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Page 1: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.


Introduction to HTML


Page 2: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.


Lecture Content

1. What is HTML?2. The HTML Tag3. Most popular HTML tags

Page 3: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.


What is HTML?

• HTML – Hyper Text Markup Language

• Describes the document structure and formatting

• You can think of HTML page as a Word document

• An HTML document consists of many tags, which have different attributes – size, color, etc.

Page 4: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.


The HTML Tag

• Tags are the building blocks in an HTML document• Each tag starts with “<” and ends with “>”• There are two types – opening and closing e.g. <body><h1> Bunny Website </h1></body>• There are self-closing tags e.g. <hr/> or <br/>• Attributes are properties of HTML elements. They are used to

set size, color, border, alignment, etc. e.g. <span color=“red”>This is red.</span>• Some attributes are common for every HTML element e.g. id, class, name, style, etc.• Some are specific e.g. <img src=“picture.png”/> , <a href=“somelink”>Click</a>

Page 5: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.


Most Popular HTML tags

<b></b> bold<i></i> italicized<u></u> underlined<sup></sup> Samplesuperscript

<sub></sub> Samplesubscript

<strong></strong> strong<em></em> emphasized<pre></pre> Preformatted text<a></a> hyperlink

<img /> image<br/> new line<h1></h1> heading<p></p> paragraph<div></div> section<span></span> section<ul></ul> unordered list<ol></ol> ordered list<li></li> list item

Page 6: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.


Other HTML tags

<dl></dl> definition list<dt></dt> definition term<dd></dd> definition<table></table> table<tr></tr> table row<td></td> table data<form></form> form<input></input> emphasized

Page 7: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.



Create a simple Bunny breeds website. The main page should consist of a list with 3 bunny breeds. When clicking on a bunny breed you should be redirected to a new page with the bunny breed as a title, pictures and some information. Try to use different tags.

Page 8: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.



Page 9: Introduction to HTML academy.zariba.com 1. Lecture Content 1.What is HTML? 2.The HTML Tag 3.Most popular HTML tags 2.


Zariba Academy


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