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ISSUE 10 | JAN 2015

Introducing the first of POSH’s newly built 750 accommodation series vessel equipped with dynamic positioning (DP3) and motion compensated gangway. Enabling the “walk to work” concept and providing best in class safety, comfort and hospitality amenities for 750 offshore professionals.

ISSUE 10 | JAN 2015

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Dear Readers,

Happy New Year 2015! It has been another hectic but eventful year for POSH in 2014. As we start a brand new year, it is timely for us to take a breather to reflect on some of the significant milestones, projects and events in this latest issue of POSH Times.

On 22 December 2014, we welcomed the arrival of POSH Xanadu, our first newly built 750 POB DP3 Semi-Submersible Accommodation Vessel (SSAV) with a grand reception in Singapore for over 130 customers and business associates, followed by a tour of the magnificent vessel. Built to the highest specifications and DNV Comfort Class, she is the first of a new generation of accommodation vessels for the company, equipped with motion compensated gangway enabling the “walk-to-work” concept. With the optimum motion characteristics of a semi-submersible, she is able to maintain a high connection uptime, providing best in class safety and comfort to 750 offshore professionals. She is currently en route to Brazil to embark on her maiden contract with Petrobras for a firm one-year charter plus one-year option. Her sister vessel, POSH Arcadia, is expected to be delivered in 1Q 2015.

Earlier in November 2014, we also took delivery of POSH Endurance, our first 88m DP2 FiFi2 Light Construction Vessel (LCV), built at PaxOcean Zhuhai Shipyard, China. Apart from providing a safe and comfortable environment for up to 238 offshore personnel and crew, she is also able to handle varied offshore support roles e.g. pipe-laying, derrick work and supporting drilling platforms. We are pleased to inform that she has already been contracted to a Southeast Asian national oil company (NOC) starting in Q1 2015.

Training will continue to be a major focus for POSH. The Sea Staff Seminar which was held only in Manila in the past was extended to Jakarta for the first time on 27 June 2014. Over 60 seafaring colleagues travelled from various cities within the Indonesian archipelago to attend the twice-yearly event, which promotes work safety practices and productivity improvements. To emphasise the importance of work safety practices, staff from various departments in POSH also attended the Risk Management and Incident Investigation course conducted by Lloyd’s Register at the

Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI) in Singapore. In addition, our crewing department attended training sessions at WMI in September 2014, to prepare for the latest STCW 2010 Manila amendments.

You will also read about some of our recent major charters in this latest issue, with our 16,000BHP DP2 AHTS, POSH Courage, supporting the world’s first suspended freshwater pipeline off Turkey for Sigur Ros Sdn Bhd and the successful long haul towage of semi-submersible rig, ENSCO 7500, across 3,400 nautical miles from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Tenerife, Spain by our 13,500BHP AHT, Salviscount and Salviceroy.

Other significant events include our corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiative – POSH Charity Walk in November 2014 which raised over S$93,986 for the two beneficiaries - Community Chest and Children’s Cancer Foundation in Singapore, our participation in the inaugural Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) Career Fair held over two days in September 2014 and the annual POSH Day which was held at the scenic Nirwana Resort, Bintan, Indonesia in August 2014.

The dramatic drop in oil price in recent months will no doubt result in a more challenging environment in 2015. Nevertheless, we will continue to push forth with our fleet optimisation programme, with another 21 new vessels already under construction or committed as of 31 December 2014. Focusing on new high-capacity and high specification offshore accommodation vessels and new Inspection, Maintenance and Repair (IMR) vessels, we will strive to maintain a young fleet of customised newbuildings to meet our customers’ and industry’s demand.

I hope that you will find this first issue of POSH Times in 2015 an enjoyable read and on behalf of everyone at POSH, I would also like to express our deepest gratitude to our customers, business associates and friends, for the trust and support which you have given us in the past year. We look forward to another fruitful and fulfilling year together as we expand our fleet and footprint globally in 2015.

Kelvin TeoThe Editor


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One of our most valuable assets, the state-of-the-art, high capacity,

high specification accommodation vessel POSH Xanadu, was unveiled to 131 guests, including industry partners, investment analysts and the media, on 22 December last year at Jurong Port. The event marks a milestone for us as we continue to diversify our fleet to serve the different needs of the global oil industry.

POSH Xanadu represents our first foray into a different class of accommodation vessels - it is the first SSAV in our fleet. Its sister floatel, POSH Arcadia, is expected to be delivered in 1Q 2015. The two vessels serve to meet the need for new, high specification floatels that can withstand harsh conditions.

POSH Xanadu is on its way to Brazil under a one-year contract, with option for another year, to Petrobras, the Brazilian oil company. The first-year contract is worth about US$80.5 million. POSH Xanadu will support Petrobras’ oil and gas production activities in the Campos Basin. Built by China-based PaxOcean, it will be connected by a 38.5m telescopic gangway to Petrobras’ offshore installation and provide accommodation for up to 750 people.

POSH’s CEO, Capt Gerald Seow told guests at the reception: “Xanadu is one of five new accommodation vessels we are taking delivery in the next 12 months. We have been diversifying into this sector and we think this has been a good strategic move given that floatels are in the production and maintenance part of the oil and gas supply chain and less sensitive to changes in oil price.

“We think that given the strong demand, and the fact that there are a significant number of accommodation vessels out there older than 30 years old, the delivery of our new vessels will help us serve our customers’ needs in a timely manner.”

Referring to the falling oil price and its impact of POSH, Capt Seow added: “The Kuok group, has been in the shipping business for more than 60 years and we’ve seen quite a few oil crises. We are a long-term player in this industry and our only ambition is to be better and bigger.”

After the de rigueur lion dance that officially inaugurated the maiden voyage of POSH Xanadu to an auspicious start, guests were invited to tour the vessel’s facilities on board.

Designed to offer the highest levels of protection and comfort to offshore oil field workers, POSH Xanadu was built for deep waters and varied harsh environments around the world, and her DNV Comfort Class V(2) C(3) certification means low levels of vibration, noise and a controlled climate. Two sizeable cranes and a high sailing speed ensure optimum performance.

The facilities on board are built to the most stringent of safety standards, to offer a safe habitat for offshore oil field workers in the event of emergencies.

There are top notch recreational, boarding, catering and working amenities that ensure that oil rig workers enjoy the greatest possible comfort while living their lives offshore.

During the guided tour, guests were impressed with the amenities in the vessel. These include conference rooms, offices with modern work stations, cabins with ensuite bathrooms, a movie cinema, a gym, a lounge, library, TV, LAN and phone connections as well as a helipad.

After the tour, guests headed back to a makeshift tent at Jurong Port, which has been transformed by the POSH team into a cosy reception area complete with delectable wine, beer and canapés. All guests of the events took home a special gift with them – a collectible’s model of POSH Xanadu.



POSH Xanadu Reception held at Jurong Port, Singapore on 22 December 2014

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POSH’s “One Team” spirit evident at the Sea Staff Seminar held on 27 June 2014

POSH’s Sea Staff Seminar was held on 27 June 2014 for the first time in Jakarta at the Swiss Belhotel. Over 60

seafaring colleagues travelled from various cities within the Indonesian archipelago to attend the twice-yearly event. Many of the staff brought their families along to join in the social activities.

POSH sees the importance of holding such seminars and trainings to boost staff morale, promote work safety practices and increase productivity.

A total of eight speakers from the POSH Group presented and facilitated interactive sessions which included discussions and case studies on topics covering safety, operations, technical, purchasing, crewing and training.

At the gala dinner held after the Seminar, all participants were taught to play the traditional Indonesian Bamboo instrument - the “Angklung” - to showcase POSH’s “One Team” spirit.

Teo Keong Kok, Training Manager, said: “It was a marvelous sight where the whole audience was exhibiting the “One Team” spirit, churning out a bamboo symphony of traditional Indonesian tunes familiar to all like Bengawan Solo.”


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POSH’s staff from various departments attended the Risk Management and Incident Investigation course conducted

by Lloyd’s Register at the Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI) over two separate sessions in 2014. This is in line with the company’s focus on work safety practices.

The course was conducted in a lively manner and contained many case studies for trainees to have a better understanding of the subject matter. There was a strong focus on the importance of proper risk assessments and incident investigation procedures in preventing incidents and accidents from happening. With the increasing demand in strict risk assessment requirements, POSH is confident of meeting its clients’ needs in safety.


POSH’s staff attends SCTW 2010 Manila amendments course by Wavelink Maritime Institute, Singapore

Lloyd’s Register Marine Risk Management and Incident Investigation course for POSH’s staff is in line with company’s focus on safety

POSH’s crewing department gathered at the Wavelink Maritime Institute (WMI) in

September 2014 for a half-day training session to learn about the new training requirements for all seafarers. The topic of the day was the STCW 2010 Manila amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch Keeping for Seafarers, 1978.

Capt Yeow Kok Kean, Executive Director of WMI, gave a thorough explanation of the evolution of STCW Code from STCW 78 to STCW 2010 Manila amendments. Participants were briefed on the mandatory courses and additional skills that POSH sea staff need to acquire in order to meet the 2010 Manila amendments.

During the second half of the session, participants were given hands-on experience to try out the Electronic Chart Display & Information System Simulator (ECDIS), the Engine Room Simulator (ERS), the Liquid Cargo Handling Simulator (LCHS) and the 240 degree Full Mission Bridge Simulator.



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16,000BHP DP2 AHTS, POSH Courage, supporting fresh water pipeline installation project for Sigur Ros SDN BHD, Turkey


On 25 May 2014, POSH Courage, a 16,000BHP DP2 AHTS, embarked on a landmark project

just off Seka port near the small town of Tasucu, Turkey. Chartered by Sigur Ros Sdn Bhd, she was contracted to support a fresh water pipeline installation project. The project is unique as it is one of the few pipelines worldwide which is suspended in water, in this case, 250m below the surface in the open sea stretching from Anamur, South Turkey to west of Kyrenia in Cyprus.

The pipes, with a diameter of 1.60m are made of high-density polyethylene. As they have great buoyancy, they were towed afloat in 500m joint lengths by several supporting tugs. The main task for POSH Courage was the installation of 11 gravity anchor (GA) frames. Each frame consisted of an 8m x 8m concrete block completed with polyester tether line and a 20-ton subsea buoy. The combined weight of each installation was 220 tons.

Other duties of POSH Courage included anchor handling operations with the WB Milas barge at Anamur, repositioning the first section of shore pipeline for the preparations of pressure testing/flooding, recovery of DMA system, setting three pre-lay systems with piggy back delta flipper anchors, and assisting the DPSV Adams Aquanaut with flooding of the shore landfall 5.2km pipe at Cyprus.


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Kris Energy contracted 8,000BHP AHT, POSH Assistor to tow Seadrill’s jackup rig, West Cressida, from the Mancharee-1

exploration in the Gulf of Thailand to Keppel Crescent Yard, Singapore in August 2014.

POSH Assistor was deployed as the lead tow tug. With the help of an excellent and committed operations team, she was mobilised within an extremely short notice period and managed to accomplish the tow in a timely and safe manner.

Two 13,500BHP AHTs, Salviscount and Salviceroy, dexterously

completed a double towage of the semi-submersible rig, ENSCO 7500, from Rio de Janeiro to Tenerife, Spain. With a combined bollard pull of 302 tonnes, AHTs Salviscount and Salviceroy towed the rig across 3,400 nautical miles and safely delivered it in Tenerife on 18 August 2014.




8,000BHP AHT, POSH Assistor as lead tow tug completes task at short notice

Two 13,500BHP AHTs, Salviscount and Salviceroy, tow semi-submersible rig, ENSCO 7500, from Rio de Janeiro to Tenerife, Spain

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In August 2014, POSH’s 1,500T sheerleg crane, PW L1501, was towed together with a 950T spudcan, under hook from Cosco Marine Engineering Shipyard to the onshore location in Singapore for discharge, which lasted six hours.

The loadout operation at the fabrication yard was especially challenging, with the POSH’s team having started preparations as early as in the year 2013. Planning for the tow involved numerous site visits and meetings. The POSH team was able to execute this operation smoothly and successfully.

POSH was awarded a barge loadout contract by McPec Offshore and Engineering Yard in August 2014. All cargoes

onboard were wrapped with air-tight canvas and prepared in compliance with Australia’s strict importation rules and regulations. With the co-operation of POSH’s operations team and the highly experienced barge master, the largest cargo onboard – an approx. 220T E-House - was carefully removed without any damage to its canvas. The operation was completed efficiently with compliments from the client.




1,500T Sheerleg, PW L1501 executing the challenging “Lift & Go” operation

220T E-house cargo onboard carefully removed without damage to canvas

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Bas Wiebe and his team overseeing an ER drill exercise at Jurong Port, Singapore

A passion for engineering solutions, an interest in dealing with massive ships and

an enthusiasm for working abroad, led Bas to enter the offshore salvage industry straight after graduating from university. Looking back at his years of experience with various stakeholders in shipping and salvage, he finds that it is the focus to fix the problems at hand that keeps the salvage team motivated. It is also this focus on problem solving that has made him determined to stay in this trade. Today, he is the general manager of POSH’s emergency response (ER) team.

Due to the complexity and duration of a job, there can be a lot of unknown or uncontrollable factors that can lead to accidents. In addition, projects are commonly being run simultaneously which further increases project risks.

Salvage is basically about solving problems with limited resources. To successfully carry out a salvage project, one has to understand the other elements involved. In organising an ER, one has to identify the eventual aim, implement strategies within the confines of the

environment and manage project risks from all angles. Teamwork is of vital importance as there are many decisions that cannot be made alone.

Bas commented: “While the ER industry is a relatively small one, the complexities around any salvage job are very varied. You need to have reasonable knowledge of the whole shipping industry as you may be required to respond to any sector at any time.”

“One may see it as a limitation but I always think of it as an opportunity. I found myself learning a lot about the various segments within the shipping industry, from container vessel operations, harbour tug boats, cruise vessels, bulkers, and tankers to offshore construction units.”

Bas added that there have been a number of developments over the last 15 years. With the proliferation of social media, news can be obtained within seconds and this changes clients’ expectations about reaction time towards emergency calls, and intensifies the already fierce competition within the ER industry. He noted: “With the entry of larger container vessels in the market, salvage operations are becoming more challenging. More stakeholders involved for such cases mean that we, as salvors, have to be knowledgeable about not just the technical aspects, but also the legal, public relations & communications, and logistical aspects.”

With Bas’ guidance, POSH is confident that the ER Team will be able to meet and even exceed clients’ expectation as an international salvage operating salvor.

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POSH Charity Walk’s organizing committee and volunteers A total of 452 participants gathered at Labrador Nature Reserve to walk for a cause

POSH Charity Walk took place on 22 November 2014 at Southern Ridges

POSH has managed to raise a total sum of S$93,986 for two beneficiaries - Community Chest and Children’s Cancer

Foundation - from the POSH Charity Walk that was held on 22 November 2014. The objective of the event is to raise funds while remembering our ex-colleagues, Terence Chew and Ye Myint Myat who passed away in July 2014. A total of 452 participants gathered at 8am at Tanjung Berlayer Shade in Labrador Nature Reserve for the 4km route, starting from Labrador Nature Reserve and ending at Marang Trail. For every person who completed the walk, POSH pledged S$50 to the charities.

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POSH participated in the inaugural career fair jointly organised by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) and e2i (Employment and Employability Institute). Held over two days in September 2014 at Suntec City Convention Centre, the event was a huge success and drew over 1,400 participants.

The career fair provided a wonderful opportunity for POSH to contribute to the Singapore maritime sector by educating the attendees as to what the industry and POSH have to offer and the exciting career opportunities in the offshore marine sector.

Our Human Resources department and various business divisions were involved in showcasing POSH and the various opportunities within the company to speak to participants. Senior Marketing Manager of the Offshore Supply Vessels Division, Ray Chee, also gave a company presentation and shared POSH Team’s passion for offshore excellence. The contributions of those involved generated many interest and resulted in overwhelming applications by attendees wanting a future with POSH.



The fair helps POSH to recruit talent, raise company profile and educate public on sector opportunities

POSH’s booth at the Maritime Career Fair

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More than 150 POSH employees came together over two days for the annual POSH Day event. This year, the

event was held at the Nirwana Resort in Bintan, Indonesia. Participants engaged in wacky and fun games during the day such as “Save the egg”, “Blindfold and Pick up the numbers” and “Cross the Web”. The games offered good opportunities for staff to put teamwork in practice, while solving puzzles and completing tasks together.

The highlight of the two-day event was undoubtedly the Hawaiian themed gala dinner where eight POSH employees slugged it out in a karaoke contest, and a host of exciting prizes were won by lucky winners. Just as the crowd thought that the night was over, disco lights and music beats encouraged the staff to boogie the night away.

The event closed with a group sing-along song “If We Hold On Together” to signify the strong bonds forged over the past two days.

“It has been a rather touching experience for me. I am proudbe part of the POSH family,” said Kevin Poh, chairman of POSH Day 2014’s organizing committee. POSH’s CEO, Capt Gerald Seow concluded, “POSH is growing fast and the company strongly believes in staff welfare and training, to ensure that its people grow along with them, as they are ultimately the company’s strongest asset.”



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3,221DWT 75m DP2 PSV, Caballo Babieca, just completed a fresh coat of paint at Freeport before continuing her journey to West Africa

Launch of two new 4,000BHP harbour tugs, POSH Gallant and POSH Gentle at PaxOcean Zhuhai Shipyard, China

16,000BHP DP2 AHTS, POSH Champion, towing rig “Northern Shine” in Kholmsk, Russia

Launch of 238pax 88m DP2 LCV, POSH Endurance at PaxOcean Zhuhai Shipyard, China

(Far right) POSH’s COO, Lee Keng Lin at the TradeWinds Offshore Marine Asia Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 20 to 21 October 2014


Kelvin Teo – Chief EditorGoh Yen Ting – Assistant Editor Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for any feedback or comments on our newsletter.


You can access all our past issues under Newsroom – Newsletter at our company website: www.posh.com.sg

Contact Us:

PACC Offshore Services Holdings LtdNo.1 Kim Seng Promenade#06-01 Great World CitySingapore 237994

Tel : (65) 6839 6500Fax : (65) 6839 6702

Website : www.posh.com.sg


Offshore Supply Vessels- [email protected]

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Launch of 12,000BHP DP2 AHTS, POSH Perseverance at PaxOcean Batam yard, Indonesia


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