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Page 1: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.








Page 2: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet


Muhammad born in



Married Khadijah-he managed the caravan business she owned


Muhammad went to pray and had an angel appear to him which told him to “Recite! Recite!”

Start of Islam to spread his message to the people


Page 3: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

4 BASIC Keywords

Islam-Arabic means “to submit to God”-Religion founded by Muhammad through messages he received

Muslim-People who follow Islam

Qur’an (Koran)-Holy book of

Islam (message from God given to Muhammad)

Mosque-Building for Muslim prayer

Page 4: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Islam Clip

Page 5: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Muhammad’s Teachings

• One GOD-Allah • Arabic (writing used in the Koran)

• Monotheistic religion-belief in one GOD

• How people should live (bound together like family members because of belief in Allah)

*help less fortunate*treat slaves kindly (at time common)

Page 6: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Journal Question

Any Similarities or Differences between Islam, Christianity, or Judaism?

Page 7: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Islam Spreads in ArabiaFew followers More followers

As it spreads the rulers of Mecca become worried (threatened him and planned to have him killed)!

So moved to Medina (Prophet’s City) in 622 (first year of the Islamic calendar) called the HEGIRA (or journey)



Page 8: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Islam Passes

632 Muhammad Dies

The religion spread soon past the Arabian Peninsula! Arabian


Yemen, Oman


Page 9: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Qur’anBeliefs1. Only on GOD-Allah2. Obey all of Allah’s commands3. Allah will judge all people on the

Final day (good=paradise or bad=suffering)

4. Acts of WORSHIP, guidelines for MORAL behavoior, and rules for SOCIAL life

Page 10: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Examples-ExplicitWash and prepare before worship

Do not eat pork or drink alcohol

Examples-ImplicitSlavery-should be abolished

Jihad (to make an effort or to struggle)-refers to the inner struggle people go through in their effort to obey Allah and behave according to Islamic ways or can be translated to holy war

Page 11: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

SunnahMuslims also study the HADITH (written records of Muhammad’s words and actions) basis for the Sunnah-way Muhammad lived, which provides a model for the duties and the way of life expected of Muslims

*generosity*conduct their relations in business and government

*obey leaders

Page 12: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Five Pillars

Page 15: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

The Five Pillars of Islam 3rd-Donation to Charity

Yearly donation to charity

Yearly donation to religious official

*used to help poor, build mosques, or pay debts

Page 16: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

The Five Pillars of Islam 4th-RamadanGoing without food and drink during the holy

month of Ramadan (starts and ends with a celebration)

Do not eat or drink anything between dawn and sunset

God is more important than one’s own body

Page 17: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

The Five Pillars of Islam 5th-Hajj

Pilgrimage to Mecca

Travel at least once in their lives if they CAN

Kaaba-most sacred place in Mecca (black stone)

Page 18: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Journal Question

Any more Similarities or Differences between Islam, Christianity, or Judaism?

Page 19: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

ShariahUses both Islamic sources and human reason to

judge the rightness of actions a person or community might take

Required to AcceptedDisapproved to Forbidden



Page 20: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.


*used to help understanding of time

*astrolabe-device used to help calculate their location on Earth


*astronomy helped them to explore the world

*Ibn Battutah traveld in Africa, India, China, and Spain in 1320s (made accurate maps)


*Sufism-taught people they could find God’s love by having a personal relationship with him


*0-9 numbers


Page 21: Islam 610 Islam 0 Christianity 2100BC Judaism. A New Religion Muhammad Becomes a Prophet 570 Muhammad born in Mecca 595 Married Khadijah-he managed the.

Medicine*first pharmacy school*hospitals to cure diseases (smallpox)Literature*poetry*short storiesVisual Arts*architecture-mosque (minarets, domes, decorated tiles, arches)-marketplaces-libraries-Muslim art does not show any people or animals (only God

can create humans and animals or their images), so use complex geometric patterns or calligraphy

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