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Investigating RINA as an Alternative to TCP/IP Investigating RINA as an Alternative to TCP/IP

Project Presentation

Kick-off meeting, Barcelona, January 21st 2013

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•  Project at a glance •  Goals and outcomes •  General structure and phases of the project

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Project at a glance

•  What? Main goals –  To advance the state of the art of RINA towards an architecture

reference model and specifications that are closer to enable implementations deployable in production scenarios.

–  The design and implementation of a RINA prototype on top of Ethernet will enable the experimentation and evaluation of RINA in comparison to TCP/IP.



Total  Cost   1,126,660  €  

EC  Contribu5on   870,000  €  (77,2%)  

Dura+on   2  years  

Start  Date   1st  January  2013  

External  Advisory  Board  

Juniper  Networks,  ATOS,    CISCO  Systems,  Telecom  Italia,  BU    

5  ac+vi+es:  

  WP1: Project management   WP2: Architecture, Use cases and

Requirements   WP3: Software Design and

Implementation   WP4: Deployment into OFELIA

testbed, Experimentation and Validation

  WP5: Dissemination, Standardisation and Exploitation

Who?  4  partners  

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•  Project at a glance •  Goals and outcomes •  General structure and phases of the project

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Objective 1: Enhancement of the RINA architecture reference model and specifications, focusing on DIFs over Ethernet

•  How it will be achieved: –  The consortium, lead by the industrial partners will elaborate the project use

cases (3 iterations, one per each phase) –  The use cases will be analyzed and requirements extracted. These

requirements will set the level of features that the RINA specifications have to support. The focus of IRATI is to advance the current RINA state of the art in the following areas: DIFs over Ethernet, IPC Process Authentication, Access Control mechanisms in RINA, SDU protection techniques, RIB structure, Routing and Resource Allocation.

–  Uncompleted RINA specifications will be enhanced and new specs will be drafted in the case they are still missing (e.g. DIFs over Ethernet).

–  After implementing and experimenting with the prototype, all the feedback will be reincorporated to the specifications (which will be updated), and they will be contributed to the Pouzin Society for standardization.


The   enhancement   of   the   RINA   specifica5ons   carried   out   within   IRATI   will   be   driven   by  three  main   forces:   i)   the   specifica5on   of   a   DIF   over   Ethernet   as   the   underlying   physical  media;   ii)   the   comple5on   of   the   specifica5ons   that   enable   RINA   to   provide   a   level   of  service   similar   to   the   current   Internet   (low   security,   best-­‐effort)   and   iii)   the   project   use  cases   targe5ng   ambi5ous   scenarios   that   are   challenging   for   current   TCP/IP   networks  (targe5ng  features  like  mul5-­‐homing,  security  or  quality  of  service).  

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Objective 2: Open source RINA prototype for a UNIX-like OS

•  How it will be achieved: –  A high level modular software architecture for the RINA prototype will be

produced in WP2, based on the RINA architecture reference model, the updated specifications and the software architecture of the selected OS. The architecture will be refined at each of the 3 project iterations.

–  During each phase the different partners will implement the different components of the prototype, and the components will be integrated producing a first running version of it. This version will be deployed at the testbed.

–  During testbed experimentation at each phase, there will be a dialogue between the software developers and the experimenters. The developers will produce new releases of the prototype at periodic times including the new features and fixed bugs reported by the experimenters.


This  is  the  goal  that  can  be]er  contribute  to  IRATI’s  impact  and  the  dissemina5on  of  RINA.  Besides  being  the  main  experimenta5on  vehicle  of  the  project,  the  prototype  will  provide  a  solid  baseline  for  further  RINA  work  a`er  the  project.  By  the  end  of  the  project  the  IRATI  partners  plan  to  setup  an  open  source  community  in  order  to  a]ract  external  interest  and  involve  other  organiza5ons  in  RINA  R&D.  

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Objective 3: Experimental validation of RINA and comparison with TCP/IP

•  How it will be achieved: –  WP4 partners will design experiments based on the project use cases elaborated in

WP2 during each of the 3 iterations. The experiments will also take into account the constraints and resources available in the OFELIA testbed.

–  After the experiments have been designed, one or more OFELIA slices will be requested and allocated, in order to support such experimentation activities.

–  Once the slices have been allocated, the researchers at WP4 will perform the experiments during an amount of time; capturing critical information about the experiment, analyzing its consequences, and reporting the feedback to WP3 (in case of issues in the software design and/or implementation) and to WP2 (in case of issues with the specifications).


IRATI  will  follow  itera5ve  cycles  of  research,  design,  implementa5on  and  experimenta5on,  with  the  experimental  results  retroficng  the  research  of  the  next  phase.  Experiments  will  collect  and  analyse  data   to  compare  RINA  and  TCP/IP   in  various  aspects   like:  applica5on  API,   programmability,   cost   of   suppor5ng   mul5-­‐homing,   simplicity,   vulnerability   against  a]acks,  hardware  resource  u5liza5on  (propor5onal  to  energy  consump5on).  The  industrial  partners   in   the  consor5um  will  be   leading   the  choice  of  benchmarking  parameters,  with  the  input  of  the  External  Advisory  Board.  

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Objective 4: RINA prototype over Ethernet for JunOS

•  How it will be achieved: –  Similar to how WP2 will be achieved, with the difference that now the target

OS is JunOS, and the tools available to develop the prototype are the JunOS SDK.

–  The goal is to port the UNIX-like OS prototype to the JunOS environment, performing any required modifications due to the difference in OS and available tools.

–  i2CAT provides a Juniper MX480 router that will be physically connected to i2CAT’s OFELIA island, in order to enable the development and experimentation with the JunOS based prototype within the project.


The  RINA   implementa5on  within   the   JunOS  opera5ng   system,  using   the   JunOS   SDK,  will  allow  IRATI  to  increase  the  impact  and  realism  of  the  experimenta5on.  JunOS  is  a  FreeBSD  based  OS,   therefore   there   is   no   need   to   start   a   RINA   implementa5on   from   scratch:   the  UNIX-­‐like  OS  prototype  will  be  adapted  to  JunOS.  IRATI  project  members  will  learn  to  what  degree   the   current   router   plaform   architectures   can   be   reused   for   non-­‐IP   based  technologies.  

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Objective 5: Interoperability with the Pouzin Society RINA prototype over UDP/IP

•  How it will be achieved: –  IRATI will work in close collaboration with the PSOC, taking advantage that

some of the IRATI partners are PSOC members (i2CAT as of today). –  The RINA prototype for the UNIX-based OS will be enhanced with the

capability to support UDP/IP as an underlying network technology (specs currently being finalized).

–  IRATI and PSOC will setup a common temporary testbed (building on OFELIA resources) to experiment with the joint scenario.


The  achievement  of  interoperability  between  independent  implementa5ons  is  a  good  sign  that   a   specifica5on   is  well   done   and   complete.   Therefore,   achieving   interoperable   RINA  implementa5ons  is  both  a  necessity  and  a  valida5on  of  the  RINA  specifica5ons;  even  more  taking   into   account   that   PSOC   and   IRATI   prototypes   target   different   programming  plaforms   (middleware   vs.   OS   kernel)   and   work   over   different   underlying   technologies  (UDP/IP  vs.  Ethernet).  

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Objective 6: Provide feedback to OFELIA in regards to the prototyping of a clean slate architecture

•  How it will be achieved: –  WP4 will be in a constant dialog with the OFELIA facility in order to provide

feedback about the capabilities and usability of the testbed.


Apart  from  the  feedback  to  the  OFELIA  facility  in  terms  of  bug  reports  and  sugges5ons  of  improvements,  IRATI  will  contribute  an  OpenFlow  controller  capable  of  dynamically  secng  up  Ethernet  topologies  to  the  project.  IRATI  will  be  using  this  controller  in  order  to  setup  different  topologies  for  the  various  experiments  conducted  during  the  project.  Moreover,  experimenta5on  with   a   non-­‐IP   based   solu5on   is   an   interes5ng   use   case   for   the   OFELIA  facility,   since   IRATI  will   be   the   first   to   conduct   these   type   of   experiments   in   the  OFELIA  testbed.  

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Project Outcomes •  Enhanced RINA architecture reference model and specifications,

contributed to the Pouzin Society for experimentation. IRATI will focus on advancing the RINA state of the art in the following areas:

–  DIFs over Ethernet –  IPC Process Authentication –  Access Control mechanisms in RINA –  SDU protection techniques –  RIB structure –  Routing –  Resource Allocation

•  UNIX-like OS kernel implementation of the RINA prototype over Ethernet –  By the end of the project an open source community will be setup in order to

allow the research/industrial networking community to use the prototype and/or contribute to its development

•  JunOS-based implementation of the RINA prototype over Ethernet

•  Experimental results of the RINA prototype, compared to TCP/IP

•  DIF over UDP/IP extensions, interoperable with the PSOC prototype

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•  Project at a glance •  Goals and outcomes •  General structure and phases of the project

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Overview of the project structure

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Phase 1: Basic Functionality - UNIX-like OS

•  Validate the basic RINA functionality •  Define the requirements of a RINA deployment within a local area

network (weak security requirements, support of legacy applications, best-effort QoS, flat addressing scheme)

•  The target platform will be the UNIX-like OS


Single-­‐island  deployment  with  corresponding  RINA  DIFs    

Mul=-­‐island  experiment  with  several  RINA  internetworks  

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Phase 2: Scalability and JunOS

•  Target different deployment scenarios –  single network provider with different network hierarchies, different

levels of QoS, multiple network service providers, etc •  Assume that all the networks are either RINA or Ethernet capable (i.e.

no IP) •  The UNIX- like OS and JunOS will be the target platforms of this phase


Single  island  with  Juniper  router  and  mul=ple  RINA  nodes  within  the  Virtual  Wall  

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Phase 3: IP gateway and interoperability

•  Interoperability between RINA prototypes, developed outside of the project and deployed in a RINA network surrounded by an IP network

•  At this stage we will collaborate with the Pouzin Society through Boston University



Interoperability  between  the  PSOC  and  IRATI  RINA  prototypes  

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IRATI - Investigating RINA as an Alternative to TCP/IP

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