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Page 1: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Introduction to Financial Time Series

From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides

Page 2: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

What is Financial Time Series Analysis Theory and practice of asset valuation over

time. Different from other T.S. analysis?

Close, but with some added uncertainty.

For example, FTS must deal with the ever-changing business & economic environment and the fact that volatility is not directly observed.

Page 3: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Examples of financial time series Daily log returns of GE stock Quarterly earnings of Johnson & Johnson

Seasonal time series useful in earning forecasts pricing weather related derivatives (e.g. energy) modeling intraday behavior of asset returns

US monthly interest rates Relations between the two series? Term structure of interest rates

Exchange rate between US Dollar vs Japanese Yen Fixed income, hedging, carry trade

Size of insurance claims Values of fire insurance claims from 1972 to 1992.

High-frequency financial data: Tick-by-tick data of Boeing stock: December 5, 2005.

Page 4: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Example of FTS

Page 5: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Example of FTS (Cont.)

Page 6: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Objective of the Course

Provide some basic knowledge of financial time series data.

Introduce some statistical tools & econometric models useful for analyzing these series.

Gain empirical experience in analyzing FTS.

Design your own method to predict future FTS.

Page 7: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Asset Returns

From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides

Page 8: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Asset Returns

Page 9: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Asset Return Example

Page 10: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Asset Returns

Page 11: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Compound Assert Returns

Page 12: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Compound Assert Returns

Page 13: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Compound Assert Returns

Page 14: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Asset Returns

For multi-period returns, we have

Captial Asset Price Model (CAPM): Consider the joint distribution of N return at a single time

index t, Or, study the distribution We will focus on the dynamic structure of individual

asset returns, in other words, we study the distribution of How to describe the joint distribution of

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Page 15: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Asset Returns

For discrete case:

For continuous case:

parameter of vector a is where


as );,...,(








parameter of vector a is andfunction density is where


as );,...,(








Page 16: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Marginal Distribution of Asset Returnd When asset returns have weak empirical serial

correlation, their marginal distributions are close to their conditional distributions. Thus the question is how to estimate marginal distributions.

Several statistical distributions have been proposed for marginal distribution of asset returns: Normal distribution Lognormal distribution Stable distribution Scale-Mixture Normal distribution

Page 17: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Linear Time Series Analysis

From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides

Page 18: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Linear Time Series (TS) Models

Page 19: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Basic Concepts

Page 20: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Basic Concepts (Cont.)

Page 21: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Basic Concepts (Cont.)

Page 22: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Basic Concepts (Cont.)

Page 23: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.
Page 24: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Univariate TS Analysis Purpose:

Page 25: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Example of Linear Time Series

Page 26: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Linear Financial Time Series

Page 27: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

AR Model

Page 28: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

AR Model (Cont.)

Page 29: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

AR Model (Cont.)

Page 30: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

AR Model (Cont.)

Page 31: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

AR(2) Model

Page 32: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Building an AR Model

Page 33: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Moving-Average (MA) Model

Page 34: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

MA(1) Model (Cont.)

Page 35: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

MA(2) Model

Page 36: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Building MA Model

Page 37: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Mixed ARMA Model

Page 38: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Mixed ARMA Model (Cont.)

Page 39: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Building an ARMA (1, 1) Model

Page 40: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Three Model Comparisons:

Page 41: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Seasonal Time Series

Page 42: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Examples of Seasonal Time Series (1)

Figure 1: Time plot of electricity demand of an industrial sector: 15th day of each month from1972 to 1993.

Page 43: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Example of Seasonal Time Series (2)

Page 44: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Example of Seasonal Time Series (3)

Figure 3: Time plot of quarterly logged earnings of Johnson and Johnson: 1960-1980

Page 45: Introduction to Financial Time Series From Ruey. S. Tsay’s slides.

Seasonal Difference Model

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