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  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance




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    He is God the Creator, the Maer, the Gi!er o" For#$

    To Hi# %e&o'( the Most Bea)ti")& Na#es$ E!er*thi'(

    i' the hea!e's a'd earth (&ori"ies Hi#$ He is the Ai(ht*, the A&&+ise$

    -.)r/a', 01, 234


  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance



    The Perfect Design in the Universe is Nt !" #h$nce


    Tr$ns&$te' !"Rn Ev$ns

    5)'e, 2667

    P(!&ishe' !" A!'(& N$ee) fr

    Is&$)ic *+ Service

    22,-. /(ch$ #he&$n. D$r"$ G$n. Ne1 De&hi --0 002 INDIA4

    Phne5 32636-,. 3276380. 328766- 9$:5 32;;vsn&>net>in $n' i!s'e&hi=)$ntr$n&ine>c)

    ?e!site5 htt@5111>is&$)icin'i$>c)


    Is&$)ic *+ Service Inc>

    -37 #h$r&tte Aven(e. Hic+svi&&e. N % --80-

    Te&e@hne5 6-78;00,2;. 9$:5 6-78;00,2 The !+sF sincere. @&$in. $n' f&(ent st"&e ens(re th$t ever"ne f

    ever" $ge $n' fr) ever" sci$& gr(@ c$n e$si&" (n'erst$n' the)> Th$n+s t their effective. &(ci' n$rr$tive.

    the" c$n !e re$' $t $ ne sitting> Even thse 1h rigr(s&" reect s@irit($&it" $re inf&(ence' !" the f$cts these

    !+s 'c()ent $n' c$nnt ref(te the tr(thf(&ness f their cntents>

    This $n' $&& the ther !+s !" the $(thr c$n !e re$' in'ivi'($&&". r 'isc(sse' in $ gr(@> Re$'ers e$ger

    t @rfit fr) the !+s 1i&& fin' 'isc(ssin ver" (sef(&. &etting the) re&$te their ref&ectins $n' e:@eriences t

    ne $nther>

    In $''itin. it 1i&& !e $ gre$t service t Is&$) t cntri!(te t the @(!&ic$tin $n' re$'ing f these !+s.1ritten s&e&" fr the @&e$s(re f G'> The $(thrFs !+s $re $&& e:tre)e&" cnvincing> 9r this re$sn. t

    c))(nic$te tr(e re&igin t thers. ne f the )st effective )eth's is enc(r$ging the) t re$' these !+s>

    ?e h@e the re$'er 1i&& &+ thr(gh the revie1s f his ther !+s $t the !$c+ f this !+> His rich

    s(rce )$teri$& n f$ithre&$te' iss(es is ver" (sef(&. $n' $ @&e$s(re t re$'>

    In these !+s. (n&i+e s)e ther !+s. "( 1i&& nt fin' the $(thrFs @ersn$& vie1s. e:@&$n$tins !$se'

    n '(!i(s s(rces. st"&es th$t $re (n!serv$nt f the res@ect $n' reverence '(e t s$cre' s(!ects. nr

    h@e&ess. @essi)istic $rg()ents th$t cre$te '(!ts in the )in' $n' 'evi$tins in the he$rt>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance



    N1 1riting (n'er the @enn$)e f HARUN %AH%A. he 1$s !rn in An+$r$ in - H$ving c)@&ete'

    his @ri)$r" $n' secn'$r" e'(c$tin in An+$r$. he st('ie' $rts $t Ist$n!(&Fs i)$r Sin$n Universit" $n'@hi&s@h" $t Ist$n!(& Universit"> Since the - It re@resents the (rF$n the fin$& scri@t(re4 $n' the Pr@het

    (h$))$' @e$ce !e (@n hi)4. &$st f the @r@hets> Un'er the g(i'$nce f the (rF$n $n' the S(nn$h

    te$chings f the Pr@het4. the $(thr )$+es it his @(r@se t 'is@rve e$ch f(n'$)ent$& tenet f g'&ess

    i'e&gies $n' t h$ve the &$st 1r'. s $s t c)@&ete&" si&ence the !ectins r$ise' $g$inst re&igin> He (ses

    the se$& f the fin$& Pr@het. 1h $tt$ine' (&ti)$te 1is') $n' )r$& @erfectin. $s $ sign f his intentin t

    ffer the &$st 1r'>

    A&& f H$r(n %$h"$Fs 1r+s sh$re ne sing&e g$&5 t cnve" the (rF $nFs )ess$ge. enc(r$ge re$'ers t

    cnsi'er !$sic f$ithre&$te' iss(es s(ch $s G'Fs E:istence $n' Unit" $n' the here$fter $n' t e:@se g'&ess

    s"ste)sF fee!&e f(n'$tins $n' @erverte' i'e&gies>

    H$r(n %$h"$ en"s $ 1i'e re$'ershi@ in )$n" c(ntries. fr) In'i$ t A)eric$. Eng&$n' t In'nesi$.

    P&$n' t *sni$. $n' S@$in t *r$Ji&> S)e f his !+s $re $v$i&$!&e in Eng&ish. 9rench. Ger)$n. S@$nish.

    It$&i$n. Prt(g(ese. Ur'(. Ar$!ic. A&!$ni$n. R(ssi$n. Ser!#r$t *sni$n4. P&ish. $&$". U"g(r T(r+ish. $n'

    In'nesi$n>Gre$t&" $@@reci$te' $&& $r(n' the 1r&'. these 1r+s h$ve !een instr()ent$& in )$n" @e@&e recvering

    f$ith in G' $n' g$ining 'ee@er insights int their f$ith> His !+sF 1is') $n' sincerit". tgether 1ith $

    'istinct st"&e th$tFs e$s" t (n'erst$n'. 'irect&" $ffect $n"ne 1h re$'s the)> Thse 1h seri(s&" cnsi'er

    these !+s. c$n n &nger $'vc$te $theis) r $n" ther @erverte' i'e&g" r )$teri$&istic @hi&s@h". since

    these !+s $re ch$r$cteriJe' !" r$@i' effectiveness. 'efinite res(&ts. $n' irref(t$!i&it"> Even if the" cntin(e t

    ' s. it 1i&& !e n&" $ senti)ent$& insistence. since these !+s ref(te s(ch i'e&gies fr) their ver"

    f(n'$tins> A&& cnte)@r$r" )ve)ents f 'eni$& $re n1 i'e&gic$&&" 'efe$te'. th$n+s t the !+s 1ritten

    !" H$r(n %$h"$>

    This is n '(!t $ res(&t f the (rF$nFs 1is') $n' &(ci'it"> The $(thr )'est&" inten's t serve $s $

    )e$ns in h()$nit"Fs se$rch fr G'Fs right @$th> N )$teri$& g$in is s(ght in the @(!&ic$tin f these 1r+s>Thse 1h enc(r$ge thers t re$' these !+s. t @en their )in's $n' he$rts $n' g(i'e the) t

    !ec)e )re 'evte' serv$nts f G'. ren'er $n inv$&($!&e service>

    e$n1hi&e. it 1(&' n&" !e $ 1$ste f ti)e $n' energ" t @r@$g$te ther !+s th$t cre$te cnf(sin in

    @e@&eFs )in's. &e$' the) int i'e&gic$& ch$s. $n' th$t c&e$r&" h$ve n strng $n' @recise effects in re)ving

    the '(!ts in @e@&eFs he$rts. $s $&s verifie' fr) @revi(s e:@erience> It is i)@ssi!&e fr !+s 'evise' t

    e)@h$siJe the $(thrFs &iter$r" @1er r$ther th$n the n!&e g$& f s$ving @e@&e fr) &ss f f$ith. t h$ve s(ch

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance






    5(st thin+ $!(t the things "( see fr) the ))ent "( 1$+e (@ in the )rning5 the @i&&1 (n'er "(r

    he$'. the !&$n+et ver "(. the $&$r) c&c+ th$t 1+e "( (@. the s&i@@ers "( se$rch fr $s sn $s "( get (t

    f !e'. the 1in'1 "( @en t get s)e fresh $ir. the c&thes h$nging in "(r c&set. the )irrr "( &+ int

    ever" )rning. the +nife $n' fr+ "( (se fr !re$+f$st. the ()!re&&$ "( t$+e 1ith "( 1hen "( &e$ve the

    h(se. the e&ev$tr "( get int. the +e" th$t @ens "(r c$r 'r. the tr$ffic &ights $&ng the 1$". the !i&&!$r's.

    the @en. @$@er $n' ther things n "(r 'es+ $t 1r+>>>

    S@en' s)e ti)e t cnsi'er. $n' it 1i&& n '(!t cc(r t "( th$t e$ch f these things 1$s 'esigne' fr$ s@eci$& @(r@se> N ne 1(&' s$" th$t it 1$s $ )$tter f ch$nce th$t ever"thing 1$s 1here it sh(&' !e 1hen

    "( $rse (@ in the )rning> 9r e:$)@&e. 1h 1(&' c&$i) th$t )ere&" !" ch$nce. "(r h(se +e" 1$s c(t

    e:$ct&" t fit the 'r Br th$t it en'e' (@ in "(r @c+et !" ch$nce. in the first @&$ce N ne 1(&' c&$i) th$t

    the !i&&!$r's $&ng the r$' 1ere @(t there !" ch$nce. r th$t the )e$nings the" inten' c$)e $!(t !"

    r$n')&" @$inte' s")!&s>

    *" the s$)e t+en. n ne 1(&' 'en" th$t $ st$@&enthing ther th$n $ s@eci$&&" sh$@e' @iece f 1ire

    n "(r 'es+1$s !ent $n' @&$ce' in its 'is@enser in r'er t h&' @$@ers tgether> E$ch st$@&eFs )et$& $&&".

    siJe. sh$@e. $n' inten'e' f(nctin sh1 the evi'ence f 'e&i!er$te 'esign> It 1$s @&$nne' s@ecific$&&" t

    $cc))'$te "(r nee's $n' thereFs $ @$rtic(&$r re$sn 1h" st$@&es $re s ften f(n' in $n" ffice setting>

    ?h$t $!(t the @e@&e "( see 1$&+ing $&ng the street Br the trees "( @$ss !". the 'g th$t r(ns (t in

    frnt f "(. the @igens th$t !(i&' their nests in the e$ves f "(r h(se. the f&1ers n "(r t$!&e. the s+"

    $!ve "( #(&' their e:istence !e !" ch$nce. ' "( thin+

    It 1(&' !e nnsense t even cnsi'er this @ssi!i&it"M Ever"thing s(rr(n'ing "(. $ni)$te $n' in$ni)$te

    $&i+e. is t 1n'erf(& $n' c)@&e: t !e c)@$re' 1ith )$n)$'e ite)s r ever t !e $scri!e' t the @er$tins f

    ch$nce> E$ch is $n e:$)@&e f $ cnsci(s cre$tin. re(iring cns())$te inte&&igence $n' s+i&&> Ever"ne 1h fin's

    it i&&gic$& t thin+ th$t even $ sing&e st$@&e c$)e $!(t !" the @r@er !en'ing f $ 1ire !" ch$nce. 1i&& see th$t it is

    even )re i)@ssi!&e th$t h()$n !eings. c$ts. !ir's. trees $n' the entire (niverse e)erge' !" ch$nce>

    *(t t'$". there $re @e@&e 1h c$nnt see this c&e$r re$&it"> Br r$ther the" see it. !(t @reten' nt t> The"

    c&$i) th$t trees. !ir's. c&('s. h(ses. c$rs. "( "(rse&f. thers $r(n' "(in shrt. ever"thing in the(niverse. $ni)$te $n' in$ni)$te. is $&& the 1r+ f !&in' ch$nce>

    These @e@&e. +n1n $s $teri$&istD$r1inists. )$int$in the cntr$'ictr" i'e$ th$t ch$nce cc(rrences

    c$n 'is@&$" s(@re)e inte&&igence $n' th$t the s() tt$& f )i&&ins f ch$nce events. cc(rring in se(ence. c$n

    sh1 cre$tive @1er> Accr'ing t $teri$&istD$r1inists. ch$nce events h$ve gre$ter inte&&igence th$n ever"

    @ersn in the 1r&'n )$tter h1 )$n" @e@&e h$ve c)e $n' gne> The" c&$i) th$t $ geni(s c$&&e'

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    ch$nce h$s sh$@e' ever"neFs !r$in. cgnitive $!i&it". ('g)ent. )e)r". $n' c(nt&ess ther h()$n

    ch$r$cteristics fr h(n're's f th(s$n's f "e$rs>

    Accr'ing t $teri$&istD$r1inists. ti)e is the n&" thing th$t this !ri&&i$nt geni(s nee's t !ring $!(t

    s(ch e:tr$r'in$r" events> Their 1$r@e' &gic c&$i)s th$t. if given ti)e. ch$nce c$n tr$nsfr) $ )$ss f inert.

    (ncnsci(s $t)s int. fr e:$)@&e. $ fig. &ive. str$1!err". r$nge. @e$ch. t)$t. @)egr$n$te. )e&n.

    !$n$n$. vi&et. t(&i@. rchi'. r rse int $nts. !(tterf&ies. @e$cc+s. hrses. gir$ffes. $n' h()$n !eings. r $n"

    f $ )i&&in ther things "( )$" nt thin+ f> rever. it c&$i)s th$t ch$nce c$n !ring int e:istence ever"

    st$r. the s(n. $n' $&& @&$nets in their r!its> Accr'ing t D$r1inis). $&& st('ents. 'ctrs. $rchitects.

    !(siness)en. engineers. $n' scientists c$)e int !eing ver the c(rse f ti)e !" ch$nce. 1r+ing @$tient&"

    1ith the he&@ f $ fe1 )iner$&s. $ !it f 1$ter. $n' s(n&ight> Interesting&". the 'eit" f ch$nce $t the !$sis f this

    f$&se i'e$ is. $t the s$)e ti)e. (se' !" $teri$&istD$r1inists in their !+s. cnferences $n' he$te' 'isc(ssins

    t e:@&$in their 1n ch$nce e:istence> This is the essence f the ther" f ev&(tin $n' the )$teri$&ist

    @hi&s@h". 1hich s)e ev&(tinist)$teri$&ist scientists 'escri!e !" (sing L$tin 1r's in $ 'iffic(&t.

    'e&i!er$te&" !sc(r$ntist st"&e>

    In this !+. 1eF&& e:$)ine the irr$tin$&it" f thse 1h h$ve entere' the !&in' $&&e" f ch$nce. ignringthe 1n'r(s 'esign th$t s(rr(n's the) $s 1e&& $s the @rfs f cre$tin. $n' 'en"ing the evi'ent e:istence f

    G' ?h cre$te' the) $n' the (niverse the" &ive in>

    *efre st$rting (r 'isc(ssin. th(gh. itFs (sef(& t @int (t th$t $teri$&istD$r1inistsF se&f

    cntr$'ictr" @sitin $rises fr) $ cnce@t($& 'eficienc" th$t h$s !een c))n thr(gh(t histr"> In the @$st.

    @$g$ns $n' g'&ess scieties c$rve' tte)s $n' st$t(es f g's 1ith their 1n h$n's. ignr$nt&" !e&ieving th$t

    i)$ges f stne $n' c&$" h$' cre$tive @1er> G' s@e$+s f these @e@&e in the (rF$n 265 2345

    He t ?h) the +ing') f the he$vens $n' the e$rth !e&ngs> He 'es nt h$ve $ sn $n' He h$s n

    @$rtner in the /ing')> He cre$te' ever"thing $n' 'eter)ine' it )st e:$ct&"> *(t the" h$ve $'@te' g's

    $@$rt fr) Hi) 1hich ' nt cre$te $n"thing !(t $re the)se&ves cre$te'> The" h$ve n @1er t h$r) r he&@

    the)se&ves> The" h$ve n @1er ver 'e$th r &ife r res(rrectin>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance




    The theor* o" e!o&)tio', as 9ro9osed %* Char&es Dar;i' i' the 1th

    T 'e)nstr$te (st h1 incre'i!&e the c&$i)s f ev&(tinists $re. &et $n"ne 1h !e&ieves in the cre$tive

    @1er f ch$nce events t$+e $ &$rge !$rre&> Let the) @(t int it h1ever )(ch )$teri$& the" !e&ieve is re(ire'

    t fr) $ &iving thing> 9r e:$)@&e. &et the) inc&('e $&& the nee'e' e&e)entsc$r!n. @hs@hr(s. c$&ci()$s

    1e&& $s rg$nic c)@(n's &i+e $)in $ci's. @rteins. &i@i's. $n' c$rtene> Then &et the) $'' t this )i:t(re

    1h$tever (tsi'e inf&(ence the" chse> 9r e:$)@&e. he$t r chi&& the !$rre&> Let it !e str(c+ !" &ightning r

    $@@&" e&ectric c(rrent> Let the) stir the )i:t(re 1ith 1h$tever $'v$nce' 'evices the" )$" h$ve> In $''itin. &et

    the) st$n' g($r' n this !$rre& tr$nsferring this res@nsi!i&it" fr) f$ther t sn fr )i&&ins. even !i&&ins. f

    "e$rs> An' s $s t incre$se the ch$nces f s(ccess. &et the) cntr& the )i:ing $t ever" ))ent> Let the)

    cns(&t 1ith thers)eet 1ith the 1r&'Fs fre)st !i&gists. geneticists. @h"sicists $n' e:@erts n ev&(tin>Le$ve the) free t @r'(ce 1h$tever cn'itins the" 'ee) necess$r" t rigin$te &ife>

    %et 'es@ite $&& this seri(s. cnsci(s effrt. the"F&& never !e $!&e t @r'(ce $n"thing &i+e $ &iving !eing

    in th$t !$rre&> N )$tter 1h$t the" '. the"F&& never !e $!&e t @r'(ce the &iving things @ict(re' in this !+>

    Let thse $t)s in th$t !$rre& @erfr) $n" re$ctins the" 1$nt never 1i&& the" !egin $n ev&(tin

    c$@$!&e f @r'(cing !ri&&i$nt scientists &i+e Einstein $n' Ne1tn $!&e t s&ve c)@&e: @r!&e)s $rtists &i+e

    iche&$nge& $n' Pic$ss $!&e t cre$te )$ster@ieces )(sici$ns &i+e *eethven $n' J$rt $!&e t c)@se

    )e&'ies t 'e&ight the h()$n s@irit 'iscverersscientists $!&e t e:$)ine (n'er e&ectrn )icrsc@es the

    )&ec(&es $n' $t)s (t f 1hich the" the)se&ves $re c)@se' t$&ente' $ctrs &i+e H()@hre" *g$rt $n'

    #h$r&tn Hestn ce&e!rities &i+e Steve $rtin. *n Kvi $n' Sting> Br cnsi'er the )$n" $rtists thse 1h t$+e

    @&e$s(re in s"))etr". esthetics $n' h$r)ni(s c&rs thse $!&e t 'esign $(t)!i&es $n' 1rite !+s

    thin+ers 1ith f$c(&ties f &gic $n' ('g)enth()$n !eings $!&e t ret$in in )e)r" 1h$t the" h$ve &e$rne'.

    sh$re &ngings. fee& e:cite)ent $n' @&e$s(re1h $re @ssesse' 1ith $ sense f &ve. )erc" $n' c)@$ssin

    1h en" the t$ste f f' $n' 1hse $@@etite is sti)(&$te' !" $ c$+e !$+ing in the ven 1h &$(gh $t

    s)ething f(nn" $n' en" !eing 1ith their frien's 1h c$n 'efen' $n i'e$ $n' c$rr" n $ 'isc(ssin>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    *ring (ncnsci(s $t)s tgether in 1h$tever 1$" "( @refer> Never 1i&& the" !e $!&e t !ring $!(t $

    sing&e ne f these &iving things. r even ne f their ce&&s>

    If sif n &iving thing c$n ever !e @r'(ce' !" h()$n effrt $n' the 1h&e @& f h()$n +n1&e'ge

    h1 c$n &ife !e !r(ght int !eing 1ith the $i' f (ncnsci(s $t)s $n' ch$nce events An" inte&&igent

    h()$n !eing f cnscience c$n cert$in&" (n'erst$n' th$t he$n' ther &iving thingsc$nnt !e the res(&t f

    ch$nce events> Ever" inte&&igent. (n@re('ice' @ersn 1ith $ cnscience +n1s th$t G' h$s cre$te' $&& these

    &iving things 1ith His inc)@$r$!&e @1er>

    Regrett$!&". $ seg)ent f the @@(&$tin h$s $cce@te' this irr$tin$& scen$ri thr(gh(t the 20th cent(r">

    Prfessrs. scientists $n' te$chers )$" ri'ic(&e the @ri)itive !e&iefs f @$g$n scieties. 1hi&e the)se&ves

    $cce@ting the nnsense f ev&(tin> In this. the"Fre e($&&" $s !enighte' $s thse h()$n !eings 1h e:@ect $

    1'en i'& c$n he&@ the)> G'Fs essenger. he Pr@het h$))e'. @e$ce !e (@n hi). $&s re)in'e'

    $n"ne $ff&icte' 1ith s(ch !&in'ness th$t the gre$test sin is $ssci$ting His cre$t(res 1ith G'5

    The most severe sin is to associate artners with !od" while He has created you#-

    In the (rF$n 2 It is t

    Hi) "( 1i&& !e ret(rne'>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance




    The )'i!erse ;ith a&& its $teri$&ists )$" c&$i) th$t the (niverse is the @r'(ct f ch$nce $n'

    ch$s. !(t 1hen 1e e:$)ine the f&$1&ess s"ste)s th$t f(nctine' in fr)ing the (niverse. nt t )entin the

    !$&$nce $n' h$r)n" e:isting $)ng its &iving things. 1e c&e$r&" see th$t it c$nnt !e the @r'(ct f ch$nce>

    In The Mysterious $niverse. the Eng&ish @h"sicist Sir K$)es Ke$ns 'escri!es the f&$1&ess r'er in the


    A scientific st('" f the (niverse h$s s(ggeste' $ cnc&(sin. 1hich )$" !e s())e' (@ >>> in the

    st$te)ent th$t the (niverse $@@e$rs t h$ve !een 'esigne' !" $ @(re )$the)$tici$n>2

    E!er* 9&a'et i' the )'i!erse, &ar(e a'd s#a&&, is the oo a(ai' do *o) see a'* (a9s The' &oo a(ai' a'd a(ai'$ Yo)r si(ht ;i&& ret)r' to *o)

    da&ed a'd eha)sted// -.)r/a' 87+34

    JGod, there is 'o (od %)t Hi#, the >i!i'(, the Se&"+S)stai'i'($ He is 'ot s)%e

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    JThe Ori(i'ator o" the hea!e's a'd earth$ he' He de In'ee'. the s&ightest v$ri$tin in the 'ist$nce !et1een the t1 !'ies c(&'

    give rise t signific$nt i)!$&$nces> 9r e:$)@&e5

    If the )n 1ere )(ch c&ser t the E$rthO. it 1(&' cr$sh int (r @&$net. if )(ch f$rther $1$". it

    1(&' )ve ff int s@$ce>

    If it 1ere )(ch c&ser. the ti'es th$t the )n c$(ses n the e$rth 1(&' !ec)e '$nger(s&" &$rger>

    Bce$n 1$ves 1(&' s1ee@ $crss &1&"ing sectins f the cntinents> Res(&t$nt frictin 1(&' he$t the ce$ns.

    'estr"ing the 'e&ic$te ther)$& !$&$nce nee'e' fr &ife n e$rth>

    A )re 'ist$nt )n 1(&' re'(ce ti'$& $ctin. )$+ing the ce$ns )re s&(ggish> St$gn$nt 1$ter 1(&'

    en'$nger )$rine &ife. "et it is th$t ver" )$rine &ife th$t @r'(ces the :"gen th$t 1e !re$the>,

    The Pr@het (h$))$'. @e$ce !e (@n hi). s$i'5

    % !od:&ll the raises are for You:You are the (ord of the Heavens and the Earth# &ll the raises are forYou:You are the Maintainer of the Heaven and the Earth# You are my only !od )*hom + worshi, and there is

    no other !od for me )+ worshi none but You,#-

    JYo) ;i&& see the #o)'tai's *o) re

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    Co'te#9orar* 9hi&oso9her 5ea' G)itto' o" the Fre'

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    ')#ero)s, so !aried, so The 'e&ic$te )&ec(&$r $rchitect(re f the ce&& 1(&' @r!$!&" nt s(rvive>

    If the viscsit" 1$s higher. the cntr&&e' )ve)ent f &$rge )$cr)&ec(&es $n' @$rtic(&$r&" str(ct(res

    s(ch $s )itchn'ri$ $n' s)$&& rg$ne&&es 1(&' !e i)@ssi!&e. $s 1(&' @rcesses &i+e ce&& 'ivisin> A&& the

    vit$& $ctivities f the ce&& 1(&' !e effective&" frJen. $n' ce&&(&$r &ife f $n" srt re)te&" rese)!&ing th$t 1ith

    1hich 1e $re f$)i&i$r 1(&' !e i)@ssi!&e> The 'eve&@)ent f higher rg$nis)s. 1hich is critic$&&" 'e@en'ent

    n the $!i&it" f ce&&s t )ve $n' cr$1& $r(n' '(ring e)!r"genesis. 1(&' cert$in&" !e i)@ssi!&e if the

    viscsit" f 1$ter 1$s even s&ight&" gre$ter th$n it is>-0

    JSa*8 hat do *o) thi' I", o'e #or'i'(, *o)r ;ater disa99ears i'to the earth, ;ho ;i&& %ri'(

    *o) r)''i'( ;ater/ J-.)r/a' 8 764

    JHa!e *o) tho)(ht a%o)t the ;ater that *o) dri' Is it *o) ;ho se't it do;' "ro# the

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance



    @e$ches. $@@&es. gr$@es. str$1!erries. r$nges $n' ther fr(its ffer their 1n'erf(& f&$vrs $n' c$ches f

    vit$)ins> Pines. c"@resses. @@&$rs $n' ther trees s(@@&" :"gen fr &iving things> These $re $)ng the

    1n'erf(& !&essings th$t G' h$s given t h()$n !eings>

    Ever" ne f these @&$nts 'is@&$"s the 1n'ers th$t G' h$s cre$te' 1ith His etern$& @1er> The" $re t!e$(tif(&. h$ve s"ste)s t c)@&e:. $n' @rvi'e $'v$nt$ges t in'is@ens$!&e fr the) t !e in the &e$st

    $ttri!(t$!&e t ch$nce> This is $s tr(e fr $ tin" see' $s fr the tree th$t 1i&& gr1 fr) it t $ height f sever$&

    h(n're' )eters>

    In the (rF$n 665 -0-34. G' s@e$+s t thse 1h c&$i) th$t these !e$(tif(& things $re the 1r+ f !&in'.

    (ncnsci(s @rcesses5

    He &aid o)t the earth "or a&& &i!i'(

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    te'd to

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    J$ $ $He ord$ There is 'o

    (od %)t Hi#, the Creator o" e!er*thi'($ So ;orshi9 Hi#$ He is res9o'si%&e "or e!er*thi'($J -.)r/a' 8


    For #i&&io's o" *ears, the 9r e:$)@&e. the see's f $

    ccn(t @$&) f&$t in the 1$tereven se$1$terfr &ng @eri's f ti)e fr this re$sn. their she&&s $re ver"

    h$r' $n' h$ve $ s@eci$& c)@sitin t @rtect the) fr) the 1$ter> *ec$(se f this. the" c$n )$+e &ng

    (rne"s ver 1$ter'1nstre$). even fr) is&$n' t is&$n'> Bver the c(rse f this (rne". the" nee' )re

    n(rish)ent t s(st$in the). $n' 1ithin their she&&s is stre' (st the +in' f n(rish)ent the" re(ire>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    rever. the ccn(t 'es nt ger)in$te 1hi&e in the 1$ter inste$'. it 1$its (nti& it re$ches the &$n' $n'

    ger)in$tes $t th$t e:$ct&" $@@r@ri$te ti)e>

    Uncnsci(s $t)s c$nnt c$&c(&$te $&& this !" ch$nceM The evi'ent tr(th is. $n A&&+n1ing $n'

    inte&&igent #re$tr is !ehin' this 'esign> This is (st ne f the )$n" e:$)@&es f G'Fs inc)@$r$!&e cre$tive


    JDo *o) 'ot see that God se'ds do;' ;ater "ro# the s* a'd the' i' the #or'i'( the earth is

    An' fr @&$nts $&& ver the 1r&'. this @rcess is the s$)e> If there 1ere the s&ightest v$ri$tinin these c)@(n's. fr inst$nce if there 1ere $ 'ifference in the $t)ic n()!er f ne $t). either the scent

    1(&' c)@&ete&" ch$nge r !e 'estr"e'> *(t the fr)(&$ never f$i&s the s)e&& @r'(ctin &$!r$tr" in the

    @&$nt never )$+es $ )ist$+e> Th$n+s t this nging @erfectin. f&1ers f the s$)e s@ecies ever"1here h$ve

    the i'entic$&&" s$)e s)e&&>

    The @r'(ctin f $ scent is $ ver" 'e&ic$te )$tter. in the c(rse f 1hich )&ec(&es $re $sse)!&e' 1ith

    ver" c)@&e: str(ct(res> 9r e:$)@&e. it re(ires !et1een three $n' ten 'ifferent c)@(n's t @r'(ce the

    scent f $ rse> A 1$ter &i&" (ses si:. $n' 1hite freesi$ (ses ten $n' ever" @&$nt (ses $ 'ifferent che)ic$&

    fr)(&$ fr its 'istinctive $r)$> An"ne 1h h$s receive' n tr$ining in this fie&' 1(&' fin' it 'iffic(&t. if nt

    i)@ssi!&e t (n'erst$n' these che)ic$& fr)(&$s. 1hich @&$nts @r'(ce in $re$s th$t c$n !e seen n&" 1ith $

    )icrsc@e> H()$n e:@erts 1r+ fr "e$rs t @r'(ce v$rie' $n' !e$(tif(& scents s(ch $s these>

    ?h gives these @&$nts their $1$reness. their inte&&igence. the +n1&e'ge th$t n&" $ che)ic$& engineer

    c(&' h$ve These rg$nis)s. )re s(ccessf(& in @r'(cing scents th$n $n" &$!r$tr". reve$& G'Fs $rtistr" in

    cre$tin fr $&& f (s t see>

    As Ni&es E&'re'ge. $ 1e&&+n1n @$&ent&gist $n' c(r$tr f the A)eric$n (se() f N$t(r$& Histr".


    In'ee'. the n&" c)@eting e:@&$n$tin fr the r'er 1e $&& see in the !i&gic$& 1r&' is the ntin f

    S@eci$& #re$tin>-7

    JHe &aid o)t the earth "or a&& &i!i'(

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    9o#e(ra'ates, %oth si#i&ar a'd dissi#i&ar$ >oo at their "r)its as the* %ear "r)it a'd ri9e'$ There are

    Si('s i' that "or 9eo9&e ;ho %e&ie!e$J -.)r/a' 8 114

    G'Fs essenger. the Pr@het @e$ce !e (@n hi)4 s$"s5

    Use &ive i& $s $ f' $n' int)ent fr it c)es fr) $ !&esse' tree>-;

    JGod is He ho s9&its the seed a'd er'e&$ He %ri'(s "orth the &i!i'( "ro# the dead, a'd 9rod) Tgether 1ith these $'v$nt$ges. G' te&&s in the (rF$n 67528334 th$t !$n$n$s $re $)ng the

    fr(its f @$r$'ise5 A)i' thrn&ess &tetrees. $n' !$n$n$trees 1ith fr(itsO. ne $!ve $nther> An' e:ten'e'sh$'e. $n' 1$ter f&1ing cnst$nt&". $n' $!(n'$nt fr(it. neither interce@te' nr fr!i''en> Li+e $&& ther

    !&essings. the !$n$n$s in P$r$'ise 1i&& s(re&" !e @erfect c)@$re' 1ith thse n E$rth> *(t in this 1r&'. G'

    h$s cre$te' s)ething si)i&$r t the !&essings f P$r$'ise t !enefit h()$n !eings>

    Ev&(tinists c$nnt !ring $!(t even $ sing&e @e$M If the )st f$)(s scientists in the 1r&'inc&('ing

    $&& thse 1h h$ve ever &ive'1ere t g$ther tgether $n' s@en' "e$rs (sing the 1r&'Fs ne1est $n' )st

    $'v$nce' techn&g". tr" $s the" )ight. never 1(&' the" !e $!&e t @r'(ce $ sing&e @e$> The" c(&'nFt

    rigin$te even ne f the sing&e ce&&s th$t )$+e (@ $ @e$> This is ne f the )st i)@rt$nt @ints th$t

    ev&(tinists ignre5 It is G'. the Lr' f the ?r&'s. ?h h$s cre$te' ever"thing fr) nthing>

    J$ $ $ Those *o) ;orshi9 %esides God ha!e 'o 9o;er to 9ro!ide "or *o)$ So see *o)r 9ro!isio' "ro#

    God a'd ;orshi9 Hi# a'd (i!e tha's to Hi#$ It is to Hi# *o) ;i&& %e ret)r'ed$J -.)r/a' 218 4

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    S(irre&s. r$!!its. Je!r$s. +$ng$rs. @$rrts. g$Je&&es. @e$cc+s. !(tterf&ies. 1h$&es. '&@hins. gir$ffes.

    tigers. t(rt&es. c$)e&s. st$rfish. s1$ns$&& these &iving things h$ve $ (ni(e s"ste) )st $@@r@ri$te t )eettheir sever$& nee's> S)e h$ve sh$r@ e"es $n' @1erf(& )(sc&es thers $re !rn 1ith @isn f$ngs r $ttr$ctive

    @&()$ge> S. 1h g$ve the) the infr)$tin the" nee'e' t @re@$re the)se&ves fr $n envirn)ent the" h$ve

    never "et seen H1 'es $ ne1!rn +itten +n1 th$t it nee's &(ngs t !e $!&e t (ti&iJe the :"gen in the

    $t)s@here. r th$t $ fish $ntici@$te th$t it 1i&& nee' gi&&s t (se the :"gen 'iss&ve' in the 1$ter it s1i)s in

    H1 c$n !ir's re$&iJe the" nee' &ight1eight s+e&etns in r'er t f&" th$t se$ging @eng(ins nee' fe$thers

    c$te' in i& s $s nt t $!sr! 1$ter Th$t e$g&es nee' sh$r@ e"es t see their @re" fr) th(s$n's f )eters

    $!ve the gr(n' Th$t $ 1'@ec+er nee's $ s@eci$& s(s@ensin s"ste) t @rtect its he$' fr) seri(s


    ?e c(&' e:ten' these e:$)@&es ver )$n" @$ges. !(t fr $&& f the) @se ne (estin5 ?h recr'e'

    the infr)$tin $n' crres@n'ing 'esign s"ste)s in the genes f $&& &iving things

    Br c$n 1e s(@@se th$t the $ncestrs f these &iving things g$ine' e:@erience ver the c(rse f their

    &ives $n' then. t$+ing s(ccee'ing gener$tins int cnsi'er$tin. $&tere' their 1n genes $n' ev&ve' s(ch $

    v$riet" f high&"s@eci$&iJe' rg$ns Di' (ncnsci(s $t)s $n' !&in' ch$nce cre$te &iving things $s s(ch

    )ir$c&es f 'esign #ert$in&" nt5 It is G'. the Lr' f the ?r&'s. ?h cre$te' &iving things 1ith their

    )$rve&(s s"ste)s. tgether 1ith the f$vr$!&e cn'itins th$t $&&1 ever" &iving thing in the (niverse t gr1

    $n' thrive>

    JA'd #a'i'd a'd %easts a'd &i!esto 9e)$&e

    1h$&es in @$rtic(&$r c$n see !" )e$ns f s(n' 1$ves> Si)i&$r t the $ct f r$'$r in the $ir. the h(ge )$))$&s

    sen' (t s(n' 1$ves t $ cert$in @int> The ret(rning 1$ves $re $n$&"Je' $n' inter@rete' in the $ni)$&Fs !r$in.

    giving it $ c&e$r @ict(re f the +in' f !ect it is enc(ntering. $&ng 1ith its siJe. s@ee' $n' &c$tin> These

    $ni)$&sF snic s"ste) is s e:tre)e&" sensitive th$t $ '&@hin. fr e:$)@&e. c$n )$+e (t even the intern$&

    rg$ns f $ @ersn ()@ing int the 1$ter>

    A&ng 1ith 'eter)ining the right 1$" t s1i). these cre$t(res $&s (se s(n' 1$ves fr c))(nic$tin>

    T1 1h$&es. +i&)eters $@$rt. c$n (n'erst$n' e$ch ther. (sing s(n'>

    ItFs sti&& nt c)@&ete&" (n'erst' h1 these $ni)$&s @r'(ce the s(n's t c))(nic$te $n' fin' their1$"> *(t the str(ct(re f $ '&@hinFs he$' is +n1n t h$ve $n $)$Jing fe$t(re5 the $ni)$&Fs s+(&& is ins(&$te'

    $g$inst s(n' s $s t @rtect its !r$in fr) cntin((s $n' intense s(n' !)!$r')ent>

    #(&' $&& these $)$Jing ($&ities @ssesse' !" se$ )$))$&s h$ve c)e int !eing thr(gh )(t$tin $n'

    n$t(r$& se&ectinthe n&" t1 )ech$nis)s th$t the ther" f ev&(tin $')its ?h$t )(t$tin c(&' inst$&&

    the sn$r s"ste) in the '&@hinFs !'" $n' ins(&$te its he$' t @rtect it fr) the intense !(rsts f s(n' S(re&"

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    s(ch $ 'esign c(&' nt @ssi!&" !e the 1r+ f ch$nce events r (ncnsci(s @rcesses> A&& this is the 1r+ f

    A&)ight" G'>

    JA'd horses, #)&es a'd do'e*s %oth to ride a'd "or ador'#e't$ A'd He This !eh$vir is f(&&

    f 'e$' en's fr ev&(tinists. 1h tr" t e:@&$infr e:$)@&eth$t tens f th(s$n's f !ees &ive tgether in

    the s$)e hive $n' sh$re $ @erfect c))(nic$tin s"ste). $&& !" instinct> *(t in his The Brigin f S@ecies.

    #h$r&es D$r1in hi)se&f $s+s $ (estin th$t stresses the cntr$'ictin th$t his ther" )eets. in tr"ing t e:@&$in

    the cnce@t f instinct5

    >>> #O$n instincts !e $c(ire' $n' )'ifie' thr(gh n$t(r$& se&ectin ?h$t sh$&& 1e s$" t s )$rve&(s

    $n instinct $s th$t 1hich &e$'s the !ee t )$+e ce&&s. 1hich h$ve @r$ctic$&&" $ntici@$te' the 'iscveries f

    @rf(n' )$the)$tici$ns-8

    JYo)r >ord re!ea&ed to the %ees8 B)i&d d;e&&i'(s i' the #o)'tai's a'd the trees, a'd a&so i' thestr) #h$r&es D$r1in

    $')its the cntr$'ictin th$t he fe&& int5

    I v$&(e the c$ses f > > > !ri&&i$nt fe)$&e !(tterf&ies. s&e&" $s sh1ing th$t ne se: )$" !e )$'e !ri&&i$nt

    1ith(t $n" necess$r" tr$nsference f !e$(t" t the ther se:. fr in these c$ses. I c$nnt s(@@se th$t !e$(t" in

    the ther se: 1$s chec+e' !" se&ectin>- *(t &i+e )$n" ther scientists. n the !$sis f

    rese$rch he 'i' int @$&ent&g" $n' !i&g". he c$)e t the cnc&(sin th$t the ther" f ev&(tin 1$s

    inv$&i'> Here. he reve$&s his tr(e th(ghts $!(t the v$riet" f s@ecies5

    Q ?h$t s@ect$c(&$r v$riet" 1e see $)ng &iving things. !th v$ri$tin 1ithin +in' $n' the st(@en'(sn()!er f 'ifferent +in's> st f (s $re $1e' !" the s@ect$c(&$r v$ri$tin in c&r. siJe. fr). fe$t(res. $n'

    f(nctin 1e see !th 1ithin $n' $)ng the incre'i!&e 'iversit" f &iving things th$t gr$ce (r @&$net> ?h" s

    )(ch v$ri$tin20

    JHo; #a'*

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    J$ $ $ There is 'o S)e $ni)$&s fee' e$ch ther $n' @rtect e$ch ther fr)

    '$nger the" c&e$n $n' gr) ne $nther $n' @re@$re nests fr their "(ng> S)eti)es the" 1i&& even s$crifice

    their &ives fr ne $nther> A hne"!ee. fr e:$)@&e. 1i&& sting $n intr('er t 'efen' her hive. even th(gh the

    $ct f stinging effective&" 'ise)!1e&s the !ee $n' res(&ts in her 'e$th>4 9r ev&(tinists. this is $ )$r

    @r!&e)> As D$r1in s$"s.

    S 1n'erf(& $n instinct $s th$t f the hive!ee )$+ing its ce&&s 1i&& @r!$!&" h$ve cc(rre' t )$n"

    re$'ers. $s $ 'iffic(&t" s(fficient t verthr1 )" 1h&e ther">2-

    Bne ev&(tinist @(!&ic$tin 'escri!es the tr(!&e c$(se' !" s(ch inst$nces f se&fs$crifice5

    The @r!&e) is 1h" &iving things he&@ ne $nther> Accr'ing t D$r1inFs ther". ever" cre$t(re is

    eng$ge' in $ str(gg&e t re@r'(ce $n' cntin(e its 1n e:istence> Since he&@ing $nther 1(&' 'ecre$se the

    @ssi!i&it" f th$t cre$t(reFs 1e&&!eing. ev&(tin 1(&' h$ve t e&i)in$te this !eh$vir ver $ &ng @eri'>

    H1ever. it h$s !een !serve' th$t cre$t(res c$n s$crifice the)se&ves>22

    //A&& 9raise %e&o'(s to God, the >ord o" the hea!e's a'd the >ord o" the earth, >ord o" a&& the

    ;or&d$ A&& (reat'ess %e&o'(s to Hi# i' the hea!e's a'd earth$ He is the Ai(ht*, the A&&+ise$// -.)r/a',

    308 7+74

    JE!er*o'e i' the hea!e's a'd earth %e&o'(s to Hi#$ A&& are s)%#issi!e to Hi#$J -.)r/a' 768 24

    D$r1in hi)se&f 'escri!e' the $n:iet" he e:@erience' (@n seeing the @erfectin in $ni)$&s th$t

    inv$&i'$te' his ther"5

    I re)e)!er 1e&& the ti)e 1hen the th(ght f the $)$Jing&" c)@&e: str(ct(re f theO e"e )$'e )e c&'

    $&& ver. !(t I h$ve gt ver this st$ge f c)@&$int>>> $n' n1. trif&ing @$rtic(&$rs f str(ct(re ften )$+e )e

    ver" (nc)frt$!&e> The sight f $ fe$ther in $ @e$cc+Fs t$i&. 1henever I g$Je $t it. )$+es )e sic+M 23

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    JI' the hea!e's a'd earth there are

    T st$te the )$tter !rief&". ev&(tinists !e&ieve th$t if given en(gh ti)e. &ife&ess )$tter c)es t &ife

    $n' fr)s ce&&s> As $ res(&t f riv$&r" $)ng ce&&s $n' the )(t$tins th$t h$@@en 1ithin the). the" !ring int

    !eing $ Ste@hen H$1+ing. $n A&!ert Einstein. $ 9r$n+ Sin$tr$ $n' $ $rie #(rie. nt t )entin e&e@h$nts.

    !(tterf&ies. fish. h"$cinths. &e)ns $n' $c$ci$ trees>

    *ec$(se their c&$i)s $re !$se' n n scientific evi'ence. ne f the )st 'iffic(&t things their @r@nents

    )(st e:@&$in is the (ni(e ch$r$cter f the h()$n s@irit> The" c$nnt e:@&$in in the &e$st h1 it h$@@ens th$t

    &ife&ess )$tter c$n. !" ch$nce. !ring $!(t $ thin+ing h()$n !eing $!&e t en" hi)se&f $n' &$(gh ne $!&e t

    e:@erience srr1 $n' e:cite)ent ne 1h c$n @r'(ce 1r+s f $rt. cre$te f$shins. c)@se )(sic $n'

    @etr". fee& @&e$s(re $t he$ring $ f$vrite sng @&$"e'. en" the s)e&& f @iJJ$ $n' the t$ste f "g(rt s)ene

    1h h$s &ngings. 1h c$n !e $ g' frien'. )$+e 'iscveries. $')inister $ gvern)ent $n' tr$ve& int s@$ce>

    JHe ho has


  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    A h()$n !eing is $1$re. @ssesses $ 1i&&. $n' c$n thin+. s@e$+. cnsi'er. )$+e 'ecisins $n' fr)

    ('g)ents> A&& these ($&ities $re the res(&t f the f$ct th$t G' h$s given hi) $ s@irit> *(t $ccr'ing t the

    $ssertins f ev&(tinists. $&& the @&itici$ns 1h h$ve c)e $n' gne $n' )$'e s(ccessf(& r (ns(ccessf(&

    'ecisins fr their n$tins. c$)e int !eing $s the res(&t f )ech$nis)s 'irecte' !" ch$nce> D$r1in hi)se&f

    recgniJe' the i)@ssi!i&it" f s(ch c&$i)s> As he 1rte in his !+5

    ?e h$ve seen in the &$st t1 ch$@ters th$t )$n !e$rs in his !'i&" str(ct(re c&e$r tr$ces f his 'escent

    fr) s)e &1er fr) !(t it )$" !e (rge' th$t. $s )$n 'iffers s gre$t&" in his )ent$& @1er fr) $&& ther

    $ni)$&s. there )(st !e s)e errr in this cnc&(sin>26

    D$r1inists $ttri!(te t ch$nce events s)ething &i+e s(@re)e inte&&igence $n' $cce@t the i'e$ th$t tt$& f

    )i&&ins f ch$nce events. c)ing ne $fter $nther. h$ve cre$tive @1er> Accr'ing t D$r1inists. ch$nce

    events h$ve $ f$r gre$ter inte&&igence th$n $&& @e@&e n E$rth> N )$tter h1 )$n" @e@&e h$ve &ive' $n' 'ie'

    ver the ens. D$r1inists c&$i) th$t ever" ne f their !r$ins. inte&&igence. cgnitive f$c(&ties. ('g)ent.

    )e)r". @h"sic$& ch$r$cteristics $n' th(s$n's f ther ($&ities h$ve !een fr)e' !" ch$nce> Accr'ing tD$r1inists. $ ce&& th$t the 1r&'Fs )st inte&&igence scientists c(&' nt @r'(ce 1ith the highest techn&g"

    c(&' $rise !" the ch$nce inter$ctin f (ncnsci(s $t)s> rever. s(ch ch$nce events h$ve !een $!&e t

    @r'(ce geni(ses &i+e Einstein. P$ste(r. G$&i&e $n' Ne1tn> #ert$in&". these c&$i)s $re !e"n' $&& sense> The

    cre$tr f $&& e:isting things is A&)ight" G'. 1ith His etern$& @1er>

    The ev&(tinists c&$i) th$t $ c)!in$tin f ti)e $n' ch$nce t(rne' )(''" 1$ter int s+i&f(&.

    s(ccessf(&. inte&&igent !eings 1ith !e$(t" $n' @erfect senses f sight $n' he$ring> D "( thin+ th$t the )en $n'

    1)en "( see n these @$ges. +n1n fr their t$&ent $n' s(ccess. c(&' !e the res(&t f ch$nce. ti)e $n'

    )(''" 1$ter #nsi'er fr $ ))ent5

    #(&' &iving things c&$i)e' t !e the @r'(ct f ch$nce t$+e @&e$s(re fr) !e$(t" $n' $rt

    #(&' !eings 1h 1rite screen@&$"s. c)@se )(sic. 'irect $n' $ct in fi&)s !e the 1r+ f ch$nce

    #(&' s(ch !eings 1in $n Bsc$r

    #(&' !eings cre$te' !" ch$nce h$ve the i)$gin$tin t 1rite nve&s h(n're's f @$ges in &ength

    N is s(re&" the n&" $ns1er t $&& these (estins> N )$tter h1 )(ch ti)e ch$nce is given. it c$nnt

    t(rn )(''" 1$ter int $ h()$n !eing $n' &$ter @rvi'e hi) r her 1ith these cre$tive ($&ities> Si)@&" the

    neg$tive $ns1ers t these (estins $re en(gh t inv$&i'$te the ther" f ev&(tin> #&e$r&". $&& the !eings 1h

    c(&' s(ccee' in these en'e$vrs $re 1r+s f G'Fs s(@re)e +n1&e'ge $n' cre$tive @1er>

    *ec$(se G' cre$te' the) 1ith these t$&ents. ins@ire' in the) $rtistr" $n' $cting $!i&it". $n' g$ve the) $

    g' vice. the" $re s(ccessf(& $rtists>

    JMa'i'd e The )$rit" f these @e@&e h$ve @erfect visin s"ste)s

    $n' @erfect he$ring s"ste)s> The h()$n vis($& s"ste) is s 'eve&@e' th$t n c$)er$ @r'(ce' 1ith the &$test

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    techn&g" c$n $tt$in the ($&it" f i)$ge th$t the h()$n e"e c$n $ffr'> The h()$n e$r is )re $'v$nce' th$n

    the )st )'ern s(n' s"ste)> *(t D$r1inists !e&ieve th$t these vis($& $n' s(n' s"ste)s. 1hich the )st

    $'v$nce' techn&g" c$nnt even $@@r$ch. $re the @r'(cts f !&in' ch$nce>

    Accr'ing t this str$nge c&$i). )(' $n' ti)e c)!ine' !" ch$nce t !ring $!(t $ techn&g" th$t

    h()$n inte&&igence $n' e:@erience c$nnt $chieve> An' the )st inte&&igent $n' )etic(&(s ch$nce )$'e it

    @ssi!&e fr ever" ne f t'$"Fs seven !i&&in @e@&e t h$ve ne f e$ch f these s"ste)s>

    This c&$i) sh1s c&e$r&" th$t ev&(tinists !e&ieve th$t the threes)e f ch$nce. ti)e $n' )(' $ct($&&"

    h$s the ch$r$cter f $ tri(ne g'>

    J>ord o" the hea!e's a'd the earth a'd e!er*thi'( %et;ee' the#,the Ai(ht*, the E'd&ess&*

    For(i!i'($J -.)r/a' 78 4

    Life&ess. (ncnsci(s $t)s &in+ing tgether !" ch$nce c$nnt thin+ the" $re ignr$nt f @h"sic$& &$1s

    $n' c$nnt )$+e )$the)$tic$& c$&c(&$tins> The" c$nnt !ec)e engineers 1h cnstr(ct h(ge s+"scr$@ers r

    '$)s th$t restr$in tns f 1$ter the" c$nnt (se $ c)@(ter. @&$" the @i$n r c)@se @&e$s$nt )(sic>

    ors o" Te The" h$ve !een

    cn'itine'if nt instr(cte'nt t !e&ieve in A&)ight" G'. the #re$tr f $&& the 'esigns f(n' in the

    (niverse> As G' s$"s in the (rF$n ;5 -;>> The" h$ve he$rts the" ' nt (n'erst$n' 1ith> The" h$ve e"es

    the" ' nt see 1ith> The" h$ve e$rs the" ' nt he$r 1ith>

    JGod is He ho raised )9 the hea!e's ;itho)t a'* s)99ort *o)

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance



    Ti#e M)d Cha'

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    //He is God$ There is 'o deit* %)t Hi#$ Praise %e to Hi# i' the ;or&d a'd i' the herea"ter$

    5)d(#e't %e&o'(s to Hi#$ Yo) ;i&& %e ret)r'ed to Hi#$// -.)r/a' 28 64

    E!o&)tio'ists %e&ie!e that "i!e %i&&io' *ears a(o, a "e; ato#s

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    I" ;e

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance





    The ther" f ev&(tin. 1ith its c&$i) th$t ti)e. ch$nce $n' )(' c)!ine' t fr) $ cre$tive g' is

    re)iniscent f the v$ri(s cre$tin )"ths f (ncivi&iJe' $n' (nscientific scieties> An"ne 1h (ses his )in'

    &gic$&&". 1ith n i'e&gic$& @re('ice. 1i&& e$si&" (n'erst$n' th$t it is (nten$!&e>

    As 1e h$ve @inte' (t fr) the (tset. thse 1h $cce@t the ther" f ev&(tin !e&ieve in ch$nce

    events th$t h$ve !een s(!t&" @er$ting since the !eginning f the 1r&' $n' th$t 1ith the he&@ f ti)e. thin+ing.

    inte&&igent rese$rch @rfessrs. (niversit" st('ents. scientists &i+e Einstein $n' H(!!&e. $ctrs &i+e 9r$n+ Sin$tr$

    $n' #h$r&tn Hestn. $s 1e&& $s g$Je&&es. &e)n trees $n' c$rn$tins $&& c$)e t !e fr) s)e 1$r) &itt&e

    @n' in D$r1inFs 1r's>2; An' thse 1h !e&ieve this nnsense inc&('e scientists. @rfessrs. $n' therc(&t(re'. e'(c$te' @e@&e>

    9r this re$sn. it is $@@r@ri$te t 'esign$te the ther" f ev&(tin $s ne f the strngest s@e&&s ever

    c$st ver the 1r&'> Thr(gh(t )'ern histr". fe1 i'e$s h$ve s !e1itche' @e@&e> ItFs $s if this ther" h$s

    @(&&e' $ c(rt$in ver their e"es. @reventing the) fr) seeing evi'ent f$cts $n'. !$se' n thse f$cts. thin+ing

    &gic$&&" $n' inte&&igent&"> This !&in'ness is )re seri(s $n' inc)@rehensi!&e th$n the $ncient Eg"@ti$nsF

    !e&ief in the S(n G' R$. the tte)s f s)e Afric$n tri!es. the s(n 1rshi@ f the S$!i$ns. the h$n')$'e

    i'&s f the @e@&e f A!r$h$). the 1rshi@ f the G&'en #$&f !" the chi&'ren f Isr$e&. $n' the #hristi$nsF

    !e&ief in the trinit"> A!(t s(ch @e@&e. the Pr@het )$" G' !&ess hi) $n' gr$nt hi) @e$ce4 s$i' the

    f&&1ing5 It is nt s)ene 1ith(t e"es 1h is !&in' !(t s)ene 1ith(t (n'erst$n'ing>28

    This is the &$c+ f inte&&igence th$t G' @ints (t in the (rF$n in sever$& verses. He s$"s th$t s)e@e@&e 1i&& h$ve their ('g)ent c&('e' $n' f$&& int s(ch $ 1retche' st$te $s t !e (n$!&e t see the tr(th>

    S)e f these verses re$' $s f&&1s5

    As "or those ;ho do 'ot %e&ie!e, it #aes 'o di""ere'

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    Th$t this s@e&& h$s s(ch $ 1i'e effect n the 1r&'. th$t it h$s !een $!&e t +ee@ s )$n" @e@&e s

    re)ve' fr) the tr(th 1ith(t !eing !r+en fr -60 "e$rs is t $)$Jing fr 1r's t e:@ress> %es. itFs

    (n'erst$n'$!&e th$t ne r t1 @e@&e c(&' !e&ieve in i)@ssi!&e @r@sitins. in nnsensic$& c&$i)s> *(t it

    see)s 1h&&" @re@ster(s fr @e@&e $&& ver the 1r&' t !e&ieve th$t &ife&ess. (ncnsci(s $t)s s(''en&"

    'eci'e' t c)e tgether. $!r(@t&" 'is@&$" e:tr$r'in$r" rg$niJ$tin. 'isci@&ine $n' cnsci(s inte&&igence $n'.

    @er$ting f&$1&ess&". @r'(ce the (niverse. @&$net E$rth 1ith $&& its &ifes(st$ining ($&ities. $n' &iving things

    en'1e' 1ith their inn()er$!&e $n' c)@&e: s"ste)s>

    In the (rF$n ;5 --74. G' te&&s f $n e@is'e th$t cc(rre' !et1een ses @e$ce !e (@n Hi)4 $n'

    Ph$r$h. sh1ing h1 s)e @e@&e 1h es@(se' $ g'&ess @hi&s@h" @(t s@e&&s n thers> ?hen ses 1$s

    e:@&$ining the tr(e re&igin t Ph$r$h. Ph$r$h t&' ses t )eet hi) 1here his s+i&&e' )$gici$ns 1ere

    g$there' 1ith the @e@&e> ?hen ses )et the )$gici$ns. he c))$n'e' the) t 'is@&$" their s+i&&s. $n'5

    He s$i'. %( thr1> An' 1hen the" thre1. the" c$st $ s@e&& n the @e@&eFs e"es $n' c$(se' the) t fee&

    gre$t fe$r f the)> The" @r'(ce' $n e:tre)e&" @1erf(& )$gic>

    Ph$r$hFs )$gici$ns 1ere $!&e t @(t $ 'ece@tive s@e&& n ever"nee:ce@t ses $n' thse 1h

    !e&ieve' in hi)> *(t the @rf th$t ses @resente' t the) in res@nse s1$&&1e' (@ 1h$t the" h$' frge'$s it s$"s in this verse. in ther 1r's. )$'e the) ineffective5

    e re!ea&ed to Moses, JThro; do;' *o)r sta""$J A'd it i##ediate&* s;a&&o;ed )9 ;hat the* Kthe

    #a(i 2 *(t this s@e&&

    h$s !eg(n t !e &ifte' ver" (ic+&" fr) @e@&e $&& ver the g&!e5 $n" in'ivi'($&s 1h h$ve &e$rne' the

    secret f ev&(tinFs 'ece@tin $re $)$Je' h1 the" c(&' h$ve !een t$+en in>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance




    D$r1inis). in ther 1r's the ther" f ev&(tin. 1$s @(t fr1$r' 1ith the $i) f 'en"ing the f$ct f

    cre$tin. !(t is in tr(th nthing !(t f$i&e'. (nscientific nnsense> This ther". 1hich c&$i)s th$t &ife e)erge' !"

    ch$nce fr) in$ni)$te )$tter. 1$s inv$&i'$te' !" the scientific evi'ence f c&e$r 'esign in the (niverse $n' in

    &iving things> In this 1$". science cnfir)e' the f$ct th$t G' cre$te' the (niverse $n' the &iving things in it>

    The @r@$g$n'$ c$rrie' (t t'$" in r'er t +ee@ the ther" f ev&(tin $&ive is !$se' s&e&" n the 'istrtin

    f the scientific f$cts. !i$se' inter@ret$tin. $n' &ies $n' f$&seh's 'isg(ise' $s science>

    %et this @r@$g$n'$ c$nnt cnce$& the tr(th> The f$ct th$t the ther" f ev&(tin is the gre$test

    'ece@tin in the histr" f science h$s !een e:@resse' )re $n' )re in the scientific 1r&' ver the &$st 2030

    "e$rs> Rese$rch c$rrie' (t $fter the -

    ?e h$ve e:$)ine' the c&&$@se f the ther" f ev&(tin $n' the @rfs f cre$tin in gre$t scientific

    'et$i& in )$n" f (r 1r+s. $n' $re sti&& cntin(ing t ' s> Given the enr)(s i)@rt$nce f this s(!ect. it

    1i&& !e f gre$t !enefit t s())$riJe it here>


    A&th(gh this 'ctrine ges !$c+ $s f$r $s $ncient Greece. the ther" f ev&(tin 1$s $'v$nce'

    e:tensive&" in the nineteenth cent(r"> The )st i)@rt$nt 'eve&@)ent th$t )$'e it the t@ t@ic f the 1r&' f

    science 1$s #h$r&es D$r1inFs The Brigin f S@ecies. @(!&ishe' in -86 In this !+. he 'enie' th$t G'

    cre$te' 'ifferent &iving s@ecies n E$rth se@$r$te&". fr he c&$i)e' th$t $&& &iving !eings h$' $ c))n $ncestr

    $n' h$' 'iversifie' ver ti)e thr(gh s)$&& ch$nges> D$r1inFs ther" 1$s nt !$se' n $n" cncrete scientific

    fin'ing $s he $&s $cce@te'. it 1$s (st $n $ss()@tin> rever. $s D$r1in cnfesse' in the &ng ch$@ter f

    his !+ tit&e' Diffic(&ties f the Ther". the ther" f$i&e' in the f$ce f )$n" critic$& (estins>

    D$r1in investe' $&& f his h@es in ne1 scientific 'iscveries. 1hich he e:@ecte' t s&ve these

    'iffic(&ties> H1ever. cntr$r" t his e:@ect$tins. scientific fin'ings e:@$n'e' the 'i)ensins f these

    'iffic(&ties> The 'efe$t f D$r1inis) in the f$ce f science c$n !e revie1e' (n'er three !$sic t@ics5

    -4 The ther" c$nnt e:@&$in h1 &ife rigin$te' n E$rth>

    24 N scientific fin'ing sh1s th$t the ev&(tin$r" )ech$nis)s @r@se' !" the ther" h$ve $n"

    ev&(tin$r" @1er $t $&&>

    34 The fssi& recr' @rves the e:$ct @@site f 1h$t the ther" s(ggests>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    The @1er ev&(tinists i)@(te t the three frce the" !e&ieve t h$ve @r'(ce' &ifeti)e. )('. $n'

    ch$nceis $ct($&&" en(gh t e&ev$te the) int $ trinit"> The" !e&ieve th$t the c)!in$tin f these r$n')

    frces g$ve sh$@e t the h()$n !r$in. inte&&igence. cgnitive $!i&it". ('g)ent $n' )e)r">

    In this sectin. 1e 1i&& e:$)ine these three !$sic @ints in gener$& (t&ines5

    The First I's)r#o)'ta%&e Ste98

    The Ori(i' o" >i"e

    The ther" f ev&(tin @sits th$t $&& &iving s@ecies ev&ve' fr) $ sing&e &iving ce&& th$t e)erge' n the

    @ri)itive E$rth 3>8 !i&&in "e$rs $g> H1 $ sing&e ce&& c(&' gener$te )i&&ins f c)@&e: &iving s@ecies $n'. if

    s(ch $n ev&(tin re$&&" cc(rre'. 1h" tr$ces f it c$nnt !e !serve' in the fssi& recr' $re s)e f the

    (estins th$t the ther" c$nnt $ns1er> H1ever. first $n' fre)st. 1e nee' t $s+5 H1 'i' this first ce&&


    Since the ther" f ev&(tin 'enies cre$tin $n' $n" +in' f s(@ern$t(r$& interventin. it )$int$ins th$t

    the first ce&& rigin$te' cinci'ent$&&" 1ithin the &$1s f n$t(re. 1ith(t $n" 'esign. @&$n r $rr$nge)ent>

    Accr'ing t the ther". in$ni)$te )$tter )(st h$ve @r'(ce' $ &iving ce&& $s $ res(&t f cinci'ences> S(ch $

    c&$i). h1ever. is incnsistent 1ith the )st (n$ss$i&$!&e r(&es f !i&g">


    In his !+. D$r1in never referre' t the rigin f &ife> The @ri)itive (n'erst$n'ing f science in his ti)e

    reste' n the $ss()@tin th$t &iving !eings h$' $ ver" si)@&e str(ct(re> Since )e'iev$& ti)es. s@nt$ne(s

    gener$tin. 1hich $sserts th$t nn&iving )$teri$&s c$)e tgether t fr) &iving rg$nis)s. h$' !een 1i'e&"

    $cce@te'> It 1$s c))n&" !e&ieve' th$t insects c$)e int !eing fr) f' &eftvers. $n' )ice fr) 1he$t>Interesting e:@eri)ents 1ere cn'(cte' t @rve this ther"> S)e 1he$t 1$s @&$ce' n $ 'irt" @iece f c&th.

    $n' it 1$s !e&ieve' th$t )ice 1(&' rigin$te fr) it $fter $ 1hi&e>

    Si)i&$r&". )$ggts 'eve&@ing in rtting )e$t 1$s $ss()e' t !e evi'ence f s@nt$ne(s gener$tin>

    H1ever. it 1$s &$ter (n'erst' th$t 1r)s 'i' nt $@@e$r n )e$t s@nt$ne(s&". !(t 1ere c$rrie' there !"

    f&ies in the fr) f &$rv$e. invisi!&e t the n$+e' e"e>

    Even 1hen D$r1in 1rte The Brigin f S@ecies. the !e&ief th$t !$cteri$ c(&' c)e int e:istence fr)

    nn&iving )$tter 1$s 1i'e&" $cce@te' in the 1r&' f science>

    H1ever. five "e$rs $fter the @(!&ic$tin f D$r1inFs !+. L(is P$ste(r $nn(nce' his res(&ts $fter &ng

    st('ies $n' e:@eri)ents. th$t 'is@rve' s@nt$ne(s gener$tin. $ crnerstne f D$r1inFs ther"> In his

    tri()@h$& &ect(re $t the Sr!nne in -87,. P$ste(r s$i'5 Never 1i&& the 'ctrine f s@nt$ne(s gener$tinrecver fr) the )rt$& !&1 str(c+ !" this si)@&e e:@eri)ent>30

    9r $ &ng ti)e. $'vc$tes f the ther" f ev&(tin resiste' these fin'ings> H1ever. $s the

    'eve&@)ent f science (nr$ve&e' the c)@&e: str(ct(re f the ce&& f $ &iving !eing. the i'e$ th$t &ife c(&'

    c)e int !eing cinci'ent$&&" f$ce' $n even gre$ter i)@$sse>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    The Fre'o)is Paste)r

    The R)ssia' %io&o(ist A&ea'der O9ari'

    The arti"i3-

    Ev&(tinist f&&1ers f B@$rin trie' t c$rr" (t e:@eri)ents t s&ve this @r!&e)> The !est +n1n

    e:@eri)ent 1$s c$rrie' (t !" the A)eric$n che)ist St$n&e" i&&er in - #)!ining the g$ses he $&&ege' t

    h$ve e:iste' in the @ri)r'i$& E$rthFs $t)s@here in $n e:@eri)ent set(@. $n' $''ing energ" t the )i:t(re.

    i&&er s"nthesiJe' sever$& rg$nic )&ec(&es $)in $ci's4 @resent in the str(ct(re f @rteins>

    *$re&" $ fe1 "e$rs h$' @$sse' !efre it 1$s reve$&e' th$t this e:@eri)ent. 1hich 1$s then @resente' $s $n

    i)@rt$nt ste@ in the n$)e f ev&(tin. 1$s inv$&i'. fr the $t)s@here (se' in the e:@eri)ent 1$s ver"

    'ifferent fr) the re$& E$rth cn'itins>32After $ &ng si&ence. i&&er cnfesse' th$t the $t)s@here )e'i() he (se' 1$s (nre$&istic>33

    A&& the ev&(tinistsF effrts thr(gh(t the t1entieth cent(r" t e:@&$in the rigin f &ife en'e' in f$i&(re>

    The geche)ist Keffre" *$'$. fr) the S$n Dieg Scri@@s Instit(te $cce@ts this f$ct in $n $rtic&e @(!&ishe' in

    E$rth )$g$Jine in -

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance



    The @ri)$r" re$sn 1h" the ther" f ev&(tin en'e' (@ in s(ch $ gre$t i)@$sse reg$r'ing the rigin f

    &ife is th$t even thse &iving rg$nis)s 'ee)e' t !e the si)@&est h$ve incre'i!&" c)@&e: str(ct(res> The ce&&

    f $ &iving thing is )re c)@&e: th$n $&& f (r )$n)$'e techn&gic$& @r'(cts> T'$". even in the )st

    'eve&@e' &$!r$tries f the 1r&'. $ &iving ce&& c$nnt !e @r'(ce' !" !ringing rg$nic che)ic$&s tgether>

    The cn'itins re(ire' fr the fr)$tin f $ ce&& $re t gre$t in ($ntit" t !e e:@&$ine' $1$" !"

    cinci'ences> The @r!$!i&it" f @rteins. the !(i&'ing !&c+s f $ ce&&. !eing s"nthesiJe' cinci'ent$&&". is - in

    -0 In )$the)$tics. $ @r!$!i&it" s)$&&er th$n - ver

    -060 is cnsi'ere' t !e i)@ssi!&e in @r$ctic$& ter)s>

    The DNA )&ec(&e. 1hich is &c$te' in the n(c&e(s f $ ce&& $n' 1hich stres genetic infr)$tin. is $n

    incre'i!&e '$t$!$n+> If the infr)$tin c'e' in DNA 1ere 1ritten '1n. it 1(&' )$+e $ gi$nt &i!r$r"

    cnsisting f $n esti)$te' Prf> Les&ie Brge&. $n

    ev&(tinist f re@(te fr) the Universit" f S$n Dieg. #$&ifrni$. cnfesses this f$ct in the Se@te)!er -36

    N '(!t. if it is i)@ssi!&e fr &ife t h$ve rigin$te' fr) n$t(r$& c$(ses. then it h$s t !e $cce@te' th$t

    &ife 1$s cre$te' in $ s(@ern$t(r$& 1$"> This f$ct e:@&icit&" inv$&i'$tes the ther" f ev&(tin. 1hse )$in

    @(r@se is t 'en" cre$tin>


    The secn' i)@rt$nt @int th$t neg$tes D$r1inFs ther" is th$t !th cnce@ts @(t fr1$r' !" the ther"

    $s ev&(tin$r" )ech$nis)s 1ere (n'erst' t h$ve. in re$&it". n ev&(tin$r" @1er>

    D$r1in !$se' his ev&(tin $&&eg$tin entire&" n the )ech$nis) f n$t(r$& se&ectin> The i)@rt$nce

    he @&$ce' n this )ech$nis) 1$s evi'ent in the n$)e f his !+5 The Brigin f S@ecies. *" e$ns f N$t(r$&Se&ectinQ

    N$t(r$& se&ectin h&'s th$t thse &iving things th$t $re strnger $n' )re s(ite' t the n$t(r$& cn'itins

    f their h$!it$ts 1i&& s(rvive in the str(gg&e fr &ife> 9r e:$)@&e. in $ 'eer her' (n'er the thre$t f $tt$c+ !"

    1i&' $ni)$&s. thse th$t c$n r(n f$ster 1i&& s(rvive> Therefre. the 'eer her' 1i&& !e c)@rise' f f$ster $n'

    strnger in'ivi'($&s> H1ever. (n(estin$!&". this )ech$nis) 1i&& nt c$(se 'eer t ev&ve $n' tr$nsfr)

    the)se&ves int $nther &iving s@ecies. fr inst$nce. hrses>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    Therefre. the )ech$nis) f n$t(r$& se&ectin h$s n ev&(tin$r" @1er> D$r1in 1$s $&s $1$re f this

    f$ct $n' h$' t st$te this in his !+ The Brigin f S@ecies5

    N$t(r$& se&ectin c$n ' nthing (nti& f$v(r$!&e in'ivi'($& 'ifferences r v$ri$tins cc(r>37


    The Fre'a#ara#ar Th(s. n$t(r$& se&ectin fe&& (t f f$vr $s $n ev&(tin$r" )ech$nis)>

    The dire

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    T'$". the )'e& th$t st$n's fr ev&(tin in the 1r&' is NeD$r1inis)> The ther" )$int$ins th$t

    )i&&ins f &iving !eings fr)e' $s $ res(&t f $ @rcess 1here!" n()er(s c)@&e: rg$ns f these rg$nis)s

    e>g>. e$rs. e"es. &(ngs. $n' 1ings4 (n'er1ent )(t$tins. th$t is. genetic 'isr'ers> %et. there is $n (tright

    scientific f$ct th$t tt$&&" (n'er)ines this ther"5 (t$tins ' nt c$(se &iving !eings t 'eve&@ n the

    cntr$r". the" $re $&1$"s h$r)f(&>

    The re$sn fr this is ver" si)@&e5 DNA h$s $ ver" c)@&e: str(ct(re. $n' r$n') effects c$n n&" h$r)

    it> The A)eric$n geneticist *>G> R$ng$n$th$n e:@&$ins this $s f&&1s5

    9irst. gen(ine )(t$tins $re ver" r$re in n$t(re> Secn'&". )st )(t$tins $re h$r)f(& since the" $re

    r$n'). r$ther th$n r'er&" ch$nges in the str(ct(re f genes $n" r$n') ch$nge in $ high&" r'ere' s"ste)

    1i&& !e fr the 1rse. nt fr the !etter> 9r e:$)@&e. if $n e$rth($+e 1ere t sh$+e $ high&" r'ere' str(ct(re

    s(ch $s $ !(i&'ing. there 1(&' !e $ r$n') ch$nge in the fr$)e1r+ f the !(i&'ing 1hich. in $&& @r!$!i&it".

    1(&' nt !e $n i)@rve)ent>38

    Nt s(r@rising&". n )(t$tin e:$)@&e. 1hich is (sef(&. th$t is. 1hich is !serve' t 'eve&@ the genetic

    c'e. h$s !een !serve' s f$r> A&& )(t$tins h$ve @rve' t !e h$r)f(&> It 1$s (n'erst' th$t )(t$tin. 1hich

    is @resente' $s $n ev&(tin$r" )ech$nis). is $ct($&&" $ genetic cc(rrence th$t h$r)s &iving things. $n'&e$ves the) 'is$!&e'> The )st c))n effect f )(t$tin n h()$n !eings is c$ncer>4 Bf c(rse. $

    'estr(ctive )ech$nis) c$nnt !e $n ev&(tin$r" )ech$nis)> N$t(r$& se&ectin. n the ther h$n'. c$n '

    nthing !" itse&f. $s D$r1in $&s $cce@te'> This f$ct sh1s (s th$t there is n ev&(tin$r" )ech$nis) in

    n$t(re> Since n ev&(tin$r" )ech$nis) e:ists. n s(ch $n" i)$gin$r" @rcess c$&&e' ev&(tin c(&' h$ve

    t$+en @&$ce>


    The c&e$rest evi'ence th$t the scen$ri s(ggeste' !" the ther" f ev&(tin 'i' nt t$+e @&$ce is the fssi&


    Accr'ing t this ther". ever" &iving s@ecies h$s s@r(ng fr) $ @re'ecessr> A @revi(s&" e:isting

    s@ecies t(rne' int s)ething e&se ver ti)e $n' $&& s@ecies h$ve c)e int !eing in this 1$"> In ther 1r's.

    this tr$nsfr)$tin @rcee's gr$'($&&" ver )i&&ins f "e$rs>

    H$' this !een the c$se. n()er(s inter)e'i$r" s@ecies sh(&' h$ve e:iste' $n' &ive' 1ithin this &ng

    tr$nsfr)$tin @eri'>

    9r inst$nce. s)e h$&ffishh$&fre@ti&es sh(&' h$ve &ive' in the @$st 1hich h$' $c(ire' s)e re@ti&i$n

    tr$its in $''itin t the fish tr$its the" $&re$'" h$'> Br there sh(&' h$ve e:iste' s)e re@ti&e!ir's. 1hich

    $c(ire' s)e !ir' tr$its in $''itin t the re@ti&i$n tr$its the" $&re$'" h$'> Since these 1(&' !e in $tr$nsitin$& @h$se. the" sh(&' !e 'is$!&e'. 'efective. cri@@&e' &iving !eings> Ev&(tinists refer t these

    i)$gin$r" cre$t(res. 1hich the" !e&ieve t h$ve &ive' in the @$st. $s tr$nsitin$& fr)s>

    If s(ch $ni)$&s ever re$&&" e:iste'. there sh(&' !e )i&&ins $n' even !i&&ins f the) in n()!er $n'

    v$riet"> re i)@rt$nt&". the re)$ins f these str$nge cre$t(res sh(&' !e @resent in the fssi& recr'> In The

    Brigin f S@ecies. D$r1in e:@&$ine'5

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    If )" ther" !e tr(e. n()!er&ess inter)e'i$te v$rieties. &in+ing )st c&se&" $&& f the s@ecies f the s$)e

    gr(@ tgether )(st $ss(re'&" h$ve e:iste'>>>> #nse(ent&". evi'ence f their fr)er e:istence c(&' !e f(n'

    n&" $)ngst fssi& re)$ins>3 Ager. $')its this f$ct. even th(gh he is $n ev&(tinist5The @int e)erges th$t if 1e e:$)ine the fssi& recr' in 'et$i&. 1hether $t the &eve& f r'ers r f

    s@ecies. 1e fin' ver $n' ver $g$in nt gr$'($& ev&(tin. !(t the s(''en e:@&sin f ne gr(@ $t the

    e:@ense f $nther>,0

    This )e$ns th$t in the fssi& recr'. $&& &iving s@ecies s(''en&" e)erge $s f(&&" fr)e'. 1ith(t $n"

    inter)e'i$te fr)s in !et1een> This is (st the @@site f D$r1inFs $ss()@tins> A&s. this is ver" strng

    evi'ence th$t $&& &iving things $re cre$te'> The n&" e:@&$n$tin f $ &iving s@ecies e)erging s(''en&" $n'

    c)@&ete in ever" 'et$i& 1ith(t $n" ev&(tin$r" $ncestr is th$t it 1$s cre$te'> This f$ct is $')itte' $&s !"

    the 1i'e&" +n1n ev&(tinist !i&gist D(g&$s 9(t(")$5

    #re$tin $n' ev&(tin. !et1een the). e:h$(st the @ssi!&e e:@&$n$tins fr the rigin f &iving things>

    Brg$nis)s either $@@e$re' n the e$rth f(&&" 'eve&@e' r the" 'i' nt> If the" 'i' nt. the" )(st h$ve

    'eve&@e' fr) @ree:isting s@ecies !" s)e @rcess f )'ific$tin> If the" 'i' $@@e$r in $ f(&&" 'eve&@e'

    st$te. the" )(st in'ee' h$ve !een cre$te' !" s)e )ni@tent inte&&igence>,-

    9ssi&s sh1 th$t &iving !eings e)erge' f(&&" 'eve&@e' $n' in $ @erfect st$te n the e$rth> Th$t )e$ns

    th$t the rigin f s@ecies. cntr$r" t D$r1inFs s(@@sitin. is nt ev&(tin. !(t cre$tin>


    The s(!ect )st ften !r(ght (@ !" $'vc$tes f the ther" f ev&(tin is the s(!ect f the rigin f)$n> The D$r1inist c&$i) h&'s th$t )'ern )$n ev&ve' fr) $@e&i+e cre$t(res> D(ring this $&&ege'

    ev&(tin$r" @rcess. 1hich is s(@@se' t h$ve st$rte' ,6 )i&&in "e$rs $g. s)e tr$nsitin$& fr)s

    !et1een )'ern )$n $n' his $ncestrs $re s(@@se' t h$ve e:iste'> Accr'ing t this c)@&ete&" i)$gin$r"

    scen$ri. f(r !$sic c$tegries $re &iste'5

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    -> A(str$&@ithec(s

    2> H) h$!i&is

    3> H) erect(s

    ,> H) s$@iens

    Ev&(tinists c$&& )$nFs sc$&&e' first $@e&i+e $ncestrs A(str$&@ithec(s. 1hich )e$ns S(th Afric$n

    $@e> These &iving !eings $re $ct($&&" nthing !(t $n &' $@e s@ecies th$t h$s !ec)e e:tinct> E:tensive rese$rch

    'ne n v$ri(s A(str$&@ithec(s s@eci)ens !" t1 1r&' f$)(s $n$t)ists fr) Eng&$n' $n' the USA.

    n$)e&". Lr' S&&" (c+er)$n $n' Prf> #h$r&es B:n$r'. sh1s th$t these $@es !e&nge' t $n r'in$r" $@e

    s@ecies th$t !ec$)e e:tinct $n' !re n rese)!&$nce t h()$ns>,2

    Ev&(tinists c&$ssif" the ne:t st$ge f h()$n ev&(tin $s h). th$t is )$n> Accr'ing t their

    c&$i). the &iving !eings in the H) series $re )re 'eve&@e' th$n A(str$&@ithec(s> Ev&(tinists 'evise $

    f$ncif(& ev&(tin sche)e !" $rr$nging 'ifferent fssi&s f these cre$t(res in $ @$rtic(&$r r'er> This sche)e is

    i)$gin$r" !ec$(se it h$s never !een @rve' th$t there is $n ev&(tin$r" re&$tin !et1een these 'ifferent

    c&$sses> Ernst $"r. ne f the t1entieth cent(r"Fs )st i)@rt$nt ev&(tinists. cnten's in his !+ Bne Lng

    Arg()ent th$t @$rtic(&$r&" histric$& @(JJ&esO s(ch $s the rigin f &ife r f H) s$@iens. $re e:tre)e&"'iffic(&t $n' )$" even resist $ fin$&. s$tisf"ing e:@&$n$tin>,3

    *" (t&ining the &in+ ch$in $s A(str$&@ithec(s H) h$!i&is H) erect(s H) s$@iens.

    ev&(tinists i)@&" th$t e$ch f these s@ecies is ne $ntherFs $ncestr> H1ever. recent fin'ings f

    @$&e$nthr@&gists h$ve reve$&e' th$t A(str$&@ithec(s. H) h$!i&is. $n' H) erect(s &ive' $t 'ifferent

    @$rts f the 1r&' $t the s$)e ti)e>,,

    rever. $ cert$in seg)ent f h()$ns c&$ssifie' $s H) erect(s h$ve &ive' (@ (nti& ver" )'ern

    ti)es> H) s$@iens ne$n'$rth$&ensis $n' H) s$@iens s$@iens )'ern )$n4 ce:iste' in the s$)e


    This sit($tin $@@$rent&" in'ic$tes the inv$&i'it" f the c&$i) th$t the" $re $ncestrs f ne $nther> A

    @$&ent&gist fr) H$rv$r' Universit". Ste@hen K$" G(&'. e:@&$ins this 'e$'&c+ f the ther" f ev&(tin.

    $&th(gh he is $n ev&(tinist hi)se&f5

    ?h$t h$s !ec)e f (r &$''er if there $re three ce:isting &ine$ges f h)ini's A> $fric$n(s. the r!(st

    $(str$&@ithecines. $n' H> h$!i&is4. nne c&e$r&" 'erive' fr) $nther rever. nne f the three 'is@&$" $n"

    ev&(tin$r" tren's '(ring their ten(re n e$rth>,7

    P(t !rief&". the scen$ri f h()$n ev&(tin. 1hich is (@he&' 1ith the he&@ f v$ri(s 'r$1ings f s)e

    h$&f $@e. h$&f h()$n cre$t(res $@@e$ring in the )e'i$ $n' c(rse !+s. th$t is. fr$n+&". !" )e$ns f

    @r@$g$n'$. is nthing !(t $ t$&e 1ith n scientific f(n'$tin>

    Lr' S&&" (c+er)$n. ne f the )st f$)(s $n' res@ecte' scientists in the U>/>. 1h c$rrie' (t

    rese$rch n this s(!ect fr "e$rs $n' st('ie' A(str$&@ithec(s fssi&s fr -6 "e$rs. fin$&&" cnc&('e'. 'es@ite!eing $n ev&(tinist hi)se&f. th$t there is. in f$ct. n s(ch f$)i&" tree !r$nching (t fr) $@e&i+e cre$t(res t


    (c+er)$n $&s )$'e $n interesting s@ectr() f science r$nging fr) thse he cnsi'ere' scientific t

    thse he cnsi'ere' (nscientific> Accr'ing t (c+er)$nFs s@ectr(). the )st scientificth$t is. 'e@en'ing

    n cncrete '$t$fie&'s f science $re che)istr" $n' @h"sics> After the) c)e the !i&gic$& sciences $n' then

    the sci$& sciences> At the f$r en' f the s@ectr(). 1hich is the @$rt cnsi'ere' t !e )st (nscientific. $re

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    e:tr$sensr" @erce@tincnce@ts s(ch $s te&e@$th" $n' si:th sense$n' fin$&&" h()$n ev&(tin>

    (c+er)$n e:@&$ins his re$sning5

    ?e then )ve right ff the register f !ective tr(th int thse fie&'s f @res()e' !i&gic$& science. &i+e

    e:tr$sensr" @erce@tin r the inter@ret$tin f )$nFs fssi& histr". 1here t the f$ithf(& ev&(tinistO $n"thing

    is @ssi!&e $n' 1here the $r'ent !e&iever in ev&(tinO is s)eti)es $!&e t !e&ieve sever$& cntr$'ictr"

    things $t the s$)e ti)e>,;

    The t$&e f h()$n ev&(tin !i&s '1n t nthing !(t the @re('ice' inter@ret$tins f s)e fssi&s

    (ne$rthe' !" cert$in @e@&e. 1h !&in'&" $'here t their ther">

    I#a(i'ar* re9rese'tatio's o" /9ri#iti!e/ h)#a' %ei'(s are "re)e't&* e#9&o*ed i' stories Light r$"s

    c)ing fr) $n !ect f$&& @@site&" n the e"eFs retin$> Here. these &ight r$"s $re tr$ns)itte' int e&ectric

    sign$&s !" ce&&s $n' re$ch $ tin" s@t $t the !$c+ f the !r$in. the center f visin> These e&ectric sign$&s $re

    @erceive' in this center $s $n i)$ge $fter $ series f @rcesses> ?ith this technic$& !$c+gr(n'. &et (s ' s)e


    The !r$in is ins(&$te' fr) &ight> Th$t )e$ns th$t its insi'e is c)@&ete&" '$r+. $n' th$t n &ight re$ches

    the @&$ce 1here it is &c$te'> Th(s. the center f visin is never t(che' !" &ight $n' )$" even !e the '$r+est

    @&$ce "( h$ve ever +n1n> H1ever. "( !serve $ &()in(s. !right 1r&' in this @itch '$r+ness>

    The i)$ge fr)e' in the e"e is s sh$r@ $n' 'istinct th$t even the techn&g" f the t1entieth cent(r" h$s

    nt !een $!&e t $tt$in it> 9r inst$nce. &+ $t the !+ "( $re re$'ing. "(r h$n's 1ith 1hich "( $re h&'ing

    it. $n' then &ift "(r he$' $n' &+ $r(n' "(> H$ve "( ever seen s(ch $ sh$r@ $n' 'istinct i)$ge $s this ne

    $t $n" ther @&$ce Even the )st 'eve&@e' te&evisin screen @r'(ce' !" the gre$test te&evisin @r'(cer in

    the 1r&' c$nnt @rvi'e s(ch $ sh$r@ i)$ge fr "(> This is $ three'i)ensin$&. c&re'. $n' e:tre)e&" sh$r@

    i)$ge> 9r )re th$n -00 "e$rs. th(s$n's f engineers h$ve !een tr"ing t $chieve this sh$r@ness> 9$ctries.

    h(ge @re)ises 1ere est$!&ishe'. )(ch rese$rch h$s !een 'ne. @&$ns $n' 'esigns h$ve !een )$'e fr this@(r@se> Ag$in. &+ $t $ TV screen $n' the !+ "( h&' in "(r h$n's> %( 1i&& see th$t there is $ !ig

    'ifference in sh$r@ness $n' 'istinctin> rever. the TV screen sh1s "( $ t1'i)ensin$& i)$ge. 1here$s

    1ith "(r e"es. "( 1$tch $ three'i)ensin$& @ers@ective 1ith 'e@th>

    9r )$n" "e$rs. tens f th(s$n's f engineers h$ve trie' t )$+e $ three'i)ensin$& TV $n' $chieve

    the visin ($&it" f the e"e> %es. the" h$ve )$'e $ three'i)ensin$& te&evisin s"ste). !(t it is nt @ssi!&e t

    1$tch it 1ith(t @(tting n s@eci$& 3D g&$sses )rever. it is n&" $n $rtifici$& three'i)ensin> The

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    !$c+gr(n' is )re !&(rre'. the fregr(n' $@@e$rs &i+e $ @$@er setting> Never h$s it !een @ssi!&e t @r'(ce $

    sh$r@ $n' 'istinct visin &i+e th$t f the e"e> In !th the c$)er$ $n' the te&evisin. there is $ &ss f i)$ge


    Ev&(tinists c&$i) th$t the )ech$nis) @r'(cing this sh$r@ $n' 'istinct i)$ge h$s !een fr)e' !"

    ch$nce> N1. if s)e!'" t&' "( th$t the te&evisin in "(r r) 1$s fr)e' $s $ res(&t f ch$nce. th$t $&& f

    its $t)s (st h$@@ene' t c)e tgether $n' )$+e (@ this 'evice th$t @r'(ces $n i)$ge. 1h$t 1(&' "(

    thin+ H1 c$n $t)s ' 1h$t th(s$n's f @e@&e c$nnt

    Co#9ared to The s$)e

    sit($tin $@@&ies t the e$r> The (ter e$r @ic+s (@ the $v$i&$!&e s(n's !" the $(ric&e $n' 'irects the) t the

    )i''&e e$r. the )i''&e e$r tr$ns)its the s(n' vi!r$tins !" intensif"ing the). $n' the inner e$r sen's these

    vi!r$tins t the !r$in !" tr$ns&$ting the) int e&ectric sign$&s> K(st $s 1ith the e"e. the $ct f he$ring fin$&iJes

    in the center f he$ring in the !r$in>The sit($tin in the e"e is $&s tr(e fr the e$r> Th$t is. the !r$in is ins(&$te' fr) s(n' (st $s it is fr)

    &ight> It 'es nt &et $n" s(n' in> Therefre. n )$tter h1 nis" is the (tsi'e. the insi'e f the !r$in is

    c)@&ete&" si&ent> Neverthe&ess. the sh$r@est s(n's $re @erceive' in the !r$in> In "(r c)@&ete&" si&ent !r$in.

    "( &isten t s")@hnies. $n' he$r $&& f the nises in $ cr1'e' @&$ce> H1ever. 1ere the s(n' &eve& in "(r

    !r$in 1$s )e$s(re' !" $ @recise 'evice $t th$t ))ent. c)@&ete si&ence 1(&' !e f(n' t !e @rev$i&ing there>

    As is the c$se 1ith i)$ger". 'ec$'es f effrt h$ve !een s@ent in tr"ing t gener$te $n' re@r'(ce s(n'

    th$t is f$ithf(& t the rigin$&> The res(&ts f these effrts $re s(n' recr'ers. highfi'e&it" s"ste)s. $n' s"ste)s

    fr sensing s(n'> Des@ite $&& f this techn&g" $n' the th(s$n's f engineers $n' e:@erts 1h h$ve !een

    1r+ing n this en'e$vr. n s(n' h$s "et !een !t$ine' th$t h$s the s$)e sh$r@ness $n' c&$rit" $s the s(n'

    @erceive' !" the e$r> Thin+ f the highest($&it" hifi s"ste)s @r'(ce' !" the &$rgest c)@$n" in the )(sic

    in'(str"> Even in these 'evices. 1hen s(n' is recr'e' s)e f it is &st r 1hen "( t(rn n $ hifi "(

    $&1$"s he$r $ hissing s(n' !efre the )(sic st$rts> H1ever. the s(n's th$t $re the @r'(cts f the h()$n

    !'"Fs techn&g" $re e:tre)e&" sh$r@ $n' c&e$r> A h()$n e$r never @erceives $ s(n' $cc)@$nie' !" $

    hissing s(n' r 1ith $t)s@herics $s 'es $ hifi r$ther. it @erceives s(n' e:$ct&" $s it is. sh$r@ $n' c&e$r>

    This is the 1$" it h$s !een since the cre$tin f )$n>

    S f$r. n )$n)$'e vis($& r recr'ing $@@$r$t(s h$s !een $s sensitive $n' s(ccessf(& in @erceiving

    sensr" '$t$ $s $re the e"e $n' the e$r> H1ever. $s f$r $s seeing $n' he$ring $re cncerne'. $ f$r gre$ter tr(th

    &ies !e"n' $&& this>

    To ho# Does the Co's

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    The sti)(&$tins c)ing fr) $ @ersnFs e"es. e$rs. $n' nse tr$ve& t the !r$in $s e&ectrche)ic$& nerve

    i)@(&ses> In !i&g". @h"si&g". $n' !iche)istr" !+s. "( c$n fin' )$n" 'et$i&s $!(t h1 this i)$ge

    fr)s in the !r$in> H1ever. "( 1i&& never c)e $crss the )st i)@rt$nt f$ct5 ?h @erceives these e&ectr

    che)ic$& nerve i)@(&ses $s i)$ges. s(n's. 'rs. $n' sensr" events in the !r$in There is $ cnsci(sness in

    the !r$in th$t @erceives $&& this 1ith(t fee&ing $n" nee' fr $n e"e. $n e$r. $n' $ nse> T 1h) 'es this

    cnsci(sness !e&ng Bf c(rse it 'es nt !e&ng t the nerves. the f$t &$"er. $n' ne(rns c)@rising the

    !r$in> This is 1h" D$r1inist)$teri$&ists. 1h !e&ieve th$t ever"thing is c)@rise' f )$tter. c$nnt $ns1er

    these (estins>

    9r this cnsci(sness is the s@irit cre$te' !" G'. 1hich nee's neither the e"e t 1$tch the i)$ges nr

    the e$r t he$r the s(n's> 9(rther)re. it 'es nt nee' the !r$in t thin+>

    Ever"ne 1h re$'s this e:@&icit $n' scientific f$ct sh(&' @n'er n A&)ight" G'. $n' fe$r $n' see+

    ref(ge in Hi). fr He s(eeJes the entire (niverse in $ @itch'$r+ @&$ce f $ fe1 c(!ic centi)eters in $ three

    'i)ensin$&. c&re'. sh$'1". $n' &()in(s fr)>








    ?e &ive (r entire &ife 1ithin (r !r$in> The @e@&e th$t 1e see. the f&1ers 1e s)e&&. the )(sic 1e &isten

    t. the fr(its 1e t$ste. the 1etness 1e fee& n (r h$n'Q A&& f these fr) in (r !r$ins> In re$&it". neither

    c&rs. nr s(n's. nr i)$ges e:ist in (r !r$in> The n&" things th$t e:ist in the !r$in $re e&ectric sign$&s> This

    )e$ns th$t 1e &ive in $ 1r&' fr)e' !" the e&ectric sign$&s in (r !r$in> This is nt $n @inin r $ h"@thesis.

    !(t the scientific e:@&$n$tin f h1 1e @erceive the 1r&'>

    A Materia&ist Faith

    The infr)$tin 1e h$ve @resente' s f$r sh1s (s th$t the ther" f ev&(tin is $ inc)@$ti!&e 1ith

    scientific fin'ings> The ther"Fs c&$i) reg$r'ing the rigin f &ife is incnsistent 1ith science. the ev&(tin$r"

    )ech$nis)s it @r@ses h$ve n ev&(tin$r" @1er. $n' fssi&s 'e)nstr$te th$t the re(ire' inter)e'i$tefr)s h$ve never e:iste'> S. it cert$in&" f&&1s th$t the ther" f ev&(tin sh(&' !e @(she' $si'e $s $n

    (nscientific i'e$> This is h1 )$n" i'e$s. s(ch $s the E$rthcentere' (niverse )'e&. h$ve !een t$+en (t f the

    $gen'$ f science thr(gh(t histr">

    H1ever. the ther" f ev&(tin is +e@t n the $gen'$ f science> S)e @e@&e even tr" t re@resent

    criticis)s 'irecte' $g$inst it $s $n $tt$c+ n science> ?h"

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    The re$sn is th$t this ther" is $n in'is@ens$!&e 'g)$tic !e&ief fr s)e circ&es> These circ&es $re

    !&in'&" 'evte' t )$teri$&ist @hi&s@h" $n' $'@t D$r1inis) !ec$(se it is the n&" )$teri$&ist e:@&$n$tin

    th$t c$n !e @(t fr1$r' t e:@&$in the 1r+ings f n$t(re>

    Interesting&" en(gh. the" $&s cnfess this f$ct fr) ti)e t ti)e> A 1e&&+n1n geneticist $n' $n

    (ts@+en ev&(tinist. Rich$r' #> Le1ntin fr) H$rv$r' Universit". cnfesses th$t he is first $n' fre)st $

    )$teri$&ist $n' then $ scientist5

    It is nt th$t the )eth's $n' instit(tins f science s)eh1 c)@e& (s $cce@t $ )$teri$& e:@&$n$tin f

    the @hen)en$& 1r&'. !(t. n the cntr$r". th$t 1e $re frce' !" (r $ @riri $'herence t )$teri$& c$(ses t

    cre$te $n $@@$r$t(s f investig$tin $n' $ set f cnce@ts th$t @r'(ce )$teri$& e:@&$n$tins. n )$tter h1

    c(nterint(itive. n )$tter h1 )"stif"ing t the (niniti$te'> rever. th$t )$teri$&is) is $!s&(te. s 1e

    c$nnt $&&1 $ Divine 9t in the 'r>,8

    These $re e:@&icit st$te)ents th$t D$r1inis) is $ 'g)$ +e@t $&ive (st fr the s$+e f $'herence t

    )$teri$&is)> This 'g)$ )$int$ins th$t there is n !eing s$ve )$tter> Therefre. it $rg(es th$t in$ni)$te.

    (ncnsci(s )$tter cre$te' &ife> It insists th$t )i&&ins f 'ifferent &iving s@ecies e>g>. !ir's. fish. gir$ffes.

    tigers. insects. trees. f&1ers. 1h$&es. $n' h()$n !eings4 rigin$te' $s $ res(&t f the inter$ctins !et1een)$tter s(ch $s @(ring r$in. &ightning f&$shes. $n' s n. (t f in$ni)$te )$tter> This is $ @rece@t cntr$r" !th

    t re$sn $n' science> %et D$r1inists cntin(e t 'efen' it (st s $s nt t $&&1 $ Divine 9t in the 'r>

    An"ne 1h 'es nt &+ $t the rigin f &iving !eings 1ith $ )$teri$&ist @re('ice 1i&& see this evi'ent

    tr(th5 A&& &iving !eings $re 1r+s f $ #re$tr. ?h is A&&P1erf(&. A&&?ise. $n' A&&/n1ing> This #re$tr is

    G'. ?h cre$te' the 1h&e (niverse fr) nne:istence. 'esigne' it in the )st @erfect fr). $n' f$shine'

    $&& &iving !eings>

    The* said8JG&or* %e to Yo)

    e ha!e 'o 'o;&ed(e e

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance



    -> S$hih *(+h$ri $n' S$hih (s&i)

    2> Sir K$)es Ke$ns. The "steri(s Universe. Ne1 %r+5 $c)i&&$n #>. -ht)CE&e)ent$&


    6> S$hih *(+h$ri

    7> Gerge Greenstein. The S")!itic Universe. ?i&&i$) rr1 $n' #)@$n". Ne1 %r+. - Ke$n G(ittn. Die( et L$ Science5 Vers Le t$r$&is)e. P$ris5 Gr$sset. - L$1rence Hen'ersn. The 9itness f the Envirn)ent. *stn5 *e$cn Press. -88. Bct!er -icr>rg@(!si)@i)@088>ht)

    2-> #h$r&es D$r1in. The Brigin f S@ecies. @> 233

    22> *i&i) ve Te+ni+ Science $n' Techn&g"4 T(r+ish Science K(rn$&. n5 - ,23> 9r$ncis D$r1in. The Life $n' Letters f #h$r&es D$r1in. V&>II. @> Rger Le1in. *nes f #ntentin5 #ntrversies in the Se$rch fr H()$n Brigins. - P$(& D$vies. S(@erfrce. N%. Si)n $n' Sch(ster. - 236237

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    2;> 9r$ncis D$r1in. The Life $n' Letters f #h$r&es D$r1in. 9r) #h$r&es D$r1in t K> D> H+er. $rch 2 Ah)$' Di"$F$&Din $&/$)(sh+h$n$1i. R$)(J $&Ah$'ith. @> 372>

    2 $&c&) (ggeri'ge. The En' f #hristen'). Gr$n' R$@i's5 Eer')$ns. - 6 Si'ne" 9:. /&$(s Dse. &ec(&$r Ev&(tin $n' The Brigin f Life. ?>H> 9ree)$n $n' #)@$n". S$n

    9r$ncisc. - ,>

    3-> A&e:$n'er I> B@$rin. Brigin f Life. Dver P(!&ic$tins. Ne1%r+. - Ne1 Evi'ence n Ev&(tin f E$r&" At)s@here $n' Life. *(&&etin f the A)eric$n eter&gic$&

    Sciet". v& 73. Nve)!er - -328-330>

    33> St$n&e" i&&er. &ec(&$r Ev&(tin f Life5 #(rrent St$t(s f the Pre!itic S"nthesis f S)$&& &ec(&es.

    - ;>

    3,> Keffre" *$'$. E$rth. 9e!r($r" - Les&ie E> Brge&. The Brigin f Life n E$rth. Scientific A)eric$n. v&> 2;-. Bct!er -

    37> #h$r&es D$r1in. The Brigin f S@ecies !" e$ns f N$t(r$& Se&ectin. The 'ern Li!r$r". Ne1 %r+. @>

    -2;>3;> #h$r&es D$r1in. The Brigin f S@ecies5 A 9$csi)i&e f the 9irst E'itin. H$rv$r' Universit" Press. -


    38> *> G> R$ng$n$th$n. Brigins. Penns"&v$ni$5 The *$nner Bf Tr(th Tr(st. - ;>

    3 #h$r&es D$r1in. The Brigin f S@ecies5 A 9$csi)i&e f the 9irst E'itin. H$rv$r' Universit" Press. -


    ,0> Dere+ A> Ager. The N$t(re f the 9ssi& Recr'. Prcee'ings f the *ritish Ge&gic$& Assci$tin. v&

    8;. - -33>

    ,-> D(g&$s K> 9(t(")$. Science n Tri$&. P$nthen *+s. Ne1 %r+. - @> -

    ,2> S&&" (c+er)$n. *e"n' The Ivr" T1er. T@&inger P(!&ic$tins. Ne1 %r+. - ;6

    B:n$r'. The P&$ce f A(str$&@ithecines in H()$n Ev&(tin5 Gr(n's fr D(!t. N$t(re. v& 268. @> 38

    ,3> #(&' science !e !r(ght t $n en' !" scientistsF !e&ief th$t the" h$ve fin$& $ns1ers r !" sciet"Fs

    re&(ct$nce t @$" the !i&&s Scientific A)eric$n. Dece)!er -

    ,,> A&$n ?$&+er. Science. v&> 20;. ; $rch - --03 A> K> /e&s. Ph"sic$& Antr@&g". -st e'>. K> *>

    Li@inctt #>. Ne1 %r+. - 22- > D> Le$+e". B&'(v$i Grge. v&> 3. #$)!ri'ge Universit" Press.

    #$)!ri'ge. - 2;2>

    ,6> Keffre" /&(ger. Nt S E:tinct After A&&5 The Pri)itive H) Erect(s $" H$ve S(rvive' Lng En(gh

    T #e:ist ?ith 'ern H()$ns. Ti)e. 23 Dece)!er - S> K> G(&'. N$t(r$& Histr". v&> 86. - 30>

    ,;> S&&" (c+er)$n. *e"n' The Ivr" T1er. @> -,8> Rich$r' Le1ntin. The De)nH$(nte' ?r&'. The Ne1 %r+ Revie1 f *+s. K$n($r"

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance



    ?hen $ @ersn e:$)ines his 1n !'" r $n" ther &iving thing in n$t(re. the 1r&' r the 1h&e

    (niverse. in it he sees $ gre$t 'esign. $rt. @&$n $n' inte&&igence> A&& this is evi'ence @rving G'Fs !eing. (nit.$n' etern$& @1er> .or Men of $nderstanding is $&s $v$i&$!&e in In'nesi$n. Ger)$n. 9rench. Ur'( $n'


    $n" @e@&e thin+ th$t D$r1inFs Ther" f Ev&(tin is $ @rven f$ct> #ntr$r" t this cnventin$&

    1is'). recent 'eve&@)ents in science c)@&ete&" 'is@rve the ther"> This !+ c&$rifies the scientific

    c&&$@se f the ther" f ev&(tin in $ 1$" th$t is 'et$i&e' !(t e$s" t (n'erst$n'> An"ne 1h 1$nts t &e$rn

    $!(t the rigin f &iving things. inc&('ing )$n+in'. nee's t re$' this !+>

    H1 1$s )$tter $n' ti)e cre$te' fr) nthingness ?h$t 'es the *ig *$ng ther" signif" $!(t the

    cre$tin f the (niverse ?h$t is the @$r$&&e&is) !et1een EinsteinFs Ther" f Re&$tivit" $n' the (rF$nic

    verses A&& f these (estins $re $ns1ere' in this !+> If "( 1$nt t &e$rn the tr(ths $!(t s@$ce. )$tter. ti)e

    $n' f$te. re$' this !+>

    T'$". science h$s @rven th$t the (niverse 1$s cre$te' fr) nthing 1ith $ *ig *$ng> Ever"thing fr)

    the n(c&e$r re$ctins in st$rs t the che)ic$& @r@erties f $ c$r!n $t) r $ 1$ter )&ec(&e. is cre$te' in $

    g&ri(s h$r)n"> This is the e:$&te' $n' f&$1&ess cre$tin f G'>

    9$scis) $n' c))(nis). 1hich )$'e h()$nit" s(ffer '$r+ ti)es. $re fe' fr) the s$)e s(rce. n the

    gr(n's f 1hich the" c$n $ttr$ct )$sses t their si'e> This s(rce is the )$teri$&ist @hi&s@h" $n' its$'$@t$tin t n$t(re. 1hich is D$r1inis)> The $c+n1&e'ge)ent f the scientific inv$&i'it" f this ther" 1i&&

    !ring $!(t the en' f $&& these 'etri)ent$& i'e&gies>

    Pe@&e 1h $re @@resse'. 1h $re trt(re' t 'e$th. thse 1h c$nnt $ffr' even $ &$f f !re$'.

    1)en. chi&'ren. $n' &' @e@&e 1h $re e:@e&&e' fr) their h)es !ec$(se f their re&iginQ Event($&&".

    there is n&" ne s&(tin t the in(stice. ch$s. h(nger. $n' @@ressin5 the v$&(es f the (rF$n>

    This !+ gets int 'et$i& n the iss(e f rigins $n' )$+es $ c)@rehensive $n' technic$& ref(t$tin f

    D$r1inist ther"> As it is )entine' in the !+. $n"ne 1h sti&& 'efen's the ther" f ev&(tin h$s t c)e

    int ter)s 1ith this !+ $n' f$ce its ch$&&enge> Bther1ise. he 1i&& 'e f$ct $cce@t th$t his $&&egi$nce t thether" f ev&(tin is $ nnscientific $@@r$ch !(t $ )$teri$&istic 'g)$>

    $n" scieties th$t re!e&&e' $g$inst the 1i&& f G' r reg$r'e' His )essengers $s ene)ies 1ere 1i@e'

    ff the f$ce f the e$rth c)@&ete&">>>erished Nations e:$)ines these @en$&ties $s reve$&e' in the verses f the

    (r$n $n' in &ight f $rch$e&gic$& 'iscveries>

  • 8/14/2019 Islam n Quran Universe Not by Chance


    Never @&e$' ignr$nce f G'Fs evi'ent e:istence. th$t "( 1i&& nt st$" s &ng in this 1r&'. f the

    re$&it" f 'e$th. th$t the (rF$n is the *+ f tr(th. th$t "( 1i&& give $cc(nt fr "(r 'ee's. f the vice f

    "(r cnscience th$t $&1$"s invites "( t righte(sness>

    ?hen "( re$' this !+. "( 1i&& see th$t D$r1inFs ther" h$s $!s&(te&" !r+en '1n. (st $s he fe$re'

    it 1(&'> A thr(gh e:$)in$tin f the fe$thers f $ !ir'. r the 1ing str(ct(re f $ f&" reve$& $)$Jing&"

    c)@&e: 'esigns> An' these 'esigns in'ic$te th$t the" $re cre$te' f&$1&ess&" !" G'>

    This !+ is $ s())ns t thin+> A s())ns t @n'er ver the (niverse $n' &iving !eings $n' see h1

    the" h$ve !een cre$te' f&$1&ess&">

    The 1r&' is $ te)@r$r" @&$ce s@eci$&&" cre$te' !" G' t test )$n> E$ch $n' ever" $ttr$ctin e:isting in

    the 1r&' event($&&" 1e$rs (t. !ec)es crr(@t. 'ec$"s $n' fin$&&" 'is$@@e$rs> This !+ &e$'s )$n t @n'er

    the re$& @&$ce t 1hich he !e&ngs. n$)e&" the here$fter>

    In this !+ "( 1i&& fin' e:@&$n$tins $!(t eternit". ti)e&essness $n' s@$ce&essness th$t "( 1i&& never

    h$ve enc(ntere' $n"1here e&se $n' "( 1i&& !e cnfrnte' !" the re$&it" th$t eternit" h$s $&re$'" !eg(n>

    Scientific @rgress )$+es it c&

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