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Principal’s Message

Welcome to the first newsletter of 2016. I hope that you and your families had a wonderful Christmas and that the New Year brings you health, happi-ness and the realisation of all that you are hoping to achieve.

The first week has certainly begun with our exami-nation classes setting out to achieve the best that they can. The assessments that have taken place in the Sixth Form Hall have been taken extremely seriously by our students, with their attitude and commitment being exemplary. Of course, the main purpose of these assessments has been two-fold: to assist students and teachers to identify those aspects of their learning that are well understood or need more learning; secondly, to give them the necessary practice in time limited and formal, ex-amination surroundings. At this early stage in 2016, our students' responses to this week have been extremely encouraging. During these coming months, however, there will inevitably be significant demands on our students: deadlines to be met; as-sessments to be completed; revision to be organ-ised and planned systematically. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have concerns about your child's progress towards the summer exams and, as always, we will work together to achieve the best outcomes possible for your child.

Our first visit of 2016 also took place this week with a large number of Year 8 students visiting London and the Houses of Parliament where they also had the opportunity to meet our Island MP, Andrew Turner. Students thoroughly enjoyed the day with excellent feedback from all concerned. The chil-dren had a wonderful time, asked many intelligent questions and some even sent me a postcard with a 'Wish You Were Here' message...and I wished I was there!

Finally, as we move into this term, please keep a close eye on all the information in the weekly news-letter, the information on our new website and any other communication that comes your way. As you know, we are an extremely busy College and 2016 promises to be a particularly exciting year; I look forward to sharing news of our College, our stu-dents and our staff as the weeks unfold. Once again, I wish you a wonderful 2016.

Eisteddfod 2016 Please be aware that during House Worships next week we will be launching our Ei-steddfod Competition for 2016. Stu-dents in Year 7 and Year 8 will be competing (i.e. Lower College). They will be given the Eisteddfod Chal-lenges booklet at the end of the House Worship. Students from Years

9 to 13 (most of who will have had the opportunity pre-viously) will be able to support the LC students in their House if they wish.

The National Eisteddfod of Wales – Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru - is a cultural festival that cele-brates music, performance, art and literature. The word Eisteddfod is a Welsh word that can be separated into “eistedd” and “fod”, with the literal translation of ei-stedd, meaning "sit", and fod, meaning "be". The Welsh have been ‘sitting and gathering’ for over 800 years. This celebration has been known for discovering poets, singers, artists, musicians and many other areas of talent.

The focus is very much on ‘Celebrating Achievement’ in a whole variety of competitions, supporting the aims and the ethos of the College in promoting successful, happy learners.

This year’s topic is ‘Storytelling’.

Students are encouraged to enter as many of the sub-ject Eisteddfod tasks as they wish. Entries are due in on Tuesday, 23

rd February, the first Tuesday back

after half term. Credits will be awarded in each compe-tition: 10 for the winner, 6 for runner up and 4 for third place. Every entry gains 2 credits for their house. Pre-vious Eisteddfods have been won based on the num-ber of entries alone, rather than just competition win-ners. Further information and rules are included in the Eisteddfod 2016 ‘Storytelling’ booklet. Thank you for your support.

Issue 16 8th January 2016

Lord, You make all things new; You bring hope alive in our hearts and cause our Spirits to be born again. *

Thank you for this new year, for all of the potential it holds. Be with each of us as we start this new year; be

with those who have received unwelcome and unwanted news, that they may feel your loving arms around

them, protecting and caring for them and their loved ones, now and always.

* prayer taken from www.lords-prayer-words.com

Diary Dates


Friday 15th Voluntary Mass and Communion

9.00 Sixth Form Centre

Wednesday 27th Year 13 Parent Consultation


Friday 29th Official Visit of Bishop Philip Egan

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Theme: Respect

Father, today I dedicate every area of my

mind, will and emotions to you. Help me

live my daily life as an example of your

love. Amen.

[1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 Verse 12]

Thank you for your support so far with regards to our fortnightly

Literacy Focus.

For the next week, our focus is on a really common mistake that a lot of people make! Many peo-

ple write this incorrectly as one word.

So, remember:

a lot = two words not one!

It is never correct to write alot!

Please support us in our bid to develop literacy skills and accuracy by helping

your child to check through his/her work and look out for the correct use of

a lot.

If you have any ideas or feedback on our fortnightly Literacy Focus, please do not hesitate to get in touch: [email protected].

Literacy Focus

Recycle with Michael large con-

tainers are available at Upper and

Lower College to place unwanted

clothing and shoes. This is collect-

ed by The Salvation Army and rais-

es funds for the College. If you had

a sort out over the recent holiday,

please bring your items to the col-

lection containers. Your support is always appreciated.

easyfundraising Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from

your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising a free donation

for Christ The King College - Newport?

There are nearly 3,000 retailers on board ready to make a donation, including

Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, thetrainline and Sainsbury's – it doesn't cost you

a penny extra!

It's really simple, all you have to do is:

Join. Head to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ctkc/ and sign up for free.

Shop. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first, pick the retailer you want

and start shopping.

Raise. After you’ve checked out, that retailer will make a donation to your good cause for no ex-

tra cost whatsoever!

There are no catches or hidden charges and Christ The King College will be really grateful for your do-

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Support Christ the King College for your chance to

win up to £25K in our weekly lottery.

Cost: £1 per entry per week

Prizes: £2, £20, £250, £25,000!

How to enter: Please go to



We have raised over £100 so far with less than 10

players, so imagine what we could achieve with

many more players supporting us. There is a 1 in 63

chance of winning a prize with the Weather Lottery

and over 8,000,000 prizes have been won to date.

So, sign up today to support and raise funds for

Christ the King College and see if you can scoop the

£25,000 jackpot!

Governors’ Building Fund - A reminder

to all parents that we rely on your contribu-

tions to this fund. £2 per week, either by

School Gateway or standing order. Thank


Lloyds TSB, Newport, Isle of Wight

Sort Code: 30:95:99

Please Download the School Gateway App

We would encourage all parents to download the Schoolcomms app.

The smartphone app is available from SchoolComms for download,

called ‘School Gateway’ for Apple (iPhone 3GS or later, iPad, iPod

Touch) and Android (2.3 / Gingerbread or later) devices.

The set-up process is simple and will take no more than a couple of minutes:

1. Search for “School Gateway” in the Apple App Store/Google Play or on your phone go to

www.schoolgateway.com/apple (Apple) or www.schoolgateway.com/android


2. Install the app and if you are asked then say yes to “Allow Push Notifications”

3. When you launch School Gateway for the first time, please select ‘New User’ and

enter the email address and mobile telephone number you have registered with the College

4. The system will send a PIN code to your phone; please enter this PIN code and the app will be activat-

ed for you. As soon as you’ve got the system set-up, all of the text messages we send you will appear in

the app; you’ll receive notifications/alerts as normal.

Every time we send you a text it does incur a cost for the College, so we would ask you to download the app to also help us save costs. Also, the app will provide you with a detailed breakdown of items that your child has purchased at the canteen. This will allow you to see if they are still in credit, and assist you in ensuring they have sufficient funds on their account. If your child’s account is below £0.00 , they will be asked to visit the Admin Office where a phone call home will be made. This will allow your child to use the £2 deficit on the account. Further purchases will only be able to be made when the account is in credit.

Exam Invigilation

We are currently seeking additional Examination Invigilators to support us through the summer exam season. This role involves supporting and supervising students during their formal examinations and working with the Examina-tions Officer to ensure the process runs smoothly. Working dates and times are flexible throughout May and June. If you would be interested in undertaking this role, please contact Mrs J Furmidge at [email protected] or 01983 537070, for more information.

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Christ the King College Weekly News

8th January 2016

Inspiring Totalitarianism vs Tolerance project made possible

after securing Erasmus+ funding.

Just over a year ago, we were informed that we had been successful in gaining Erasmus+ funding. Students met weekly to work on activities in collaboration with schools in France, Germany and Romania, using the eTwinning platform Twinspace. The funding has allowed teachers to meet in France and Germany, and then, the final week of term, on the Island. The funding also covered a French exchange, with 28 students from our College visiting Bourges in September, and French students making the return visit. The French group enjoyed time with their host families, a tour of the Island and a game of bowling and laser quest at Ryde Su-perbowl. Time in College was spent in lessons and working on the project, particularly in the creation of an online museum, which was the overall end-product of the project.

The French students thoroughly enjoyed their stay with our families, noting the similarities and differences in lifestyle.

Erasmus+ is the Europe-an Union’s (EU) pro-gramme for education, training, youth and sport, with the EU committing £12 billion to the pro-gramme between 2014 and 2020. In the UK, the programme is managed by the Erasmus+ UK Na-tional Agency, a partner-ship between the British Council and Ecorys UK.

Mrs Stirling

Our guests from France, Germany and Romania with Mrs Goodhead

Year 8 Visit to Houses of Parliament

On Tuesday, 5th of January, 89 Year 8 students went to have a once in a lifetime chance to visit the Houses of Par-liament. We had a tour, and looked at the House of Com-mons as well as the House of Lords. We all learned many things while walking around and seeing many statues and monuments telling us about the Parliament's history. We also met our very own Member of Parliament, Andrew Turner and asked him questions including different debates held in the House of Commons.

We had a workshop after the tour, which included a vote to

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Christ the King College Weekly News

Page 2

see if the “world would be a better place if everyone agreed with each other.” Our workshop was about debating: how to use the correct tone and language.

We would all love to give a big thank you to Mrs Stirling, Miss Curliss, Ms Morgan, Mr Bush-nell, Ms Duxbury and Mr Murphie for organising the trip for all of us.

Ella Bushnell 8STH

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ICTComputer & Online Basics (6 weeks)Following six courses are fully funded.Isobel Centre, Furrlongs, NewportMonday 4 Jan - 8 Feb 9.45am - 12.15pmIsobel Centre, Furrlongs, NewportMonday 22 Feb - 21 Mar 9.45am - 12.45pmEast Cowes Children’s Centre, Beatrice AveWednesday 6 Jan - 10 Feb 12.30 - 3pmWest Wight Sports Centre, Moa Place, FreshwaterMonday 22 Feb - 21 Mar 10am - 1pmCommunity Learning Centre, Westridge, RydeMonday 22 Feb - 21 Mar 1 - 4pmTuesday 23 Feb - 22 Mar 10am - 1pmThursday 25 Feb - 24 Mar 9.15am - 12.15pmThursday 25 Feb - 24 Mar 1 - 4pmSalisbury Gardens, Dudley Road, VentnorThursday 25 Feb - 24 Mar 9.30am - 12.30pmiPad for Beginners (4 weeks)West Wight Sports Centre, Moa Place, FreshwaterMonday 11 Jan - 3 Feb 10am - 1pm£30/£15 concessionBasic Digital Photography & Image Manipulation (Workshop)Friday 15 Jan 10am - 2pm£12/£6 concessionDiscover your Kindle HD Fire (2 weeks)Isobel Centre, Furrlongs, NewportWednesday 3 - 10 Feb 9.45am - 12.45pm£12/£6 concessionUnderstanding your Tablet (5 weeks) Thursday 25 Feb - 24 Mar 6 - 8pm£40/£20 concession

Maintain & Protect your Computer (Workshop)East Cowes Children’s Centre, Beatrice AvenueWednesday 2 Mar 9am - 12.30pm£10/£6 concessionGet the most from your Smart (Android) Phone (Workshop)Monday 7 Mar 12.30 - 3.30pm£10/£6 concessionBlogging with Wordpress.com (4 weeks)Friday 22 Apr - 13 May 10am - 12pm£25/£13 concession

For further information or to book a place on any of the courses below, please contact the Isle of Wight Council’s Adult Community Learning Team on 817280, [email protected] or visit www.iwcommunitylearning.ac.uk

CRAFTGlass Hanging Leaves Mobile (4 weeks)Thursday 21 Jan - 11 Feb 6 - 8.30pm£60/£40 concessionDesign Beautiful Pictures & Jewellery using Buttons (2 weeks)Wednesday 27 Jan - 3 Feb 6 - 8.30pm£25/£15 concessionApplique & Embroidered Memory Picture (2 weeks)Thursday 4 - 11 Feb 10am - 1pm£25/£15 concessionFused Glass Coasters (5 weeks)Monday 22 Feb - 21 Mar 6 - 9pm£75/£40 concessionLearn to Felt (4 weeks)Tuesday 23 Feb - 15 Mar 10am - 12pm£35/£20 concessionWillow Lantern (2 weeks)Monday 29 Feb - 7 Mar 10am - 1pm £25/£15 concessionTiffany Style Candle Holder (Workshop)Saturday 5 Mar 10am - 3pm £25/£15 concessionTie Dying (2 weeks)Thursday 10 - 17 Mar 6 - 8.30pm£25/£15 concessionDecorative Wire Jewellery (Workshop)Saturday 12 Mar 10am - 3pm£25/£15 concessionPatchwork & Quilting (Workshop)Saturday 12 Mar 10am - 4pm£25/£15 concessionCrochet Flowers (Workshop)Thursday 17 Mar 6 - 8pm£10/£6 concessionBatik Wall Hanging (Workshop)Saturday 30 Apr 10am - 3pm£25/£15 concessionColourful & Embellished Coiled Pots (Workshop)Tuesday 3 May 1 - 4pm£15/£7 concession

TASTER DAY£6 each or 2 for £10SATURDAY 23 JANUARY10am - 12pm• Make Something Unique -

Sewing with Scraps• Knit and Natter• Discover Angelina Fibre -

Make Cards, Mats & Gift Tags• Pin/Thread Art

1pm - 3pm• Fabric Button Cup Cakes• Beaded Friendship Bracelets• Decorative Mono-Prints• Make a Felted Necklace

ARTLearn Basic Drawing Skills (4 weeks)Monday 18 Jan - 8 Feb 10am - 1pm£60/£30 concessionAcrylic Painting Techniques (4 weeks)Wednesday 20 Jan - 10 Feb 10am -1pm£60/£30 concessionBarge Art, Gypsy Painting (Workshop)Friday 5 Feb 10am - 3pm£25/£12 concessionPortrait Oil Painting (4 weeks)Tuesday 23 Feb - 15 Mar 10am - 1pm£60/£30 concessionDrawing Buildings (Workshop)Saturday 27 Feb 10am - 3pm£25/£15 concessionIsland Scenes in Pastels (4 weeks)Wednesday 2 - 23 Mar 1 - 4pm£60/£30 concessionDrawing Dinosaur Fossils & Shells (Workshop)Saturday 5 Mar 10am - 3pm£25/£12 concession


All tasters,workshops and courses take place at the Community Learning Centre, Westridge, Ryde, PO33 1QS unless otherwise stated.


2657 CS 08/15 LF

MUSIC, HEALTH AND WELLBEINGDidgeridoo (8 weeks)Unitarian Meeting Hall, High Street, NewportFriday 22 Jan - 11 Mar 10am - 3pm£48/£24 concessionMeditation & Mindfulness Intro (Workshop)Ryde Chiropractic, George Street, RydeThursday 21 Jan 10.30am - 12.30pm£10/£6 concessionLearn About Earth Energy and Dowsing with Crystals (Workshop)Sunday 28 Feb 10am - 3pm£25/£12 concession

ITQ The following four modules are£50/£20 concession - no cost for JSAEmail and Internet Level 1 (6 weeks) Tuesday 5 Jan - 9 Feb 10am - 12pmEmail and Internet Level 2 (6 weeks)Tuesday 5 Jan - 9 Feb 1 - 3pmPresentation Level 1 (4 weeks)Thursday 7 - 28 Jan 5.30 - 7.30pm

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