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Welcome to U.S. History 2

There are four activities that you must complete before the new school year begins. You musthand in this cover paper with your assignments on the first day of school. This sheet is yourrubric and is worth 5 points. This will be the first grade of the marking period!

Attached you will fmd the following:

Check off once complete:

__ 1) Current Event Worksheet: This activity requires you to read a domestic (US based)news article and complete the worksheet that goes with it.

1. IS

2. 15

3. 15--

__ 2) Film Analysis

1. 15

2. 15

3. 15

4. 15

5. 15 TOTAL: 130

6. 15

4. 15

5. 15 125TOTAL:

__ 3)Document Based Question (DBQ): Read the documents and answer the questionsbelow.

1. 14

2. 14

3. 14

4. 14

5. 14 120TOTAL:

__ 4) Reading Comprehension: Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

10 questions-2 points each


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Name: _ Date: _

Current Events Report: U.S. II

Directions: Find one domestic (U.S) current event that happens during the summer

months(June-August) that interests you. Read the article and answer the questions below in

complete sentences! Each Question is 5 points each.

Title of Article:

Who is involved (individuals, groups, things)

When (Date of event and date of article)

Where in the world (County, city, state-mention all that apply)

What is going on (In complete sentences)

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Why is the event/issue newsworthy (Why would people care about this?)

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Film Analysis

us. History II: Please find below some guidelines and helpful hints for the movie review. It must be aone (1) page analysis.

Step One - Choose one movie from the list below:

1. Blast from the Past 5. The Long Walk Home

2. The Hunt for Red October 6. A League of Their Own

3. Remember the Titans 7.42

4. The Blind Side 8. Forrest Gump

Step Two- Watch the movie

As you watch the movie pay attention to detail. Try to remember character names, and keep track of plottwists. What are the major themes and conflicts and how are they resolved or are they left unresolved?Also, record your own initial reactions to the film.

Step Two - additional research required

You're not ready to start writing quite yet. Your review would still benefit from more research. Take tothe Internet and research the topic that the movie is based on. You must have one reliable source tosupport your analysis.

Step three - Write the Review

• Evaluate the Movie: in terms of history, the review should attempt to answer the followingquestions.

1.) Does this movie portray historical events accurately? If not, what does it do wrong?2.) Discuss the historical context, essentially how well does the movie represent the timein which it is cast?3.) Are the events, feelings, and material culture of the era properly represented?4.) How good is the film at immersing the viewer in the era?5.) Also, what does the movie say about the important themes of the area?

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The New Deal

Answer the following questions in complete sentences by analyzing the above politicalcartoon about the New Deal.

1. Who are the three people depicted in this cartoon? How do you know who they are?

2. What do some of the abbreviations stand for? Name two.

3. What is ironic about the "New Deal Remedies" bag?

4. How is Roosevelt depicted by the illustrator?

5. Do you think this cartoon is optimistic or pessimistic of the "New Deal" Programs?

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War and Uneasy NeutralityBefore Roosevelt's second term was

well under way, his domestic program wasovershadowed by the expansionist designs oftotalitarian regimes in Japan, Italy, andGermany. In 1931 Japan had invadedManchuria, crushed Chinese resistance, andset up the puppet state of Manchukuo. Italy,under Benito Mussolini, enlarged itsboundaries in Libya and in 1935 conqueredEthiopia. Germany, under Nazi leader AdolfHitler, militarized its economy and reoccupiedthe Rhineland (demilitarized by the Treaty ofVersailles) in 1936. In 1938, Hitlerincorporated Austria into the German Reichand demanded cession of the German-speaking Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. Bythen, war seemed imminent.

1. Totalitarian regimes existed in all butwhich of the following countries?

a. Canadab. Germanyc. Italyd. Japan

2. The Japanese renamed Manchuria __ .a. Japanese Manchuriab. Manchukuoc. Machu Picchud. New Manchuria

3. What country did Italy conquer in 1935?

4. What German leader militarized hiscountry's economy in the 1930s?

The United States, disillusioned by thefailure of the crusade for democracy in WorldWar I, announced that in no circumstancescould any country involved in the conflict lookto it for aid. Neutrality legislation, enactedpiecemeal from 1935 to 1937, prohibited tradein arms with any warring nations, requiredcash for all other commodities, and forbadeAmerican flag merchant ships from carryingthose goods. The objective was to prevent, atalmost any cost, the involvement of the UnitedStates in a foreign war.

5. During the 1930s, the United States waseager to get involved in internationalconflicts.

a. Trueb. False

With the Nazi conquest of Poland in1939 and the outbreak of World War II,isolationist sentiment increased, even thoughAmericans clearly favored the victims ofHitler's aggression and supported the Allieddemocracies, Britain and France. Rooseveltcould only wait until public opinion regardingU.S.involvement was altered by events.

6. What country was invaded by the Germansin 19397

a. Chinab. Norwayc. Polandd. Russia

After the fall of France and thebeginning of the German air war againstBritain in mid- 1940, the debate intensified

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Name: _ Date: Class:

between those in the United States whofavored aiding the democracies and theantiwar faction known as the isolationists.Roosevelt did what he could to nudge publicopinion toward intervention. The United Statesjoined Canada in a Mutual Board of Defense,and aligned with the Latin American republicsin extending collective protection to thenations in the Western Hemisphere.

7. Americans opposed to joining the war wereknown as

a. fraidy catsb. interventionistsc. isolationistsd. war hawks

Congress, confronted with the mountingcrisis, voted immense sums for rearmament,and in September 1940 passed the firstpeacetime conscription bill ever enacted in theUnited States. In that month also, Rooseveltconcluded a daring executive agreement withBritish Prime Minister Winston Churchill. TheUnited States gave the British Navy 50"overage" destroyers in return for British airand naval bases in Newfoundland and theNorth Atlantic.

8. When was the first peacetime conscriptionbill enacted in the United States?

The 1940 presidential electioncampaign demonstrated that the isolationists,while vocal, were a minority. Roosevelt'sRepublican opponent, Wendell Wilkie, leanedtoward intervention. Thus the Novemberelection yielded another majority for thepresident, making Roosevelt the first, and last,U. S. chief executive to be elected to a thirdterm.

9. Who ran against Franklin Roosevelt in thepresidential election of 19407

In early 1941, Roosevelt got Congress toapprove the Lend-Lease Program, whichenabled him to transfer arms and equipment toany nation (notably Great Britain, later theSoviet Union and China) deemed vital to thedefense of the United States. Total Lend-Leaseaid by war's end would amount to more than$50,000 million.

10. Describe the Lend-Lease program.

Most remarkably, in August, Rooseveltmet with Prime Minister Churchill off the coastof Newfoundland. The two leaders issued a"joint statement of war aims," which theycalled the Atlantic Charter. Bearing aremarkable resemblance to Woodrow Wilson'sFourteen Points, it called for these objectives:no territorial aggrandizement; no territorialchanges without the consent of the peopleconcerned; the right of all people to choosetheir own form of government; the restorationof self-government to those deprived of it;economic collaboration between all nations;freedom from war, from fear, and from wantfor all peoples; freedom of the seas; and theabandonment of the use of force as aninstrument of international policy.

America was now neutral in name only.

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