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Intro to Git for DrupalOr: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Version Control

What’s a version control system?

• An application that allows you to record changes to your codebase in a structured and controlled fashion

Why do I need that?

• makes it way easier to undo errors / roll back to earlier versions of code

• makes it way easier to share a code base between developers without creating conflicts

• makes it waaaaay way easier to deploy changes from development to staging to production environments


• Using Drupal without a version control system is like rock climbing without any safety gear

• You may be able to get away with it for awhile, but if you slip, you’re going to die.

Some popular version control systems

• CVS - Concurrent Versions System

• SVN - SubVersioN

• Git

• Mercurial

• Bazaar

• LibreSource

Drupal: From CVS to Git

• drupal.org used to have all module and project code under CVS

• Drupal’s use of CVS system began January 15, 2001 with check in of Drupal 3.0.0 by Dries Buytaert

• worked great for a few years

• over time CVS development stagnated

• other systems began to appear, newer and hotter

• decision to switch from CVS to Git was made in 2010

• Drupal officially switched from CVS to Git in 2011 on February 24 at 6:08 pm EST

• excellent obituary for CVS by Larry Garfield (Crell - http://drupal.org/user/26398) at http://www.garfieldtech.com/blog/cvs-obituary

• now entire Drupal project and all modules, distributions and themes use Git

So what’s Git?

• initially created in 2005 by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development

• written mostly in C

• it’s a *distributed* version control system, which means...

• every Git working directory contains the complete repository and history and full revision tracking capabilities

• you’re not dependent on a central server and you don’t have to be online

• it’s rippingly fast - much faster than SVN, CVS, and other systems that have a lot of network latency

• snapshot-based

What’s a repository?

• it’s a directory that contains all of the data and metadata for your Git-controlled project

• called .git/ and it resides in your Drupal site root directory

Basic Git lingo

• init

• commit

• branch

• merge

• push

• pull

• head

• add

• status

• log

Shut up already how do I start

Git thee to a command line

• there are some GUI applications for Git, but it’s essentially a command line tool

• it’s by far the most fun to use it on the command line

• in the following example we’ll be using the OS X terminal to connect to a local Ubuntu 12.04 server running in VirtualBox

• we’re going to

a) install Git on the serverb) set up a new Drupal sitec) put the site into a local Git repository (repo)d) create a remote on GitHube) make a commit locally and push it to the remote GitHub repo

Logging in to the server

To install Git on Ubuntu:

apt-get install git-core

Set up credentialsYou need to let Git know who you are so it can label the commits you make.

So type...

git config --global user.name "Your Name"

git config --global user.email "[email protected]"

Here we have a fresh local Drupal installation.

Note that every Drupal install includes a .gitignore file

.gitignore files tell Git what *not* to put in the repository, i.e.: What to ignore.

The default Drupal .gitignore file contains this:

That tells Git to ignore all settings.php files, all files/ directories, and all private/ directories.

You can override and add to the .gitignore file.

Initialize!To create your repository, navigate to your

Drupal root folder and type:

git init

Check status

The Git repository starts out empty. You’ll need to add files to it.

But first - check the status. Type:

git status

You’ll see a list of “untracked” files.

You can add them one at a time with “git add ‘filename’”, or you can add them all at once with...

git add .

That adds everything.

Now all of the files except for the ones in .gitignore have been staged - they’re not in the repo yet, but they’re ready to be put there.

How do you put them there?

git commit

Actually you’ll want to type:

git commit -m “Some text describing your commit”

All files have now been committed to the repository.

If we type “git status” now, we get this:

Now what?• Use GitHub to make your repository

available for private or public access

Do I have to use GitHub?

• No, but it’s really cool and slightly easier than setting up your own Git server

• So! - create an account if you don’t have one (it’s free)

• login

• set up your SSH keys

SSH keys?Entering your SSH keys establishes a trusted connection between your GitHub account and your development server(s), enabling you to push and pull commits without having to constantly enter your login information.

You can see a list of your repos on your profile. Click the indicated button to add a new one.

Now all of the files are showing in the github repo.

Dev to GitHub

• make a change on your local site and push the change to the GitHub repo

• in this case we’re going to install five modules - ctools, features, panels, token, and views

If you check out the sites/all/modules folder in the GitHub repo, you’ll notice it only has a README file.

Locally, though, we’ve used Drush to download the five modules, which are sitting in the local copy of the sites/all/modules folder.

We want to make those modules show up on the GitHub repo.

Running “git status” shows us that the module folders are untracked - we need to add them.

We can get all of them at once by going to sites/all/ and typing “git add modules”.

Commit ‘emNow we need to commit the changes. So we type:

git commit -a -m “Added five modules - views, panels, ctools, features, and token”

And then we push it:

git push

Now if we go back to GitHub and reload the page, the modules we pushed are all there.

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