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Norwood Crescent, Southport. PR9 7DU. Tel: 01704 211960. Fax 01704 232712. Head Teacher: Mr Lee Dumbell.

Email: [email protected] www.norwoodprimaryschool.com

Issue 20 4th February 2011

Norwood News


Spring Term 2011


School closed:

Friday 11th February

(Staff training day)

Half Term:

Monday 14th-Friday 18th


Term Ends:

Friday 1st April. School closes

at 2pm

Summer Term 2011

Children return to school

Tuesday 19th April at 8.55am

School closed:

Good Friday 22nd April

Easter Monday 25th April

Children return to school

Tuesday 26th April at 8.55am

School closed:

Bank Holiday Friday 29th April

School closed:

Bank Holiday Monday 2nd


Half Term:

Mon 30th May-Fri 3rd June

School closed:

Friday 1st July

(Staff training day)

Term Ends:

Friday 22nd July. School

closes at 2pm

Autumn Term 2011

School Closed

Thursday 1st September

Friday 2nd September

(Staff training days)

Children return to school

Monday 5th September

Half Term

Mon 24th-Fri 28th October

Arts Festival Countdown

23 weeks to go

We would like to thank everybody that came and helped make the bag packing event at

Asda the huge success it was and of course thanks to Asda for allowing us to raise the

funds. Parents, children and staff all gave up some of their Saturday to help us to raise

funds for our Arts Festival. A grand total of £ 450.00 was collected. Well done!

We will be bag packing at Morrisons Saturday 5th March, notification of details will be

sent out. We would really appreciate even more helpers spread over the day. One little

girl spent 5 hours helping. Well done you!

Bag Packing at Asda

News team Molly Glinn, Hannah Tear, Jamie Russell, Katy Watkinson, Taylor McKenzie & Finn Cromack

Next week’s clubs

Monday KS2 Cross Country practice (lunchtime)

Y4 Sports Aerobics in the hall till 4.20 pm

Tuesday School Council meeting (lunchtime)

Eco Committee meeting (lunchtime)

Band Club in 1D till 4.15 pm

B Football Team practice till 4.20 pm

Y4/5/6 Netball till 4.15 pm

Y1 Science till 4.15 pm

YR Wally Cain Dance Club Hall till 4 pm

Y5 & 6 Boys rugby MUGA 12.10

Football A Team v Farnborough @ Carr Lane till 4.45 pm

Wednesday Library (lunchtime)

Y2 Filmclub in YR till 4.30 pm

Y2-4 Southport Football Club till 4.20 pm

Thursday KS2 Singing Club (lunchtime)

Library (lunchtime)

Y5 & Y6 Girls Rugby on MUGA 12.10 pm

Y2 Art Club in Y2 till 4.15 pm

Friday ****SCHOOL CLOSED****

Please collect the children from the playground and do not wait

for them by the office.

There will be notification if there are any changes to these clubs.

Star of the WeekRJT: Isabel Ryan

RJT: India Donnelly

RJT: Nicole Spencer

RT: George Dodsworth

RT: Isabella McLachlan

1B: Taylor Dearnley-Davison

1B: Lucy Wright

1D: Lewis Midgley

2W: Carter Birch

2W: Tyler Scutt Silver

2M: Leyla Naile-Cakir

2M: Olivia Logan Silver

3H: Joe Langford

3K: Sian Drummond Silver

4P: Patrick Kilduff

4P: Oliver Green

4M: Natasha Polansky Silver

5B: Brandon Robson

5M: Ashley Gavan

5M: Tom Langford

6P: Jack Wallbank

6C: Ruby Fellowes


Please ensure your child has a coat with them

throughout the winter months, as it can be

very cold at break-times.

Thank you!

After School Club

After half term the new building which is for the

after school club will be opening and there will be more places

available for children.

If you would like a place for your child please feel

free to contact Fran Taylor on her mobile no:

077 247 08015.

It would be worth registering your child with her in case you

ever needed child care in an emergency or for use of the holiday club.

Call in for an informal chat.


Parents or guardians who need to meet with a member of staff before or after school, should come in through the school

office to find out if it is convenient first. They will then be given an authorised visitor badge.

If your child is late they need to sign in at the office and a member of staff will be available to take your child along to

their classroom and pass on any messages to the class teacher on your behalf. We know this may not always be convenient

for you but you will appreciate the safety of the children must come first. There are a lot of before and after school

activities taking place each day and we need a system in place to ensure the children feel safe and are kept safe at all


We would be very grateful if you can work with us on this issue and help us to ensure it is effective at all times.

News team Molly Glinn, Hannah Tear, Jamie Russell, Katy Watkinson, Taylor McKenzie & Finn Cromack

Getting to Know Our Governors

Advertising Our Local Businesses

If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of the newsletter, an advert for your local business could be placed in

our newsletter. Please contact Mrs Gregson in the school office for further details.

Adverts are placed independently and we are grateful for the donations towards the cost. However we are not otherwise

linked directly with the businesses.

Book Amnesty

On the 11th February 2011, Norwood is having an INSET day. Throughout that day we will be organising and colour coding


With this in mind, we need all home school reading books to be returned to school no later than the 9th February 2011.

Teachers will not be giving new books out over the half term, in order to help us colour code all our books.

The new system will involve your child being on a coloured level and there will need to be some adjusting time.

Many thanks for your patience!

Q. What do you do in your spare time?

A. I love going on holiday especially to countries with lots of interesting things to

do and see. Last year I went to Peru and had a brilliant time. I also like

gardening and walking.

(Taylor McKenzie Y3)

Q. Is there anything you dislike about being a Governor?

A. It's got to be making sure I'm on time for early morning meetings!

(Molly Glinn Y6)

Q. Which aspect of your role do you enjoy most?

A. The most enjoyable part of being a governor is being able to join in the many

events that take place at Norwood and being invited to attend performances and

special functions.

(Finn Cromack Y3)

Q. What made you want to be a Governor of Norwood?

A. Way back in 1985 when Mr Milne became Headteacher at Norwood, I took

over Mrs Taylor's job in the school office and later became Bursar and Clerk to

the Governors. At that time the school was on Norwood Road next to All Souls

Church. We had a very exciting time planning the new school building

and moved to the present site in 1988. After 20 happy years at Norwood I

decided it was time to retire but I knew I would be sad to leave so when I was

asked if I would like to join the Governing Body as a Community Governor I was


(Molly Glinn Y6)

(p.s. I think you and your team do a brilliant job on the newsletter.)

This week our team of reporters

put their questions to Mrs Silcox.

Some of you may recognise Mrs

Silcock as she used to work in the

school office.

News team Molly Glinn, Hannah Tear, Jamie Russell, Katy Watkinson, Taylor McKenzie & Finn Cromack

Children in the Spotlight

Forthcoming Events


Schools Competition

Halliwell Jones MINI are holding

a MINI Art Competition. They

are looking for a unique design

for a MINI decal that they can

turn into a reality! The winning

designer will not only see their

design come to life but will also

receive either a Sony PSP,

Playstation 3 or Nintendo DSi

Lite for their creative genius!

The competition is absolutely

free to enter.

Please ask your class teacher

for an entry form.


Southport Road, Southport PR8


Charlie has passed his

Grade 4 Duckling


Erin has passed

her Level 3

Swimming Award.


Jamie was awarded

J4K Keeper of the

Week by his

football trainer



Michael has passed

the Yellow Tag grade

in Taekwando.


Monday 7th February Y2 The Owl Man visit

Wedesday 9th February Y6 World War 2 visit to Eden Camp, Malton Yorkshire

Wedesday 9th February Y3 Roman visit to Chester

Friday 11th February INSET DAY

Friday 25th February PTA Family Bingo

Tuesday 1st March Y6 visit to watch Private Peaceful at Crosby Civic Hall

Wednesday 2nd March Y4 Robinwood Parents meeting

Wednesday 9th March Y5/6 Tag Rugby tournament at Kew Woods

Monday 14th March Y5 Wider Opportunities Concert at Southport Theatre

Friday 18th March PTA Comic Relief Discos

Tuesday 22nd March Parents Interviews

Thursday 24th March Parents Interviews

Friday 25th March Y5 Wider Opportunities Concert with Halle at Southport Theatre

Monday 4th -16th July Arts Festival

News team Molly Glinn, Hannah Tear, Jamie Russell, Katy Watkinson, Taylor McKenzie & Finn Cromack

Shinewaves Competition Time

Last week’s competition was to produce a still life picture.

Chinese New Year is coming up and it is the Year of the

Rabbit. So this week’s competition is to design an unusual

rabbit for Chinese New Year.

Pop your entries in the competition post box, outside the hall,

by the morning of Wednesday 9th February with your name

and class on the back.

Changes To Our Behaviour System

As Norwood is making some changes to our behaviour

system, there will be a note going out at the end of

term. Parents will be informed if your child is

misbehaving continuously. All members of the school

council have agreed on these changes.

Thank you, for your support.

From Mrs Bennet

5 A-Side Football Tournament at Stanley High

The first game V Larkfield resulted in a 1-0 win to

Norwood with Tom Langford scoring from a penalty. A

great start! The second game against Ainsdale was a

0-0 draw. The third game against Kings Meadow

provided two goals. It was a 1-1 draw, again with Tom

Langford scoring Norwood's only goal. The final game

against Farnborough was a must win game in order to

reach the finals. Unfortunately, a strong Farnborough

skilled passing team scored three to dash Norwood's

chance to progress further.

Farnborough reached the final. A great effort none the

less from Norwood A team.

Norwood A Team

Norwood B Team

Norwood's first game against OLOL was a 0-0

draw. The second game against Kew Woods, the

eventual other finalist, resulted in a 1-0 loss,

although it was a close match. The third game

against Farnborough B team again resulted in a

loss, 2-0. The final game was against St. Johns,

Crossens which was goaless draw.

The boys are pictured wearing their new Norwood

football strips, featuring the school crest, which

were kindly provided by Norwood's PTA. Thank

you. They look magnificent!

A Team: Aaron Rimmer, Tom Stewart,

Jaydon Lavelle, Tom Langford, Tom Mitchell,

Jack Wallbank & Jamie Hough.

B Team: Luke Ashton, Joe Edmunds, Lewis Hitchcock,

Ashley Gavan, Matthew Van Sprang Rimmer,

Daniel Lawrence

News team Molly Glinn, Hannah Tear, Jamie Russell, Katy Watkinson, Taylor McKenzie & Finn Cromack

Check this out!

Cameron, George & Morgan

What an achievement! Congratulations boys!

Climbing in The Lake District

The Wainwrights are 214 fells/mountains

in The Lake District. Cameron, George

and Morgan have climbed to the summit

of 5. They reached the summit of

Hellvellyn in four and a half hours, which

is a 950m (3,209 ft) climb, in October

2010. Then in January 2011 they climbed

four fells in six and a half hours,

consisting of Lonscale Fell, which is 715m

(2346 ft) climb, Skiddaw Little Man a

865m (2838 ft) climb, Skiddaw a 913m

(3054 ft) climb and finally Carl Side a

746m (2,448 ft) climb, covering roughly

11 miles

The boys climbed with their dad, and his peers who are all very accomplished climbers. George was carried and assisted a

lot of the way, as would be expected at 4 years old but Cameron and Morgan both persevered throughout and I am very

proud of all 3 of them for such an amazing achievement, they will continue to climb (not all 214 just yet) over the

forthcoming years.

Vicki Hobson (Proud Mum) Your Child’s Appearance

We would like to draw parent’s and children’s attention

to the section on appearance in the school’s


Children are encouraged to wear their hair in a suitable

manner for school. Extremes of fashion, both in terms

of clothing and personal appearance are not allowed in

school. By drawing attention to themselves in this way

children can open themselves to potential bullying and

ridicule and distract other pupils from their work.

All hair longer than shoulder length (regardless of

gender) should be tied back.

*Trainers and high heeled shoes are not school


*Jewellery (including necklaces, bracelets and rings)

should not be worn in school, with the exception of

watches and stud earrings.

* Stud earrings must be removed during PE, Games

and Swimming lessons or if this is not possible, the

children should cover these with plasters provided by


*Nail varnish and makeup are not permitted.

I am sure you will all support us in ensuring that we

have high expectations and high standards of


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