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2. Definition of zakat Literally, zakat means to "purify". It refers to the purification of a Muslim's wealth and soul. Wealth purification denotes the mobilization of assets for the purpose of financial growth and justified distribution. Purification of the soul implies freedom from hatred, jealousy, selfishness, uneasiness and greed. Technically, zakat is a fixed proportion collected from the surplus wealth and earnings of a Muslim. It is then distributed to prescribed beneficiaries and for the welfare as well as the infrastructure of a Muslim society in general. This contribution is made payable by a Muslim once in every lunar year (Islamic Calendar/Hijri). 3. Definition of zakat on money wealth Zakat al-Maal means something that is paid for the trade income, agriculture, livestock, gold, silver and income. Zakat is paid if it has met nisab or limit the wealth amount that caused a Muslim has to pay Zakat. According to Islamic law, the definition of wealth is something that can be owned by the individual. 4. General condition of zakah 1) Muslim by faith Only those who are Muslims have to pay both their yearly Zakat on Wealth and Zakat Fitrah . 2) Free not in bondage Person who are not in bondage , dont have are debt . 3) Full ownership the wealth Full possession implies that the owner should be fully capable of disposing the property without being an object of contest by others. 5. General condition of zakah 4) Nisab sufficiency of minimum quantity The method of estimating the Nisab (minimum amount liable to Zakah) is applicable to cash money, gold, silver, commercial commodities and cattle. 5) Haul duration of one lunar year Full possession in something. And have to pay zakat twice a year or in a year. 6. CONDITION OF ZAKAT IMPORTANCE & OBLIGATION OF ZAKAT Zakat should be given as soon as possible after it becomes due. All of the zakat can be given to one person or to several persons. A poor man cannot be paid for his work from zakat nor can zakat be given in payment of services, except to the people appointed by the Islamic government to collect zakat. 7. CONDITION OF ZAKAT IMPORTANCE & OBLIGATION OF ZAKAT Zakat will only be valid if the recipient is made the owner of the amount. If, for example, a few needy persons are fed a meal from zakat money, then zakat will not be fulfilled as they were not made owners of the food. Zakat cannot be given for the construction of Masjid, Madrasah, Hospital, a well, a bridge or any other publics amenity but, if students of Madaris are made owner and they allow the administration to use it in anyway, then it can be used in all legal assignments but signed undertaken is required from the students or at least verbal permissions should be taken from them. Zakat can be paid in kind from the same merchandise on which it is due, or alternatively, it could be paid in 8. TYPE OF ZAKAT ON MONEY WEALTH ZAKAT ON ANIMAL Livestock Zakah are: 1 . Cattle , buffaloes 2 . Goats , sheep , 3 . Camels Special conditions animals are: 1 . The beast It is not used as vehicles , transport equipment , work tools and so on . 2 . Belonging own 3 . Freelance graze everywhere not purchased 4 . Enough nisab , the specific rate imposed by law. 5 . Quite a year or haul. The period of 12 months so in through Islam. 9. TYPE OF ZAKAT ON MONEY WEALTH ZAKAT OF AGRICULTURE 1 . Conditions agricultural zakat is obligatory : (a ) the owner of the Muslims ( b ) dependent ( c ) owned ( d ) nisab 2 . Enough agriculture Nisab Zakat is 5 ausuq equivalent 1000kg . For nisabnya rice is 1300kg and nisab fruit is about 700kg . 3 . Crops are grown with rain water , spring water , river water, or plants everywhere , zakat rate is 10%. 4 . Crops are watered with spending , zakat rate is 5%. 10. TYPE OF ZAKAT ON MONEY WEALTH Zakat of Gold and Silver 1 . Conditions obligatory zakat of gold and silver are: (a ) owned Islam people ( b ) free muslim ( c ) full title ( d ) nisab ( e ) a full year 2 . Goods not make ornaments women 3 . Nisab Zakat gold is 20 dinars ( mitsqal ) equals 85 grams . Zakat rate is 2.5 % . If someone has 85 grams of gold or more and less than a year it has, let him produce Zakat at the rate of 2.5%. 4 . Zakat Nisab of silver is 200 dirhams equal to 595 grams . The rate was 2.5 % after a full year owned . 11. TYPE OF ZAKAT ON MONEY WEALTH ZAKAT OF PROPERTY Rikaz is property owned by the ancients valuable found in the soil . Property Zakah . 1 . Rates extractive charity is 20 % of the property found. Prophet s.a.w. : Meaning: Zakat digging ( treasure hunt ) seper1ima ( 20 % ) . ( Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim ) 12. TYPE OF ZAKAT ON MONEY WEALTH ZAKAT OF INCOME Income means earnings include salary income as income and independent professionals . However, the proceeds of property that does not have its own zakat structure and also contribution from any party whatsoever though is also embedded in this discussion . All of this is discussed as well as basic equation that makes the law is the same for all . Meaning of salary is the income of a study that provides a reward for his service with an employer or an individual or a company or an institution such as annual salary , salary arrears and allowances Miscellaneous Other ( includes bonus or something that can be counted as income related to employment. Exempt income is an income through a job or business expertise or services are rewarded services. As legal services , consultation , consultant , and others 13. TYPE OF ZAKAT ON MONEY WEALTH ZAKAT ON FUND Currency subject to zakat because it can be used to similar to gold and silver . Whether in the form of paper money , coins or the like on a par with gold and silver as a buying power . Nisab Zakat fund is based on the present value of the gold nisab 20 mithqal ( 85 grams ) or silver ( 595 grams ) 14. TYPE OF ZAKAT ON MONEY WEALTH ZAKAT OF STOCK Stock is money invested in companies or businesses . It is proof of the selection of a business . For certificates of shares in a company listed on the Stock Exchange , it is easy to become cash against shares in unlisted companies or cooperatives . 15. * IMPORTANCE OF ZAKAT * 1 ) Establish a fair and caring society . Use of zakat for those who qualify and cannot be overcome economic and social problems as well as reducing the gap between rich and poor . 2 ) To strengthen the brotherhood and ties between the rich and poor . 3 ) Being a Muslim country rich and prosperous . Zakat greatly benefited the people and create a strong and economically rich countries as treasury that collects zakat use for national development and religious and welfare. 16. * IMPORTANCE OF ZAKAT * 4 ) Provide physical and spiritual needy . From spiritual faith for the grant obtained thicken the signs of God. Zakat earnings physically able to raise the standard of life. 5 ) Used to provide basic facilities ( infrastructure ), investing in many industries benefit the community such as food, clothing and housing and others. 6 ) Testing the faith and piety . Only those who truly believe and are cautious zakat in Islam. 7 ) Approaching yourself to God as treasure expended in a manner pleasing to Allah and gratitude and exaltation of the power of God and a sign of gratitude is the willingness to take some action of their property to seek the pleasure of him. 17. ZAKAT AND IMPORTANCE IN HADITH AND AL-QURAN The word charity to mean nourish, cleanse and improve. In fact, through the understanding of the true meaning of the word zakat is already give a clear picture of the purposes behind this zakat. The main function of the zakat for Muslims is to purify and clean up the property. It is explained in the word of God that says: Take alms of some their property, the charity that you cleanse and purify. (At-Tawbah: 103) The process of cleansing and purification can actually occur on two elements. That First, the purification of the soul and heart of the person who paid zakat. 18. ZAKAT AND IMPORTANCE IN HADITH AND AL-QURAN God loves those who are not begging and hide pain experienced from the public. God's Word says: And on their wealth there is a right for people who are poor and those who seek poor who does not ask. (Az-Zariyaat: 19) This in turn will strengthen brotherhood among Muslims. When Muslims pay zakat, then it will help the survival of the require. If this zakat system to function properly, eventually it will close. gap between the rich and the poor. The property is blessed by God actually has a provision for the requiring that the property is not only enjoyed by those who rich. 19. DIFFERENCE DIALOG BETWEEN ISLAM AND KRISTIAN Islam Surah 2:43 commands " Establish worship , pay the poor and ruku'lah with those who bow down ." So Muslims must give alms by the end of this month. This is considered complementary fasting . Giving zakat is the third pillar of the Five Pillars of Islam . Law zakat is obligatory on every Muslim who has fulfilled certain conditions . Ways of tithes arranged in detail in the Qur'an and Sunnah . 20. DIFFERENCE DIALOG BETWEEN ISLAM AND KRISTIAN Certain people are entitled to charity as for example the poor, those who collect and distribute zakat , those who are new to Islam and need help, the boy who wanted to free themselves , they are running out of charge in travel etc. . Heathen , that non-Muslims have no right to receive alms . 21. DIFFERENCE DIALOG BETWEEN ISLAM AND KRISTIAN Zakat beneficial because it will draw closer to the Lord and giver of great reward manifold " Allah will deprive usury and made almsgiving fruitful " (Surah Al Baqarah : 276 ) . Zakat is also a means of sin . So with charity a charity hoping to add to the Day of Judgment 22. DIFFERENCE DIALOG BETWEEN ISLAM AND KRISTIAN Kristian Jesus told his followers to do your alms in front of people to see them . Alms should be given in secret so that people do not praise (the Bible , Matthew 6:1-4) . The impulse to give alms are given love the Word of God that even rich , manifested in the flesh to save us poor and suffering in the shackles of sin . 23. DIFFERENCE DIALOG BETWEEN ISLAM AND KRISTIAN Jesus and the Gospel teaches that charity is given to all people , both friends and enemies , good believers or unbelievers. Christians can not discern . If people need help Christians must help him as available . This is one reason Kristen assisting Muslim countries at some havoc . 24. DIFFERENCE DIALOG BETWEEN ISLAM AND KRISTIAN Alms giver not add charity . Evangelical Christians are not saved by works , it is saved by the grace ( Gospel , Letters Ephesians 2:7-8) . Likewise the charity does not bring near to God . Because God was his Father , he gave alms as a token of gratitude to God and with hearts full of joy ( Gospels , Letters II Corinthians 9:7) . 25. Conclusion Islam is the perfect religion . It not only organize human life and God alone but it is also organizing and sorting system of human life . This system includes community , business, law, torts , and so on. Zakat is the fourth pillar of Islam . It is not only a purely religious but it is also a system that dictate the human life . Beginning with the collection , the collection and to determine , assess and determine who is eligible or not . The proceeds are then distributed according to a fixed system . 26. 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