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IPTC Standard

Photo Metadata 2008

IPTC Core Specification Version 1.1

IPTC Extension Specification Version 1.0

Document Revision 2

International Press Telecommunications Council Copyright © 2008. All Rights Reserved


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IPTC Photo Metadata 2008 - Document Revision 1 Production – Public Release

Copyrights Copyright © 2008 IPTC, the International Press Telecommunications Council. All Rights Reserved.

This project intends to use materials that are either in the public domain or are available by the permission for their respective copyright holders. Permissions of copyright holder will be obtained prior to use of protected material. All materials of this IPTC standard covered by copyright shall be licensable at no charge. This document is published under the License Agreement on page 4.

Acknowledgments This document is the result of a team effort by members of the International Press Telecommunications Council, with input and assistance from other contributors.

The effort to develop the IPTC Photo Metadata was lead by Harald Löffler (Ifra) and Michael Steidl (IPTC) and these persons contributed (ordered by surname): Karl Csoknyay (Keystone Switzerland), Annette Feldman (AP), Jan Leidicke (BVPA), David Riecks (PLUS), Sarah Saunders (BAPLA), Klaus Sprick (IPTC), Staffan Teste (Cepic), Andy Williams (Ifra)

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IPTC Photo Metadata 2008 - Document Revision 1 Production – Public Release

About the Standard IPTC Core Specification Version History

Version Issue Date Approved by Remarks 1.0 2004-10-08 IPTC Standards Committee 1.1 2008-07-02 IPTC Standards Committee

IPTC Extension Specification Version History

Version Issue Date Approved by Remarks 1.0 2008-07-02 IPTC Standards Committee

Document Revision History

Revision Issue Date Author/revised by Remarks 1 2008-07-14 Photo Md WG/M Steidl Derived from DRAFT rev 4, typos fixed, IIM

mapping included to each table. 2 2008-07-18 Photo Md WG/M Steidl “Additional Model Info” table was in the wrong

section, moved from IPTC Core to IPTC Extension

About this Document • This document specifies metadata properties intended to be used primarily but not exclusively with photos. • This document is a specification which may be revised to fix errata, this will be indicated by a new

document revision number. Any changes to the specification will be reflected by a change of the version of the standard.

• This specification document will be supplemented by guidelines for end users and implementers of this specification.

Status of this Document This document is under the governance of the IPTC Photo Metadata Working Group of the IPTC Standards Committee. This is specification document which was endorsed by the IPTC members and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. Public versions of this specification document and of related IPTC documents are available at: http://www.iptc.org/std/photometadata/2008/ Public comments should be sent to the forum and mailing list at: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/iptc-photometadata A page with all errata not covered by the latest version of the Photo Metadata 2008 specifications is available at: http://www.iptc.org/std/photometadata/2008/specification/PhotoMd2008Errata.html

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License Agreement This document is issued under the Non-Exclusive License Agreement for International Press Telecommunications Council Specifications and Related Documentation IMPORTANT: International Press Telecommunications Council (IPTC) standard specifications for news (the Specifications) and supporting software, documentation, technical reports, web sites and other material related to the Specifications (the Materials) including the document accompanying this license (the Document), whether in a paper or electronic format, are made available to you subject to the terms stated below. By obtaining, using and/or copying the Specifications or Materials, you (the licensee) agree that you have read, understood, and will comply with the following terms and conditions. 1. The Specifications and Materials are licensed for use only on the condition that you agree to be bound by the terms of this license. Subject to this and other licensing requirements contained herein, you may, on a non-exclusive basis, use the Specifications and Materials. 2. The IPTC openly provides the Specifications and Materials for voluntary use by individuals, partnerships, companies, corporations, organizations and any other entity for use at the entity's own risk. This disclaimer, license and release is intended to apply to the IPTC, its officers, directors, agents, representatives, members, contributors, affiliates, contractors, or co-venturers acting jointly or severally. 3. The Document and translations thereof may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the copyright and license notices and references to the IPTC appearing in the Document and the terms of this Specifications License Agreement are included on all such copies and derivative works. Further, upon the receipt of written permission from the IPTC, the Document may be modified for the purpose of developing applications that use IPTC Specifications or as required to translate the Document into languages other than English. 4. Any use, duplication, distribution, or exploitation of the Document and Specifications and Materials in any manner is at your own risk. 5. NO WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS MADE REGARDING THE ACCURACY, ADEQUACY, COMPLETENESS, LEGALITY, RELIABILITY OR USEFULNESS OF ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE DOCUMENT OR IN ANY SPECIFICATION OR OTHER PRODUCT OR SERVICE PRODUCED OR SPONSORED BY THE IPTC. THE DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN AND INCLUDED IN ANY SPECIFICATION OR OTHER PRODUCT OR SERVICE OF THE IPTC IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS. THE IPTC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY ACTUAL OR ASSERTED WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF PROPRIETARY RIGHTS, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NEITHER THE IPTC NOR ITS CONTRIBUTORS SHALL BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY IMPROPER OR INCORRECT USE OF INFORMATION. NEITHER THE IPTC NOR ITS CONTRIBUTORS ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANYONE'S USE OF INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE IPTC. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE IPTC OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, COMPENSATORY DAMAGES, LOST PROFITS, LOST DATA OR ANY FORM OF SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND WHETHER BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, TORT, PRODUCT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE. 6. The IPTC takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any Intellectual Property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in the Document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available. The IPTC does not represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Copies of claims of rights made available for publication, assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of the Specifications and Materials, can be obtained from the Managing Director of the IPTC. 7. By using the Specifications and Materials including the Document in any manner or for any purpose, you release the IPTC from all liabilities, claims, causes of action, allegations, losses, injuries, damages, or detriments of any nature arising from or relating to the use of the Specifications, Materials or any portion thereof. You further agree not to file a lawsuit, make a claim, or take any other formal or informal legal action against the IPTC, resulting from your acquisition, use, duplication, distribution, or exploitation of the Specifications, Materials or any portion thereof. Finally, you hereby agree that the IPTC is not liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages

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arising from or relating to your acquisition, use, duplication, distribution, or exploitation of the Specifications, Materials or any portion thereof. 8. Specifications and Materials may be downloaded or copied provided that ALL copies retain the ownership, copyright and license notices. 9. Materials may not be edited, modified, or presented in a context that creates a misleading or false impression or statement as to the positions, actions, or statements of the IPTC. 10. The name and trademarks of the IPTC may not be used in advertising, publicity, or in relation to products or services and their names without the specific, written prior permission of the IPTC. Any permitted use of the trademarks of the IPTC, whether registered or not, shall be accompanied by an appropriate mark and attribution, as agreed with the IPTC. 11. Specifications may be extended by both members and non-members to provide additional functionality (Extension Specifications) provided that there is a clear recognition of the IPTC IP and its ownership in the Extension Specifications and the related documentation and provided that the extensions are clearly identified and provided that a perpetual license is granted by the creator of the Extension Specifications for other members and non-members to use the Extension Specifications and to continue extensions of the Extension Specifications. The IPTC does not waive any of its rights in the Specifications and Materials in this context. The Extension Specifications may be considered the intellectual property of their creator. The IPTC expressly disclaims any responsibility for damage caused by an extension to the Specifications. 12. Specifications and Materials may be included in derivative work of both members and non-members provided that there is a clear recognition of the IPTC IP and its ownership in the derivative work and its related documentation. The IPTC does not waive any of its rights in the Specifications and Materials in this context. Derivative work in its entirety may be considered the intellectual property of the creator of the work .The IPTC expressly disclaims any responsibility for damage caused when its IP is used in a derivative context. 13. This Specifications License Agreement is perpetual subject to your conformance to the terms of this Agreement. The IPTC may terminate this Specifications License Agreement immediately upon your breach of this Agreement and, upon such termination you will cease all use, duplication, distribution, and/or exploitation in any manner of the Specifications and Materials. 14. This Specifications License Agreement reflects the entire agreement of the parties regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements or representations regarding such matters, whether written or oral. To the extent any portion or provision of this Specifications License Agreement is found to be illegal or unenforceable, then the remaining provisions of this Specifications License Agreement will remain in full force and effect and the illegal or unenforceable provision will be construed to give it such effect as it may properly have that is consistent with the intentions of the parties. 15. This Specifications License Agreement may only be modified in writing signed by an authorized representative of the IPTC. 16. This Specifications License Agreement is governed by the law of United Kingdom, as such law is applied to contracts made and fully performed in the United Kingdom. Any disputes arising from or relating to this Specifications License Agreement will be resolved in the courts of the United Kingdom. You consent to the jurisdiction of such courts over you and covenant not to assert before such courts any objection to proceeding in such forums. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THESE TERMS YOU MUST CEASE ALL USE OF THE SPECIFICATIONS AND MATERIALS NOW. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THESE TERMS, PLEASE CONTACT THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF THE INTERNATIONAL PRESS TELECOMMUNICATION COUNCIL. AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REVISION OF THIS SPECIFICATIONS LICENSE AGREEMENT YOU MAY CONTACT THE IPTC at http://www.iptc.org . License agreement version of: 30 January 2006

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IPTC Photo Metadata 2008 - Document Revision 1 Production – Public Release

Table of Contents Introduction to IPTC Photo Metadata ............................................................................................................................................ 9 

Overview ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 

Technical Metadata ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 

History ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 

Photo Metadata specification notation ........................................................................................................................................10 

The specification template ..........................................................................................................................................................10 

Generic specification notes .......................................................................................................................................................10 

IPTC Core schema 1.1 specifications .........................................................................................................................................11 

Names and Identifiers ..................................................................................................................................................................11 

Metadata Properties .....................................................................................................................................................................11 

City (legacy) ...............................................................................................................................................................................11 

Country (legacy) .......................................................................................................................................................................11 

Country Code (legacy) ............................................................................................................................................................12 

Description .................................................................................................................................................................................13 

Headline ......................................................................................................................................................................................13 

Intellectual Genre .....................................................................................................................................................................14 

Keywords ....................................................................................................................................................................................14 

Province or State (legacy) ......................................................................................................................................................15 

Scene Code ..............................................................................................................................................................................15 

Subject Code ............................................................................................................................................................................16 

Sublocation (legacy) ................................................................................................................................................................16 

Date Created .............................................................................................................................................................................17 

Description Writer ....................................................................................................................................................................17 


Job Id ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18 

Title ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19 

Copyright Notice ......................................................................................................................................................................19 

Creator ........................................................................................................................................................................................20 

Creator's Contact Info .............................................................................................................................................................20 

Creator's jobtitle .......................................................................................................................................................................21 

Credit Line .................................................................................................................................................................................21 

Rights Usage Terms ................................................................................................................................................................22 

Source .........................................................................................................................................................................................22 

Contact Information Details structure ..................................................................................................................................23 

Address {contact info detail} ..................................................................................................................................................23 

City {contact info detail} ..........................................................................................................................................................24 

Country {contact info detail} ..................................................................................................................................................24 

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Email address(es) {contact info detail} ................................................................................................................................25 

Phone number(s) {contact info detail} .................................................................................................................................25 

Postal Code {contact info detail} ..........................................................................................................................................26 

State/Provice {contact info detail} ........................................................................................................................................26 

Web URL(s) {contact info detail} ..........................................................................................................................................27 

“Deprecated” metadata elements .............................................................................................................................................27 

Synchronising IIM elements with existing XMP properties .................................................................................................28 

IPTC Extension schema 1.0 specifications .................................................................................................................................29 

Names and Identifiers ..................................................................................................................................................................29 

Metadata Properties .....................................................................................................................................................................29 

Additional Model Information .................................................................................................................................................29 

Artwork or Object in the Image .............................................................................................................................................29 

Code of Organisation Featured in the Image ....................................................................................................................30 

Controlled Vocabulary Term ..................................................................................................................................................30 

Location Shown in the Image ................................................................................................................................................31 

Model Age ..................................................................................................................................................................................31 

Name of Organisation Featured in the Image ....................................................................................................................31 

Person Shown in the Image ...................................................................................................................................................32 

Digital Image GUID ..................................................................................................................................................................32 

Digital Source File Type ..........................................................................................................................................................33 

Event ............................................................................................................................................................................................33 

Image Registry Entry ................................................................................................................................................................35 

Image Supplier ..........................................................................................................................................................................35 

IPTC Metadata Last Edited ....................................................................................................................................................36 

Location created .......................................................................................................................................................................36 

Max Avail Height .......................................................................................................................................................................37 

Max Avail Width ........................................................................................................................................................................37 

PLUS Version ............................................................................................................................................................................38 

Copyright Owner ......................................................................................................................................................................38 

Image Creator ...........................................................................................................................................................................39 

Licensor ......................................................................................................................................................................................39 

Minor Model Age Disclosure .................................................................................................................................................40 

Model Release Id ......................................................................................................................................................................40 

Model Release Status .............................................................................................................................................................40 

Property Release Id .................................................................................................................................................................41 

Property Release Status .........................................................................................................................................................41 

Artwork or Object in the Image Details {data type} ..........................................................................................................42 

Copyright Notice {Artwork or Object detail} ......................................................................................................................42 

Creator {Artwork or Object detail} ........................................................................................................................................43 

Date Created {Artwork or Object detail} .............................................................................................................................43 

Source {Artwork or Object detail} ........................................................................................................................................44 

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Source Inventory Number {Artwork or Object detail}.......................................................................................................44 

Title {Artwork or Object detail} ..............................................................................................................................................44 

City {location detail} .................................................................................................................................................................45 

Country ISO-Code {location detail} .....................................................................................................................................45 

Country Name {location detail} ..............................................................................................................................................46 

Location Details {data type} ...................................................................................................................................................46 

Province or State {location detail} ........................................................................................................................................47 

Sublocation {location detail} ..................................................................................................................................................47 

World Region {location detail} ...............................................................................................................................................48 

Item Id {registry entry detail} ...................................................................................................................................................48 

Organisation Id {registry entry detail} ...................................................................................................................................49 

Registry Entry Details {data type} .........................................................................................................................................49 

References ..........................................................................................................................................................................................50 

Addendum 1: Persisting Technical Photo Metadata – a recommendation .......................................................................51 

Objectives for Technical Photo Metadata ...............................................................................................................................51 

Photo Workflows ..........................................................................................................................................................................51 

Recommendations ........................................................................................................................................................................54 

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Introduction to IPTC Photo Metadata

Overview IPTC Photo Metadata provides data about photographs and the values can be processed by software. Each individual metadata entity is called a property and they are grouped into Administrative, Descriptive and Rights Related properties.

IPTC Photo Metadata properties have photo specific definitions and they are widely supported by imaging software.

IPTC Photo Metadata aligns with other IPTC metadata standards which are made for media items of any media-type. Thus they integrate with media-type agnostic digital asset management systems.

The IPTC Photo Metadata 2008 specification is split into two schemas: - The IPTC Core schema which refers back to properties from the IPTC “Information Interchange Model”

(IIM) standard [IPTC IIM]. - The IPTC Extension schema extends and complements the IPTC Core schema by a set of more

granular properties and further specialized rights related properties from the PLUS metadata schema [PLUS].

This allows users to decide whether ... - ... to use only the IPTC Core schema with higher backward compatibility but less refined metadata - ... to use the IPTC Core and the Extension schema with refined and specialized metadata but restricted

backward compatibility.

This document provides the latest specifications for both schemas.

Technical Metadata Digital cameras capture metadata at the time the image is taken reflecting technical characteristics. Such metadata may include, but are not limited to, generic camera metadata, camera manufacturer-specific metadata, ICC profiles and positioning data. Standards for these metadata are not subject to IPTC Standards but under the control of the camera manufacturers, their associations (such as CIPA) and others. As the IPTC acknowledges these technical metadata standards of other bodies and as the IPTC does not want to duplicate existing metadata properties the IPTC Photo Metadata specification does not include any technical metadata.

Beyond that the IPTC Photo Metadata Working Group has studied several photo business processes in the industry and discussed the requirements for the type of technical metadata and their handling in photo workflows. As a result, recommendations for Persisting Technical Photo Metadata have been formulated and these are appended to this document as Addendum 1 but are not part of this standard. The recommendations are about the handling of metadata when photos are stored and processed and may provide useful guidelines for the design of a workflow.

History In about 1990 the IPTC developed its “Information Interchange Model” (IIM) metadata property standard for exchanging news which was by design media-type agnostic and thus implicitly encouraged users to apply it to photos. A few years later the software company Adobe Systems Inc. adopted a subset of IIM properties for its imaging software Photoshop and developed a metadata storage technology name “Image Resource Block” to embed the metadata properties in a header section of the image files. From that moment on millions of photographs were annotated using IIM metadata. In September 2001 Adobe introduced its new metadata framework “Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP)” [Adobe XMP] and it was obvious this will make the “Image Resource Blocks” sooner or later obsolete as the XML-based XMP technology is much more flexible and can deal better with globalization requirements. In 2004 the IPTC and Adobe developed jointly the “IPTC Core Schema for XMP” which is actually a redefinition of the IIM properties in the new XMP environment, only a few properties were added. In 2007 the IPTC collected requirements from different sectors of the professional photography business – with a focus on news photography and stock photography – and published these requirements in its Photo Metadata White Paper 2007 [PhMdWP2007]. After hearing wide assent to this paper the IPTC developed specifications for the “IPTC Extension Schema” and revised slightly the IPTC Core specifications. Both specifications are released in 2008 as “IPTC Photo Metadata 2008”.

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Photo Metadata specification notation

The specification template This specification document provides for each photo metadata property a full specification consisting of:

- A generic specification of its name, semantics, requirements and text to be used with the user interface of a software implementing this property

- A technical implementation specific for Adobe’s XMP technology [Adobe XMP] - A technical implementation specific to IPTC’s G2-Standards. [IPTC G2-Standards]

The specifications of a Photo Metadata property are notated by a generic table, find below the template table with explanations for each row in the right column:

Generic Specification A generic specification of the property which is agnostic to any implementation technology.

Property Group (in blue): descriptive / administrative / rights related / a data type definitionThis property grouping is not normative, only an indicator of general semantics

Name The reference name of the property used by this specification This name shall never be translated

Definition A media-type agnostic definition of the semantics of this property, may be translated for localization.

Photo Definition A photo-specific definition of the semantics of this property, may be translated for localization. Photo Help Text A help text for this property which may be displayed by a generic help system of the user interface,

should be translated for localization. User Note(s) Any notes which apply to the end user of this property, should be translated for localization.

Implementation Note(s) Any notes which apply to parties implementing this property using any technology. Field label/title Text which should appear next to the entry field in the user interface, should be translated for

localization. Cardinality How often this property may appear in a set of Photo Metadata for an image.

1 = is mandatory, 0..1 = one occurrence is optional, 1..unbounded = multiple occurrences are optional

Basic data type A recommended basic data type Required CV The identifier for a controlled vocabulary which must be used with this property.

XMP implementation The technical implementation specification for Adobe XMP XMP namespace The XMP namespace alias, see section “Names and Identifiers” of IPTC Core and IPTC Extension. XMP property id The identifying name of the property

XMP Value Type The value type as per XMP specifications XMP qualifiers Any applied qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Any note regarding the XMP-specific implementation IIM mapping If this property is mapped to an IIM property its IIM Data Set id and name appears in this row.

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) Any note on accessing an XMP property for mapping it to the corresponding IIM property.

G2 implementation The technical implementation specification for IPTC G2-Standards If this section is left empty no straightforward mapping is possible or recommended, because of either blurred semantics of a photo property or not having an equivalent G2-property.

Property name (XPath) The property in G2-Standards which corresponds to this Photo Metadata property, expressed by an XPath for a G2 item.

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme The scheme-URI of a required controlled vocabulary

Implementation note(s) Any note regarding the G2-specific implementation

Generic specification notes • Some IPTC Core properties show {legacy} appended to their name.

This is indicated if the IPTC Extension provides a better solution to annotate this information about an image than the IPTC Core does and hence the IPTC recommends to phase out the use of the {legacy}-marked property and to move to using the IPTC Extension. See the notes on this matter in the particular specification table.

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IPTC Core schema 1.1 specifications

Names and Identifiers The XML namespace URI for the “IPTC Core” versions 1.0 and 1.1 is: http://iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpCore/1.0/xmlns/

The preferred XML namespace-prefix for “IPTC Core” related XMP properties is: Iptc4xmpCore The use of this namespace-prefix is not mandatory but highly recommended for interoperability support.

User interfaces (like the custom panels in Adobe CS products) showing “IPTC Core” properties must refer to it as an “IPTC Core” or “IPTC …” panel.

Metadata Properties

Generic Specification descr

Name City (legacy) Definition Name of the city the content is focussing on -- either the place shown in visual media or

referenced by text or audio media. This element is at the third level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.

Photo Definition Name of the city of the location shown in the image. This element is at the third level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.

Photo Help Text Enter the name of the City pictured in this image User Note(s) This is a detail of a location with blurred semantics as it does not clearly indicate whether it is

the location in the image or the location the photo was taken - which can be different. Two more concise properties are available in IPTC Extension with Location Created and Location Shown in the Image.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title City

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id City

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping 2:90 City

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:City

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Do not map this property but either Location Created or Location Shown in the Image of the IPTC Extension schema

Generic Specification descr

Name Country (legacy) Definition Full name of the country the content is focussing on -- either the country shown in visual

media or referenced in text or audio media. This element is at the top/first level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. The full name should be expressed as a verbal name and not as a code, a code should go to the element "CountryCode"

Photo Definition Full name of the country of the location shown in the image. This element is at the top/first level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. The full name should be expressed as a verbal name and not as a code, a code should go to the element "CountryCode"

Photo Help Text Enter the name of the Country pictured in this image User Note(s) This is a detail of a location with blurred semantics as it does not clearly indicate whether it is

the location in the image or the location the photo was taken - which can be different. Two more concise properties are available in IPTC Extension with Location Created and Location

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Shown in the Image. Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Country Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id Country

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping 2:101 Country/Primary Location Name

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:Country

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Do not map this property but either Location Created or Location Shown in the Image of the IPTC Extension schema

Generic Specification descr

Name Country Code (legacy) Definition Code of the country the content is focussing on -- either the country shown in visual media or

referenced in text or audio media. This element is at the top/first level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. The code should be taken from ISO 3166 two or three letter code. The full name of a country should go to the "Country" element.

Photo Definition Code of the country of the location shown in the image. This element is at the top/first level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. The code should be taken from ISO 3166 two or three letter code. The full name of a country should go to the "Country" element.

Photo Help Text Enter the 2 or 3 letter ISO 3166 Country Code of the Country pictured in this image User Note(s) This is a detail of a location with blurred semantics as it does not clearly indicate whether it is

the location in the image or the location the photo was taken - which can be different. Two more concise properties are available in IPTC Extension with Location Created and Location Shown in the Image.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title ISO Country Code

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type CV-code

Required CV ISO 3166-1 - 2 or 3 characters (see User Note)

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CountryCode

XMP Value Type closed choice Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1: an implementer would have to derive from the length of the value string whether this is the country code from the two or three letter scheme as no explicit indication can be provided.

IIM mapping 2:100 Country/Primary Location Code IIM/XMP mapping note(s) Iptc4xmpCore:CountryCode

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Do not map this property but either Location Created or Location Shown in the Image of the IPTC Extension schema

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Generic Specification descr

Name Description Definition A textual description, including captions, of the item's content, particularly used where the

object is not text. Photo Definition A textual description, including captions, of the image. Photo Help Text Enter a "caption" describing the who, what, and why of what is happening in this image, this

might include names of people, and/or their role in the action that is taking place User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Caption/Description

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace dc XMP property id description

XMP Value Type Lang Alt XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note: the XMP property (dc:description) which stores the value of this IPTC Core property is of type Lang Alt. Hence any software agent dealing with this property must abide to the processing rules for Lang Alt value type as specified by the XMP specifications.

IIM mapping 2:120 Caption/Abstract IIM/XMP mapping note(s) dc:description/*[@xml:lang='x-default']

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/description

Property-attribute(s) @role="drol:caption" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Headline Definition A brief synopsis of the caption. Headline is not the same as Title.

Photo Definition A brief synopsis of the caption. Headline is not the same as Title. Photo Help Text Enter a brief publishable synopsis or summary of the contents of the image

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Headline Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id Headline

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping 2:105 Headline

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:Headline

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/headline

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

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Generic Specification descr

Name Intellectual Genre Definition Describes the nature, intellectual, artistic or journalistic characteristic of a item, not specifically

its content. Photo Definition Describes the nature, intellectual, artistic or journalistic characteristic of an image. Photo Help Text Enter a term to describe the nature of the image in terms of its intellectual or journalistic

characteristics, such as daybook, or feature (examples at: http://www.newscodes.org/) User Note(s) The IPTC recognizes that the corresponding IPTC Genre NewsCodes needs photo specific

extension to be better usable with this field (as of the release of this standard in the year 2008).

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Intellectual genre

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV Optional: IPTC Genre NewsCodes

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id IntellectualGenre

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note / Examples: Journalistic genres: actuality, interview, background, feature, summary, wrapup News category related genres: daybook, obituary, press release, transcript It is advised to use terms from a controlled vocabulary.

IIM mapping 2:04 Object Attribute Reference IIM/XMP mapping note(s) Iptc4xmpCore:IntellectualGenre

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/genre/@literal

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Keywords Definition Keywords to express the subject of the content. Keywords may be free text and don't have to

be taken from a controlled vocabulary. Codes from the controlled vocabulary IPTC Subject NewsCodes must go to the "Subject Code" field.

Photo Definition Keywords to express the subject of the image. Keywords may be free text and don't have to be taken from a controlled vocabulary. Codes from the controlled vocabulary IPTC Subject NewsCodes must go to the "Subject Code" field.

Photo Help Text Enter any number of keywords, terms or phrases used to express the subject matter in the image.

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s) Single values of this field should not be restricted to single words but must allow for phrases

as well. Field label/title Keywords

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace dc XMP property id subject

XMP Value Type bag Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping 2:25 Keywords

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) dc:subject

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G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/@literal

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Province or State (legacy) Definition Name of the subregion of a country -- either called province or state or anything else -- the

content is focussing on -- either the subregion shown in visual media or referenced by text or audio media. This element is at the second level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.

Photo Definition Name of the subregion of a country of the location shown in the image. This element is at the second level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.

Photo Help Text Enter the name of the Province or State pictured in this image User Note(s) This is a detail of a location with blurred semantics as it does not clearly indicate whether it is

the location in the image or the location the photo was taken - which can be different. Two more concise properties are available in IPTC Extension with Location Created and Location Shown in the Image.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Province/State

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type string

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id State

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping 2:95 Province/State

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:State

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Do not map this property but either Location Created or Location Shown in the Image of the IPTC Extension schema

Generic Specification descr

Name Scene Code Definition Describes the scene of a news content. Specifies one or more terms from the IPTC "Scene-

NewsCodes". Each Scene is represented as a string of 6 digits in an unordered list. Photo Definition Describes the scene of a photo content. Specifies one ore more terms from the IPTC "Scene-

NewsCodes". Each Scene is represented as a string of 6 digits in an unordered list. Photo Help Text Enter only values from the IPTC Scene NewsCodes Controlled Vocabulary (see:

http://www.newscodes.org/) User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title IPTC Scene Code

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type CV-code

Required CV IPTC Scene NewsCodes

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id Scene

XMP Value Type bag closed choice Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note: Only Scene values from this IPTC taxonomy should be used here. More about the IPTC Scene-NewsCodes at www.newscodes.org.

IIM mapping

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IIM/XMP mapping note(s) Iptc4xmpCore:Scene

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/genre/@qcode

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme IPTC Scene NewsCodes

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Subject Code Definition Specifies one or more Subjects from the IPTC Subject-NewsCodes taxonomy to categorise

the content. Each Subject is represented as a string of 8 digits in an unordered list. Photo Definition Specifies one or more Subjects from the IPTC Subject-NewsCodes taxonomy to categorise

the image. Each Subject is represented as a string of 8 digits in an unordered list. Photo Help Text Enter only values from the IPTC Subject NewsCode Controlled Vocabulary (see:

http://www.newscodes.org/) User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title IPTC Subject Code

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type CV-code

Required CV IPTC Subject NewsCodes

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id SubjectCode

XMP Value Type bag closed choice Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note: Only Subjects from a controlled vocabulary should be used here, free text has to be put into the Keyword element. More about IPTC Subject-NewsCodes at www.newscodes.org.

IIM mapping 2:12 Subject Reference IIM/XMP mapping note(s) Iptc4xmpCore:SubjectCode

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/@qcode

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme IPTC Subject NewsCodes

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Sublocation (legacy) Definition Name of a sublocation the content is focussing on -- either the location shown in visual media

or referenced by text or audio media. This location name could either be the name of a sublocation to a city or the name of a well known location or (natural) monument outside a city. In the sense of a sublocation to a city this element is at the fourth level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.

Photo Definition Exact name of the sublocation shown in the image. This sublocation name could either be the name of a sublocation to a city or the name of a well known location or (natural) monument outside a city. In the sense of a sublocation to a city this element is at the fourth level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.

Photo Help Text Enter the name of the Sublocation pictured in this image User Note(s) This is a detail of a location with blurred semantics as it does not clearly indicate whether it is

the location in the image or the location the photo was taken - which can be different. Two more concise properties are available in IPTC Extension with Location Created and Location Shown in the Image.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Sublocation

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id Location

XMP Value Type Text

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XMP qualifiers Implementation note(s)

IIM mapping 2:92 Sublocation IIM/XMP mapping note(s) Iptc4xmpCore:Location

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Do not map this property but either Location Created or Location Shown in the Image of the IPTC Extension schema

Generic Specification admin

Name Date Created Definition Designates the date and optionally the time the intellectual content was created rather than

the date of the creation of the physical representation. If no time is given the value should default to 00:00:00.

Photo Definition Designates the date and optionally the time the content of the image was created rather than the date of the creation of the digital representation. If no time is given the value should default to 00:00:00.

Photo Help Text Enter the Date the image was taken User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Date Created

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type DateTime (preferred: truncated DateTime)

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id DateCreated

XMP Value Type Date XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1: Any content of the IIM dataset 2:60, Time Created, should be merged to this element. Note 2: Implementers are encouraged to provide the creation date and time from the EXIF data of a digital camera to the user for entering this date for the first time.

IIM mapping 2:55 Date Created IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:DateCreated

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/contentCreated

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Description Writer Definition Identifier or the name of the person involved in writing, editing or correcting the description of

the content. Photo Definition Identifier or the name of the person involved in writing, editing or correcting the description of

the image. Photo Help Text Enter the name of the person involved in writing, editing or correcting the description of the

image User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Caption/Description writer

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id CaptionWriter

XMP Value Type Text

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XMP qualifiers Implementation note(s)

IIM mapping 2:122 Writer/Editor IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:CaptionWriter

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsitem/contentMeta/contributor

Property-attribute(s) @role="ctrol:descrWriter" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Instructions Definition Any of a number of instructions from the provider or creator to the receiver of the item.

Photo Definition Any of a number of instructions from the provider or creator to the receiver of the image which might include any of the following: embargoes (NewsMagazines OUT) and other restrictions not covered by the "Rights Usage Terms" field; information regarding the original means of capture (scanning notes, colourspace info) or other specific text information that the user may need for accurate reproduction; additional permissions or credits required when publishing.

Photo Help Text Enter information about embargoes, or other restrictions not covered by the Rights Usage field

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Instructions Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id Instructions

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping 2:40 Special Instruction

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:Instructions

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/itemMeta/edNote

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Job Id Definition Number or identifier for the purpose of improved workflow handling. This is a user created

identifier related to the job for which the item is supplied. Photo Definition Number or identifier for the purpose of improved workflow handling. This is a user created

identifier related to the job for which the image is supplied. Photo Help Text Enter a number or identifier needed for workflow control or tracking

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Job Identifier Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id TransmissionReference

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note: As this identifier references a job of the receiver's workflow it has first to be issued by the receiver, then be transmitted to the creator or provider of the news object and finally added by him to this field.

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IIM mapping 2:103 Original Transmission Reference IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:TransmissionReference

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/itemMeta/memberOf/@literal

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Title Definition A shorthand reference for the item. Title provides a short human readable name which can be

a text and/or numeric reference. It is not the same as Headline. Photo Definition A shorthand reference for the digital image. Title provides a short human readable name

which can be a text and/or numeric reference. It is not the same as Headline. Photo Help Text Enter a short verbal and human readable name for the image, this may be the file name

User Note(s) Many use the Title field to store the filename of the image, though the field may be used in many ways. Formal identifiers are provided by the Digital Image Id, or the Registry Entry, or the Supplier Image Id property of the IPTC Extension.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Title

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace dc XMP property id title

XMP Value Type Lang Alt XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1: This element aligns with the use of Dublin Core's "Title" element. Note 2: the XMP property (dc:title) which stores the value of this IPTC Core property is of type Lang Alt. Hence any software agent dealing with this property must abide to the processing rules for Lang Alt value type as specified by the XMP specifications.

IIM mapping 2:05 Object Name IIM/XMP mapping note(s) dc:title/*[@xml:lang='x-default']

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/itemMeta/title

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Copyright Notice Definition Contains any necessary copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property for this item and

should identify the current owner of the copyright for the item. Other entities like the creator of the item may be added in the corresponding field. Notes on usage rights should be provided in "Rights usage terms".

Photo Definition Contains any necessary copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property for this photograph and should identify the current owner of the copyright for the photograph. Other entities like the creator of the photograph may be added in the corresponding field. Notes on usage rights should be provided in "Rights usage terms".

Photo Help Text Enter a Notice on the current owner of the Copyright for this image, such as ©2008 Jane DoeUser Note(s) Copyright ownership can be expressed in a more controlled way using the PLUS fields

"Copyright Owner", "Copyright Owner ID", "Copyright Owner Name" of the IPTC Extension additionally. It is the user's responsibility to keep the values of the four fields in sync.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Copyright Notice

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation

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XMP namespace dc XMP property id rights

XMP Value Type Lang Alt XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note: the XMP property (dc:rights) which stores the value of this IPTC Core property is of type Lang Alt. Hence any software agent dealing with this property must abide to the processing rules for Lang Alt value type as specified by the XMP specifications.

IIM mapping 2:116 Copyright Notice IIM/XMP mapping note(s) dc:rights/*[@xml:lang='x-default']

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/copyrightNotice

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Creator Definition Contains the name of the person who created the content of this item, a photographer for

photos, a graphic artist for graphics, or a writer for textual news, but in cases where the photographer should not be identified the name of a company or organisation may be appropriate.

Photo Definition Contains the name of the photographer, but in cases where the photographer should not be identified the name of a company or organisation may be appropriate.

Photo Help Text Enter the name of the person that created this image User Note(s) The creator can be expressed in a more controlled way using the "Image Creator" of PLUS in

the IPTC Extension additionally. It is the user's responsibility to keep the values of the IPTC Core and the PLUS fields in sync.

Implementation Note(s) Synchronising this Creator property with PLUS' Image Creator Name should be supported by software.

Field label/title Creator Cardinality 0..unbounded

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace dc XMP property id creator

XMP Value Type Seq ProperName XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Aligning with IIM notions IPTC Core intents to have only one creator for this news object despite the underlying XMP property dc:creator allows for more than one item to be included. If there are more than one item in this array the first one should be considered as the IPTC Core Creator value.

IIM mapping 2:80 By-line IIM/XMP mapping note(s) dc:creator/*[1]

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/creator/name

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Creator's Contact Info Definition The creator's contact information provides all necessary information to get in contact with the

creator of this item and comprises a set of sub-properties for proper addressing. Photo Definition The creator's contact information provides all necessary information to get in contact with the

creator of this image and comprises a set of sub-properties for proper addressing. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) The IPTC Extension Licensor fields should be used instead of these Creator's Contact Info fields if you are using IPTC Extension fields. If the creator is also the licensor his or her contact information should be provided in the Licensor fields.

Implementation Note(s) The structure of Creator's Contact Info should not be visible to the user.

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Field label/title Creator's Contact info Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type struct Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CreatorContactInfo

XMP Value Type struct ContactInfo XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1 to user interface implementers: All sub-properties of "Creator's contact information" should be shown as group on the form. Note 2: the CreatorContactInfo sub-properties' naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) Iptc4xmpCore:CreatorContactInfo

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/creator/personDetails ....

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Creator's jobtitle Definition Contains the job title of the person who created the content of this item. As this is sort of a

qualifier the Creator element has to be filled in as mandatory prerequisite for using Creator's Jobtitle.

Photo Definition Contains the job title of the photographer. As this is sort of a qualifier the Creator element has to be filled in as mandatory prerequisite for using Creator's Jobtitle.

Photo Help Text Enter the Job Title of the person listed in the Creator field User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Creator's Jobtitle

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type string

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id AuthorsPosition

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping 2:85 By-line Title

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:AuthorsPosition

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/creator/facet

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Credit Line Definition The credit to person(s) and/or organisation(s) required by the supplier of the item to be used

when published. This is a free-text field. Photo Definition The credit to person(s) and/or organisation(s) required by the supplier of the image to be

used when published. This is a free-text field. Photo Help Text Enter who should be Credited when this image is published

User Note(s) Note 1: For more formal identifications of the creator or the owner of the copyrights of this image other rights properties may be used. Note 2: This property was named "Credit" by the IIM metadata, then it was renamed to "Provider" in IPTC Core 1.0 and has been renamed to "Credit Line" in IPTC Core 1.1. as this

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was actually the way the field has been used. Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Credit Line Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id Credit

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping 2:110 Credit

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:Credit

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/creditline

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Rights Usage Terms Definition The licensing parameters of the item expressed in free-text.

Photo Definition The licensing parameters of the image expressed in free-text. Photo Help Text Enter instructions on how this image can legally be used

User Note(s) The PLUS fields of the IPTC Extension can be used in parallel to express the licensed usage in more controlled terms.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Rights Usage Terms

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace xmpRights XMP property id UsageTerms

XMP Value Type Lang Alt XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) xmpRights:UsageTerms

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/usageTerms

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Source Definition Identifies the original owner of the copyright for the intellectual content of the item. This could

be an agency, a member of an agency or an individual. Source could be different from Creator and from the entities in the CopyrightNotice.

Photo Definition Identifies the original owner of the copyright for the intellectual content of the image. This could be an agency, a member of an agency or an individual. Source could be different from Creator and from the entities in the CopyrightNotice.

Photo Help Text Enter the original owner of the copyright of this image User Note(s) This field may be used primarily in syndication workflows.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Source

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

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Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace photoshop XMP property id Source

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) As the original owner can not change the content of this property should never be changed or deleted after the information is entered following the news object's initial creation.

IIM mapping 2:115 Source IIM/XMP mapping note(s) photoshop:Source

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/copyrightHolder

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name Contact Information Details structure Definition A generic structure providing a basic set of information to get in contact with a person or

organisation. Photo Definition A generic structure providing a basic set of information to get in contact with a person or

organisation. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Contact Information Cardinality

Basic data type structure Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id ContactInfoDetails

XMP Value Type structure XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Adoption of an appropriate person information scheme discussed - decision on 9 September. IIM mapping 2:118 Contact

IIM/XMP mapping note(s) NONE

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Maps to the "contactInfo" common component

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name Address {contact info detail} Definition The contact information address part. Comprises an optional company name and all required

information to locate the building or postbox to which mail should be sent. To that end, the address is a multiline field.

Photo Definition The contact information address part. Comprises an optional company name and all required information to locate the building or postbox to which mail should be sent. To that end, the address is a multiline field.

Photo Help Text Enter Address for the person that created this image User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title (Contact Info detail:) Address

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type string

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore

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XMP property id CiAdrExtadr XMP Value Type Text

XMP qualifiers Implementation note(s) Note 1: to user interface implementers: This field should be part of a "Contact information"

group on the form. Note 2: the ContactInfo naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) The referenced resource's Iptc4xmpCore:CiAdrExtadr

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) .../contactInfo/address/line

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name City {contact info detail} Definition The contact information city part.

Photo Definition The contact information city part. Photo Help Text Enter the City for the address of the person that created this image

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Contact Info detail:) City Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CiAdrCity

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1: to user interface implementers: This field should be part of a "Contact information" group on the form. Note 2: the ContactInfo naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) The referenced resource's Iptc4xmpCore:CiAdrCity

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) .../contactInfo/address/locality/name

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name Country {contact info detail} Definition The contact information country part.

Photo Definition The contact information country part. Photo Help Text Enter the Country name for the address of the person that created this image

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Contact Info detail:) Country Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CiAdrCtry

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1: to user interface implementers: This field should be part of a "Contact information"

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group on the form. Note 2: the ContactInfo naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) The referenced resource's Iptc4xmpCore:CiAdrCtry

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) .../contactInfo/address/country/name

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name Email address(es) {contact info detail} Definition The contact information email address part.

Photo Definition The contact information email address part. Photo Help Text Enter the work Email address(es) for the person that created this image, such as

[email protected] User Note(s) Multiple email addresses can be given. May have to be separated by a comma in the user

interface. Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Contact Info detail:) Email(s) Cardinality 0..unbounded

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CiEmailWork

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1 to user interface implementers: This field should be part of a "Contact information" group on the form. Note 2 to user interface implementers: provide sufficient space to fill in multiple e-mail addresses. Note 3: the ContactInfo naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) The referenced resource's Iptc4xmpCore:CiEmailWork

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) .../contactInfo/email

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name Phone number(s) {contact info detail} Definition The contact information phone number part.

Photo Definition The contact information phone number part. Photo Help Text Enter the work Phone number(s) for the person that created this image, using the international

format, such as +1 (123) 456789 User Note(s) Multiple numbers can be given. May have to be separated by a comma in the user interface.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title (Contact Info detail:) Phone(s)

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type string

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CiTelWork

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1 to user interface implementers: This field should be part of a "Contact information"

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group on the form. Note 2 to user interface implementers: provide sufficient space to fill in multiple international numbers. Note 3: the ContactInfo naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) The referenced resource's Iptc4xmpCore:CiTelWork

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) .../contactInfo/phone

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name Postal Code {contact info detail} Definition The contact information part denoting the local postal code.

Photo Definition The contact information part denoting the local postal code. Photo Help Text Enter the Postal Code for the address of the person that created this image

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Contact Info detail:) Postal Code Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CiAdrPcode

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1: to user interface implementers: This field should be part of a "Contact information" group on the form. Note 2: the ContactInfo naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) The referenced resource's Iptc4xmpCore:CiAdrPcode

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) .../contactInfo/address/postalCode

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name State/Provice {contact info detail} Definition The contact information part denoting regional information like state or province.

Photo Definition The contact information part denoting regional information like state or province. Photo Help Text Enter the State for the address of the person that created this image

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Contact Info detail:) State/Province Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CiAdrRegion

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1: to user interface implementers: This field should be part of a "Contact information" group on the form. Note 2: the ContactInfo naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

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IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) The referenced resource's Iptc4xmpCore:CiAdrRegion

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) .../contactInfo/address/area

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-ContInfo

Name Web URL(s) {contact info detail} Definition The contact information web address part. Multiple addresses can be given, separated by a

comma. Photo Definition The contact information web address part. Multiple addresses can be given. May have to be

separated by a comma in the user interface. Photo Help Text Enter the work Web URL(s) for the person that created this image, such as

http://www.domain.com/ User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title (Contact Info detail:) Web URL(s)

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type URL

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpCore XMP property id CiUrlWork

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) Note 1 to user interface implementers: This field should be part of a "Contact information" group on the form. Note 2 to user interface implementers: provide sufficient space to fill in multiple URLs. Note 3: the ContactInfo naming aligns with the vCard specification RFC 2426.

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s) The referenced resource's Iptc4xmpCore:CiUrlWork

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) .../contactInfo/web

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

“Deprecated” metadata elements Not all of the IIM datasets adopted by Adobe to be used for the Photoshop File Infos have been adopted for the IPTC Core schema – in terms of mapping and transferring metadata from the legacy IIM-based headers they have to be considered as deprecated: Urgency: As this metadata element pertains to distribution management it was not adopted. But it is still

synchronised with the XMP property “photoshop:Urgency” and hence available for future use – but outside the IPTC Core.

Category: As this metadata element was earmarked as deprecated already for IIM 4.1 it was not adopted. But it is still synchronised with the XMP property “photoshop:Category” and hence available for future use – but outside the IPTC Core.

Supplemental Categories: As this metadata element was earmarked as deprecated already for IIM 4.1 it was not adopted. But it is still synchronised with the XMP property “photoshop:SupplementalCategory” and hence available for future use – but outside the IPTC Core.

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Synchronising IIM elements with existing XMP properties This table shows how legacy metadata elements from the “IPTC header” – which were taken from the IPTC Information Interchange Model IIM are synchronised by Adobe Photoshop CS with XMP properties. <--- legacy IPTC headers ---> XMP

Photoshop name IIM name Mapping (XPath expression) Title 2:05 Object Name dc:title/*[@xml:lang='x-default'] Urgency 2:10 Urgency photoshop:Urgency Category 2:15 Category photoshop:Category Supplemental Categories 2:20 Supplemental Category photoshop:SupplementalCategory Keywords 2:25 Keywords dc:subject Instructions 2:40 Special Instruction photoshop:Instructions Date Created 2:55 Date Created photoshop:DateCreated Author 2:80 By-line dc:creator/*[1] AuthorsPosition 2:85 By-line Title photoshop:AuthorsPosition City 2:90 City photoshop:City State/Province 2:95 Province/State photoshop:State Country 2:101 Country/Primary Location Name photoshop:Country Transmission Reference 2:103 Original Transmission Reference photoshop:TransmissionReference Headline 2:105 Headline photoshop:Headline Credit 2:110 Credit photoshop:Credit Source 2:115 Source photoshop:Source Copyright Notice 2:116 Copyright Notice dc:rights/*[@xml:lang='x-default']

Description 2:120 Caption/Abstract dc:description/*[@xml:lang='x-default']

Description Writer 2:122 Writer/Editor photoshop:CaptionWriter As of September 2004.

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IPTC Extension schema 1.0 specifications

Names and Identifiers The XML namespace URI for the “IPTC Extension” version 1.0 is: http://iptc.org/std/Iptc4xmpExt/2008-02-29/

The preferred XML namespace-prefix for “IPTC Extension”-related XMP properties is: Iptc4xmpExt The use of this namespace-prefix is not mandatory but highly recommended for interoperability support.

User interfaces (like the custom panels in Adobe CS products) showing “IPTC Extension” properties must refer to it as an “IPTC Extension” or “IPTC …” panel.

Metadata Properties

Generic Specification descr

Name Additional Model Information Definition Information about the ethnicity and other facets of the model(s) in a model-released image.

Photo Definition Information about the ethnicity and other facets of the model(s) in a model-released image. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Use the Model Age field for the age of model(s). Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Additional model info Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id AddlModelInfo

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/description

Property-attribute(s) @role="drol:modelInfo" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Artwork or Object in the Image Definition A set of metadata about artwork or an object in the item

Photo Definition A set of metadata about artwork or an object in the image Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Artwork or object in the image Cardinality 0..unbounded

Basic data type structure Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id ArtworkOrObject

XMP Value Type bag ArtworkOrObjectDetails XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s)

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IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping rules are pending.

Generic Specification descr

Name Code of Organisation Featured in the Image Definition Code from a controlled vocabulary for identifying the organisation or company which is

featured in the content. Photo Definition Code from a controlled vocabulary for identifying the organisation or company which is

featured in the image. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) For example a stock ticker symbol may be used. Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Code of featured Organisation Cardinality 0..unbounded

Basic data type CV-code Required CV Open to any CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id OrganisationInImageCode

XMP Value Type bag Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/@qcode

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:organisation" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Controlled Vocabulary Term Definition A term to describe the content of the image by a value from a Controlled Vocabulary.

Photo Definition A term to describe the content of the image by a value from a Controlled Vocabulary. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s) This property is part of the Photo Metadata 2008 specifications, but should not released to

the public on the standard Adobe Custom Panels for IPTC metadata or other user interfaces unless agreed by the IPTC.

Field label/title Controlled Vocabulary Term Cardinality 0..unbounded

Basic data type CV-code Required CV Any Controlled Vocabulary registered with the IPTC for this field.

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id CVterm

XMP Value Type bag URI XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/@qcode

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

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Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Location Shown in the Image Definition A location the content of the item is about. For photos that is a location shown in the image.

Photo Definition A location shown in the image. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) If the location the image was taken is different from this location the property Location Created should be used too.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Location shown

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type structure

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id LocationShown

XMP Value Type bag LocationDetails XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/....

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:geoArea" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Model Age Definition Age of the human model(s) at the time this image was taken in a model released image.

Photo Definition Age of the human model(s) at the time this image was taken in a model released image. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) The user should be aware of any legal implications of providing ages for young models. Ages below 18 years should not be included.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Model age

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type numeric

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id ModelAge

XMP Value Type bag Integer XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/description

Property-attribute(s) @role="drol:modelAge" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Name of Organisation Featured in the Image Definition Name of the organisation or company which is featured in the content.

Photo Definition Name of the organisation or company which is featured in the image. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) May be supplemented by values from a controlled vocabulary in the Organisation Code field.

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Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Name of featured Organisation

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id OrganisationInImageName

XMP Value Type bag Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/name

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:organisation" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification descr

Name Person Shown in the Image Definition Name of a person the content of the item is about. For photos that is a person shown in the

image. Photo Definition Name of a person shown in the image. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Person shown Cardinality 0..unbounded

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id PersonInImage

XMP Value Type bag Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/name

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:person" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Digital Image GUID Definition Globally unique identifier for the item. It is created and applied by the creator of the item at

the time of its creation . This value shall not be changed after that time. Photo Definition Globally unique identifier for this digital image. It is created and applied by the creator of the

digital image at the time of its creation . This value shall not be changed after that time. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) The identifier will probably be generated by the technical means of an imaging device or software and should be applied to the digital image file as early as possible in its life cycle. This identifier does not identify any pictured content, particularly in case of a scan of non-digital images, only this digital representation.

Implementation Note(s) Any algorithm to create this identifier has to comply with the technical requirements to create a globally unique id. Any device creating digital images - e.g. still image cameras, video cameras, scanners - should create such an identifer right at the time of the creation of the digital data and add the id to the set of metadata without compromising performance. It is recommended that this image identifier allows to identify the device by which the data were

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created. IPTC's basic requirements for unique ids are: It must be globally unique. Algorithms for this purpose exist. It should identify the camera body. It should identify each individual photo from this camera body. It should identify the date and time of the creation of the picture. It should be secured against tampering. This field should be implemented in a way to prove it has not been changed since its value has been applied. If the identifier has been created by the imaging device its type and brand can be found in the Exif/technical metadata.

Field label/title Digital Image Identifier Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id DigImageGUID

XMP Value Type text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/altId

Property-attribute(s) @type="altidtype:imageGUID" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Digital Source File Type Definition The type of the source digital file.

Photo Definition The type of the source digital file. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s) re CV: CV-URI = http://cv.iptc.org/newscodes/digitalsourcefiletype/

Field label/title Physical type of original photo Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type CV-code Required CV Values are: Scan from film {scanfilm}, scan from transparency (including slide)

{scantransparancy}, scan from print {scanprint}, camera raw {cameraraw}, camera tiff {cameratiff}, camera jpeg {camerajpeg}

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id DigitalSourcefileType

XMP Value Type URI XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/Iptc4xmpExt:digSourceFileTyp/@qcode

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Event Definition Names or describes the specific event the content relates to.

Photo Definition Names or describes the specific event at which the photo was taken. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Examples are: a press conference, dedication ceremony, etc. If this is a sub-event of a larger

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event both can be provided by the field: e.g. XXXIX Olympic Summer Games (Beijing): opening ceremony.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Event

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id Event

XMP Value Type Lang Alt XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:event" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

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Generic Specification admin

Name Image Registry Entry Definition Both a Registry Item Id and a Registry Organisation Id to record any registration of this item

with a registry. Photo Definition Both a Registry Item Id and a Registry Organisation Id to record any registration of this digital

image with a registry. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Typically an id from a registry is negotiated and applied after the creation of the digital image. Implementation Note(s) Any user interface implementation must show both sub-properties - Item Id and Organisation

Id - as corresponding values. Further an input to both fields should be made mandatory. Field label/title Registry Entry

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type structure

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id RegistryId

XMP Value Type bag RegistryEntryDetails XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/altId

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Image Supplier Definition Identifies the most recent supplier of the item, who is not necessarily its owner or creator.

Photo Definition Identifies the most recent supplier of the image, who is not necessarily its owner or creator. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) For identifying the supplier either a well known and/or registered company name or a URL of the company's web site may be used. This property succeeds the Provider property of IPTC Core 1.0 by its semantics as that Provider was renamed to Credit Line.

Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema. Field label/title Image Supplier

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type structure

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id ImageSupplier

XMP Value Type Seq ImageSupplierDetail XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/ExtPoint

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

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Generic Specification admin

Name IPTC Metadata Last Edited Definition The date and optionally time when any of the IPTC photo metadata fields has been last edited

Photo Definition The date and optionally time when any of the IPTC photo metadata fields has been last edited.

Photo Help Text User Note(s) This field should be used as a timestamp of the latest change applied to any of the fields. One

may infer no metadata value has been applied after this date. Implementation Note(s) The value of this property can either be entered by the user or be set by a metadata editing

software. Field label/title IPTC Fields Last Edited

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type DateTime

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id IptcLastEdited

XMP Value Type Date XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) The value of this property can either be entered by the user or be set by a metadata editing software

IIM mapping IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification admin

Name Location created Definition The location the content of the item was created.

Photo Definition The location the photo was taken. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) If the location in the image is different from the location the photo was taken the IPTC Extension property Location Shown in the Image should be used.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title Location Created

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type structure

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id LocationCreated

XMP Value Type Bag LocationDetails XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contenteMeta/located/POIdetails/contactInfo/address/....(locality,area,country)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

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Generic Specification admin

Name Max Avail Height Definition The maximum available height in pixels of the original photo from which this photo has been

derived by downsizing. Photo Definition The maximum available height in pixels of the original photo from which this photo has been

derived by downsizing. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Maximum available height Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type integer Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id MaxAvailHeight

XMP Value Type Integer XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentSet[rendition='rnd:highRes']/height

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Only mapping out of G2!

Generic Specification admin

Name Max Avail Width Definition The maximum available width in pixels of the original photo from which this photo has been

derived by downsizing. Photo Definition The maximum available width in pixels of the original photo from which this photo has been

derived by downsizing. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title Maximum available width Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type integer Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id MaxAvailWidth

XMP Value Type Integer XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentSet[rendition='rnd:highRes']/width

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Only mapping out of G2!

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Generic Specification admin

Name PLUS Version Definition The version number of the PLUS standards in place at the time of the transaction.

Photo Definition The version number of the PLUS standards in place at the time of the transaction. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) In the event of a misunderstanding between the parties, PLUS Version provides a reference to the version of the PLUS standards that was in place at the time of the transaction. PLUS standards are updated periodically.

Implementation Note(s) This property was included into the IPTC Extension schema from PLUS version 1.2 as all other PLUS properties. To reflect this the value of "PLUS Version" should be set to the string "1.2.0"

Field label/title PLUS Version Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id Version

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Copyright Owner Definition Owner or owners of the copyright in the licensed image.

Photo Definition Owner or owners of the copyright in the licensed image. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Serves to identify the rights holder/s for the image. The Copyright Owner, Image Creator, Image Source and Licensor may be the same or different entities.

Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema. Field label/title Copyright owner

Cardinality 0..3 Basic data type structure

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id CopyrightOwner

XMP Value Type Seq CopyrightOwnerDetail XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/CopyrightHolder/@qcode + /name

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

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Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Image Creator Definition Creator or creators of the image.

Photo Definition Creator or creators of the image Photo Help Text

User Note(s) The creator can be expressed in free-text using the IPTC Core Creator field additionally. In many countries, the Image Creator must be attributed in association with any use of the image. The Image Creator, Copyright Owner, Image Supplier and Licensor may be the same or different entities.

Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema. Field label/title Image Creator

Cardinality 0..3 Basic data type structure

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id ImageCreator

XMP Value Type Seq ImageCreatorDetail XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/creator/@qcode + /name

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Licensor Definition A person or company that should be contacted to obtain a licence for using the item or who

has licensed the item. Photo Definition A person or company that should be contacted to obtain a licence for using the item or who

has licensed the item. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema.

Field label/title Licensor Cardinality 0..3

Basic data type struct Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id Licensor

XMP Value Type bag LicensorDetail XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/ExtPoint

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

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Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Minor Model Age Disclosure Definition Age of the youngest model pictured in the image, at the time that the image was made.

Photo Definition Age of the youngest model pictured in the image, at the time that the image was made. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) This age should not be displayed to the public on open web portals and the like. But it may be used by image repositories in a B2B enviroment.

Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema. Field label/title Minor Model Age Disclosure

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type CV-code

Required CV CV defined by PLUS

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id MinorModelAgeDisclosure

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/ExtPoint

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Model Release Id Definition A PLUS-ID identifying each Model Release.

Photo Definition A PLUS-ID identifying each Model Release. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema.

Field label/title Model Release Id Cardinality 0..unbounded

Basic data type Identifier Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id ModelReleaseID

XMP Value Type Bag Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/ExtPoint

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Model Release Status Definition Summarizes the availability and scope of model releases authorizing usage of the likenesses

of persons appearing in the photograph. Photo Definition Summarizes the availability and scope of model releases authorizing usage of the likenesses

of persons appearing in the photograph. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) It is recommended to apply the PLUS controlled value Unlimited Model Releases (MR-UMR)

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very carefully and to check the wording of the model release thoroughly before applying it. Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema.

Field label/title Model Release Status Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type CV-code Required CV CV defined by PLUS

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id ModelReleaseStatus

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/ExtPoint

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Property Release Id Definition A PLUS-ID identifying each Property Release.

Photo Definition A PLUS-ID identifying each Property Release. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema.

Field label/title Property Release Id Cardinality 0..unbounded

Basic data type Identifier Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace plus XMP property id PropertyReleaseID

XMP Value Type Bag Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/ExtPoint

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification rightsrel

Name Property Release Status Definition Summarizes the availability and scope of property releases authorizing usage of the properties

appearing in the photograph. Photo Definition Summarizes the availability and scope of property releases authorizing usage of the properties

appearing in the photograph. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) It is recommended to apply the value PR-UPR very carefully and to check the wording of the property release thoroughly before applying it.

Implementation Note(s) This is a PLUS version 1.2 property included in the IPTC Extension schema. Field label/title Property Release Status

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type CV-code

Required CV CV defined by PLUS

XMP implementation

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XMP namespace plus XMP property id PropertyReleaseStatus

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/rightsInfo/ExtPoint

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-artobj

Name Artwork or Object in the Image Details {data type} Definition A structured datatype for details about artwork or an object in an image

Photo Definition A structured datatype for details about artwork or an object in an image Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title N/A Cardinality

Basic data type structure Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id ArtworkOrObjectDetails

XMP Value Type structure XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping rules are pending.

Generic Specification type-artobj

Name Copyright Notice {Artwork or Object detail} Definition Contains any necessary copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property for artwork or an

object in the image and should identify the current owner of the copyright of this work with associated intellectual property rights.

Photo Definition Contains any necessary copyright notice for claiming the intellectual property for artwork or an object in the image and should identify the current owner of the copyright of this work with associated intellectual property rights.

Photo Help Text User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title (Artwork or Object detail:) Copyright notice

Cardinality 0..1 Basic data type free-text

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id AOCopyrightNotice

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

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IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping rules are pending.

Generic Specification type-artobj

Name Creator {Artwork or Object detail} Definition Contains the name of the artist who has created artwork or an object in the image.

Photo Definition Contains the name of the artist who has created artwork or an object in the image. In cases where the artist could or should not be identified the name of a company or organisation may be appropriate.

Photo Help Text User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title (Artwork or Object detail:) Creator

Cardinality 0..unbounded Basic data type string

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id AOCreator

XMP Value Type Seq ProperName XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping rules are pending.

Generic Specification type-artobj

Name Date Created {Artwork or Object detail} Definition Designates the date and optionally the time the artwork or object in the image was created.

This relates to artwork or objects with associated intellectual property rights. Photo Definition Designates the date and optionally the time the artwork or object in the image was created.

This relates to artwork or objects with associated intellectual property rights. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Artwork or Object detail:) Date created Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type DateTime (preferred: truncated DateTime) Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id AODateCreated

XMP Value Type Date XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping rules are pending.

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Generic Specification type-artobj

Name Source {Artwork or Object detail} Definition The organisation or body holding and registering the artwork or object in the image for

inventory purposes. Photo Definition The organisation or body holding and registering the artwork or object in the image for

inventory purposes. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Artwork or Object detail:) Source Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id AOSource

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping rules are pending.

Generic Specification type-artobj

Name Source Inventory Number {Artwork or Object detail} Definition The inventory number issued by the organisation or body holding and registering the artwork

or object in the image. Photo Definition The inventory number issued by the organisation or body holding and registering the artwork

or object in the image. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Artwork or Object detail:) Source inventory number Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id AOSourceInvNo

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping rules are pending.

Generic Specification type-artobj

Name Title {Artwork or Object detail} Definition A reference for the artwork or object in the image.

Photo Definition A reference for the artwork or object in the image. Photo Help Text

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User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Artwork or Object detail:) Title Cardinality 0..1

Basic data type free-text Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id AOTitle

XMP Value Type Lang Alt XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping rules are pending.

Generic Specification type-location

Name City {location detail} Definition Name of the city of a location. This element is at the fourth level of a top-down geographical

hierarchy. Photo Definition Name of the city of a location. This element is at the fourth level of a top-down geographical

hierarchy. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Location detail:) City Cardinality 1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id City

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:geoArea"+@facet="fct:city" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping for Location Shown in the Image only

Generic Specification type-location

Name Country ISO-Code {location detail} Definition The ISO code of a country of a location. This element is at the second level of a top-down

geographical hierarchy. Photo Definition The ISO code of a country of a location. This element is at the second level of a top-down

geographical hierarchy. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Location detail:) Country ISO-Code Cardinality 1

Basic data type CV-code Required CV

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XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id CountryCode

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/@qcode

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:geoArea"+@facet="fct:country" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping for Location Shown in the Image only

Generic Specification type-location

Name Country Name {location detail} Definition The name of a country of a location. This element is at the second level of a top-down

geographical hierarchy. Photo Definition The name of a country of a location. This element is at the second level of a top-down

geographical hierarchy. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Location detail:) Country Name Cardinality 1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id CountryName

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/name

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:geoArea"+@facet="fct:country" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping for Location Shown in the Image only

Generic Specification type-location

Name Location Details {data type} Definition A structured datatype for details of a location

Photo Definition A structured datatype for details of a location Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title N/A Cardinality

Basic data type structure Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id LocationDetails

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

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G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-location

Name Province or State {location detail} Definition The name of a subregion of a country - a province or state - of a location. This element is at

the third level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. Photo Definition The name of a subregion of a country - a province or state - of a location. This element is at

the third level of a top-down geographical hierarchy. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Location detail:) Province/State Cardinality 1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id ProviceState

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:geoArea"+@facet="fct:provState" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s) Mapping for Location Shown in the Image only

Generic Specification type-location

Name Sublocation {location detail} Definition Name of a sublocation. This sublocation name could either be the name of a sublocation to a

city or the name of a well known location or (natural) monument outside a city. In the sense of a sublocation to a city this element is at the fifth level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.

Photo Definition Name of a sublocation. This sublocation name could either be the name of a sublocation to a city or the name of a well known location or (natural) monument outside a city. In the sense of a sublocation to a city this element is at the fifth level of a top-down geographical hierarchy.

Photo Help Text User Note(s)

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title (Location detail:) Sublocation

Cardinality 1 Basic data type string

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id Sublocation

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:geoArea"+@facet="fct:subLoc" QCode scheme

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Implementation note(s) Mapping for Location Shown in the Image only

Generic Specification type-location

Name World Region {location detail} Definition The name of a world region of a location. This element is at the first (topI) level of a top-down

geographical hierarchy. Photo Definition The name of a world region of a location. This element is at the first (topI) level of a top-down

geographical hierarchy. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Location detail:) World Region Cardinality 1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id WorldRegion

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/subject/

Property-attribute(s) @type="cpnat:geoArea"+@facet="fct:worldReg" QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-registryid

Name Item Id {registry entry detail} Definition A unique identifier created by a registry and applied by the creator of the item. This value shall

not be changed after being applied. This identifier is linked to a corresponding Registry Organisation Identifier.

Photo Definition A unique identifier created by a registry and applied by the creator of the digital image. This value shall not be changed after being applied. This identifier is linked to a corresponding Registry Organisation Identifier.

Photo Help Text User Note(s) This identifier may be globally unique by itself, but it must be unique for the issuing registry.

Implementation Note(s) Field label/title (Registry Entry detail:) Item Identifier

Cardinality 1 Basic data type string

Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id RegItemId

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/altId

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

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Generic Specification type-registryid

Name Organisation Id {registry entry detail} Definition An identifier for the registry which issued the corresponding Registry Image Id.

Photo Definition An identifier for the registry which issued the corresponding Registry Image Id. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title (Registry Entry detail:) Organisation Identifier Cardinality 1

Basic data type string Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id RegOrgId

XMP Value Type Text XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath) /newsItem/contentMeta/altId/@type="RegOrgId"

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

Generic Specification type-registryid

Name Registry Entry Details {data type} Definition A structured datatype for an entry in a registry, includes the id issued by the registry and the

registry's id. Photo Definition A structured datatype for an entry in a registry, includes the id for the image issued by the

registry and the registry's id. Photo Help Text

User Note(s) Implementation Note(s)

Field label/title N/A Cardinality

Basic data type structure Required CV

XMP implementation XMP namespace Iptc4xmpExt XMP property id RegistryEntryDetails

XMP Value Type structure XMP qualifiers

Implementation note(s) IIM mapping

IIM/XMP mapping note(s)

G2 implementation Property name (XPath)

Property-attribute(s) QCode scheme

Implementation note(s)

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References Name Source Adobe XMP Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP)

http://www.adobe.com/products/xmp/ Specification as of September 2005 This document includes the specification of the metadata schemas Dublin Core, XMP Rights management and Photoshop which are referenced in this specification.

DC Dublin Core metadata schema: http://www.dublincore.org/

IPTC G2-Standards IPTC G2-Standards: EventsML-G2 and NewsML-G2 (as of 2008) http://www.iptc.org/G2-Standards/

IPTC IIM IPTC Information Interchange Model: http://www.iptc.org/IIM/ and http://www.iptc.org/std/IIM/4.1/specification/IIMV4.1.pdf

PhMdWP2007 IPTC Photo Metadata White Paper 2007 http://www.iptc.org/goto?phmdwp2007

PLUS Photo Licensing Universal System – PLUS: http://www.useplus.org PLUS specifications: http://www.useplus.com/useplus/standards.asp

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Addendum 1: Persisting Technical Photo Metadata – a recommendation

Objectives for Technical Photo Metadata Technical photo metadata within the scope of this paper are: - Digital camera manufacturers’ metadata, including all Exif and MakerNote metadata that record the camera

settings and image capture conditions - ICC metadata in the form of ICC profiles, if embedded, that define the colours of the image in a standard way - Other third-party application metadata, for example, Photoshop and Fotoware metadata, and face detection

metadata - File format metadata like that in Exif DCF2, camera RAW, JPEG 2000 or JPEG XR. All these forms of technical metadata should be persisted, in addition to all other such as contained in the IPTC Core, IPTC Extension or IIM metadata. Why do we need to persist technical metadata? Technical metadata must be viewed as being just as important as descriptive (content oriented) metadata standards defined by the IPTC. Both types of metadata are essential to the business of picture agencies, news reporting and cultural heritage works. The prime reason to preserve and maintain technical metadata is to take advantage of technical developments and digital photography. Workflows need to be faster and more efficient, saving time and money whenever and wherever possible, image quality needs to be higher, and search and retrieval for images needs to be more discerning and more fruitful. The digital present and the digital future require a general all-round improvement in the use of resources and digital assets. A more complete discussion regarding the benefits of keeping technical metadata is given in an extended version of “Persisting Technical Photo Metadata” available on the Ifra web sitei. After reading this document, it should become clear that there is much to be gained by keeping all metadata and the highest advantages can be obtained at low cost through automatic software procedures.

Photo Workflows Whenever photos are captured by digital cameras, metadata is written into the image file. Subsequently, additional metadata is written by the photographer, picture desk editor, picture librarians and also automatically by application and system software. Software applications need to be aware of metadata that has been added to the image by, firstly, the digital camera and, secondly, by other people or another application, so that a complete record of metadata is preserved and persisted with each image as it passes through every stage of the workflow. How to persist metadata in different workflows Workflow diagrams are shown here for the persistence of technical metadata for:

a) the general case b) a news picture agency c) a newspaper

The workflow diagrams that have red asterisks show where metadata can be invalidated or lost, if the software application does not fully support technical metadata by updating certain fields after processing and correctly writing the metadata into the image file on saving.

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Generalised Photo Value Chain


Image files with multiple metadata

Image handling software persists all technical metadata

Media- or advertising


Stock photo agency



News PhotographerNews or stock photo agency

Syndication Publisher


At every stage in the value chain, starting with downloading images from the camera to a storage device, and at every further stage of picture annotation and editing, only software that persists and maintains all photo metadata should be used.

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IPTC Photo Metadata 2008 - Document Revision 1 Production – Public Release

News Agency Workflow(example from dpa, Deutsche Presse-Agentur)

Image files with multiple metadata

Image handling software persists all technical metadata

Image editing e.g. Photoshop



Metadata added bylibrarian

Editorial captioning& archiving

Manually add captions& IPTC fields


Partner agencies

Local scanners

Picture desk

IT system

Automatic date:tim

e metadata added






Confirm payment to photographer or agency

Photo editor selects image & writes caption

Assistant editor crops & adjusts colour

Photo added to layout & paginated


U.S. Newspaper's Workflow( a typical example )

Web site ore-media editor

Metadata added by librarian



Image files with multiple metadata

Image handling software persists all technical metadata

Copy sent to Associated Press

Automatic date:tim

e metadata added

Photo database

Specials from other newspapers

Wire services

Negative print/scanner


Freelance photos

Clerks correct & append metadata


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IPTC Photo Metadata 2008 - Document Revision 1 Production – Public Release

Recommendations 1. Persisting technical metadata means all metadata properties and their values relating to:

- Basic file management (e.g. file type, image dimensions in pixels, orientation, image data compression parameters) MUST BE PERSISTED AND MAINTAINED to record the current state of the image - Administration (e.g. date and time of capture, creator, copyright holder, GPS, unique image ID) MUST BE PERSISTED AND MAINTAINED - Camera settings (e.g. auto- or manual exposure, auto- or manual focus, colour space and colour profile, ISO setting, scene type, camera ID, lens ID) MUST BE PERSISTED AND NOT CHANGED - Image capture conditions (e.g. exposure time, lens aperture, distance to subject) MUST BE PERSISTED AND NOT CHANGED, and - Descriptions (e.g. comments, title) are to be added and ARE OPTIONALLY PERSISTED AND EDITED.

2. All metadata, descriptive and technical, should be persisted in accordance with the first recommendation,

above, as long as each image file remains digitally accessible. All JPEG-based Exif, TIFF/EP and camera RAW files contain technical camera metadata. PDF files also contain technical metadata, as do the new generation of file formats, JPEG 2000 and JPEG XR.

3. All technical metadata should be persisted, even if they are not required for use by the current application

in a workflow step. Any application should not be limited by inadequate metadata processing of software in a previous workflow step. It should not remove any property.

4. Versioning metadata, to historically record all modifications to the image, is optional. Similarly, an

application must be able to update standard metadata, where appropriate. 5. If the picture data is edited, for example through orientation, colour characterisation, sizing or cropping,

then the pertinent metadata (e.g. pixel height and width) and the thumbnail image need to be updated in the file to be commensurate with the main picture data.

6. Image suppliers should persist all of the technical metadata, both standard and proprietary, in its existing

and standardised form within the respective image files (Exif, TIFF, JPEG 2000, RAW, PDF, DNG etc.). Not just one schema for metadata has to be supported today, but several - IPTC IIM and IPTC Core, IPTC Extension, TIFF, Dublin Core, Exif, ICC and others.

7. In order for the technical metadata to be usable by the widest range of existing applications, technical

metadata is required in its original schema. The Exif format, for example, is by far the most common digital camera format and schema for digital pictures. All automatic image processing applications cater first and foremost for this format and schema, while extending their capabilities to other less common formats as well. Technical metadata originating from the camera-, ICC profiles-, GPS information- and face detection metadata, should remain in the schema in which it was originally created by the camera or application. This would ensure maximum compatibility with clients' and customers' systems and workflows today. If technical metadata is repeated in another schema within the same file, the metadata should still be persisted to its fullest extent in its original schema. Additionally, any updating of a metadata property that becomes necessary in one schema, for example because of, image processing or administration, should be automatically replicated by the software in each of the other metadata schemas where the same property appears in that file. Without this assistance, photo sources have problems in keeping multiple sets of the same metadata current and synchronised within the file.

8. For the future, the use of a single schema for all metadata is to be recommended, but not until such a

schema is approved by all bodies that issue imaging file standards (e.g. ISO, IEC, ITU, JEITA, JPEG, ICC). 9. Archived images should be a copy of the original picture data and full metadata so that, as the use of

technical metadata develops, it shall become possible to take advantage of new algorithms to further improve image quality, the use of image resources and asset management.

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10. Technical metadata and the associated image pixel data should always be kept together or be linked together in an unambiguous manner.

11. While the persistence of all metadata is the prime goal, metadata that contravenes personal information

data protection, or personal-, state- or national security may be removed because of legal requirements. Software that captures all metadata must contain functions that allow the deletion of sensitive metadata, if it contravenes just one of these principles. For example, under some circumstances, a personal ID and GPS information could both be considered safety hazards to a photojournalist in the field and must be removed before distribution.

12. When organisations create or support formats for photos or picture standards, they should ensure that the

respective schema or format can be read or be written by freely available software, preferably under an Open Source Licence. This would enable the reading and writing of image data and metadata so that the above recommendations are met, while obtaining such software should not then become expensiveii. Only when such software is freely available and easily integrated into picture-handling programs, can the agencies and organisations which are currently unable to take advantage of the technical developments in digital photography expect to participate effectively in an international trading of pictures.

i http://www.ifra.com/Persisting_Technical_Photo_Metadata.pdf ii An example of such software is Phil Harvey’s ExifTool to be found at: http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/

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