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  • 7/30/2019 ISD Semester 1 Progress Report - Our Journey Thus Far



    International Students Department



    Semester 1: Our Journey thus far

  • 7/30/2019 ISD Semester 1 Progress Report - Our Journey Thus Far


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    Table of ContentsPresidents Address ................................................................................................................................. 2

    The ISD Committee 2013 ........................................................................................................................ 3

    The Executive Team ............................................................................................................................ 3

    Advocacy and Welfare Department Publications Department ..................................................... 3

    Liaison Department Events Department ...................................................................................... 3

    Our Journey in Semester 1 ...................................................................................................................... 4

    Policy Wing and Advocacy in Semester 1 ............................................................................................... 5

    Committees ISD sits on ....................................................................................................................... 5

    ISD Policy Agenda for 2013 ................................................................................................................. 5

    Outreach Wing Social Events and Outreach ........................................................................................ 6

    Fortnightly Networking Sessions (Week 4, 6 and 8) ........................................................................... 6

    Weekly Drop in Sessions ..................................................................................................................... 6

    International Students Welcome Evening (ISWE) Week 2 ............................................................... 6

    ISD Games Day (Week 4) .................................................................................................................... 7

    ISD Harlem Shake (Week 6) ................................................................................................................ 7

    ISD Collective Campaign Day What is ANUSA? Week (Week 9) .................................................. 7

    How does the ISD Function? ................................................................................................................... 8

    ISDs New Organisational Structure .................................................................................................... 8The Executive Committee ................................................................................................................... 8

    Policy Wing .......................................................................................................................................... 8

    Outreach Wing .................................................................................................................................... 9

    The Departments of ISD ...................................................................................................................... 9

    ISDs Cons titutional Function .................................................................................................................. 9

    The ISD Presidents Constitutional Role ................................................................................................ 10

    Election of the ISD President ............................................................................................................ 10

    Election of the ISD Executive Committee ............................................................................................. 10

    Conclusion Looking Ahead ................................................................................................................. 11

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    Presidents Address

    Hey Everyone!

    I hope this Semester has been an amazing Semester for allof you. I hope that you are constantly out there grabbing theamazing opportunities that ANU has to offer.

    The International Students Department (ISD) set out thisyear with a single objective in mind the objective to re-establish the ISD as a body that engages with allinternational students and represents their interests at alllevels of the University.

    On this objective, I can confidently say that we are well onour way to accomplishing that.

    The ISD has been restructured to better serve this broad function. More specifically, the ISD now hastwo main wings the Policy Wing and the Outreach Wing.

    The Policy Wing is geared towards preparing policies and position papers that target key issueswhich we deem relevant, if not pertinent, to ISD and the Universitys interest . The Policy Wing alsokeeps abreast of all policy matters that the ANU churns out and implements, to ensure thatInternational Stude nts interests are not compromised by any of them.

    The Outreach Wing is geared towards engaging and reaching out to students both international anddomestic. This wing is in-charge of organising social events and outreach campaigns to meet theISDs wider constitutional objective.

    In this Semester, the ISD can be said to have successfully re-engaged with the University. We now sitin many key policy making committees of the ANU and have hosted many social events with theobjective of serving the international students.

    This brief is intended to give a broad overview of the progress ISD has accomplished this Semesterand this hopefully arouses some interest which encourages greater involvement.

    All the best for the remainder of this Semester!

    Your President,

    Muhammad Taufiq bin Suraidi

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    The ISD Committee 2013

    The Executive TeamPresident

    Muhammad Taufiq bin Suraidi

    Executive Vice President

    Thiang Hui Min


    Pang-Ee Teh

    Secretary Selselia Veronika


    Ahmed Hamdan (Advocacy and Welfare)

    Bharat Nichani (Publications)

    Satomi Sword (Liaison)

    Leelanuch Bee Haputpong (Events)

    Advocacy and Welfare Department Publications Department Kamilya Nelson Amy Zhang Yuwei Chen

    Daw Win Prue Marian Lau

    Zyna Didi Ernest Leung (Leave of Absence)

    Huan Zheng

    Liaison Department Events Department Mavis Yip Ciman Ismail

    Kelly Wai Lee Cheah Shaneel Parikh

    Aslam Abd Jalil Nitipong New Boonyaleepun

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    ISD Games Day

    ISD Networking Session

    Our Journey in Semester 1The ISD have set out this year with thepromise of Reconnecting with our fellowinternational students, refreshing our

    image, and reviving our functions.

    In this Semester alone, the ISDs workingrelationship and reputation with thedifferent bodies of ANU has never beenbetter. We have worked on many projectswith ANUSA, cooperated with PARSA,entered into meetings, discussed andworked on projects with the UniversitysAdministration.

    The ISD now has a place in many committees that plan and discuss policies in ANU. Through theseforums, we hope to represent the International Students interests at the highest levels to ensure

    that our time here is the most fulfilling.

    Through these forums, the ISD is pushing agendas ranging from safety on campus, enhancingengagement and participation, all the way through to Sports and Recreation.

    So on this end, the ISD has been engaging more actively with the University and other organisationin ANU thus reconnecting with the University.

    As for Outreach, the ISD has also carried out many activities to reconnect with our students.

    We started off this year with a welcome evening that brought together 500 international studentsunder one roof. We then moved ahead with the ISD Games Day and beginning in Week 4, we havehosted 3 fortnightly networking sessions which brings students, university staff and other keyofficers of the University together to network and inform one another.

    The ISD has also scheduled three drop-insessions every week since Week 3 to ensure thatanyone with concerns or things to talk to usabout can access us readily.

    Then of course we have other fun events like theISD Harlem Shake which had us all going crazyfor a little bit. We were awed with the specialappearance made by Abraham Lincoln, a ndwould like to thank all participants for theserious head-banging that went on.

    It is thus safe to say that the ISD is movingsteadily towards recreating a positive image for

    ISD, as one that is geared towards engagementand proper representation.

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    Policy Wing and Advocacy in Semester 1This Semester alone, the ISDs working relationship and reputation with the different bodies of ANUhas never been better. We have worked on many projects with ANUSA, cooperated with PARSA,entered into meetings, discussed and worked on projects with the Universitys Administration.

    The ISD now has a place in many committees which plans and discusses policies in ANU. Throughthese forums, we hope to represent the International Students interests at the highest levels toensure that our time here is the most fulfilling.

    Through these forums, the ISD is pushing agendas ranging from safety on campus, enhancingengagement and participation, all the way through to Sports and Recreation.

    ISD also hopes to be an active contributor to ANUs policy making bodies such that together, we canensure that ANU remains every international students top choice when studying abroad .

    Committees ISD sits onThe committees which ISD sits on are as follows:

    1. Student Experience Committee (SEC) chaired by PVC (Student Experience);2. University Safety on Campus Committee chaired by Director of Residential and Campus

    Community;3. ANUSA Mental Health Committee4. ANUSA Education Committee5. Interhall International Students Representative Network an initiative by ANUSA6. Division of Student Services and Student Administration

    a. SIS Implementation Working Groupb. SET Implementation Working Group

    ISD Policy Agenda for 2013The ISD seeks to implement the following policies or at least get it off its feet by end of this year:

    1. University Safety on Campus - more lights on campus and safer routes for students movingaround campus late at night;

    2. CBE Students and Unilodge Re sidents student experience focus group3. Establishing the ISD Human Rights Committee4. A more holistic experience in ANU the role of sports and recreation in enhancing student

    experience5. Reviewing the International Students Barometer survey in discussion with Planning and

    Statistical Services6. Recognition for National Clubs and Society for their contribution to International Students

    Experience7. Student Integration Program (SIP) a soft landing for International Students

    The ISD policy papers and positions on these agenda can be found on our website(http://isdanu.blogspot.com.au/ )! Do have a read and share with us your thoughts or express your

    interest to get involved!

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    Outreach Wing Social Events and Outreach

    Fortnightly Networking Sessions (Week 4, 6 and 8)The networking sessions this semester bring studentsand key University officers together to network with oneanother. Through our networking sessions, we hope toempower students with access to key University officerswhose insights may be hugely beneficial to them in thepursuit of their degree. These fortnightly sessions havethus aimed to facilitate fruitful interaction. We alsofacilitate for staff and key officers to interact withstudent.

    The ISD hosted 3 networking session this Semester (Week 4, Week 6 and Week 8). The first one isthemed around essential services to students and we had the International Students Services,ANUSA President and the ISD introducing ourselves to the students. The second one was themedaround stress and academic issues and we had Counsellors from ANU Counselling and the Directorof ASLC, networking with the students. In our last session, we had representatives from the ACTTenants Union who spoke more broadly about accommodation issues. We also had the Head of theANU Womens Department networking with the students.

    Weekly Drop in SessionsEvery week, ISD officers are positioned at the ANUSABoardroom such that any students with concerns and/or

    thoughts will be able to reach us more easily.The times for this semester are as follows:

    1. Monday (3pm to 4pm);2. Tuesday (12pm to 1pm); and3. Friday (12pm to 1pm)

    International Students Welcome Evening (ISWE) Week 2We opened Semester 1 with the InternationalStudents Welcome Evening which saw us cateringdelicious food and free champagne for all 500students who attended. This event was hosted withthe hope of bringing new international students,senior international students and the national clubsand together in a room to celebrate the beginningof the exciting Semester. We also had Head of Halls,the Acting Pro-Vice Chancellor (Student Experience)Dr Paul Compston, Professor Richard Baker andother University Staff at this evening. It was a

    beautiful evening to launch off an amazingsemester for all international students.

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    Egg on spoon!!

    Happy Fenner Hall Teamin four legged race

    ISD Games Day (Week 4)The ISD Games Day was the brainchild of our committee, in aneffort to bring together students of all nationalities in the name of fun . We had 12 teams of 5-7 students participating in the event,with fun activities like the potato sack race, egg on spoon, passthe orange, junk in the trunk and find the snake. We put on a freeBBQ, accompanied by amazing prizes to be won!

    ISD Harlem Shake (Week 6)The ISD hosted the ISD Harlem Shake Party toclose off Term 1 of Semester 1. Nothing bringspeople together better than crazy music,ridiculous internet memes, and the opportunity tolet your hair down with your fellow friends! Thatevening was intense, with a special appearancefrom Abraham Lincoln and some crazy headbanging going on!

    ISD Collective Campaign Day What is ANUSA? Week (Week 9)The ISD participated in the What is ANUSA? Week in Week 9 to raise awareness to the wider ANUCommunity on what ISD does. We had a free BBQ set up in Union Court, a palm print banner forstudents to have their palm print captured on the ISD Banner. We also handed out informationpackages which included a brief memo describing ISD and how we work, as well as a list of contactdetails of the national clubs and societies here at ANU. Much to our delight, we had some keenstudents approach us, expressing interest in what we do. That said, we are keen for more studentswho are interested to join us!

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    How does the ISD Function?

    ISDs New Organisational Structure The ISD has undergone some restructuring over the course of the semester to enable thedepartment to function optimally to better serve the interests and needs of the InternationalStudents.

    The Executive CommitteeThe Executive Committee of ISD is tasked with the responsibility of executing and administering thepolicies of the ISD Board. The Executive Committee comprises of:

    1. The President;2. The Executive Vice-President;3. The Treasurer;4. The Secretary;5. The Heads of Department

    a. Vice President (Advocacy and Welfare)b. Vice President (Events)c. Vice President (Publications)d. Vice President (Liaison)

    Policy WingThe Policy Wing is in-charge of brainstorming policy agendas in the interest of internationalstudents. The team is also in-charge of preparing position and policy papers on issues which affectsinternational students. The ISD President is the team-leader for this Wing, thus reflecting thecentrality of this body to the ISD Presidents constitutional role.


    Advocacyand Welfare Publications Events Liaison

    Policy WingOutreach


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    Outreach WingThe Outreach Wing is in-charge of brainstorming strategies that will enhance ISDs engagement andoutreach to the students in ANU. This Wing ensures that every social event and media publicationcampaign that ISD engages in is coherent with ISDs overarching goals and objectives. The ISD Vice -President is the team-lea der for this Wing, thus reflecting its importance in ISDs constitutionalfunction.

    The Departments of ISDThe Advocacy and Welfare Department

    This Department is tasked to put in place the necessary infrastructure to engage students and learnabout their interests and welfare concerns.

    The Events Department

    This Department is tasked to host necessary events for greater engagement with ISDs coreconstituency.

    The Publications Department

    This Department is tasked to manage and enhance ISDs public image .

    The Liaison Department

    This Department is tasked to actively engage with student-run organisations, Halls and othernecessary bodies to increase ISDs profile and engagement with them to further International

    Students interest and ISDs goals .

    ISDs Constitu tional FunctionUnder Section 4 of the ISD Constitution, the International Students Department is set up with thefollowing function:

    4. Purpose

    ISD is a peak representative body and a non-profit Organization that aims to:

    a) To reach out to all International Students to effectively represent and protect the interestand welfare of international student;

    b) To be the advocacy body for all international students on international students concernsand affairs;

    c) To inform all international students of the opportunities in the ANU (social, educational,leadership, etc) in order that international students know what is available so that they canget the best experience possible in ANU;

    d) To foster friendship among international students and domestic students; and

    e) To give International Students a sense of solidarity.

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    These five purposes of the ISD stated in the Constitution is the foundation of all of ISDs decision s.The Organisational Structure put in place this year is directed to enable the ISD to carry out itsConstitutional Role.

    The ISD Presidents Constitutional Role Another peculiar aspect of the ISD Constitution is the position of the ISD President. The ISD Presidentis governed by two constitutions

    1. The ANUSA Constitution in his capacity as ANUSA International Officer; and2. The ISD Constitution in his capacity as ISD President.

    The ANUSA Constitution takes precedence over the ISD Constitution and so wherever the ISDPresidents Constitutional role conflict s with the constitution of ANUSA, the constitution of ANUSAwill prevails.

    Election of the ISD President The President of the ISD is also the ANUSA International Officer. As such, the Election of the ISDPresident will be done in conjunction with ANUSA Election.

    However, the in-house election rule applies. The candidate to run for the position must first win anelection at an ISD AGM for the nomination. Upon doing so, the winning nomination will then beallowed to run for the ANUSA International Officer position either independently or with the ticketsthey so wish to join.

    The ANUSA International Officer and therefore the ISD President must always be an internationalstudent.

    It is important to note that the in-house election rule is not constitutionally entrenched but failure togarner the support of the international students may cause a huge dispute or backlash from thewider ANU-International Students community.

    Election of the ISD Executive CommitteeOnly the ISD Executive Committee will be open for election starting in 2013 onwards. The ISDElection will be held one to two weeks after the ANUSA Election is completed and the winners

    announced. The ISD Election is a university-wide election, in which all International Students areallowed to vote. However, from 2013 onward, post-graduates will be allowed to vote for the ISDExecutive Committee as well.

    It is also important to bear in mind that 75% of the Executive Committee must be InternationalStudents.

    Lastly, as the position of the ISD President goes to the poll along with ANUSAs election, thepositions left for nomination and elections are the ISD Executive Vice-President onwards, meaning:

    1. The Executive Vice-President;2. The Treasurer;

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    3. The Secretary;4. The Heads of Department.

    Conclusion Looking AheadThe ISD has accomplished much in the first semester but there remains much to be done. The ISDwill continue to work hard to engage international students, facilitate for integration betweendomestic and international students and advocate for international students at all levels of theUniversity.

    The ISD is currently in the process of planning our Semester 2 Outreach and Policy strategy and if you happen to have any ideas or want to get involved, please contact us at [email protected] .

    We can be contacted by:

    Email: [email protected]

    Or you can contact the President at:

    Email: [email protected]

    We are proud to serve you!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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