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  • 7/24/2019 IRR_RA 8291



    RULE I DEFINITION OF TERMSSection 1. Unless the context otherwise indicates, the following terms shall mean:

    1.1 ACCOUNT IN ARRARS ! An acco"nt which remains "n#aid after d"e date.

    1.$ ACCOUNT IN %&AU'T ! An acco"nt in arrears which (ecame d"e and demanda(le and remain "n#aid.

    1.) ACT ! Refers to Re#"(lic Act No. *$+1, otherwise nown as the

    -oernment Serice Ins"rance S/stem Act of 1++0.

    1. A2C ! Refers to Aerage 2onthl/ Com#ensation. This refers to the aerage salar/ receied (/ the mem(erd"ring the last )3 months of credita(le serice #receding his se#aration, retirement, disa(ilit/, or death, or, if withless than )3 months of credita(le serice, the act"al n"m(er of months of the credita(le serice.

    1.4 A5' 6 Refers to A"tomatic 5olic/ 'oan or A"tomatic 5remi"m 'oan. This is the amo"nt that will (e ded"cted fromthe Cash 7al"e8Termination 7al"e of a life ins"rance #olic/ to ee# the #olic/ in force.

    1.3 9N&IT ! The amo"nt that -SIS is o(ligated to #a/ the mem(er "#on the occ"rrence of a coered contingenc/that is #a/a(le "nder the Act.

    1.0 9I''IN- ! The #rocess of sending notices or statements to goernment agencies, mem(ers, or (orrowers toremind or demand #a/ment for acco"nts that are falling d"e or are #ast their d"e dates.

    1.* 9OAR% ! The 9oard of Tr"stees of the -SIS.

    1.+ CAS %I7I%N% 6 The s"m of mone/ #aid to #olic/holders whose life ins"rance #olicies hae (een in force for atleast one /ear s"(;ect to amo"nt and conditions recommended (/ Act"ar/ and a##roed (/ the 9oard.

    1.1< CAS 5A=2NT ! A (ene>t #a/a(le to a mem(er "#on se#aration, disa(ilit/ or retirement, or to the(ene>ciaries "#on the death of the mem(er, "nder conditions #roided (/ law.

    1.11 CAS 7A'U ! Acc"m"lated amo"nt earned (ased on #remi"m #a/ment while the '5 is in force.

    1.1$ C'AI2 ! A re?"est from the mem(er or his (ene>ciaries for #a/ment of (ene>ts that ma/ (e d"e as #roided"nder this Act.

    1.1) C'I5 ! Refers to Claims and 'oans Interde#endenc/ 5olic/. This is a mechanism which ens"res the collection of"n#aid acco"nts from the #roceeds of a loan or claim of a mem(er or his (ene>ciaries.

    1.1 CO25NSATION 6 The >xed monthl/ salar/ receied (/ an em#lo/ee excl"ding allowances, #er diems,(on"ses, oertime #a/, honoraria and other emol"ments not integrated into the >xed monthl/ salar/.

    1.14 CONTIN-NCIS ! ents s"ch as se#aration from the serice, retirement, disa(ilit/ or death which are#a/a(le "nder this Act.

    1.13 CONTRI9UTION ! The amo"nt #a/a(le to the -SIS (/ the mem(er and goernment agenc/ or em#lo/er towhich he (elongs.

    1.10 CS7 ! Refers to Cash S"rrender 7al"e, which is the amo"nt to (e #aid to the #olic/holder of 'ife ndowment5olic/ @'5 or o#tional life ins"rance #olicies when he is se#arated from the serice (efore mat"rit/ date of the#olic/ or when a #olic/holder is considered a case of 5ermanent Total %isa(ilit/ @5T%.

    1.1* CURRNT %AI'= CO25NSATION. B The act"al dail/ com#ensation or the >xed monthl/ com#ensation diided(/ twent/6two @$$ da/s.

    1.1+ %5N%NTS ! The @a legitimate s#o"se de#endent for s"##ort on the mem(er or #ensioner, @(legitimate8legitimated legall/ ado#ted child, incl"ding the illegitimate child, who is "nmarried, not gainf"ll/

    em#lo/ed, not oer the age of ma;orit/, or is oer the age of ma;orit/ ("t inca#acitated and inca#a(le of self6s"##ort d"e to a mental or #h/sical defect ac?"ired #rior to age of ma;orit/, and @c the #arents de#endent "#onthe mem(er for s"##ort.

    1.$< %ISA9I'IT= ! An/ loss or im#airment of the normal f"nctions of the #h/sical and8or mental fac"lties of amem(er, which red"ces or eliminates his ca#acit/ to contin"e with his c"rrent gainf"l occ"#ation or engage in an/other gainf"l occ"#ation res"lting in the loss of income.

    1.$1 '5 ! Refers to nhanced 'ife 5olic/. This is a com#"lsor/ life ins"rance coerage iss"ed (/ -SIS after "l/ )1,$

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    1.$$ &UNRA' 9N&IT ! 9ene>t intended to hel# defra/ the ex#enses incidental to the ("rial and f"neral of thedeceased mem(er, #ensioner or retiree.

    1.$) -AIN&U' OCCU5ATION ! An/ #rod"ctie actiit/ that #roides income of at least e?"al to the #reailingminim"m com#ensation of goernment em#lo/ees.

    1.$ -O7RN2NT A-NC= 6 An/ goernment oDce whether national or local, legislatie (odies, goernment6owned and controlled cor#orations @-OCC with original charters, goernment >nancial instit"tions @-&Is,

    constit"tional commissions, ;"diciar/, Armed &orces of the 5hili##ines, the 5hili##ine National 5olice, 9"rea" of ail2anagement and 5enolog/ @925 and 9"rea" of &ire 5rotection @9&5.

    1.$4 IN7ST2NTS ! Amo"nts of mone/ or other reso"rces meas"red in terms of mone/ #laced on actiities for the#"r#ose of earning #ro>ts.

    1.$3 '56 Refers to 'ife ndowment 5olic/. This is the life ins"rance #olic/ iss"ed to reg"lar mem(ers #rior toA"g"st 1, $le a claim for (ene>t or (ene>ts.

    1.) RCS ! Refers to Record of Credita(le Serice. The RCS incl"des serice #eriods with corres#onding #remi"mcontri("tions and seres as (asis for com#"ting (ene>ts.

    1.)4 R625'O=2NT ! S"(se?"ent re6entr/ in goernment serice after se#aration from serice.

    1.)3 RINSTAT2NT O& 5O'IC= ! The restoration of the eEectiit/ of the life ins"rance #olic/ "#on #a/ment of there?"ired #remi"ms "nder terms and conditions of the '5.

    1.)0 TR2INATION 7A'U ! Acc"m"lated amo"nt earned (ased on #remi"m #a/ment while the '5 is in force.


    Section 2. Comp!"o#$ Mem%e#"&ip

    $.1. All goernment #ersonnel, whether electie or a##ointie, irres#ectie of stat"s of a##ointment, #roided the/are receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensation and hae not reached the mandator/ retirement age of 34 /ears, arecom#"lsoril/ coered as mem(ers of the -SIS and shall (e re?"ired to #a/ contri("tions.

    $.$. oweer, em#lo/ees who hae reached the retirement age of 34 or more shall also (e coered, s"(;ect to thefollowing r"les:

    An em#lo/ee who is alread/ (e/ond the mandator/ retirement age of 34 shall (e com#"lsoril/ coered and (ere?"ired to #a/ (oth the life and retirement #remi"ms "nder the following sit"ations:

    1. An electie oDcial who at the time of election to #"(lic oDce is (elow34 /ears of age and will (e 34 /ears or more at the end of his term of oDce, incl"ding the #eriod8s of his re6electionto #"(lic oDce thereafter witho"t interr"#tion.


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    $. A##ointie oDcials who, (efore reaching the mandator/ age of 34, are a##ointed to goernment #osition (/ the5resident of the Re#"(lic of the 5hili##ines and shall remain in goernment serice at age (e/ond 34.

    $.). Contract"al em#lo/ees incl"ding cas"als and other em#lo/ees with an em#lo/ee6goernment agenc/relationshi# are also com#"lsoril/ coered, #roided the/ are receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensation and renderingthe re?"ired n"m(er of woring ho"rs for the month.

    $.. Classes of 2em(ershi# ! 2em(ershi# in the -SIS is classi>ed either (/ t/#e or stat"s of mem(ershi#.

    $..1 As to t/#e of mem(ers, there are reg"lar and s#ecial mem(ers:

    a. Reg"lar 2em(ers ! are those em#lo/ed (/ the goernment of the Re#"(lic of the 5hili##ines, national or local,legislatie (odies, goernment6owned and controlled cor#orations @-OCC with original charters, goernment>nancial instit"tions @-&Is, exce#t "niformed #ersonnel of the Armed &orces of the 5hili##ines, the 5hili##ineNational 5olice, 9"rea" of ail 2anagement and 5enolog/ @925 and 9"rea" of &ire 5rotection @9&5, who arere?"ired (/ law to remit reg"lar monthl/ contri("tions to the -SIS.

    (. S#ecial 2em(ers ! are constit"tional commissioners, mem(ers of the ;"diciar/, incl"ding those with e?"ialentrans, who are re?"ired (/ law to remit reg"lar monthl/ contri("tions for life ins"rance #olicies to the -SIS in orderto answer for their life ins"rance (ene>ts de>ned "nder RA *$+1.

    $..$. As to stat"s of mem(ershi#, there are actie and inactie mem(ers.

    a. Actie mem(er ! refers to a mem(er of the -SIS, whether reg"lar or s#ecial, who is still in the goernmentserice and together with the goernment agenc/ to which he (elongs, is re?"ired to #a/ the monthl/ contri("tion.

    (. Inactie mem(er ! a mem(er who is se#arated from the serice either (/ resignation, retirement, disa(ilit/,dismissal from the serice, retrenchment or, who is deemed retired from the serice "nder this Act.

    Section ' E(c!"ion )#om Comp!"o#$ Co*e#+,e

    ).1 The following em#lo/ees are excl"ded from com#"lsor/ coerage:

    ).1.1. Uniformed #ersonnel of the Armed &orces of the 5hili##ines @A&5, 5hili##ine National 5olice @5N5, 9"rea" of&ire 5rotection @9&5 and 9"rea" of ail 2anagement and 5enolog/ @925F

    ).1.$. 9aranga/ and Sangg"nian ODcials who are not receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensationF

    ).1.). Contract"al m#lo/ees who are not receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensationF and

    ).1.. m#lo/ees who do not hae monthl/ reg"lar ho"rs of wor and are not receiing >xed monthl/com#ensation.

    Section - Po!ic$ Go*e#nin, Mem%e#"&ip Amini"t#+tion

    The (asic #olic/ goerning mem(ershi# administration shall (e length of serice with corres#onding #aid #remi"ms.

    .1 The (asic #rinci#les "nder this #olic/ are:

    .1.1 2em(ershi# in the -SIS carries with it the legal o(ligation to #rom#tl/ remit the re?"ired monthl/ #remi"mcontri("tions. Th"s the extent of the (ene>ts to which a mem(er is entitled will de#end "#on the leel ofcom#liance in the remittance of his #remi"m contri("tions.

    .1.$ -oernment agencies where the mem(ers are em#lo/ed hae the legal o(ligation to remit on time themonthl/ #remi"m contri("tions d"e from mem(ers concerned, (oth for #ersonal and goernment shares. In case ofdela/, the/ hae the legal o(ligation to #a/ interest as ma/ (e #rescri(ed (/ the 9oard ("t not less than two#ercent @$G sim#le interest #er month.

    .1.) &or #"r#oses of com#"ting the (ene>ts "nder the social ins"rance laws administered (/ the -SIS, a mem(erHs#eriod of serice in goernment will onl/ (e recognied (/ -SIS as credita(le serice if the monthl/ com#"lsor/


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    #remi"ms corres#onding to said #eriod hae (een #aid and remitted, incl"ding the interests if there are dela/s intheir remittance.

    .1. In case of "nder#a/ment of the monthl/ #remi"m contri("tions d"e, onl/ s"ch #ortion of the #eriod of serice#ro#ortionatel/ e?"ialent to the amo"nt act"all/ receied shall (e recognied as credita(le serice for #"r#oses ofcom#"ting the (ene>ts "nder the administration of -SIS.

    .1.4 The amo"nt of monthl/ contri("tions d"e from a mem(er is (ased on his >xed monthl/ com#ensation.

    .1.3 The com#"lsor/ life ins"rance coerage extended to the mem(ers is de#endent on the timel/ remittance ofthe #remi"ms d"e for the coerage. Th"s, the said coerage ma/ la#se for fail"re to remit the re?"ired #remi"ms.

    Section / E0ecti*it$ o) Mem%e#"&ip

    The eEectie date of mem(ershi# shall (e the date of the mem(erHs ass"m#tion to d"t/ on his original a##ointmentor election to #"(lic oDce.

    Section 1 T$pe" o) Comp!"o#$ Li)e In"#+nce

    The -SIS is administering two @$ t/#es of com#"lsor/ life ins"rance #rograms for its mem(ers. &irst is the lifeIns"rance #olic/ with an endowment #lan or 'ife ndowment 5olic/ @'5 as disting"ished from the second #rogramwhich is termed as nhanced 'ife 5olic/ @'5.

    3.1 'ife ndowment 5olic/ @'5 is an ins"rance #olic/ iss"ed to mem(ers #rior toA"g"st 1, $ts "#on mat"rit/ or se#aration from the serice.

    3.1.$ The eEectie date of coerage is the date of a##ointment regardless of the stat"s thereof, or ass"m#tion tod"t/, whicheer is later and a##lica(le.

    3.1.) The t/#e of ins"rance #lans iss"ed to mem(ers de#ends on the age nearest the mem(erHs (irth date at thetime of eEectiit/, as follows:

    Age 9racet 5lan of Ins"rance

    )< /ears and (elow ndowment at 4)1 /ears to < ndowment at 441 /ears to 4+ ndowment at 343< /ears and oer Ordinar/ 'ife

    3.1. The amo"nt of ins"rance is (ased on the #lan of ins"rance, the age of the mem(er at the eEectiit/ of the#lan, and the >xed monthl/ #a/ of the mem(er. An ins"rance factor (ased on the age and t/#e of ins"rance isa##lied to the ann"al salar/ to get the amo"nt of ins"rance.

    3.1.4 After the >rst /ear of coerage, the #lan earns cash al"e and increases with the reg"lar #a/ment of#remi"ms on the #lan.

    3.1.3 In case of non6#a/ment of the #remi"ms, an A5' will (e a##lied against the cash al"e #roided that the#olic/ has eno"gh cash al"e, less #olic/ loan, to coer the A5'. 5roided f"rther, that s"ch non6#a/ment shall notextend to more than 1$ months. In the case non6#a/ment extends to

    more than 1$ months, the #olic/ shall (e la#sed and the remaining cash al"e shall (e the seed f"nd of thereinstated #olic/.

    3.1.0 2em(ers Coered "nder '5

    The following mem(ers are coered "nder '5:

    a. Reg"lar mem(ers whose #olicies were iss"ed (efore A"g"st 1, $

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    3.$ nhanced 'ife 5olic/ @'5 is a com#"lsor/ life ins"rance coerage iss"ed (/-SIS to reg"lar mem(ers after "l/ )1, $t.

    c. In case no #a/ment of the monthl/ #remi"m contri("tions for life ins"rance is made after the +ts in case of his death.

    3.$.4 No s"##lemental #olicies will (e iss"ed in case of ad;"stment in the salar/ of the #olic/holder.

    3.$.3 '5 will earn termination al"e, which can (e withdrawn "#on se#aration or retirement.

    3.$.0 In case of non6#a/ment of the #remi"ms, an A5' will (e a##lied against the termination al"e of the #olic/,#roided that the said #olic/ has eno"gh termination al"e, less #olic/ loan, to coer the #remi"ms d"e for the lifeins"rance coer. 5roided f"rther, that s"ch non6#a/ment shall not (e more than 1$ months.

    3.$.* In case non6#a/ment is more than 1$ months, the #olic/ shall (e la#sed and the remaining termination al"eshall (e the seed f"nd of the reinstated #olic/.

    Section Atom+tic Po!ic$ Lo+n 3APL46 The A5' is a feat"re of a -SIS life ins"rance #olic/ that ee#s the#olic/ in force in case of non #a/ment of #remi"ms (/ taing o"t a loan amo"nt against the "nrestricted #ortion ofthe #olic/Hs acc"m"lated Cash 7al"e @C7 or Termination 7al"e @T7.

    0.1 The A5' shall onl/ (e a##lied if the #olic/ has:

    0.1.1 An "n#aid #remi"m after the grace #eriodF and

    0.1.$ arned s"Dcient C7 or T7 to coer the "n#aid #remi"ms or a fraction thereof, and #olic/ loan, incl"dingcorres#onding interest thereon.

    0.$ In the case of '5 or '5, if the #remi"m contri("tion #aid is not s"Dcient to coer the life ins"rance #remi"mfor the month, after ded"cting the retirement #remi"m, A5' e?"ialent to the amo"nt of the "n#aid #remi"m, or afraction thereof, shall (e a##lied.

    0.) The interest rate shall (e the same as the interest rate for #olic/ loan. The interest charged on the A5' of a


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    #olic/holder shall (e inde#endent of the interest charged on the agenc/ for dela/ed remittances.

    0. The form"la for com#"ting the A5' 9alance as of a gien date shall (e as follows:

    A5' 9alance @c"rrent month K A5' 9alance @#reio"s month L Interest d"e on A5' 9alance @#reio"s month LUn#aid 5remi"m %"e for the C"rrent 2onth @f"ll or #artial

    Section 5 Po!ic$ L+p"+tion

    *.1 9asic R"les on 5olic/ 'a#sation. 6 A #olic/ shall (e considered la#sed when:

    *.1.1 The com(ined o"tstanding (alances of its A5' and 5olic/ 'oan hae exceeded the Cash 7al"e or Termination7al"e. The reg"lar #olic/ loan of a la#sed #olic/ and the A5', if an/, shall (e deemed #aid (/ the acc"m"latedC78T7 of the #olic/F or

    *.1.$ The #olic/ has no #a/ment for twele @1$ months, or the total "n#aid #remi"ms is e?"al to twele @1$months, een if there is still (alance in the cash or termination al"e of the #olic/. After the a"tomatic la#se of acom#"lsor/ life ins"rance #olic/, the following shall (e done:

    a. If the mem(er is still in the serice, the C78T7 (alance shall (e "sed as seed f"nd of his new '5 #olic/ or shallform #art of the termination al"e of his reinstated '5, as the case ma/ (e.

    (. If the mem(er is alread/ se#arated from the serice, the C78T7 (alance shall (e "sed to #a/ his other existingloan o(ligations with the -SIS and an/ excess shall (e #aid to the #olic/holder, s"(;ect to the >ling of a claim,otherwise, the C78T7 (alance will (ecome the seed f"nd of his new '5, or added to the termination al"e of hisreinstated '5, in case of re6entr/ in goernment serice.

    c. The monthl/ #remi"m (illing for la#sed #olicies shall contin"e in case the mem(er is still in the serice.

    *.$. 9asic r"les on 5olic/ Reinstatement and Conersion from '5 to '5 are as follows:

    *.$.1 'a#sed #olic/ shall a"tomaticall/ (e reinstated on the date the life ins"rance #remi"ms are #aid and remittedto the -SIS for the acco"nt of the mem(er eEectie on the (eginning of the d"e month coered (/ the #a/ment.

    *.$.$ 2em(er with la#sed '5 shall (e iss"ed an '5 "#on recei#t of >rst #remi"m "nder the new coerage,#roided he is still in the serice.

    *.$.) &or mem(ers whose '5 has la#sed and were iss"ed new '5, all "n#osted life ins"rance #a/ments #rior to

    #olic/ la#se ("t #osted after #olic/ la#se shall (e added to the termination al"e of the new '5.

    *.$. After conersion from '5 #olic/ to '5 #olic/, an/ excess #a/ment, after a##l/ing the #a/ment to the c"rrentmonth and the #receding "n#aid months where the mem(er was gien a grace #eriod, shall (e added to the T7 ofthe '5.

    Section 6 Mem%e#7" Se#*ice P#o8!e

    &or #"r#oses of esta(lishing data for eer/ mem(er, a 2em(erHs Serice 5ro>le @2S5is created in the -SIS data(ase.

    The 2S5 (asicall/ contains the serice #ro>le of eer/ mem(er which incl"des among others, the date of >rst entr/in goernment serice, the #eriods in goernment serice, the res#ectie agencies and the #osition the mem(erhas sered, the salaries receied, the Total 'ength of Serice @T'S and the Record of Credita(le Serice @RCS.

    U#dates are made on the (asis of changes in #ersonal data, salaries, #romotion, transfers, and se#aration of amem(er.

    A mem(er se#arated from the serice (/ reason of resignation, retirement, disa(ilit/, dismissal from the serice,retrenchment or in an/ manner of se#aration from the goernment agenc/ to which he is em#lo/ed, shall contin"eto (e a mem(er altho"gh classi>ed "nder inactie stat"s and his mem(ershi# shall (e maintained in the data(aseof -SIS. Jhateer f"t"re (ene>ts he is entitled to shall (e #a/a(le to the mem(er once the/ (ecome d"e.

    Section 9: Ot&e# Po!icie" A0ectin, Mem%e#"&ip Amini"t#+tion


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    1fteen @14 /ears, hesho"ld (e entitled to retirement (ene>t, s"(;ect to >ling of claim.

    1cation has (een conerted toreg"lar mem(er (/ irt"e of his a##ointment to a #osition eligi(le for reg"lar coerage shall (e terminated "#onse#aration from his old #osition. e shall (e #roided with '5 coerage as a reg"lar mem(er eEectie "#onass"m#tion to d"t/ to his new #osition.


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    1cate a"thenticated (/ theNational Statistics ODce @NSO as s"##orting doc"ment.

    Jhen s"(mitting a co"rt order, the mem(er shall indicate in the re?"est for change of date of (irth, the contactn"m(er of the co"rt who ordered the change of date of (irth, incl"ding the (ranch and #roince where the co"rt islocated.

    &or NSO6a"thenticated (irth certi>cate, the oDcial watermar of NSO sho"ld (e #resent in the doc"ment. &ail"reon the #art of the mem(er to com#l/ with the said re?"irements shall (e a gro"nd for re;ecting the re?"est.


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    1.4 A5' 6 Refers to A"tomatic 5olic/ 'oan or A"tomatic 5remi"m 'oan. This is the amo"nt that will (e ded"cted fromthe Cash 7al"e8Termination 7al"e of a life ins"rance #olic/ to ee# the #olic/ in force.

    1.3 9N&IT ! The amo"nt that -SIS is o(ligated to #a/ the mem(er "#on the occ"rrence of a coered contingenc/that is #a/a(le "nder the Act.

    1.0 9I''IN- ! The #rocess of sending notices or statements to goernment agencies, mem(ers, or (orrowers to

    remind or demand #a/ment for acco"nts that are falling d"e or are #ast their d"e dates.

    1.* 9OAR% ! The 9oard of Tr"stees of the -SIS.

    1.+ CAS %I7I%N% 6 The s"m of mone/ #aid to #olic/holders whose life ins"rance #olicies hae (een in force for atleast one /ear s"(;ect to amo"nt and conditions recommended (/ Act"ar/ and a##roed (/ the 9oard.

    1.1< CAS 5A=2NT ! A (ene>t #a/a(le to a mem(er "#on se#aration, disa(ilit/ or retirement, or to the(ene>ciaries "#on the death of the mem(er, "nder conditions #roided (/ law.

    1.11 CAS 7A'U ! Acc"m"lated amo"nt earned (ased on #remi"m #a/ment while the '5 is in force.

    1.1$ C'AI2 ! A re?"est from the mem(er or his (ene>ciaries for #a/ment of (ene>ts that ma/ (e d"e as #roided"nder this Act.

    1.1) C'I5 ! Refers to Claims and 'oans Interde#endenc/ 5olic/. This is a mechanism which ens"res the collection of"n#aid acco"nts from the #roceeds of a loan or claim of a mem(er or his (ene>ciaries.

    1.1 CO25NSATION 6 The >xed monthl/ salar/ receied (/ an em#lo/ee excl"ding allowances, #er diems,(on"ses, oertime #a/, honoraria and other emol"ments not integrated into the >xed monthl/ salar/.

    1.14 CONTIN-NCIS ! ents s"ch as se#aration from the serice, retirement, disa(ilit/ or death which are#a/a(le "nder this Act.

    1.13 CONTRI9UTION ! The amo"nt #a/a(le to the -SIS (/ the mem(er and goernment agenc/ or em#lo/er towhich he (elongs.

    1.10 CS7 ! Refers to Cash S"rrender 7al"e, which is the amo"nt to (e #aid to the #olic/holder of 'ife ndowment5olic/ @'5 or o#tional life ins"rance #olicies when he is se#arated from the serice (efore mat"rit/ date of the#olic/ or when a #olic/holder is considered a case of 5ermanent Total %isa(ilit/ @5T%.

    1.1* CURRNT %AI'= CO25NSATION. B The act"al dail/ com#ensation or the >xed monthl/ com#ensation diided(/ twent/6two @$$ da/s.

    1.1+ %5N%NTS ! The @a legitimate s#o"se de#endent for s"##ort on the mem(er or #ensioner, @(legitimate8legitimated legall/ ado#ted child, incl"ding the illegitimate child, who is "nmarried, not gainf"ll/em#lo/ed, not oer the age of ma;orit/, or is oer the age of ma;orit/ ("t inca#acitated and inca#a(le of self6s"##ort d"e to a mental or #h/sical defect ac?"ired #rior to age of ma;orit/, and @c the #arents de#endent "#onthe mem(er for s"##ort.

    1.$< %ISA9I'IT= ! An/ loss or im#airment of the normal f"nctions of the #h/sical and8or mental fac"lties of amem(er, which red"ces or eliminates his ca#acit/ to contin"e with his c"rrent gainf"l occ"#ation or engage in an/other gainf"l occ"#ation res"lting in the loss of income.

    1.$1 '5 ! Refers to nhanced 'ife 5olic/. This is a com#"lsor/ life ins"rance coerage iss"ed (/ -SIS after "l/ )1,$ts.


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    1.$3 '56 Refers to 'ife ndowment 5olic/. This is the life ins"rance #olic/ iss"ed to reg"lar mem(ers #rior toA"g"st 1, $le a claim for (ene>t or (ene>ts.

    1.) RCS ! Refers to Record of Credita(le Serice. The RCS incl"des serice #eriods with corres#onding #remi"mcontri("tions and seres as (asis for com#"ting (ene>ts.

    1.)4 R625'O=2NT ! S"(se?"ent re6entr/ in goernment serice after se#aration from serice.

    1.)3 RINSTAT2NT O& 5O'IC= ! The restoration of the eEectiit/ of the life ins"rance #olic/ "#on #a/ment of there?"ired #remi"ms "nder terms and conditions of the '5.

    1.)0 TR2INATION 7A'U ! Acc"m"lated amo"nt earned (ased on #remi"m #a/ment while the '5 is in force.


    Section $. Com#"lsor/ 2em(ershi#

    $.1. All goernment #ersonnel, whether electie or a##ointie, irres#ectie of stat"s of a##ointment, #roided the/

    are receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensation and hae not reached the mandator/ retirement age of 34 /ears, arecom#"lsoril/ coered as mem(ers of the -SIS and shall (e re?"ired to #a/ contri("tions.

    $.$. oweer, em#lo/ees who hae reached the retirement age of 34 or more shall also (e coered, s"(;ect to thefollowing r"les:

    An em#lo/ee who is alread/ (e/ond the mandator/ retirement age of 34 shall (e com#"lsoril/ coered and (ere?"ired to #a/ (oth the life and retirement #remi"ms "nder the following sit"ations:

    1. An electie oDcial who at the time of election to #"(lic oDce is (elow34 /ears of age and will (e 34 /ears or more at the end of his term of oDce, incl"ding the #eriod8s of his re6electionto #"(lic oDce thereafter witho"t interr"#tion.

    $. A##ointie oDcials who, (efore reaching the mandator/ age of 34, are a##ointed to goernment #osition (/ the5resident of the Re#"(lic of the 5hili##ines and shall remain in goernment serice at age (e/ond 34.

    $.). Contract"al em#lo/ees incl"ding cas"als and other em#lo/ees with an em#lo/ee6goernment agenc/

    relationshi# are also com#"lsoril/ coered, #roided the/ are receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensation and renderingthe re?"ired n"m(er of woring ho"rs for the month.

    $.. Classes of 2em(ershi# ! 2em(ershi# in the -SIS is classi>ed either (/ t/#e or stat"s of mem(ershi#.

    $..1 As to t/#e of mem(ers, there are reg"lar and s#ecial mem(ers:

    a. Reg"lar 2em(ers ! are those em#lo/ed (/ the goernment of the Re#"(lic of the 5hili##ines, national or local,legislatie (odies, goernment6owned and controlled cor#orations @-OCC with original charters, goernment>nancial instit"tions @-&Is, exce#t "niformed #ersonnel of the Armed &orces of the 5hili##ines, the 5hili##ineNational 5olice, 9"rea" of ail 2anagement and 5enolog/ @925 and 9"rea" of &ire 5rotection @9&5, who are


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    re?"ired (/ law to remit reg"lar monthl/ contri("tions to the -SIS.

    (. S#ecial 2em(ers ! are constit"tional commissioners, mem(ers of the ;"diciar/, incl"ding those with e?"ialentrans, who are re?"ired (/ law to remit reg"lar monthl/ contri("tions for life ins"rance #olicies to the -SIS in orderto answer for their life ins"rance (ene>ts de>ned "nder RA *$+1.

    $..$. As to stat"s of mem(ershi#, there are actie and inactie mem(ers.

    a. Actie mem(er ! refers to a mem(er of the -SIS, whether reg"lar or s#ecial, who is still in the goernmentserice and together with the goernment agenc/ to which he (elongs, is re?"ired to #a/ the monthl/ contri("tion.

    (. Inactie mem(er ! a mem(er who is se#arated from the serice either (/ resignation, retirement, disa(ilit/,dismissal from the serice, retrenchment or, who is deemed retired from the serice "nder this Act.

    Section ' E(c!"ion )#om Comp!"o#$ Co*e#+,e

    ).1 The following em#lo/ees are excl"ded from com#"lsor/ coerage:

    ).1.1. Uniformed #ersonnel of the Armed &orces of the 5hili##ines @A&5, 5hili##ine National 5olice @5N5, 9"rea" of&ire 5rotection @9&5 and 9"rea" of ail 2anagement and 5enolog/ @925F

    ).1.$. 9aranga/ and Sangg"nian ODcials who are not receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensationF

    ).1.). Contract"al m#lo/ees who are not receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensationF and

    ).1.. m#lo/ees who do not hae monthl/ reg"lar ho"rs of wor and are not receiing >xed monthl/com#ensation.

    Section - Po!ic$ Go*e#nin, Mem%e#"&ip Amini"t#+tion

    The (asic #olic/ goerning mem(ershi# administration shall (e length of serice with corres#onding #aid #remi"ms.

    .1 The (asic #rinci#les "nder this #olic/ are:

    .1.1 2em(ershi# in the -SIS carries with it the legal o(ligation to #rom#tl/ remit the re?"ired monthl/ #remi"mcontri("tions. Th"s the extent of the (ene>ts to which a mem(er is entitled will de#end "#on the leel of

    com#liance in the remittance of his #remi"m contri("tions.

    .1.$ -oernment agencies where the mem(ers are em#lo/ed hae the legal o(ligation to remit on time themonthl/ #remi"m contri("tions d"e from mem(ers concerned, (oth for #ersonal and goernment shares. In case ofdela/, the/ hae the legal o(ligation to #a/ interest as ma/ (e #rescri(ed (/ the 9oard ("t not less than two#ercent @$G sim#le interest #er month.

    .1.) &or #"r#oses of com#"ting the (ene>ts "nder the social ins"rance laws administered (/ the -SIS, a mem(erHs#eriod of serice in goernment will onl/ (e recognied (/ -SIS as credita(le serice if the monthl/ com#"lsor/#remi"ms corres#onding to said #eriod hae (een #aid and remitted, incl"ding the interests if there are dela/s intheir remittance.

    .1. In case of "nder#a/ment of the monthl/ #remi"m contri("tions d"e, onl/ s"ch #ortion of the #eriod of serice#ro#ortionatel/ e?"ialent to the amo"nt act"all/ receied shall (e recognied as credita(le serice for #"r#oses ofcom#"ting the (ene>ts "nder the administration of -SIS.

    .1.4 The amo"nt of monthl/ contri("tions d"e from a mem(er is (ased on his >xed monthl/ com#ensation.

    .1.3 The com#"lsor/ life ins"rance coerage extended to the mem(ers is de#endent on the timel/ remittance ofthe #remi"ms d"e for the coerage. Th"s, the said coerage ma/ la#se for fail"re to remit the re?"ired #remi"ms.

    Section / E0ecti*it$ o) Mem%e#"&ip

    The eEectie date of mem(ershi# shall (e the date of the mem(erHs ass"m#tion to d"t/ on his original a##ointmentor election to #"(lic oDce.


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    Section 1 T$pe" o) Comp!"o#$ Li)e In"#+nce

    The -SIS is administering two @$ t/#es of com#"lsor/ life ins"rance #rograms for its mem(ers. &irst is the lifeIns"rance #olic/ with an endowment #lan or 'ife ndowment 5olic/ @'5 as disting"ished from the second #rogramwhich is termed as nhanced 'ife 5olic/ @'5.

    3.1 'ife ndowment 5olic/ @'5 is an ins"rance #olic/ iss"ed to mem(ers #rior toA"g"st 1, $ts "#on mat"rit/ or se#aration from the serice.

    3.1.$ The eEectie date of coerage is the date of a##ointment regardless of the stat"s thereof, or ass"m#tion tod"t/, whicheer is later and a##lica(le.

    3.1.) The t/#e of ins"rance #lans iss"ed to mem(ers de#ends on the age nearest the mem(erHs (irth date at thetime of eEectiit/, as follows:

    Age 9racet 5lan of Ins"rance)< /ears and (elow ndowment at 4

    )1 /ears to < ndowment at 441 /ears to 4+ ndowment at 343< /ears and oer Ordinar/ 'ife

    3.1. The amo"nt of ins"rance is (ased on the #lan of ins"rance, the age of the mem(er at the eEectiit/ of the#lan, and the >xed monthl/ #a/ of the mem(er. An ins"rance factor (ased on the age and t/#e of ins"rance isa##lied to the ann"al salar/ to get the amo"nt of ins"rance.

    3.1.4 After the >rst /ear of coerage, the #lan earns cash al"e and increases with the reg"lar #a/ment of#remi"ms on the #lan.

    3.1.3 In case of non6#a/ment of the #remi"ms, an A5' will (e a##lied against the cash al"e #roided that the#olic/ has eno"gh cash al"e, less #olic/ loan, to coer the A5'. 5roided f"rther, that s"ch non6#a/ment shall notextend to more than 1$ months. In the case non6#a/ment extends to

    more than 1$ months, the #olic/ shall (e la#sed and the remaining cash al"e shall (e the seed f"nd of the

    reinstated #olic/.

    3.1.0 2em(ers Coered "nder '5

    The following mem(ers are coered "nder '5:

    a. Reg"lar mem(ers whose #olicies were iss"ed (efore A"g"st 1, $

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    3.$.$ The ins"rance coerage is a /earl/ coer a"tomaticall/ iss"ed to a new mem(er of -SIS (ased on his >xedmonthl/ com#ensation. Jhile this does not hae an endowment #olic/, this #roides a higher form of death (ene>tfor the famil/, and at the same time, it has termination al"e which can (e withdrawn "#on se#aration orretirement.

    3.$.) Age and length of serice will no longer (e a factor in determining the amo"nt of ins"rance coerage.

    3.$. '5 of newl/ a##ointed em#lo/ee shall (e eEectie for a #eriod of +< da/s from date of ass"m#tion to d"t/,

    een witho"t recei#t of the corres#onding life ins"rance #remi"ms d"e and een if -SIS has not receied an/formal notice of his ass"m#tion to d"t/, s"(;ect to the following conditions:

    a. The new em#lo/ee is receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensation.

    (. In case the em#lo/ee dies within +< da/s from the date of ass"m#tion to d"t/, the corres#onding death (ene>tor the #roceeds of the life ins"rance shall (e #aid to the legal heirs, s"(;ect to #resentation of #roof that theem#lo/ee was a##ointed to the #osition and ass"med oDce within the said #eriod. 5remi"ms d"e the -SIS shall (eded"cted from the #roceeds of the life ins"rance (ene>t.

    c. In case no #a/ment of the monthl/ #remi"m contri("tions for life ins"rance is made after the +ts in case of his death.

    3.$.4 No s"##lemental #olicies will (e iss"ed in case of ad;"stment in the salar/ of the #olic/holder.

    3.$.3 '5 will earn termination al"e, which can (e withdrawn "#on se#aration or retirement.

    3.$.0 In case of non6#a/ment of the #remi"ms, an A5' will (e a##lied against the termination al"e of the #olic/,#roided that the said #olic/ has eno"gh termination al"e, less #olic/ loan, to coer the #remi"ms d"e for the lifeins"rance coer. 5roided f"rther, that s"ch non6#a/ment shall not (e more than 1$ months.

    3.$.* In case non6#a/ment is more than 1$ months, the #olic/ shall (e la#sed and the remaining termination al"eshall (e the seed f"nd of the reinstated #olic/.

    Section Atom+tic Po!ic$ Lo+n 3APL46 The A5' is a feat"re of a -SIS life ins"rance #olic/ that ee#s the#olic/ in force in case of non #a/ment of #remi"ms (/ taing o"t a loan amo"nt against the "nrestricted #ortion ofthe #olic/Hs acc"m"lated Cash 7al"e @C7 or Termination 7al"e @T7.

    0.1 The A5' shall onl/ (e a##lied if the #olic/ has:

    0.1.1 An "n#aid #remi"m after the grace #eriodF and

    0.1.$ arned s"Dcient C7 or T7 to coer the "n#aid #remi"ms or a fraction thereof, and #olic/ loan, incl"dingcorres#onding interest thereon.

    0.$ In the case of '5 or '5, if the #remi"m contri("tion #aid is not s"Dcient to coer the life ins"rance #remi"mfor the month, after ded"cting the retirement #remi"m, A5' e?"ialent to the amo"nt of the "n#aid #remi"m, or afraction thereof, shall (e a##lied.

    0.) The interest rate shall (e the same as the interest rate for #olic/ loan. The interest charged on the A5' of a#olic/holder shall (e inde#endent of the interest charged on the agenc/ for dela/ed remittances.

    0. The form"la for com#"ting the A5' 9alance as of a gien date shall (e as follows:

    A5' 9alance @c"rrent month K A5' 9alance @#reio"s month L Interest d"e on A5' 9alance @#reio"s month L

    Un#aid 5remi"m %"e for the C"rrent 2onth @f"ll or #artial

    Section 5 Po!ic$ L+p"+tion

    *.1 9asic R"les on 5olic/ 'a#sation. 6 A #olic/ shall (e considered la#sed when:

    *.1.1 The com(ined o"tstanding (alances of its A5' and 5olic/ 'oan hae exceeded the Cash 7al"e or Termination7al"e. The reg"lar #olic/ loan of a la#sed #olic/ and the A5', if an/, shall (e deemed #aid (/ the acc"m"latedC78T7 of the #olic/F or


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    *.1.$ The #olic/ has no #a/ment for twele @1$ months, or the total "n#aid #remi"ms is e?"al to twele @1$months, een if there is still (alance in the cash or termination al"e of the #olic/. After the a"tomatic la#se of acom#"lsor/ life ins"rance #olic/, the following shall (e done:

    a. If the mem(er is still in the serice, the C78T7 (alance shall (e "sed as seed f"nd of his new '5 #olic/ or shallform #art of the termination al"e of his reinstated '5, as the case ma/ (e.

    (. If the mem(er is alread/ se#arated from the serice, the C78T7 (alance shall (e "sed to #a/ his other existingloan o(ligations with the -SIS and an/ excess shall (e #aid to the #olic/holder, s"(;ect to the >ling of a claim,otherwise, the C78T7 (alance will (ecome the seed f"nd of his new '5, or added to the termination al"e of hisreinstated '5, in case of re6entr/ in goernment serice.

    c. The monthl/ #remi"m (illing for la#sed #olicies shall contin"e in case the mem(er is still in the serice.

    *.$. 9asic r"les on 5olic/ Reinstatement and Conersion from '5 to '5 are as follows:

    *.$.1 'a#sed #olic/ shall a"tomaticall/ (e reinstated on the date the life ins"rance #remi"ms are #aid and remittedto the -SIS for the acco"nt of the mem(er eEectie on the (eginning of the d"e month coered (/ the #a/ment.

    *.$.$ 2em(er with la#sed '5 shall (e iss"ed an '5 "#on recei#t of >rst #remi"m "nder the new coerage,#roided he is still in the serice.

    *.$.) &or mem(ers whose '5 has la#sed and were iss"ed new '5, all "n#osted life ins"rance #a/ments #rior to#olic/ la#se ("t #osted after #olic/ la#se shall (e added to the termination al"e of the new '5.

    *.$. After conersion from '5 #olic/ to '5 #olic/, an/ excess #a/ment, after a##l/ing the #a/ment to the c"rrentmonth and the #receding "n#aid months where the mem(er was gien a grace #eriod, shall (e added to the T7 ofthe '5.

    Section 6 Mem%e#7" Se#*ice P#o8!e

    &or #"r#oses of esta(lishing data for eer/ mem(er, a 2em(erHs Serice 5ro>le @2S5is created in the -SIS data(ase.

    The 2S5 (asicall/ contains the serice #ro>le of eer/ mem(er which incl"des among others, the date of >rst entr/in goernment serice, the #eriods in goernment serice, the res#ectie agencies and the #osition the mem(erhas sered, the salaries receied, the Total 'ength of Serice @T'S and the Record of Credita(le Serice @RCS.

    U#dates are made on the (asis of changes in #ersonal data, salaries, #romotion, transfers, and se#aration of amem(er.

    A mem(er se#arated from the serice (/ reason of resignation, retirement, disa(ilit/, dismissal from the serice,retrenchment or in an/ manner of se#aration from the goernment agenc/ to which he is em#lo/ed, shall contin"eto (e a mem(er altho"gh classi>ed "nder inactie stat"s and his mem(ershi# shall (e maintained in the data(aseof -SIS. Jhateer f"t"re (ene>ts he is entitled to shall (e #a/a(le to the mem(er once the/ (ecome d"e.

    Section 9: Ot&e# Po!icie" A0ectin, Mem%e#"&ip Amini"t#+tion


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    1cation of a Reg"lar 2em(er to S#ecial 2em(er

    The com#"lsor/ life #olic/ of a reg"lar mem(er who is conerted8reclassi>ed to s#ecial mem(er shall (e terminatedand #roided a '5 coerage, and, henceforth (e considered as a s#ecial mem(er.

    1cation has (een conerted tos#ecial mem(er (/ irt"e of his a##ointment as a "dge, "stice or their e?"ialent, shall (e terminated "#onse#aration from his old #osition. e shall (e #roided '5 coerage "#on ass"m#tion to d"t/ to his new #osition.

    1ts accr"ing to himat the time of his se#aration.

    Sho"ld the reg"lar mem(er ?"alif/ for se#aration (ene>ts, >ling of claim for the said (ene>ts shall #rescri(e afterfo"r @ /ears from the date of contingenc/. oweer, a se#arated mem(er with 14 /ears of serice can still claimfor retirement (ene>ts at age 3< and ma/ choose to receie either the 4 /ear l"m# s"m and #ension after the 46/ear g"aranteed #eriod or 1* months 925 and #ension immediatel/, s"(;ect to the A2C limit then #reailing at thetime of >ling.

    1t, s"(;ect to >ling of claim.

    1cation has (een conerted toreg"lar mem(er (/ irt"e of his a##ointment to a #osition eligi(le for reg"lar coerage shall (e terminated "#onse#aration from his old #osition. e shall (e #roided with '5 coerage as a reg"lar mem(er eEectie "#onass"m#tion to d"t/ to his new #osition.


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    mem(ers if the/ are not receiing >xed monthl/ com#ensation.

    1cate a"thenticated (/ theNational Statistics ODce @NSO as s"##orting doc"ment.

    Jhen s"(mitting a co"rt order, the mem(er shall indicate in the re?"est for change of date of (irth, the contactn"m(er of the co"rt who ordered the change of date of (irth, incl"ding the (ranch and #roince where the co"rt islocated.

    &or NSO6a"thenticated (irth certi>cate, the oDcial watermar of NSO sho"ld (e #resent in the doc"ment. &ail"reon the #art of the mem(er to com#l/ with the said re?"irements shall (e a gro"nd for re;ecting the re?"est.


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    11.$ &or S#ecial 2em(ers

    The S#ecial 2em(er shall #a/ the re?"ired life ins"rance #remi"ms of )G of the >xed monthl/ com#ensation for(oth em#lo/eesH and goernment agenc/Hs share.

    Section 92 B,et+#$ App#op#i+tion" to Co*e# Go*e#nment A,encie"7 Cont#i%tion"

    The goernment agenc/ shall ens"re that the necessar/ amo"nts for contri("tions forgoernment share shall (e incl"ded in their res#ectie ann"al ("dgets @or ("dgetar/ allocations, incl"ding allamo"nts d"e the -SIS.

    Section 9' Co!!ection o) Cont#i%tion"

    1).1. It shall (e com#"lsor/ "#on the goernment agenc/ to ded"ct from the >xed monthl/ com#ensation the#ersonal share of the mem(ers and to #rom#tl/ remit the same to -SIS.

    1).$. It is #rohi(ited for a goernment agenc/ to dela/ the remittance to -SIS of the #remi"m contri("tionsded"cted from the com#ensation of the mem(ers and "se it for other #"r#oses.

    Section 9- Remitt+nce o) Cont#i%tion"

    1.1 ach goernment agenc/ shall remit directl/ to the -SIS the em#lo/eesH and goernment agenc/Hscontri("tions within the >rst Ten @1

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    Section 95 Comp!"o#$ Li)e In"#+nce Bene8t" ne# t&e Li)e Eno=mentPo!ic$ 3LEP4

    A mem(er "nder this #olic/ ma/ (e entitled to an/ of the following (ene>ts, de#ending on the circ"mstances:

    1*.1 2at"rit/ (ene>ts, which is the face amo"nt #a/a(le to the mem(er "#on mat"rit/ of the #olic/.

    1*.$ Cash S"rrender 7al"e, which are earned al"es d"ring the term of the ins"rance #a/a(le to the mem(er whenhe is se#arated from the serice (efore mat"rit/ date of the #olic/ or when he is considered as a case of 5T%.

    1*.) %eath 9ene>t, which is the face al"e of the #olic/ #a/a(le to designated (ene>ciar/8(ene>ciaries or legalheirs, in the a(sence of the former, "#on the death of a mem(er.

    1*. Accidental %eath 9ene>t @A%9 is an additional (ene>t e?"ialent to the amo"nt of %eath 9ene>t when themem(er dies (/ accident.

    In this connection, #roof m"st (e #resented to s"Dcientl/ esta(lish that the ca"se of the mem(erHs death isaccidental.

    The right to #resent s"Dcient #roof to show that death was accidental shall #rescri(e if the claim for A%9 is >ledfo"r @ /ears after the death of the mem(er.

    1*.4 Cash %iidend. A #olic/holder is entitled to diidends s"(;ect to the g"idelines as a##roed (/ the -SIS 9oard.This is not a g"aranteed (ene>t.

    Section 96 Comp!"o#$ Li)e In"#+nce Bene8t" ne# t&e En&+nce Li)e Po!ic$3ELP4

    A mem(er "nder this #olic/ ma/ (e entitled to an/ of the following (ene>ts, de#ending on the circ"mstances:

    1+.1 %eath 9ene>t e?"ialent to the latest ann"al salar/ m"lti#lied (/ amo"nt of ins"rance @AOI factor which is 1.4or 1* times the c"rrent monthl/ salar/ of the mem(er or as determined (/ the -SIS, #a/a(le to the legal heirs, lessall o"tstanding o(ligations of the mem(er in accordance with the C'I5.

    1+.$ Termination 7al"e. The #olic/ earns a Termination 7al"e d"ring the life of the #olic/ com#"ted from the

    #ercentage of life ins"rance #remi"ms act"all/ remitted and #aid to -SIS.

    1+.$.1 Termination al"e is e?"ialent to a #ercentage of monthl/ life ins"rance #remi"ms as determined (/ the-SIS, d"e and #aid in f"ll, either (/ direct remittance or thro"gh an A5' facilit/.1+.$.$ The acc"m"lated termination al"e will grow at s"ch rate as determined (/ the Act"ar/.1+.$.) The termination al"e shall (e #aid to the mem(er "#on his se#aration from the goernment serice less allinde(tedness of the mem(er with the -SIS in accordance with C'I5.

    1+.) Cash %iidend. A #olic/holder is entitled to diidends, s"(;ect to the g"idelines as a##roed (/ the -SIS 9oard.This is not a g"aranteed (ene>t.

    Section 2: Reti#ement Bene8t".

    Under this Act, the retirement (ene>t consists of a monthl/ #ension which is com#"ted (ased on /ears of credita(le

    serice and A2C for the last ) /ears.


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    925 #a/a(le for life, starting on the >rst da/ of the month following the ex#iration of the >e /ear g"aranteed#eriodF or

    $t e?"ialent to eighteen @1* times of the 925, s"(;ect to ?"ali>cation re?"irements,less all o"tstanding o(ligations of the mem(er in accordance with the C'I5, #l"s monthl/ #ension for life #a/a(le onthe >rst month following the date of retirementF

    $e @4 /ear l"m# s"m, or ice ersa, shall not (e allowed.

    The -SIS shall #rocess the claim for retirement (ene>ts (ased on the mem(erHs records in the -SIS data(ase.

    $ts of 2em(ers Jho %ied Jhile their Claims are9eing 5rocessed

    $ciaries, if an/, shall (egranted after the end of the 46/ear g"aranteed #eriod, ("t >ling of claim for s"riorshi# (ene>t sho"ld (e done(efore the end of the 6/ear #rescri#tion #eriod.

    (. If the deceased mem(er o#ted for immediate #ension as indicated in his8her claim for retirement (ene>t his legalheirs shall (e entitled to retirement (ene>ts e?"ialent to eighteen @1* months of 925, #l"s accr"ed #ension, ifan/, "# to the date of death of the retiree. The corres#onding s"riorshi# #ension shall (e #aid to the ?"ali>ed#rimar/ (ene>ciaries, if an/, and shall (e com#"ted from the date of death of the retiree, s"(;ect to >ling of claim.

    c. In case the deceased mem(er failed to indicate in his8her retirement o#tion, it shall (e com#"ted as if he8sheo#ted for immediate #ension.

    d. The #roceeds of retirement (ene>ts shall (e #aid and distri("ted to the legal heirs in accordance with the law ons"ccession "nder the Ciil Code of the 5hili##ines.

    $ed to othera##lica(le (ene>ts "nder RA *$+1 or s"ch other laws administered (/ the -SIS.

    $ts #a/a(le shall incl"dethe #eriod or #eriods of serice with the re?"ired #remi"m contri("tions.


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    $1.1 &or those mem(ers who are se#arated from serice and who hae at least ) /ears of serice ("t less than 14

    /ears shall (e entitled to cash #a/ment e?"ialent to 1t of 2em(ers Jho %ied Jhile Their Claims are9eing 5rocessed

    $1..1 If the mem(er dies d"ring the #endenc/ of his claim for se#aration (ene>t and he has rendered at least 14

    /ears of credita(le serice, his legal heirs shall (e entitled to receie cash #a/ment e?"ialent to eighteen @1*times the (asic monthl/ #ension, #l"s accr"ed 925, if an/, "# to the date of death of the mem(er. Thereafter, the#rimar/ (ene>ciaries shall (e entitled to s"riorshi# #ension.

    $1..$ If the mem(er dies d"ring the #endenc/ of his claim for se#aration (ene>t and he has rendered less than 14/ears of credita(le serice, his legal heirs shall (e entitled to cash #a/ment e?"ialent to one h"ndred #ercent@1

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    $$.1 Conditions for ntitlement to Unem#lo/ment 9ene>t. A mem(er shall (e entitled to the "nem#lo/ment(ene>ts if the following conditions are met:

    $$.1.1 he8she was a #ermanent em#lo/ee at time of se#arationF

    $$.1.$ his8her se#aration was inol"ntar/ d"e to the a(olition of his8her oDce or #osition res"lting fromreorganiationF and

    $$.1.) he8she has (een #a/ing the re?"ired #remi"m contri("tions for at least one @1 /ear ("t less than 14 /ears#rior to se#aration.

    $$.$ Amo"nt, %"ration and 5a/ment Of Unem#lo/ment 9ene>t.6 The amo"nt of "nem#lo/ment (ene>t is e?"ialentto 4t #aid to the em#lo/ee d"ring his8her entiremem(ershi# with the -SIS shall (e ded"cted witho"t interest from the se#aration or retirement (ene>ts, as thecase ma/(e, to which the mem(er ma/ (e entitled to "#on his ol"ntar/ resignation, se#aration or retirement.

    Section 2' Di"+%i!it$ Bene8t".

    $).1 %isa(ilit/ refers to an/ loss or im#airment of the normal f"nctions of the #h/sical and8or mental fac"lties of amem(er, which #ermanentl/ or tem#oraril/ #reents him to contin"e with his wor or engage in an/ other gainf"locc"#ation res"lting in the loss of income.

    The corres#onding disa(ilit/ (ene>ts for each ind of disa(ilit/ shall (e granted to a mem(er (ased on the d"ration


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    of inca#acit/ to wor and act"al loss of income.

    There are three @) inds of disa(ilit/ which shall (e determined (/ the-SIS (ased on esta(lished medical standards:

    5ermanent Total %isa(ilit/ 5ermanent 5artial %isa(ilit/

    Tem#orar/ Total %isa(ilit/

    $).$ 5olicies -oerning %isa(ilit/ 9ene>ts:

    $).$.1 5ermanent Total %isa(ilit/ @5T% ! disa(ilit/ d"e to in;"r/ or disease ca"sing com#lete, irreersi(le and#ermanent inca#acit/ that will #ermanentl/ disa(le a mem(er to wor or to engage in an/ gainf"l occ"#ationres"lting to loss of income.

    The following disa(ilities shall (e deemed total and #ermanent:

    a. com#lete loss of sight for (oth e/esF(. loss of two lim(s at or a(oe the anle or wristsFc. #ermanent com#lete #aral/sis of two lim(sF andd. (rain in;"r/ res"lting in inc"ra(le im(ecilit/ or insanit/.e. s"ch other cases as ma/ (e determined and a##roed (/ the -SIS

    $).$.$ 5ermanent 5artial %isa(ilit/ @55% ! arises d"e to the com#lete and #ermanent loss of the "se of an/ of thefollowing res"lting to the disa(ilit/ to wor for a limited #eriod of time:

    a.1. an/ >nger a.$. an/ toe a.). one armF a.. one handF a.4. one footF a.3. one legFa.0. one or (oth earsFa.*. hearing of one or (oth earsFa.+. sight of one e/eFa.1t shall not (e com#ensa(le.

    $).$.3 If the mem(er has two or more diEerent contingencies d"ring the same #eriod of (ene>t entitlement, heshall (e com#ensated onl/ once for the oerla##ing #eriods.

    $).$.0 All in;"ries, disa(ilities, illnesses and all other in>rmities com#ensa(le "nder 5% 3$3 shall not (ecom#ensa(le "nder this Act.

    $).$.* An/ a##lica(le disa(ilit/ (ene>t shall (e s"s#ended when he8she:

    a. is re6em#lo/edF or(. recoers from his8her disa(ilit/ as determined (/ the -SIS, whose decision shall (e >nal and (indingF orc. fails to #resent himself for medical examination when re?"ired (/ -SISF or

    d. is receiing an/ other #ension either from -SIS or another local or foreign instit"tion or organiation.

    $).) Com#"tation of 9ene>t:

    $).).1 5ermanent Total %isa(ilit/ @5T%

    A mem(er who (ecomes #ermanentl/ and totall/ disa(led shall (e entitled to the monthl/ income (ene>ts for lifee?"ialent to the (asic monthl/ #ension @925 eEectie from the date of disa(ilit/.

    $).).$ 5ermanent 5artial %isa(ilit/ @55%


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    The #eriod of entitlement to 55% (ene>t shall (e determined after d"e medical eal"ationF ("t s"ch #eriod ofentitlement to the (ene>t shall not exceed 1$ months for the same contingenc/. Onl/ the leae of a(sence8switho"t #a/ inc"rred d"ring the #eriod of entitlement, d"l/ certi>ed (/ the a"thoried oDcer of the agenc/ wherehe is em#lo/ed, shall (e com#ensa(le.

    The amo"nt of 55% (ene>t shall (e com#"ted (/ diiding the 925(/ )< da/s and m"lti#l/ing the ?"otient (/ the n"m(er of

    com#ensa(le calendar da/s of leae of a(sence witho"t #a/@'JO5.

    $).).) Tem#orar/ Total %isa(ilit/ @TT%

    The #eriod of entitlement to TT% (ene>t shall (e determined after d"e medical eal"ation and #roof of act"al lossof wor res"lting in loss of income (/ wa/ of the inc"rred act"al n"m(er of da/s of leae of a(sence8s witho"t #a/d"l/ certi>ed (/ the a"thoried oDcer of the agenc/ where he is em#lo/edF ("t s"ch #eriod of entitlement to the(ene>t shall not exceed 1$< da/s in one calendar /ear. oweer, if the disa(ilit/ re?"ires more extensie treatmentthat lasts (e/ond 1$< da/s, the #a/ment of the TT% ma/ (e extended (/ the -SIS ("t not to exceed a total of $e /ear @4#eriod immediatel/ #receding his8her disa(ilit/F or has #aid a total of at least one h"ndred eight/ @1*ts for life, a cash #a/ment e?"ialent to eighteen @1* timeshis8her (asic monthl/ #ension @925, shall (e #aid to a mem(er who was in the serice at the time of his8her#ermanent total disa(ilit/ and who has #aid a total of one h"ndred eight/ @1*

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    (ene>t when:

    a. he8she is in the serice at the time of disa(ilit/F or

    (. if se#arated from the serice, he has #aid at least thirt/ six @)3 months contri("tions within the >e /ear @4#eriod immediatel/ #receding his8her disa(ilit/F or has #aid a total of at least one h"ndred eight/ @1*t when:

    a. he8she is in the serice at the time of disa(ilit/F or

    (. if se#arated from the serice, he has #aid at least thirt/ six @)3 months contri("tions within the >e /ear @4#eriod immediatel/ #receding his8her disa(ilit/F or has #aid a total of at least one h"ndred eight/ @1*t ma/ (e extended (/ the -SIS "# to a maxim"m of two h"ndred fort/ @$t shall (e s"s#ended and shall (e res"med onl/ "#on his8her com#liance thereto #roided

    that, he8she is fo"nd still entitled to the (ene>ts. The (ene>t corres#onding to the #eriod of s"s#ension shall also(e #aid.

    $)..3 &orfeit"re of %isa(ilit/ 9ene>ts. 6 All the foregoing #roisions notwithstanding, an/ mem(er who is en;o/ingdisa(ilit/ (ene>ts shall a"tomaticall/ forfeit his8her right to the contin"ed en;o/ment thereof if he8she ref"ses ordeli(eratel/ fails to:

    a. hae himself8herself medicall/ treated (/ a #h/sician when re?"ired (/ the -SISF or(. tae the #rescri(ed medications F orc. hae himself8herself con>ned in a hos#ital witho"t ;"sti>a(le reason, when s"ch con>nement is re?"ired (/ the


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    -SISF ord. aail himself8herself of s"ch reha(ilitation facilities as ma/ (e d"l/ recommended (/ the -SIS and madeaaila(le for him8herF ore. O(sere s"ch #reca"tionar/ and 8or #reentie meas"res as #rescri(ed (/ a #h/sician or ex#ressl/ re?"ired ofhim8her to #reent the aggraation or contin"ance of his8her disa(ilit/.

    oweer, "#on com#liance with the re?"irements, his8her (ene>ts shall (e res"med if he8she is still ?"ali>ed.

    Section 2- S#*i*o#"&ip Bene8t"

    $.1 Jhen a mem(er or #ensioner dies, the (ene>ciaries shall (e entitled to the following s"riorshi# (ene>ts,whicheer is a##lica(le:

    $.1.1. S"riorshi# #ension consisting of:

    a. the (asic s"riorshi# #ension which is >ft/ #ercent @4ft/ #ercent@4ciaries, the legal heirs shall receie the cash #a/ment e?"ialent to 1* x the


    $.$.$. If at the time of death, the mem(er was in the serice with less than >fteen @14 /ears of credita(le sericeFhis #rimar/ (ene>ciaries shall receie the cash #a/ment e?"ialent to 1ciaries of inactie mem(ers who hae at least ) /ears ("t less than 14 /ears of credita(le sericeand were less than 3< /ears old at the time of death shall receie the cash #a/ment e?"ialent to 1t, shall not (e entitled tos"riorshi# (ene>ts. oweer, if the mem(er has not receied /et his se#aration (ene>t within fo"r /ears afterhis8her se#aration, the #rimar/ (ene>ciaries shall receie the cash (ene>t e?"ialent to 1ts

    $..1.The s"riorshi# (ene>ts shall (e #aid as follows:


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    a. Jhen the de#endent s#o"se is the onl/ s"rior, he shall receie the (asic s"riorshi# #ensionF

    (. Jhen onl/ the de#endent children are the s"riors, the/ shall (e entitled onl/ to the de#endent childrenHs#ension e?"ialent to 1e @4, co"nted from the /o"ngestand witho"t s"(stit"tionF

    c. Jhen the s"riors are the de#endent s#o"se and the de#endent children, the de#endent s#o"se shall receie

    the (asic s"riorshi# #ension for life or "ntil he remarries or coha(its, and the de#endent children shall receie thede#endent childrenHs #ension.

    d. Jhen the de#endent s#o"se and de#endent children are alread/ receiing the (asic s"riorshi# #ension andde#endent childrenHs #ension, res#ectiel/, an/ s"(se?"ent death, emanci#ation or dis?"ali>cation of an/ one ofthem shall not entitle the other (ene>ciaries to the forfeited share.

    e. In the a(sence of a nat"ral g"ardian, the g"ardian de facto of de#endent children, as well as the #h/sicall/ ormentall/ inca#acitated de#endent children, m"st >le a 5etition for -"ardianshi# to (e a(le to claim the s"riorshi#(ene>ts on (ehalf of the de#endent children.

    f. Jhen the #ensioner dies within the 46/ear #eriod after receiing the >e6/ear l"m# s"m, the s"riorshi# #ensionshall (e #aid onl/ after the end of the said >e6/ear #eriod. oweer, >ling of claim for s"riorshi# (ene>t sho"ld(e done (efore the end of the 6/ear #rescri#tion #eriod.

    $.4 Conditions for ntitlement to S"riorshi# 9ene>ts

    The #rimar/ and secondar/ (ene>ciaries, exce#t de#endent children, shall (e entitled to a##lica(le s"riorshi#(ene>ts, s"(;ect to the following:

    a. not engaged in an/ gainf"l occ"#ation as de>ned in Sec $ @# of RA*$+1F(. the s"riing s#o"se and the deceased mem(er were liing together as h"s(and and wifeFc. not gainf"ll/ engaged in a ("siness or economic actiit/ @self6 em#lo/edFd. em#lo/ed8engaged in a ("siness or economic actiit/ ("t receiing income less than the minim"m com#ensationof goernment em#lo/ees.e. not receiing an/ other #ension from the -SIS or another local or foreign instit"tion or organiationF andf. In the case of the de#endent s#o"se, #a/ment of the (asic s"riorshi# #ension shall discontin"e when heremarries, coha(its, or engages in common6law relationshi#.

    The foregoing conditions, exce#t the last one, m"st (e #resent immediatel/ #receding the death of the mem(er or#ensioner.

    Section 2/ Fne#+! Bene8t"

    $4.1. &"neral (ene>t is intended to hel# defra/ the ex#enses incident to the ("rial and f"neral of the deceasedmem(er, #ensioner or retiree "nder RA 33t is >xed at 51

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    c. old age or disa(ilit/ #ensionerF or

    d. a retiree who at the time of his retirement is at least 3< /ears of age and with at least $< /ears of serice ("twho o#ts to retire "nder RA 1313 on or after "ne $, 1++0F or

    e. a mem(er who retired "nder RA 1313 #rior to "ne $, 1++0 with at least twent/ @$ts c. Retirement (ene>tsd. %isa(ilit/ (ene>tse. S"riorshi# (ene>ts f. &"neral (ene>tsg. 'ife Ins"rance (ene>ts

    $0.1.). Collection and #a/ment of contri("tionsF$0.1.. o"sing loans and all its related #olicies, #roced"res and g"idelinesF$0.1.4. O#tional 'ife Ins"rance and 5re6Need 9ene>tsF$0.1.3. Criminal actions arising from this ActF and

    $0.1.0. An/ other matter related to an/ or all of the foregoing which is necessar/ for their determination.

    Section 25 He+#in, Oce# Po=e#" +n Dtie". ; An/ mem(er of the 9oard or oDcial of the -SIS who is alaw/er ma/ (e designated (/ the 9oard as earing ODcer, with the following #owers and d"ties:

    $*.1. To receie oral and doc"mentar/ eidence of the #arties to a case and to r"le on their admissi(ilit/F

    $*.$. To iss"e s"mmons, s"(#oenas, s"(#oenas d"ces tec"m, orders, and other similar #rocesses necessar/ for the#ro#er determination and dis#osition of the case (efore him8herF

    $*.). To a##oint a co"nsel de o>cio for #a"#er litigants who are "na(le to sec"re the assistance of co"nsel, if the/


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    re?"est for s"ch assistanceF

    $*.. To administer oaths or aDrmationsF

    $*.4. To s"(mit >ndings and recommendations to the 9oard within the time #rescri(ed in these R"lesF and

    $*.3. To #erform s"ch other acts as ma/ (e directed (/ the 9oard or as ma/ (e necessar/ for the eEectie andeDcient discharge of his8her #owers and d"ties.

    Section 26 C!e# o) t&e GSIS.;The Cor#orate Secretar/ or his designated re#resentatie shall (e the Cler of the-SIS, with the following #owers and d"tiesF

    $+.1. To iss"e "nder the seal of the -SIS all ordinar/ writs and #rocesses incident to #ending cases, the iss"ance ofwhich does not inole the exercise of f"nctions a##ertaining to the 9oard, or earing ODcer or 9oard ODcer, andmae o"t and sign all writs and #rocesses iss"ing from the -SIS.

    $+.$. To #erform, in the a(sence of the 9oard or the earing ODcer, all the d"ties of the 9oard or the earingODcer receiing a##lications, #etitions, inentories, re#orts, and the iss"ance of all orders and notices that followas a matter of co"rse "nder the R"leF

    $+.). To safel/ ee# all records, #a#ers, >les, exhi(its and #"(lic #ro#ert/ committed to his charge, and the seal ofthe -SISF

    $+.. To ee# a general docet, each #age of which shall (e n"m(ered and #re#ared for receiing all the entries in asingle caseF and to enter therein all cases, n"m(ered consec"tiel/ in the order in which the/ were receiedF and,"nder the heading of each case and a com#lete title thereof, the date of each #a#er >led or iss"ed, of each order of;"dgment entered, and of each ste# taen in the caseF

    $+.4. To ee# a ;"dgment (oo containing a co#/ of each ;"dgment rendered (/ the 9oard in the order of the dateFand a (oo of entries of ;"dgment or orders of the 9oardF

    $+.3. To ee# an exec"tion (oo in which he or his de#"t/ shall record at length in chronological order eachexec"tion, and the oDcerHs ret"rn thereon, (/ irt"e of which real #ro#ert/ has (een soldF

    $+.0. To #re#are, for an/ #erson demanding the same, a co#/ certi>ed if #ro#er "nder the seal of the -SIS of an/#a#er, record, order, ;"dgment, or entr/ in this oDce, for the fees #rescri(ed (/ this R"leF

    $+.*. To com#ile the decisions of the 9oard and ca"se their #"(lication in a series to (e nown as -SIS Re#ortsF and

    $+.+. To ee# s"ch other (oos and #erform s"ch other d"ties as the 9oard ma/ direct.

    Section ': P#e"c#iption.; Claims for (ene>ts "nder Re#"(lic Act No. *$+1, exce#t for life ins"rance andretirement, shall #rescri(e after fo"r @ /ears from date of contingenc/.

    Section '9 Con"t#ction.;The #roisions of these sections shall (e li(erall/ constr"ed in order to #romote their#"r#ose and to assist the #arties in o(taining ;"st, s#eed/, and inex#ensie determination of eer/ action and#roceeding.

    Section '2 Spp!eto#$ App!ic+tion o) R!e" o) Co#t.; In the a(sence of an/ a##lica(le #roision in theseR"les, the #ertinent #roisions of the Reised R"les of Co"rt of the 5hili##ines shall, wheneer #ractica(le andconenient, (e a##lied (/ analog/ or in a s"##letor/ character and eEect.

    Section '' Gene#+! P#incip!e" in He+#in, +n Dete#min+tion o) C+"e".6 The #roceedings (efore the hearingoDcer shall (e s"mmar/ and non6litigio"s in nat"re and the technicalities of law and #roced"re and the r"leso(taining in the co"rts shall not strictl/ a##l/.

    In the hearing, inestigation and determination of an/ ?"estion or controers/, and in exercising an/ d"t/ or #ower"nder the law and this R"le, the 9oard or earing ODcer shall act on the merits of the case with the end in iew of#romoting ;"stice and e?"it/.


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    Section '- C+ption +n Tit!e.6 ach #leading shall contain a ca#tion setting forth the name, Re#"(lic of the5hili##ines,P followed (/ the name, -oernment Serice Ins"rance S/stemP immediatel/ (elow and, (elow thelatter the name 2etro 2anila.P

    The f"ll names of all the #arties shall (e stated in the ca#tion of the 5etition.

    Section '/ P+#tie".6 The #art/ initiating the action shall (e called the 5etitionerP and the #art/ against whom theaction is (ro"ght shall (e called Res#ondent.P

    Section '1 W&o M+$ Fi!e Petition.6 The -SIS, in a##ro#riate cases, or an/ #erson whose rights are or ma/ (e#re;"diced (/ the o#erations or the enforcement of Re#"(lic Act No. *$+1, Commonwealth Act No. 1*3, asamended, incl"ding its im#lementing r"les and reg"lations, #olicies and g"idelines and other laws administered (/the -SIS on matters herein a(oe s#eci>ed, ma/ >le a #etition (efore the -SIS either #ersonall/ or thro"gh co"nsel.

    Section ' Content" o) t&e Petition.6 The #etition shall state the following:

    )0.1. The f"ll name, address and legal ca#acit/ of the #etitionerF

    )0.$. The f"ll name and address of the res#ondentF

    )0.). A clear and concise statement of the #etitionerHs ca"se or ca"ses of action, s#ecif/ing therein the #artic"larsection8s of the law or r"le iolated or s"ed "#on. If the (asis of the action is a r"le, reg"lation, resol"tion,memorand"m or order of the 9oard, the date of the #rom"lgation thereof shall (e stated and a co#/ thereofattachedF and

    )0.. The relief so"ght.

    Section '5 led with theCler of the -SIS at the ODce of the Cor#orate Secretar/.


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    The #art/ >ling an/ #leadings shall sere the res#ondent or o##osing #art/ with a co#/ thereof and its s"##ortingdoc"ments with #roof of serice thereof.

    Section -9 Smmon".;U#on the >ling of a #etitionF the Cler of the -SIS shall immediatel/ indorse the same tothe earing ODcer for the iss"ance of the S"mmons.

    Jithin two @$ da/s from the recei#t of the indorsement from the Cler of the -SIS, the earing ODcer shall iss"ethe corres#onding s"mmons to the res#ondent8s together with a co#/ of the #etition and other s"##ortingdoc"ments

    Section -2 Re"pon"i*e P!e+in,.;The res#ondent shall >le his Comment or Answer to the 5etition within ten@1ndings andrecommendations ma/ (e rendered, witho"t need of a formal hearing, on the (asis of the #leadings, aDdaits andother eidence, and #osition8s statements s"(mitted (/ the #artiesF in which case, he ma/ re?"ire the #arties tos"(mit their 5osition 5a#ers within a #eriod of twent/ @$ndings and recommendations not later than thirt/ @)ndings and recommendations, he shall set the case for hearing for the #"r#ose. At s"ch hearing,witnesses whose aDdaits were #reio"sl/ s"(mitted ma/ (e ased clari>cator/ ?"estions (/ the #ro#onent and (/the earing ODcer and ma/ (e cross6examined (/ the aderse #art/.

    f. The order setting the case for hearing shall s#ecif/ the witnesses who will (e called to testif/, and the matters onwhich their examination will deal.

    .). &indings and Recommendations of earing ODcers.6 Jithin thirt/ @)led their last #leading, the earing ODcer shall s"(mit his >ndings andrecommendations to the 9oard, together with doc"mentar/ and testimonial eidence #resented in the case.

    .. %ecision of the 9oard. 6 The 9oard shall decide the case transmitted to it (/ the earing ODcer within thirt/@)fteen @14 da/s from recei#t of notice of decision or award, the aggrieed #art/ ma/ a##eal


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    the decision of the -SIS 9oard of Tr"stees to the Co"rt of A##eals (/ >ling a eri>ed 5etition for Reiew "nder R"le) of the Reised R"les of Co"rt.

    5ending cases and those >led #rior to "l/ 1, 1++0, shall (e goerned (/ the a##lica(le r"les of #roced"res.

    .3. xec"tion of %ecision.6 Jhen no 5etition for Reiew is >led and there is no order to sta/ (/ the 9oard, (/ theCo"rt of A##eals or (/ the S"#reme Co"rt, an/ decision or award of the 9oard shall (e enforced and exec"ted in thesame manner as decisions of the Regional Trial Co"rt. &or this #"r#ose, the 9oard shall hae the #ower to iss"e to

    the Cit/ or 5roincial SheriE or its a##ointed sheriE s"ch writs of exec"tion as ma/ (e necessar/ for theenforcement or s"ch decision or award, and an/ #erson who shall fail or ref"se to com#l/ with s"ch

    decision, award, writ or #rocess after (eing re?"ired to do so, shall, "#on a##lication (/ the -SIS, (e #"nished forcontem#t.

    RULE nance the (ene>ts administered (/the -SIS "nder RA *$+1. In addition, the -SIS shall administer the o#tional life ins"rance and #re6need #lans "nder

    this IRR, the m#lo/eeHs Com#ensation Ins"rance &"nd created "nder 5% 3$3, as amended, the -eneral Ins"rance&"nd created "nder Act No. 343, as amended, and s"ch other s#ecial f"nds existing or that ma/ (e created fors#ecial gro"#s or #ersons rendering serices to the goernment. The -SIS shall maintain the re?"ired reseres tog"arantee the f"l>llment of its o(ligations "nder RA *$+1.

    4.$. The f"nds of the -SIS shall not (e "sed for #"r#oses other than what are #roided for "nder RA *$+1.2oreoer, no #ortion of the f"nds of the -SIS or income thereof shall accr"e to the -eneral &"nd of the nationalgoernment and its #olitical s"(diisions, instr"mentalities and other agencies, incl"ding goernment6owned andcontrolled cor#orations exce#t as ma/ (e allowed "nder the Act.

    Section -1 Depo"it" +n Di"%#"ement".;All reen"es collected and all accr"als thereto shall (e de#osited,administered and dis("rsed in accordance with the law. A maxim"m ex#ense loading of twele #ercent @1$G of the/earl/ reen"es from all so"rces ma/ (e dis("rsed for administratie and o#erational ex#enses as ma/ (eotherwise a##roed (/ the 5resident of the 5hili##ines on the (asis of act"arial and management st"dies.

    Section - In*e"tment o) Fn".;The f"nds of the -SIS which are not needed to meet the c"rrent o(ligationsma/ (e inested "nder s"ch terms and conditions and r"les and reg"lations as ma/ (e #rescri(ed (/ the 9oardF5roided, That Inestments shall satisf/ the re?"irements of li?"idit/, safet/8sec"rit/ and /ield in order to ens"rethe act"arial solenc/ of the f"nds of the -SIS.

    0.1. &or #"r#oses of trans#arenc/ and acco"nta(ilit/, the -SIS shall re#ort to theo"ses of Congress, on an ann"al (asis, inestments in the following:

    0.1.1. In interest6(earing (onds or sec"rities or other eidence of inde(tedness of the -oernment of the5hili##inesF

    0.1.$. In interest6(earing de#osits or sec"rities of an/ domestic (an doing ("siness in the 5hili##inesF

    0.1.). In direct ho"sing loans to mem(ers and gro"# ho"sing #ro;ects sec"red (/ >rst mortgage, giing #riorit/ to

    the low6income gro"#sF and in short6and medi"m6term loans to mem(ers s"ch as salar/, #olic/, ed"cational,emergenc/, stoc #"rchase #lan and other similar loans:

    0.1.. In (onds, sec"rities, #romissor/ notes or other eidence of inde(tedness of ed"cational or medicalinstit"tions to >nance the constr"ction, im#roement and maintenance of schools and hos#italsF

    0.1.4. In real estate #ro#ert/, incl"ding shares of stocs inoling real estate #ro#ert/ and inestments sec"red (/>rst mortgages on real estate or other collaterals acce#ta(le to the -SIS:

    0.1.3. In de(t instr"ments and other sec"rities traded in the secondar/ maretsF


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    0.1.0. In loans to, or in (onds, de(ent"res, #romissor/ notes or other eidence of inde(tedness of an/ solentcor#oration created or existing "nder the laws of the 5hili##inesF

    0.1.*. In inestments in stocs for trading, whether common and #referred, of an/ solent cor#oration or >nancialinstit"tions.

    0.1.+. In inestments in the e?"it/ of an/ esta(lishment, >rm or entit/, either f"ll/ or #artiall/ owned (/ -SISF

    0.1.1nancial instr"ments or other assets iss"ed in accordance with existing laws of theco"ntries where s"ch >nancial instr"ments are iss"ed:

    0.$. Records and Re#orts.6 The -SIS shall maintain a##ro#riate (oos of acco"nts, incl"ding electronic records, torecord its assets, lia(ilities, income, ex#enses, recei#ts and dis("rsements of f"nds and other >nancial transactionsand o#erations. The -SIS shall ee# and ca"se to (e e#t s"ch records, as ma/ (e necessar/ for the #"r#ose ofmaing act"arial st"dies, calc"lations and al"ations of the f"nds of the -SIS incl"ding s"ch data needed in the

    com#"tation of rates of disa(ilit/, mortalit/, mor(idit/, se#aration and retirement among the mem(ers and an/other information "sef"l for the ad;"stment of (ene>ts of the mem(ers.

    0.). xamination and 7al"ation of &"nds. 6 The -SIS shall mae an act"arial examination and al"ation of its f"ndsin accordance with acce#ted act"arial #rinci#les eer/ three @) /ears to coincide with the reiew of the Ins"ranceCommission.

    0.. xem#tion of -SIS and its Assets and &"nds from Taxes, Assessments, &ees, Charges, and %"ties6State 5olic/.

    a. It is declared #olic/ of the State that the act"arial solenc/ of the f"nds of the -SIS shall (e #resered andmaintained at all times and that contri("tion rates necessar/ to s"stain the (ene>ts "nder this Act shall (e e#t aslow as #ossi(le in order not to ("rden the mem(ers of the -SIS and their goernment agenc/.

    (. Accordingl/, notwithstanding an/ laws to the contrar/, the -SIS, its assets, #ro#erties, reen"es incl"ding allaccr"als thereto, and (ene>ts #aid, are exem#t (/ irt"e of RA *$+1 from all taxes, assessments, fees, charges andd"ties of all inds as well as all legal #roceedings.

    c. These exem#tions shall contin"e "nless ex#ressl/ and s#eci>call/ reoed and an/ assessment against the -SIS,as of the a##roal of RA*$+1, are here(/ considered #aidF

    d. All laws, ordinances, reg"lations, iss"ances, o#inions or ;"ris#r"dence contrar/ to or in derogation of this

    #roision are deemed re#ealed, s"#erseded and rendered ineEectie and witho"t legal force and eEect.

    e. These exem#tions shall not (e aEected (/ s"(se?"ent laws to the contrar/, "nless Section )+ of RA *$+1 isex#ressl/, s#eci>call/ and categoricall/ reoed or re#ealed (/ law and a #roision is enacted to s"(stit"te orre#lace the exem#tions grant. This #roision is essential to maintain or #rotect the solenc/ of the f"nd,notwithstanding, and inde#endentl/ of the g"arant/ of, the national goernment to sec"re the solenc/ of -SISf"nds or the #a/ments of its lia(ilities to its mem(ers.

    0.4. xem#tion of all &"nds of the -SIS from Tax, Attachment, xec"tion, 'e/ or Other 'egal 5rocesses.6 The f"ndsand8or the #ro#erties referred to herein as well as the (ene>ts, s"ms or monies corres#onding to the (ene>ts "nderthis Act shall (e exem#t from attachment, garnishment, exec"tion, le/ or other #rocesses iss"ed (/ the co"rts,?"asi ;"dicial agencies or administratie (odies incl"ding Commission on A"dit @COA disallowances and from all>nancial o(ligations of the mem(ers, incl"ding his #ec"niar/ acco"nta(ilit/ arising from or

    ca"sed or occasioned (/ his exercise or #erformance of his oDcial f"nctions or d"ties, or inc"rred relatie to or inconnection with his #osition or wor exce#t when his monetar/ lia(ilit/, contract"al or otherwise, is in faor of the


    0.3. -oernment -"arantee. 6 The -oernment of the Re#"(lic of the 5hili##ines g"arantees the f"l>llment of theo(ligations of the -SIS to its 2em(ers as and when the/ fall d"e.

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    Section -6 Po=e#" +n Fnction" o) t&e GSIS. 6 The -SIS shall exercise the following #owers and f"nctions:

    +.1.To form"late, ado#t, amend and8or rescind s"ch r"les and reg"lations as ma/ (e necessar/ to carr/ o"t the#roisions and #"r#oses of RA *$+1, as well as ens"re the eEectie exec"tion of the #owers, f"nctions, d"ties, andres#onsi(ilities of the -SIS, its oDcers and em#lo/eesF

    +.$. To ado#t or a##roe the ann"al and s"##lemental ("dget of recei#ts and ex#endit"res incl"ding salaries and

    allowances of the -SIS #ersonnelF and to a"thorie s"ch ca#ital and o#erating ex#endit"res and dis("rsements ofthe -SIS as ma/ (e necessar/ and #ro#er for the eEectie management and o#eration of the -SISF

    +.). To inest the f"nds of the -SIS, directl/ or indirectl/, in accordance with the #roisions of RA *$+1F

    +.. To ac?"ire, "tilie and dis#ose of, in an/ manner recognied (/ law, real or #ersonal #ro#ert/ in the 5hili##inesor elsewhere necessar/ to carr/ o"t the #"r#oses of RA *$+1F

    +.4. To cond"ct contin"ing act"arial and statistical st"dies and al"ations to determine the >nancial condition ofthe -SIS and, taing into consideration s"ch st"dies and al"ations and the limitations herein #roided.

    +.3. Re6ad;"st the (ene>ts, contri("tions, #remi"m rates, interest rates or the allocation or re6allocation of thef"nds to the contingencies coeredF

    +.0. To hae the #ower of s"ccessionF

    +.*. To s"e and (e s"edF

    +.+. To enter into, mae, #erform and carr/ o"t contracts of eer/ ind and descri#tion with an/ #erson, >rm orassociation or cor#oration, domestic or foreignF

    +.1fteen tho"sand @14,rm, or entit/, domestic or foreignF

    +.1. To a##roe a##ointments in the -SIS exce#t a##ointments to #ositions which are #olic/ determining,#rimaril/ con>dential or highl/ technical according to the Ciil Serice r"les and reg"lationsF 5roided, That all#ositions in the -SIS shall (e goerned (/ a com#ensation and #osition classi>cation s/stem and ?"ali>cationsstandards a##roed (/ the -SIS 9oard of Tr"stees (ased on a com#rehensie ;o( anal/sis and a"dit of act"al d"tiesand res#onsi(ilities: 5roided, f"rther, That the com#ensation #lan shall (e com#ara(le with the #reailingcom#ensation #lans in the #riate sector and shall (e s"(;ect to #eriodic reiew (/ the 9oard no more than onceeer/ fo"r @ /ears witho"t #re;"dice to /earl/ merit reiew or increases (ased on #rod"ctiit/ and #ro>ta(ilit/F

    +.14. To design and ado#t an arl/ Retirement Incentie 5lan @RI5 and8or >nancial assistance for the #"r#ose ofretirement for its own #ersonnelF

    +.13. To >x and #eriodicall/ reiew and ad;"st the rates of interest and other terms and conditions for loans andcredits extended to mem(ers or other #ersons, whether nat"ral or ;"dicialF

    +.10. To enter into agreement with the Social Sec"rit/ S/stem or an/ other entit/, enter#rise, cor#oration or

    #artnershi# for the (ene>t of mem(ers transferring from one s/stem to another s"(;ect to the #roision of Re#"(licAct No. 03++, otherwise nown as the 5orta(ilit/ 'awF

    +.1*. To (e a(le to Moat #ro#er instr"ments to li?"ef/ long6term receia(les (/ selling the same in the secondar/maretF

    +.1+. To s"(mit ann"all/, not later than "ne )

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    em#lo/ees and their earnings, for the #a/ment of (ene>ts to s"ch oDcials and em#lo/ees or their heirs "nder s"chterms and conditions as it ma/ #rescri(eF

    +.$1. To a##roe and ado#t g"idelines aEecting inestments, ins"rance coerage of goernment #ro#erties,settlement of claims, dis#osition of ac?"ired assets, #riatiation or ex#ansion of s"(sidiaries, deelo#ment ofho"sing #ro;ects, increased (ene>t and loan #acages to mem(ers, and the enforcement of the #roisions of thisActF

    +.$$. An/ #roision of law to the contrar/ notwithstanding, to a"thorie the #a/ment of extra rem"neration to theoDcials and em#lo/ees directl/ inoled in the collection and8or remittance of contri("tions, loan re#a/ments andother monies d"e to the -SIS at s"ch rates and "nder s"ch conditions as it ma/ ado#t: 5roided, That the (estinterest of the -SIS shall (e o(seredF

    +.$). To determine, >x and im#ose interest "#on "n#aid #remi"ms d"e from the goernment agenc/ andem#lo/eesF

    +.$. To ens"re the collection or recoer/ of all inde(tedness, lia(ilities and8or acco"nta(ilities, incl"ding "n#aid#remi"ms or contri("tions in faor of the -SIS arising from an/ ca"se or so"rce whatsoeer, d"e from all o(ligors,whether #"(lic or #riateF

    +.$4. &or this #"r#ose, the 9oard shall demand #a/ment or settlement of s"ch o(ligations within thirt/ @)ed.7acanc/, other than thro"gh the ex#iration of the term, shall (e >lled for the "nex#ired term onl/. The mem(ers ofthe 9oard shall (e entitled to a #er diem of Two Tho"sand &ie "ndred 5esos @5$, 4

  • 7/24/2019 IRR_RA 8291



    41.$. To #rom"lgate s"ch r"les and reg"lations as ma/ (e necessar/ or #ro#er for the eEectie exec"tion of the#owers, f"nctions, d"ties and res#onsi(ilities of the -SIS, its oDcers and em#lo/eesF

    41.). To hae the #rimar/ d"t/ to receie and hear a##eals for administratie remedies inoling disci#linar/actions against -SIS em#lo/ee, (efore s"ch a##eals are referred to the co"rts as formal com#laintsF

    41.. U#on the recommendation of the 5resident and -eneral 2anager, to a##roe the ann"al and s"##lemental("dget of recei#ts and ex#endit"res of the -SIS, and to a"thorie s"ch o#erating and ca#ital ex#endit"res anddis("rsements of the -SIS as ma/ (e necessar/ or #ro#er for the eEectie management, o#eration andadministration of the -SIS.

    41.4. U#on the recommendation of the 5resident and -eneral 2anager, to a##roe the -SISH organiational andadministratie str"ct"res and staDng #attern, and to esta(lish, >x, reiew, reise and ad;"st the a##ro#riatecom#ensation #acage for the oDcers and em#lo/ees of the -SIS with reasona(le allowances, incenties, (on"ses,#riileges and other (ene>ts as ma/ (e necessar/ or #ro#er for the eEectie management, o#eration andadministration of the -SIS, which shall (e exem#t from Re#"(lic Act No. 304*, otherwise nown as the Salar/Standardiation 'aw and Re#"(lic Act No. 0)

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    after the close of each calendar /ear, an a"dited statement showing the >nancial condition and #rogress of the-SIS for the calendar /ear ;"st ended.

    Section // Le,+! Con"e!.

    44.1. The -oernment Cor#orate Co"nsel shall (e the legal adiser and cons"ltant of the -SIS, and the -SIS ma/

    assign to it cases for legal action or trial, iss"es for legal o#inions, #re#aration and reiew of contracts8agreementsand others, as the -SIS ma/ decide or determine from time to time. 5roided, howeer, That

    the #resent legal serices gro"# as well as 9ranch Attorne/s shall sere as the-SIS in6ho"se legal co"nsel.

    44.$. The -SIS ma/, s"(;ect to a##roal (/ the #ro#er co"rt, de#"tie an/ #ersonnel of the legal serices gro"# andits 9ranch Attorne/s to act as s#ecial sheriE in the enforcement of writs and #rocesses iss"ed (/ the co"rt, ?"asi6;"dicial agencies or administratie (odies in cases inoling the -SIS.

    Section /1 Po=e#" o) t&e In"#+nce Commi""ion.;The Ins"rance Commissioner or his a"thoriedre#resentaties shall mae an examination of the >nancial condition and methods of transacting ("siness of the-SIS at least once eer/ three @) /ears to coincide with the -SIS act"arial reiew and al"ation. The re#ort of saidexamination shall (e s"(mitted to the 9oard of Tr"stees, with co#ies f"rnished the ODce of the 5resident of the

    5hili##ines and the two o"ses of Congress of the 5hili##ines within >e @4 da/s after the close of the examination:5roided, f"rther, That for each examination, the -SIS shall #a/ the oDce of the Ins"rance Commissioner anamo"nt e?"al to the act"al ex#enses inc"rred in cond"cting the examination, incl"ding the salaries of theexaminers and the act"ar/ for the act"al time s#ent.

    RULE ne of not less than &ie tho"sand #esos @54,

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    consenting thereto, or thro"gh a(andonment or negligence, or is otherwise g"ilt/ of the misa##ro#riation of saidf"nd or #ro#ert/, in whole or in #art, shall s"Eer the #enalties #roided in Article $10 of the Reised 5enal Code,and in addition shall s"Eer a(sol"te #er#et"al dis?"ali>cation from holding #"(lic oDce and from #racticing an/#rofession or calling licensed (/ the goernment.

    4+.4. An/ em#lo/ee, who after ded"cting the monthl/ contri("tion or loan amortiation from a mem(er Qscom#ensation, fails to remit the same to the -SIS within thirt/ @)

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    31.). No in;"nction or restraining order iss"ed (/ an/ co"rt, commission, tri("nal or oDce shall (ar, im#ede or

    dela/ the sale and dis#osition (/ the -SIS of its ac?"ired assets exce#t on ?"estions of ownershi# and national or

    #"(lic interest.

    Section 12 Go*e#nment A""i"t+nce to t&e GSIS.;The -SIS ma/ call "#on an/ goernment agenc/ for s"chassistance as ma/ (e necessar/ in the discharge of its d"ties and f"nctions.

    Section 1' Non;imp+i#ment o) Bene8t" Po=e#" ?#i"iction Ri,&t" P#i*i!e,e" Fnction" +n

    Acti*itie". ;Nothing in this IRR shall (e constr"ed to re#eal, amend or limit an/ #roision of RA *$+1 nor of an/

    existing laws, 5residential %ecrees and 'etters of Instr"ctions, not otherwise s#eci>call/ inconsistent with the

    #roisions of RA *$+1.

    Section 1- E(c!"i*ene"" o) Bene8t". ;Jheneer other laws #roide similar (ene>ts for the same

    contingencies coered (/ RA *$+1, the mem(er who ?"ali>es to the (ene>ts shall hae the o#tion to choose which

    (ene>ts will (e #aid to him. oweer, if the (ene>ts #roided (/ the other law chosen are less than the (ene>ts#roided "nder RA *$+1, the -SIS shall #a/ onl/ the diEerence.

    Section 1/ App#op#i+tion".;The amo"nt necessar/ to carr/ o"t the #roisions of RA

    *$+1 shall (e incl"ded in the res#ectie ("dgets of the coered agencies in the national goernment o(ligation

    #rogram starting C= 1++*.

    Section 11 Sep+#+%i!it$ C!+"e.; Sho"ld an/ #roision of RA *$+1 or an/ #art thereof (e declared inalid, the

    corres#onding #roisions in this IRR shall (e corres#ondingl/ stricen o"t, amended, or ?"ali>ed as a##ro#riate. The

    other #roisions, insofar as the/ are se#ara(le from the inalid ones, shall remain in force and in eEect.

    Section 1 Repe+!in, C!+"e.; All #roisions of existing im#lementing r"les and reg"lations, circ"lars, and other

    #roced"res corres#onding to laws and an/ other law or #arts of law s#eci>call/ inconsistent with RA *$+1 and with

    these IRR are here(/ re#ealed or modi>ed accordingl/. 5roided, That the rights "nder existing laws, r"les

    and reg"lations ested "#on or ac?"ired (/ an em#lo/ee who is alread/ in the serice as of the eEectiit/ of RA

    *$+1 shall remain in force and in eEect. 5roide, f"rther, That s"(se?"ent to the eEectiit/ of RA *$+1, a new

    em#lo/ee or an em#lo/ee who has #reio"sl/ retired or (een se#arated and is re6em#lo/ed in the serice, shall (e

    coered (/ the #roisions of these IRR.

    Section 15 E0ecti*it$ o) t&e Re*i"e Imp!ementin, R!e" +n Re,!+tion".;These reised IRR shall tae

    eEect >fteen @14 da/s after its #"(lication in the ODcial -aette or in at least two @$ news#a#ers of general


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