely disliked taxlaw that was overly complicated and cuttingthrough some unnecessary bureaucracy.

In fact, much of her popularity has actuallystemmed from her not constantly fiddling andintruding but recognizing that change for thesake of it or simply to show she was doingsomething was completely unnecessary.She's also made three state visits to nearbyworlds all with very different dictatorialgovernments and, perhaps because of heryouth and straightforward attractiveness, notto mention the curiosity of the governmenttype she represents, has proved a hit with off-worlders on each of these occasions as well.Her detractors however point to some of theincreased applications in immigration fromKhakhan and Khaghish perhaps stemmingfrom the interest which she has generated.

Darka is a pretty rather than beautiful younglady - although her preferred cropped hairstyle has become something of a crazeamongst the youth of Havant. She's 1.67mtall, 58kg and has light ash brown hair. Shedoesn't allow her state duties to consume allher time - and to be honest on a world such asHavant they don't need to - so she keeps upwith her friends and retains an unfussy lifestylethat also wins her plaudits.


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Who Are You


Referee Information1. Darka could be used simply for 'colour' innews broadcasts and such which the PC'scatch at various moments.

2. She might be encountered by chance asdescribed in the Havant write up on page 7.

3. She could be the centre of a plot ofdisaffected civil servants, in the minority, butwanting to discredit her so they're able tomanipulate her - or better yet a more pliablesuccessor - to achieve their aims.

4. She could be the focus of a more direct andserious threat against her life by a disgruntledfarmer who has seen one too many off-worlderbuy up a farm near his or her own and ruincrop prices or the community's quiet calm.

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Business As Usual


BUSINESS AS USUALCarellines Ltd.By Brett Kruger

History:Formed a year after the Assembly itself was

formed in 519, Carellines Ltd was created byan act of government with a committee ofrepresentatives elected as the first companyBoard of Directors. The company was formedwith the intention of bringing stability to tradein the new Assembly by ensuring regular traderoutes to all worlds in the polity wereestablished, even those deemed unprofitableby other companies.

Although originally using subsidizedmerchants and leased ships Carellines wasmaking enough of a profit to start purchasingtheir own ships a decade into the company'sexistence. One hundred years later over 50percent of trade in the Assembly was carriedby a Carellines Ltd starship. Then after 150years the Board of Directors voted to expandinto markets outside of Assembly, having closeto 80 percent of the market within theAssembly.

It has not all be smooth sailing for thecompany however. In 788 a major trade warbetween the company and the ImperialMegacorporation Makhidkarun threatened tobankrupt the Carellines. After two years andthe loss of the bulk carrier Fair Wormold theAssembly government stepped in andreleased the serving Board of Directors.Brokering a deal with Makhidkarun involvedelecting a Board of Directors from outside ofthe Assembly government circles andpromising to stay out of Imperial space.

Within a decade Carellines was profitableagain, however it took almost another onehundred years for the company to gain theircurrent reputation. With oftentimes shadydeals and what could only be marginallyconsidered legal Carellines took the companyto new heights. With huge dividends cominginto the government the Assembly turned ablind eye to the company's activities, citing the


fact that all reported activities on thecompany's books comply with Assembly laws.Though their activities often border on piracy,the loose political structure of the Reavers'Deep has allowed the company to continuethriving.

Company Structure:Carellines Ltd consists of the following

departments, internal trade (Assembly only),external trade, brokerage services, portservices, corporate services and marketresearch. Each department is run by amanaging director who reports to the executiveteam, who then report to the Board ofDirectors.

Company Culture:Carellines culture is best summed up by the

oft quoted but never committed to writing mottoof the company, "The best deal is the one thatbrings the most profit."

Corporate Affairs/criticisms:Carellines is well known as a ruthless and

aggressive trading firm, determined to turn aprofit no matter what the costs. As long as thecosts are someone else's to bare then there isprofit to be made. Other governments in theDeep have made formal complaints to theAssembly government but while the dividendskeep coming in few doubt they will reign thecompany in.

Current Projects:Carellines is currently expanding its port

facilities on Boran to increase mineral exportsto other Assembly worlds.

Stock Ownership: Carrillian Assembly - 100%.


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BesarBy Timothy Collinson

The Besar is a crepuscular mammal thatoriginates from a world with a 26.4 hour day. Itis active for two periods of three hours or soevery 13.2 hours, sleeping for the remainder ofthe time in nests constructed in the boles oftrees or in leaf litter and other detritus on theground. They have, and are known for, largebright eyes which help them identify food andprey in the twilight. The body tends towardslooking rather fat but in fact the animals are fitand agile and can move surprisingly quicklyboth on the ground and in dense enough trees.Females are usually a little larger than males.

Generally solitary creatures, they emit adistinctive call when seeking a mate that canbe heard up to three miles away. Either sexcan make this sound. Females are in heat forjust two weeks of the year, but when theymate, do so for life. The besar's natural habitatare the dryer rain forest biomes, warmerwoods or forests and the lower slopes ofmountains below the tree line and where thetemperature hasn't dropped too much. Its dietis truly omnivorous, consuming anything fromplant life, smaller mammals or insects.However, it has a slight preference for theleaves and shoots of its homeworld, andconsiders the aelcar shrub a particulardelicacy.

The besar has little in the way of defensivearmour - although its pelt is thick enough, softenough and attractive enough to attracthunters on worlds where they're notendangered or protected. However if cornered

the besar can be quite vicious, using teeth andan impressive quartet of claws.

Besars have been domesticated and arerelatively easy to keep as regards food, careand cleaning, however they do require theirnatural diurnal period to be kept very strictly. Ifthey're not kept strictly on the 26.4 cycle oftheir homeworld, their body rhythms will falterand they will grow listless after three days,somnolent after a week and die within afortnight. They claws must be kept well-trimmed and they should not be brought intostrong natural or artificial light. They can makefaithful companions if well looked after.

Besar StatisticsSize: 4kgType: Omnivore/GathererAttacks: claws and teethDamage: +1DAbilities: low light levels adapted eyesightClimate/Terrain: Mountain, Forest, JungleOrganisation: Individual



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CONTACT!Virushi – The Intelligent Bulldozers.By Brett KrugerOrigins and History:

The Virushi homeworld, Virshash, is locatedin the Urlaggash subsector of Reavers' Deepjust within the Imperial border. The world hasheavier than standard gravity as well as higherthan normal levels of radiation that reach thesurface from the system's double star. Thishas produced a significantly unstableenvironment and a prolific ecology with somephysically formidable large life-forms. TheVirushi originated as grazer-gatherers with ahighly varied and purely herbivorous diet,which they grazed for by searching throughscrub lands, river valleys and the edges of theworld's great forests for a range of foodstuffs.

The sheer quantity and variety of food that aproto-Virushi needed forced the species into asolitary, wide-ranging pattern of foraging. Theyfound considerable advantages in cooperationand the formation of social groups took placeover considerable time. They learned to buildshelters that gave the small settlementsprotection from the large predators of the worldand eventually mastered tool-making. Thecooperative organization was never coerciveor hierarchical as the race lacked aggressiveinstincts, and individual Virushi have alwaysbeen able to wander off alone on foragingexpeditions.

After contact was made with the Solomanilittle at first changed. Very slowly therecognition that the skies above their headswas teeming with life dawned on the collectiveconscience of the Virushi. They eagerlygreeted each visiting starship with news fromthe worlds nearby. At a racial level there wasvery little desire to leave Virshash but onoccasion a few individuals did leave on whatcame to be called "extended foraging"expeditions.

When the Third Imperium finally reachedVirshash in 104 the Grand Council membersall agreed to join the polity when they wereasked. This finally happened in 195 when theGrand Council signed off to a scout base being

built in the system. Although the Virushi canoffer the Imperium very little, their culture is ofsome value and adds an extra richness to theneighbouring sectors. The fact that the scoutbase is on the very edge nearest to theCarrillian Assembly and acts as a political focalpoint is also a bonus for the Imperium.Technological change comes slowly onVirshash, a pace that the Virushi seem quitecontent with.

Physiology and Appearance:At nearly 3 meters long and standing around

1.8 meters at the shoulder the Virushi areamong the largest intelligent racesencountered by Humaniti. Weighing around aton they are a formidable sight, however thiseffect is balanced by their well-justifiedreputation for pacifism.

To human eyes a Virushi looks like a crossbetween the mythical Terran centaur and theTerran herbivore called a rhinoceros. They aresquat, massively built creatures covered withthick, leathery hide that acts as an armor ontheir backs and side. The body is a solidbarrel, with a rather long and very musculartail. They have two pairs of tree-thick legs andtwo pairs of arms. The lower pair are heavilymuscled and powerful while the upper pairseem almost withered by comparison, but areactually about the same size as Human arms.Virushi hands have three fingers and anopposable thumb, allowing them to grasp anduse tools. Those on the lower arms are thickand stumpy while the ones on the upper armsare long and delicate, rather like human fingerswith small fingernails.

Virushi have a broad mouth with two short,rounded tusks protruding downward, a largenumber of short, peg like molars and a fewincisors in the front. Their teeth are designedfor a herbivorous diet. On the top of their headis a huge horn which, like the tusks and foot-claws, evolved for digging roots rather than forfighting.


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Their eyes are well adapted to the very brightsunlight found on their homeworld of Virshash,but much less well in poor light and they are asgood as blind in near darkness. This is due totheir eyes being nearly buried beneathmassive brow ridges leading to their near-sightedness. However their close up vision isexcellent. They have no external ears oracoustic openings instead having vibrationsensing membranes inside their skulls.Indeed, in standard atmospheres they findmost "normal" sounds almost too high to hear.

Given their immense size Virushi eat morethan humans, often a lot more, but much of it ishigh-bulk, low-protein content vegetablematter. However given their adaptabledigestions they can survive for some time onsmaller quantities of higher-value food and arenot strictly vegetarians.

Language:Originally the Virushi culture consisted of

several regional dialects which developed fromthe need to exchange information about foodsources. After humans first contacted theworld these dialects merged into the singlelanguage as the technology became availablefor a single culture to develop. The structureof the Virushi language reflects their attitudetoward life, quiet and mild with an undercurrentof undeniable strength. While humans maylearn Virushi, just as Virushi may learn humanlanguages, the Virushi have very deep voicesto the point that their speech sometimes slipsinto a subsonic range, which is inaudible tohuman hearers. Likewise humanconversations are often too shrill for Virushi.

Psychology:Humans typically think of Virushi as "gentle

giants', whose sheer size and strength meansthat they have little need for aggression, andthis is indeed a workable simplification. TheVirushi are not only huge and powerfulcompared to other sentient races, but also bycomparison to other species on theirhomeworld. The majority of large predatorshave been driven to extinction by the Virushi.

The Virushi seem unrelentingly cooperativeand mild, and bizarrely immune to all conceptsof authority. Whereas other species compare

alien races to themselves and classify themaccordingly, a Virushi, adapted by evolution tobe the biggest and gentlest thing in anenvironment full of smaller and more excitablecreatures, takes those other species as it findthem.

Virushi are a very long way from being stupidas they can intellectually grasp the idea thatthose other beings may be aggressive, hostile,and domineering, but that is simply how thosebeing are. This does not drive the Virushi toanger or violent defensiveness because theVirushi lacks the capacity for those responses.

The other well-known feature of Virushipsychology is that they do not take orders.They can accept suggestions, but see noreason why they should not discuss them andask for explanation and clarification. AVirushi's instinct is to question and to ask forreasons. Of course a trusted figure mayemphasize that a situation needs immediateaction, and explanation will have to wait, or aVirushi may obey an order to humour anotherbeing for one reason or another, but this is theexception and not the norm and thesesituations will not continue for an extendedperiod of time.

Society and Government:The Virushi are a very social creature, with

their lives revolving around their social 'herd'.However this social structure can often be veryloose, with individual Virushi entering andleaving the social 'herd' as they feel the need.Over the last few centuries some of thesesocial groups have evolved into longer lastinggroups around a certain core of individuals.This is always a result of a certaintechnological interest this core group has.

The only group that has been a constant overthe last millennia has been the Grand Council.The Grand Council consists of a group of 'herd'elders that are considered the best in theirchosen field of interest. This Grand Councilhas no capacity to govern individual Virushi,unless they so wish to be, and has littlefunction beyond agreeing on a unified front forrepresenting the world to the Imperium and tooff-worlders.



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Military and Technology:As renowned pacifists the Virushi do not

have a standing military, however one of thedriving factors for joining the Imperium is theprotection membership affords them. Therehas never been any recorded conflict amongstthe Virushi and most other races either findfriendship with them or just ignore them.

The Virushi are currently sitting attechnological level 6 according to the ISS anda program of advancement is in place toimprove this level.



‐‐News Feed‐‐Virshash/Urlaggash (2724) Date: 145-104Virshash explored by 3rd Imperium scouts and re-contact made with the Virashi.

Havant/Nightrim (3120) Date: 18-107Havant explored by 3rd Imperium scouts.

Virshash/Urlaggash (2724) Date: 88-195The Virushi of Virshash officially join the Imperium.

Virshash/Urlaggash (2724) Date: 293-198Construction of a scout base in the Virshash system is completed.

Havant/Nightrim (3120) Date:148-407Mining colony established on Havant. This is the first colony not to fail in its first year ofoperation.

Havant/Nightrim (3120) Date:~700Aslan iHeiti claim land on Havant, agreeing to pay for it, which is highly unusual.

Havant/Nightrim (3120) Date: 111-812Missionaries of the Reformed Catholic Church of Sylea arrive on Havant.

Havant/Nightrim (3120) Date: 12-956Resource exploration expand in the Havant system to the moons of Suggs.

Virshash/Urlaggash (2724) Date: 239-998The Virushi of Virshash begin importing food production technology when a devastating threeyear drought threatens the world's food supply.

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Name Hex UWP Bases Classes Zn PBG AL StarsInura 2523 C421312-A He Lo Po 812 Im G9 VHope 2526 E65778B-4 Ag Ga Pz A 200 Im F4 VYaggoth 2530 B864756-B Ag Ri 222 Cb F8 V M1 V M6 VLavnia 2621 A546657-D N Ag Ni 704 Im G2 V M7 VAstoria 2622 B545674-A N Ag Ni 201 Im F0 V M4 VIrlaggur 2624 B6918CE-A He Ph Pi Pz A 300 Im M3 VBoran 2628 C3135AB-A Ic Ni Da A 301 Cb G2 VHela 2721 C431300-9 Lo Po 412 Im F5 VVirshash 2724 DA86954-6 S Hi Pr 403 Im F9 V M4 VSyreon 2730 C54688C-8 M Pa Ph Pi 325 Cb M0 VMarianne 2821 C6787C9-8 S Ag Pi 500 Im M1 VSharrik 2824 B664896-9 Ri Pa Ph 804 Im M1 V M1 VFreehold 2825 E555457-7 Ni Pa 515 Na G6 VLyresse 2828 C693651-9 Ni Da A 813 Cb K4 VRothman 2829 B796855-9 J Pa Ph Pi 403 Cb M1 V M3 VSynoft 2927 C5428CC-7 He Po Ph Pi PzA 315 Na M2 V M7 VNew Eden 2929 E5626BC-3 Ni Ri Fo R 203 Na F7 VHerod 2930 C5569CC-A Hi Pz A 723 Na M3 VOlympus 3021 A000567-D N As Ni Va Mr 604 Im M2 VUrlaggash 3023 B788777-9 S Ag Ri 412 Im F9 VIxion 3025 C6A1234-9 Fl He Lo Da A 704 Im M2 V M2 VAraby 3027 D5709A9-8 De He Hi In 704 Cs M0 VDevonia 3125 B566563-A Ag Ni Pr 213 Im F5 V M5 VNarisagiir 3127 E100943-8 Hi In Na Va 503 Im F9 V M0 V M1 VOceanus 3129 B97A788-B Wa Pi 813 Oc G3 V M6 VMecca 3130 D858668-6 Ag Ni 402 Oc F4 VKaduggur 3223 C431231-7 Lo Po 804 Im K1 VNexus 3226 A3105AA-D N Ni Da A 712 Im F6 V M9 V

Urlaggash Subsector Data

NOTES & CREDITSReavers' Deep sector data in this article is based on the work by Paul Sanders and the KeithBrothers, specifically the Reavers' Deep Sector Sourcebook, A Pilot's Guide to the DrexiltharSubsector and A Pilot's Guide to the Caledon Subsector. Sections that are based on thesesources retain the copyright of the original authors where appropiate.

The Urlaggash SubsectorThe Urlaggash subsector contains 28 systems with a population of 25.334 billion. The highest

population is 7 billion at Herod and Araby, and the highest tech level is 14 at Lavnia, Olympusand Nexus.

The Urlaggash subsector is dominated by the Imperium in the coreward half, with 16 memberworlds. The rimward and spinward portion is controlled by 5 member worlds of the CarrillianAssembly.

A world of major note, Virshash, perches just within the Imperial border and is the home worldto one of the more notable minor races, the Virushi. The influence of Virushi culture andpsychology can be felt in many of the neighbouring systems.

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Araby (Reavers' Deep 3027 D5709A9‐8):Araby has requested on several occasions tojoin the Imperium, however because of thePeace of Ftahalr has had to settle for clientstate status. A dry, dirty world with rollingdeserts the planet does have water resourceslocked away in huge networks of aquifers.Large scale construction of pipe systems andpublic greenhouses for large scale foodproduction has made the current King of Arabythe most popular in many generations.

Astoria (Reavers' Deep 2622 B545674‐A):If it wasn't for the Imperial naval base onAstoria a lot less people would live there. Coldand with a sulphur taint to the atmosphere dueto the many active volcanoes on the world,Astoria is a simmering hot bed of tensionwaiting to explode. Only the presence of theImperial base keeps the local mining clans fromengaging in all out war.

Boran (Reavers' Deep 2628 C3135AB‐A):An Assembly mining world, Boran is underinterdiction by the Assembly navy due to theoutspoken hostility of the world's Arch LordKaya towards recent Assembly centralgovernment actions.

Devonia (Reavers' Deep 3125 B566563‐A):A pleasant world, Devonia was colonized bybelters that struck it rich in the mines onNarisagiir. The world continues to be ruled fromthere, with the mega rich only being able topurchase a retreat from the home worldgovernment.

Freehold (Reavers' Deep 2825 E555457‐7):Fiercely independent, the people of Freeholdlook to themselves to guide their own destiny.While not actively hostile towards visitors,interaction with off-worlders is looked down on.

Hela (Reavers' Deep 2721 C431300‐9): Afrigid world with little to like about it, Hela doeshave a small population that harvest the uniqueorganics that grow under the ice lakes of theplanet. These organics are purchased bycompanies the produce slow and other militarydrugs.

Herod (Reavers' Deep 2930 C5569CC‐A):A beautiful world with a pleasant climate,Herod is ruled by a council of wealthyaristocrats. While it may seem that themajority of the wealth on Herold is held by thisupper class the fact is the world has a veryhigh level of community care and socialequality. No one is hungry or homeless onHerod unless by choice. While the rulingcouncil is open to trade they activelydiscourage visits to the planet itself.

Hope (Reavers' Deep 2526 E65778B‐4):In what seems like a cruel joke to theinhabitants Hope is actually an Imperial penalworld. The sign above the entrance to themain prison complex states "There is alwayshope for reform."

Inura (Reavers' Deep 2523 C421312‐A):Inura is a company run mining world. Preciousmetals are extracted from the surface of thisbarren world.

Irlaggur (Reavers' Deep 2624 B6918CE‐A):Irlaggur has been in turmoil in recent years.Although the ruling church has the respect ofthe people dissidents have been stirring upanti-offworlder sentiments as the populationhas swelled. A recent bombing of thedownport has resulted in a harsh upswing inlaws and an amber ranking by the TAS.

Ixion (Reavers' Deep 3025 C6A1234‐9): Aharsh world, ruled by a harsh dictator and hiscronies. There is some export of the uniquefluids found in the world's caustic seas,otherwise there is little of interest for visitors.

Kaduggur (Reavers' Deep 3223 C431231‐7): Run by a mining guild, all exports arecontrolled by the heads of the mining familiesliving on the planet. The world is the originalhome of the Kaduur Fire Worm.

Kaduggur Fire Worm: A very small creature,not much bigger than a bacteria, the KaduurFire Worm is prized by the miners as they area good indicator of the presence of preciousmetals.

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Lavnia (Reavers' Deep 2621 A546657‐D):Home to one of the four Imperial naval basesin the subsector, Laynia is a pretty world withvast plains covering the dozen continents.However the lack of any large land animalscan be directly attributed to spores releasedby the grasses of the plains. The sporescause a paralysis of any creature that passesthrough the grass. It is thought to be a self-defence mechanism of a small variety of thegrasses.

Lyresse (Reavers' Deep 2828 C693651‐9):Volcanically active, Lyresse is a dangerousplace to move about without protection.Poisonous gases are vented at random timesthrough the many fissures that can open upafter quakes. Various small, mobile groupstake advantage of the fissures to extractprecious metals they bring to the surface.Conflict can and often does arise betweenthese groups.

Marianne (Reavers' Deep 2821 C6787C9‐8): An unremarkable world, Marianne doescontain a significant scout base used by theImperium to keep tabs on the independentworlds of the Deep.

Mecca (Reavers' Deep 3130 D858668‐6):Mecca is a colony of Oceanus, with thepopulation selected for their ability with foodproduction. Most of the land is given over tofood production, with the population living incities in the shallow coastal waters.

Narisagiir (Reavers' Deep 3127 E100943‐8): A moon of the system's largest gas giant,the world's entire economy is based aroundgas extraction and mining of the moons andring of the gas giant. Although the moon is thebase of the government, there are many othersettlements across other planets, moons andthe other two gas giants in the system.

New Eden (Reavers' Deep 2929 E5626BC‐3): A beautiful, earth-like world with extensiveforests and rolling fields, New Eden is all thename implies. However the local population ishostile to any outside visitors and travellers arewarned to stay away from the main world.

Nexus (Reavers' Deep 3226 A3105AA‐D):This world is set up to service the Imperialnaval base on the planet. Even belters arediscouraged from entering the system's belt orgas giants due to the constant war games.There have been several incidents in yearspast where stray ships have been mistaken fortarget decoys and shot up.

Oceanus (Reavers' Deep 3129 B97A788‐B):A large water world, Oceanus has long claimedindependence from other polities. Thegovernment started a colony on the nearbyworld of Mecca several centuries ago toprovide alternative food sources for theirpopulation.

Olympus (Reavers' Deep 3021 A000567‐D):Another Imperial naval base, Olympus is ahuge asteroid that seems to rise up out of themain body of the belt. Olympus is a bit of ananomaly, no one is sure why there is a navalbase in the system.

Rothman (Reavers' Deep 2829 B796855‐9): An industrial centre and military base forthe Carrillian Assembly, Rothman is a dirty,polluted world with little to go for it except nearzero unemployment. Even with high levels ofautomation workers are still often shipped infrom nearby worlds to fill demand.

Sharrik (Reavers' Deep 2824 B664896‐9):Sharrik is an Imperial government world,handling cross border trade with the CarrillianAssembly and other free worlds in nearbysubsectors. The world is also theadministrative centre for all naval bases in thesubsector as well as scout elements.

Synoft (Reavers' Deep 2927 C5428CC‐7):Home of the Righteous Brotherhood, Synofthas been classified as an Amber zone due tothe population's dislike of outsiders. If it wasn'tfor the regular arrival of pilgrims the systemwould be declared a Red Zone.

Kaduggur FireWorm

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Syreon (Reavers' Deep 2730 C54688C‐8):Syreon is a Carrillian Assembly military baseand home of the largest training grounds inthe polity. The world is also the home of theSyreonian Dart Fish.

Syreonian Dart Fish: An interesting littlecreature, the Syreonian Dart Fish is around 10centimetres in length and kills its prey byspearing the victim with its needle sharp nose.An enzyme is then excreted into the victimthrough the nose. This enzyme quicklybreaks down the internal tissue of the victim,which the fish then draws back through itsnose, straw-like.

Urlaggash (Reavers' Deep 3023 B788777‐9): Multiple city-states vie for the resourcesthat come from the oceans of Urlaggash. Richin aquaculture, there is also underwater miningof the continental shelves. One of the manyislands that dot the world houses the scoutbase that services the xboat route that goesthrough the system.

Virshash (Reavers' Deep 2724 DA86954‐6): A massive world that is the homeworld ofthe minor race known as the Virushi. AnImperial scout base is in orbit to monitor theworld and provide assistance when requested.

Yaggoth (Reavers' Deep 2530 B864756‐B): An Assembly food world, Yaggoth is alush and fertile world that exports largeamounts to the Carrill Belt.

Coming Soon.....The Traveller's Guide to

The Principality of Caledon

Life in the CommercialKingdom

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A map I created for a face to face game I ran a long time ago.

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