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Page 1: Introduction to IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coating and IACS Common Structural Rules BV Surveyor’s Training.

Introduction to IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coating and IACS Common

Structural Rules

BV Surveyor’s Training

Page 2: Introduction to IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coating and IACS Common Structural Rules BV Surveyor’s Training.

1 Introduction

2 Design of the Coating System

3 Agreement on the inspection procedures & plan

4 New Construction

5 Coating Technical File


Page 3: Introduction to IMO Performance Standard for Protective Coating and IACS Common Structural Rules BV Surveyor’s Training.

1 Introduction

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1 Introduction – Key Dates

Dec. 2006 1st July 2008 1st Jan. 2009 1st July 2012

- MSC.215 (82) (PSPC)

- MSC.216 (82)

Building contract

Keel laying*


Entry into force of PSPC:

Statutory matter

SOLAS Reg. II-1 / 3-2 amended by MSC.216(82)

WBT All Ships ≥ 500 G.T. , DSSS Bulk Carriers ≥ 150 M

Adoption of PSPC:

* In absence of a building contract

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1 Introduction – Key Dates

Dec. 2006 1st July 2008 1st Jan. 2009 1st July 2012

- MSC.215 (82) (PSPC)

- MSC.216 (82)

Building contract

Keel laying*


Entry into force of PSPC:

Statutory matter

SOLAS Reg. II-1 / 3-2 amended by MSC.216(82)

WBT All Ships ≥ 500 G.T. , DSSS Bulk Carriers ≥ 150 M

Adoption of PSPC:

* In absence of a buliding contract

June 2008

- IACS UI SC 223

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1 Introduction – Key Dates

Dec. 2006 1st July 2008 July 2009

- IACS PR 34 (Last revision)

Adoption & Application :

- IACS PR 34 (Rev.0)

Entry into force of PSPC:Adoption of PSPC:

IACS CSR RulesCSR ships « contracted » for construction

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1 Introduction – Key Dates

Dec. 2006 1st July 2008

Adoption & Application :

- BV NR 530 (Rev.0)

Entry into force of PSPC:Adoption of PSPC:

BV Rule Note Coating Performance StandardCSR ships « contracted » for construction:

Additional service feature CPS(WBT)

Ships other than those subject to CSR rules and/or SOLAS II-1 / 3-2 :

Additional class notion CPS(WBT)

- BV NR 530 (Rev.1)

Dec. 2008

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Coating Technical File (CTF) Ship Construction Process

•Primary Surface preparation (shop primer application )

•After the Blocks Construction (SSP)

•After the Blocks Assembly

Inspection Agreement Approved Coating system, Surface preparation, Coating


Coating System ApprovalStatement of Compliance Certificate or Type Approval


Shipyard, Shipowner, Coating Manufacturer

Administration or Recognized Organization


Administration or Recognized Organization

Coating Manufacturers

Third Party

Definitions & General Principles2

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2 Design of the Coating System

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1 – Purpose

2 – Definitions

3 – General principles

4 – Coating standard

4.4 - Table 1 - Basic coating system requirements

5 – Coating system approval

6 – Coating inspection requirements

6.2 - Table 2 - Inspection items

7 – Verification requirements

8 – Alternative systems

Annex 1 - Test procedures for coating qualification

Annex 2 - Typical reports

Annex 3 - Dry film thickness measurements

Design of the Coating Standard

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Selection of the coating System (Table 1. § 1.1)

Coating pre-qualification test (Table 1. § 1.3)

Job Specification

(Table 1. § 1.4)


(Table 1. § 1.5)

Design of Coating System

► IMO MSC.215(82) describes the coating design process on the base of requirements in Table 1 § 1

Design of the Coating Standard

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3 Tripartite Agreement

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3 Tripartite Agreement

1 – Purpose

2 – Definitions

3 – General principles

4 – Coating standard

4.4 - Table 1 - Basic coating system requirements

5 – Coating system approval

6 – Coating inspection requirements

6.2 - Table 2 - Inspection items

7 – Verification requirements

8 – Alternative systems

Annex 1 - Test procedures for coating qualification

Annex 2 - Typical reports

Annex 3 - Dry film thickness measurements

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► Is to cover at least the following: The scope of inspection,

Who carries out the inspection,

The qualifications of the coating inspector(s) and appointment,

The areas of responsibility of each coating inspector.

► Is to be reviewed by the qualified BV Surveyor and prior to commencement of any coating works

► To facilitate the review, the following shall be available: Coating Specification including selection of areas (spaces) to be coated, selection of coating system, surface

preparation and coating process,

Statement of Compliance or Type Approval of the coating system,

Tripartite Agreement3

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NACE Coating Inspector Level 2,

FROSIO Inspector Level III,

Plus at least 2 years relevant coating inspector experience

When more than one CI is assigned, their areas of responsibilities are to be identified.

► Coating inspector qualification required by MSC.215(82) (§6.1.1) : NACE Coating Inspector Level 2,

FROSIO Inspector Level III,

Or equivalent as verified by the Administration

► Coating inspector qualification required by UI SC 223/PR34/NR530 :

Tripartite Agreement3

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4 New Construction

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4 New Construction

1 – Purpose

2 – Definitions

3 – General principles

4 – Coating standard

4.4 - Table 1 - Basic coating system requirements

5 – Coating system approval

6 – Coating inspection requirements

6.2 - Table 2 - Inspection items

7 – Verification requirements

8 – Alternative systems

Annex 1 - Test procedures for coating qualification

Annex 2 - Typical reports

Annex 3 - Dry film thickness measurements

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Primary Surface Preparation

New Construction- Primary Surface Preparation4

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Qualified Coating Inspectors shall carry out inspection of the PSP and issue the coating log(s)

Primary Surface Preparation

Blasting and Profile,


Shop primer application

New Construction- Primary Surface Preparation

Inspection items

defined in MSC.215(82) Table 1 and

Table 2


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New Construction- Primary Surface Preparation

Characteristics Requirement IMO PSPC Table 1 Cleanliness grade Sa 2½ (*ISO -8501-1:1988/suppl.


Profile 30-75 m ( Fine(G) to Medium(G) *ISO 8503-1/2 ).

Level of contaminants No oil, [salts] < 50 mg/m² NaCl (*ISO -8502-6).

Environmental parametersRH% < 85%RH,

Steel T°> 3°C + Dew point T°

Shop primer compatibility Thickness and Curing time have to be recorded.


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Secondary Surface Preparation

Steel Preparation

Surface treatment after erection

Surface treatment

Inspection items

defined in MSC.215(82) Table 1 and

Table 2

4 New Construction- Secondary Surface Preparation

Qualified Coating Inspectors shall carry out inspection of the SSP and issue the coating log(s)

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New Construction- Secondary Surface Preparation4

Characteristics Requirement IMO PSPC Table 1 Steel condition Edges rmin> 2mm, Welds defects

treated (*ISO -8501-3 Grade P2 ).

Surface treatment

Sa 2½ for damaged shop primer and welds.

Sa 2 for areas where at least 70% of shop primer (non compatible) has been removed

30-75 m ( Fine(G) to Medium(G) *ISO 8503-1/2 ) in case of full or partial blasting.

Level of contaminants

No oil, [salts] < 50 mg/m² NaCl (*ISO -8502-6).

Dust quantity rating ״1״ for dust size ״5 ״ ,״4 ״ ,״3״ for lower size dust to be removed if visible (*ISO 8502-3)

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New Construction- Erection Surface Preparation4

Characteristics Requirement IMO PSPC Table 1

Surface treatment after erection

St3 or better Sa 2½ for butts.

St3 for small damages (up to 2% of total area).

Sa 2½ for contiguous damages (25 m² or over 2% total area).

30-75 m ( Fine (G) to Medium (G) *ISO 8503-1/2 ) in case of full or partial blasting.

Level of contaminants after erection

No oil, [salts] < 50 mg/m² NaCl (*ISO -8502-6).

Dust quantity rating ״1״ for dust size ״5 ״ ,״4 ״ ,״3״ for lower size dust to be removed if visible (*ISO 8502-3)

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Inspections items

defined in MSC.215(82) Table 1 and Table 2

Coating application

Erection/Surface treatment

1st Coating

Stripe Coating

2nd Coating

Coating Repair


Qualified Coating Inspectors shall carry out inspection of the Coating Application and issue the coating log(s)

New Construction- Coating Application

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New Construction- Coating Application4

Characteristics Requirement IMO PSPC Table 1

Environmental parametersRH% < 85%RH,

Steel T°> 3°C + Dew point T°

NDFT measurementsNDFT to be confirmed according to Annex 3


Defective areas to be marked up

Repairs to be re-checked and documented

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: Long & Trans (2 reading/2~3m) : Flat area (1 reading / 5 m2)

4 New Construction- NDFT Measurements Annex 3

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One reading from each side of the opening

4 New Construction- NDFT Measurements Annex 3

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► Coating Inspector shall inspect coating process by carrying out

inspection items of MSC.215(82) Table 2:

4 New Construction- CI Inspections

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4 New Construction- CI Inspections

► Coating Inspector shall inspect coating process by carrying out

inspection items of MSC.215(82) Table 2:

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IMO PSPC - Coating ProcessIMO PSPC - Coating ProcessInternational Standard and Rule for CPS






issue statement of

compliance or TAC



















u V






check ID

on containers

BV carries out some verifications as detailed in the PR34 / UI SC 223 / NR 530 which are based on PSPC requirements

Phase 2: conformance of coating works with PSPC

Definition and specification of the coating system

Approval of the coating system

Coating System

Agreement between parties

Coating specifications (Technical data sheets & statement of compliance or


Inspection procedure & plan

Selection of Coating Inspector (CI)

Agreement on inspection procedures & plan

Steel preparation and Coating application Shop primer Block construction Erection

Coating work records

Inspection Inspection logs of CI checked for proper equipment, techniques, and methodology

New Construction

Agreement between parties

Coating specifications (Technical data sheets & statement of compliance or


Inspection procedure & plan

Selection of Coating Inspector (CI)

Agreement on inspection procedures & plan Inspection Agreement

Coating specifications

(Technical data sheet & statement of compliance or type approval certificate)

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New Construction-Verification of Application of the PSPC

• Checking that the Statement of Compliance (SOC) or Type Approval Certificate (TAC) comply with


• Checking that coating identification on representative containers is consistent with the coating

identified in the above documents

• Checking that the inspector is qualified in accordance with the qualification requirements

• Checking on sampling basis that inspector’s reports of surface preparation and coating

application indicate the compliance with manufacturer’s Technical Data Sheet and Statement of

Compliance or Type Approval Certificate

• Monitor on sampling basis the coating inspections.

► Procedure for Verification of Application of the PSPC § 7 (IACS PR 34 / UI SC 223 / NR 530)


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► Procedure for Verification of Application

New Construction-Verification of Application of the PSPC

Magnetic induction instrument, Banana gauge

SSPC-PA2: 2004. Paint Application SpecifîcationNo.2.

Gauge Calibration

Samplers 12.5 sqcmSyringe 5ml, Needle, Conductivity

gauge, Thermometer ±0.5 °C, Plastic cup Ø 3.5 cm Distilled water, High purity

ISO 8502-9:1998. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products ISO 8502-6:Soluble salt Extraction Bresle method

Soluble salts concentration measurement by Conductivity measurement

Anchor profile roughness (Comparator G and S) and standard’s photographs

ISO 8503-1/2:1993. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products

Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates.

28 indicative photographs of the rust and preparation surface ratings

ISO 8501-l:1988/Suppl: 1994. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products

Visual assessment of surface cleanliness.

Pictoral Ratings for the assessment of the average quantity of dust (1 to 5)

ISO 8502-3:1993. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products

Assessment of dust

Standard PhotographsIS0 8501-3: 2001 (grade P2). Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products.

Assessment of steel condition

Material InspectionInternational StandardInspection

Magnetic induction instrument, Banana gauge

SSPC-PA2: 2004. Paint Application SpecifîcationNo.2.

Gauge Calibration

Samplers 12.5 sqcmSyringe 5ml, Needle, Conductivity

gauge, Thermometer ±0.5 °C, Plastic cup Ø 3.5 cm Distilled water, High purity

ISO 8502-9:1998. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products ISO 8502-6:Soluble salt Extraction Bresle method

Soluble salts concentration measurement by Conductivity measurement

Anchor profile roughness (Comparator G and S) and standard’s photographs

ISO 8503-1/2:1993. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products

Surface roughness characteristics of blast-cleaned steel substrates.

28 indicative photographs of the rust and preparation surface ratings

ISO 8501-l:1988/Suppl: 1994. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products

Visual assessment of surface cleanliness.

Pictoral Ratings for the assessment of the average quantity of dust (1 to 5)

ISO 8502-3:1993. Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products

Assessment of dust

Standard PhotographsIS0 8501-3: 2001 (grade P2). Preparation of steel substrate before application of paints and related products.

Assessment of steel condition

Material InspectionInternational StandardInspection

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5 Coating Technical File

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5 Coating Technical File (CTF)

1 – Purpose

2 – Definitions

3 – General principles

4 – Coating standard

4.4 - Table 1 - Basic coating system requirements

5 – Coating system approval

6 – Coating inspection requirements

6.2 - Table 2 - Inspection items

7 – Verification requirements

8 – Alternative systems

Annex 1 - Test procedures for coating qualification

Annex 2 - Typical reports

Annex 3 - Dry film thickness measurements

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• The Shipyard is responsible for compiling the CTF

• The CTF is reviewed for content in accordance of PSPC § 3.4 / 3.4.2

Coating Technical File (CTF)

► Procedure for CTF review (IACS PR 34 / UI SC 223 / NR 530)

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Shipyard work records of coating application

Statement of Compliance (SOC) or Type Approval Certificate (TAC)

Technical Data Sheet (TDS)

5 Coating Technical File (CTF)

► Procedure for CTF review (IACS PR 34 / UI SC 223 / NR 530)

Shipyard’s verified Inspection Report

Procedures for inspection and repair of coating system during ship construction

Coating log from coating inspector

Procedures for in-service maintenance and repair of coating system*

*Guidelines by the Organization: Final draft by DE 52 to MSC 85

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• Any deviations found during the review are to be raised with the

Shipyard, which is responsible for identifying and implementing the

corrective actions.

• The CTF is to be kept on board and maintained throughout the life of

the ship

5 Coating Technical File (CTF)

► Procedure for CTF review (IACS PR 34 / UI SC 223 / NR 530)

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