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Page 1: Invaders Settlers: Vikings - Christ Church School · the Vikings travelled to and from. 6. History -Facts about Vikings Find out the top 10 best facts about Vikings. Present these

1. Geography - Voyages Create your own map of where the Vikings travelled to and from.

6. History - Facts about Vikings Find out the top 10 best facts about Vikings. Present these in any way you like e.g. PowerPoint, poster. Think about their language, houses and what the Vikings are best known for.

7. RE - The Gods of Vikings Find out all about the Viking gods. Was there many gods? Who were they? Were they a god of something? Design Top Trump style cards for the gods.

4. Art & DT - Viking Helmet Draw a design for your own Viking helmet for battle.

3. History - Runes language Look up the old Viking language of runes. Write your name in runes. See if you can do the same for the names of people in your family.

9. Writing - Epic saga The Vikings used to tell long adventure stories called Sagas. Can you write your own Viking saga?

5. Geography/ Writing - The lands of Vikings Find out about where the Vikings came from. Write a brochure for

Complete 1 activity a week Aim to complete at least 5 over the term.

8. Writing - Viking job advertisement Create a advertisement for a Viking soldier who is needed for battle. Write about what their daily routines would be and what might happen if they get in trouble!

Invaders and

Settlers: Vikings

10. Freestyle Have your own idea of something you would like to do/make about the Vikings? Choose something about the Vikings and complete a homework project of any type on it.

Year 5 Homework Web Spring 1

2. Vikings armour Create your own Viking shield and sword that you would take into battle! You can use cardboard, foil, paint.

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