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Page 1: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

Shareholders, Investors

Essential to have good relations at all times

“stake”: mostly financial

Stakeholder ReputationResearch

April 2014Proposal for Research

George Tsakraklides

Investment Banking

Page 2: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

What is Trust?Ethics Behaviour

…There are many layers to trust


Page 3: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides


Can I Trust you with my money?


Can I Trust you are complying?


Can I Trust your information?


Do I Trust your figures?

Lobbying groups

Can I Trust you with the environment / community?

Can I Trust that my job and future are



What is Trust?

…and there are different types of trust

Page 4: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

Shareholders, Investors,

Private/ corporate clients

Essential to have good relations at all times

“stake”: mostly financial

Regulatory bodies,Government/IGOs,

Politicians/LegislatorsTrade Associations

They set the policy

“stake”: legal compliance



Ratings agencies

Key influencers of Public opinion

“stake”: Public and private interest

Financial Analysts, Think tanks, Academics

Experts and KOLs with gravitas in the industry“stake”: academic interst, financial, their

own reputation

NGOsCSR Affiliates

Local CommunitiesLobbying groups

Maintain your link to community, society“stake”: protect the community

internal Reputation Stakeholders

Employees by Division, Grade,

Front/Middle/Office, Territory etc.



Who you interact with Who you are accountable toWho the key influencers are

Stakeholder 360

Page 5: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

• Main presence / revenue-generation territories• Strategic markets e.g. emerging economies• Important investment banking centres• Ad-hoc locations of individual experts



USEuropeMiddle E. / AfricaAsia

New YorkCity of LondonFrankfurtHong KongTokyo

Page 6: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

• Short 15 min Online quantitative survey - 1000 respondents across markets and audiences

• Statistically robust subgroups TBC


• Mix of contacts supplied by <client> (e.g. investors/clients/shareholders) and supplied/recruited by MB (e.g. media, journalists)

Sample SourceOverview

1. Reputation Health-Check and Benchmarking

Page 7: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

What is driving your Reputation?

How strong is your reputation?How does it compare to competition?

How has it changed / why?Which audiences are most challenging?

Hygiene Factors

Selling Points

Additional DriversLow Yield

Measuring: Reputation and Brand Strength metrics

What are strengths / weaknesses of the brand?Where does trust sit within the brand?

What drives current opinion?What drives trust?

Understanding: Derived Importance / Brand Mapping/ KDA

trust and confidence will be much stronger if inspired

through leveraging existing brand strengths rather than re-

inventing from zero

Ease of doing businessTransparencyTimeliness of responseCompetencyFlexibilityTrustReliabilityFriendliness of staffHelpfulnessInnovationCSR

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How well are you communicating?

Where do you score on specific issues?How about on-going initiatives?

Are there specific “thorny” issues for some audiences?

Communications effectivenesse.g. F2F vs. Social Media

Awareness, appeal, impactLevel of engagement

Very well

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10







Local Gov



Not well at all

Quite well

About average

Not so well

Is the communications machine “well oiled” ?

Q How well, in your opinion, does the Investor Relations team engage with you regarding…

Q To what extent do you agree that <XX> is committed to providing you with accurate information regarding your investment?


Page 9: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

• Short 15 min Online quantitative survey - 1000 respondents across markets and audiences

• Statistically robust subgroups TBC



1. Reputation Health-Check and Benchmarking

2. Quantitative Insights Discussion and Planning

• Selection or respondents for next stage of research, topic guide development

3. Qualitative Research – Bolstering Reputation

• What is trust? What breaks trust? What can restore it?

Page 10: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

“Your reputation is what people say about you when you’re not in

the room”

Page 11: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

Relationship Talk - What breaks trust?

What comes to mind…brand associationsEmotional associations

Nature of their relationship day-to-dayGood/bad experiences

Are their needs being met?

Revisiting the Trauma - What breaks trust?

LETS TALK ABOUT TRUSTe.g. pre-post Lehman

How did the relationship change?What was the decisive factor/trigger?

What is the relationship like now?

Completely spontaneousThey set the agenda

More honest Only important issues come out Is it systemic or isolated?

Is it the service, the product, the brand values?

Page 12: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

What does trust mean to them?

How are they talking about it?What is important to them?What else are they thinking?

Define the context around Trust

What words are they using?What do these words mean to them?

What are they feeling?How can they emotionally re-engage

…seeking to “reframe” the conversation around trust based on their terms, their agenda, their

priorities. What does real trust look like, feel like, to them?

…seeking to identify the visual, emotional and other language by which trust can be

communicated back to them through the coms, the brand values and various vehicles




Understand the semiotics involved



Page 13: Investment banking reputation market research - restoring trust in the financial services sector - a proposal by George Tsakraklides

• Short 15 min Online quantitative survey - 1000 respondents across markets and audiences

• Statistically robust subgroups TBC



1. Reputation Health-Check and Benchmarking

2. Quantitative Insights Discussion and Planning

• Selection or respondents for next stage of research, topic guide development

3. Qualitative Research – Bolstering Reputation

• What is trust? What breaks trust? What can restore it?

4. Coms strategy development

• Making the best out of the insights

5. Monitoring

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Making the Research


Planning and coordination of insights dissemination within the organisation in order to raise the profile of the research and get internal stakeholders on-board

Working with the coms teams, marketing heads, brand strategy and creative agencies to develop coms content based on the insights

Message testing / copy testing if further evidence is needed

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