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Restaurant Management Course

I n s t i t u t e o f T o u r i s m & H o t e l M a n a g e m e n t

L a h o r e

Ghulam Mujtaba

This book describes the restaurant management

skills which are essential for a restaurant

manager. After reading this book you will be able

to handle a multinational chain of fast food

independently as a restaurant manager (by the

help of Allah SWT) Inshallah. May Allah give you

success and brighten your future (AAmeen)

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Chapter No: 1


What is a Restaurant

A restaurant is an establishment which prepares and serves food and drinks to customers in

return for money, either paid before the meal, after the meal, or with a running tab. Meals are

generally served and eaten on premises, but many restaurants also offer take-out and food

delivery services. Restaurants vary greatly in appearance and offerings, including a wide variety

of the main chef's cuisines and service models.

Restaurants range from unpretentious lunching or dining places catering to people working

nearby, with simple food served in simple settings at low prices. Typically, customers sit at

tables, their orders are taken by a waiter, who brings the food when it is ready, and the

customers pay the bill before leaving. In finer restaurants there will be a host or hostess to

welcome customers and to seat them...

Restaurants often specialize in certain types of food or present a certain unifying, and often

entertaining theme. For example, there are seafood restaurants, vegetarian restaurants or

ethnic restaurants. Generally speaking, restaurants selling food characteristic of the local culture

are simply called restaurants, while restaurants selling food of foreign cultural origin may be

called ethnic restaurants.

What is a Restaurant Manager?

A restaurant manager is the person who controls all functions in the restaurant. He is given a

specific budget to run the restaurant he utilizes his skills and serves the customers in the best

possible way.

History & Development of Hospitality

Hospitality in Islam


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Muhammad (SAW) was also a very hospitable person. Even before he was

raised to the status of Prophet Hood, he was known as a hospitable and

generous man. Nobody ever went away from him empty handed. He used to

feed the poor, the needy, the widows and orphans and was very popular

among the people of Makah. In Medina, his hospitality knew no bounds and

his house was open to all; rich and poor, friend and foe, all came to him and

were treated very generously by him. People used to come in large numbers

from all directions, and he entertained them all and served them personally.

Nobody ever went back without having received something from him.

His hospitality was not confined to Muslims alone, but was extended to all

human beings, irrespective of caste or creed. Polytheists and Jews, all were

his guests and he entertained them all, without any distinction. When a

Christian deputation came from Abyssinia, he kept them in his house and

served them personally throughout their stay. Once a polytheist was his

guest. He gave him the milk of one goat and he drank it all. He was given a

second goat`s milk, which he drank as well. In this way he drank the milk of

seven goats but Muhammad did not stop offering him milk until he was

satisfied. Sometimes it so happened that the guests ate all that was

available in the house and nothing was left for the Prophet and his family to

eat, so they had to go without food that night. This was not an unusual

occurrence in the Prophet`s house.. The poorest and the most destitute

among the companions were the As’hab-e- Suffah, who were the permanent

guests of the Muslims. Most of the time they were the guests of Muhammad.

Once he said, "Anyone who has enough food for two persons should take

three of them, he who has enough for four should take five of them with

him." Abu Bakr took three of them with him while Muhammad (SAW) took ten

of them with him."

Abu Hurairah told a very distressing story of his hunger and starvation. He

was one of the As`hab Suffah. He said, "One in. utter starvation, I sat on the

main highway. Abu Bakr passed that way and I, to invite his attention to my


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humble state, asked him about a verse of the Qur`an. He went by and did

not take any notice of my condition. The same thing happened with Umar,

and he also did not pay much attention to me. Then God`s Messenger came

along and, seeing me smiled and said, `Come with me.` When he arrived

home, he saw a cup of milk and enquired about it. He was told that it was

sent as a gift to him. He asked me to bring all the people of the Suffah. I

brought them all with me. He gave me the cup of milk and asked me to

distribute it among them all."

Muhammad (SAW) was extremely hospitable and entertained all who came

to his house. He also taught his companions verbally as well as by his

practical example to be hospitable to all.

History & Development of Restaurant Industry in Pakistan

The hotel business has been present in Pakistan since its independence in 1947. In

Pakistan this industry contributes a large proportion to the country’s economy. The

hotel industry contributes to a large percentage of the country’s revenue. At first there

were not many hotels to begin with but as time passes, the country saw the gradual

establishment of local and international hotels. At the moment, there are four major

five star hotels operating in the country: Pearl Continental, Marriott, Avari Towers, and

Sheraton Hotel. Up and coming hotels include Serena Hotel and Carlton Hotel, which are

relatively new compared to the previous four.

The greatest growth in the hotel industry was seen in the late 80s and then some in

early 90s. The number of hotels in the country increased from 845 in 1991 to 1150 in

1996, showing a growth of more than 26% with the fastest growth in the number of

hotels seen in 1993 which tapered off to 2.4% in 1995 before picking up again in 1996.

Industry in Pakistan had witnessed tremendous boom before 2008, which is when things

started getting worse. In better times, the growth of the hotel industry in Pakistan was


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fueled by the Pakistani tourism industry. Increasing business opportunities and growing

economy in Pakistan is acting as a stimulant for the hotel industry in Pakistan.

Pakistan does not just have international hotel chains like Sheraton and Marriott. There

are a lot of motels and low budget hotels; each hotel has its own set of facilities and

services. When the country’s economy was in boom during the 1980’s to late 2000’s

period, personal enterprise was also on the rise and led to the establishment of a variety

of small motels.

In the year 2011 the increase and stability of economy of Pakistan brought a change in

the industry of Hotel and tourism it was observed sudden increase in number of foreign

visitors and meetings were scheduled in Pakistan mainly in the city of Karachi, through

which the occupancy rate of the hotels increase from 60% compared to the last year

occupancy rate. This increase of occupancy rate create the effect on the demand of the

hotels , as the demand increase so does the prices and as it was as the prices of the

room of hotel were increase from average Rs. 9000-Rs. 10000 to Rs 11,000 –Rs 12,000

per night .

Due to the impact created by the fast developing economy of Pakistan particularly in

Karachi, which is the industrial hub of Pakistan, many national and international

organizations are engaged in setting their meetings and conferences in the hotels, many

foreign corporate people are also visiting Karachi for their seminars and organization

conferences, hotel business in Karachi therefore is in the business. Many international

and national hotels are operating in Karachi for instance Marriot, Pear Continental,

Regent, Carton, Sheraton, Avari and Ramada Plaza etc. hence every category of Hotel

which range from 2 star to 5 star hotels are operating in the country. Many foreign

investments are also been observed in this sector, as per news France based Accor hotel

is being opened in Karachi this year.


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Decline in the Hospitality Industry of Pakistan

The industry began to experience a downfall with time, mostly due to government

instability and terrorism. In August 2008, hotel occupancy rates fell, an alarming sign

given to Pakistani Hotels. By the beginning of fourth quarter 2008, the Pakistan THL

sector (Tourism, Hospitality and leisure) was starting to see major consequences of the

economic crisis in the form of negative indicators in the hotel industry, a slowdown in

the gaming sector and increased preference to quick service restaurants as opposed to

dining ones.

The four major hotels have not changed much in terms of new ventures since their

establishment. The only major highlight in this regard was the takeover of Holiday Inn by

Marriott. Another constraint with regards to hotel development is the terrorist attacks

that have plague the country for some time now. This has led to a huge drop in foreign

visitors to the country. Changes in government have also created problems as each has

its own rules and priorities. Economic downfall also means that citizens are in not a

position to use these hotels.

Fast food chains like Mc Donald’s, KFC and Hardees are providing significant competition

to these hotels, which have comparatively higher prices than the fast food chains. The

restrictions on dinner menus of weddings are also an important problem. Visitors to

Pakistan prefer staying with family and friends due to the constant threat by suicide

bombers. This is the only industry that generates foreign exchange without exporting

anything and therefore should be cultivated rather than left to face decline.

As mentioned before, the hotel industry in Pakistan has seen a sustained decline in its

performance over the years. However, this was not always so. Pakistan, which is a vast


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country and a land of serenity and serendipity, attracts infinite number of tourists each

year. It has many tourist destinations with well-furnished city and airport hotels.

The Decline

The hotel industry of the country starting facing problems due to factors that are faced

in the economy which include economy, terrorism, political conditions and other macro

factors. The industry faced a major setback in the late 2010 when Marriot Islamabad

was under the attack by terrorist bombing that took the life of 50 people and injured

severely 250 people, this incident brought the decline in the hotel industry as many

foreigners and national customers feel uncomfortable in staying in any hotel in Pakistan

and visiting Pakistan for their business meeting and other corporate events and

seminars. Here the factor of Terrorism played the important part as many print and

electronic media highlighted the feared faced by the people in Pakistan and the act of

terrorism that was being increased created the impact of bringing down the visiting

foreigners in the country, many international operating company reduces and restricted

their visits to Pakistan hence reducing the occupancy rate in the Hotel from 60-70%. In

order to survive in those circumstances the Hotel industry reduces their rates to 10-20

% to gain the target market.

Problems started in July 2010 floods that made around 22 million people homeless in

Pakistan also collapsed Tourism Industry in the country that was already becoming

fragile due to bad law and order situation in the country. It is further declining due to a

sustained decline in GDP and tourism revenues but it is still considered to be a potential

market for growth.

It’s not just the fact that terrorists are targeting these hotels. Costs of security are rising

in stark contrast to falling revenues and underutilization of room capacity indicates a

loss in foreign visitors to the country. Terrorist attacks have bred political instability in


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the country and even some particular locations in the Northern Areas have been roped

off due to security reasons.

How the Hotel Industry can be revived?

In order to bring back the tourism and hotel industry back on track, certain measures

have to be taken:

1. Government should concentrate on the means of transportation, communication and

power for the promotion of tourism industry in Pakistan.

2. To attract the foreign travelers who have stopped visiting the country due to security

issues, the said issues should be handled properly.

3. Tax structure plays a vital role in industrialization process. The government should

give tax incentives to the air fares, hotels and other tourism related industries.

4. Pakistan is a country with a rich culture and traditional festivals. These should be

organized to create attractions for tourists.

5. Electronic and print media should focus on the highlights and attractions of tourist

sites in the country and so play an important role in enhancing the demand for tourism

in Pakistan


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Chapter No: 2


VISION Statement

 Vision statements are intended to set the tone for where the business is heading and

what it is creating. The wording of vision statements should be chosen carefully and

cognitively so as to provide inspiration, hopes for the company's future, and a

compelling confidence toward reaching their goals. Major corporations and non-profits

have recognizable vision statements and can be used as inspiration for small business

owners when crafting their own vision statements. Included here are seven vision

statement examples of well-known corporations.

Your statement should be like this  

Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we

make every customer in every restaurant smile."

This statement portrays a pretty accurate assessment of the hugely successful McDonald's fast

food restaurants and based on their popularity they must make many customers smile. The

statement addresses the company's goal and purpose.

Goal Setting and the Restaurant   Business

By the goals we mean that we should develop an interest and strategy to institute

shared and individual goal setting that involves all employees in a restaurant. The goal

setting theory unites a team while promoting individual success.  This has been proven

make employees more productive and likely to increase sales in general.  Goals can be

set to decrease waste, reduce costs, increase sustainability, increase profit, the list

goes on.  Most businesses use the practice of goal setting to motivate and monitor their

employees.  If you hit your goal you got a bonus. 


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As a restaurant owner, your goals and objectives should be tied to your mission and

value statements. Ensure goals and objectives are specific, measurable, achievable,

realistic and timely. This will provide you with a plan to follow and the ability to recognize

the point you achieve success. It is not necessary to set goals for every facet of your

restaurant business, but it is important to focus on key elements. Update your goals and

objectives when necessary, as business plans become dated. The goals you set for the

first year of business should vary from the goals and objectives for year three or year

10. Get your team excited about achieving these objectives by including them in the



Opening a restaurant requires you to consider all facets of the business before the

actual opening. You must draft goals and objectives as part of your business plan. In

addition to the look of your establishment and the type of food you will serve, you may

also have to set goals centered on customer service, sales and staffing. Be realistic with

goal setting, but don't be afraid to set the bar high for yourself and your restaurant. An

ideal restaurant manager should:

1. Demonstrate a solid foundation in techniques for food preparation, presentation,

and service

2. Describe the equipment available on the market and plan its arrangement,

operation, and maintenance for efficiency and safety

3. Plan menus; purchase, cost, and price product for profit

4. Demonstrate creativity and sound thinking in solving management problems and

in merchandising techniques

5. Conform to established codes of ethics and demonstrate a responsible attitude

expected in the hospitality industry

6. Communicate clearly, both verbally and in writing

7. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the factors involved in setting up and

operating a food service establishment


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8. Demonstrate the ability to keep accurate food business records and understand

the relationship between financial profits and good business ethics

9. Demonstrate a working knowledge of hotel front office management and

hospitality industry marketing

10. Demonstrate service techniques found in various segments of the restaurant

industry, including fine dining, casual dining, and quick service dining

11. Prepare a variety of non-alcoholic beverages

12. Equip, stock, staff, and control a bar operation

13. Demonstrate a working knowledge of management, including service, people,

and facilities

14. Develop a career portfolio

15. Develop skills for and a commitment to the process of lifelong learning

16. Develop skills for problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking

How a Restaurant Manager achieves his goals

The management and owners share goals and strategies to achieve these

goals.  What I propose is a bridge from management to the employees that

imposes goal setting on the daily basis that helps management to achieve

their set goals. 

Setting Targets

For example, the owner has told the GM that he wants to increase overall

sales. The GM decides he will do this by increasing revenue from beverages

sales.  The beverage manager and floor managers are then given a goal to

increase beverage sales by 15%.  This is the next step.  The managers set

goals for their employees.  Daily goals that are designed to increase

beverage sales are given to each employee at each shift.  These goals can

be catered to individual strengths and weaknesses.  The goals are given at

the beginning of the shift, monitored throughout, and then assessed at the

end of the shift.  It is the manager’s responsibility to help the employees


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achieve their goals and to educate them on how to do so.  It is the GM’s job

to make sure that the managers are capable of correctly coaching and

instructing employees in order to meet their goals. Creating individual daily

goals for employees is beneficial in many ways.  The satisfaction of achieving

the set goals gives the employee pride and confidence.  What you do by

giving daily goals to an employee is give them a micro job.  Servers become

complacent, but by challenging them the management can keep the

employee active and involved.  Examples of daily goals for a server could be

to sell 10 bottles of mineral water, 35 specialty cocktails, and 3 bottles of

cold drink for the shift.  If the server reaches these marks, he has made

money and the restaurant has made money.  He has completed a challenge

and feels great about it.  The manager and GM are now closer to their goal

as well.

Training Sessions

Monitoring goal achievement gives managers data that can be used to identify an employee’s strengths and weaknesses.  The employees that reach their mark are rewarded and continually developed.  The employee who consistently doesn’t meet their goals is subject to further training or repercussions.  Scheduling, section placement, and party placement can all be influenced by goal achievements.  All of these factors influence the money a server makes.  The employees who reach their individual goals consistently get the best shifts, sections, and work big money parties.


Many restaurants have contests for their employees.  There are many

problems with this approach.  These are not personal and tend to attract the

superstars only.  The other employees have a hard time motivating

themselves because they already know that someone else has a better

chance of “winning.”  By daily goal setting, the employee feels that the goal

is personal and belongs to them alone.  Only they can achieve the goal and it

is up to them do so.  Also, the development of individual employees is


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greater by goal setting than mass contests.  Employees vary in skill set and


Performance Appraisals

The key to goal setting in the restaurant is commitment and communication. 

Every day, without fail, employees have to be assigned goals or have their

set goals approved for the shift.  Management has to stay committed to

keeping track of these goals.  The data collected should be documented in a

computer program such as Excel.  The information of what the goal was,

whether it was achieved, how it was achieved, and what the next goal should

be needs to be shared by management from shift to shift. The employee’s

accomplishments need to be discussed with all of the management team

and strategy be united concerning each individual employee and employees

as a collective.

Reward System

There should be a reward system for those who achieve their goals.  These

rewards should be individual.  Rewarding as a group could alienate the

employees who failed to meet their mark.  These rewards can come in the

form of employee meals, bottles of wine, gift baskets, concert tickets, or

even promotions.  By rewarding the ones who meet their goals, we create a

positive culture that promotes goal setting.  Happy employees are

productive, make money, and have a sense of ownership.


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Chapter No: 3

Personal Hygiene

One of the most important chores we have to deal with on a daily basis, perhaps even

the most essential one is to maintain good hygiene. Cleanliness and hygiene are

extremely important when it comes to protecting our health. Spending a lot of time in a

dirty environment can have a very negative effect on the health and cause problems

that no one would like to have. Every person has to be aware of this in order to do their

best to provide themselves and others with the needed clean and disinfected

environment, be it at home or in the office. Cleaning is indeed important but here comes

another question – is there a difference between cleanliness and hygiene and if so,

what is it? To answer this question, we need to know more about these two and define

them. Here is more information about the difference between cleanliness and hygiene.


As the word itself implies, cleanliness is the act of removing dust and dirt from different

surfaced and objects. This is done by using the necessary equipment, which usually

includes water and detergents. Cleaning is performed to remove unwanted substances

which might develop micro-organisms that can affect the health. Cleanliness is usually

achieved in a manual or mechanical way, meaning that dirt and dust are removed by a

person and with the help of tools.


Now when it comes to hygiene, micro-organisms are not intended to be removed but

rather eliminated or prevented from forming again. Hygiene is very important for the

health and it can be achieved by using special sterilization and disinfection detergents.

Hygiene is actually achieved by disinfecting surfaces and killing bacteria that might put

the health in danger. The idea that a surface or an object is disinfected implies the fact


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that bacteria and other allergens are not only removed but also eliminated. Hygiene is

essential to prevent diseases.

The Difference between Cleanliness and Hygiene

There is indeed a difference between cleanliness and hygiene. While cleanliness is the

result of removing visible dirt, hygiene is the result of eliminating invisible bacteria.

Hygiene is the next step that can be taken after cleanliness is achieved. It brings some

degree of certainty that micro-organisms that might affect the health are killed.

However, the two of the processes - achieving cleanliness and hygiene, are strongly

connected to each other, since hygiene can't be reached without cleaning the particular

surface beforehand. A simple example is a janitor, who cleans the floor using a mop, a

brush and some detergent. After cleaning the floor, he/she may sanitize it using special

products for disinfection, such as chlorine, for example. So, cleaning is a matter of

removing physically observable elements, while disinfecting is a matter of killing badly

for the health micro-organisms.


When talking about the importance, it's not really possible to say if one is more

important than the other. Since both cleanliness and hygiene are interconnected, it's

more appropriate to say that the best solution would be to clean and disinfect particular

areas. Whether we are taking about a home, office or a public place, cleanliness and

hygiene are extremely important. Especially if it's a hospital or another institution where

health is the main issue.

Hygiene is essential for our health and to achieve it, we have to clean the certain place

we are referring to. Be it our homes or work spaces, we should always make sure that

we are provided with the needed cleanliness and hygiene to protect ourselves from

health problems.


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Working at a hotel means you are the face of the hotel, whether you are

greeting a guest on arrival or cleaning their rooms. So it is of utmost

importance to have high personal grooming standards and be well

maintained. While many of us like to believe that grooming is limited to good looks,

lustrous hair, it is actually much more than that. You can only look completely groomed

when you are likable, interesting and pleasant to be around with. In fact, a large share

of our happiness and success depends on how well we interact with others.

Grooming Standards in Hospitality Industry


1. Conservative and well maintained, short neatly cut

2. Should not fall on forehead, touch the ears or touch the collars. 

3. Neatly combed, not oily, not premed. 

4. Only conservative hairstyle permitted. 

5. Moustaches neatly trimmed. 

6. Should not cover upper lip. 

7. Face clean shaved 

8. Beards only permitted as part of religious sentiments. 


1. Trimmed and well maintained 

2. Clean and dirt free. 


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3. No nicotine, carbon or ink stains on the fingers. 


1. only one simple ring on any one hand 

2. No bracelets or bands (excepts for religious reasons) 

3. Watches should be conservative and not flashy or too large. 

4. Leather strap should either be black, brown or tan 

5. Metallic strap should be gold or silver 


1. Well maintained, well-polished, in good condition 

2. Only black shoes are permitted 

3. Socks to match the color of the shoes or trousers 


1. Immaculate, spotless, well ironed 

2. Light color Formal shirt, full sleeves,

3. Formal Trouser, front creased 

4. Matching Tie

5. No loose threads or broken buttons 

6. Cuffs and collars to be stain free and clean. 

7. Belts should be plain black or brown, not cracked or dull, simple non flashy Buckle, not more than 1.5 “wide. 


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8. Always wear a vest. (cut banyans)

Character Building Tips

1. Believe in yourself

The most important step towards grooming your personality is believing in yourself. You

need to trust your capabilities, talents and skills. You need to have faith in what you do.

Adopt a “Yes, I can do it!” attitude and the journey to your destination will be smoother.

Churchill rightly said, “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”

Don’t quit even if the hurdles are huge and the road is bumpy; keep trying and give it

your best shot—at least you won’t regret later for not having tried. 

Attain a positive attitude

More than your attitude, it is your aptitude that determines your success. Nobody wants

to hang around someone who’s a constant cribber; people are genuinely attracted

towards someone who is happy and is enjoying his/her life. Think positive, see

opportunity in every difficulty, remain motivated and choose to be happy—you’ll find that

a part of your problems will simply melt away. Live each moment to its fullest.

Remember that mishaps do happen, but they’re a part of life. Look at the brighter side—

every mishap teaches you a lesson.

2.  Read and have an opinion

Reading enhances your intellectual capacity and enables you to look at things from

different perspectives. It refines the way you think, speak and act. The more you read,

the better you are able to converse with others. Read all sorts of material—from classics

to biographies to magazines and newspapers—to improve your mind and gain a better

understanding of life. Whatever you read, do reflect on it and form an opinion on the

matter. People respect those who voice their own opinions and can back their views

with reasoning.


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3. Dress well 

Attractive personalities are always dressed well and pleasant to look at. Dressing well

doesn’t mean you buy expensive designer clothes and go for a complete make-over. It

means that you wear an outfit that suits your body type, and in colors that enhance your

complexion. Match it with accessories that are neither too gaudy nor too plain (read

classy). Wear a hairstyle they flatters your face structure. Smell good and, most

importantly, smile. 

4. Show pleasant manners

Remember, people are noticing you all the time, so it’s important that you don’t forget

your etiquettes. When someone’s talking to you, be a good listener. Slightly lean

towards the person and listen intently, this will make him/her feel important. Speak only

when the other person has finished speaking. Don’t jump into a conversation.

Always say ‘please’ when asking for something followed by a ‘thank you’ irrespective of

who the other person is. When invited to a lunch or a dinner party, don’t forget your

table manners, no matter how closely you’re related to the host.

5. Take care of your physical fitness 

The shape of your body defines more than just your health status; it defines your

approach towards your personal grooming. Take a healthy and a well-balanced diet.

Exercise for at least half an hour daily and take plenty of fluids. Cut down on junk food

and replace tea and coffee with green tea. You will soon become self-confident and

would have more energy want to socialize better.

6. Add humor to life 

Humor gives vent to the frustration and resentment that we bottle up inside, giving way

to bright and hopeful thoughts. People with an attractive personality look at the lighter

side of life, they even invent it. Above all else, go out with a sense of humour. It is the

needed armour. Joy in one's heart and some laughter on one's lips is a sign that the

person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.”


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Chapter No: 4


Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation, and storage of

food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. This includes a number of routines that

should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. The tracks within this line

of thought are safety between industry and the market and then between the market

and the consumer. In considering market to consumer practices, the usual thought is

that food ought to be safe in the market and the concern is safe delivery and

preparation of the food for the consumer.

Food can transmit disease from person to person as well as serve as a growth medium

for bacteria that can cause food poisoning. In developed countries there are intricate

standards for food preparation, whereas in lesser developed countries the main issue is

simply the availability of adequate safe water, which is usually a critical item.[1] In theory,

food poisoning is 100% preventable. The five key principles of food hygiene, according

to WHO are:

1. Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people, pets, and


2. Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked foods.

3. Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate temperature

to kill pathogens.

4. Store food at the proper temperature.

5. Do use safe water and cooked materials.

Cross contamination


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Cross contamination is the physical movement or transfer of harmful

bacteria from one person, object or place to food. Cross contamination occurs

when bacteria and viruses are transferred from a contaminated surface to one that is

not contaminated. The bacteria and viruses can come from people, work surfaces or

equipment, and other foods. For example, it can happen when bacteria from the surface

of raw meat, poultry and raw vegetables with visible dirt (such as unwashed potatoes),

are transferred onto ready to eat food, such as green salads, rice or pasta salads,

cooked meats or poultry or even fruit. The bacteria on the raw food are killed when the

food is cooked, but the ready to eat food gets eaten without further cooking. Food

contamination has four major ways to spread:




Working surfaces


Raw perishable foods can contain harmful bacteria. For example, raw meats

contain a large number of naturally occurring bacteria such

as Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria which are all causes of food-borne

illness. If you are not careful, harmful bacteria can easily be transferred from

raw to cooked or ready-to-eat foods:

Due to incorrect storage methods - raw meat may drip blood and juices

onto cooked foods such as ham, and quiche, or other ready to eat

foods like salads, dressings and sauces.

When raw and cooked foods are combined to make salad rolls,

sandwiches and mixed salads - harmful bacteria may be transferred

from salad vegetables to other foods (like meats, cheese or egg). If

these products are then not kept refrigerated the bacteria can multiply

and may cause food-borne illness.


22 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore


Harmful bacteria live in and on our bodies, especially on and around our

faces and hands, and on our clothing. As they are usually present in small

numbers they do not make us sick. If these bacteria are transferred from our

bodies or clothes onto food, and allowed to multiply, the food can become

unsafe to eat


Bacteria are able to live and multiply in any cracks and crevices in

equipment including the surface cuts of chopping boards. After equipment

has been used, bits of food containing bacteria remain. If the equipment is

not properly cleaned when it is used, next the bacteria will be transferred to

another food.

Working surfaces

Surfaces such as bench tops may have bacteria on them from contact with

people, raw foods, dirty equipment or other things such as cartons that have

been stored on the floor. If the bench tops are not properly cleaned, any food

placed on them will be contaminated by the bacteria.

Other reasons which can contaminate food are:

1. using the same knife or chopping board to cut both raw and ready‐to‐eat foods 

2. using the hand wash basin for defrosting food or placing dirty utensils and e


3. storing food uncovered or on the floor of the fridge or freezer 

4. storing raw food above ready‐to‐eat food 

5. re‐using cloths to wipe benches, cutlery and tables 

6. Using a towel to dry hands which is then used for drying equipment, utensils 

or dishes.


23 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

Preventing cross contamination

All staff handling food should understand the likelihood and ease with

which cross contamination can occur.

The work flow and methods used in the food preparation should be

designed to minimize the likelihood of cross contamination.

Physical separation of raw foods especially raw animal products from

all cooked, pre-cooked and pre-prepared foods is essential during

storage, preparation and display.

The handling of cooked and ready-to-eat foods should be kept to a


using separate utensils or thoroughly washing and sanitising utensils b

etween handling raw and ready‐ to‐eat foods 

keeping food covered and off the floor during storage 

avoiding any unnecessary contact with food 

storing raw foods, especially meat and fish, on the bottom shelf of the f

ridge to prevent raw meat juices 

dripping onto ready‐to‐eat foods 

keeping cleaning chemicals and other non‐food items stored away fro

m food 

Regularly changing, or washing and sanitising, cleaning cloths. Never u

se cloths used for cleaning toilets 

or similar areas for cleaning anything that may come in contact with fo



24 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

ideally, letting equipment and utensils air dry after washing and sanitis


always washing and thoroughly drying your hands when starting work, 

changing tasks, or returning from 

A break (including a cigarette or toilet break).

Care must be taken to prevent recontamination of cooked and ready-

to-eat food contact surfaces:

o by thoroughly washing hands after handling raw foods, especially

raw meats

o by using separate cutting boards and food contact surfaces for

raw and cooked/ pre-cooked/pre-prepared foods

o by not placing bulk food containers on bench surfaces

o by using correct sanitation procedures for all utensils and


o By ensuring that cleaning cloths are single service or are

adequately sanitized.

Food Standards & Sops in Pakistan

In Pakistan, food standard and SOP’s are being implemented by the Punjab

Food Authority. According to Punjab Food Authority, following Sop’s are

necessary to follow in every restaurant:


25 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

Chapter No: 6

Organizational chart of a Restaurant

Restaurant Owner

A restaurant owner is the one who has all of the responsibilities of maintaining and running the

business.  A restaurant owner is sometimes also the restaurant manager. The actual job

description depends on the other workers employed. Some owners have various managers who

supervise specific departments and then report to them. Others take care of every one of the

aspects of the restaurant. The bottom line is the owner is the one who keeps the business

running on a daily basis. A restaurant owner must hire someone to take care of many of the

required daily functions of the business or perform these jobs personally. This includes

overseeing, ordering and tracking all of the food, supplies, equipment and other inventories

needed. It also consists of maintaining the building and equipment (inside and outside), the

parking lot and any other property of the business. Other jobs may include hiring, training,

directing, scheduling and dismissing employees. The finances, promotions and goals of the

business are part of the owner's responsibility


Responsibilities of Restaurant Owner

Financial Responsibility

A restaurant owner bears primary responsibility for all financial matters concerning the

restaurant. If an owner is starting a restaurant, money may come from that owner’s own

financial investments, or it may come from loans procured by the owner. There may be

co-owners who each have a financial stake in the restaurant as well. All debts and

profits alike are the responsibility of the restaurant owner or owners. Profit-sharing

exceptions may be made depending on contractual agreements with key staff members.

Administrative Oversight


26 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

A restaurant owner may hire any number of staff members that she finds necessary for

delegation of duties. These may include an accountant, a general manager, a head

chef, a head bartender and a maître hotel. How the management hierarchy is structured

is completely up to the restaurant owner unless partners are involved. If a restaurant

owner is a very hands-on person, he may choose to do one or more of this job himself.

Payroll is the responsibility of the restaurant owner as well unless she hires an

accountant or a payroll service to handle that duty.

Kitchen Oversight

A restaurant owner may or may not have culinary talent in the kitchen. Culinary skills

are nice but not prerequisites as long as a restaurant owner has talent at hiring a skilled

chef to make his restaurant vision come true. The degree of oversight an owner has

over the kitchen is largely at the owner’s discretion. Some owners may prefer to be very

hands-off, instead letting the kitchen run itself if the owner and chef have a strong and

trust-based working relationship. Regardless of what level of autonomy the kitchen has,

a restaurant owner should keep in mind that she bears responsibility for all financial

decisions regarding the restaurant.

Dining Room Oversight

From small restaurant to multinational chains, every restaurant has some staff in the

dining room. Even places that only do take-out still must have someone up front to

handle the cash register (or computer) and the phones. A restaurant owner is

responsible for this department as well. While a restaurant’s food and kitchen are of

primary importance, the dining room is the front line for customers. A restaurant owner

may choose to delegate in this area as well, if he does not feel that it is an area of

professional strength. However, especially in smaller restaurants, many owners who do

not have culinary skills work in the dining room (or front of house, as it is often called)



All things considered, a restaurant owner job can be as large or as small as a restaurant

owner wants it to be. A restaurant owner bears a huge responsibility for the success or


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failure of a restaurant, even if he has partners in co-ownership. Therefore, a restaurant

owner needs to critically assess where her professional strengths lie. She can then

decide whether or not to do certain jobs herself, or hire other people to do them for her.

Even if a restaurant owner is multitalented, he needs to know when it is possible to do

things and when to ask for help. Time, unlike chores, is a finite thing.

General Manager

The General Manager is responsible for managing the daily operations of restaurant,

including the selection, development and performance management of employees. In

addition, he oversees the inventory and ordering of food and supplies, optimizes profits

and ensure that guests are satisfied with their dining experience. The General Manager

reports to the CEO .He Delivers revenues and profits by developing, marketing,

financing, and providing appealing restaurant service; managing staff.


Establishes restaurant business plan by surveying restaurant demand; conferring

with people in the community; identifying and evaluating competitors; preparing

financial, marketing, and sales projections, analyses, and estimates.

Meets restaurant financial objectives by developing financing; establishing

banking relationships; preparing strategic and annual forecasts and budgets;

analyzing variances; initiating corrective actions; establishing and monitoring financial

controls; developing and implementing strategies to increase average meal checks.

Attracts patrons by developing and implementing marketing, advertising, public

and community relations programs; evaluating program results; identifying and

tracking changing demands.

Controls purchases and inventory by meeting with account manager; negotiating

prices and contracts; developing preferred supplier lists; reviewing and evaluating

usage reports; analyzing variances; taking corrective actions.


28 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

Maintains operations by preparing policies and standard operating procedures;

implementing production, productivity, quality, and patron-service standards;

determining and implementing system improvements.

Maintains patron satisfaction by monitoring, evaluating, and auditing food,

beverage, and service offerings; initiating improvements; building relationships with

preferred patrons.

Accomplishes restaurant and bar human resource objectives by recruiting,

selecting, orienting, training, assigning, scheduling, coaching, counseling, and

disciplining management staff; communicating job expectations; planning,

monitoring, appraising, and reviewing job contributions; planning and reviewing

compensation actions; enforcing policies and procedures.

Maintains safe, secure, and healthy facility environment by establishing,

following, and enforcing sanitation standards and procedures; complying with health

and legal regulations; maintaining security systems.

Maintains professional and technical knowledge by tracking emerging trends in

the restaurant industry; attending educational workshops; reviewing professional

publications; establishing personal networks; benchmarking state-of-the-art practices;

participating in professional societies.

Accomplishes company goals by accepting ownership for accomplishing new

and different requests; exploring opportunities to add value to job accomplishments.

Oversee and manage all areas of the restaurant and make final decisions

ornmatters of importance.

He is Responsible for ensuring consistent high quality of food preparation and

service. Maintains professional restaurant image, including restaurant cleanliness,

proper uniforms, and appearance standards. He Estimates food and beverage costs.

Work with Corporate office staff for efficient provisioning and purchasing of supplies.

Supervises portion control and quantities of preparation to minimize waste. He


29 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

Estimates food needs, places orders with distributors, and schedule the delivery of

fresh food and supplies.

He ensures positive guest service in all areas. Responds to complaints, taking

any and all appropriate actions to turn dissatisfied guests into return guests.

Assistant Manager

The Assistant Manager is responsible for managing the daily operations of

restaurant, including the selection, development and performance management of

employees. In addition, they oversee the inventory and ordering of food and supplies,

optimize profits and ensure that guests are satisfied with their dining experience. The

Assistant Manager reports to the General Manager


Oversee and manage all areas of the restaurant and make final decisions on

matters of importance to guest service.

Adhere to company standards and service levels to increase sales and minimize

costs, including food, beverage, supply, utility and labor costs. He is Responsible

for ensuring that all financial (invoices, reporting) and personnel/payroll related

administrative duties are completed accurately, on time and in accordance with

company policies and procedures. He is responsible for:

Enforce sanitary practices for food handling, general cleanliness, and

maintenance of kitchen and dining areas. Ensure compliance with operational

standards, company policies, federal/state/local laws, and ordinances.

Ensuring consistent high quality of food preparation and service.

Maintain professional restaurant image, including restaurant cleanliness, proper

uniforms, and appearance standards.

Estimate food and beverage costs. Work with Corporate office staff for efficient

provisioning and purchasing of supplies. Supervise portion control and quantities

of preparation to minimize waste. Estimate food needs, place orders with

distributors, and schedule the delivery of fresh food and supplies.

Ensure positive guest service in all areas. Respond to complaints, taking any and

all appropriate actions to turn dissatisfied guests into return guests.


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Area Manager

As an area (or regional) manager, you'll have overall responsibility for a number of

stores in an allocated area. You’ll be responsible for staff and you’ll work closely with

other senior managers and department managers.


Setting sales targets

Maximizing sales and profitability

Providing your team with a stimulating and supportive environment

Maintaining and increasing standards of customer service

Driving team performance

Controlling the training and development of your staff

Ensure the continued growth and development of the Branches by providing

Branch Managers with hands on leadership and direction, helping them to

identify appropriate tasks and objectives.

Implement annual sales, & new Branch Opening forecasts (whenever required),

monitor sales results/trends, each branch level profit and loss statements on a

periodic basis, make specific recommendations, and assist in improving each

branch performance

Identify food variances and subsequently lead the team in weekly food cost that

included analyzing product mixes, inventory, waste and usage to produce an

additional reduction in food cost.

Ensure the 100% guest satisfaction through excellent management of staff and

the chocolate bar expected standards with regular follow up audits.

Ensure Quality standards in presentation safety and Hygiene are upheld.

Ensure all location work within company standard operating procedures.

Work on following up and implementing employee development programs.

Follow-up on sales, costs and inventory management in the location to insure

minimal waste


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Support the development, approval, and implementation of new products/menu

and procedures in conjunction with market research by actively participating in

the roll out process


Strategic planning, execution of annual operating plans, expertise in business

development and opening new business channels.

Excellent verbal and written communication and proposal writing skills

Excellent report generation, presentation, analysis and report interpretation


Positive and professional attitude 

Ability to manage new projects within the speculated timelines

Ability to motivate employees to work as a team to ensure that food and service

meet appropriate standards

Ability to handle the pressure from management and staff

Ability to co-ordinate priorities and execute multiple tasks and teams

Restaurant Manager

Restaurant managers plan and direct the activities of places that serve food and

beverages. Restaurant managers have different duties depending on where they work.

In most restaurants and food service facilities, the manager is assisted by one or more

assistants. In large facilities, there is also an executive chef. The chef is responsible for

the operation of the kitchen. The assistant managers oversee service in the dining

room. In small restaurants, the executive chef may also be the manager. In fast food

restaurants and other places open for long hours, there is often an assistant manager to

oversee each shift. Restaurant managers have a variety of daily duties. They estimate

how much food and beverage will be used, and place orders with suppliers. They check

the deliveries of fresh food and baked goods for quality. They order supplies of non-food

items, such as dishes and silverware, cooking utensils, and cleaning products. They

arrange to have equipment repaired or maintained and schedule other services. In

addition, managers total cash and charge receipts at the end of each day. Then they

deposit them in a bank or other safe place. Restaurant managers also supervise the


32 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

kitchen and dining room. For example, they oversee the food preparation, checking the

quality and size of the servings. They resolve customer complaints about food or

service. In addition, managers make sure that kitchen and dining areas are cleaned

according to standards. They also keep records of these practices for health inspectors.

Finally, managers monitor the actions of their staff and customers to be sure that safety

standards and liquor laws are obeyed. Managers have a variety of other duties. In

restaurants that change their menu items, managers often select or create new recipes.

They consider what items have been popular in the past, and what foods on hand must

be used. Then they analyze recipes to decide costs for food and labor and assign menu

prices. Managers are often responsible for recruiting and hiring new kitchen and serving

staff. They orient staff and oversee their training. In addition, they schedule staff work

hours, making sure that peak dining hours are covered. Large restaurants often have

bookkeepers. However, managers of small facilities often have administrative duties.

For example, they keep records of employee hours and wages. They prepare payroll

and tax report paperwork. They keep records of purchases and pay suppliers. They also

evaluate the success of new dishes and remove them from the menu if they are not

profitable. Some managers use computer software to help them with these record

keeping duties.

Typical work activities

Estimate food consumption, place orders with suppliers, and schedule delivery of

fresh food and beverages.

Resolve customer complaints about food quality or service.

Direct cleaning of kitchen and dining areas to maintain sanitation standards, and

keep appropriate records.

Monitor actions of staff and customers to ensure that health and safety standards

and liquor regulations are obeyed.

Maintain budget and employee records, prepare payroll, and pay bills, or monitor

bookkeeping records.


33 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

May use computer software to monitor inventory, track staff schedules and pay,

and perform other record keeping tasks.

Check quality of deliveries of fresh food and baked goods.

Meet with sales representatives to order supplies such as tableware, cooking

utensils, and cleaning items.

Arrange for maintenance and repair of equipment and other services.

Total receipts and balance against sales, deposit receipts, and lock facility at end

of day.

Select or create successful menu items based on many considerations, and

assign prices based on cost analysis.

Recruit, hire, and oversee training for staff.

Schedule work hours for servers and kitchen staff.

Monitor food preparation and methods.

General Activities

Identify and estimate quantities of foods, beverages, and supplies to be ordered.

Maintain relationships with customers and staff.

Update and use job-related knowledge.

Schedule staff work hours and activities.

Evaluate health and safety practices against standards.

Organize, plan, and prioritize.

Make decisions and solve problems concerning menus and staff.

Judge the quality of food, preparation, and job applicants.


34 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

Process and analyze information when scheduling and budgeting.

Record information about inventory and health practices.

Handle food, utensils, and bookkeeping materials.

Monitor food preparation and cleaning methods.

Implement ideas or products.

Get information from customers, employees, and inventory records.

Inspect equipment and food deliveries.

Monitor and oversee purchases, menus, staff, and payroll.

Guide, direct, and train staff.

Coordinate the work and activities of staff.

Perform administrative activities such as scheduling, budgeting, and payroll.

Communicate with customers, sales reps, and suppliers.

Shift Manager

A restaurant shift manager oversees the workers in an eating establishment. He

is responsible for delegating tasks to junior members of staff and must ensure

that all customers are happy with the service they have received. The restaurant

shift manager is expected to deal with customer complaints and this can be the

most difficult part of the job role. Shift leaders in the fast food industry have many

responsibilities beyond customer satisfaction and product quality. As supervisors,

they must ensure that the operation runs smoothly, efficiently and according to

industry standards while also overseeing and directing employees. A majority of

shift leaders work full-time hours and must know how to perform each task

required of their crew. They are responsible for cash management, organization,

cleanliness and general problem-solving while on duty.


35 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore


Effectively leads the restaurant during a shift to ensure that excellent restaurant

operations are consistently achieved

Lead each shift by delegating duties, assigning specific tasks and ensuring team

members are prepared for each day

Responsible for the training and development of team members

Contributes to a team environment by recognizing and reinforcing individual and

team accomplishments

Follow inventory control procedures and guidelines

Follow Company’s operational policy and procedures, including those for cash

handling and

Safety / security, to ensure the safety of all teams members and guests during

each shift

Assist with labor management costs

Acts with integrity, honesty and knowledge that promotes the culture of Company

Must proficient in each area of the restaurant in order to help where ever needed

Maintain cleanliness and organization throughout the restaurant and ensure

proper set up and breakdown of the entire restaurant including dining room,

restrooms, kitchen and prep areas

Work as a team to prepare restaurant for each shift

Ability to manage time effectively while meeting all job responsibilities

Maintains a positive work environment for team members and guests during

each shift

Greet guest to make them feel welcome and comfortable

Prepare food including noodles, salads, soups, and sandwiches

Ensure that team members prepare food items according to Noodles & Company

standards of quality, consistency and timeliness

Check food quality and food temperatures throughout the day to maintain

company and HACCP rules and regulations

Follow sanitation and safety procedures including knife handling and kitchen



36 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

Maintains regular and consistent attendance and punctuality


Excellent guest service skills required

Must be able to take direction and delegate responsibilities Ability to work in a fast paced environment Team oriented, adaptable, dependable, and strong work ethic Ability to communicate efficiently to help keep all team members informed Ability to work nights, weekend and holidays Must be at least 18 years of age or 21 when required by alcohol laws

Floor Supervisor

The Floor Supervisor is responsible for managing all front-of-house (FOH) operations in

conjunction with the back-of-house (BOH) in the restaurant during opening, mid and

closing shifts. Key responsibilities include coaching, developing and disciplining team

members during service, managing the guest experience to ensure that it is always up

to The Gold Standard, overseeing the quality of our food and beverages, and

supervising the overall restaurant flow and experience on a shift-by-shift basis. The

Floor Supervisor is charged with ensuring CIRCA is executing service at the highest

level and never letting standards slip. The Floor Supervisor’s focus is improving internal

operations to solidify and optimize performance. Restaurant floor managers must work

long hours while multitasking and being able to think clearly in emergencies. They must

have the skills to delegate assignments, fill in for absent employees, and ensure

customers have a pleasant experience in the establishment. Their hours may be

irregular and are subject to the operating hours of the restaurant.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

Shift Execution

Perform opening, mid and closing shift duties


37 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

Manage daily operations including cleanliness, organization, revenue

opportunities and staffing

Exercise discretion and independent judgment in facilitating zone management

Ability to quickly and accurately identify critical information and make

independent judgments in accordance with the philosophies and business

practices of The MHG Group

Guest Relations Management

Manage guest relations and guest recovery

Provide exceptional guest service, thereby setting the standard for all employees

Monitor staff performance and hold staff accountable for their performance,

ensuring guest's experiences meet the CIRCA Gold Standard

Personnel Management

Make hiring and termination recommendations to General Manager/Vice


Train, coach, develop and discipline all front-of-house employees through

ongoing feedback and the establishment of performance expectations

Participate in on-going education for team members including creating training


Operational Execution

Manage supplies deliveries and inventory and maintain records of invoices

Ensure safety & sanitation

Ensure restaurant and bar is in complete compliance with all local, state, and

federal regulations

Observe employees to ensure the safe service of alcohol

Accurately execute The MHG Group initiatives and policies with improvement to

quality, service, and operations

Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities

Excellent service skills


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Must possess a strong attention to detail

Ability to work in a high stress, faced-paced environment

Must possess strong leadership skills, with demonstrated ability to build

relationships and manage staff (at all levels)

High personal integrity, professionalism and maturity

Proven problem-solving abilities

Excellent math, reading, writing and communication skills

Essential Physical Requirements

Must be able to walk and stand for entire shift, up to 12 hours

Must be able to continuously reach, bend, and stretch

Must be able to lift and carry up to 40 lbs.

Crew member

Restaurant crew members prepare food and beverages, serve customers and maintain

the restaurant interior and exterior. Managers and supervisors keep restaurant crew

members organized and on task throughout the shifts. Management positions may

require a degree in restaurant management, but restaurant crew member jobs usually

don't require specialized education other than food service training. A crew member will

be expected to provide customers with a quick and accurate service and show

sensitivity to their individual needs, both from behind the till as well as in the dining

areas. Food Preparation and cooking the wide variety of food we offer involves using a

broad range of equipment and tools. They need to produce orders to a consistently high

standard and understand that quality control is vital. Cleanliness and Hygiene requires

thorough training in order to maintain our high standards. Before they start, they learn to

use a variety of cleaning utensils and chemical cleaning products along with the correct

protective equipment. A Crew Member has three main responsibilities: Customer

Service, Food Preparation and Cleanliness and Hygiene. The restaurant host or

hostess greets customers as they arrive at the restaurant. The host maintains an

accurate record of the restaurant seating chart and determines the best placement for

guests according to the wait staff coverage available. The host or hostess leads

restaurant guests to their tables for seating and presents them with menus. A restaurant


39 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

host typically answers phone calls for the restaurant and accepts and records

reservations in the reservation log book. Most hosts are paid a set hourly rate and work

varying shifts according to the restaurant's needs. Crew members should be proficient

in more than one area of responsibility and may not always work the same

Crew Member Job Description

The responsibilities that go with this job include the following duties:

Greeting customers while offering super customer service attention, taking,

assembling and presenting food orders, requesting and receiving payment,

operating the cash register (Constant movement, frequent bending and stooping)

Cleaning in accordance to our company’s sanitary standards including but not

limited to: sweeping and mopping floors, cleaning walls, tables, counters, and

kitchen and service equipment. Cleaning the customer service area, removing

trash, cleaning restrooms and checking the parking lot.

Assisting new crew members in learning their new job skills

Cooking and preparing food for sale

Deliveries; off-loading trucks, storage and movement of raw product to the work

area (May lift up to 50lbs. with the assistance of a hand truck)

Checking stock of products and insuring proper stock levels and rotation.

(Moving products from refrigerated areas or stockroom may lift up to 36lbs,

product can be separated by units which will reduce weight, frequent bending

and stooping, may use a ladder)

Checking equipment to ensure that it is in proper working order, letting the

management team know if there might be a problem

Backing up other crew members in their jobs, assist in any area to ensure that

the food is being prepared, packaged and delivered to customer in a timely



40 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

Guest Relations Officer

A Guest Relations Officer or GRO is responsible for the handling of the front desk in all

its aspects whether in a hotel, motel, lodge, inn or other business office that requires

their position. A guest relations officer is the front liner of such business establishment.

A hotel guest relations officer (GRO) is at the forefront of customer service. He or she is

one of the first hotel workers to greet guests as they arrive. The GRO provides hotel

guests with above-and-beyond service to ensure their experience will be worth

remembering. The position ensures that guests are happy from the moment they step

into the hotel until they leave. Sometimes, he or she continues to provide superior

customer service after the guests are long gone. The primary goal of a guest-relations

manager is to make visitors feel welcome and to ensure their satisfaction. Guest

relations managers may be employed in a variety of setting such as in upscale hotels,

on cruise ships or for large chain stores or restaurants. Regardless of their employment

setting, a guest relations manager needs to work well with people, be able to handle

stressful situations and maintain a positive attitude

Duties and Responsibilities

A guest relations officer gives each guest a personal recognition. This could be in a

form of memorizing names of the customers or addressing them with the correct

salutations, such as "Miss", "Sir", "Ma'am" or "Senator." Although a GRO would not be

able to memorize the names of all the hotel guests at a given time, he should remember

a hotel guest's name after two transactions.   A GRO meets and greets arriving guests

and bids them farewell as they leave. He reviews the arrival list daily and assists in

preparing and distributing welcome amenities. GROs escort VIPs to their rooms and

check them in before their arrival.   A GRO attends promptly to customers' inquiries and

assists them with their needs. When it comes to complaints, he allows guests to speak

first and then provides solutions to their issues or concerns. He logs the day's activities

in a logbook to ensure that the next person on duty is familiar with everything that needs

extra attention.   A guest relations officer should always be present in the hotel lobby

and should maintain proper decorum at all times. He should respond quickly to calls in


41 ITHM   | Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management |   Lahore

case he is not at his post. He also promotes all the facilities of the hotel and knows the

surrounding areas when asked for directions. A GRO should also be familiar with the

best places to tour, shop and dine.


The guest relations officer should always be neat in appearance. The person should

always wear a complete uniform within the standards set forth by the hotel

management. He or she should show his identification tag so that guests know his

name. Hair should be neat and should have a color that is within guidelines, which

means no unnatural hair colors.   A female GRO should wear makeup that is not

overbearing, keeping the look simple, professional and natural. She should make sure

her fingernails are clean with no visible tattoos and no earrings on parts of the face

other than the ears. She should wear only a pair of stud earrings on her earlobes (men

should not wear earrings at all).  A GRO should not only look clean but also smell

pleasant. Since most of the time the GRO will be conversing with guests, it is important

that her breath smells fresh; however, chewing gum is not permissible at work.


Aside from the job satisfaction of seeing that guests are happy with the services that

they provide, GROs also enjoy the amenities of working for hotels. Hotel employees and

their families get discounted rates at every location they serve. Some hotels offer

employee discounts when dining at hotel restaurants or while utilizing in-room dining

services. Depending on their employers, they may also get retirement benefits in the

form of pension plan. Full-time employees also get health and medical benefits.


A guest relations officer can apply for promotion within the company. For example, he or

she can apply for a supervisory or management position. A GRO can become a guest

relations supervisor/manger, front desk supervisor/manager and may become a duty

manager or hotel manager given enough experience, additional training and

experience. To help gain a management position within the company, a GRO should


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pursue higher education; aside from a four-year college degree, he should also

complete a master's degree. A good foundation would be a Bachelor of Science

Essential duties and responsibilities: 

One of the duties of a Guest Relations Officer is to welcome a guest into the business establishment, for a hotel, a warm reception is made sure to be given. They ensure that their guests are happy with their service at all times. When VIPs check in, he escorts them to their room and offers them the amenities they may want to avail.

It is the task of the Guest Relations Officer to promote their hotel or business establishment. He presents to the guests what are the amenities the hotel has to make their stay a much memorable one. He determines that the guests are satisfied and maintains their satisfaction throughout their time within the hotel.

A Guest Relations Officer must be able to listen to the complaints that may arise from the guests. He should stay calm and composed all the time and respond in a positive manner to the guest whose standards are not met.

A Guest Relations Officer assists the guests in their travel needs, like tours they can enjoy, where to dine, shop or rent a car among other arrangements that guests may desire to be helped with.

Ensuring that all guests have been spoken to and that we get verbal feedback

from every person dining at the Deli or the Restaurant; 

Attending pre-and post-service briefings and giving the team feedback on

comments made by our guests Completing daily service report for lunch and


Establishing statistics of guest comment cards

Working closely with Sales & Marketing and sharing vital market / guest /

corporation intelligence on a daily basis in order to create new business for the

Press Club

Sending Trip Advisor e-cards within the same day of the customers visit to the

Press Club

Establishing a regular guest record to better serve our loyal customers by

knowing their preferences


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Taking photos of guests and posting them on our social media and handing hard

copies and frames to them on the way out as a memory of their dining

experience at the Press Club

Calling members ahead of their birthdays and anniversaries to ensuring that we

try anything we can to bring this potential business to the Press Club

Assisting in service if and when needed and anything else that would be Guest

Relations related

Other duties as assigned.


Cashiers are employed in some restaurants to process customer payment at the end of

the meal. Cafeteria-style restaurants may have cashiers stationed at the end of the food

line so customers can pay for their meals before dining. Cashiers may be standing or

seated throughout their shift. A cashier should be comfortable working with electronic

cash registers and have an understanding of basic math.

Restaurant cashier job description

1. being responsible for counting the money for one shift and delivering the amount

before the next shift;

2. Entering the details of bills, total payment amount, payment in cash or by check

and other details in the cash register display in the computer;

6. Offering some small items such as dessert, chocolate or gift package at the counter

table and encourage the guests to buy;

7. Informing the guests of the payment methods accepted by the restaurant (in cash or

by check…) and handling their payment;

8. Packing up gifts, boxes, food & beverage as per order of the guests for them to take


9. Answering customers’ inquiries about various things in relation to the restaurant such

as security, fee, packing lot, etc.


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10. Supervising the stock level and recording the change every shift; making payment to

restaurant employees as per order of the manager;

11. Taking responsibility for the amount of money at the counter table; only leaving the

table upon recording and delivering the task to the next shift or with the manager’s


12. being good and sincere in working with money, and good at calculating.

Valet attendant

Attendant is the primary employee who is responsible for most valet parking functions.

Since the valets are entrusted with the care of an expensive item belonging to a guest,

they must take great care with their responsibilities. A valet parking attendant is

responsible for parking cars at hotels, restaurants and stores. Some businesses charge

a fee for the privilege of valet parking, whereas others offer it is a courtesy service.

Valets are typically hired by an establishment, such as a hotel, or work for a valet

services firm. They usually work for low salaries, but tips from customers are a common

feature of the role. Typically valet parking is an optional service. Guests are not allowed

in the secure valet parking lot and the valet’s park and retrieve the vehicles.

Duties for Valet Parking

A valet attendant should operate each vehicle safely and efficiently when parking it.

Valets are expected to park vehicles within the designated spaces attached to the

hotel or restaurant where they are employed.

Valet attendants may be required to park certain vehicles in certain spaces,

according to the instructions of the employer. This may occur in expensive

restaurants, where high-spending guests are given priority spaces so they can arrive

and leave in comfort, or at weddings to respect the hierarchy of important visitors. A

valet attendant should be adept at safely handling a range of vehicle types

Valet attendants are expected to keep parking areas clean and ensure all vehicles

are parked in an orderly fashion. They should also ensure that all available spaces

are maximized and inform their managers should there be a shortage of spaces.


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Valets contact the valet cashier when a customer asks for their vehicle back. Valet

cashiers securely store all vehicle keys and parking tickets until a customer is ready

to leave. Valet attendants are also responsible for documenting any incidents and

accidents that occur during their shifts.

A valet attendant retrieves customer vehicles when requested by contacting the valet

cashier. Valets should be courteous and considerate when arranging for customers'

cars to be parked. Valets also open car doors to allow customers to enter vehicles.

They are also expected to field any inquiries from the public regarding local

attractions and the fastest routes to reach them.

Cleaning CrewA restaurant cleaning crew may hold dedicated positions, or cleaning duties may be

shared among servers, hosts, cooks and managers. The restaurant cleaning crew must

clear tables of used dishes, wipe down tables and chairs, dust, mop and vacuum

restaurant floors. Cleaning crew members are also responsible for cleaning kitchens

and bathrooms and removing restaurant trash.

Restaurant Kitchen items to clean throughout every cooking shift

Brush grill between cooking red meat, poultry and fish

Wipe down the line and prep areas

Switch cutting boards

Change sanitizing water and cleaning rags

Empty trash bins

Restaurant Kitchen items to clean after each cooking shift (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

Clean the fryers

Brush the grill

Empty sanitizing bucket

Put all cleaning rags in dirty laundry

Put all aprons and chefs coats in laundry (not with cleaning rags) 


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Wash and sanitize all surfaces (cutting boards, reach-in, line, prep tables) 

Empty steam table and clean

Wash meat and cheese slicer after each use

Cover all bins in reach-in cooler with plastic wrap

Wash floor mats

Sweep and mop the kitchen floor

Sweep walk-in refrigerator

Daily Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning List

Clean out grease traps

Change foil linings of grill, range and flattops

Wash the can opener

Run hood filters through the dishwasher

Weekly Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning List - these duties can be rotated throughout the week

Empty reach-in coolers and wash and sanitize them

Delime sinks and faucets

Clean coffee machine

Clean the ovens. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instruction on this

particular job. 

Sharpen knives (okay, not cleaning, per se, but needs to be done) 

Oil cast iron cookware

Use drain cleaners on floor drains

Monthly Restaurant Kitchen Cleaning List

Wash behind the hot line (oven, stove, fryers) to cut down on grease build

up, which is a major fire hazard

Clean freezers

Empty and sanitize the ice machine


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Calibrate ovens

Calibrate thermometers

Sharpen the meat and cheese slicer

Wash walls and ceilings

Wipe down the dry storage area

Change any pest traps

Restock your first aid kit 

Update your material safety data sheets, which outline how to safely use

and chemicals in your restaurant.


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Departments in a Restaurant

HR Department

Restaurants are fast-paced businesses. They need the support of HR to manage

functions such as recruitment, performance management and staying in compliance

with employment and food-handling regulations. HR's role and responsibilities range

from the moment an applicant expresses an interest in working for the company to the

employee's last day on the job. HR staff expertise, knowledge of industry practices and

experience create a recipe for restaurant success.

HR's integral role and responsibilities in the recruitment and selection process involve

creating job descriptions, advertising job vacancies, conducting preliminary interviews

and processing new hire paperwork. Recruiters often belong to industry-specific

professional associations and networks to improve the restaurant's visibility and the

chances of recruiting the best candidates.

HR develops appropriate orientation and on-boarding programs for new employees. HR

staff delivers orientation training for new workers that covers workplace policies as well

as service standards. Service standards include restaurant-specific guidelines, such as

timing for customer service, preparation guidelines and plate presentation.

HR Training

Restaurant managers are responsible for managing work force issues; therefore, HR

trains managers on how best to handle HR matters that can be resolved without the

assistance of the HR department. HR's responsibility includes training restaurant floor

managers on resolvable performance issues and employee relations matters, such as

addressing employee suggestions and concerns.


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Compensation and Benefits

Surveying and setting competitive wages, as well as payroll processing are functions

HR staff handles for restaurants. For employers that provide employee benefits, HR

negotiates rates for group health plans and monitors the administration of retirement

savings programs. In addition, HR monitors open enrollment for company benefits, a

task few restaurateurs want to deal with.


HR staff maintains the restaurant's compliance with employment regulations such as the

Fair Labor Standards Act, a federal law that governs minimum wage and overtime pay.

Some restaurants may be especially prone to FLSA violations because of the long

hours and low wages for restaurant workers. HR also ensures the restaurant complies

with other federal and state fair employment practices.

Purchasing Department

Purchasing departments are responsible for procuring supplies. Until the 1960s, this

largely involved order-placing and was primarily a clerical position. However, as the

development of strategic planning and the advent of just-in-time purchasing made

purchasing a more crucial business function. Today, purchasing is often referred to as

“supply chain management” and the purchasing department has taken on a larger and

more vital business role.

Supply Sourcing

One of the main roles of the purchasing department is to source supplies and parts, and

then purchases them. In large companies, this may also include deciding whether to

make the item in-house. Purchasing departments often work alongside product

development teams to source materials and determine cost of the finished product.

Purchasing departments may use trade publications to source suppliers, or go straight

to the manufacturer. Finding the correct item at the correct price can be difficult, and

purchasing departments may also work to assist suppliers in manufacturing the item

needed. This can involve providing considerable assistance to the supplier.


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For items needed in bulk, or specialist items, purchasing departments often use

competitive bidding to choose a supplier. The department will then be responsible for all

aspects of the bidding process. For example, when the purchasing department of the

Port of Houston chooses a supplier, it publishes a public notice, writes detailed

instructions on the bidding process, accepts companies onto the approved list of

bidders, handles bid security money, opens and reads the bids publicly and makes a

recommendation on which bid to accept.

Supplier Management

In addition to finding supplies and negotiating contracts for the supplies, purchasing

departments are also responsible for monitoring the supplier's performance. Purchasing

departments must evaluate the supplier's performance and quality control. This can

include monitoring delivery times, quality, cost and performance. For suppliers in other

countries, this can also mean monitoring working conditions and workers’ rights. Large

firms and public organizations often certify suppliers once they are shown to meet

performance targets. This may involve a training and education program, and detailed

inspection of suppliers.

Cost Control

Purchasing departments, especially in government agencies, may also be responsible

for maintaining strict cost control. For example, in a 2010 article on hotel purchasing

specialist site Food Buyers Network, John Schawlow suggests that to get the best price,

purchasing departments need to ensure suppliers themselves get a lower cost from

distributors and manufacturers. This can be done by increasing delivery size; paying on

time, ordering online and making sure suppliers use the best practice.

Legal Controls

Purchasing departments must also be aware of the laws applying to purchasing. For

private companies, this is primarily contract law, but for government bodies, there may

be state and federal laws regulating purchasing.


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