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Page 1: Introduction to VNA Calibration

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2008.919925

86 June 20081527-3342/08/$25.00©2008 IEEE


Andrej Rumiantsevand Nick Ridler

It was during the late 1950s that theneed for reliable measurement, andtherefore reliable measurementstandards, at RF and microwavefrequencies began to emerge. This led

to the introduction of precision coaxial airlines as primary reference standards ofimpedance [1], [2]; see Figure 1. These linesuse conductors made from very-high-con-ductivity metals and air as the dielectric,due to the simple and predictable electro-magnetic properties (i.e., permeability andpermittivity) of air at RF and microwavefrequencies [3]. This ensured that the prop-erties of these lines were very close to thoseof ideal lines [4].

Also during the late 1950s and through-out the 1960s, much work was undertakento develop precision coaxial connectors toensure that very repeatable and repro-ducible measurements could be made atmicrowave frequencies [5], [6]. To helpfocus this effort, committees were estab-lished (including an IEEE subcommittee onprecision coaxial connectors [7]) taskedwith producing standards for these preci-sion connectors. Finally, by the late 1960s,the first fully automated vector networkanalyzers (VNAs) providing high-precisionmeasurement capabilities were introduced(e.g., [8], [9]). The stage was now set forwork to begin on introducing reliable mea-surement assurance techniques for mea-surements made using VNAs (Figure 2).

However, there were several other keydevelopments that took place during the 1970s,1980s, and 1990s that greatly improved the stateof the art of measurements made using VNAs.These included the introduction of:

• smaller precision coaxial connectors(beginning with the 3.5-mm connector[10] and ending with the 1-mm connec-tor [11]), enabling measurements to bemade over wider bandwidths

• VNA calibration and verification kitscontaining high-precision devices suit-able for calibrating and/or verifying theperformance of the VNAs

• reliable VNA calibration techniques[including thru-reflect-line (TRL) [12],line-reflect-line (LRL) [13], etc.)

Andrej Rumiantsev is with SUSS MicroTec TestSystems GmbH, Germany. Nick Ridler is with the National Physical Laboratory, United Kingdom.

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• six-port VNAs [14] used by national measurementstandards laboratories [such as the NationalInstitute of Standards and Technology (NIST) inthe United States and the National PhysicalLaboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom, etc.] toprovide an independent measurement method toverify the performance of the commercially avail-able VNAs.

Finally, also by the late 1980s and early 1990s, nationalmeasurement standards laboratories (i.e., NIST, NPL, etc.)began turning their attention to demonstrating the reliabil-ity of VNAmeasurements made on planar circuits (such ason-wafer measurements) to support the rapidly develop-ing microelectronics industry. Both NIST and NPL pro-duced standard wafers [15], [16] that contained the planarcircuit equivalent to the coaxial air line—i.e., precision sec-tions of coplanar waveguide and/or microstrip transmis-sion line. These lines provided the reference standards forcalibrating VNAs for on-wafer measurements.

All of the above activities greatly improved the stateof the art for practitioners and users of VNA measure-ments. Also, in addition to all these activities, much wasdone by measurement experts working in industrial,academic, and government laboratories to establishtraceability and other quality assurance mechanisms forthese VNA measurements. These topics are discussed in”What is Traceability?” and “Measurement Assurance.”

Systematic Measurement Errors

What Is Calibration and Error Correction? Calibration is defined as the “set of operations that estab-lish, under specified conditions, the relationship betweenvalues of quantities indicated by a measuring instrumentor measuring system, or values represented by a materialmeasure or a reference material, and the correspondingvalues realized by standards” [17]. As such, calibrationtraditionally involves having an instrument or componentsent away periodically to a standards and/or calibrationlaboratory, who then undertake the calibration process.This often results in a certificate of calibration being issuedthat demonstrates the current condition of the instrumentor component.

However, in the context of a VNA, the term calibra-tion can have at least two different meanings. First, thetraditional concept of calibration can still be applied,with the VNA being sent away for calibration, typicallyevery year or so. (Alternatively, some companies offerperiodic on-site calibration, performed by a visiting cal-ibration specialist.) However, of more relevance to thisarticle is another form of calibration that is performedlocally, usually each time the instrument is set up andconfigured for a given series of measurements. This sec-ond form of calibration is intended to remove systemat-ic errors from the instrument hardware (and to take intoaccount the presence of any accessories that may havebeen added to enable specific measurements to be per-

formed) at the required frequencies for the measure-ments. For example, measurements may be required tobe made in an on-wafer environment. In which case,first cables need to be connected to the VNA front-panelconnectors, followed by coaxial adaptors, and finallyon-wafer probes (Figure 3). This second form of calibra-tion will correct for the effects of these added compo-nents as well as correct the systematic errors in theVNA. This is why this type of calibration is oftenreferred to as error correction, and it is this type of cali-bration that will be discussed in this article.

The demand for increased measurement accuracyfrom the VNA can be achieved by improving the hard-ware, the models used for characterizing measurementerrors, the calibration methods used for calculatingthese errors, and the definitions of calibration stan-dards. For S-parameters, the systematic errors are oftenrepresented using so-called error models of the mea-surement system (i.e., VNA). The number of error coef-ficients included in the error model, as well as the typeof error model, depends on

Figure 1. An example of precision reference coaxial airlines of different length.

Figure 2. A coaxial mm-wave measurement bench basedon the Agilent 8510 VNA. This analyzer was the industryreference for microwave measurements for many years.

(a) (b)

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Traceability, in the context of a measurement, isdefined as the “property of the result of a measure-ment or the value of a standard whereby it can berelated to stated references, usually national or inter-national standards, through an unbroken chain ofcomparisons all having stated uncertainties” [17].Applying this concept to a VNA measurement, thestated references could be precision air lines (or theirequivalent), the VNA is the transfer device used aspart of the unbroken chain of comparisons, and theprecision connectors enabling these comparisons tobe made within acceptable limits to the uncertainty ofmeasurement.

The benefit of having a measurement that is trace-able stems from the fact that it can be used todemonstrate the equivalence of measurements madeindependently of one another. This is of paramountimportance in a customer/supplier relationship wherea common understanding is needed of the parame-ters that define (or specify) the performance of thedevice being bought or sold. Therefore, if two mea-surements of a quantity are made independently, andthese measurements are both traceable, then theirvalues will agree to within the stated uncertainties ofthe measurements. This is, therefore, an extremelyvaluable process that can provide the necessaryunderpinning assurance that is needed when operat-ing within a truly global marketplace where the cus-tomer and supplier may be located in different partsof the world.

The vital role that traceability can play was recog-nized long ago and led to the introduction of nationalmeasurement accreditation schemes so that cus-tomers and suppliers could fully demonstrate thequality of their measurements to an independent thirdparty (i.e., the accreditation body). These days, suchaccreditation processes are controlled by internationalstandards (e.g., [72]), thus ensuring that the accredita-tion process is itself applied uniformly across all typesof measurements and at all locations around theworld. Most countries maintain a national accreditationbody for this purpose, and these bodies are them-selves linked through international accreditation orga-nizations such as the International LaboratoryAccreditation Cooperation (ILAC, www.ilac.org).

When traceability is harmonized within an agreedsystem of units (e.g., the international system of units,SI), then not only is it possible to demonstrate equiva-lence between measurements of the same quantity,but it also becomes possible to demonstrate theequivalence of measurements of different quantities.This is achieved through the relationship of thesequantities to the so-called base quantities within the

system of units. (In SI, the seven base quantities arelength, mass, time, electric current, thermodynamictemperature, amount of substance, and luminousintensity.)

By following the traceability path of a measure-ment back to its fundamental base quantities, it ispossible to demonstrate the harmonization of themeasurement within the system of units. For example,a reflection measurement made along a transmissionline can usually be traced back to dimensional mea-surements, since it is the dimensions of the transmis-sion line that determine the impedance and thereforethe amount of signal that is reflected by the line. Thebase quantity for dimensional measurements islength. Similarly, for power and noise measurements,these can usually be related back to heating effects.Therefore, the base quantity is thermodynamic tem-perature. In just about all microwave measurements,the frequency of the measurement needs to beknown. Since frequency is the reciprocal of periodictime, the base quantity is time.

A key role of a national measurement standardslaboratory (such as NIST, NPL, etc.) is to maintain pri-mary reference standards of measurement. For exam-ple, at microwave frequencies, these are usually stan-dards of power, impedance, attenuation, noise, etc. Inaddition, the national measurement standards labora-tory is tasked with realizing the seven SI base quanti-ties. By linking these two roles, the national measure-ment standards laboratory is able to deliver a widerange of traceable measurements to industry that arealso harmonized within the SI.

The subsequent 'linking' of the capabilities of onenational measurement standards laboratory to othersis achieved through participation in international mea-surement comparison programs conducted under theauspices of organizations such as the InternationalBureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM,www.bipm.org) and their consultative committees.The results from these comparison exercises are ana-lyzed and placed on a database maintained by theBIPM that demonstrates the capability of each nation-al laboratory.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that these days, withthe global accessibility of the Internet, measurementservices that make extensive use of the Internet arebeginning to be developed. These services are startingto play a role in providing traceable measurements ina highly efficient manner. For example, a system hasrecently been put in place by NPL that uses theInternet to provide traceability for high-precision mea-surements using VNAs at any location around theworld [73].

What Is Traceability?

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• the hardware topology of the VNA,• the number of VNA ports and measurement

receivers• the required measurement accuracy.The following section presents commonly used

models of S-parameter systematic measurement errors.

Flow-Graph S-Parameter RepresentationThe first error models used for automated S-parametererror correction were introduced at the end of the 1960s.

They addressed the bidirectional two-port system anddefined the influence of system imperfection on reflec-tion (S11, S22) and transmission (S21, S21) measure-ments. These models were developed to represent sys-tematic measurement errors using imaginary two-porterror networks. They were described by S-parametersand were included in the measurement signal paths [8].The model for a reflection (one-port) measurement con-sisted of only one error network. Originally, this net-work was described as a matrix of four S-parameters.

Although traceability provides arguably the most accept-able method for assuring a given measurement, it is notalways possible to provide such traceability for all typesand ranges of measurement. This is particularly true ofmodern VNAs that offer many different measurementformats (e.g., logarithmic or linear; single-ended or dif-ferential; frequency- or time-domain; etc.) often oververy wide dynamic ranges (sometimes up to 100 dB ormore). Under these circumstances, the measurementcommunity benefits from the use of additional assur-ance techniques to validate results from VNAs.

The first major contribution to this area was theintroduction of verification standards and kits for VNAs[74], [75]. These verification kits can be measuredroutinely by the end-user and compared with refer-ence values supplied by the manufacturer. The kitscan also be returned periodically to the manufacturer,who checks the reference values. This provides a highdegree of measurement assurance for the end-users.Verification kits have since been produced in many ofthe different types of connectors used by the industry,as well as in waveguide.

Another activity that has been very valuable tomeasurement practitioners in our industry is the usergroups that have been set up over the years. Thesegroups have enabled the key measurement issues, atany given time, to be identified, discussed, andresolved. Probably the first such user group set up byRF and microwave specialists was the Automatic RFTechniques Group (ARFTG), www.arftg.org , which wasestablished back in 1972 [76]. ARFTG is a technicalorganization interested in all aspects of RF andmicrowave test and measurement. The group is stillvery active today, and continues to evolve in responseto the many developing needs of the RF andmicrowave community. For example, a recent devel-opment within ARFTG has been the establishment ofa Nonlinear Vector Network Analyser (NVNA) Users'Forum. This informal group meets three times eachyear - during the Spring ARFTG conference (which isitself part of Microwave Week), the Fall ARFTGSymposium, and European Microwave Week.

Other user groups of interest to the VNA communi-ty include ARMMS (www.armms.org)—the RF andMicrowave Society—and ANAMET (www.npl.co.uk/anamet)—the RF and Microwave Metrology Club. LikeARFTG, these groups meet twice each year to discussissues of relevance to each group.

An activity that some of these user groups under-takes is to provide the opportunity to participate inmeasurement comparison programs (MCPs). Theseare programs that allow many participants to makemeasurements of the same devices that travelbetween the participating laboratories [77], [78] (seeFigure A). The results of the measurements of thesetraveling standards are compared to indicate the over-all equivalence (or not) of the results. Such exercisesare extremely useful for identifying serious errors thatmay be present in measurements made by any of theparticipants. Comparisons can also be undertaken inareas of measurement where traceability may not yetexist (e.g., time-domain measurements [79]).

All of the above processes—local auditing usingverification kits, interactions with user groups, partici-pation in MCPs—provide measurement assurancewhich complements that provided by classical trace-ability processes. Ultimately, for the very highest levelof measurement assurance, one should considertraceability of measurement along with one or moreof these other processes.

Measurement Assurance

Figure A. Type-N travelling standards used for theARFTG MCP.

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However, it turned out that only the coefficients S11 andS22 and the product S21S12 were needed for furthererror correction. As a result, the three-term error modelreplaced the matrix consisting of four S-parameterswhere the coefficients e00, e11, and e01 are ED (directivi-ty), ES (source match), and ER (reflection tracking),respectively (Figure 4) [18]. Today, the three-term errormodel is still the most common representation of one-port calibration and error correction procedures.

Following from the above, the eight-term modelrepresented the bidirectional system for automatedmeasurements of two-port devices under test(DUTs) (Figure 5). The S-parameter-based model[Figure 5(a)] required all four coefficients(S11, S12, S21 , and S22) to be known for each erroradapter. The error correction of the transmissionmeasurements included two factors S(1)

21 S(2)12 and

S(2)21 S(1)

12 for the forward and reverse directions,respectively [8]. These factors were addressed as

coefficients ET in the error terms representation[Figure 5(b)] [19].

Alternative unidirectional test sets did not includean internal switch for redirecting the incident measure-ment signal between measurement ports. They allowedthe DUT to be characterized in one direction only (forits S11 and S21 parameters). As introduced in [18], sucha system can be described by only five error terms. Anadditional term represents the signal leakage betweenthe measurement ports, thus extending the model to sixparameters [18], [20] (see Figure 6).

The leakage terms (also called crosstalk terms) werelater added to the eight-term model, one for each mea-surement direction, increasing the number of the errorcoefficients in general to ten [21].

The 8(10)- and 5(6)-term error models were in usefor almost ten years without significant modification.[Note that here and elsewhere in the article, the num-ber in parentheses represents the number of error

terms, including any leakage terms(EX). These terms are optional para-meters that may not fully representthe crosstalk (as discussed furtherin this article) and thus we do notcount it in our nomenclature.]Within any model, the error termsneed to be defined for each mea-surement frequency point andsaved in the VNA memory.Therefore, an extension of the errormodel, including the use of addi-tional error terms, or developmentof a unified error model for differ-ent test sets were not commerciallyviable options. (At that time, thecost of computer memory was still amajor design consideration.)

Rapid progress in semiconduc-tor technologies at the endof the 1970s significantlyexpanded the availability oflow-cost read/write memorymodules as well as mass stor-age devices embedded inmeasuring instruments. Thisgreatly extended the capabili-ties of VNA error modeling.The measurement systemdescription was unified andthe 10(12)-term model wasintroduced for commercialVNAs independent of the testset configuration [19] (seeFigure 7). This error modelbecame the standard modelfor the description of system-atic measurement errors of a

Figure 3. (a) An example of a state-of-the-art 300-mm RF and microwave wafer-level measurement system. The system includes: the EMI-shielded and light-tightautomated probe system with integrated thermal management and automated RFcalibration, a VNA, RF cables, and RF wafer probes. (b) The set of coplanar cali-bration standards (a calibration substrate) is used for the calibration of the system.

(a) (b)

Figure 4. The one-port three-term error model in (a) S-Parameter and (b) error termsrepresentation.















(a) (b)

The relationship between the actual SA and the measured SM=A/R S-parameter of the DUT is given by

S11A = S11M – ED

ES (S11M – ED) + ER

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two-port VNA. It is implemented in all modern mea-surement instruments.

The equations for the relationship between themeasured and actual S-parameter of a two-port DUTwere given in [19] and [22]. However, these equa-tions are somewhat bulky. An alternative simplifiedapproach was introduced in [23]. For the measure-ment system, the relationship between the measured,m, waves and the incident, a, and reflected/transmit-ted waves, b, at the DUT can be found using the scat-tering parameter definition:











). (1)

From (1) and Figure 7, the inci-dent aI

1, aI2, reflected bI

1, andtransmitted bI

2 waves at theDUT are

The parameters aII1 , aII

2 , bII1 , and bII

2 can be found in asimilar way, taking into account the switch in its otherposition. Once the wave parameters a and b are defined,the following matrix can be formed:


1 bII1

bI2 bII



(S11 S12S21 S22


1 aII1

aI2 aII


), (3)

or, in short,

[K] = [Sx][L]. (4)

Finally, the S-parameters of the DUT can be found by

[Sx] = [K][L]−1. (5)

Figure 5. The eight-term error model of a two-port VNA in (a) S-Parameter and (b) error terms representations. Theunknown DUT [S] is connected between the error adapters. Prime and double-prime parameters correspond to the forward andreverse measurement directions, respectively.

Figure 6. The five-term unidirectional error model, represented by the error coefficientsED, ES, ER, EL , and ET. The leakage coefficient EX is an optional parameter.























RF INForward





















RF INReverse













a1 b2






aI1 = mI

1 + EIS



2 − EIDmI



bI1 = 1



2 − EIDmI



bI2 = mI



, aI2 = EI



. (2)

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Cascade Matrix T-Parameter RepresentationThe ten-term model, as described above and shown inFigure 8, represents the systematic measurement errorsin terms of effective S-parameters. A different conceptwas introduced by engineers from Tektronix in 1975[24]. They proposed describing the systematic measure-ment errors of a two-port system as two error boxes,characterized by transmission (T) parameters (Figure9). Their model included eight error terms. However, asit was later demonstrated in [12] and [25], only sevenerror terms are needed for further error correction. To

distinguish this approach from the old S-parameter-based eight-term model [8], it is usually referred to asthe seven-term model.

Impact of VNA Measurement ReceiversIt is common to relate the ten-term error model with thereference channel hardware concept of the VNA. Thereference channel VNA has one reference receiver fordetecting the incident signal and several measurementreceivers, one for each VNA port. Thus, for the n-portsystem, the total number of receivers, k, is: k = n + 1,

where n is the number of mea-surement ports (Figure 10).

The application of theseven-term model requires aVNA built on a so-called dou-ble-reflectometer principle:every measurement port isrelated with the individual ref-erence and measurementreceivers. For instance, thetwo-port double-reflectometerVNA uses four measurementreceivers (Figure 11). In gener-al, the number of measurementreceivers k for a multiport dou-ble-reflectometer is k = 2n,where n is the number of sys-tem measurement ports.

Figure 11 shows a physicalmodel of the systematic errorsfor a four-receiver VNA where[Tx] is a measured DUT and[A] and [B] are the error boxes.The latter describe measure-ment systematic errors. Thevalues m1 . . . m4 represent

waves measured by ideal receivers. It is straightforward to show that the relationship

between m1 . . . m4, incident (a1, a2), and reflected ortransmitted (b1, b2) signals is:


1 m′′1

m′2 m′′



(A11 A12A21 A22

)(T11 T12T21 T22



B11 B12B21 B22

)−1 (m′

3 m′′3

m′4 m′′


), (6)

where: m′1 . . . m′

4 and m′′1 . . . m′′

4 are the measured valuesin forward and reverse directions, respectively.T11 . . . T22 are defined as the transmission parametersof a measured DUT. Alternatively, in shortened form,

M = ATB−1, (7)

where measurement matrix M is

Figure 7. The 10(12)-term error model for two-port bidirectional S-parameter measure-ments. The error coefficients E represent the relationship between waves, m, measured bythe ideal VNA receivers and incident, a, and transmitted/reflected waves, b, at the DUTplane. Prime and double-prime parameters correspond to the forward and reverse mea-surement directions, respectively.

Figure 8. Block diagram of a two-port VNA described by theten-term model for the first and second state of the switch.

DUT(Reverse Direction)










b1II a2














DUT(Forward Direction)











































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M =(

m′1 m′′


2 m′′2


3 m′′3

m′4 m′′


)−1. (8)

Finally, the T-parameters of the DUT are given by

TX = A−1MxB. (9)

Conversion of Error ModelsBoth seven-term and ten-term error models are used todescribe the double-reflectometer VNA. If required, aseven-term model can be converted into a ten-termmodel. Several approaches have been published givingdifferent conversion equations [22], [26]–[28]. Theseequations are slightly different, but are based on thesame physical principle. The differences stem from theauthors' notation used for the seven-term modelelements, e.g., using the inverse of matrix [B]. Suchconversion techniques are implemented in many dou-ble-reflectometer VNAs today.

There were also attempts to apply the seven-termmodel for the reference receiver VNA [29]. In fact, thisassumes that the source match equals the load match ofthe test set, which holds only in the case of an ideal testset switch. For a real system, this assumption may leadto intolerable measurement inaccuracy, especially forhighly reflective DUTs [30]. Only the ten-term modelcan guarantee the entire description of the referencereceiver VNA.

Multiport Measurementsand Signal Leakage ProblemsAs noted above, even the first error models of a VNAincluded special error term(s) to address the influence ofone system measurement port on another (i.e. the so-called leakage term, EX). The leakage term was simplydefined as a transmission coefficient between VNA portsbeing perfectly matched. This definition holds only forthose cases when the DUT has input and output imped-ances equal to the system impedance. When measuringother devices, the application of a leakage term definedin such a way degrades the measurement accuracy.

Further measurement experiments and practicalexperiences revealed that the leakage can have a verycomplicated nature. It is generally insufficient to usejust one or two error terms to correctly represent thisphenomenon. Clearly, another description of systemat-ic measurement errors was required.

Such a concept was introduced by Speciale andFranzen in 1977 [31]. The systematic measurement errorsof the n-port VNA were represented by a 2n-port virtualerror network, connected with its n-ports to the DUT andits other n-ports to the ideal, error-free VNA. The errornetwork consists of (2n)2 coefficients and describes allpossible influences of the measurement ports on eachother. In fact, one error term can be set to be a free para-meter and the error model can be normalized withrespect to this term. That is, only 4n2 − 1 coefficients arelinearly independent from each other. Thus, these errorterms completely describe such a system [32].

Figure 11. Block diagram of VNA based on the double-reflectometer architecture. It shows the reference receivers,m1, m3; the signal source switch; the measurementreceivers, m2 and m4; and the seven-term error modelmatrices [A] and [B].

Figure 10. Block diagram of VNA based on the referencechannel architecture. It shows one reference receiver forincident signals m1 and m3, the signal source switch, themeasurement receivers for signals m2 and m4, and theten-term error model matrices [E] and [F].

Figure 9. Block diagram of a two-port VNA described bythe cascade matrix representation (seven-term model).

Figure 12. Block diagram of the leaky VNA based on thedouble-reflectometer architecture. For the two-port system,the matrix [C] includes 15 error coefficients.






























m1, m2











2III m2



m4m3 m4









2III [C]


m1 m2

m3 m4





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The 4n2 − 1 model is only valid for VNAs builtupon the double-reflectometer concept (with 2n mea-surement receivers, Figure 12). However, it wasdemonstrated much later that the full error model of areference channel VNA (with n + 1 reference receivers)can also be defined (Figure 13). This includes signifi-cantly more error terms: e.g., 22 coefficients for a two-port VNA, compared with 15 coefficients for a two-portdouble-reflectometer VNA [33].

The error models including crosstalk describe themeasurement system in a more general way. They canbe easily transformed to their equivalent, crosstalk-freemodels by setting the crosstalk error coefficients tozero. Thus, the reduction of the 22-term model (for ann + 1 measurement receiver VNA) leads to a (2n2 + n)-term crosstalk-free model (i.e., a ten-term model for thetwo-port case). Omitting the influence of the crosstalkfrom the 2n measurement receiver VNA (4n2 − 1-termmodel) gives the (4n − 1)-term model (i.e., a seven-termmodel for the two-port case).

Partly Leaky ModelFor some applications, the signal leakage between dif-ferent measurement ports of a multiport system is notthe same. For example, the multiport wafer-level mea-surement system configured with dual wafer probes

(two ports per probe) shows a strong crosstalk betweenin-side (in-probe) ports, whereas the side-by-side(probe-to-probe) port influence is much lower. For suchcases, it is feasible to include only those crosstalk coef-ficients in the system error model that most affect themeasurement results.

The solution for the four-port measurement systemwas introduced in [34]. In this case, the error network issplit into two parts. Each covers the in-side ports only(e.g., one network [C1] for Ports 1 and 2 and a separatenetwork [C2] for Ports 3 and 4, as shown in Figure 14).This approach significantly simplifies the descriptionof the measurement system by reducing the number oferror terms from 4n2 − 1 to 2n2 − 1, where n is thenumber of VNA ports. Thus, only 31 error coefficients(for the partly leaky model) are needed, instead of 63error coefficients (for the fully leaky model), whendescribing a four-port VNA.

Once the error model is known, the error termscan be calculated with the help of the calibration pro-cedure. Various calibration methods have beendeveloped over the 40-year history of vector networkanalysis. Some of these methods became standard defacto methods, while others were just intermediatesteps towards improving the accuracy of S-parame-ter measurements.

Calibration Procedures

First Iteration SolutionsCalibrating early VNAs was a lengthy and tediousprocess. Straightforward calculations of the requirederror terms as well as the error correction of the measuredS-parameters of a DUT were not readily available at thattime. Engineers were forced to rely on numerous varia-tions of numerical and iterative procedures, e.g., [8].

First Explicit SolutionA significant advance was made in 1971 by Kruppa andSodomsky [35]. For the first time, an explicit solutionfor calibrating a two-port VNA described by the eight-term model was introduced. This solution used threereflection standards (open, short, and match load ter-mination) at each VNA port and two ports connectedtogether (thru standard). Using the measurements ofthe open, short, and load at individual VNA ports, thethree error terms S11, S22, and S21S12 (ED, ES and ER)were defined for each port. The T21 and T12 terms werecalculated from the forward and reverse transmissionmeasurements of the thru standard, respectively (asshown in Figure 5).

The same work also introduced simple equations toperform a straightforward correction of the DUT's fourS-parameters for the systematic measurement errors.Therefore, the need for lengthy iterative numerical cal-culations of error terms and error-corrected S-parame-ters was resolved.

Figure 14. A model of the double-reflectometer VNAallowing leakage between Ports 1 and 2 and between Ports 3 and 4.

Figure 13. Block diagram of the leaky VNA based on thereference channel architecture. For the two-port system, thematrix [C] includes 22 error coefficients.




m1, m2
























m1 m2

m3 m4

m5 m6

m7 m8














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This explicit approach was further modified for dif-ferent test sets (error models) [20], [21] and, finally, theten-term explicit calibration solution was introducedcommercially by Hewlett-Packard in 1978 [19]. Sincethat time, this calibration procedure has become verypopular under the name short-open-load-thru (SOLT)or thru-open-short-match (TOSM). Today, the SOLTcalibration is a well-established technique that is imple-mented on all modern VNAs.

The accuracy of the SOLT procedure depends criti-cally on the fabrication and modeling tolerances of thecalibration standards (i.e., the lumped open, short, andload elements). Since the accuracy of these standardsdegrades with frequency, it remained a challenge toachieve reliable measurement results at high frequen-cies. Additional procedures, such as improving the cal-ibration standard models (i.e., [36], [37]) or the use ofstandards initially characterized with respect to the ref-erence calibration [38], can enhance the accuracy of theSOLT method.

Self-Calibration—TRLThe introduction of the TRL calibration (another vari-ant of this is LRL) procedure by Engen and Hoer in1974 was the next significant step in the developmentof VNA calibration theory [12]. For the first time, therewas a method not requiring all standards to be eitherideal or fully known. Using the redundancy of mea-surement results (an advantageof the double-reflectometerVNA and seven-term errormodel), TRL was able to definethe originally unknown para-meters of calibration standardslike the reflection coefficient ofthe reflection standard and thepropagation constant of the linestandard. This new principle ofcalibrating a VNA with partlyknown standards was latercalled self-calibration.

Another advantage of theTRL technique is that itbecomes possible to achievereal calibration and measure-ment traceability using well-defined air-isolated line stan-dards. However, TRL is fre-quency limited. This restrictioncan be overcome by includingadditional line standards andapplying a statistical analysis ofthe redundant measurementinformation (similar statisticaltechniques, such as weightedleast squares [39] and general-ized distance registration [40],

have also been applied to one-port VNA calibrationschemes resulting in a significant improvement in theoverall accuracy of measurement), making TRL theaccuracy benchmark per se [41]–[43].

Self-Calibration—Further Developments After the introduction of the TRL self-calibrationmethods, many other different self-calibration proce-dures were developed. The measurement informa-tion redundancy obtained from the double-reflec-tometer VNA and its seven-term error model givessome calibration freedom: one or more standardsmay be partly unknown. This useful feature helps todefine new calibration methods and optimize themfor different applications.

For instance, the calculation of matrices [A] and [B]in Figure 9 can be performed by measuring three dif-ferent two-port standards N1, N2, and N3 instead of theDUT [T] in (7)

TABLE 1. General requirements for the calibrationstandards.

Standard Requirements

N1 Four known parameters (fully known)

N2 Minimum two known parameters

N3 Minimum one known parameter

(a) (b) (c) (d)

(e) (f) (g)

Figure 15. Example of the commercially available (CSR) coplanar calibration stan-dards: (a) paired shorts, (b) paired opens, (c) paired loads, (d) dual in-line thru lines, (e)dual loop-back thru lines, and, (f)–(g) cross-over thru lines. Such standards are used formost popular wafer-level calibration procedures.

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Mi = ANiB−1, (i = 1 . . . 3). (10)

To characterize the system completely [as in (6)], onlyseven unknowns have to be found from the 12 equa-tions in (9). This redundancy produces general require-ments to the calibration standards (Table 1) and makesit possible to derive many different calibration proce-dures [25], [44]–[46].

Reflection and transmission standards are addressedby the self-calibration procedure in two ways:

• one measurement of one known parameter (e.g.,the reflection coefficient of a standard defines oneerror term)

• two measurements of the one unknown para-meter taken under different conditions (e.g.,the reflection coefficient of the same one-portstandard measured at two VNA ports) give oneerror term.

Self-calibration requires seven error terms to bedefined. In general cases, this can be met by any arbi-trary combination of known and partly known stan-dards (Figure 15). Today, TRL, line-reflect-match (LRM)[also often called thru-reflect-match (TRM) or thru-match-reflect (TMR)], short-open-load-reciprocal two-port (SOLR), quick-short-open-load-thru (QSOLT), andline-reflect-reflect-match (LRRM) are the most popularself-calibration procedures covering a very wide vari-ety of applications.

Conventional and Improved LRM ProceduresThe LRM method [47] was developed to resolve thefrequency bandwidth limitation of conventionalTRL. Instead of the line standard (or a set of differ-ent lines), it employed two one-port match (load)elements. Theoretically, LRM can be considered as abroadband calibration procedure. However, goodcalibration accuracy of commercially available LRMcan be guaranteed only if using purely resistive,highly symmetrical 50� loads. This requirement isvery difficult to achieve, especially at the waferlevel. Some further improvements—like LRM, avail-able from NIST [48], and line-reflect-match,advanced (LRM+) [49]—addressed this main draw-back of conventional LRM.

SOLRThe SOLR method does not require the complete knowl-edge of the thru standard [50]. In fact, any passive two-port element providing a symmetrical (forward/reverse)transmission coefficient (reciprocal) can be used for thecalibration. SOLR is very helpful for setups where imple-mentation of the thru is impractical: e.g., for coaxialapplications when measurement ports have the samesex, or rectangular port configurations at the wafer-level.The accuracy of the SOLR method strongly depends onthe one-port standards (open, short, load), which have tobe either ideal or fully known.

QSOLTLike SOLT, the QSOLT procedure expects all standardsto be fully known. However, it removes the need to mea-sure the one-port standards at the second VNA port [51],[52]. This feature dramatically reduces the time spent onreconnecting and remeasuring the standards. However,it should be noted that a VNA calibrated with theQSOLT method exhibits significant measurement errorsat its second port, i.e., the port that did not have the one-port standards connected to it during calibration [53].

LRRMThe LRRM procedure was the first method that was devel-oped explicitly to address the needs of wafer-level appli-cations. It was designed to resolve the restrictions of theplanar lumped load, such as potential asymmetry and thefrequency dependence of its impedance [54]. However,like QSOLT, it measures the load standards at only oneVNAport. For some applications, this may lead to less reli-able measurement results at the second VNA port [55].

Table 2 gives a brief comparison of these popularself-calibration procedures for the following criteria:

• type of calibration standards• use of standards• definition of error term (ET) from reflection and

transmission measurements• products obtained from the redundancy information.

Calibration of the Leaky SystemObviously, calibrating a leaky system (e.g., described bythe 15-term models) requires an extended number of stan-dards and/or calibration measurements. An iterative solu-tion for the 15-term model was presented in [56]. It pro-posed four fully known two-port standards: one standardwas the thru, while the remaining three standards werecombinations of match-match, open-short, and short-openelements. As shown later in [57], the use of only four fullyknown two-port standards leads to an undetermined sys-tem of equations and, ultimately, a reduction in calibrationaccuracy. At least five such standards are required.

The explicit calibration and some self-calibration solu-tions for the 15-term model have been presented [57]–[60].Also, the work in [33] gave a solution for the referencechannel system (i.e., the 22-term model). Finally, the gen-eral self-calibration match-unknown-reflect-network(MURN) method for a leaky system was presented witheight unknown parameters of standards [58].

Multiport Cases and HybridizationThe fact that both ten-term and seven-term systemdescriptions can be applied to the multiport reflectome-ter VNA gives the user enough flexibility in choosingthe most appropriate calibration method for his or hermeasurement system applications. Since the seven-termcalibration procedures are insensitive to inaccuracies insome standards, this often makes them the preferredchoice (e.g., [61], [62]).

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When calibrating the seven-term system, selectederror terms can be calculated using different methods.For instance, one can perform a hybrid calibration witha combination of SOLR and LRM [63] or anothermethod [64]. This approach has benefits when somethru standards are difficult to characterize (e.g., atwafer level). However, hybrid methods may have limi-tations concerning the calibration dynamic rangebecause they are based on the seven-term model [65].

An alternative way of integrating the advantages ofdifferent calibration procedures has been proposed by[66] and [67] with the generalized reflect-reflect-match-thru, advanced (GRRMT+) multiport solution. In contrastto hybrid calibrations, the GRRMT+ procedure uses theseven-term-based self-calibration LRM+ and SOLR pro-cedures to calculate the accurate behavior of the partlyknown standards (i.e., the reflects and the thrus). Once allcalibration standards are fully known, error terms are

TABLE 2. Comparison of TRL, LRM, SOLR, QSOLT, and LRRM calibration procedures.


Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2

Transmission Standards

THRUFour Known (4 ET) (4 ET) (4 ET) (4 ET)S-parameters

LINEKnown: S11, S22

Unknown: (2 ET)S21, S12

RECIPROCALKnown: S21 = S12, Known for +/ − 90Degree Unknown: (1ET)S11, S22

Sum of ErrorTermsDefined from 6 4 1 4 4Transmission Measurements

Reflection Standards

Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2

OPENOne Known (1 ET) (1 ET) (1 ET)Per Port

SHORTOne Known (1 ET) (1 ET) (1 ET)Per Port

LOADOne Known (1 ET) (1 ET) (1 ET) (1 ET) (1 ET) (1 ET)Per Port

REFLECT (as open)S11,= S22 , (1 ET)Known for +/ − 90 (1 ET) (1 ET)Degree (as short) One Known for Two Ports (1 ET)

Sum of Error Terms Defined From 1 3 6 3 3ReflectionMeasurements

Self-Calibration Reflection Coefficient Reflection Coefficient S-Parameters of the No Reflection Product of the Reflect of the Reflect Reciprocal Coefficient of both

Propagation Constant Reflectsof the Line

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calculated by the modified GSOLT procedure with non-ideal, but known, standards. Thus, the limitations of themultiport ten-term, multiport seven-term, and hybridmethods are overcome all in one procedure.

Future PerspectivesIn the last four decades, we have observed remarkableadvances in microwave measurement instrumentation aswell as in calibration and error correction methodologies.This significantly influenced the evolution of high-fre-quency semiconductor devices. Precise measurementresults are crucial for understanding the real performanceof a DUT, verifying its model, and improving its design.Thus, progress in the S-parameter measurement methodsaccelerated the development of, for example, high-perfor-mance telecommunication and defense systems.

Today's progress in wireless technologies and high-frequency broadband applications and the requirementsfor low power consumption, reduced electro-magneticinterferences, increased sensitivity, and increased datatransfer rates drive the development of high-frequencypassive and active differential devices. Therefore, theimprovement of measurement systems is integral forproviding broadband differential driving signals.

The first multiport VNAs enabling true differentialmeasurement are already commercially available [68],[69]. Some methods for correcting systematic measure-ment errors have recently been published [70], [71].These methods represent modifications of existingapproaches for single-ended systems. The next signifi-cant step in calibration and error correction theorycould well be the introduction of true-differential errormodels and calibration standards. New straightfor-ward true-differential calibration methods will drasti-cally simplify the calibration process. It will bring theaccuracy of measurement and characterization of dif-ferential devices to new levels.

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