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INVT SV-DA200 EtherCAT Technical Guide


EtherCAT Technical


Version: V1.00

Date: December, 2014

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Contents Contents ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 2

1 Hardware configuration ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

1.1 Terminal connection ............................................................................................................................................................ 3

1.2 Drive connection ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

2 Software configuration .............................................................................................................................................................. 5

2.1 Basic setting of EtherCAT applications ............................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 EtherCAT communication ................................................................................................................................................... 5

2.3 Supported communication specifications ............................................................................................................................ 9

3 CiA402 equipment specifications ........................................................................................................................................... 11

3.1 CANopen over EtherCAT(CoE) status machine ................................................................................................................ 11

3.2 Profile Position Mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 13

3.3 Cyclic Synchronous Position Mode ................................................................................................................................... 17

3.4 Homing Mode ................................................................................................................................................................... 18

3.5 Profile Velocity Mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 20

3.6 Cyclic Synchronous Velocity Mode ................................................................................................................................... 21

3.7 Cyclic Synchronous Torque Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 22

3.8 Touch Probe Function ....................................................................................................................................................... 23

4 Object dictionary ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25

4.1 Object specifications ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

4.2 Overview of Object Group 1000h ...................................................................................................................................... 25

4.3 Overview of Object Group 6000h ...................................................................................................................................... 25

4.4 Overview of Object Group 2000h ...................................................................................................................................... 26

5 Fault detection and diagnosis ................................................................................................................................................ 27

5.1 EtherCAT communication fault code and countermeasures ............................................................................................. 27

5.2 SV-DA200 fault code and countermeasures ..................................................................................................................... 27

5.3 The maximum torque ........................................................................................................................................................ 31

6 References ............................................................................................................................................................................... 32

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1 Hardware configuration

1.1 Terminal connection

SV-DA200 servo drive has external EtherCAT communication card. Below is the front view with CN3 terminal as the wiring

terminal of EtherCAT and the upper is the inlet terminal and the lower is the outlet terminal.

RJ45 pin configuration table

*:NC is “not used”.

1.2 Drive connection

EtherCAT network includes one main station (IPC or CNC) and multiple slave stations (servo drive or bus expansion terminal)

and EtherCAT slave has two standard Ethernet interfaces as the figure below shows:

Pin No. Signal name Abbreviation Signal direction

1 Send data + TD+ Output

2 Send data - TD- Output

3 Receive data + RD+ Input

4 - NC* -

5 - NC -

6 Receive data - RD- Input

7 - NC -

8 - NC -

Enclosure Protective grounding FG -

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2 Software configuration

2.1 Basic setting of EtherCAT applications

Set following parameters before using SV-DA200 general servo drive:

1. Set P0.03 as 8 by LED panel or ServoPlorer software;

2. Set P4.08 by LED panel or ServoPlorer software(0:Free-Run; 2:DC Sync0);

3. Set P4.07 by LED panel or ServoPlorer software(0:250us; 1:500us; 2:1ms; 3:2ms);

4. Set P4.09 by LED panel or ServoPlorer software(set the fault detection time of offline or PDO loss according to the



1. The parameters above are valid after restarting. Please power on again or reset the drive after the modification.

2. When selecting Cyclic Synchronous Position Mode(8), synchronizing cycle of EtherCAT is the same as the interpolation

cycle of CNC.

2.2 EtherCAT communication

2.2.1 Reference model of CANopen over EtherCAT(CoE)

Below is the network model of CANopen over EtherCAT(CoE) inside DA200 drive.

Figure 2-1 CoE reference model

EtherCAT (CoE) network reference model consists of two parts: data link layer and application layer. Data link layer is mainly for

the EtherCAT protocol and the application layer embeds CANopen drive Profile (DS402) communication protocol. CoE object in

the dictionary includes the parameters, application data, and PDO mapping configuration information.

Process data objects (PDO) include PDO mapping objects in the object dictionary, and the content is defined by PDO mapping.

PDO data read and write are cyclical, and don't need to find the object in the dictionary, but Email communication (SDO) is not

cyclical and it is necessary to find the object dictionary when reading and writing.

Note: it is necessary to configure FMMU and Sync Manager as the table below to analyze SDO and PDO data at EtherCATDLL:

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Sync Manager Assignment(Fixed) Size Start Address(Fixed)

Sync Manager 0 Assigned to Receive Mailbox 40 ~ 512Byte 0x1000

Sync Manager 1 Assigned to Transmit Mailbox 40 ~ 512Byte 0x1200

Sync Manager 2 Assigned to Receive PDO 1 ~ 128Byte 0x1400

Sync Manager 3 Assigned to Transmit PDO 1 ~ 128Byte 0x1480

FMMU setting

FMMU Settings

FMMU 0 Mapped to Receive PDO

FMMU 1 Mapped to Transmit PDO

FMMU 2 Mapped to Fill Status of Transmit Mailbox

2.2.2 EtherCAT slave information

EtherCAT slave information file (XML file) is used for the reading of the main station and the establishment of slave and main

station. XML file includes the required information of EtherCAT communication setting. INVT provides “INVT_DA200_CoE.xml”

file for DA200 drive.

2.2.3 EtherCAT status machine

EtherCAT status machine is used to describe the slave status and the status changing. The request is sent from the main station

and the salve responds. The detailed jumping mode is as below:













Power Up

Figure 2-2 Slave status

Table 2-2 Status description

Status Description

Init Email is disabled

PDO communication is disabled

Init Pre-Op

The master configures the link-layer address, and SM channel, start the

mailbox communication

The master initializes DC clock synchronization

The master requests to the Pre-Op status transitions

The master sets AL control register

The slave determines whether the mailbox initialization is normal



Email communication is activated

PDO is disabled

Pre-Op Safe-Op

The master is the Sync Manager channel and FMMU channel

The master configures PDO data mapping and Sync Manager PDO parameters

setting by SOD setting

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Status Description

The master requests to the Safe-Op status transitions

The salve checks the Sync Manager configuration and if the slave starts a

synchronous request, the clock setting will be checked



The slave application will transmit the actual input data and deactivate the

wrong operation output

The output is set as “Safe status”

Safe-Op Op The master sends valid output data

The master requests to the POp status transitions



Email communication is enabled

PDO communication is enabled

2.2.4 PDO process data mapping

The process data of EtherCAT slave is consisted of Synchronization Manager channel object and each channel object describes

the EtherCAT process data consistency of the area and includes multiple process data objects. The EtherCAT salve with control

functions need to support PDO mapping and SM PDOs Assign objects reading.

PDO mapping:

Object dictionary of PDO mapping design, the mapping objects relationship and the index of 0x1600 and 0x1A00 are saved in the

mapping table of RxPDO and TxPDO respectively. The table below is an example of PDO mapping:

Figure 2-3 PDO mapping example

PDO assignment:

In order to achieve the EtherCAT communications process data interaction, it is necessary to assign PDOs to Sync Manager;

Synchronization manager PDO object distribution (Sync Manager PDO Assign objects: 0x1C12, 0x1C13) establishes the

association of PDOs and Sync Manager. The figure is the example:

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Figure 2-4 PDO assignment example


PDO mapping objects (0x1600~0x1603, 0x1A00~0x1A03) and SM PDO Assign objects (0x1C12, 0x1C13) only do valid write in

Pre-Op mode.

PDO mapping procedure:

1. stop PDO assignment function (set the sub-index 0 of 0x1C12 and 0x1C13 as 0);

2. stop PDO mapping function (set the sub-index 0 of 0x1600~0x1603 and 0x1A00~0x1A03 as 0);

3. set the map entries of PDO mapping objects (0x1600~0x1603 and 0x1A00~0x1A03);

4. set the map entries value of PDO mapping objects (0x1600~0x1603 and 0x1A00~0x1A03);

5. set the PDO assignment objects (set the sub-index of 0x1C12 and 0x1C13 as 1);

6. reopen PDO distribution function (set the sub-index 0 of 0x1C12 and 0x1C13 as 1).

Default PDO mapping (Position, Velocity, Torque, Torque limit, Touch probe):

















Mode of




























Mode of












Note: Detailed PDO mapping information can be found in xml file.

2.2.5 Network synchronization based on distributed clock

Distributed clock can enable all EtherCAT devices use the same system time and then to control the equipment of

synchronization task execution.

DA200 EtherCAT communication is available for following modes. Synchronous mode switch can be configured through

synchronous control register (ESC x980 0, 0 x981).

Free-Run(ESC* register:0x980 = 0x0000, P4.08 = 0)

In this mode, the local application cycle and communication cycle independently as well as the main cycle is


DC mode (ESC register :0x980 = 0x0300, P4.08 = 2)

In this mode, the local application is synchronous with Sync0 time.

*Note:ESC is the abbreviation of EtherCAT Slave Controller.

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Index Sub Name Access PDO

Mapping Type Value


Sync Manager channel 2 (process data output) Synchronization

1 Synchronization

type RO No UINT

Current status of DC mode


2:DC Mode(Synchronous with Sync0)

2 Cycle time RO No UDINT

Sync0 event cycle[ns](This value is set by master

via ESC register)

range:12500 * n(n = 2,4,8,16)[ns]


Sync Manager channel 2 (process data input) Synchronization

3 Shift time RO No UINT -

6 Calc and copy

time RO No UINT


Time and sequence diagram in DC mode:

Figure 2-5 Sequence and time of DC mode

2.2.6 Emergency Messages

When an alarm occurs, CoE will start an Emergency message to inform the current fault information.

Emergency Object:

Byte 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Content Emergency Error Code Error register Panel Error Code N/A

Users can also access the current fault code information through SDO 0x2001 parameters, the format of the fault codes are:

Bits Meaning

15~8 Fault code master code *

7~4 Reserved

3~0 Fault code sub code

*: Please refer to chapter 5 for the detailed information of the main and sub code.

2.3 Supported communication specifications



Applicable standard of


IEC 61158 Type12, IEC 61800-7 CiA402 Drive Profile

Physical layer 100BASE-TX(IEEE802.3)

Bus connections CN7(RJ45):EtherCAT Signal IN

CN8(RJ45):EtherCAT Signal OUT

Cable 5 twisted-pair cable

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SyncManager SM0: output mailbox,SM1: input valid

SM2: Output process data SM3: Input process data


FMMU0:Mapped to process data (RxPDO) output area

FMMU1:Mapped to process data (RxPDO) output area

FMMU2:Mapped to mailboxes

PDO data Dynamic PDO mapping

Mailbox(CoE) Emergency, SDO request and response, SDO message

Note: not support TxPDO/RxPDO and remote TxPDO/TxPDO

Distributed clocks(DC) Free-run, DC mode (need to select the activate by the parameters)

Supported DC cycle: 250us~2ms

Slave Information IF 256Bytes (only for read)

LED indicator

EtherCAT Link/Activity indicator(L/A) × 2

EtherCAT Status indicator × 1

EtherCAT Error indicator × 1

CiA402 Drive Profile Homing mode(6)

Profile position mode(1)

Profile velocity mode(3)

Cyclic synchronous position mode(8)

Cyclic synchronous speed mode(9)

Cyclic synchronous torque mode(10)

Touch probe function

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3 CiA402 equipment specifications

The master controls DA200 servo drive by Controlword (control word, 0x6040) and gets its current status by reading Statusword

(status word, 0x6041). The servo drive controls the motor by the control command.

3.1 CANopen over EtherCAT(CoE) status machine

Figure 3-1 CANopen over EtherCAT status machine

Status name Description

Not Ready to Switch On The drive is in the initialization

Switch On Disabled The initialization is finished

Ready to Switch On The drive is in the status of Switch On and the motor is not excited

Switched On The drive is ready and the main power supply is normal

Operation Enable The drive is enabled and the motor is controlled

Quick Stop Active The drive stops according to the set mode

Fault Reaction Active The drive detects the alarm, stops according to the set mode and the motor has

the excitation signal

Fault The drive is in fault status without exciting signal

3.1.1 Detail of Controlword(0x6040)

6040h control word includes:

1. The bit for status control;

2. The bit related to the control mode;

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3. The bit customized.

The description of bits of 6040h:

Of which, MSB: the highest bit; LSB: the lowest bit;

O: optional M: required

BITS 0 - 3 AND 7(Used for the control status):

Of which,X is irrelevant; is the up edge jumping.

BITS 4, 5, 6 AND 8 (The bit related to the control mode):

Bit Operation mode

Profile position mode Profile velocity mode Homing mode

4 New set-point reserved Homing operation start

5 Change set immediately reserved reserved

6 abs/rel reserved reserved

8 Halt Halt Halt

BITS 9, 10: reserved

BITS 11 – 15: customized

3.1.1 Detail of Statusword(0x6041)

6041h control word includes:

1. Current status bit of the drive

2. The bit related to the control mode;

3. The bit customized.

The description of bits of 6041h:

Bit Description M / O

0 Ready to switch on M

1 Switched on M

2 Operation enabled M

3 Fault M

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Bit Description M / O

4 Voltage enabled M

5 Quick stop M

6 Switch on disabled M

7 Warning O

8 Manufacture specific O

9 Remote M

10 Target reached M

11 Internal limit active M

12 – 13 Operation mode specific O

14 – 15 Manufacturer specific O

BIT 0 – 3, 5, AND 6:

Value (binary) Status

xxxx xxxx x0xx 0000 Not ready to switch on

xxxx xxxx x1xx 0000 Switch on disabled

xxxx xxxx x01x 0001 Ready to switch on

xxxx xxxx x01x 0011 Switched on

xxxx xxxx x01x 0111 Operation enabled

xxxx xxxx x00x 0111 Quick stop active

xxxx xxxx x0xx 1111 Fault reaction active

xxxx xxxx x0xx 1000 Fault

Of which, X is irrelevant.

BIT 4: Voltage enabled, if the bit is 1, it means that the main power supply is normal

BIT 7: Warning, if the bit is 1, it means that the drive alarm occurs

BIT 8: DC Calibration Status, if the bit is 1, it means that the drive internal clock synchronization with DC Sync0

BIT 9: Remote, if the bit is 1, it means that the slave is in OP status and the master can control the drive by PDO

BIT 10: Target reached, the meaning is different in different mode. In pp mode, if the bit is 1, the position reaches the

target position. In pv mode, if the bit is 1, it means that the speed reaches the reference value. In hm mode, if the bit is 1,

it means that the zero returning is finished. When Halt is started, if the bit is 1, the motor speed is 0.

BIT 11: Internal limit active, in pp mode, if the bit is 1, it reaches the position limit; in pv mode, if the bit is 1, the internal

torque exceeds the setting value.

BIT 12 AND 13: the meaning is different in different control modes.

Bit Operation mode

pp pv hm

12 Set-point Acknowledge Speed Homing attained

13 Following error Max slippage error Homing error

BIT 14: if the bit is 1, the motor is in the zero speed status.

BIT 15: reserved

3.2 Profile Position Mode

3.2.1 Basic description

The servo drive (slave) receives the position command from the upper PC. After the transmission of electric gear ratio, it can be

used as the target position for internal position control.

Position command encoder unit = Position command user unit * OD-6093h-Sub1 / OD-6093h-Sub2

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3.2.2 Operation

1. Set【6060h:Mode of operations】as 1(Profile position mode);

2. Set【6081h:Profile velocity】as the planning speed (unit: rpm) and the internal corresponding parameter is P5.21;

3. Set【6083h:Profile acceleration】as the planning speed (unit: ms, from 0 to 100% of the rated speed);note: in the mode,

6083h and 6084h corresponds to the same parameter of P5.37;

4. Set【6093h:Position factor】Sub-1 abd Sub-2 to adjust the gear ratio and the internal corresponding parameters are

P0.25 and P0.26;

Note: it is necessary to set P0.22 as 0 and power on again; of which OD-6093h-Sub-2(P0.26) is valid when the servo is

disabled. OD-6093h-Sub-1(P0.25) is valid instantly;

5. Set【607Ah:Target position】as the target position (unit:user unit) and the internal corresponding parameter is P6.01;

6. Set【6040h:Control word】to enable the servo drive and the target position triggering is valid (it is enabled when setting

as 0x0F and refer to chapter 4.5 for the detailed information of 6040h);

7. Inquire【6064h:Position actual value】to get the actual position response of the motor;

8. Inquire【6041h:Status word】to get the status response of the servo drive (following error, set-point acknowledge, target

reached and internal limit active);

3.2.3 Other objects

1. Inquire【6062h:Position actual value】to get the actual position response of the motor (unit: user unit) to get the actual

position response of the motor; (unit: user unit);

2. Inquire【6063h:Position actual value*】 to obtain the actual position feedback increment (unit: user unit);

3. Set【6065h:Following error window】to adjust the position error range (unit: user unit);

4. Inquire【60F4h:Following error actual value】to obtain the actual position tolerance (unit: user unit);

5. Set【6067h:Following error window】to adjust the positioning range (unit: user unit);

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3.2.4 Objects list

Index Name Type Attr.

6040h Control word UNSIGNED16 RW

6041h Status word UNSIGNED16 RO

6060h Modes of operation INTEGER8 RW

6061h Modes of operation display INTEGER8 RO

6062h Position demand value INTEGER32 RO

6063h Position actual value* INTEGER32 RO

6064h Position actual value INTEGER32 RO

6065h Following error window UNSIGNED32 RW

6067h Position window UNSIGNED32 RW

607Ah Target position INTEGER32 RW

6081h Profile velocity UNSIGNED32 RW

6083h Profile acceleration UNSIGNED32 RW

6093h Position factor UNSIGNED32 RW

60F4h Following error actual value INTEGER32 RO

60FCh Position demand value* INTEGER32 RO

Note: Refer to CiA DS402 standard for the detailed description.

3.2.5 Controlword (0x6040) of Profile Position Mode

3.2.5 Statusword (0x6041) of Profile Position Mode

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3.2.6 Application example

1. Set 6060h as 1 to select Profile Position Mode;

2. Set 6040h to enable the drive and the triggering position command is valid;

1 Single set-point mode:

Single set-point diagram

If the sent target position is the incremental mode, do as the following:

1) Set 6040h as 0x4F (of which, bit6 is set as the incremental mode, bit3~bit0 is to enable the drive);

2) Set 607Ah is the target position command;

3) Set 6040h is 0x5F to trigger the position command (of which, the jumping edge of bit4 0->1 is valid when

triggering target position command);

4) The drive receives bit12 of 6041h after receiving 6040h.bit4 = 1, the master needs to clear bit4 of 6040h for the

sending of next target position command.

If the sent target position is the absolute mode, do as the following:

1) Set 6040h 0x0F;

2) Set 607Ah as the target position command;

3) Set 6040h as 0x1F to trigger the position command;

4) The drive receives bit12 of 6041h after receiving 6040h.bit4 = 1, the master needs to clear bit4 of 6040h for the

sending of next target position command.

2 Change set immediately mode:

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Change set immediately diagram

If the sent target position is the incremental mode, do as the following:

1) Set 6040h as 0x6F(bit6 is to set the incremental mode, bit5 is for valid setting instantly, bit3~bit0 is to enable the


2) Set 607Ah is the target position command;

3) Set 6040h is 0x7F, trigger position command valid (of which, the jumping edge of bit4 0->1 is valid when triggering

target position command);

4) The drive receives bit12 of 6041h after receiving 6040h.bit4 = 1, the master needs to clear bit4 of 6040h for the

sending of next target position command.

If the sent target position is the absolute mode, do as the following:

1) Set 6040h is 0x2F(bit5 is for valid setting instantly, bit3~bit0 is to enable the drive);

2) Set 607Ah is the target position command;

3) Set 6040h is 0x3F, trigger position command valid

4) The drive receives bit12 of 6041h after receiving 6040h.bit4 = 1, the master needs to clear bit4 of 6040h for the

sending of next target position command.

3 Repeat procedure 2 if multiple targets need to be sent.

Note: SV-DA200 support 8 target position buffer internally.

3.3 Cyclic Synchronous Position Mode

3.3.1 Basic description

Cyclic synchronous velocity mode is basically the same as position interpolation model. The master finished the position

instruction interpolation and provides additional speed and torque feed forward commands.

Interpolation cycle defines the time interval of Target Position replacement and in the mode, the interpolation cycle is the same as

EtherCAT synchronizing cycle.

3.3.2 Operation

1. Set【6060h:Mode of operations】as 8(Cyclic synchronous position mode);

2. Set【P4.07:EtherCAT synchronizing cycle】is the same as the interpolation cycle and it is necessary to repower on;

3. Set【6093h:Position factor】Sub-1 abd Sub-2 to adjust the gear ratio and the internal corresponding parameters are

P0.25 and P0.26;

Note: it is necessary to set P0.22 as 0 and power on again; of which OD-6093h-Sub-2(P0.26) is valid when the servo is

disabled. OD-6093h-Sub-1(P0.25) is valid instantly;

4. Set【6040h: Control word】to enable the servo drive (it is enabled when setting as 0x0F and refer to chapter 4.5 for the

detailed information of 6040h);

5. Set【607Ah: Target position】as the target position (unit: user unit); the internal corresponding parameter is P4.12;

6. Inquire【6064h: Position actual value】to get the actual position response of the motor;

7. Inquire【6041h: Status word】 to get the status response of the servo drive (following error, target reached and internal

limit active).

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3.3.3 Objects list

Index Name Type Attr.

6040h Control word UNSIGNED16 RW

6041h Status word UNSIGNED16 RO

6060h Modes of operation INTEGER8 RW

6061h Modes of operation display INTEGER8 RO

6064h Position actual value INTEGER32 RO

6065h Following error window UNSIGNED32 RW

6067h Position window UNSIGNED32 RW

6093h Position factor UNSIGNED32 RW

60F4h Following error actual value INTEGER32 RO

Note: Refer to CiA DS402 standard for the detailed description.

3.3.4 Application example

1. Set 6060h as 8 to select Cyclic Synchronous Position Mode;

2. Set 6040h to enable the drive, send 0x0F

3. Set 607A h as the target position (absolute position) for position control.

3.4 Homing Mode

3.4.1 Basic description

Homing mode can find the original point for the drive automatically and the user can set the speed in Homing mode.

Note: It is necessary to connect the limit switch, original switch signal to CN1 of the drive in this mode. If the signal is connected

to the upper PC or PLC, it is necessary to use the ZRN process guided by the upper PC.

3.4.2 Operation

1. Set【6060h:Mode of operations】as 6 (homing mode);

2. Set【6098h:Homing method】, the setting range is 1~35 (please refer to DS402 standard);

3. Set【607Ch:Homing offset】to set the origin deviation and the internal corresponding parameters is P5.14;

4. Set【6099h Sub-1:Homing speeds】 to modify the finding speed of limit switch (unit: :rpm) and the internal

corresponding parameter is P5.12;

5. Set【6099h Sub-2:Homing speeds】to modify the finding speed of zero position (unit: :rpm) and the internal

corresponding parameter is P5.13;

6. Set【6040h:Control word】 to enable the servo drive, Homing operation starts(Bit4) during the changing of 0->1 and

breaks during the changing of 1->0;

7. The motor finds the limit switch and Home switch to finish Homing action;

8. Inquire【6041h:Status word】to get the status response of servo drive (Homing error, Homing attained, Target reached);

3.4.3 Objects list

Index Name Type Attr.

6040h Control word UNSIGNED16 RW

6041h Status word UNSIGNED16 RO

6060h Modes of operation INTEGER8 RW

6061h Modes of operation display INTEGER8 RO

607Ch Homing offset INTEGER32 RW

6098h Homing method UNSIGNED32 RW

6099h Homing speeds ARRAY RW

Note: Refer to CiA DS402 standard for the detailed description.

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3.4.4 Application example

Do as the following when using Homing mode:

1. Set 6060h as 6 to select Homing Mode;

2. Set 6098h to select Homing mode;

3. Set 6040h to enable the drive and trigger Homing action: send 0x0F, and then send 0x1F to trigger Homing;

4. During the processing of Homing, send 0x0F, and then break Homing action. Sending 0x0 is to disable the drive.

5. To judge whether Homing processing is finished or not according to bit12 of 6041h and whether there is fault during the

process according to bit13.

3.4.5 Statusword of homing mode

3.4.6 Instruction of ZRN mode

There are 4 kinds of signal related to the ZEN mode, which is POT, NOT, Index and C-phase.

ZRN mode










ZRN mode

(P5.10) Detail

1 Negat

ive NOT Z pulse 1

Use Z signal pulse and negative limit switch: the drive moves to the

negative limit switch at high speed, after reaching NOT, it

decelerates to stop and return slowly. After that, it will find the target

zero position. (the first A signal pulse position after leaving NOT)

2 Positi

ve POT Z pulse 0

Use Z signal pulse and positive limit switch: the drive moves to the

positive limit switch at high speed, after reaching POT, it decelerates

to stop and return slowly. After that, it will find the target zero

position. (the first A signal pulse position after leaving POT)

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ZRN mode










ZRN mode

(P5.10) Detail

3 Negat

ive Index Z pulse 2

The original moving direction depends on the switch status of the

reference point. The target zero position is the first Z pulse position

left or right to Index.

4 Positi

ve Index Z pulse 12

17 Negat

ive NOT NOT 21

The 4 kinds of zeroing modes are the same as 1~4, but the target

zero position is related with the limit switch or Index switch other

than Z pulse. Below is the figure of 19 and 20, which is similar with

method 3 and 4.

18 Positi

ve POT POT 20

19 Negat

ive Index Index 22

20 Positi

ve Index Index 22

35 - Current



position 8

The current position is the system zero point.

3.5 Profile Velocity Mode

3.5.1 Basic description

In the profile velocity mode, the drive receives the rotating speed of the master, and then plans the speed according to the

acceleration planning parameters.

3.5.2 Operation

1. Set【6060h:Mode of operations】as 3 (Profile velocity mode);

2. Set【6083h:Profile acceleration】to modify the acceleration curve(unit: from 0 to the rated speed) and the internal

corresponding parameter is P0.54;

3. Set【6084h:Profile deceleration】to modify the deceleration curve(unit: from 0 to the rated speed) and the internal

corresponding parameter is P0.55;

4. Set【6040h:Control word】to enable the servo drive and start the motor

5. Set【60FFh:Target velocity】to set the target speed (unit: rpm); and the internal corresponding parameter is P4.13;

6. Inquire 【6041h:Status word】 to get the status response of the servo drive(Speed zero, Max slippage error, Target

reached, Internal limit active).

3.5.3 Other objects

1. Inquire【6069h:Velocity sensor actual value】to get the actual speed response (unit: pulse/s);

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2. Inquire【606Bh:Velocity demand value】to get the internal speed command (unit: rpm);

3. Inquire【606Ch:Velocity actual value】to get the actual speed response (unit: rpm);

4. Set【606Dh:Velocity window】to modify the speed range (unit: rpm);

5. Set【606Fh:Velocity threshold】to modify the zero speed range (unit: rpm);

6. Set【60F8h:Max slippage】to modify the speed difference (unit: rpm).

3.5.4 Objects list

Index Name Type Attr.

6040h Control word UNSIGNED16 RW

6041h Status word UNSIGNED16 RO

6060h Modes of operation INTEGER8 RW

6061h Modes of operation display INTEGER8 RO

6069h Velocity sensor actual value INTEGER32 RO

606Bh Velocity demand value INTEGER32 RO

606Ch Velocity actual value INTEGER32 RO

606Dh Velocity window UNSIGNED16 RW

606Fh Velocity threshold UNSIGNED16 RW

6083h Profile acceleration UNSIGNED32 RW

6084h Profile deceleration UNSIGNED32 RW

60F8h Max slippage INTEGER32 RW

60FFh Target velocity INTEGER32 RW

Note: Refer to CiA DS402 standard for the detailed description.

3.5.5 Application example

Do as the following when using Profile Speed mode:

1. Set 6060h as 3 to select Profile Speed Mode;

2. Set 6040h to enable the drive, send 0x0F enabling and send 0x0 prohibition;

3. Set 60FFh to modify the target speed command;

4. Set 6083h and 6084h to modify the DEC and ACC time.

3.6 Cyclic Synchronous Velocity Mode

3.6.1 Basic description

Cyclic synchronous velocity mode is basically the same as Profile velocity mode. The difference is that the master finished the

speed instruction interpolation and provides additional torque feed forward commands.

Interpolation cycle defines the time interval of target velocity and in the mode, the interpolation cycle is the same as EtherCAT

synchronizing cycle.

3.6.2 Operation

1. Set【6060h:Mode of operations】as 9(Cyclic synchronous velocity mode);

2. Set【6083h:Profile acceleration】to modify the acceleration curve(unit: from 0 to the rated speed) and the internal

corresponding parameter is P0.54;

3. Set【6084h:Profile deceleration】to modify the deceleration curve(unit: from 0 to the rated speed) and the internal

corresponding parameter is P0.55;

4. Set【6040h:Control word】to enable the servo drive and start the motor

5. Set【60FFh:Target velocity】to set the target speed (unit: rpm); and the internal corresponding parameter is P4.13;

6. Inquire 【6041h:Status word】 to get the status response of the servo drive(Speed zero, Max slippage error, Target

reached, Internal limit active).

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3.6.3 Other objects

1. Inquire【6069h:Velocity sensor actual value】to get the actual speed response (unit: pulse/s);

2. Inquire【606Bh:Velocity demand value】to get the internal speed command (unit: rpm);

3. Inquire【606Ch:Velocity actual value】to get the actual speed response (unit: rpm);

4. Set【606Dh:Velocity window】to modify the speed range (unit: rpm);

5. Set【606Fh:Velocity threshold】to modify the zero speed range (unit: rpm);

6. Set【60F8h:Max slippage】to modify the speed difference (unit: rpm).

3.6.4 Objects list

Index Name Type Attr.

6040h Control word UNSIGNED16 RW

6041h Status word UNSIGNED16 RO

6060h Modes of operation INTEGER8 RW

6061h Modes of operation display INTEGER8 RO

6069h Velocity sensor actual value INTEGER32 RO

606Bh Velocity demand value INTEGER32 RO

606Ch Velocity actual value INTEGER32 RO

606Dh Velocity window UNSIGNED16 RW

606Fh Velocity threshold UNSIGNED16 RW

6083h Profile acceleration UNSIGNED32 RW

6084h Profile deceleration UNSIGNED32 RW

60F8h Max slippage INTEGER32 RW

60FFh Target velocity INTEGER32 RW

Note: Refer to CiA DS402 standard for the detailed description.

3.6.5 Application example

Do as the following when using Profile Speed mode:

1. Set 6060h as 9 to select Cyclic synchronous velocity mode;

2. Set 6040h to enable the drive, send 0x0F enabling and send 0x0 prohibition;

3. Set 60FFh to modify the target speed command;

4. Set 6083h and 6084h to modify the DEC and ACC time.

3.7 Cyclic Synchronous Torque Mode

3.7.1 Basic description

Cyclic synchronous torque mode is basically the same as Profile torque mode. The difference is that the master finished the

torque instruction interpolation and provides additional torque feed forward commands.

Interpolation cycle defines the time interval of target torque and in the mode, the interpolation cycle is the same as EtherCAT

synchronizing cycle.

3.7.2 Operation

1. Set【6060h:Mode of operations】as 10(Cyclic synchronous torque mode);

2. Set【6087h:Torque slope】to modify the torque planning time(unit: ms, from 0 to 100% of the rated speed) , the internal

corresponding is P0.68;

3. Set【6040h:Control word】to enable the servo drive and start the motor

4. Set【6071h:Target torque】to set the target speed (unit: 0.1% of the rated torque); and the internal corresponding

parameter is P4.14;

5. Set【607Fh:Max Profile Velocity】 to set the maximum speed (unit: rpm);

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6. Inquire【6041h:Status word】to get the status response of the servo drive(Target reached).

3.7.3 Other objects

1. Set【6072h:Max torque】to modify the maximum torque limit(unit: 0.1% of the rated torque);

2. Inquire【6074h:Torque demand value】to get the internal torque command(unit: 0.1% of the rated torque);

3. Inquire【6076h:Motor rated torque】to get the motor rated torque(unit: mNm);

4. Inquire【6077h:Torque actual value】to get the actual torque response(unit: 0.1% of the rated torque);

5. Inquire【6078h:Current actual value】to get the actual output current(unit: mA).

3.7.4 Objects list

Index Name Type Attr.

6040h Control word UNSIGNED16 RW

6041h Status word UNSIGNED16 RO

6060h Modes of operation INTEGER8 RW

6061h Modes of operation display INTEGER8 RO

6071h Target torque INTEGER16 RO

6072h Max torque UNSIGNED16 RW

6073h Max current UNSIGNED16 RO

6074h Torque demand value INTEGER16 RO

6075h Motor rated current UNSIGNED32 RO

6076h Motor rated torque UNSIGNED32 RO

6077h Torque actual value INTEGER16 RO

6078h Current actual value INTEGER16 RO

6079h DC link circuit voltage UNSIGNED32 RO

607Fh Max Profile Velocity UNSIGNED32 RW

6087h Torque slope UNSIGNED32 RW

Note: Refer to CiA DS402 standard for the detailed description.

3.7.5 Application example

Do as the following when using Cyclic synchronous Torque mode:

1. Set 6060h as 10 to select Cyclic synchronous Torque Mode;

2. Set 6040h to enable the drive, send 0x0F enabling and send 0x0 prohibition;

3. Set 6071h to modify the target torque command;

4. Set 6087h to modify the torque slope of time.

3.8 Touch Probe Function

3.8.1 Basic description

Touch probe function is used for locking the trigger signal or the position feedback. DA200 only supports encoder Z signal

(C-phase) as the triggering signal or accident.

If encoder Z signal is used for triggering signal, only the up edge can be acquired and the result is saved in 60BAh.

3.8.4 Objects list

Index Name Type Attr.

60B8h Touch Probe Control word UNSIGNED16 RW

60B9h Touch Probe Status word UNSIGNED16 RW

60BAh Probe 1 positive edge value(Encoder zero signal) INTEGER32 RO

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3.8.5 Description of the control word and status word

Bit 60B8h 60B9h

0 Probe 1 enable Probe 1 enabled

1 Probe 1 continuous mode Probe 1 positive edge value stored

2 Probe 1 zero pulse Probe 1 negative edge value stored

3 - -

4 Probe 1 enable latch on positive edge(used also for encode

zero signal)


5 Probe 1 enable latch on negative edge -

6 - Probe 1 positive edge value stored(continuous mode

only, bit toggles if latch status changed)

7 - Probe 1 negative edge value stored(continuous mode

only, bit toggles if latch status changed)

8 Probe 2 enable Probe 2 enabled

9 Probe 2 continuous mode Probe 2 positive edge value stored

10 Probe 2 zero pulse Probe 2 negative edge value stored

11 - -

12 Probe 2 enable latch on positive edge(used also for encode

zero signal)


13 Probe 2 enable latch on negative edge -

14 - Probe 2 positive edge value stored(continuous mode

only, bit toggles if latch status changed)

15 - Probe 2 negative edge value stored(continuous mode

only, bit toggles if latch status changed)

3.8.6 Application example (Single trigger mode)

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4 Object dictionary

4.1 Object specifications

4.1.1 Object type

Name Meaning

VAR A single variable values, such as UNSIGNED8, Boolean, float, INTEGER16 and so on

ARRAY Data group composed of variables of multiple data with the same type. Sub-index 0 is

UNSIGNED8 type, means the data quantity and cannot be used as part of ARRAY data

RECORD Data group composed of variables of multiple data with the same and different type. Sub-index

0 is UNSIGNED8 type, means the data quantity and cannot be used as part of RECORD

4.1.2 Data type

Please refer to CANopen Standard 301.

4.2 Overview of Object Group 1000h

Index Object Type Name Data Type Access Mappable

CANopen DS301

1000h VAR Device type UNSIGNED32 RO N

1001h VAR Error register UNSIGNED8 RO Y

1008h VAR Manufacturer device name STRING RO N

1009h VAR Manufacturer hardware version STRING RO N

100Ah VAR Manufacturer software version STRING RO N

1018h RECORD Identity Object IDENTITY RO N

1600h~03h RECORD Receive PDO mapping PDOMAPPING RW N

1A00h~03h RECORD Transmit PDO mapping PDOMAPPING RW N

1C00h RECORD Sync manager type UNSIGNED8 RW N

1C12h ARRAY Receive PDO assign UNSIGNED16 RW N

1C13h ARRAY Transmit PDO assign UNSIGNED16 RW N

1C32h RECORD Sync manager output para. SMPAR RW N

1C33h RECORD Sync manager input para. SMPAR RW N

4.3 Overview of Object Group 6000h

Index Object Type Name Data Type Access Mappable

CANopen DS402

6040h VAR Control word UNSIGNED16 RW Y

6041h VAR Status word UNSIGNED16 RO Y

6042h VAR vl target velocity INTEGER16 RW Y

6043h VAR vl velocity demand INTEGER16 RO Y

6044h VAR vl control effort INTEGER16 RO Y

6046h ARRAY vl velocity min max amount UNSIGNED32 RW Y

6047h ARRAY vl velocity min max UNSIGNED32 RW Y

605Dh VAR Halt option code INTEGER16 RW Y

6060h VAR Mode of operation INTEGER8 RW Y

6061h VAR Mode of operation display INTEGER8 RO Y

6063h VAR Position actual value* INTEGER32 RO Y

6064h VAR Position actual value INTEGER32 RO Y

6065h VAR Following error window UNSIGNED32 RW Y

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Index Object Type Name Data Type Access Mappable

6066h VAR Following error time out UNSIGNED16 RW Y

606Ch VAR Velocity actual value INTEGER32 RO Y

6071h VAR Target torque INTEGER16 RW Y

6072h VAR Max torque UNSIGNED16 RW Y

6073h VAR Max current UNSIGNED16 RO Y

6075h VAR Motor rated current UNSIGNED32 RO Y

6076h VAR Motor rated torque UNSIGNED32 RO Y

6077h VAR Torque actual value INTEGER16 RO Y

6079h VAR DC link circuit voltage UNSIGNED32 RO Y

607Ah VAR Target position INTEGER32 RW Y

607Bh ARRAY Position range limit INTEGER32 RW Y

607Ch VAR Home offset INTEGER32 RW Y

6081h VAR Profile velocity UNSIGNED32 RW Y

6083h VAR Profile acceleration UNSIGNED32 RW Y

6084h VAR Profile deceleration UNSIGNED32 RW Y

6091h ARRAY Gear ratio UNSIGNED32 RW Y

6093h ARRAY Position factor UNSIGNED32 RW Y

6098h VAR Homing method INTEGER8 RW Y

6099h ARRAY Homing speeds UNSIGNED32 RW Y

60B8h VAR Touch probe control value UNSIGNED16 RW Y

60B9h VAR Touch probe status value UNSIGNED16 RO Y

60BAh VAR Touch probe latch value INTEGER32 RO Y

60F4h VAR Following error actual value INTEGER32 RO Y

60FDh VAR Digital inputs UNSIGNED32 RO Y

60FEh VAR Digital outputs UNSIGNED32 RO Y

60FFh VAR Target velocity INTEGER32 RW Y

6502h VAR Support drive mode UNSIGNED32 RO Y

4.4 Overview of Object Group 2000h

Index Object Type Name Data Type Access Mappable

SV-DA200 manufacture parameter

2000h VAR Error code UNSIGNED16 RO N

2001h VAR Driver temperature INTEGER16 RO N

2002h VAR Parameter save INTEGER16 RW N

2003h VAR Parameter restore INTEGER16 RW N

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5 Fault detection and diagnosis

5.1 EtherCAT communication fault code and countermeasures

Code Name Causes Countermeasures


EtherCAT fault -


card initialization


EtherCAT communication card is not

connected or not connected well;

ESC clip initialization fault

Check the connection of EtherCAT

communication card

Change EtherCAT communication card


EtherCAT fault -




No EEPROM data or read fault

Download xml file with TwinCAT to

EtherCAT communication card EEPROM;

Change EtherCAT communication card


EtherCAT fault

-DC Sync0 signal


In DC synchronous mode, DC Sync0

break signal cannot be detected during

an interval time

Check the connection of EtherCAT

communication card

Change EtherCAT communication card

Er24-b EtherCAT fault

–offline fault

The network cables cannot be

connected well or EtherCAT master

cannot work normally

Check the connection the network cables

Check the master of EtherCAT

Er24-c EtherCAT fault

–PDO data loss

PDO data cannot be received during an

interval time

Check the master of EtherCAT

Check whether there is interference cause

data loss

5.2 SV-DA200 fault code and countermeasures

Code Name Causes Countermeasures

Er01-0 IGBT fault

The actual output current exceeds the

specified value

1.Drive fault (drive circuit, IGBT fault)

2.Short circuit of motor cable U,V,W, or

the motor cable is not connected well

3. Motor Burnout

4. Reverse sequence of U, V, W phase

5. System parameters are not

appropriate to spread。

6. ACC/DEC of start-stop process is too


7. Instantaneous load is too large

1. Remove the motor cables and enable the

drive, if not available, change the drive

2.Check the motor cables and wiring

3.Reduce the value of P0.10 and P0.11

4.Comission the loop parameters and reduce

the value of P0.12

5.Longer the ACC/DEC time

6.Change to a drive with bigger power

7. Change the motor


Encoder fault–

The encoder wire


1. The encoder is not connected

2. The encoder connector becomes


3. The line of one of the U,V,W,A,B,Z

phases of the encoder signal cable is


4. Reversed A/B phase of the encoder

5. Communication breaks or abnormal


6.Abnoraml communication data

7. FPGA communication

1. Check the encoder connector or replace

the encoder cable

2. Connect the encoder voltage

3. Reduce the interference of the encoder,

route the encoder and motor independently

and connect the shield cables of the encoder

to FG

4. If reporting encoder offline fault when

power on, check whether the available drive

encoder type is consistent with the available

motor encoder type according to P0.01.




feedback error is

too large

Er02-2 Encoder fault–

Parity error

Er02-3 Encoder

fault–CRC error

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Code Name Causes Countermeasures

Er02-4 Encoder

fault–Frame error


8. The drive does not support the

encoder type Er02-5

Encoder fault–A

short frame error

Er02-6 Encoder fault–

Encoder overtime

Er02-7 Encoder fault

–FPGA overtime


Encoder fault

–Low voltage

alarm of the


If multiple circle encoder is used, the

battery voltage of the external encoder

is between 3.0V~3.2V

1. Check the connection of encoder battery

2. Check whether the voltage is below 3.2V, if

yes, change the battery

3. Change the battery when the drive is power

on; otherwise the encoder data will be loss.


Encoder fault


alarm of the


If multiple circle encoder is used, the

battery voltage of the external encoder

is between 2.5V~3.0V

1. Check the connection of encoder battery

2. Check whether the voltage is below 3.0V, if

yes, change the battery

3. Change the battery when the drive is power

on; otherwise the encoder data will be loss.


Encoder fault



The feedback encoder temperature is

higher than the setting protection value

1. Check the setting value of the

overtemperature protection

2. Stop the motor and reduce the encoder


Er02-b Encoder fault–

EEPROM error

If the motor is used with communication

encoder, and when the drive updates

the data, there is communication

transmission error or data validation


1.Check the encoder connection and reduce

the encoder interference

2.Write in for several times or change the


Er02-c Encoder fault–

EEPROM no data

If the motor is used with communication

encoder, and when read encoder

EEPROM during power on, there is no


1.Select the current motor model through

P0.00 and then carry out the encoder

EEPROM writing through P4.97

2.Shiled the fault by P4.98, and then carry out

corresponding initialization to the motor



Encoder fault–

EEPROM polarity


If the motor is used with communication

encoder, and when read encoder

EEPROM during power on, there is

polarity error

1.Check the encoder connection and reduce

the encoder interference

2. Select the current motor model through

P0.00 and then carry out the encoder

EEPROM writing through P4.97

3. Shield the fault by P4.98, and then carry

out corresponding initialization to the motor


Er03-0 Current sensor

fault–U IGBT fault 1. Current sensor or abnormal detection


2. Power on when the motor shaft is in a

status of non-stationary

Repower on when the motor is in static status

or change the drive Er03-1 Current sensor

fault–V IGBT fault

Er03-2 Current sensor

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Code Name Causes Countermeasures

fault–W IGBT fault

Er04-0 System

initialization fault

The self-inspection is not passed after


1. Repower on

2. If the fault occurs for several times, change

the drive

Er05-1 Setting fault–

Motor model error

Wrong P0.00 setting Ensure the motor model and the drive model



fault–Motor and

drive model error


Setting fault–

Software limit

setting error

Software limit values setting is not


The setting value of P0.35 is less than

or equal to the setting value of P0.36

Reset P0.35 and P0.36


Setting fault–Back

to the origin of

fault settings

Sub mode of P5.10 is set correctly Set P5.10 to the instructions


Setting fault–

Position control

overflow fault

The single increment exceeds 231

-1 The single travel cannot exceed 2

31-1 in the

position mode


Regeneration of


overload fault

1. The power of the built-in braking

resistor is relatively low

2.The motor speed is too high or the

deceleration is too short

3. The action limit of the external

braking resistor is 10% of the duty ratio

1. Connect an external braking resistor of

higher power

2. Replace with a braking resistor of higher


2.Modify the deceleration time

3. Reduce the motor speed

4. Improve the capacity of the motor and drive


Analog input

overvoltage fault–

Analog speed


1. The voltage of input analog speed

command exceeds the setting value of


2. The voltage of input analog torque

command exceeds the setting value of


3. The voltage of input analog 3

command exceeds the setting value of


1. Set P3.22,P3.25,P3.75

2. Check the terminals wiring

3.Set P3.22,P3.25,P3.75 to be 0 and disable

the protection Er08-2

Analog input

overvoltage fault–

Analog torque


Er09-0 EEPROM fault–

Read-write fault

The data storage has damage when

read write from EEPROM

Interference to EEPROM write

1.Try again after repower on

2. If occur for many times, change the drive

Er09-1 EEPROM fault–

verification fault

1. The data read from EEPROM when

power on are different during writing

2. The drive DSP software version


1. Reset all parameters

2. If occur for many times, change the drive


Hardware fault–

External input


If configured as external fault input, the

fault occurs when action

1. Clear the external fault input

2. Repower on

Er10-4 Hardware fault– If configured as E-stop input, the fault 1. Clear the E-stop input

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Code Name Causes Countermeasures

E-stop fault occurs when action 2. Repower on


Software fault–

Reentrant cycle

mission 1. CPU loading ratio is too high

2.DSP software fault

1. Reduce the software

2. Contact with the customers service and

change the DSP software Er11-2

Software fault -

Illegal operation


IO fault–Repeat

switch input and


Two or more input switches have the

same functions

Reset P3.00~P3.09 and ensure no repeated



IO fault–Repeat

analog input and


If the drive is standard, the analog input

3 is speed command Reset P3.70





The DC voltage of the main circuit is

higher than the designated value

1. The grid voltage is too high

2. No braking resistor or pipe during

braking or the braking resistor is


3.DEC time is too short during the


4. The internal DC voltage test circuit is

has damage

1. Check the grid input voltage

2. Check the internal braking resistor is loose

or damaged

3.Enlarge the setting value of ACC/DEC time

4. Monitor R0.07 when the drive is disabled, if

abnormal, change the drive





The DC voltage of the main circuit is

less than the designated value

1. The grid voltage is too low

2.The buffer relay is not switched on

3. The drive output power is too large

4. The internal DC voltage test circuit is

has damage

1. Check the grid input voltage

2. Repower on, and note the pull-in noise of

the relay

3. Monitor R0.07 when the drive is disabled, if

abnormal and not matched with grid voltage,

change the drive

Er14-0 Control circuit

overvoltage fault

The DC voltage of the main circuit is

less than the designated value

1. The grid voltage is too low

2. The internal DC voltage test circuit is

has damage

1. Check the grid input voltage

2. Monitor R0.08 when the drive is disabled, if

abnormal and not matched with grid voltage,

change the drive

Er18-0 Motor overload


1. The grid voltage is low

2. The powering-up snubber relay has

not picked up

1. Test the input voltage of the grid

2. Replace the drive

Er19-0 Speed fault–

Overspeed fault

The absolute value of the motor speed

exceeds the setting value of P4.32

1. U, V, W phases of the motor are

connected reversely

2. Incorrect setting of the electronic gear

ratio or motor speed loop control


3.The setting value of P4.32 is less than

the setting value of P4.31

4. Interference to the encoder feedback

1. Check the electronic gear ratio

2. Check the setting of speed loop control

parameters 3. Check that the phases of the

motor cable are connected correctly

4. Change the motor with higher speed

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Code Name Causes Countermeasures


Er20-0 Speed deviation


In non-torque mode, the deviation

exceeds the deviation of P4.39

1. U, V, W phases of the motor are

connected reversely

2. The motor load is too heavy

3. Insufficient Drive output

4. Speed loop control parameters

setting is not reasonable

5.Small setting of P4.39

1. Check the cable sequence and ensure right


2. Check the transmission belt or chain or the


3. Check the parameters setting or whether

the drive has damage or whether the system

selection is right

4. Enlarge the setting value of P4.39

5. Set P4.39 to be 0





1. Server response time is too slow and

the retention pulse number exceeds the

setting value of P4.33

2. The motor load is too heavy

3.High pulse frequency input

4. Position command input step change

exceeds the setting value of P4.33

1. Check the transmission belt or chain or the


2. Enlarge the position loop gain parameters

or speed feed forward gain or P4.33

3. Adjust the electronic gear ratio parameter

4. Minimize the variation of single position





control deviation

is too large

In full closed loop control, the deviation

exceeds the setting value of P4.64

1.Check the connection between the motor

and load

2. Check the connection between grating ruler

and the drive

3.Check the setting of P4.60, P4.61 and


Er22-2 Position increment


The variation of single position

command exceeds 231

-1 after the


1. Minimize the variation of single position


2. Modify the gear ratio

Er23-0 The drive thermal


1.The operation temperature of the

drive exceed the designated value

2. Drive overload

1.Reduce the temperature and improve the


2. Change to a system with bigger power

3. Longer the ACC/DEC time and reduce the



Application fault–

Offside of back to

the origin

Meet the limit switch or software limit

during the returning

Modify the setting of P5.10, and then repower

on and carry out


Application fault–

Moment of inertia



1.Vibration in stopping exceeds 3.5s

2. Too short ACC time

3. The identification speed is below


1.Improve the mechanical rigidity

2.Prolong P1.07

3.Increase P1.06

5.3 The maximum torque

There is the maximum torque in the default PDO mapping, and the default PLC is 0. If the value is set to be 0, the motor may not

rotate after the enabling. If the maximum torque is 0 at the position loop, it may report position tolerance fault after the motor


It is recommended to set the parameter as 1000 (100% of the maximum torque).

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INVT SV-DA200 EtherCAT Technical Guide

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6 References

1. Hardware Data Sheet ET1100 EtherCAT Slave Controller V1.8 Data:03 May 2010;

2. Xun Ji, Liu Yanqiang, Industrial Ethernet fieldbus EtherCAT driver design and application, Version 1,Beijing University of

Aeronautics and Astronautics Press, March 2010,;

3. CANopen Application Layer and Communication Profile, CiA Draft Standard 301, Version 4.02 Date:13 February 2002;

4. CANopen Device Profile Drives and Motion Control, CiA Draft Standard Proposal 402, Version 2.0 Date: 26 July 2002.

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