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Introducing the Home Quality Mark

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1) Why HQM 2) Ratings and outputs 3) Process and inputs

© 2014 BRE

Why do we need the Home Quality Mark?

The Home Quality Mark is a new rigorous and relevant standard for new homes.

Provide consumers with the tools to make the smart choice when buying or renting a new home.

Enable housebuilders to differentiate their products and to articulate the benefits of new homes.


Presentation Notes
We can rate many other areas; Mobile Phones, Cars, Holidays and products like insurance. Information on homes is often limited to, location, purchase price and a few photos. It is difficult to understand if the home is really quality product and how it relates to others in the area. HQM will provide consumers with better tools in order to make the smart choice. In our Moneysupermaket survey – 97% of people said they would welcome a mark like HQM. 20% said they would pay for it.

© 2014 BRE

Home - A home is more than 4 walls and a roof, it is about hearts and minds. Quality - Everybody wants quality, but doesn’t always know what it is. Mark - Provides reassurance, independence, backed by science. “Independent benchmarking of new homes is hugely important”. Cala Homes Chief Executive Alan Brown


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Why have we chosen HQM, rather than BREEAM, Code, EcoHomes? It needs to resonate with as many people as possible, not just people who are interested in sustainability.

1) Ratings and outputs

Presentation Notes
What the consumers will see

© 2014 BRE


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An example of what an HQM score card will look like. Overall star rating – 5 stars is common for rating of services and goods Indicators – cut across the whole scheme not just categories Score card will pull up some issues that the home is good at.

© 2014 BRE












Section Issues Stars Indicators Inputs Outputs

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How the scheme is structured and where the indicators sit. Go through sections in a bit. This shows that more indicators can be added at anytime, because it doesn’t impact the inputs.

© 2014 BRE

The Health and Wellbeing indicator.

Temperature D


ht Sound

Security Access for All Growing space

Trips and Falls

Ecology Flood Resilience Local Amenities


Materials Aftercare




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Explain that health and wellbeing is more than just sound, light, private space and lifetime homes

3) Process and Inputs

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How we are going to access the development – what goes into it.

© 2014 BRE

Our Surroundings - Transport Provision

- Design and Character

- Footprint and Layout

- Resilience to Flooding

- Recreational Space

- Ecological Value

- etc.

Knowledge Sharing - Householder Support

- Skills and Training

- Monitoring, Sensors and Control

- Communication and Verification

- etc.

My Home - Air Quality

- Temperature

- Noise

- Materials

- Energy

- Space and Access

- etc.

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Not a full list of areas (this is on the website)

© 2014 BRE

Assessor Network - BRE licensed Code

assessors will be able to become HQM assessors at no additional cost.

- Online training will be available in the summer.

Key operational features

Power of Data - Using data that is

already created (SAP, Passivhaus, BIM).

- Providing data for use for others.

Pre Approvals - Type approval at My

Home level.

- Pre approval at Our Surrounding level.

Presentation Notes
Data = Set up along the same lines as UNICLASS 2 Pre Approvals on the same levels as our surroundings, my home and knowledge sharing. Some potentially at company level.

Thank you Follow us on Twitter @homeqm

Join the conversation #betterhomes

Visit www.homequalitymark.com

Contact [email protected]

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Encourage people to join the conversation.

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