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    Walking is an enormously positive activity and can influenceyour life in many positive ways. The list of benefits you

    can reap from walking is definitely impressive, consider:-

    ( 1) Together with a healthy diet, walking can be instrumental in

    helping you lose weight. A 45-minute walk every other day

    for a year can burn 18 pounds of fat.

    ( 2) Walking reduces the risk of colon cancer.

    ( 3) Walking is the perfect exercise for promoting a healthy back.

    ( 4) Walking boosts the defense system.

    ( 5) Mild exercise such as walking after eating moves food through

    the stomach more quickly, helping to relieve minor indigestion.

    ( 6) It helps increase the strength and efficiency of your heart

    and muscles.

    ( 7) Walking reduces hypertension (high blood pressure) and aids


    ( 8) Walking, like any other exercise, promotes better sleep.

    ( 9) Walking, like other exercises, increases, both energy level

    and stamina. Overall strength, flexibility, and balance are also






    he foundation of health is a healthy bloodstream, the system

    that transports oxygen and nutrients to all the cells of your

    body. If you have a healthy circulation system, you're going to

    live a long healthy life. That environment is the bloodstream.What is the control button for that system? Breathing. It's the

    way you fully oxygenate the body and thus stimulate the electricalprocess of each and every cell.

    Let me share with you the most effective way to breathe in

    order to clean your system. You should breathe in this ratio:

    inhale one count, hold four counts; exhale two counts. If youinhale for four seconds, you would hold for sixteen and exhale foreight. Why exhale for twice as long as you inhale? That's when

    you eliminate toxins via your lymphatic system. When hold four

    times as long? That's how you can fully oxygenate the blood andactivate your lymphatic system. When you breathe, you should

    start from deep in your abdomen, like a vaccum cleaner that'sgetting rid of all toxins in the blood system.

    How hungry do you feel after you exercise? Do you want to sit

    down and eat a big steak after you've just run four miles? Weknow the fact that people don't. Why not? Because through

    healthy breathing your body is already getting what it needs most.

    So here's the first key to healthy living. Stop and take deep

    breaths, in the above ratio, at least three times a day. What's theratio? One count inhale, four counts hold, two counts exhale. For

    example, starting in the abdomen, take a deep breath throughyour nose while counting the seven (or pick a larger or smaller

    number based upon your ability). Hold your breath for a count

    four times that of your inhalation, or twenty-eight. Then exhaleslowly through your mouth for a count two times the length ofyour inhalation, or fourteen. You should never strain yourself. Seewhat numbers you can build up by slowly developing greater lung

    capacity. Take ten of these deep breathe three times a day, and

    you'll experience a dramatic improvement in the level of your health.

    There is no food or vitamin pill in the world that can do for youwhat excellent breathing patterns can do.

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    Proportionally about 70% of the earth is water and

    approximately same is the ratio in human body. Water plays

    a great role in maintaining a good physical and mental health. So

    lets understand the lesser known fact about drinking water.


    1) It is a lesser known fact that we must drink water 30 minutes

    before the meal. This is good for health. Yes, it's best to drink

    water up to 30 minutes before a meal. Wait an hour after a meal

    before drinking again. The only time not to drink water is during a

    meal. Water dilutes the digestive juices in the mouth, makes the

    food mix in the stomach too thin, and impairs digestion. Stomachenzymes work best in a concentrated, undiluted mixture.

    One more reason to avoid drinking during a meal is that people

    who take a lot of water with their meals tend to chew less. They

    wash food down instead of chewing it, and bolting down food is a

    causative factor in overeating.

    2) You are not suppose to count alcohol, colas, coffee, and other

    drinks for your total water intake. Forty-five per cent of Americans

    drink coffee as their primary liquid intake, and 78 per cent have

    turned to soft drinks. This figure exceeds 100 per cent because

    some people drink both. If you think drinking alcohol will contribute

    to your water intake, you might be surprised to learn that you

    need eight ounces of water to metabolize one ounce of pure


    3) If you are fighting a cold or flu, or even a headache, drink a

    glass of water every ten minutes for an hour. The theory here is

    that a hydrated body is best able to assist the immune system to

    help itself. Note: This recommendation is for one hour, not longer.

    Even when drinking water, moderation is an important health

    principle. Don't throw you body chemistry out of balance by drinking

    too much.


    We have seen that most people don't give much consideration

    to water because it's so readily available.

    But drinking insufficient water can cause you :

    (a) Bad body order and bad breath.

    (b) Difficulty in keeping cool in hot weather because you don't

    have good insulation.

    (c) The risk of kidney infections and kidney stones.

    (d) Irritablity and sufferings from minor depression.


    (a ) D iges t i on : Water helps enzymes in the stomach digest food.

    (b) Respi ra t ion : Water in the nasal passages moistens air on itsway to the lungs.

    (c ) C i rcu la t ion : Water helps maintain blood consistency. Blood

    draws water from the cells around it. We need to replace that

    water in the cells.

    (d ) Lub r i ca t i on: Saliva lubricates food; fluid bathes our eyes,

    lungs, and air passage.

    (e ) Nour i shm en t : All nutrients reach cells in a fluid state.

    ( f ) T em pera tu re con t ro l : We have two million sweat glands that

    continually moisten our skin. Evaporation from the skin helps coolthe body to maintain an even temperature of 98.60F. Water enables

    us to perspire freely.

    (g ) Fi l t r a t i on: Through the skin and kidneys, we excrete body

    poisons. The more water we drink, the less work our kidneys must

    do to eliminate body wastes. Water also helps prevent constipation.

    (h ) Shock absorp t i on : Fluids in the joints cushion bones.

    Dr ink a t leas t 12 g lass o f w ater every day .

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    Fruit is the most perfect food. It takes the least amount ofenergy to digest and gives your body the most in return.

    The only food your brain can work on is glucose. Fruit is primarily

    fructose (which can be easily converted into glucose), and it's

    most often 90-95 per cent water. That means it's cleansing and

    nurturing at the same time.

    The only problem with fruit is that most people don't know how

    to eat it in a way that allows the body effectively to use its

    nutrients. You must always eat fruit in an empty stomach. Why?

    The reason is that fruit is not primarily digested in the stomach. It

    gets digested in the small intestine.

    Fruit is designed to go right through the stomach in a few

    minutes and into the intestines, where it releases its sugars. But

    if there is meat or potatoes or starch in the stomach, the fruit

    gets trapped there and begins to ferment. Did you ever eat some

    fruit for dessert after a big meal and find yourself burping the

    uncomfortable aftertaste for the rest of the evening? The reason

    is, you didn't eat it properly. You must always eat fruit on an

    empty stomach.



    Do you wake up tired in the morning, even after six or seven

    or eight hours of sleep? Know why? While you're sleeping,your body is working overtime to digest the incompatiblecombinations of food you've put in your stomach. For many people,digestion takes more nerve energy than almost anything else.

    When foods are improperly combined in the digestive track, thetime it takes to digest them can be as much as eight, ten, twelve,or fourteen hours, even more. When foods are properly combined,the body is able to do its job effectively, and digestion lasts anaverage of three to four hours. So you don't have to waste yourenergy on digestion.

    The two major food groups we eat are proteins (meat, chicken,

    eggs, fish, and dairy) and starches (potatoes, rice, bread, pasta).Both proteins and starches are very concentrated foods requiringa significant energy output of digestion. Fruits and vegetablesare not concentrated and so require far less energy for digestion.

    When a protein enters the stomach, an acid-based digestivejuice is required for digestion. When a starch enters the stomachand alkaline based digestive juice is required. Ever take a chemistryclass? Do you know what happens when an acid and an alkalinecome into contact with one another? They are neutralized. So ,as an example, if your were to eat meat and potatoes, or fish andrice, or chicken and pasta, at the same meal, all combinations ofa protein and a starch, the digestive juices are neutralized, causing

    the digestive process to be dragged out far too long.Ever have a stomach ache? How about acid indigestion or acid

    reflux? Or what about heartburn or gas pain? Or how about theheavy, bloated feeling after eating? All of those problems are theresult of food not being efficiently digested in the stomach. Rather,because they are forced to stay in the stomach for a prolongedlength of time, the food starts to spoil, causing the above-listeddiscomforts.

    *Also read the chart on perfect food combination given in thebook.

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    As per the research, 80% of the adult population of India

    drink some kind of beverage that contains caffeine. If

    you're an Indian, you probably use up 300 mg of caffeine everyday,

    which you can achieve with only three cups of coffee or tea. At

    least 20% of Indians use more than 350 mg daily, a level that

    constitutes physical dependency.


    Tea and most of the soft drinks contain 30 to 65 mg caffeine

    per cup.


    Although there are no positive effects of caffeine,temporarily, you get an extra energy. You should better call it

    borrowed energy, because you get it now but you have to pay for

    it later with interest in the form of lower energy level. You can

    take more coffee or tea to put off this payback, but gradually like

    all big debts you have to pay heavily for it.

    When you take caffeine it doubles the level of adrenaline in

    your bloodstream and it shocks your system and makes the liver

    promptly dump glucose into your blood stream.

    In short I am giving a summary on how caffeine affects your


    1) Elevates blood sugar.

    2) Increasess blood pressure.

    3) It causes irregular heart beats.

    4) It increases urinary calcium and magnesium losses, which

    eventually decreases bone health.

    5) It increases stomach acid secretion which can aggravate a

    stomach ulcer.

    6) It causes irritability and nervousness.

    7) Disrupts sleep and causes insomnia.

    8) Increases anxiety and depression.

    9) Caffeine may make some people more talkative by

    increasing flow of thoughts, but it also makes some more

    impulsive and they have difficulty in listening.

    10 ) Caffeine only provides an illusion of getting rid of fatigue.

    When the effect of caffeine is over we feel more tired and



    If you decide to kick the caffeine habit, water can be a good

    ally. Caffeine overly stimulates the kidneys and causes an excess

    excretion of water. However, if you drink a large amount of water,

    it can help to flush the caffeine residues from your system and

    reduce the period of withdrawal symptoms.

    Of course, you may feel dizziness, sleepiness during the day

    and may even have mild depression but these symptoms will

    disappear within 24 hours. After that you'll feel better because

    you'll be taking the control over your health, your life.


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    Periodic monodieting is the eating of fresh fruits and /orvegetables and their juices, uncooked, for a length of timethat ranges from one day to several weeks. Before explaining the

    rationale of monodieting and the benefits that can be expected

    from it, let me give you three examples of possible monodiets:-

    1. Drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices for 1 to 3 days.

    2. Drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices and eating whole

    fruits and vegetables for 3 to 5 days.

    3. Drinking only fresh fruit and vegetable juices and eating only

    fresh fruits and vegetables and salads for 1 day to a week to

    10 days.

    In other words, periodic monodieting is the taking of any

    combination of any raw, fresh fruit or juice for whatever length of

    time you wish.

    The reason that all food during a monodiet must be in its natural,

    raw state. It is quite simple, and crucial to the cleansing of the

    digestive lymph system.

    The purpose of monodieting is two-fold. The first purpose is to

    use as little energy as possible on digestion so that energy can be

    freed and directed toward the cleansing and rejuvenation of the

    digestion system. The second purpose of monodieting is to obtain

    the maximum amount of fuel and nutrients from the food being

    eaten. Raw food fulfills these two purposes of monodieting better

    than cooked or processed food. Raw food demands less energy to

    digest and provides the most nutrients because it is in its purest

    state, its natural state. Any cooking of food removes or denatures

    some nutrients. Bear in mind that human being are the only species

    that eats cooked food, and humans are the only that suffer from

    indigestion diseases.

    Remem ber : The extent to which you use periodic monodieting is

    up to you; there are an unlimited number of ways to use it, and

    there are no specifically prescribed regimens. Some people have

    an all-juice or all-fruit day once a week. Some eat only raw food

    once a week. Some have three straight raw days every month.

    The traditional approach to healing focuses solely on after the

    fact treatment. But the only way to prevent disease depends

    entirely upon what you do before such treatment is necessary.

    Periodic monodieting is the cornerstone of before the fact

    treatment, and therefore of a vibrant, healthy life.

    If you have never eaten highly cleansing food exclusively for a

    few days, you may experience a side effect that is

    uncomfortable but quite valuable; diarrhea. It is not something toworry about if it is not lasting beyond 2 days, since your eating a

    cleansing food.


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    There is a vast difference between failure and temporarydefeat.

    Every defeat is temporary unless you give up and allow it to

    become permanent. In fact, temporary defeat often makes us

    stronger and more capable. Every time we try and fail, we learn

    something that helps, prepare us for eventual success.


    Smile and world will smile with you. For next few weeks, spend

    a minute five times a day in front of the mirror doing nothing but

    giving yourself a full and bright smile. It may feel a little awkward

    at first but you will consistently be sparking off feeling of happiness

    and spontaneity and feel good even physically, take a step ahead



    The only way to learn, is to connect the new information with

    something we already know.

    A c t i on m ay no t a lways b r i ng happ iness, bu t t h e re i s no

    happiness w i th out ac t ion.

    Procrastination is the bad habit of putting of until the day after

    tomorrow what should have been done the day before yesterday.

    Day dream your goa l

    Day-dreaming gives needed rest to those parts of your brain

    which have been doing analytical and repetitive work.

    Exercising your projective and imaginative thinking gives you a

    necessary chance to integrate your thoughts and helps you in

    reaching closer to your goal.

    Quicker decis ions usual ly denotes an alert min d

    Successful people are decisive. They don't agonize over



    Gr ou p I Gr o u p I I Gr o u p I I I Gr o u p I V Gr o u p V Gr o u p VI

    Prote ins Non-Starchy Starchy Mildly StarchyFats & Oils Frui t

    Vegetables Carbohy- Vegetables (Fruit is the(High water drates water-Rich

    content foods) Food)

    Cheese Beet greens Banana Carrots Butter Bananas

    Coconut Cabbage Beans Corn Corn Dates

    Eggs Celery Breads Beets Cream Dried fruits

    Fish Endive Cereals Peas Nut Grapes

    Meat Escarole Grains Cauliflower Raddish Lemon

    Milk Green beans Potatoes Shallots Blackberries

    Nuts (raw) Mushrooms Pumpkin Grapefruit

    Nut butter Sweet Pepper LimeOlives Tomatoes Orange

    Seeds Turnips Pineapple

    Soya- Strawber-

    beans ries







    Group I + Group II = Excellent

    Group II + Group III = Excellent

    Group I + Group V = Poor

    Group II + Group V = Excellent

    Group IV + Group III = Good

    Group V + Group III = Good


    After eating a properly combined meal, one must wait at least

    three and half hour before ingesting any other foods. Also, it is

    important to note that the drinking of fluids at meals dilutes the

    digestive juices and slows the digestive process.

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    decisions and miss out on a great opportunity. They gather

    relevant information, discuss alternatives with advisers whose

    opinion they repeat and then make a decision and get on with it.

    Think Posit ively

    Assert your positive attacks upon studies by working on a card

    with the words. Yes I can do it! Place the card in front of your

    books and notes so that you can see the words every time you

    glance up. Self trust is first secret of success.


    Scientifically you must revise within 24 hrs, and then after a

    week for perfect retention.

    100% Concent ra t ion

    Hear the things you want to learn and also see them through

    your mind's eye.

    Stu dy BreaksTake frequent but short break from your study, as mental and

    physical fatigue will begin to wear you down. While you are trying

    to absorb a lot of work, your mind will need these short rests so

    that you can maintain the pace. Just getting up from the desk,

    walking around the room several times and then sitting down

    again can be a sufficient break. On an average a break of 10

    minutes is recommended after every 50 minutes of learning.




    No to Worr ies

    While studying or listening to lectures some unwanted

    background thoughts keep on distracting us. And to avoid thoseworries, read even louder, interact even better with the subject,

    be mentally alert by asking questions like why, what , who, when,



    Proportionately more than 70% of our body is water, frequent

    and regular intake of water helps in recharging the brain and

    allows you to concentrate for longer hours at a stretch.

    Ridiculous Thinkin g

    Anything which is odd, silly, ridiculous, our mind stores it 10

    times better. While memorizing give the information a ridiculousangle, for instance; Germany can be seen as germ-many or Malinger

    as Mali in Ghar. Do it systematically.

    Associat ion

    Associate the new information you want to memorize with

    something you already know. You can do so even by associating

    yourself with the subject, for instance;while memorizing details of

    HARAPPA civilizations mentally see yourself present in the thought.


    A good night sleep is very important for concentration as it

    helps the brain to recharge and refresh itself for next day's activity.A timely routine and optimum sleep helps in recognizing the

    gathered information throughout the day into convenient plan of

    neural storage.

    Eye Memor y

    What we see physically or mentally, we retain 20 times better

    than what we hear, whatever you want to learn or concentrate

    upon convert it into equivalent mental picture. For instance, if

    you want to learn functioning of a steam engine, visualize mentally

    a vivid, exaggerated picture of it while reading about it.

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    1 . The main part of the food should be of plant origin. Fruit,vegetables and salads, with grain products and potatoes, should

    be the basis of nutrition. This plant nutrition should take up at

    least 70 per cent of the entire intake of food. In this way a

    high fibre content is guaranteed, which is absolutely essential

    for your digestion.

    2 . Raw, uncooked food should not be the exception, but an

    important part of your daily nutrition. When half of our food is

    of plant origin and is eaten raw, this is excellent for our health.

    When there is no inflammation of the intestines, more of this

    kind of food can be eaten.3 . Meat, poultry and fish should, as a general rule, be only eaten

    once a week. One can give these up for long periods without


    4 . The proportion of fat in food should be not more than 2030

    per cent. Animal fat should be avoided as much as possible.

    Instead, plant fats [unsaturated oils] should be used.

    5. The more natural the food is [this means not

    industrially pre-fabricated], the better it is.

    6. You should live completely, or almost completely, without sugar.

    General rule: use no more sugar than salt.7 . Drink plenty: Water or herb teas are ideal drinks.




    According to research, worrying makes up tense and affectsthe nerves of your stomach. It actually changes the gastricjuices of your stomach and often leads to stomach ulcers. "Thosewho do not know how to fight worry, die young"- says Dr. AlexisCarrel.

    One of the worst feature of worry is that it destroys our abilityto concentrate. When we worry, our mind runs here and thereand we lose all power of decision. However, when we forceourselves to face the worst and accept it mentally, we theneliminates all these vague imaginations, and put ourselves inposition in which we are able to concentrate on our problem.

    Do thisanalyze the situation fearlessly and honestly and figureout the worst that could happen as a result of failure. After thatcalmly devote your time and energy in improving upon the worst

    which you have already accepted mentally.Careful ly read the sent ences given below

    A man is not hurt so much by what happened, as by his opinionof what happened.

    Now follow this unique technique of changing our opinion andmood instantly. Action seems to follow feeling, but actually actionand feeling go together and by regulating the action which isunder the more direct control of our will, we can indirectlyregulate the feeling which is not.

    So, act as if you are happy. Speak and walk cheerfully as if youwere already cheerful, if possible, even dance for a moment.

    Remember the words of Abraham Lincoln "Most folks are aboutas happy they make up their mind to be."

    "I had blues because I had no shoes, unt il upon th e street, Imet a man who had no feet." Read this every morning and youwill never have worries for the thing you do not have.

    Visua l iza t ion t echn ique: Keep a mental account of the happiermoments of your life you have experienced. Next time you aretense go back to your happier days by visualizing yourself in thatmoment. Try to feel the pleasant atmosphere and music ofappreciation of your happier moment.

    "We are not what we are, but what we think, we are? "So nexttime you are stressed, just refer to this for instant relief.

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    Being able to manage stress is important in living a healthy,happy, and productive life. Here are some techniques and

    strategies to help you deal with stress.

    n Maintain a regular routine of eating of healthy food and

    adequate sleep.

    n Exercise regularly. This promotes physical fitness as well as

    emotional well-being.

    n Balance work and play. All work and no play can make you

    feel stressed. Plan some time for hobbies and recreation. These

    activities relax your mind and are a good respite from lifes

    worries. Plan one or more vacations during the year. Dont do

    work on your vacation.

    n Help others. We concentrate on ourselves when were

    distressed. Sometimes helping others is the perfect remedy

    for whatever is troubling us.

    n Take a shower or bath with warm water. This wil l soothe and

    calm your nerves and relax your muscles.

    n Have a good cry. Tears of sadness, joy, or grief can help

    cleanse the body of substances that accumulate under stress

    and also release a natural pain-relieving substance form the


    n Laugh a lot. When events seem too overwhelming, keep a

    sense of humor. Laughter makes our muscles go limp and

    releases tension. Its difficult to feel stress in the middle of a

    belly laugh. Learn to laugh as a relaxation technique.

    n Find way to learn acceptance. Sometimes a difficult problem

    is out of control. When this happens, accept it until changes

    can be made. This is better than worrying and getting


    n Talk out trouble. It sometime helps to talk with a friend, relative,

    or member of the clergy. Another person can help you see a

    problem from a different point of view.

    n Escape for a little while. When you feel you are getting nowhere

    with a problem, a temporary diversion can help. Go to a movie,

    read a book, visit a museum, or take a drive. Temporarilyleaving a difficult situation can help you develop new attitudes.

    n Reward yourself. Starting today, reward yourself with little

    things that make you feel good. Treat yourself to a bubble

    bath, buy the hardcover edition of a book, call an old friend

    long distance, add to your stamp or coin collection, buy a

    flower, picnic in the park during lunchtime, try a new perfume

    or cologne, or give yourself some me time.

    n Do relaxation exercises daily. Good ones include visualization

    (imagining a soothing restful scene), deep muscle relaxation

    (tensing and relaxing muscle fibers), meditation, and deepbreathing.

    n Budget your time. Make a to do list. Rank in priority your

    daily tasks. Avoid committing yourself to doing too much.

    n View changes as positive challenges, opportunities, or


    n Rehearse for stressful events. Imagine yourself feeling calm

    and confident in an anticipated stressful situation. You will be

    able to relax more easily when the situation arises.

    n Modify your environment to get of or manage your exposure

    to things that cause stress.

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    Like many frustrated dieters, Carmela Tunner figures shestried them alllow caloric diets, low-fat diets, starvation

    diets. Id lose may be ten kilos and gain them right back again,

    plus a few more usually.

    Last January, when she hit 115 kilos, Tunner decided enough

    was enough. She ditched the idea of dieting and did what her ex-

    football player husband had been advising all along: She joined a

    fitness club, where she began working out five times a week. Ten

    months later, she had lost 38 kilos. I dont know why but exercise

    just worked for me, says Tunner, 38. And to my surprise, I love

    it. Pat, 39, always figured exercise would work for her too. An

    editor at a New York-based health magazine, she hit the gym five

    times a week and went hiking with her husband with every change

    she got. But all the exercise didnt keep the kilos off, says Pat.

    When the scale hit go, she turned to dieting, cutting back on

    fatty foods, sweets, and total calories. A year later Im down to

    73 and still losing weight, adds Pat.

    Researchers stress that we need diet and exercise to drop

    kilos. The most effective way lose weight is with combination

    says Rena wing, co-founder of the US National Weight ControlRegistry. But experts also admit that many would be losers find it

    helpful to concentrate on one or the other. A lot of people feel

    overwhelmed at the thought of changing everythingdiet, lifestyle,

    the whole works, says a professor of physchiatry and human

    behavior. so ask yourself, where do I want to start ? what am I

    willing to focus an?

    The answer depends an everything from what you hope to

    achieve to how your life is organized. If youre in a big hurry to

    drop kilos fast, dieting is the way to go. Decades of research

    have shown its the surest and quickest method. Its much easier

    for most people to cut back a calories by controlling what they

    eat than by burning an equivalent number of calories through

    physical activity, says Wing.

    Lets say you want to lose half a kilo a week; youll need a

    daily deficit of roughly 500 calories on your diet, you can reach

    that goal by cutting back your portion sizes at dinner by one-

    third and eating an apple instead of a slice of apple pie for dessert,

    youll need to jog for an hour.

    If youre more concerned with how you look than with numbers

    on the scale, though, exercise may the way to go. By increasing

    physical activity, youll burn fat and build muscle tissue. Dieters

    often end up losing both fat and muscle tissue. Canadian scientists

    recently compared the effects of diet versus exercise in 30 men.Over three months, volunteers in both groups lost more than

    seven kilos. But the exercisers lost almost a kilo more body fat

    than did the dieters. Losing fat and not muscle is really the goal

    of healthy weight loss, says exercise physiologist Robert Ross,

    who led the study.

    Exercise also may be your best bet if youre committed to

    losing weight and keeping it off for food, When you prepare

    meals yourself, you can control exactly what goes into them,

    which make it much easier to cut back on saturated fat and add

    more fruit, vegetables and whole grains to the menu.

    Finally consider your past. If youve tried and failed at first

    approach, consider the other. A lot of people have become so

    frustrated that they begin to think theyll never be able to lose

    weight, says Marcas. Thats when its time to try something new

    even a small step forward can help people regain confidence and

    convince themselves they can make even bigger changes.

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  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Memory Techniques Part-II


  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Memory Techniques Part-II


    Indian Express, Chandigarh,15 May, 2003

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  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Memory Techniques Part-II




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  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Memory Techniques Part-II



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  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Memory Techniques Part-II




    Why a re you l i v ing?

    Is it really worthwhile? If your answer is yes, then, you can be

    said a person on track. But if your answer is questionable then

    you must sit down relax & think.

    It is something like that you got a period of six hours of work of

    cutting a tree. It is better for you that you sharpen your axe for

    four hours and cut down the trees in the duration of 2 hours.

    Well, most of us know about it, but the question is how to

    implement it? Lets start from the beginning:-

    (1) What (2) When (3) Why (4) HowMore about (1) What ? What do you want to do? What is your

    goal? What do you want to achieve? These are few of the basic

    questions, which you must start with. Then comes w h e nyou

    have decided what to do? Now go one step further when to do?

    When encircle your time period.Then comes w hythis is the best

    option to check your ability, your perceptionwhy? Why do you

    want to do this only? Will, it be really worthwhile for you? Then

    comes last but not the leastHow?You have thought of what,

    when, why. Now its time to think how? How you are going to do

    all these things? Which way you will go through? The pros and

    cons of that way.

    Think over i t and jus t do i t

    Part II: This is more or less like a one-way traffic. I told you

    the way to improve your life, but how would I be knowing what

    you thought of? If you have a zeal to do something great, some-

    thing different in you like other, read it once again. You will be

    happy to know that your way of living has changed now. This is

    one of the corners for happy living, you have to find out the other

    corners too.




    As I keep on interacting with my readers, I find that many of

    them face difficulties about the ways in which memory can

    be applied to improve our lives on a day-to-day basis. The two

    most common areas of problem are accurately matching names

    and faces and keeping a date. So, we shall concentrate on these

    areas right now.

    Most of us tend to be able to recognize a face that we have

    seen before. What we find difficult is remembering the name that

    goes with it. One of the most pleasing everyday benefits of an

    improved memory is the ability to match after only a briefintroduction even if that introduction was several years ago. The

    key is to link together the face, name and place in a chain of

    association. When you are introduced to someone study his face.

    Are there any distinguishing features on the face like a cut mark

    or mole etc. Now consider, if you were to create a caricature of

    the face, what parts would you exaggerate? Does the face look

    warm or cold, happy or sad, vital or tired? It is true that making

    judgments based on appearance is highly dubious, but studies

    have shown that subjects who had been asked to make personality

    assumption based on looks benefited from greatly improved recallof the persons name. So far, the purpose of our memory, we will

    lay the ethical question aside. Now the question arises that, how

    might anything that occurs to you about the person or their

    features reflect their name? For this I will give you an illustration.

    Say you are introduced to a lady called Komal Singh, she has a

    soft and smiling face, and musical voice. You can visualize that

    the lady is singing a song. The music is soft, sweet and soothing

    but the words are not audible. The singing lady will give you a

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    clue to Singh while the softness of the voice that makes words

    inaudible will definitely remind you of Komal. Now condense the

    image. See the lady standing on the table in your office and

    singing. Next time when you meet her the image will immediately

    come to mind and trigger off the chain of associations. Try out

    the procedure, start with a friend and I can assure you thatremembering names and faces will become a pleasure for you.

    Now let us concentrate on dates. Imagine, if month-by-month,

    you could trust yourself to remember all the birthday and other

    anniversaries you need to acknowledge and if you could also recall

    the dates for meeting or deadlines without having to rely on any

    paper diary or an assistant. Socially your life will become special

    and you will also make others feel special. In business you will

    impress your clients and employers. Select a journey from your

    home to your school or office. Fix up 31 stops on the way but

    remember that the stops should be prominent ones that you can

    visualize without effort. Next you allocate one event for each

    place. There will be some days when more than one information

    will not be attached. In such cases, you will need to use your

    imagination. If you have to meet one friend for a meeting and

    wish another on his birthday on the same day, then visualize

    sitting with both the friends on the table and cutting a birthday


    Let me remind you by way of conclusion, that as always with

    the more elaborate memory systems, they are the most effectiveif you experiment and adapt until you have a working method in

    which you believe.

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    People age in different ways and at different rates. There is

    however, a general tendency among people to slow down

    their rates of aging. When a person aspires to slow down the

    process of aging, he decides to eat various healthy food or to

    take suitable physical exercises like swimming or going for walks.

    But there is one aspect that we often overlook, while we do our

    utmost to keep our body young, we forget to pay attention to our

    mind. So in this section, I will discuss how to keep our mind


    The most important dimension to keeping the mind and memory

    stretched to their full potential is interest - degree to which weare engaged with all that goes on around us, locally as well as

    globally. Interest, as much as concentration, provides a firm

    grounding for effective memorization. If you observe children, you

    will notice that they find each and everything around them exciting

    because they have never seen it before, But, as we are older, we

    are in danger of becoming jaded-we tend to be less fascinated by

    our surroundings. The secret of regaining that lost interest and

    excitement is to look through the veil of the familiar to find out

    what lies beyond, to be alert to the surprised all around us, to see

    the intriguing connections that give shape to our experiences andencounters. We must never take the world for granted. There is

    so much around us that we tend to overlook. Try looking at the

    moon through binoculars and identify the craters or learn the

    species of trees in your local park. You can even visit an exhibition

    of flowers paintings to learn about the Dutch tulip trade of the

    17th century when tulips were used as currency.

    At this juncture, I wish to say that aging must not be thought

    of as the inevitable harbinger of memory loss. Once we are

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    Imagine the following scene: You are sitting with your spouse

    eating breakfast. The morning news show is on TV, and youare flipping through the days newspaper while discussing yourupcoming vacation plans. Later in the day, a customer calls toask you about a particular story in the papers business sectionthat may have a negative effect on her company. Youre surethat you read the piece, but for the life of you, you cant recollectexactly what it said. Embarrassed, you play along, hoping shewont notice when you appear at a loss in the conversation.

    For many of us, recalling information that we read is afrustrating, memory weakness gets in our way both at work andat home.

    Working with written material is an essential part of many jobs,where we need to retain what we are reading. Yet you find yourselfspending time reading and rereading the information, time thatyou otherwise could have spent doing something else. I havefound that many adults are most concerned about the problemsthey have in recalling written information because of their work. Iam often booked by corporations specifically to train their work. Iam often booked by corporations specially to train their employees,how to recall what they read as a way of boosting theirproductivity.

    We may also be concerned about our ability to remember whatwe read for personal reasons. Perhaps you are annoyed when you

    forget something you really needed from your grocery list, or feellost when you pick up a novel you are reading because you cantremember. Many retirees who take my class are concerned aboutkeeping pace in college classes or other activities they are pursuing.

    Many of us are most troubled that we forget entertainmentthat we see, such as movies, TV shows, or plays. Have you everpanicked when you couldnt recall what happened in a movie yousaw last weekend? While this kind of information is not read, itdoes involve recalling a story line, which in many ways is similar toremembering written material. Of course, our inability to recallwhat we see becomes most apparent when we are trying to tell

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    prepared to reject expectations that our minds will begin to fail

    us, as we get older, we can look positively into the future. Our

    memories will become richer as we continue to gain new experiences

    in a spirit of active inquiry and engagement. Knowledge does not

    exist in isolation. We can gain knowledge by tracing connections

    from one subject to another and filling in the context, by learningabout their background not only theoretically but also through

    observation. If you are interested in gardening you can read up

    about plant finders who had discovered and collected plants that

    you are now growing and then you can also keep diary of your

    own garden with notes on flowering time, type of flower wild li fe

    and so on. For person who is interested in news, he can watch

    world news and co-relate it with the local events, because humans

    behave identically in every of the world. Again, in your day-to-

    day life when you come across any coincidence, like two different

    sources mentioning the same name or information, take this as asign that it might be worth delving further into the subject, like

    say doing biographical research while reading a biography.

    These are some simple suggestion by way of examples to suggest

    that the mind can be kept young only by keeping it active. So

    keep going. I wish happy journey towards a healthy mind.


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  • 7/30/2019 Introduction to Memory Techniques Part-II


    someone else about it, making it even more embarrassing.

    If you have trouble recalling what you read or see, you are notalone. Thankfully, there are many simple steps we can take tohelp ourselves more effectively remember what we read and see.First, though, lets get a handle on why it may be hard for us toremember the things we read or see.

    Why W e Forget What W e Read and See


    As you know by now, many of us forget things simply becausewe are unable to actively attend to information when we aregetting it. This is true as well for things that we read or see. If weare not focused on something that we are reading or watching,we are not going to sufficiently acquire the information, and willnot be able to have it later when we want it.

    Distraction is an especially important concern in readinginformation that is read or seen. When we are busy, we often tryto do many thing at once. Reading the newspaper, watching a TVshow, or listening to the radio often happens in conjunction withother tasks, such as having a conversation, cooking a meal, ordriving to work. Rarely do we give ourselves the opportunity tofocus solely on the material we are reading or seening.

    It may be harder for us to divide our attention as we growolder, so that performing multiple tasks may make it harder for usto recall information we are introduced to during those activities.


    Many factors in our daily experience can interfere with ourability to remember effectively. We grapple constantly with lifestyleissues that may make it harder for us to effectively attend to

    information we are learning. Not surprisingly, these variables canmake it harder for us to learn and remember information that weread or see. For example, I often read before going to bed. I knowthat if I am particularly tired one evening, it will be harder for meto recall what I have read than it would if I was less fatigued.Similarly, it will be harder for you to focus on what you are readingif you are preoccupied by something stressful that is happening inyour life.

    Many people I speak to readily identify with the effect theseeveryday factors can have on their ability to remember what they

    read or see. Leena, a talented women in her early fifties, took aclass with me specifically to get help in recalling written information.Recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome, Leena found it hard tokeep up with paperwork now that she was back at her job aspersonnel manager for a large company. Realizing the impact herillness and other lifestyle habits had on her ability to recall what

    she was reading helped her understand why she was having suchtrouble. She was able to pace herself to avoid reading importantmaterial when she was overtired.


    When you read something, be it the newspaper, a book or amemo for work, chances are you only go over it once. The sameis true for things you see, such as movies or TV shows. Whenthis is the case, we have only one opportunity to learn theinformation we are getting. If we are distracted or if other factorsare making it difficult for us to focus on what we are reading orseeing, we may miss our one chance to get it. Another way ofunderstanding how this happens is to think about how you studied

    in high school or college. When you had to prepare for a finalexam, would you read the class material once? Of course notmost likely you reviewed it several times, to ensure that youremembered it. However, you probably rarely do that for thingsyou read today.


    Material that we read or see can be easier to remember if wethink about how to remember it. Chances are you rarely look forways to help yourself remember things that you read or see. Yetyou can improve your ability to recall information such as magazinearticles or movie plots by applying a simple, practical memorytechnique to help you do so. Internal memory techniques,introduced in the previous step, can help you successfully recallinformation that you may only have one chance to get.

    With these reasons in mind, lets look at what steps you cantake to maximize your memory power for information that youread or see.


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    How to m emor ize the fo llow ing :

    Detai l Dayu General Knowledge 1,2,3

    u Country/Parliament 1

    u Vocabulary 1,2,3

    u Geography 3

    u Minerals/Places 1

    u Historical Dates 1

    u Atomic Numbers 3

    u Atomic Mass 3

    u Chemical Names 3

    u Formulae 3u Delivering Speech without notes 1,3

    u Concentration Techniques 1

    u ANSWER Technique 1

    u Learning Theory in points 1,3

    u Shopping list 2

    u How to use Mnemonic pen 1

    u Study tips 1,2,3

    u Key word method for long theory 3

    u Objective Type Questions 1,2,3

    u Remembering Forty digit Numbers 1u Revision Plan 1

    u Stress Reducing Techniques 1,3

    u Curing Absent Mindedness 2

    u Mind Control Techniques 3

    u Eating Habits 3

    u Botanical Names 3

    u How to remember Section/laws 2


    85 86

    u Scientific basis of belief 1,3

    u Telephone No. 1u Books Authors 2

    u Imagination Game 2

    u Road map 3

    u Definitions 3

    u Memorising Fifty Years Calendar 1

    u VIBGYOR Method of long theory 2

    u Mathematical Table 2

    u Squares/ Cubes 2

    u Chemical Formula 3

    u Chemical Equations 3u Chemical Conversions 3

    u Periodic Table 3

    u Paragraphs (Short, Long) 2

    u Maps 2

    u Biological Diagrams 3

    u Inventor /Inventions with year 2

    u State / Countries and their dances 2

    u Name and Faces 3

    u Abbreviations 2

    u Appointments 2u Flow charts and diagrams 3

    u How to dissociate unwanted memories (NLP tec.) 3

    u Cheating method for long retention 1

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    5. Date of Birth :.................................................................

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    7. How do you find this programme?



    8. Would you like to join? Yes No

    9. Your comments and suggestions






    Students Signature

    The New Evolution of Human Mind Date:.....................

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