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  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    System Analysis and Design7. Project Management Basics

    Stage I: Requirement AnalysisProject Management Basics

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM



    Whats Project Management!heory

    !he S"#! side o$ %roject managementPractice

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    &earning "'jecti(es

    Know (Define): project and project management Three key metrics for any project management: cost, schedule &

    quality !"T & #antt chart and their functions $ritical path & slack time !%pectations management matri%

    $ompare: roject and process management

    pply: 'se roject to lan your project roject management skills in group project

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    Whats Project Management

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM



    *+ ft

    upplier -: ./+ 0 pipe

    upplier : .*++ 0 1undle (2 pipes)

    3our #oal: 4 5

    3our -udget: . 6++

    3our Time: 6 minutes

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    What is a %roject*

    Project a 7temporary8 sequence of unique, comple%, and connected

    acti9ities ha9ing one goal or purpose and that must 1e

    completed 1y specific time, within 1udget, and according tospecification

    Project management the process of scoping, planning, staffing, organiing,

    directing, and controlling the de9elopment of an accepta1le

    system at a minimum costwithin a specified time frame Process management

    the acti9ity of documenting, managing, and continuallyimpro9ing the process of systems de9elopment

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    What is a success$ul %roject*

    The resulting information system is accepta1letothe customer (1uilt to specification)

    The system was deli9ered ;on timehere do we get all the num1ers?

    ast e%perience -est practices

    ethodology a9erage

    @ne e%ample: Typical system project would ha9e:

    ?A planning

    ?A analysis

    ?A design

    ?A implementation

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    +stimate the Si,e o$ a Project

    #unction Point A%%roach

    function point is a measure of program sie that is 1asedon the systemBs num1er and comple%ity of inputs, outputs,queries, files, and program interfaces

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    +stimate the Si,e o$ a Project

    +stimating #unction Point

    djusted rocessing $omple%ity ($) C +2 E ++* 5 $ C +F6

    Total djusted Gunction oints (TG) C $ 5 T'G C 64/

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    +stimate the Si,e o$ a Project

    #unction Point: Best Practice To make things simple, $ estimation could use 9alues of

    +2, * and */2

    -est way to do G: once at project lunch, once after functionalrequirements are listed (after use case in 'H), and once moreif major modification happens

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    +stimate the Si,e o$ a Project

    #unction Point to Programming &anguage

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    +stimate the Si,e o$ a Project

    !ffort (in personImonths) C*4 J thousands of lines of code

    chedule time (months) C/+ J personImonths*0/

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    &imitations o$ the #PA

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    Acti(ity Planning

    cti9ity planning includes: electing a systems analysis team !stimating time required to complete each task cheduling the project

    Two tools for project planning and control are

    #antt charts and !"T diagrams

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    Identi$y !as4s

    rojectphasestasks or acti9ities

    Tasks can 1e indentified through: DH$

    roduct Time is estimated for each task or acti9ity

    ost likely, pessimistic, and optimistic estimates

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    A !ale o$ !5o !ools6

    P+R! chart= a graphical network model used to depictthe interdependencies 1etween a projectBs tasks

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    +stimate !as4 Durations

    * !stimate the minimum amount of time= the optimistic duration(@D)

    6 !stimate the ma%imum amount of time= the pessimisticduration (D)

    / !stimate the e%pected duration(!D)4 $alculate a weighted a9erage of the most likely duration(D)

    as follows:

    D = (1 x OD) + (4 x ED) + (1 x PD)


    3.33 days = (1 x 2 days) + (4 x 3 days) + (1 x 6 days)



  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM



    !"TIrogram !9aluation and "e9iew Technique

    I -est for identifying the critical path

    I onitoring critical path will identify shortest time tocomplete the project

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  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    !asy identification of the order of precedence

    !asy identification of the critical path and thus

    critical acti9ities

    !asy determination of slack time, the leeway tofall 1ehind on noncritical paths

    !"T Diagram d9antages

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    A !ale o$ !5o !ools6

    )antt chart= a 1ar chart used to depict project tasksagainst a calendar

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    S%eci$y Intertas4 De%endencies

    GinishItoIstart (G)LThe finish of one task triggers thestart of another task

    tartItoIstart ()LThe start of one task triggers thestart of another task

    GinishItoIfinish (GG)LTwo tasks must finish at the same


    tartItoIfinish (G)LThe start of one task signifies thefinish of another task

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    Scheduling Strategies

    #or5ard scheduling= a project schedulingapproach that esta1lishes a project start dateand then schedules forward from that date

    Re(erse scheduling= a project schedulingstrategy that esta1lishes a project deadline andthen schedules 1ackward from that date

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM



    "emem1er the three constraints of a project?

    >hich one is usually GMN!D? >hat if e%pectations cannot 1e met?

    Mn time1o%ing, we fi% the time Mf change has to 1e made, we either ? @r ?

    The keyto time1o%ing is the O+06+ rule

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    Assign Resources

    eople includes all the system owners, users, analysts, designers, 1uilders,

    e%ternal agents, and clerical help that will 1e in9ol9ed in the project in anyway

    er9ices includes ser9ices such as a quality re9iew that may 1e charged on a per

    use 1asis Gacilities and equipment

    Mncludes all rooms and technology that will 1e needed to complete theproject

    upplies and materials

    Mncludes e9erything from pencils, paper, note1ooks to toner cartridges,and so on

    oney = includes a translation of all of the a1o9e into 1udgeteddollarsP

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM



    The ore, The errier?

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    Direct the Team !ffort

    -e $onsistent ro9ide upport

    DonBt ake romises 3ou $anBt Keep

    raise in u1licQ $riticie in ri9ate

    -e ware of orale Danger oints

    et "ealistic Deadlines

    et ercei9a1le Targets

    !%plain and how, "ather Than Do DonBt "ely Rust on 7tatus "eports8

    !ncourage a #ood Team pirit

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    onitor and $ontrol rogress

    rogress reporting

    $hange management

    !%pectations management

    chedule adjustmentsLcritical path analysis($)

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    !%pectations anagement

    +8%ectations management matri8= a tool used tounderstand the dynamics and impact of changing theparameters of a projectThe most important

    The second most important

    The least important

    $an ha9e onlyone N in eachrow and eachcolumn

    Hunar roject !%pectations

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    Hunar roject !%pectationsanagement

    Typical Mnitial !%pectations for a

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    Typical Mnitial !%pectations for aroject

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    djusting !%pectations

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    $hanging riorities

  • 7/23/2019 IS 390 _9_PM


    !he S"#! side o$ %roject management

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