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This Year’s Conference Papers Oct 2014 - Sept 2015


For further information:

Research Centre for Learning and Teaching School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences King George VI Building Newcastle University Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU

[email protected] www.ncl.ac.uk/cflat/

Clark, J., Laing, K. and Todd,L., Using a Theory of Change to Evaluate Complex Initiatives: Theo-ry and practice BERA Conference, Belfast, UK, 15-17 September 2015.

Gibbs, S. (2014) As part of a symposium ‘The end of Dyslexia?’: The differential effects of labelling: How does dyslexia affect teachers in the end? Paris, France: International Congress of Ap-plied Psychologists (ICAP).

Gibbs, S. (2015) The assessment of children’s phono-logical awareness when there is evidence that: a) Progress in developing literacy is slow; or b) English is an additional language, Durham, UK: BPS Division of Educational and Child Psycholo-gy.

Gibbs, S. (2015) How does dyslexia affect teachers in the end?, Durham, UK: BPS Division of Edu-cational and Child Psychology.

Hall, E., Hall, J., Leat, D., & Lofthouse, R. (2015) The First Thing We Do ? Let’s Kill All The Law-yers! Co-Creating Understanding And Differ-ence In A Multi-Disciplinary Partnership, ECER Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 Septem-ber 2015

Jones, H. (2015) Dialogues about Poverty: Meeting the Diverse Needs of Student Teachers on a PGCE course, Association for Teacher Educa-tion in Europe, Glasgow, August 2015.

Koglbauer, R. (2014) Invited keynote : Assessment for Learning - the answer to all problems in assessing learning? University of Vienna, Zentrum für LehrerInnenbildung, Vienna, Aus-tria.

Koglbauer, R. (2015)EducationInvited special key-note: The Future of Modern Foreign Languages in Primary and Secondary, MFL Forum, Inside Government, London, UK.

Laing, K. & Todd, L. (2015) Co-producing Evaluation: The Contribution of Theory-based Methods, ECER Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 September 2015

Laing, K, Todd, L., Callahan, M., Chanfreau, J., Skipp, A. & Tanner, E. Unequal Access To Out Of School Activities And The Education Gap, ECER Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 September 2015

Laing, K, Todd, L., Callahan, M., Chanfreau, J., Skipp, A. & Tanner,E. Unequal Access To Out Of School Activities And The Education Gap, BERA Conference, Belfast, UK, 15-17 Septem-ber 2015.

Lofthouse, R (2014) Mentoring is critical but vulnera-ble as a component of workplace learning, TEAN Seminar, Cumbria, UK, 5 December 2014.

Lofthouse, R., Wigley. B., & Flanagan, J. (2014) Bridging practice gaps through research-informed inter-professional coaching; develop-ing communication-rich pedagogies in nursery and primary settings. EAPRIL Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus, 25-28 November, 2014

Lofthouse, R. (2015) Dimensions and dynamics of teacher learning; partnerships as part of the learning ecology, TEPE Conference, Dundee, UK, 14-16 May 2015

Lofthouse, R. (2015) Learning At The Boundaries Of Practice; An Autoethnographic Study Of The Development Of Inter-Professional Coaching, ECER Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 September 2015.

Lofthouse, R., Wigley. B., & Flanagan, J. (2015) Sustaining change through inter-professional coaching; developing communication-rich pedagogies, BERA Conference, Belfast, UK, 15-17 September 2015.

Mazzoli Smith, L. (2015) Creating a transformational space through narrative: looked after young people tell their life stories. Life-based and art-based research: exploring their collective, social and political potential, ESREA Life Histo-ry and Biography Network Conference, Univer-sity of Milan, March 2015.

Mroz, M. & Woolner, P. (2015) 'Playtime': the use of UK primary school outdoor space between lessons. ECER Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 September 2015.

Robson, S. (2015) Invited speaker SRHE seminar: 'Internationalisation in and of higher educa-tion: contexts, concepts and contentious is-sues'. April, SRHE, London.

Robson, S. (2014) Conference Convenor: Internation-alisation of the Curriculum national conference for the Higher Education Academy.

Robson, S. (2014) Invited Talk: Internationalizing the curriculum. Loughborough University School of Business and Economics.

Robson, S. (2014) Invited Talk: Internationalizing the curriculum. Open University.

Tiplady, L., Clark, J., Leat, D. & Thomas, U. (2015) Becoming Reciprocal in Co-Production. ECER Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 8-11 Septem-ber 2015.

Woolner, P. (2014) Invited speaker: What do the kids think? Some methods to engage students, and what they reveal about school space. School Policies and Young People's Use of Places at School, University of Geneva, Oct 2014.

Woolner, P. (2015) Invited speaker: Collaborative re-design: working with school communities to understand and improve their learning environ-ments. School design and Pedagogy, Mosfells-bæ, Reykjavik, Iceland, May 2015.

Wright, D., Clark, J. & Tiplady, L. (2014) FaSMEd Poster presentation at the Association of Math-ematics Education Tutors (University lecturers) Conference, 2nd September, Birmingham, UK

Wright, D., Clark, J. & Tiplady, L. (2014) FaSMEd Poster presentation at the AIMS Trust, 29th September 2014, Centre for Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Wright, D., Clark, J. & Tiplady, L. (2014) FaSMEd Poster presentation at the 2nd Scientix confer-ence, 25th October 2014, Brussels, Belgium.

Wright, D., Clark, J. & Tiplady, L. (2015) FaSMEd contributor to the workshop Assessment in Science and Mathematics, February 14th, University College Dublin.

Wright, D., Clark, J. & Tiplady, L. (2015) Raising achievement through formative assessment in science and mathematics education (FaSMEd), British Society for Research in Learning Mathe-matics, Durham University, UK, 6th June 2015.

Wright, D., Clark, J. & Tiplady, L. (2015) Raising achievement through formative assessment in science and mathematics education (FaSMEd), International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, 24-27 June, 2015 - Faro, Portugal.

Wright, D., Clark, J. & Tiplady, L. (2015) Raising achievement through formative assessment in science and mathematics education (FaSMEd), European Science Education Research Associa-tion (ESERA) Conference, August 31st-September 4th, Helsinki, Finland.

Wright, D., Clark, J. & Tiplady, L. (2015) England: Formative Assessment in Mathematics, paper in the Symposium session: Formative Assess-ment In Science And Mathematics Education (FaSMEd), ECER Conference, Budapest, Hunga-ry, 8-11 September 2015.

Find us on Twitter: @cflat4change Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cflatresearch

CfLaT Headlines

Congratulation to Karen Laing on her recent promotion to Senior Research Associate. Welcome back to Laura Mazzoli Smith who has returned from maternity leave. Jon Haines’ Video Enhanced Observation app has now spun out from the university. The university is a key stakeholder in this busi-ness, which is marketing the app (significantly cheaper than the alternatives that schools currently pay for). CfLaT are now holding regular ‘Partners’ meetings on the third Wednesday of each month to develop our activities beyond the university. CfLaT members are all welcome. If you’re a potential partner, please contact Rachel Lofthouse, our Partnership Develop-ment Director. Jon Haines is hosting a teachmeet on Thurs-day 3rd December here at the University. It’s open to any interested teacher in the region, primary or secondary or tertiary, any sub-ject specialism. This can be signed up for here: http://teachmeet.pbworks.com/w/page/97862118/Newcastle%20Teachmeet CfLaT is running Newcastle University’s EQUATE cohort 3 which provides an oppor-tunity for university colleagues from all fac-ulties to focus on teaching and learning de-velopment through pedagogic research and practitioner enquiry. This third cohort in-cludes colleagues from SAGE working in New-castle University International Singapore (NUIS) #equatenewcastle


On 3rd July, at the Core, Science Central, CfLaT brought together an eclectic mix of academics and professionals to consider 'Educating Elsewhere': the facilitation of learning beyond the formal curriculum of school. We opened with a fascinating Keynote from Anke Grotluschen of Hamburg University, who discussed the extra-curricular opportuni-ties for young adults in Germany. Next a se-ries of inspiring 'bright spots' consisted of prac-titioners from across Tyneside, Northumber-land and Cumbria giving brief introductions to their work with children and young people. These were set alongside an up-lifting talk from Liz Todd considering the potential for youth as agents of change. These presentations were interspersed with plenty of time to network, forging new connections and reconnecting with others. Who would have thought the Bee People of Broomley would have so much to discuss with Andrew from Inspire2learn..? Mean-while Dove Marine were comparing notes with Seven Stories, and Caroline Afolabi and Sarah Dauncey considered the challenges of providing out of school activities in urban and rural areas. All in all, it was a full and thought-provoking day where the interactions of a range of practitioners and researchers in a great venue generated ideas for supporting young people to learn and develop ...and perhaps change the world. For images and tweets of the day storified, follow this link: https://storify.com/rmlofthouse/cflat-july-2015-seminar-educating-elswhere

September 2015 Issue 22





In this issue:




CfLaT July 2015 seminar

'Educating Elsewhere'






An exciting event which offers teachers, students, school leaders, educational practitioners, academics and policy makers a chance to find out about recent

research activities and outcomes. Presented by members of The Research Cen-tre for Learning & Teaching (CfLaT) & SOLE Central. The showcase will include

research presentations and keynote: Thinking differently about practice; re-thinking 'research-based classroom practice' and 'sharing good practice'. Also plenty of opportunities for networking.

Thursday, 1st October 4pm-7.30pm, King George VI Building, Newcastle Univer-sity

See programme: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/cflat/documents/CfLaTSOLECentralResearchShowcase00000002.pdf

Register at: http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/thinking-differently-about-education-


Page 2: Issue 22 - September 2015

David Leat and Rachel Lofthouse have been commissioned by Northumbria University's schools of Business and Law to run a new sixth month pro-gramme for academic staff called EX-TRA: Educational Excellence through Teaching and Research in Action.

The hope is that EXTRA will help colleagues to deal with the challenges associated with the university's ambition to redesign all taught programmes with the aim of trans-forming the student learning experience. We are using a model of collaborative CPD that focuses on the core issues of pedagogy, interaction, feedback and constructive align-

ment and allows peer mentoring and knowledge exchange across disciplinary boundaries.

This work builds on CfLaT's successful New-castle University EQUATE programme, which itself had its roots in our Learning 2 Learn in schools and FE research. Alongside the programme itself is an auto-ethnographic research project which has allowed us as facilitators to explore the opportunities and dilemmas implicit in this form of work through dialogue with Jonny and Elaine Hall

of the Law School who commissioned the EXTRA programme. This aspect of the pro-ject was presented at ECER2015:

For more information, contact [email protected]



CfLaT colleagues have been busy blogging on the BERA blog spot and also on the newly launched ECLS blog. Here are the links – please take a look: https://www.bera.ac.uk/blog https://blogs.ncl.ac.uk/education/ BERA blog editor, Rachel Lofthouse, re-minds us that BERA are keen for their blogs to come from practitioners as well as researchers of education. For more information, contact [email protected]

On Friday 2 October 2015, several CfLaT colleagues will be contrib-uting to a Teaching and Learning Conference at George Stephenson High School, Killingworth.

The University are strategic partners within the George Stephenson Teaching School Alliance and will be delivering workshops on a wide range of areas in-cluding Leadership Development opportu-nities and Inspiring School Lead-ers, (Anna Reid), Quick Coaching ( Ra-chel Lofthouse), Spaces for Learning (Pam Woolner) and How to be Inventive when Teaching Primary Maths (Steve Humble). The conference will bring together staff from seven primary schools as well as

George Stephenson High School and fol-lows on from the success of a similar event last year. It aims to share excellent practice across the partner ship and to improves Learning and Teaching Transition for all students.





Academies and free schools now do not have to follow the National Curric-ulum. For other schools there is en-couragement from government to de-

velop distinctive and creative curricula. In reality many schools play safe because of the need to meet their exam targets and stick to the familiar model of a subject based textbook or teaching scheme ap-proach. In various places in the UK and around the world some schools are adopting an alterna-tive approach, using the resources within the locality and community as a basis for curriculum planning – interesting people, engaging places, archives, specialist organi-sations, businesses and public services.

Such an approach lends itself to projects and enquiries focused on local issues, inter-esting challenges and working for ‘clients’, in which students generate work or a ‘product’ which is not just for the teacher but for a community need or audience.

Over the next 9 months, David Leat and Ulrike Thomas will be working with some local school and community organisations to develop a model to guide community curric-

ulum making.

Please get in touch if you want to be kept informed of the project. Da-v i d . L e a t @ n c l . a c . u k o r [email protected]

Taking advantage of new curricular freedoms


We now have an accessible place on the CfLaT website for the guides we have produced on various practice and re-search topics. These publications are intended for education practitioners, leaders, researchers and policy makers. They offer round-ups and expertise in a range of areas, based on our research of learning and teaching in a range of contexts. Many include practical advice, derived from our work, but also over-views and syntheses of evidence. http://www.ncl.ac.uk/cflat/publications/cflatguides.htm

CfLaT’s Theory of Change methodology at ECER 2015




Research teas are an opportunity for staff, postgraduate students and other interested parties from outside of the University to get together to discuss current research, whilst also enjoying a cup of tea and a biscuit. Sessions are intentionally informal, with pre-senters introducing an aspect of their research to be discussed by the group. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available in room 2.50 King George VI building from 3.45pm with the session running from 4-5pm. Wednesday 23rd September 2015 Sue Bradley, Research Associate in Oral History in SELLL - Using oral history in reflective learning with veterinary (and other) students Wednesday 21st October 2015 Anne Preston, SOLE Central - How we built an EU project: The EUROSOL story Wednesday 25th November 2015 Ulrike Thomas, CfLaT - Step into STEM Evaluation For further information on CfLaT research teas and/or if you are interested in discussing some of your own research at a tea please contact Lucy Tiplady: [email protected] Further information can also be gained from the Cen-tre website: http://www.ncl.ac.uk/cflat/news/Teas.htm

CfLaT members were at Budapest’s Corvinus University for September’s European Conference of Education Research (ECER). Many of the papers presented used the theory of change approach to researching educational initiatives and programmes.

Theory of change , as developed and prac-ticed by CflaT, involves working with stake-holders to establish how a change might be expected to occur. Research can then

centre on testing whether the anticipated steps of change are happening. The theory

of change guides the search for evidence and helps in understanding observations. Applied by Liz Todd to the complex evalua-tion of Extended Schools, the approach has now been used across a range of CfLaT research.

These projects, presented at ECER, serve as case studies in the new CfLaT guide to Theory of Change, edited by Karen Laing and Liz Todd. Down load the guide: http://www.nc l . a c . u k / c f l a t / pub l i c a t i o n s /documents/theoryofchangeguide.pdf

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