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Page 1: Issue 1 - Saturday 2nd August 2014

THE DAILY BREWwww.wings2014.org.uk Issue 1 Saturday 2nd August 2014The Official WINGS 2014 Newspaper

P2 P2 P4

Fresh News Daily

WINGS WeatherSaturday 2nd AugustAM Midday PM

Sunday 3rd AugustAM Midday PM

Monday 4th AugustAM Midday PM

19o 24o 21o

18o 24o 21o

20o 24o 22o

Source: the window.

Volunteers arrive on the staff Sub Camp on Friday ready for a week of fun, challenge and WINGS2014 adventure.

Welcome to WINGS

Don't missYour guide to WINGS highlights over the coming week. There will be much happening!

Welcome to WINGS2014, Windsor Great Park and Berkshire! Are you ready for the best seven days of

your life (or at least of this summer!)? Over the next week you’ll make amazing new friends, challenge yourself, learn new skills and most importantly have a huge amount of fun.

The excitement has been growing to a crescendo in the last few weeks as Guide and Scout units from around the world started to pack, prepare and travel to Windsor and they’ve been keeping us up to date through Facebook and Twitter. Scouts and Guides from the USA, Finland and Panama have already been getting a taste of UK culture and particpants coming from New Zealand left on Tuesday last week to get here in time.

Whether you are a seasoned veteran of WINGS or your first

time camping ever, you’ll be surrounded by thousands of people who are ready and happy to help you in the spirit of Guiding and Scouting. Why don’t you challenge yourself to make at least one new friend every day you’re here - with 7,000 people on site it shouldn’t be too tricky!

There is so much to do at WINGS2014 and some great activities to look forward to. From Perform It! where you can sing, dance and generally show off your theatrical talents, to Try It! with amazing activities up in the air and below ground - there is something for everyone.

After all that excitement you’ll need to muster up your

energy for some truly incredible entertainment each evening. At the main stage you can expect to wowed, especially tonight at the Opening Ceremony. If the Main Stage doesn’t appeal you can head on down to The Club where fancy dress is very much encouraged or find the Squircle.

The Squircle is the heart of WINGS2014, you’ll walk through here more times than you can count over the next week but make sure you stop off there once in a while to visit WINGS Radio, investigate Concordia or just chill out at the Cafe and watch the world go by. But for now, just relax as 5,000 young people, 1,000 leaders and 1,000 staff settle in rather noisily around you, sit back, make a brew and catch up on all the excitement of WINGS2014 with The Daily Brew.

expect to be wowed






WINGS on Wednesday

WINGS Got Talent

Opening Ceremony

Challenge Awards

Windsor Castle

Cubs and Brownies will be arriving on site on Wednesday to get a taster of our international Jamboree. A total of 8500 people will be on site on Wednesday.

Look out for your sub-camp talent competi-tions and be sure to get involved. The WINGS Got Talent final is on Wednesday on the main stage and promises international variety!

Tonight - Saturday - is the WINGS2014 open-ing ceremony on the main stage. Don’t miss it. Plans are as yet undisclosed but the so prepare yourself for some dazzling theatrical surpises.

During your week at WINGS why not take our Challenge Awards? There are three for you to choose from. Herald, Windsor and Soveriegn and there is a badge for completion.

Why not take the opportunity to visit Windsor either on one of the town visit activities or during some free time? Windsor castle is not far from site. Remeber you may need permission from your leaders to leave site.

Write with us 41 Nations, 1 WINGS Building WINGSEvery day we’re giving an international unitthe chance to write an article in The Daily Brew in their language. Join in...

See our World map infographic showing the nations represented at the WINGS2014 Scout and Guide camp.

Two weeks of erecting tents, building gates,and flying enormous flag. Read how we built WINGS with volunteers.

What's the most surprising object you've bought to WINGS2014?

Drinking tea makes you smile more. Fact.

Share your pictures and stories with us online #WINGS2014Every day we’re going to pose a question and we’d love to hear responses from you on Facebook and Twitter. facebook.com/wings2014 @wings2014

Planning something special?Let us know and we’ll include it in our ‘Dont Miss’ section.

írjon velünk

Daily Director's Challenge 5 Years On...Claire and Andrew met at WINGS in 2009. Both were working on the Physical Zone running activities. Five years on the couple are now married and back for WINGS 2014. Congratulations.

Every day the WINGS directors will be issuing a ‘Daily Director’s Challenge’. The challenges are all part of the Royal Berkshire Challenge award scheme. There are three challenge award

booklets - Herald, Sovereign and Windsor. Each has it’s own challenges as well as the daily director’s challenge which can be found every day on page four of ‘The Daily Brew’ camp newspaper.

[email protected]

Photograph by David Brookes

Page 2: Issue 1 - Saturday 2nd August 2014

Fresh News DailyRemember to drink lots of tea

Publish your own article in this newspaper

41 Countries, 7000 people, 1 WINGS2014

Write a Scouting or Guiding news story from your own country here in the Daily Brew. We’d like to encourage international participants to submit stories in your own language and we can publish in your own language too. Your story could be about anything you do with Scouts or Guides where you come from.To submit articles come and see us in the Squircle or the Media Centre. You can also reach us by using Facebook or Twitter.

Fact File 1:There are ten million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from 146 countries across the world.

Fact File 3:There are four WAGGS World Centres: Our Chalet in Switzerland, Sangam in India, Pax Lodge in UK and Our Cabaña in Mexico.

Fact File 4:Many countries founded Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting between 1910 and 1912. Founded in 1910: Canada, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom. Founded in 1911: Australia, Bangladesh (then part of India), India, Ireland, Netherlands, Pakistan (then part of India). Founded in 1912: Cyprus, Italy, Norway, United States of America, Zimbabwe.

Archivo 1:Hay diez millones de Guías y Guías Scouts de 146 países de todo el mundo.

Fait 1:Il ya dix millions de guides et éclaireuses de 146 pays à travers le monde.

Archivo 3:Hay cuatro Centros WAGGS Mundial: Nuestro Chalet en Suiza, Sangam en India, Pax Lodge en el Reino Unido y Nuestra Cabaña en México.

Fait 3:Il ya quatre WAGGS Centres mondiaux: Notre Chalet en Suisse, Sangam en Inde, Pax Lodge au Angleterre et Notre Cabaña au Mexique.

Fact File 2:The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) is the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world.

Archivo 2:La Asociación Mundial de las Guías Scouts (AMGS) es el mayor movimiento voluntario dedicado a las niñas y mujeres jóvenes en el mundo.

Fait 2:L’Association mondiale des Guides et des Eclaireuses (AMGE) est le plus grand mouvement bénévole qui se consacre aux filles et aux jeunes femmes dans le monde.

Muchos países fundaron el Guidismo y Escultismo Femenino entre 1910 y 1912: Fundada en el año 1910: Canadá, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Nueva Zelanda, Polonia, Sudáfrica, Suecia, Reino Unido. Fundada en 1911: Australia, Bangladesh (entonces parte de la India), India, Irlanda, Países Bajos, Pakistán (entonces parte de la India). Fundada en 1912: Chipre, Italia, Noruega, Estados Unidos de América, Zimbabwe.

Archivo 4:

Fait 4:Beaucoup de pays ont fondé le Guidisme et le Scoutisme entre 1910 et 1912: Fondé en 1910: le Canada, le Danemark, la Finlande, la Nouvelle-Zélande, Pologne, Afrique du Sud, Suède, Royaume-Uni. Fondée en 1911: Australie, Bangladesh (qui faisait alors partie de l'Inde), Inde, Irlande, Pays-Bas, le Pakistan (qui faisait alors partie de l'Inde). Fondée en 1912: Chypre, l'Italie, la Norvège, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Zimbabwe.

Parts of this page are presented in English, Spanish and French to give as many WINGS2014 participants the opportunity to enjoy this newspaper as possible.

While you’re at WINGS, remember not everyone here can speak English. See if you can find ways to communicate without words or learn to speak in another language.

What amazing facts do you know about scouting or guiding? ¿Qué hechos increíbles Qué sabes de exploración o de guía?

Quels sont les faits incroyable savez-vous sur le scoutisme ou guider?

facebook.com/wings2014 @wings2014

From Europe


Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Holland,

Ireland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Austria,

Germany, Malta, Norway, Poland.



[email protected]

[email protected]


Page 3: Issue 1 - Saturday 2nd August 2014

41 Countries, 7000 people, 1 WINGS2014

WINGS Photography WINGS Radio Get Some Juice!We have a dedicated photography team at WINGS. You can purchase souvenir framedphotos, keyrings and more in the Squircle.

Tune into WINGS radio on FM or online.The Radio Caravan is based in the Squircle, you can visit the radio team and request songs.

Has your phone died? Don’t panic!You can charge it here securely at WINGS in the Squircle for a small cost.

This map shows just some of the countries that are represented at WINGS2014. See if you can meet someone from every country while you are here.

Many countries founded Girl Guiding and Girl Scouting between 1910 and 1912. Founded in 1910: Canada, Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom. Founded in 1911: Australia, Bangladesh (then part of India), India, Ireland, Netherlands, Pakistan (then part of India). Founded in 1912: Cyprus, Italy, Norway, United States of America, Zimbabwe.

Fact File 5:Scouting is currently active in 216 countries and territories with a global membership of over 31 million.

Fact File 6:Two thirds of the international membership of scouting are in developing countries.

Muchos países fundaron el Guidismo y Escultismo Femenino entre 1910 y 1912: Fundada en el año 1910: Canadá, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Nueva Zelanda, Polonia, Sudáfrica, Suecia, Reino Unido. Fundada en 1911: Australia, Bangladesh (entonces parte de la India), India, Irlanda, Países Bajos, Pakistán (entonces parte de la India). Fundada en 1912: Chipre, Italia, Noruega, Estados Unidos de América, Zimbabwe.

Beaucoup de pays ont fondé le Guidisme et le Scoutisme entre 1910 et 1912: Fondé en 1910: le Canada, le Danemark, la Finlande, la Nouvelle-Zélande, Pologne, Afrique du Sud, Suède, Royaume-Uni. Fondée en 1911: Australie, Bangladesh (qui faisait alors partie de l'Inde), Inde, Irlande, Pays-Bas, le Pakistan (qui faisait alors partie de l'Inde). Fondée en 1912: Chypre, l'Italie, la Norvège, Etats-Unis d'Amérique, Zimbabwe.

Archivo 5:Scouting está activo actualmente en 216 países y territorios con una membresía de más de 31 millones.

Fait 5:Scoutisme est actif dans 216 pays et territoires avec un réseau mondial de plus de 31 millions.

Dos tercios de la membresía internacional de exploración se encuentran en países en desarrollo.

Archivo 6:

Deux tiers de la composition internationale du scoutisme sont des pays en développement.

Fait 6:

Fact File 7:There have been 22 World Scout Jam-borees. The next takes place in 2015 in Kirara-hama, Japan

Se han producido 22 Mundial Jamborees Scouts. El siguiente tiene lugar en 2015 en Kirara-hama, Japón

Archivo 7:

Ont été 22 Jamboree Scout Mondial. La prochaine a lieu en 2015 dans Kirara-hama, Japon.

Fait 7:

Unit Arab Emirates

New Zealand




Page 4: Issue 1 - Saturday 2nd August 2014

Fresh News DailyFirst find a tea cosy, then try it on.

Your WINGS2014 Mascots - follow our daily Facebook photo question online...This is Scout from the North East of Scotland. This is his first trip outside Scotland and he is very excited about travelling on a train. Next year he is going to WSJ with the North of Scotland unit.

Aston, the bear who comes with 3rd Thatcham Guides has got a little carried away with his fancy dress. Needless to say we are in Space sub camp. This is his third WINGS.

Meet Freida the Moose. She is wearing her GSUSA uniform while having a cream tea. Freida is a gift for a special Brownie friend of ours who attended many of the fund raising events we held. Frieda, is getting photographed a lot. We will present her and her photo album to our friend when wereturn to Maryland. Pease come meet Frieda in the RADAR pitch in the Technology subcamp and have your photo taken.

Caroline Campbell Ann Dibble

Echo Reardanz

WINGS: Five yearsin the making...

When did you know you were coming to WINGS2014? Two years ago? Last summer? At Christmas? In time for your Birthday? For

some people here, they have known they would be at WINGS2014, and planning for it, for the last five years.

Almost as soon as the last marquee was taken down for WINGS2009 the talk turned to WINGS2014 and the masterminding began.

Everything you now see around you is the result of that planning - from the toilets and showers to the amazing circus tent that makes The Squircle everything has had to

be considered, found and brought onto site. Just three weeks ago there was nothing here but trees, grass, a few sheep and, perhaps, the Queen enjoying an afternoon stroll.

As you look around, you are surrounded by the equivalent of a small town with everything that the thousands of people on site are going to need for the next seven days - water, electricity, food and even a mini hospital.

They are all here, though we hope to need some of these things less than others!It wasn’t just the site that needed to be organised and set up, 1,000 volunteers have also been recruited to assist with everything needed to keep WINGS running. Every one of those volunteers has been allocated a role, given training and welcomed into the WINGS family. A key part of this was the WINGS staff day, held in May in Maidenhead where every volunteer was invited to meet their teams and have their questions answered.

In all, an incredible achievement by a hardy band of Scouting and Guiding volunteers.

Scouts and Guides all over the world have been looking forwards to WINGS2014.

In Malta the 18th Marsascala Girl Guides had their photo taken for the Malta Independent. The group has been working hard throughout the past year to make this possible, by holding various fundraising activities and also succeeded in obtaining funds through the Youth in Action Programme co-funded

by the European Union to ease the expenses incurred for this adventure.

Here in Berkshire we’ve been preparing hard for WINGS. In April this year we successfully trained up eighteen boat helms ready for instructing on the Splash It Zone. Thank you to Berkshire Guides, British Canoe Union and Wokingham Waterside Centre for their help in making this happen.

Excitement builds

Director'sDaily Challenge

Help someone set up their camp - and make them feel welcome at WINGS.


Are you going to WSJ 2015?If you are attending the 23rd World Scout Jamboree you are invited to meet in the Squircle at 5:30pm on Tuesday 5th August.

Are you aphotographer?Every day we are inviting participants and staff to submit their finest, quirkiest, coolest or funkiest photographs and we will publish just one!Entries via Facebook, Twitter or email with the hashtag #WINGS2014


@[email protected]

1000 volunteersare welcomed into the WINGS family

This newspaper is being produced by the Media Team. Article submissions to be sent to [email protected] or via Photo Sales in the Squircle. Written and produced by Claire Holland, Chris Smith, David Brookes, Kriss Brookes, Simon Edwards, Eileen Brookes, Victoria Moore and Richard Shepherd.

Photograph by David BrookesHoisting a lighting boom on stage ready for the opening ceremony this evening.

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