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Page 1: IPTI – International Property Tax Institute - Funding Futures ......Australasian Property Tax Summit November 14-15, 2019 Melbourne, Australia Property taxes are a vital source of

In co-operation with Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ)

Society of Local Government Managers, New Zealand (SOLGM) Australasian Council of Valuers-General (ACOVG)

International Property Tax Institute 5 Kodiak Crescent, Unit 10, Toronto, Ontario, Canada



Futures for Local


N o v e m b e r 1 4 - 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

Angliss Conference Centre, Melbourne, Australia

2019 Australasian Property Tax Summit

Page 2: IPTI – International Property Tax Institute - Funding Futures ......Australasian Property Tax Summit November 14-15, 2019 Melbourne, Australia Property taxes are a vital source of

Australasian Property Tax Summit│November 14-15, 2019

Melbourne, Australia

Property taxes are a vital source of revenue for governments around the world, and are especially important for local governments. But they are a very ‘visible’ tax – typically a lump sum charge – and often portrayed as an excessive impost of households and business. But the demand for community services and infrastructure continues to grow, and local government’s role is expanding whilst funding pressures become more acute. How can local councils in Australia and New Zealand optimize their existing revenue base and develop additional sources of funding? Does the system of property taxes need to change? What are possible options for the future? What can we learn from recent international experience? The International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) is pleased to present a two-day conference in Melbourne to canvass these issues. The conference will feature leading experts and practitioners from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Britain. It will also allow plenty of time for questions and discussions amongst delegates.

W H O S H O U L D A T T E N D ?

Local government mayors, councillors, chief executives and managers; state, territory, federal government officials; representatives of business and community organisations; academic researchers and other individuals with an interest in tax policy and options for future funding of public services and infrastructure.


Dr Kathy Alexander is Chair of the Panel conducting the Victorian Local Government Rating System Review. She is a former CEO of the City of Melbourne and of Melbourne’s Royal Children’s and Royal Women’s hospitals, Chair of Administrators of the City of Greater Geelong, and South Australian Telstra Businesswoman of the Year. John Comrie is Principal of JAC Comrie Pty Ltd, and plays a leading role in efforts to improve financial governance and performance across Australian local government. Previously he headed the South Australian Office of Local Government and was CEO of the State’s Local Government Association and a large municipality in metropolitan Adelaide. Councillor Penny Hulse is a senior member of the National Council of Local Government New Zealand. Her local government career spans three decades and includes membership of the Waitemata District Health Board and Waitakere Community Board, a term as Deputy Mayor of the former Waitakere City Council, and two terms as Deputy Mayor of the amalgamated Auckland Council. She cares passionately about the Auckland region and its communities. Andrew Duncan is Manager Financial Policy with Auckland Council, New Zealand, responsible for advising elected members on rates (property taxes) and development contributions (impact fees). He also played a leading role in standardising the rating policies of the seven former councils that now make up Auckland Council.

Dr Graeme Emonson has been Executive Director of Local Government Victoria, the State agency that oversees and supports municipalities, since 2016. Before that he was CEO of Knox City Council in suburban Melbourne and the Rural City of Wangaratta. He has also served as President of LG Pro Victoria (the peak body for local government professionals). Professor Arthur Grimes holds the Chair of Wellbeing and Public Policy at Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Government (New Zealand). He is also Senior Fellow at Motu Economic and Public Policy Research. Prior positions include Chairman and Chief Economist of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, and Board Member of the Financial Markets Authority. Robert Marsh was appointed Valuer-General of Victoria in 2007, and is the State's independent authority on property valuations, including in particular valuations for local government rating. He began his career at the City of Melbourne, and has wide-ranging experience in valuation, property finance and consulting in both Australia and New Zealand. Belinda Ngo is the Executive Director, Capital Markets for the Property Council of Australia, responsible for national policy relating to investment, tax and capital markets. She is an accountant and solicitor, and worked previously for KPMG and the Macquarie Group.


Page 3: IPTI – International Property Tax Institute - Funding Futures ......Australasian Property Tax Summit November 14-15, 2019 Melbourne, Australia Property taxes are a vital source of

Australasian Property Tax Summit│November 14-15, 2019

A B O U T T H E S P E A K E R S c o n t i n u e d . .

Dr Mike Reid is Principal Policy Advisor with Local Government New Zealand. He has worked with LGNZ since 1996, covering a diverse range of policy areas including legislative change, social policy, relationships with Maori and local democracy. He also serves on the board of the Institute of Governance and Policy Studies at Victoria University Wellington. Councillor Coral Ross is President of the Municipal Association of Victoria and national Vice President of the Australian Local Government Women's Association. She is a former Mayor of the City of Boorondara in Melbourne, and in 2014 received one of the '100 Women of Influence’ awards. This year she was inducted into the Victorian Women’s Roll of Honour. Paul Sanderson is President of the International Property Tax Institute. Previously he was Director of Professional Services at the UK Valuation Office Agency and President of the Rating Surveyors’ Association. He has also worked as a specialist consultant to both the World Bank and United Nations, supporting urban infrastructure and property-related projects in developing countries. Graham Sansom is Adjunct Professor at the University of Technology Sydney. Until the end of 2012 he was professor and director of the UTS Centre for Local Government and foundation director of the Australian Centre of Excellence for Local Government. Previously he held senior positions with state and local governments, and was CEO of the Australian Local Government Association. Murray Sherwin is Chair of the New Zealand Productivity Commission. He is an economist with many years’ experience in a wide variety of public policy roles. He has been Chief Executive of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, and a member of the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank. Dr Enid Slack is Director of the Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance (IMFG) at the University of Toronto. She is respected across Canada and internationally for her policy advice, and among many appointments has been a Commissioner on the Property Tax Policy Review Commission for the City of Vancouver. She plays a leading role with the International Property Tax Institute.

Dr Marcus Spiller is a Melbourne-based urban economist and planner, and a founding partner of SGS Economics and Planning. He has extensive experience in public policy analysis, and provides high-level advice on metropolitan planning and governance, housing policy and urban infrastructure delivery to all levels of government and the private sector. Callum Taylor is the Deputy Valuer General of New Zealand. Kerry Thompson was appointed Chief Executive of the Municipal Association of Victoria in 2018, the first woman to occupy this position since the association was formed in 1879. She has more than 20 years experience in executive leadership roles in both local and state government, including as acting Chief Executive of VicRoads, and CEO of both Wyndham and Maribyrnong City Councils. Professor Neil Warren is based at the University of New South Wales Business School, Sydney. He specialis-es in public sector economics with a focus on taxation policy and fiscal federalism, and has advised govern-ments, parliamentary committees, and welfare and industry groups. In 2018 he co-authored of Pathways to State Property Tax Reform. Phil Western is National Director for Government Valuation and Advisory Services with Colliers International, based in Sydney. He is a former Valuer-General of New South Wales. He is a Board Member of the International Valuation Standards Council, and an adviser to the International Property Tax Institute.

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Australasian Property Tax Summit│November 14-15, 2019


T h u r s d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 4 , 2 0 1 9

Time Topic Chair/Speaker

12:00-1:00 pm Registration and Light Lunch

1:00-1:30 pm Introduction and Official Opening Paul Sanderson, President International Property Tax Institute (IPTI) Councillor Coral Ross Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) Councillor Penny Hulse Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ)

1:30-2:10 pm Global Overview: Property Tax and Funding Local Government

Chair: Councillor Coral Ross Speaker: Dr Enid Slack Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance, University of Toronto

2:10-3:20 pm Property Tax Challenges Australia New Zealand

Speakers: Professor Arthur Grimes Victoria University of Wellington Professor Neil Warren University of New South Wales

3:20-3:50 pm Break

3:50-5:00 pm Funding Local Government Chair: Councillor Penny Hulse Speakers: John Comrie, Principal JAC Comrie Pty Ltd. Murray Sherwin, Chair, New Zealand Productivity Commission

5:00-5:30 pm Private Sector Viewpoint

Chair: Paul Sanderson, IPTI Speaker: Belinda Ngo, Executive Director, Capital Markets, Property Council of Australia

5:30-6:00 pm Plenary Discussion & Day One Wrap-Up Graham Sansom, Adjunct Professor, University of Technology, Sydney

6:00-7:00 pm Welcome Reception

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Australasian Property Tax Summit│November 14-15, 2019


F r i d a y , N o v e m b e r 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

Time Topic Chairs/Speakers

8:30-8:50 am Registration (Tea and Coffee)

8:50-8:55 am Introduction to Day 2 Paul Sanderson, President International Property Tax Institute

8:55-9:55 am Foundations of Local Government Part 1: Property Valuation

Chair: Phil Western, National Director Valuation, Colliers International Speakers: Callum Taylor, Deputy Valuer-General New Zealand Robert Marsh, Valuer-General Victoria

9:55-10:55 am Foundations of Local Government Part 2: Rating Systems

Chair: Councillor Penny Hulse, National Council Member Speakers: Dr Kathy Alexander, Chair Victoria Rating System Review Panel Andrew Duncan, Manager Financial Poli-cy, Auckland Council, New Zealand

10:55-11:25 am Break

11:25-1:15 pm Property Tax and Funding Local Government: Where To From Here? Panel and Plenary Discussion

Chair: Dr Enid Slack, University of Toronto Speakers: Kerry Thompson, CEO, Municipal Association of Victoria Dr. Mike Reid, Principal Policy Advisor, Local Government New Zealand Dr. Marcus Spiller, Partner, SGS Economics and Planning Dr. Graeme Emonson, Executive Director Local Government Victoria

1:15-1:30 pm Closing Remarks Paul Sanderson, IPTI

1:30-2:30 pm Lunch

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F E E S a n d R E G I S T R A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N

Australasia Property Tax Summit │ November 14-15, 2019 Angliss Conference Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

C O N F E R E N C E F E E Fees are payable by cheque or secure on-line payment in AUD $ and includes all materials, breaks, lunches, and

refreshments. Accommodation is not included.

Cancellations must be in writing. Cancellations received 15 days prior to conference will be charged 25% administration fee. No refunds for cancellations received after this date. Substitutes are welcome.


Paying On-Line? Please forward this form with receipt for online payment to [email protected]

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International Property Tax Institute


Early Bird Rate Register prior to October 4, 2019 $545.00 NZD

Regular Rate Register after October 4, 2019 $600.00 NZD

Groups of 3 or more from same organization $565.00 NZD

C O N F E R E N C E V E N U E A N D A C C O M M O D A T I O N Angliss Conference Centre │ 555 LaTrobe Street │ Melbourne, Australia

IPTI does not arrange accommodation. The Angliss Centre has discount arrangements with the hotels listed below. There is also a wide range of other hotels and short-stay accommodations available within a short walk of the venue. All can be found on the major booking websites. Please contact the hotel of your choice.

Radisson Hotel, 380 William Street, Melbourne radisson.com/melbourne-hotel

The Jazz Hotel, 352 William Street, Melbourne [email protected]

The Atlantis Hotel,300 Spencer Street, Melbourne Atlantishotel.com.au

International Property Tax Institute 5 Kodiak Crescent, Unit 10 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

M3J 3E5


Early Bird deadline extended

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