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The world of journalism is changing. The challenges journalists face today are daunting. Sometimes, a journalist doesn’t know if he or she is going to wake up the next day, go to work, and the position he or she occupied is still available. Perhaps that week-long furlough was moved to permanent status. It’s widely understood that newspaper publishers are struggling due to an emphasis on online media and a struggling economy. No one knows if rock bottom has been reached. I believe these are exciting times in journalism. The opportunity exists to make all the changes positive ones. A mentor once told me that newspaper writers are cops without the cuffs. The profession still has unbelievable power to shape a community and a city. Cities still need a voice for the people.As Scriptoria heads into its 29th year in production, I can look back and be proud of the many accomplishments we, as a class, have experienced. More importantly, the students who journey through my advanced journalism class are completely prepared to handle the rigors and challenges of university life once their four years have concluded.Please keep in mind that every article written, edited and published has been done by the students in my advanced journalism class who are learning the process of what it takes to produce a high-quality newsmagazine. While my students strive for perfection, it’s inevitable that mistakes — gram-matical, typos —will get missed. This is part of the process. I will not defend the mistakes my students make. I will, however, encourage any of Scriptoria’s readers to come join us during the editing process so that you can gain insight on what my students do on a weekly basis.I always tell my students, “I am not here to recruit all of you into the world of journalism. I am here to prepare you to challenge your peers academically as you enter and begin to compete in a global economy.”Readers, I encourage you to visit hanksmedia.com. Any story that is pub-lished in Scriptoria is available online if you would like to post comments. As I enter my fourth year in the castle, and 22nd year in the community, I continue to look forward to the many challenges this publication will most certainly offer. That’s what makes this job fun.

Mr. Alex NavarroAdviserScriptoria/hanksmedia.com Hanks graduate 1994

Adviser’s Letter Volume XXIX No. VI May 28, 2010


Scriptoria is the magazine of J.M. Hanks High School. The opinions expressed by this staff do not necessarily reflect those of J.M. Hanks High School or the Ysleta Independent School District.

Scriptoria follows the district and state guidelines established for student high school publications. Advertising Information: If you would like to advertise in Scriptoria, please call 434-5276, or email [email protected], and an advertising representative will provide you with advertising rates and details.Contributions: All Scriptoria articles appear on hanksmedia.com. Scriptoria highly encourages students, faculty, staff and members of the of the J.M. Hanks High School community to contribute to its publication. A comments section proceeds all articles online. Once your comment has posted, an email will follow either confirming or rejecting your post. The adviser reserves the right to reject any comment deemed inappropriate. Letters to the Editor can be mailed to:

J.M. Hanks High SchoolC/O Hanksmedia.com/Scriptoria2001 Lee TrevinoEl Paso, TX 79936

ON-LINEHanksmedia.com is a digital version of

the print magazine updated daily with Web-exclusive stories and photographs.

Scriptoria was recognized as the best newspaper in the State of Texas from 1994-2001, 2004.

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Introducing the 2010-2011 SCRIPTORIA STAFF

Editor in Chief Kat AlanisManaging Editor Kyle KehrwaldManaging Ediror Kyle MonticoneSection Editors Rosalie Rubio Zach ZieglerAdviser Alex Navarro

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campus02 Video game violence

EnTerTainment30 TV’s upcoming schedule

FeaTure26 The disappearance of the Good



03 Racism and reality

Senior goodbye10 Eddie Chozet

12 Matt Romero

14 Denisse Violante

16 April Ortegon

18 Cynthia Gurrola

20 Robert Alvarez

22 Carlos Valdez

24 Jarrett Williams

26 Yviana Mendoza

28 Derek Sims

31 Rudy Acosta

32 Rachel Cheek

34 April Hernandez

36 Jordanne Diaz

38 Jenna Martinez

08 The price of beauty

10 Seniors say goodbye

06 Tech and death

39 Mr. Navarro

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Video Game Violence

Story By Steve Rojo

A normal teen can’t resist a small dose of video games. Many teens enjoy this hobby and have made it their new playtime activity even though one is not really active during this particular playtime.

According to many leading professionals, video games are the cause of the nation’s violence. Some may not believe such a thing, however, others are taking this as a very serious matter.

For example, the “Grand Theft Auto” series expresses many different kinds of violence such as street shootings, gang activity and Mafia affiliations. One can conclude that some teens will attempt to emulate the action sequence in the video game by reliving the situation in real life.

According to an article written by Tatiana Morales on cbsnews.com, in 2005, 18-year old Devin Moore was accused of killing two officers. Lawyers in the case argued that Moore’s violence is directly tied into the violent action scenes in “Grand Theft Auto.”

Other games take more of a militaristic approach and are inspired by the Vietnam War or World War II as seen in the “Call of Duty” Series and “Medal of Honor.” Some teenagers believe that the video games receive unfair criticism.

“Ever since I bought this game I can’t stop playing it,” said Saul

Gonzalez, a junior who attends Del Valle High School. “When I play this game I never get the urge to go outside and shoot people in my neighborhood. This is really dumb and I don’t believe in it.”

Could video games really be training the nation’s youth to become killers?

Researchers at Indiana University School of Medicine say that brain scans of kids who played a violent video game showed an increase in emotional arousal and a corresponding decrease of activity in brain areas involving self-control, inhibition and attention.

Vince Mathews, the principal investigator on the study on how video games affect the mind of teens, hesitates to make that leap. However, he says that he does think that the study should encourage parents to look more closely at the types of games their kids are playing.

“Based on our results, I think parents should be aware of the relationship between violent video-game playing and brain function,” said Mathews.

Mathews and his colleagues chose two action games to include in their research — one violent and the other not. The first game was the high-octane but nonviolent racing game “Need for Speed: Underground.” The other was the ultra-violent first-person shooter “Medal of Honor:

Frontline.”The team divided a group of 44

adolescents into two groups and randomly assigned the kids to play one of the two games. Immediately after the play sessions, the children were given MRIs to reveal brain activity. The scans showed a negative effect on the brains of the teens who played “Medal of Honor” for 30 minutes. That effect was not present in the kids who played “Need for Speed.”

“Video Games are a really good thing to get entertained for a while,” said freshman Richard Alvarado. “I really don’t play video games much but I do enjoy them when I’m bored. I don’t think this could lead to someone murdering another person for what they played.”

Many retailers have found the solution by banning many games that carry a mature (M) rating. Right now, any minors under the age of 17 cannot buy a mature rated game.

Yet, this doesn’t stop them from obtaining the video games. Many adults either buy the games for minors or give it as a gift. Many stores like Wal-Mart and GameStop ask for identification to be able to buy these games. Those restrictions even apply to employees. If an employee is under the age of 17 he or she cannot sell the game.

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Recently there has been some debate in this country, and on this campus, regarding race and language. Politicians and people of authority have touched on a sensitive subject when it comes to racial profiling and the use of a foreign language during a mandatory public announcement.

The governor of Arizona passed into law a bill that allows police to stop anyone who officers believe could be an illegal immigrant. Approximately 450,000 people are currently living in Arizona illegally. Furthermore, Arizona also is the state with the most immigrants entering it.

The law, which will go into effect this summer in Arizona to control the population growth of illegal immigrants, allows police to profile legal citizens on the basis that they look illegal. Once a person is stopped, the police have the right to ask them to show proof of citizenship.

Many Arizonians, Hispanic or non-Hispanic, are against the law because they believe it is giving police officers the right to racially profile. The law wasn’t put into effect to racially profile people. Whether it is intentional or not there isn’t any way the law could possibly be enforced without it, thus presenting the huge problem.

A large percentage of the population is Hispanic, therefore, there will be a lot of people who are legal citizens who will be affected by this in a negative way.

“The Arizona law isn’t right,” said junior Virginia Munoz. “I thought being racist was bad and everything is about protecting our rights. This means that the government has turned its back on everyone and let people get asked for papers just because they look [illegal]. There are many families that will get hurt from this law that just doesn’t make sense.”

Tim James, a candidate running for governor of Alabama, recently sparked some debate over an ad about the driving exam made available only in English.

When an ad by James about the driving test was aired, some people were upset. In the commercial, James said, “This is Alabama. We speak English. If you want to live here, learn it.”

The test is currently given in twelve different languages — English, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, French, Farsi, German, Greek, Japanese, Russian, Thai and Vietnamese. James said it is safer if it is only given in English to make sure drivers can actually read street signs. People are split on what James wants to do. Many people agree with it but many people see it as just racist.

He does have a point about reading signs but the important signs like stop and yield have its own shape and color to help identify. Also, people wouldn’t pass the test if they didn’t know which sign meant what.

“Whatever happened to ‘It’s a free country,’” said

junior Amanda Chavarria. “People should be able to choose what language they want to speak, especially since the United States is so culturally diverse.”

During TAKS week, principal Louis D. Martinez did the announcements over the intercom system and recited the pledge of allegiance. The problem that some students had is that he said the pledge in Spanish before saying it in English. The fact that it was said in Spanish first is disrespectful, according to some students, considering that this is a public school in the United States. By announcing the pledge of allegiance in a foreign language first makes it sound like that language is of higher priority.

“In a way it’s un-American,” said junior Ashley Yearwood. “It’s very odd and kind of uncomfortable.”

These different situations show that, even though America has improved dramatically over the years, problems still exist when it comes to race and ethnicity. Finding a good balance is hard to do and, no matter what, there will always be something happening in which people will continue to agree or disagree.

RStory by Zach Ziegler

opinion editorThe fine line betweenreasoning and racism


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Many people would agree that if someone were in need, someone should stop to render aid. However, there are plenty of people who do not stop to render aid due to them being scared of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death.

The Good Samaritan Law is in place to protect those who choose to serve and render aid to others who are injured or ill. Today, the popular thing to do is to sue, therefore, others may have a fear of helping because of this unfortunate trend.

On a recent report on msnbc.com, reporter Deepti Hajela reported that in the last few months many people have died due to the fact that people do not want to help because of the fear of being sued. In one hospital in Little Rock, Arkansas, a 73-year-old lady passed away while in the waiting room to be checked out by a doctor after she checked herself in because she did not feel well.

The lady fainted and fell out of her chair and landed on her head in front of seven other patients and hospital security.

The Good Samaritan law takes its name from a parable told by Jesus commonly referred to 4

The good samariTan joins

The endangered species lisTStory by AlexAndrA Flores •PhotoS CourteSy AP ImAges

Two women are helping a elderly man walk across the street to prevent him from encountering any sort of danger.


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SCRIPTORIAas the parable of the Good Samaritan which is found in Luke 10:25-37. Of course, times aren’t how they used to be. In some jurisdictions, according to the Help & Receive Help foundation, unless a caretaker relation exists prior to the illness or injury, no person is required to give aid of any sort to a victim.

In a few states, including Minnesota, Vermont and New York, it is required that a person at the scene of an emergency provide reasonable assistance which could be just simply calling 9-1-1. Failure to do so is a minor misdemeanor. There are legal precedents that a court could say that the Good Samaritan Law does not apply for many reasons. For example, a motor vehicle collision occurs but there is no fire, no immediate life threat from injuries and no danger of second collision.

If someone takes the person inside the vehicle out and causes injury, then he or she could possibly be sued for something he or she probably never did.

More people have leaned toward not rendering aid, therefore creating a social psychological phenomenon known as the bystander effect. According to a report on msnbc.com individuals do not offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any of them will help. Psychologists came to conclusion that many explanations were diffusion of responsibility, social influence processes, confusion of responsibility and the influences of social norms.

This effect does not help anything in any way. On April 26 in New York, a homeless man was trying to be a good Samaritan by trying to protect a woman who was being robbed. The man who was robbing the lady stabbed the homeless man and left him on the floor facedown bleeding to death. At least seven people passed by and did not do a thing.

One man passed by, took a picture and left while another lifted him up and just left him there.

The man died by the time the emergency workers arrived at the scene. By trying to help the woman, he died that same day without anyone trying to help him.

5This painting, by Johann Karl Loth (1676), depicts the parable of the Good Samaritan

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Story and photo by Rosalie Rubio/news editor

A student listens to his mp3 player during lunch. People who listen to music on a digital device compromise quality for portability.

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Instead, music is often carried from place to place and played in the background while the consumer does something else: exercising, schoolwork, commuting. Therefore, imperfections in portable music go unnoticed and, if the consumer is happy, what reason do music retailers have to improve audio files?

Even if music companies and retailers — like the iTunes Store that opened in April 2003 — want to place an emphasis on sound quality, the companies face technical economic limitations.

“It would have been very difficult for the iTunes Store to launch with high-quality files if it took an hour to download a single song,” said David Dorn, a senior vice president at Rhino Entertainment, a division of Warner Music that specializes in high-quality recordings.

The music industry has not failed to try. About 10 years ago, two new high-quality formats, VD Audio and SACD, for Super Audio CD, entered the marketplace, promising sound superior even to that of a CD.

Neither format gained traction. In 2003, 1.7 million DVD Audio and SACD titles were shipped, according to the Record Industry Association of America. By 2009, only 200,000 SACD and DVD Audio titles were shipped.

Last year, the iTunes Store upgraded the standard quality for a song to 256 kilobytes per second from 128 kilobytes per second, thus preserving more details and eliminating the worst crackles. The increase in the level of quality will eventually lead to an increase in cost for consumers.

In increasing costs to preserve quality, consumers may decide what’s more important: when it comes to portable music is quality a necessity or is convenience just enough?


The increased portability has altered the way people experience recorded music.

- Michael Fremer“compressed computer files, the most popular vehicles for audio today, are “sucking the life out of music.”

The songs themselves are usually saved on the digital devices — iPods, Zunes, or other MP3s — in a compressed format, often as an AAC or MP3 file.

That compression shrinks the size of the file, therefore eliminating some of the sound and range contained on a CD while allowing more songs to be saved on the device. The compression also allows the download time to be faster.

In a way, the music business has been the victim of its own technological success. The ease of loading songs onto a computer or an iPod has meant that a generation of fans has happily traded quality for portability and convenience.

This is the obstacle the industry faces in any effort to create higher-quality, and more expensive, ways of listening.

“If people are interested in getting a better sound, there are many ways to do it,” Zimmer said. “Many people don’t even know that they might be interested.

According to LimeWire’s official site, LimeWire.com, “LimeWire is the world’s most popular peer-to-peer file-sharing program.” With over 50 million unique monthly users, the software is downloaded hundreds of thousands of times every day and boasts millions of active users at any given moment.

LimeWire uses the BitTorrent protocol and the Gnutella network to provide unparalleled searches and download speed to the user. As always, LimeWire takes the security of its users very seriously and offers the world’s most technologically advanced peer-to-peer software.

“Although I can’t say I’ve noticed a difference in sound with my music, other than the blatantly obvious, I have noticed strange voice overs or parts cut off in a few songs in my iPod,” said junior Denisse Chavez. “I suppose it’s

just something I’ve learned to overlook because I do use LimeWire, and it is free.”

Because LimeWire is such a popular website for free music, people overlook minor glitches with their music. The simple fact that it is a peer-to-peer program makes it almost impossible to tell there’s something wrong with the file until it has already been downloaded. Even at that point odd glitches are overlooked because downloading the file was free, fast and convenient.

“People used to sit and listen to music,” said Michael Fremer, a professed audiophile who runs musicangle.com. “The increased portability has altered the way people experience recorded music. It was an activity. It is no longer consumed as an event that you pay attention to.”

“VVarious technological advances have surged in the past decade, including high definition television, 3-D and surround sound. Each advancement in technology has enhanced the overall experience with this form of media. Although the improvements have greatly increased the quality of various types of media, music has seen a decline in quality.

The quality of what people hear, as in how well the playback reflects the original sound, has taken a step back. To many expert ears, compressed music files produce a crackly, tinnier and thinner sound than music on CDs and vinyl. To compete with other songs, tracks are engineered to be much louder as well.

Audio engineer Jon Zimmer believes that iPods and other

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The price of beauty in the

modern world

Story by Kyle Kehrwald /publications managing editorPhotos by Domonique Calderon


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SCRIPTORIAWith a vicious cycle between

a celebrity figure meeting the scrutinizing eye of tabloids and the public for imperfections, to developing a “fix it at all costs, I must maintain my youth” attitude, it’s no wonder major and minor plastic surgeries are spiking in America. Celebrities such as Heidi Montag, who had ten procedures done in one day, are rounding out new and improved editions of themselves each year to keep up with the demand for fresh-faced youth.

“Plastic surgery is like a big elephant sitting in the Hollywood living room,” said actress Patricia Heaton.

Plastic surgery is a double-edged sword when it comes to acting. An actor gets to look younger and tighter but the trade off is that facial mobility is restricted and, therefore, the plausible range of emotion is also limited.

“Actresses have to be able to like frown,” said French actress Catherine Deneuve.

Past insecurities are amplified under the limelight and the way to combat that is to fix the result of the problem even if the root still lies within the person.

Supermodel Janice Dickinson has said she is addicted to plastic surgery, spending over $100,000 on procedures.

This was largely due to her abusive home life as a child and constantly being told she was ugly. Dickinson said one of the main reasons she had plastic surgery was because of her father. Even then the procedures hasn’t been able to stifle his voice.

Some celebrities have made their claim to fame through their ever-changing images. Jocelyn Wildenstein has reportedly spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to make her look more like a feline than a woman.

Joan Rivers’ trademark is her wit and her face, which she said has been tucked in more times than a bed sheet at the Holiday Inn.

Perhaps the most famous person to date with their many faces is Michael Jackson, who, before he died, was

known widely for his morphing skin and nose rather than his music.

It is speculated that he was obsessed with plastic surgery and fixated on his nose. All of the procedures lead to his end-stage nose, a term that means there is little to no structure left in the nose and is essentially so far beyond the point of no return that the possibility of saving the nose is nill.

In the past, those who elected to get plastic surgery were considered vain. Now more people believe the procedures are to aid with self-confidence. If someone is unhappy with a certain part of the body and has been for most of his or her life, the level of self-esteem plummets and can affect many other aspects of life.

According to an online survey conducted by Harris Interactive and RealSelf.com, 69 percent of 2,148 adults would elect to have some sort of procedure done if money wasn’t an issue. Additionally, 29 percent of people would want a tummy tuck, 23 percent would choose liposuction and 13 percent would opt for a facelift.

Plastic surgery ranges from routine to eccentric. For every rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, tummy tuck or Botox injection there are also surgeries that point ear tips in a Spock-esque style.

In addition there also are surgeries to shorten the second toe if it is longer than the big toe or even tuck the pinky toe which carries high risk of nerve damage and infection in order to make fashionable shoes fit better. Why stop at a facelift when a knee lift is also an option?

Mostly everyone has some kind of issue with his or her body and some will take more extreme measures to fix the imperfection. Ultimately beauty is subjective and in the eye of the beholder.

“The ideal beauty is a fugitive which is never found,” said Rivers.Teenagers are especially sensitive to social

pressures from peers, the media and Hollywood.



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I’ll Go Back...

Don’t blink just like that you’re six years old and you take a nap and you wake up and you’re twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife. Don’t blink just might miss your babies growin’ like mine did. Turning into moms and dads; next thing you know your better half of fifty years is there in bed. And you’re praying God takes you instead Trust me friend, one hundred years goes faster than you think

So don’t Blink.- Kenny Chesney As times end in the kingdom, one thing always

comes to me, it’s how I wrote my story. There are many life lessons to be learned in high school. I sure did

learn them the difficult way, through family,

through friends and teachers and through my football coaches. Above all I’d like to praise God for the journey he took me through high school and for the healthy life that He provides for me.

I want to thank my family for being there when I needed them. To all of my good friends, for making this ride a fun one! When people snap their fingers and say it’ll go by like that, they really do mean it. It went by so fast for me it’s hard to really hard to take in that I’ll never be with the same people that I were with practically my entire life.

To Mom, there is no where I can begin to say how much I thank you for all you have done through my high school days. As much as I hate to say it, you were right. Those times you say “some day you will thank me for this babe.” It was all true. Now I see why you did the things when it came to discipline.

I’ll miss those memories with you when we would just laugh and laugh at the stupidest things, the roller coasters we went on hearing you laugh made me laugh even harder. Thank you mom. I love you dearly, and i’ll always be your baby boy.

To Dad, As much as I hate to say it too, you were

Story by Eddie ChozetClass of 2010Photos by Evee Mendoza



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SCRIPTORIAright, I see how the discipline came in to play in the end. It all went by in the blink of an eye.

Thank you dad for the respect you demanded, for the curfews and the lessons of responsibility. Of course, I always had my fun dad, where we went on trips to fish, teaching me how to skin my fish and prepare it to eat. I hope as I enter a new stage in my life we can keep this going the right path. I love you.

To Jacob Hesford, thanks for all the fun and crazy memories man. There will never be a time that I regret when we do stupid things, even if it’s rolling down a hill in a recycle bin, haha! Or riding a bull together after football season!

Hunting for coyotes in the snow, riding my uncles horses, and most of all sand surfing! Then those times in elementary school when we were always looking for trouble with the teachers! These fine memories of us hanging out will never fade my man. Thanks for being one of the best friends I’ve ever had, I’ll miss you!

To all of my football buddies, guys, what can I say, four years of playing on one team together, we finally did it! We stuck through it all, we overcame adversity. Never will I forget the Americas game when Ivan Ibarra stopped them before he crossed the plane in overtime. Dang, that was an exciting game!

Then of course Eastwood! From pre-game to post-game I will never forget the words, emotion, smell, sight and the sounds of the game. It was one heck of

a win! Thank you all for the memories Matt Reyes, Angel Pinon, Jacob Hesford, Sebastian Lom, Kevin Witteck, Eli Garcia, Matt Castro, Ivan Ibarra, Justin Adams, Angel Sanchez and Jaime Serrano. One Knight on three, one Knight on three, One..Two..Three KNIGHTS!

To Mr. Alex Navarro, I want to thank you for all that you have done for me to pursue my education in journalism. You have taught me all you know and I really appreciate the great you do for me. We all know that the Eagles will always be greater than the Bears! Haha, oh and I’ll be sure to get that Apple Martini with that green shirt!

For the rest of my 2010 Seniors, thanks guys, it’s been great for the past four years i’ve gotten to know you and make memories with you all, it was great! Jordi Diaz, Miles McElroy, Gaby Garcia, Carlos Valdez, Samantha Sustita, my good brother Josh Perez, Krista Pinal, Andrea Perez, Valori Nava, Veronica Perez, Celeste Clemente and Aaron Collins. I know there are plenty more that I can not think about right now, thanks 2010 for everything!

To all of my teachers and coaches who have made high school fun and easier. Mrs. Ronnie Ordonez, Coach Steve Carri, Coach Raul Lopez, Ms. Rebecca Madrid, Mr. James Causey and Mr. Jeff Taylor!

Good Luck Class of 2010!

Jacob Hesford’s F-150 — The official hunting truck.11

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Four years spent at Hanks High School. To some it feels like an eternity; to others, a grain of sand in the exceptionally-large hourglass of life.

I personally found these last four years to fall somewhere in the middle. Regardless, high school has been a great experience I made friends, kept my sanity and baked cookies all the while.

When the Scriptoria adviser, Mr. Navarro, asked each senior to write a tearjerker senior goodbye, I escaped to a corner to contemplate how I’d go about bidding adieu to each and every person I connected with at Hanks.

Then I realized: why say goodbye?We live in a digital society. With tools

like Facebook and text messaging to keep in touch, geographical barriers be damned! Therefore, try your hardest to hold back tears while I’m gone; there’s always the Internet in which to turn. With this in mind, I’ll keep this part short.

To my parents:

It’s still like pulling teeth reasoning with you even after 18 years. However, hindsight is always 20/20 and I fully understand what you did will help me more than anybody else on this planet. 10-20 years from now, I’ll still find something to sarcastically complain about and I will never admit becoming more like my father.

For your sake, keep busy. Now that there are no children of your own in your hair, life could get boring. While on the topic, rest assured that Mark and Michael will have me in (somewhat) good hands and that, at the very least, we’ll all be a short five hours from El Paso…or a phone call. You figure it out.

To my brothers (and

Story by Matt RomeroClass of 2010

Music, Drama and Chinese food The final moments of high school life


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To Hanks High School:

In the words of Mr. Taylor, “I am more than a test score.” Try not to become a boarding school.

And to Mr. Navarro:

I came in sophomore year into Scriptoria writing like a fifth grader with a box of crayons. Thank you for tolerating me and getting my writing to where it is now. But really, let’s do an op-ed piece complete with self-inclusion occasionally.

Oh, and the number five a few lines above. That goes unedited. Nobody likes the MLA handbook anymore; most colleges don’t even use it.

All gripes aside, Scriptoria has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my high school career and you’ve got a great reporting corps ahead of you. Now get to work on increasing readership.

At the risk of sounding like The Beatles, all I can say is, “You say goodbye, I say hello.” Hello to a new chapter of life; childhood’s just about come to a close and adulthood isn’t quite here yet.

Guess I’ll find my way around somehow.


Prepare to see a lot more of me, for better or worse. Mike, no getting fat, we’re hitting the rec center hard. Mark, I hope you enjoy tutoring entry-level calculus. Clarissa, I’m quite serious about that Halloween costume so don’t act surprised when the time comes.

To my friends:

We could go on all day naming names but lists aren’t my style so the following goes out to anybody who actually took the time to read this part. Did you read the aforementioned “keeping my sanity” part? Good, because without people like you around, God only knows where my mind would be.

Some of you I’ll be seeing again even after graduation. To these people I would like to apologize in advance. I’ve seen the future and it’s slightly humbling. Yet, even those that I’ll never see again, I guarantee I’ll look back in 15 years or so and remember the people that made school tolerable on the worst of days and jovial on the best.

To Scriptoria staff:

I don’t owe you anything; my baking speaks for itself. What do mocha brownies, chocolate chip cookies and Rosalie, Kyle and Zach recording my sick dance moves at prom have in common? All three are quite tasty and able to make just about anybody smile. Seriously, leave the video off YouTube for my sake.

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W“ When nothing goes right...go”

When transitioning into high school what we look forward to is senior year; that final year where seniors are the center of attention. Prom, senior picnic, graduation and saying goodbye to lifetime friends is what makes senior year the best.

I have been able to experience many things and I have gone through many changes throughout these years of high school. During these four years I have met some of the most amazing people, many of which have had an impact in my life.

I would like to thank all of those who have been there or given me something which has helped better me as a person.

Mom - I want to thank you for all the support you have given me through these four years. Even though we have our differences we always find a way to get along whether it’s watching the novela together or our endless talks about…well pretty much anything, ha! On a last note: letting me go out more wouldn’t hurt anyone haha.

Dad - I have to thank you for always giving me what I want and need. Anything from Hollister shirts to emotional support you were always there. I know and appreciate all the hard work you do to provide happiness for our family. I can only say one word to you: tejon!

Gigio – You’re an awesome brother I love ya so much and I thank you for always being there for me. You’re so funny and you always know how to make me laugh even when you don’t try to haha. I hope that I can be there for you as much as you’ve been there for me.

Bertha - I have known you since seventh grade and I can’t believe we’re still such close friends. It amazes me our ability to laugh about


Story by Denisse ViolanteClass of 2010

anything! I need to thank you for the countless times you gave me advice...even though it wasn’t the wisest. I’m just kidding. Thanks for always being there when I needed you and, like we always say, “Lo hecho esta hecho.” It has been great in high school having you by my side to always make me laugh and have fun. Thanks!!!

Marlene - I’m so happy and grateful we got to meet and become great friends this year. :) I need to thank you for all those times you gave me support and advice when I needed it the most. You have been a great friend to me even

though we haven’t known each other

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SCRIPTORIAfor a long time. I will never forget our fun moments together and all the random things we would talk about, haha. I’ll always be there when you need me.

Genesis - Hey Gen! Well, I have to say that you have been a great friend and I’m glad that as the years went by we became closer. It has been fun knowing you and I hope you, all the other girls and I continue to be such great friends for many years to come. You’re not short you’re just fun size. ;) lol. I love ya Gen! :)

Sir Gaga- Alb I want to thank you for all those fun moments we’ve had together! :) I will never forget our biology class ha! It was awesome having you for french and biology. I had so much fun when I was with you and I have to say that you’re an awesome friend! I love ya so much Alb so never change and have fun at the Lady Gaga concert!!!

Justin - BFF!!! Well, I want to thank you for all those fun moments we’ve had together, especially in Ms. Luna’s class. It was awesome having you for that class because you always knew how to make Kiana and I laugh. Too bad David had to be the outcast of our group lol. Driver’s ED was a blast with you and Genesis. I still remember the first time you got to drive. It was really funny but you’re a great driver now. We have always been there for each other and I hope that even after we graduate we can continue to stay in touch. I wish you the best my friend and I’m sure you will be successful!

Naiie- We have been friends for so long and I’m very thankful for that. We have been through a lot together and we have always been there for each other no matter what happened. Thanks for being such a great friend and thanks for just being you! I love ya friend!!

Becca (Shorty)- You’re awesome and it has been great

getting to know you and to become your friend. :) I will always be there for you whenever you need me. And always check the door twice to make sure its not open already ;p lol! I love ya and never change!

Red & Alex - You guys rock!! Without you guys I wouldn’t have had as much fun as I did. Thanks for always making me laugh with your stupid comments. Red, I have to say I’m sorry for sacking your backpack along with Alex lol. Alex all I have to say is that we make an awesome team!! Hahaha. We always knew how to get Red mad. Good job Alex keep up the good work next year ha!

Navs -This year in your class has been awesome!! It’s definitely way better then your freshmen class. Thanks for being so cool and for bringing something new into my life. Writing for Scriptoria has been the best and I enjoyed doing

it very much. Don’t ever change Navs you’re a great teacher just the way you are now. I will definitely miss you and writing for Scriptoria.

Mr. Padilla - You have been my math teacher for the past three years and I’m so grateful. I have learned so much from you but I won’t lie your classes were super hard!! I am sure it has helped me a lot and I feel ready to begin my journey to become a math teacher myself. I hope that maybe one day we can become coworkers.

Mrs. Serrato - Bonjour!!!! Lol it has been a great pleasure to be in your class. It’s actually my favorite class from all four years. I always look forward to going to your class because it’s so fun and we learn many things. I must thank you for being such a great French teacher. I have learned so much especially how to speak it. J’adore ma classe de francais!!! Mais je déteste a Petit Poucet :p ha!


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Class of 2010Going into high

school, I was naïve of the fact that it would go by quickly. As a freshman it didn’t occur to me that, while I was numbering down the days to be a senior, when the time actually came I wished that time would somehow slow down or even stop. I never really understood the idea that it would probably be the best four years of my life until now.

Although high school has been a challenge I now realize that everything I have gone through has really defined who I am and who I want to be. From struggling through courses — particularly math — to figuring out how to balance out my life, it all seems like another obstacle crossed off my list in life.

Of course, I could not overcome all the troubles I experienced without the help of those around me.

It is because of these people that I not only have a reason to continue on in my life but also to exceed and go beyond what they expect of me.

To my mother, you are my rock and my biggest inspiration. When life wasn’t so kind to me I knew that you somehow would make things better for me, even if it wasn’t in words. From skinned knees to my broken heart you were there to pick me up time and again.

Your love always made me feel at ease and secure, and I knew that it was God’s way of blessing me with a mother like you. You were the one I would run to and hide from Dad when he was harsh on me because I knew you would defend me till he gave up. At times people can mistake us as kids having fun but I wouldn’t trade that for the world because you’re the only one who understood me

the most and still does. I love you and know that I will never leave you even when I’m long gone from home.

To my father, whom I have become the spitting image of, you’re the reason, apart from God, I have a big heart. Your kindness to others has shown me how to love and help my friends and family even when life knocks us off our feet and we can’t seem to get up. Your sternness not only disciplined me to be a mature person at a young age, but has also given me the perspective that I am strong even when I may seem weak. People will recognize the hard work that you have done but they will never really understand what you have become: the most important man in my life. From fighting to sit in the front row to film me at my events, to fighting to keep me your little girl even at 18, you are more of a man than you think.

To my sister, you and I have been through so much in life. I thank God every day for bringing us so close as sisters and the time that He has given us to share those wonderful memories. Even when you scolded me I knew that I could still go to you whenever I needed it. You would defend me even if it meant getting hurt and I knew that I would never let anyone hurt you ever again. You know I will always be there for you like you have for me.

Just remember that God has gotten you this far for a reason.

One of them was given to you on Nov. 8, 2007. A beautiful baby boy who has changed both our lives for the better. I can honestly say you have become an ideal mother that I hope to be one day. Matthew, baby, when you were born I truly realized what God can do when life makes you think there is no hope. You are the light of my eyes and one of the biggest blessings. I love you guys so much.

To my best friend, B, we both have had our good and bad times in our life. If there was anything better it was having you as a friend, sister and all of the above there in which to experience that part of life. Even though we only met freshmen year, every day

“For once, we can have the final sayGoodbye to yesterday...”

Story ByApril OrtegonClass of 2010


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Class of 2010

seemed like we had known each other our whole lives. I know I can trust you with all my heart and well being, even if it means late night calls or text messages. I’m not sure how we got so close but I know that it will last us our lives. You know that I will always be there for you no matter what it is, even if we’re miles apart in college, or married or rocking out our electric wheelchairs. I will always be there by your side on whatever you decide in life and I will surely be proud of you still. We’re going to go places and we will show everyone that we’re strong no matter what happens in our lives. I love you te… I mean B, ha!

To Jordanne, my floosy, woman you are a blessing. To have you as a friend and to grow up in high school with you was probably one of the best experiences in my life. You are the one I could lean on when I couldn’t find the strength after all the bad things that happened. You are also the one I could never stop laughing or singing oldies with in Navarro’s class. Our movie quoting is priceless even if it’s from

“Nacho Libre.” I’ve come to realize that no matter what we go through we’re not that far from a simple phone call or text to have another good time to make it all better. I la ju floosy!

To the people in Scriptoria, for all you new peeps you all are a fun group to be with even if it doesn’t seem like it at times. Dom, things happen in life but you know as well as I do that you can overcome those things and end with the good things. Jenna, you’re an awesome friend and an even better photographer. You will always rock out my day chicky however it turns out. The ones who I grew up with since freshman year, I could not be more proud at how far we’ve come to make Scriptoria what it is. Kat you go all out with EIC next year kid. Remember you have grown up to being a better person and I want you to show everyone that next year (no matter who it is). Navarro, you have seen me grow throughout the years as a writer and as a young woman. You have been the inspiration that I needed to continue writing no matter what the obstacles have been. I owe you my deepest gratitude for what you have done for me and I give you my upmost

dedication and respect for being a strong, professionally mature person, Dad. Thanks for everything fatty!

To my girls in track, these past four years has gone by quickly but this year has been one of the best seasons I had. Morgan, my love, you are my other half. We’ve been friends since first grade and we’re still going strong. You have been there for me when no one else could. I’ll always be rooting for you till the finish even when we’re so far apart. The new girls: listen to coach she knows what she’s doing even when she is crazy. Respect what you do and respect the people around you and, like I’ve always said, be humble with what you receive. To my kiddos: you girls will go far and so will your shots and disc. Stay together like the family you became. Behave with one another and don’t give up on yourself and on your teammates. You all have the potential; you all have the heart of a thrower.

Scheetz is a genius and will get you where you want to be. Remember the act of throwing is not what you’re learning; you’re learning more than that. Distance does not matter as much as character. I love you guys and Momma

April will always be there!Finally, to Ms. Esparza

(Ma), there are no words or expressions that can simply show my greatest appreciation for someone like you. You were like another mom to me, even if that is hard to believe. When life hit me hard it wasn’t words that would brighten my day but the simple act of being kept safe from the world with a warm embrace.

You taught me how to appreciate life even if it meant being like a kid again. You will never know exactly how important you are to me and to others. I know I won’t be famous for growing a tail (ha), but I will keep my word and get you out of here, wherever it is you want to go.

I love you Ma; you are my selfish giant, my greatest friend in life and my KW. “I’ll eat you up, I love you so.”

Goodbye is probably the hardest word I have ever had to say. So I’m not saying goodbye to the people or the wonderful memories that came with them, just to this one chapter in my life so I can start a new one.

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Time goes by so fast and, at times, it leaves you without warning. All one could simply do is try to capture as much as you can before it is all com-pletely gone. One could use the lessons learned from photography: taking a picture at a time at any given moment, mentally or literally.

I am very thankful for the people who I can place in those images in the last four years. Those that made my last four years possible will forever be in my heart.

Foremost comes my family, who has shaped me into the person I am to-day. Mom, although you are a little crazy, I love you so much. You made my high school experience even better by helping me throughout the years. It was great having you around. I could just walk over to the library whenever I needed anything. Thank you for all your support; I know I could not be where I am today without you. You are the best. I will miss you a lot when I leave especially bugging you, getting angry at you and shopping with you. Te quiero mucho loca fea!

Dad, I know you are proud of me, even when you have a weird way to show it. I know you are not always there in presence but thank you for do-ing everything you can for me. Thank you for pushing me to achieve my best. I love you so much. You are still number-one DAD.

Ruben, I love you my little brother; oh you are so cute, I love you I love you, muah! muah! muah! I know you love it when I do that! Anyway, even when you can be a pain in the behind I know you do it because you love me. You are my favorite little brother.

Demo, this is my big brother! Even if I didn’t get to see you as often, I love you. You will be seeing more of me next year, in you know where, do-ing you know what, with you know who, who knows when. You are a cool brother, thank you for that. P.s. I know Jesus is proud of me!

Obviously there is no point in capturing memories without catching re-markable people in them; friends who will never be forgotten and have truly made an impact.

Eraina, I ‘ove you! There are not many people who I can get in a fist fight with and then still sleep with them on the same bed that day. You have been a great best friend and we have been through a lot together and apart. Thank you for all the laughs, smiles and tears. You are amazing and I know you will do great things in life. I freaking love you dude!

Emily, Buddy… I’m so glad I got to meet you a long time ago even if, at first, I thought you were conceited and you thought I was a thug. Thank you for being a great buddy. I know you will be a very successful person and I’ll be seeing you in SA! Stay awesome! Love you bud!

Carlos, I’m on a deadline, so I got to make this short. You are the best and I’m so glad I got to work with you. We are the coolest photographers around ‘cuz we are gangsthus fa sho! I hope you don’t wet your pants if I’m not around!

Michelle, I’m so glad we were able to get so much closer with the amaz-ing NHI experiences we had! Georgetown. New York City and now South America? You are a great person and friend. I can’t wait until we fulfill our dreams. I love you Golden Nugget!

Anthony, even if you aren’t in high school anymore, you were still a big part of me getting through the first three years. Thank you for always



Memories“A good snapshot stops a moment

Photo it up

p r o m one to remember

I LOVE my brothers



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being there for me no matter what! I have so many memories shared with you. FrieNds till the end! I will never forget you!

Not enough words to thank all my friends. Steph you are amazin; Robert you are a cool dude because you like Spiderman and I have known you for-ever; I love my ACTS family; yearbook people you are great.

As much as I can try, I don’t have enough words to thank all those teach-ers who helped me through the way.

Navarro, although at first I did not know you that well, you are pretty cool. Thank you for the opportunity you gave me to practice my writing.

B! Can I have some of your Skittles? It was great being in KnightVision (oh wait... Knight TV) Thank you for everything you have ever done for me. Although you may pretend like you don’t, I know you love me!

Mrs. Vasquez, It was great having you freshman year and then senior year again. Thank you for all your help and support throughout the years. I can happily say that you are one of my favorite teachers.

Mr. Collette, I was able to learn so much from you these past two-and-a-half years. Thanks again for the opportunities you gave me. I was able to practice my passion for photography while learning more of graphic design.

Tay Tay, Umm boy! I REALLY couldn’t have done it without you! From the summer and our “sexay thang” encounter it’s been great working with you. I promise I will visit after I go to St. Edward’s, because you helped me get there in the first place.

Mrs. Cortez, you always helped me and my high school career would have not been as successful without you. Thank you for your support and for believing in me.

It is not over. This is only the beginning to a new chapter in our lives. It’s hard to believe that high school is over but I’m really looking forward to what comes next. I am left only to replay the images I have captured and to seize new ones from what is yet to come.

Click Click.

Story by Cynthia GurrolaClass of 2010


YearBook gets down like Gs! Yo

“A good snapshot stops a momentfrom running away.”

Eudora Welty


Major league all El Paso

FrieNds with an N til the end!NHI

New York, New Yorkscriptoria people are

too cool frieNds with an Ntill the end!


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MMy senior year, along with a chapter in my life, is coming to a close. With my high school years behind me, I now have to embark on a new journey and enter arguably the hardest years of my life.

Although I know college is going to hit me in the face — most likely my biggest wake up call — I strangely look forward to it.

In college I’ll finally have to abandon my procrastinating and lazy ways. This is not only because a) I’m now officially paying for my education but also because b) I’m now starting my professional life and doing well is important to me.

My procrastination is most likely going to be the hardest thing for me to change. I’m not going to lie; I’m procrastinating writing this article.

In college this lifestyle is never going to work and I’m going to have to finally plan out my work. I’m actually going to have to study, which is something I’ve never extensively done before.

I’m looking forward to being challenged and having to give something my complete and honest effort.

While doing this I’ll finally be able to see my potential academically, which is exciting. High school for me was my window for making stupid mistakes.

I do believe that we learn best from making mistakes and high school is the time where I’ve gotten all stupidity out of my system.

This was supposed to be my senior goodbye and, for the longest time, I had absolutely no idea what to say. I had both writers block and perhaps senioritis to the biggest extent.

Then I woke up one morning and realized I don’t have anything to say bye to. Although I’m going to miss high school, everyone who is important to me I’m still going to talk to. That removes the necessity to say goodbye to anything. I also know that high school is only a very small part of my actual life.

Something I do have to say, however, is thank you.Thank you Mom for giving me the strength to do anything.

Growing up and seeing how you struggled to make ends meet all for the sake of my sister and I having a better life inspires me that anything is possible.

Thank you Dad for giving me the knowledge of life and for telling me how to be successful in life. Seeing how hard you work every day tells me how I should live my life. You put effort in everything you do and I need to copy that for my own life. Both my parents shaped who I am today and I love you.

Thank you Jacqui for being the greatest sister anyone could ask for. You never want me to make the same mistakes you

did and I get frustrated. But I know you only want the best for me and I love you.

Thank you Lauren. I know you can’t read but

I’m gonna stay eighteen forever

Story by Robert AlvarezClass of 2010


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you will soon :)Thank you Grandpa. Whenever I needed a clear

response you always said the truth and what was on your mind.

Without you my hair would still be on my face. Thank you Grandma for showing me all the little things. Without you I still wouldn’t know how to tie my shoes.

Thank you Mat for always being there for me when I needed someone. I can trust you with anything and you always have my back. Thank you Kris for being the best friend anyone could ask for. Sway I still dislike you but we’re still boys. Cassie thanks for drawing on my arm and conquering me. Life is going to be a little less fun without you. Josh thanks for being my intellectual buddy there is never a dull moment when we chill. Jarrett I hate you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you to anyone who has ever helped me. I won’t forget it.


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Looking forth...The future is not a place we are going to, but one we are creating

Story by Carlos Valdez Class of 2010

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WWow, what an amazing adventure it has been and I owe it all to the special people in my life who have inspired, cared for, influenced and encouraged me.

There is no doubt I could not have accomplished this much without them: my family, friends, educators and acquaintances alike. On that note, a hundred thanks to all of you!

Navarro, it’s been one heck of a great year working with you. I can honestly say that your class was my favorite throughout my whole high school career. The experience has been both pleasurable and enriching. I would not mind, the least bit, working with you again, Navs!

Mom, you have and will always be my caretaker. Without you I’d be lost. You are the most selfless, spiritual and loving person I know. I thank God as often as I can for having you as my mother. His glory shines through you and penetrates the hearts of all you meet. I hope one day I can be as kind and loving as you are. I will dearly miss your delicious homemade meals, your spontaneous singing of old nursery rhymes, humor, how you always take care of me and, most importantly, your presence. I love you always Mom!

Dad, you have shown me true responsibility, dedication and hard work. You are the most hardworking person I know and you deserve all the success coming your way as an individual and father. You are my backbone and I know that whenever I need help you’ll be there to guide me. I am the responsible man I am today because of you. You have provided an endlessly-blessed life for me, filled with love, strength and luxury. Micen que I will miss your hilarious slang and remarks, sudden braking, your stern character that keeps me in check and the joy you fill everyone’s hearts with. Love you Dad!

Alyssa, aka church moose, you are easily the strongest and most independent person I know. Because of your strength, perseverance, studious nature and highly diligent self you have inspired me to carry my work, as well as myself, just as you do. There is no question that through your courage, strength, grace and care you can do anything you set your mind to. Already your absence at home is greatly missed and I look forward to the day where we can go get our infamous Keva Juice. On top of that, I will miss the times we’d play video games, make fun of Red, jam out in the car and just being around each other. I miss you and love you mucho you dirty hobo!

Eddie, you are my greatest influence and source of creativity. You’re a visionary and your ingenious mind compliments you. It comes easy for you to bring ideas together to make them both visually compelling and intellectually correct. The sky is the limit for you and I know if you’d just stick with your dream you’d be able to live a happy and prosperous life. I will greatly miss your immense influence, guidance, innovativeness, and random bursts of song. Love you Ignorencia!

Beca, your energetic and lively self closely reminds me of myself. There is never a dull moment around you. You are the party! Like Mom, you are selfless and have a gracious heart. You make it a point to take care of those around you before yourself and speaking on behalf of everyone we greatly appreciate this quality in you. Just remember you need to “relax peoples” and all will be fine. What I’ll miss most about you is your enthusiastic nature along with the times we’d make fun of others ridiculous attire, sing with the radio and drive down Montana at high speeds after work. Love you Bola!

Red, you are the most dedicated athlete and naturally-talented person I know. You have a bright future ahead of you and if you keep it all up,

I’m sure one day you’ll be a world-renowned drummer or play soccer professionally. Just never give up and commit to what you do 200 percent. Hands down, I will miss our childhood together the most. The times we’d have our “Backyard Olympics” in which we’d play baseball, kickball, soccer and sometimes tennis were the best! I’d always win every event. You are my buddy to play against competitively and I will greatly miss that. Love you Red!

Uncle Ruben, how quickly you’ve become someone extra-special in my life. You are my most trusted adviser and one of the best individuals I’ve ever met. You’ve helped me find my inner talent and passion in life and I am highly thankful for that. I know you’ll always be there for me. YOU ARE THE MAN! Love you Ruben!

Family, you are the greatest and I couldn’t ask for any crazier, more fun and loving family. All of you truly bring out the best part of me and you will be greatly missed. I love you all so much!

Friends, you have made both my educational career and life easier, highly fun and enlightening. I will miss EVERBODY and I hope we will all meet again soon and that all of you will accomplish great things. I love all of you very much!

Scriptoria, It was a pleasure working with you all. We’ve done an excellent job this year and there is no doubt you guys will continue growing. Back row, ahh I don’t know where to begin except that I will freakin’ miss all of you so much. Ranging from banshee screams to Jarrett fainting we’ve had quite some awesome times together and I will forever cherish these memories. Love you guys!

To all of you who have made my life what it is now, thank you and I love you.

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jStay classy,

KnightsIt really is not a joke when people say that high school

flies by fast and, if you blink, you may miss it. It’s hard to believe that I’ll be leaving a place in where I’ve spent four years. I went from being a naïve and impulsive freshman to a somewhat naïve and impulsive senior, ha.

I’ve had good and bad times but I’ve learned from all of it and I can honestly say that I’ve grown up a lot and become a better person from all these experiences. High school is often seen as a very rough and confusing time. As one is just trying to find himself or herself and develop a sense of who he or she is and what his or her passions are.

No question about it: this is true, but it’s understandable why adults often point out that high school was the best years of their lives. You can just cruise through life and freeload off your parents, not even knowing what a “bill” is. However, you must also gain responsibility. High school really is the defining point in one’s life. Without my mother and father, and my family’s support I would not have been able to achieve the things that I have.

I know I’ll miss the little things like going to lunch every day with my friends and hanging out with one another all weekend. I’ll miss the naps that I would take in some classes, ha. I’ll miss not knowing anything that’s going on in math class, ha. I’ll miss trying to be organized and failing at it miserably, ha. I’ll miss my off period in which I use to go home and just chill and think about life and spend some quality time doing things that I enjoy, like reading, or just discovering new music and catching up on sleep, ha.

I’ll miss using that weird “We Are Hanks” line all the time. I’ll even miss procrastinating deadlines for Scriptoria and staying awake until two in the morning trying to get a story in. It dawns on me now that this is the last story I wrote for Scriptoria Magazine. I’ll miss making friends

that I never thought I’d have anything in common with. Most of all I’ll miss the nurturing feeling or the safeness one feels in a high school environment. The feelings that people know who you are and the kind of person you are was what made high school comfortable.

One thing high school is full of is friends and, I must say at the beginning of freshman year, it is exciting to meet many new people and make new friends. For a while, I felt like the most popular person in school because of how friendly everyone was. That quickly fades and you begin to realize what a real friend is.

Friendship is a rare thing and, when you find it, it’s imperative that you hold on to it. A few excellent friends are better than a ton of casual friends. Now I’m very blessed to have a handful of these people in my life and I truly don’t know how I would’ve made it without them.

People such as Derek Sims, Sam Chatterton, Crystee Woodall, Julian Ortiz, Anthony McGinis, Rudy Acosta, Brian Lazo, Miles McElroy, and Cody Salinas. They all had an impact on me and shaped me into the person I am today.

High school is a crazzyyy ride and it is full of ups and downs. I’ve changed in so many ways but all these changes are for the better. The mistakes I’ve made in high school led me to an epiphany. Even now, I’m starting to realize that all those times I worried about fitting in and people liking me

Story by Jarrett WilliamsClass of 2010



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was time wasted. The people in school think what they want to think and

have their own opinions on you. You can’t please everyone and you’re inevitably going to find someone who isn’t fond of you. In the end it all comes down to you and how much drive you have. If you want something, you fight for it and don’t give until you get it. Family and friends are supportive but the one person you can always rely on is yourself. Having morals and values gets you far and treating people with respect is very significant.

The people you help and show kindness toward will return the favor later in life. That’s probably the most important thing I’ve learned in these four wild years.

Not a bad life lesson to learn I’d say.During the whole time I was at Hanks I wasn’t much

for school spirit but it’s strange how at the end I really am proud of being a Hanks Knight. I’m sad to go but I’m off to a new and different life in which I can use all the lessons I’ve learned toward achieving success and finding happiness in the world.

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Mom - I love knowing that I’m literally the spitting image of you when you were younger. You’re my mother and the one that took to the “wrong” advice from dad to induce labor, ha. But it’s one less thing you can’t forget about me. I love the fact that you don’t lie to me about how things really are from friends, boys and just high school in general. Thank you for everything. You’ve helped me through till now. <3

Dad - Mom is always telling me just how much you pushed to have a girl and were ecstatic when I was born. Ever since I’ve been a daddy’s girl. I know that me joining the Air Force isn’t easy to let me do but if there is always one thing I’m sure about I know that you’ll always help me get to where I want to in life no matter how hard it is for you and no matter how much you and mom try. You can’t always protect me from everything but with everything you’ve taught me I’m smart enough to make my own choices that will benefit me in the long run. Until the day I get married you’ll always be the number one man in my life dad. <3

“Instead of losing sleep over whatever I have done

wrong, let me get busy doing something right.”

- Innerspace

Matthew - Just like any other siblings, even though we’ve had our times of struggles and fights, I stood by you when you needed the support of the family. You’ve been the top role model to me and Dante, Seba and Noah. You also gave me the wonderful title of Aunt Yviana with the birth of my beautiful niece! The two of you are funny people just like everyone else and you make a great brother and an even better dad! You’ve taught me to keep my head on straight and really work for things and never give up! Thank you for teaching me to push for the better things in life no matter how hard it is!

Dante - You make me laugh harder then anyone I know and I love that about you! You’ve caught me doing my share of embarrassing things and you may hold them against me but I love being able to look back and laugh about all of them. I think it’s funny how at times I can look at you and know exactly what you’re thinking and we’ll crack up. Not to forget you and Matthew together make anything interesting, including church! Just like Matthew I want to thank you for being there and always looking out for me when I didn’t exactly make the best choices. You were always there. You also blessed our family with Jude and introduced the family to a lovely fiancé! I wish the two of you the best of luck in whatever you do. You can rest assured I’m going to be there by your side forever!

Seba - My junior year we got incredibly close because of just how much you’d have to pick me up and because we had the same chillin’ friends. I miss driving around with you just because. I love how we share the love for computers, writing and photography in common. You taught me different things as well. You keep me busy and interested in my hobbies. People say we look a lot alike and I have never seen it as a bad thing because you’re probably the one brother I’m closest to. (:

Noah - I know I call you my little brother even though your fifteen but I still see you as a baby. You’re always going to be my baby brother and someone that I personally hope to leave a path that you will want to follow. You’re smart and funny and I love spending time with you as well as the rest of the family for a number of reasons. You can be a pain in the butt sometimes but you make things more interesting when we go on road trips with mom and dad. The memories you and I have are funny and priceless and not a thing would make me change anything about them. (:


MStory by Evee MendozaClass of 2010

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Salina - Boo boo! You’re one of my best friends who I’ve come to grow attached to because of how much we have in common! We were in band together for two years and we had a blast in the stands on Friday nights! Let’s not forget your Sweet-16 and so much more! You’ve picked me up when I was hurt and had no one to really talk to. You were the one person I could ALWAYS count on to make me laugh no matter what (: I love you very much boo boo! - Buggie (:

Lilly - I’ve known you for fifteen years Lilly! As well as your sister and family and all of you are some of the greatest people in my life! You watched me grow up each and everyday! We had our memories throughout the years and some are funny and others sad but you of all people know me for who I am and I love everything about you and the late night talks when I’d spend the night at your house this year Sen10r year!

The year we’ve planed for since we met and now that it’s here I don’t want it to end because after this summer you won’t just be next door and that’s the one thing that makes me sad the most. You and your sister are the closest girls that I have to a sister and because of that you two have a VERY special place in my heart and always will!

Joshua - Papa, you by far made my senior year the best year I’ve had in high school! I still can’t believe that all of this happened because we had each other for class last year and we didn’t talk. Well, only once and it was because I called you a loser for passing the TAKS with flying colors. Nonetheless I adore everything about you for multiple reasons. You make me laugh and smile like no one else and, not to forget, you go to church with me and will stay home on a Saturday night to watch movies and eat burnt pizza, haha. You’re an amazing guy who I’ve come to care for very much about and anyone that knows me well, knows just how big of a spot in my heart I have for you. (: I’m a different person because of you and I can’t begin to express the happiness I feel when we’re together. You make my life more interesting and outgoing. If there is anyone I’m glad to have shared my life with I’m glad it was you babe <33 I love you papa <3

Coach Carri - You made English interesting by far! I always walked out of your class having learned something new about literature and history and I loved it! You also gave me really harsh critiques when I wrote an essay. You never failed to say, “Hey Evee” when I’d pass by your classroom! You made me want to become a better writer and I thank you for that by a long shot!

Mr. Salcido - I know I always bugged about going to the restroom and not only taking forever but sometimes being a bit out of hand. All things aside I loved your class and the way you taught. Other kids would complain about how hard it was and how much work you’d give but I honestly loved every moment of it and because of that I’ve become more responsible and more aware of everything. (:

Mr. Navarro - I’ve had you as a teacher since I was a sophomore and you helped me grow into a better writer and photographer. You pushed me to do things and be different! I can honestly say I’m a better photographer because of you and the things you taught me. (: Thank you navster.

Band directors - Mr. Brown, Mr. Gomez and Ms. Hammond, The three of you had a significant impact on me from teaching me to be responsible and paying attention to detail no matter how small it is! I’ve also taken two quotes from band, “It’s 99 percent mental and 1 percent physical,” and, “If you’re early, you’re on time. If your on time, your late.” Those two sayings have stuck with me and will forever be a part of me as well. Band was a part of my life for three years and I love the opportunities and people I’ve had and met because of the Hanks Band! <3

Scriptoria - You all have made the class a great one! Each one of you brought different things to the table and always made my mornings great! First period: Derek, Carlos, Jarrett and April you four are all amazing people who I’ve known for years and I can’t think of a time when I wasn’t laughing in class because of Carlos’ random remarks, April’s sometimes odd comments, Derek’s unbeatable comebacks and Jarrett running around making “IronMan” noises, haha. I’ll never forget a thing about it and I’ll miss each one of you dearly. <33 B-L-A-N-G-I-N!

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Story by Derek SimsClass of 2010

High school is by far the weirdest environment a teenager will face. The high school that TV shows often portray is not how things are at all.

Things are a lot darker.You lose friends to drugs,

addictions, and other groups or even to girlfriends. You get to see the sad lack of moral judgment that students often possess and, when you stand back at the end of high school and contemplate everything, you cannot help but think about things you should have done, things you were glad you did and decisions you should never have made at all.

Time flies by so quickly and you cannot escape somebody reiterating that every day. I was not a believer whenever I heard it but yet here I am writing the last story I will submit as a high school student. It’s hard to believe how much I, along with my friends, have grown up in the past couple of years both physically and mentally.

It’s strange. We all look at ourselves in the mirror at least once every day and we do not see changes on a daily basis. Yet, when we compare pictures of earlier times the changes are quickly noticed. I’ve always found that to be

weird.Although school has been quite

annoying and bothersome throughout the years, it has really taught me a great deal of things and not just things of academic nature. It gave me the opportunity to make friends that really made an impact on my life. People like Andy Varela, Jarrett Williams, Sam Chat, Cody Salinas, Nick Maynes, Brian Lazo, Miles McElroy, Anthony McGinnis, my teammates on the basketball team and others who I’m sure I’ve forgotten have made this experience much more bearable.

We have all been through bad times as well as good ones together. I would elaborate a bit more but I am sure I cannot publish most of the events/situations on here, lol.

I would also like to thank my parents, who have been with me throughout the four years. They were there for me emotionally, financially, and in any other way I needed it. Sometimes I was hard to put up with but, somehow, my parents managed to put up with me and for that I am truly thankful.

The thing though I will most likely miss the most is high school basketball. Everything about it gets me wanting to play one last game; to put on the uniform with the only 12 teammates I would ever want on my side. The

saying, “You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone,” could not be any more true. I regret not playing every game as if it was going to be my last. Well, enough about that. I suppose I shall move on.

My advice to the younger population of this school is simple: if you feel strongly enough about something, do it. Now in saying that, I’m not telling you to become a robber or go and do something stupid just because you want to. I am merely saying to those who want to accomplish something, go out there and get it done.

Do not let external distractions deter you from achieving or reaching your goals. If you get into a good work ethic early on, it will be easier to keep your academics up and still have time for sports, friends and, of course, girls. ;)

Take advantage of every opportunity given to you at this young age because growing up is pretty scary. You have to pay bills, provide for yourself, put work in front of many other things you want to do and you often find less time to yourself. As I say goodbye to Hanks high school and leave to Northern Arizona for college, I will leave you younger students with a bit of advice. Have fun while you’re young because it gets scary once you graduate.

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SCRIPTORIA Entertainment

For more information on the latest entertainment scoop, visit hanksmedia.


Summer Television Guide 2010

Canceled Shows for 2010-2011 Television Season





The CW

24 BrothersDollhouse Past Life‘Til Death

Better Off Ted The Deep EndFlashForward The ForgottenHank Romantically ChallengedScrubs Ugly Betty

Acidentally on PurposeCold Case Gary UnmarriedGhost Whisperer Miami MedicalNew Adventures of Old ChristineNumb3rs Three Rivers

Heroes Law & OrderMercy Trauma

Melrose Place

Show Network Premiere DateAmerica’s Got Talent NBC June 2, 2010Boston MD ABC June 24, 2010The Closer TNT July 12, 2010Drop Dead Diva Lifetime June 6, 2010Entourage HBO June 27, 2010Eureka SyFy July 9, 2010The Gates ABC June 20, 2010Haven SyFy July 9, 2010Hot in Cleveland TVLand June 16, 2010Hung HBO June 27, 2010Jersey Shore MTV July 29, 2010Leverage TNT June 20, 2010Lie to Me FOX June 7, 2010Mad Men AMC July 25, 2010Make it or Break It ABC Family June 28, 2010Rookie Blue ABC June 24, 2010Scoundrels ABC June 20, 2010Secret life of the American Teenager ABC Family June 7, 2010True Blood HBO June 13, 2010Weeds Showtime August 16, 2010

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As the year ends so do my days as a high school student. I’ve had many good times at Hanks and plenty of bad memories as well. The time I spent here will surely shape my life as I start college next year. I couldn’t have achieved all my accomplishments without all the mentors I had at Hanks.

Even though I feel I had a great high school experience, I regret not doing many things. I was foolish for not studying harder when I was younger. I always thought I was going to play basketball in college but soon enough that dream was shattered. Someone once told me that things don’t always turn out the way we once pictured them. That statement couldn’t be any truer. If it wasn’t for my mother pushing me to aspire to be a writer, my life right now could be a lot different. Dad, thank you for getting me into sports. You were my best coach and you always had my back.

Thank you Ms. Sanchez for helping me get through Pre-Cal. Without your help that class would have been hell. Thank you Ms. Garrison. Before taking your class I hated to read and now it’s all I do. To coach Meili, I hope you had as much fun coaching me as I did playing for you. Those days on the court were some of the best times in my life. I would like to thank Mrs. Lewis for throwing me out of her class my freshman year for correcting her grammar. After that day I realized that teachers are human, too.

To all my friends — Derek, Cody, Miles, Jarrett and all the rest of my boys on the basketball team: the past four years have been great. God bless you all in whatever it is that you wish to do. Mr. O’Keeffe, I loved your class but had I learned a bit more Latin, I just might have passed the AP test!

Mr. Taylor, before meeting you, I thought life after Hanks would confine me to UTEP the rest of my life. You showed me that with hard work, your education could take you anywhere. You’re the one who told me to give St. John’s a shot and look at me now. I’ll be in New York city in a year.

Tiger, I guess you failed in the three objectives you had for me regarding the end of this school year. Objective 1: I’ve never missed a day of school in my life and I don’t plan to start anytime soon. Objective two and three: I really can’t comment on the other two.

To everyone in the Scriptoria class - I just joined the class during the second semester, but these past few months have been great. I had a lot of fun and I’ll miss all of you.

Morgan, I’m sorry it took this long for us to get

as close as we did this year. I was an idiot for not talking to you before. You are one of my closest friends and I will never forget you. Steven Williams, I’ve known you my whole life man. You’ve been a good friend to me and I am forever grateful. Be sure to look out for my brother next year. Speaking of my brother, Mando, you better not be slacking off in class now that I’m not going to be there to help you out with your homework.

Now that high school is all said and done, it’s time to get on with my life. No more turning in late work and no more getting extra credit. We live in a cold world and it doesn’t always give second chances. Take what you have from the beginning and use it to the best of your ability because, as Robert De Niro said it best, “There’s nothing sadder in life than wasted talent.”

“Find out who you are and try not to be afraid of it...”Story by Rudy Acosta

Class of 2010


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Story by Rachel CheekClass of 2010

“at the final hour i am forced to sit and gather the thousand hours of...”...inspiration

To begin with a cliché: everything must end. I wish I could say that high school was the best four years of my life but then I’d be lying.

That doesn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy parts of it. Hanging out at the tree during lunch, laughing and wrestling and batting my eyes at the cute boy at the other tree (yes babe, that’s you), spending hours in the theater and costume shop, working for Knight Players and, more recently, going to Carl’s everyday as lunch flew by.

Even though the things that happened, particularly during my senior year, could break me down, hurt me and make me feel like giving up, it was the little things, the people, and the fact that it all made me a stronger person in the end that made everything worth it.

Mom - You are my inspiration; the woman who shows me how to be exactly what I want to be. Ever since I was old enough

to understand you, you told me to always follow my heart, be myself and to try to find my own happiness in this world. You’ve made me a strong and independent person and you’ve made me believe that I will change this world. Although this is isn’t really goodbye, because you’ll still have me around, I want you to know that I love you with every piece of my being.

Dad - You’ve always made sure to let me know everyday that I was loved, that I was special, that no matter what there was always someone who wanted me. I know I wasn’t perfect and that sometimes you just had no idea what to do and I’m sorry. I love you — both you and mom — with everything I have and, no matter what, even though I’m not a little girl anymore, I’ll always be YOUR little girl.

Mary - This is probably the strangest goodbye because, even though I’m the one graduating and moving on with my life, you’ll be the one who’s leaving. You were important in my life because everything mom told me about being strong you reflected it for me. Sure, there were times where I couldn’t stand being around you but I look up to you and I always will. You, Josh and Jace will always be in my heart and not a day will go by that I won’t miss you.

Sarah - Our bond is young but it’s so unique. If I can’t tell mom, can’t tell dad, can’t tell Mary, then I know

that it’s probably

something you’ve already done and I feel safe telling you. You and Nathan created a second home for me that I sometimes felt happier in.

Kyle!! - Yes, you’re so special you get exclamation points! Wow, you have helped me through sooooo much these past three years that it’s ridiculous. If I had a bad day, I knew palling around with you in footie pajamas, yelling at total strangers in your car and dancing around parks like crazy hippies would always make me feel better. I remember you buying me ice cream when I had breakdowns and that was one of the sweetest things anyone has ever done for me. You’re like the little sister I never had and I’ll always be here when you need me. Even when it feels like I’ve disappeared off the face of the Earth, call me, text me, messenger pigeon me, I don’t care. I’ll be there for you in a heartbeat.

Jesse - Wow, I didn’t think I’d be writing about you today but through some weird twist of fate here you are back in my life and I couldn’t be happier. I love how goofy you can be; I love your firm beliefs; I love your ability to think differently than everyone else. No, you’re not normal but if you were I would want nothing to do with you. Over the years, and because of everything we’ve been through, you’ve become so much more than a boyfriend to me. You’ve become my best

friend, a


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person who probably knows more about me than anyone else. Being able to call you in the middle of the night and knowing you would listen to every word I had to say, even when we weren’t together, means so much to me. We have our ups and definitely — definitely our downs — but we’ve stuck by each other through everything and for that, I love you. Just remember, you always have a home with me. <3

Adri - You’re my wifey and I love you! What makes you such a great and unique friend is that you were there for all the bad and, at times, that was all you were there for and you still stuck by me and helped remind me about the good. I owe so much to you; so much of my happiness and good fortune. I still intend to marry you one of these days when the conservatives die and gay marriage/polygamy is legal. You, me and Jesse will live together. I’m sure he’ll share me with you!

Navarro - Not only do I owe you a goodbye, I also owe you an apology. I got lost in this strange world and

because of that I tended to let you down. I

never meant to and I’m really, really sorry. You’ve watched me grow and blossom and have helped me with my work ethic, my skills and my sense of self. You’ve given me so much opportunity and I will forever be thankful. You saw something in me that I wanted everyone to see: a writer with a lot of heart.

Reyes and C - Sorry I don’t mean to lump you together but I’m running out of space. Instead of being like the other teachers who gave me weird looks with what I say and do, you encouraged it knowing that there is a method to my madness and that letting my creativity run free will work in the long run. I owe much of my artistic development to you two and I’m so, so grateful for the belief you held in me.

Everyone Else!!!- I wish I could say long, lengthy goodbyes to everyone but, alas, I can’t. All my other friends in theater, we rocked it! I know everyone will go on to do something amazing and those staying behind, make us proud! My Scriptoria people, I know not many of us ever got really close but I still love you guys. Kat, I hope you blow

them away. I have all

faith in you as the new editor in chief! Clarissa, Becky and Anahi, you were always my girls and always will be no matter what.

Camille, Austin, and everyone else from the tree, we’ve fallen apart but again, I will always love you and always remember you guys. I’m always here for you. Austin, I’ll always be your little-big sister! Mr. O’Keefe and Mr. Halatyn, I was never as close to you as other teachers but you both inspired me as a writer and as a person and that growing is something that happens everyday and that my art will always have room for improvement.

High school brought me to all these people that I’m so glad to have had the chance to meet, know and grow close to. Despite the bad I will always look back on high school fondly and remember the person it has managed to turn me into. As I move toward the bright, scary and almost positively crazy future ahead of me, part of me stays behind and smiles about the past four years. So toodle-loo, adieu, and peace, love and chicken grease! <3


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When you’re a senior you wish you can stop time at any moment and breathe a little. It’s almost amazing how many friends I have made and lost over these four years. What’s more amazing is how fast high school is going to end for the

class of ‘10. All I can really say is that we did it and we will all be headed toward bigger and better things. I can’t wait to start a second chapter in my life. Can you?

Mum- I love the close relationship we have between us. I am really going to miss our shopping and coffee dates that we have every so often. I can’t possibly thank you enough for everything you have done for me. I know that you worry about me moving to Austin but I will be fine mother. You have taught me to be strong and take one thing at a time. Remember that I will just be one phone call away!

I also want to thank you for telling me to follow my dreams and work hard to get them because life won’t get easier and that has really helped me become the woman I am now. I will miss going nuts over any dog that we see. I love you so much and don’t worry mommy I will become wealthy and buy you all of the labradoodles that you want and will

give you a year’s supply of caramel frappucino from Starbucks.

Daddy- With you, I have a different relationship but I’m not complaining. I love it just as much! You have taught me to think smart about things and to look at life realistically but to still have just as much fun. “Work hard then play hard” is the phrase that most reminds me of you. I know you’re not happy about me moving but like I told mom I am literally just a phone call away. Plus, you can always just fly out and stay for a weekend. I know you would like that! I’m not going to lie but I’m going to miss being spoiled rotten by you,your lame jokes and your witty sense of humor. I love you so much and I promise you I will clean up my room because that’s what college kids do, right?

Brother Bear - Man, you better not take over my room. Even though we have our brutal fights, and I have told you rotten things, I really care just as much for you. I am the eldest and I just want the best for you and your future. You know that you can call me if you’re having trouble with the parental unit because you will. We all do. If you need girl

advice, or even fashion advice, I am here to help you if you don’t feel comfortable talking to them about that stuff.

Please be careful with all of physical activities that your involved in because I know how clumsy you are. I’m super bummed that I won’t be there to see you walk into the best four years of your life. Make sure you enjoy them; they speed by really quick. Trust me! Love life, live free and be careful little man even if you’re taller than I am! I love you crazy boy.

My Be-ef-ef- You are the sister that I have always wanted; you have helped me loosen up during hard times and you have taught me that it’s okay to laugh a little…well a lot. This has been the fastest six years of my life. I never thought that you could put up with me for that long. Like any best friend we have had our arguments and our little times where we just want to strangle each other. I love that because if we didn’t that would be weird.I love your family and I will miss all of you. Listen to your mom, follow your 34


-Ron Weasley


Story by April HernandezClass of 2010

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SCRIPTORIAdreams and never hold back. Darn, this is never a goodbye to you, I love you so much big sister.

Mariana- A yo where my baby girl at? Even though I have only known you for about a year or so you’re one of my bests of friends. I won’t forget our times together. I remember I didn’t like you at first and I decided to not talk to you because I’m a stubborn person like that. You have been such a great friend to me and I can’t thank you enough. You have taught me to smile a bit and not be so conservative. I am going to miss making fun at your love for Circa Survive (yuck) and you telling me how much of a grandma I am. This year just wasn’t enough to get to know you. You have such a huge heart and if any man decides to step on it you tell me and I’ll make sure to crush him. Baby girl, I know that Andrea and I won’t be there for your senior year but live it up. Make what’s best and just have fun. Please take care of yourself, and I love you.GO NASA! <--- I know you’ll enjoy that.

Renee - Dear Pilly Johnson, I despise you and I wish you the WORST at RICE, haha jk! Renee I am so going to miss you. You have no idea! You have been an amazing friend throughout the years and there’s no way to forget someone like you! Ah, we’re such grandmas. No need to wish you luck because you won’t need it! I know you will do a great job up there. I know that we will be in different cities but whenever you need a break from school or you need someone to cool off from I will be here and I know I can say the same. I am going to miss poking fun at people and making fun of what they are wearing but it’s okay because one day we will meet up and walk our cats to the park and drink tea. I love you and I still have that in-sent holder you bought me from World Market.

Turning Point Gals - I see your faces every day and I wouldn’t have it any other way (No rhyme intended). Marcy, Maura, Valeria, Jannette, Tanya, Eloisa, Jasmine, Samantha, Ashley, Kristen, Jessica

I don’t know what I would do without you all.We have all grown as individuals and as dancers. Yes, we have had our fights but, in a studio full of girls seven days out of the week, who wouldn’t? I will miss all of the funny times we all have shared but, mostly, I will miss dancing with you guys. I know we have worked so hard on the team we have now and we built up its standards high. I love you guys and I mean that with everything I got. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need advice on anything and don’t be afraid to call me and tell me how much you all miss me and how you want me to come back. Yeah right! I am proud to say that I have 11 sisters waiting for me back at home. I love you Fay-yay’s

Scriptoria - Darn you guys are ridiculous. I love each and every one of you. You might have just been my acquaintances when we first started Scriptoria but now I consider you all my brothers. I love our talks about people from school and I love it when we talk our “slang.” It’s grand like my right hand. I love that we can all be ourselves

and laugh at things that normal people wouldn’t usually laugh at. Sadly I will miss you boys and Navarro poking fun at me about how much of an oddball I am. It’s crazy how fast this year went by but I know you boys have so much ahead of you that will carry you to great success in the end. Never forget me because it’s impossible to forget you guys.

Thank you Navarro for making fun of me this year. I really appreciate it. Thank you for helping me open up and to not think so hard about stuff. Simple is better.

I really wish you the best of luck in your many years of teaching because, I mean, you’re so young. But hey, you were by far my favorite teacher and I learned a handful of things that I will apply later on in life. I really couldn’t thank you enough for making my senior year a year to remember. Remember to keep it vintage and let the force be with you all.


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Looking back on my first year at Hanks, it seems like so long ago. The story line is not unique: timid freshman searching for the quickest and easiest path to avoid upperclassman stare downs and seniors ridiculing us as we walked with our overstuffed backpacks.

Time sure flies.As a senior, the year has

been filled with nonstop fun and endless memories. It has reached the point where I can honestly say I wouldn’t have changed a thing. The last test has come and each person is standing at a crossroads of which path to choose next. In the final chapter of my high school career, I’m excited to see the new direction I will take but sad to greet the goodbye waiting at the end.

Mama: How fast time has gone by. I can’t thank you enough for all the support you gave me through every up and down I encountered. From the restless nights during my freshman year to the late

nights out during senior year, you have patiently steered me through it all. The constant pushing and, as Dad states, “nagging” has inevitably made me the person I am today. You drove me to be the best I could be and always reminded me to give everything my all. Without you I don’t think I could have survived a day in my teenage life. I am truly blessed to be your daughter. You are my soul mate, my best friend, my personal cheerleader and, most of all, the person I aspire to be. I love you with all my heart!

Daddio: You are the reason I try so hard to make you proud. Because of you I’ve learned that only I can control my destiny. Every obstacle and experience is something I must decide how to deal with on my own which has brought out the person who I became. I have never met a more stubborn set of people than the two of us. Our bickering sure made senior year a heck of a ride. But, “We’re best friends right?”…I

owe you my life for changing the type of athlete I grew up to be. “Heaven is nothing but a huge wrestling mat.” Our wrestling bond is something I am proud and grateful to share with you. It’s amazing how much we tie into being a wrestler. I promise to always “Go sick!” I know I may not be the tiny infant you once held in the palm of your hand. I will always be your little girl. I love you to infinity and beyond!

JD: Dang lil bro, I can’t believe how close we’ve become these last two years. It’s amazing how fast you grew on me once you got past your tough guy stage. You are my pride and joy. I’m so proud of everything you have done and will do in your future.

You have made me laugh, cry and I’ve even come close to killing you. Josh I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my other half. Without you, I’m nothing. I can honestly say that we’ve been through EVERYTHING together. From the moment I translated your mumbles, we were destined to be a team. You will forever be my best friend no matter the distance between us. Take care of Tori,

despite the cold shoulder she may give you and try to take a break from being Mr. Funny-bones all the time. I love you very much brother.

Tori: Little sister, it still shocks me that you’re already growing up. I want you to know that I love you VERY much despite how I sometimes may act toward you.

Remember you are a beautiful young lady and shouldn’t be afraid to show that. Don’t worry about the past; move forward. Try breaking out of your shell. The outside world may surprise you once you discover how to take it on. Team Jacob!! ;)

Alec: baby girl! I don’t know what I would have done if you had never come to Hanks. I can’t imagine my life without you in the picture. You are my best friend and hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on and the hand to smack me in my dorkiest moments. I love you Alec Coley Silva!! :)

Nathan: Babe! What a special five months it’s been. I can’t believe the memories we’ve made in such little time! I care for you so much!

L“So now it is time to disassemble the parts of the jigsaw puzzle, or to piece

another one together, for I find that, having come to the end of my story, my life is just beginning.”

— Conrad VeidtStory By Jordanne Diaz Class of 2010


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Thank you for all that you do! I laa yuu! “Can I keep you... for two dollars?”

Rico Suave: You are one weird kid. But I can’t help loving you! Thank you for being such a great friend and a new brother. You are officially part of the Diaz Clan forever Can’t wait to experience college with you!

My wrestlers: girls, what can I say? It was an awesome season. I can’t imagine a more girly wrestling team than us. But we knew how to take care of business! BOTM! Thank you for a wonderful finale in my high school wrestling career. You girls are the best. Your Mom will miss you all very much!!

Coach Carter: “Mahi Mahi” Coach it’s been a great run. Thank you for helping me to reach my potential not only in wrestling, but also in life. It was “MONEY.” :)The person you taught me to be on the mat will always remain a part of my personality.

Coach T: I believe you found your true calling when you came to coach our crazy team. I’m so glad you chose to ditch your dancers for a while just to be the new leader of our pack. Your enthusiasm made for a wonderful season. Thank you for everything!

My softball girls: Thanks for the crazy practices and the awesome dance moves in the dugout. I’ve had a wonderful four years with most of you

and a ball my senior year. Sarah, Ashley and Jess, (my favorites) kick butt next year and don’t forget to senior up! Love ya!!

Amanda: Open your eyes! I can’t believe we made it! Girl you have been such a great friend and I can’t imagine surviving softball without you! Love you loads!

Coach Prather and coach Correjo: Thank you for the unforgettable experiences throughout the years. I’ll miss you Master P! Trashpicker.. don’t forget to pick up after everyone :)

Perfect 10 Babes<3: wow girls, the end is finally here. Cassy, Becca, Ronnie, Jessica, Michies and Lilly, you are some of the most amazing girls I know. You all have made my senior year a blast (crazy parties, drama and lasting memories). We’ve been through it all. I know you girls will do great in your future and make your mark on the world. I love you all to death!

Veronica: Mamas you have always been there for me through thick and thin…well more like I’ve been your guidance counselor ha :) I am so grateful for your friendship over the years. You have always been a person I can count on and one to keep me in the loop. I don’t know how I would have made some of the best memories without you by my side. I love you!

Stacy: Let me start off by saying that I love you crazy white girl! It still cracks me up when I think of the first impression you made on me. Who would have thought that we would become so close throughout high school.

You have been such a great friend and I’m so glad to have you in my life. You have always been there for me and I consider you on of my closest friends. I can’t thank you enough for all the fun times we’ve shared together and the fact that you got me through calculus :)

Ashly: Although time has taken a toll on our friendship, always know that I’m here for you. Thank you for all that you’ve done and the lasting impression you left on my high school life. I luv yu jenny!

Brittany: I’ve had so much fun with you this year! I’m really happy we got to know each other better and glad to have you as a friend. “What are we going to do without the T*L*S?!” hahaha :)

April: Floosey! You are one of the most important friendships I have gained in high school. You are a wonderful young woman with a heart of gold. I thank God he blessed me with such a special person in my life. I lu ju!!

Scriptoria Bunch: Good luck next year new editors! It’s time to strut your stuff and show what you’re made

of. Try not to be so sensitive with Navs and his criticism. Thanks for a great year fellow writers!

Kat: E.I.C! You have grown so much this year young one. It’s incredible that you worked yourself into the position you are now. I’m one proud mama. Kat, you are one heck of a person. I cherish the friendship I have made with you. Newspaper gossip sessions will always be a part of our bond. I can’t thank you enough for making my senior year a blast. Love you loads!!

Mr. Navarro: Can you believe I made it Dad? I would have never thought that my life would have taken a different course once I walked into your class freshman year. You have seen me grow from a shy little girl to a confident young woman. You’ve inspired me to take life by the horns and go for what I want.

Along the way you’ve also taught me that it’s okay to quote every movie ever made, shop online and ripped pants actually happen sometimes. You are a positive role model for any who cross your path. I hope to have somehow made and impact in your life, just as you have with mine. Thank you for preparing me for life outside of these red doors. Oh by the way you’re fat. And you dress like an old man :) Thanks for everything fatty!


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Story by Jenna Martinez

Class of 2010

Mom – Thank you for always being there for me. Even though we might not agree on many things, I love you.

Dad – You have always been the number one man in my life. I appreciate you so much for everything you have done for Melody, Erin, Faith and me. I will always be your little munchkin. I love you and miss you every day dad.

Erin – I am extremely grateful that you of all people are my sister. No matter what happens, our bond is one that cannot be broken by anything or anyone. You have always had my back and I will always have yours. I love and cherish all the good moments that we’ve shared these years. Going out and going to shows together, the summer nights where we’d be outside sitting in the backyard, cruising through the streets of EP day and night, bumpin’ music all the time, watching “Golden girls, always going to eat together, always singing, making fun of mom and powering up together every day. Eyen, I love you so much. You are the closest family I have here. I thank you for everything you have done for me. No one knows me like you do and nothing in the world can describe the love and appreciation I have for you. You are an amazing person. I love you big thisster.

Melody&Faith – I loved the time I spent with you and Faith in Houston. I’ve always looked up to you and your way of doing things. You, Erin and I have a strong bond and I know no matter what happens we will always be there for one another. Our secrets, memories and laughs will be kept, always. I love you Melody and miss you.

Faith, you are the best and most beautiful niece I could ever ask for. You are always smiling and brightening our day. Our family couldn’t have been blessed with anything better than having you in our lives. I miss your curly hair and that crazy contagious

laugh of yours. I love you mamas, and I can’t wait to see you again. Your getting so big and I’m so proud of you being in gymnastics.

Kaile – MY BESTEST FIEND! We’ve been friends for six years now and you are practically my sister. We both swear how we were somehow separated at birth. Spending the night with you all the time, me becoming your parent’s other daughter, walking around the Eastwood area until 4 a.m. in the morning talking, partying together and going to shows, wasting time at Best Buy and eating Taco Bell, being able to tell you anything and everything and you always being supportive. Seeing Slipknot and A Skylit Drive together, WE HAVE TO go to Warped Tour together this year. I love the time that we have shared together; I know you are someone who I will always have in my life. No matter what happens I will always be here for you. Love you.

Karina – Dude you are one of my closest friends. I can’t imagine how many times we’ve chilled, talked, and laughed together these past years. You are an amazing person and always great to talk to. I know that we are going to be friends for a long time. You have always been there for me when I needed it the most and helped me out a lot. I am nothing but grateful for it and I love you so much chick. I will always be here for you no matter what. I think of all the crazy stuff we’ve done and how awesome it is to have a best friend like you who’s always down to do something exciting with me. I will always be your support no matter what you decide in life.

Luis, I’m am utterly and completely happy that you are in my life babe. There is not one day that goes by that I don’t think about you. I love how supportive you are and how you always try to put a smile on my face. We’re always talking and you come up

with the funniest things. You’re just the cutest babe. I know that I can turn to you when I need help and I’m always going to be here for you as well. I’m more than honored to call you mine. You are an amazing person with a kind heart. I’m grateful for all the moments we’ve shared and time we’ve spent together. I remember it all like it was yesterday. I care about you so much. You’re the best.

Esme – I love how you always have something to talk about. I cannot remember a time where I wasn’t talking about some guy or some situation that was happening in our lives. I love how I can always laugh and joke around with you. Remember when we made fun of Matt’s face together. I’m happy that I got to spend these years at Hanks with you and I hope we never lose contact because I love you too much to let that happen.

Mikey - MI CORAZON! Thank you for always being there for me when I would ask for help. You know I’m always going to be here for you. I know I can’t ever stop being your friend. The good times these past four years can only get better. Don’t worry I will always be here to show you new music, I promise. Love you!

Jeremy – I am so happy that you gave me a chance to be your friend again. You are one of my closest friends, considering how you usually love me and I hate you all the time. I’m more than blessed to have you back in my life man. I knew you’d like The Sound of Animals Fighting, TOLD YA SO. I have every right to brag and no you can’t borrow Crank. By the way, I still have your books at my house…you’re not getting them back. :D Love you.

Feeling the past moving in, letting a new day beginhold to the time that you know, you dont have to move on to let let go. - Kaskade “I Remember”


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SCRIPTORIAApril O. – I am so blessed to know

someone as loving, understanding and caring as you. You have always been a good friend to me. I’m so happy I met you when I did. I had no idea we would become as close as we did. It came to a point where I could tell you anything. I look forward to seeing your tattoos when you get them. I love you so much girl, thank you for everything.

Kat – I’m glad I got to spend these last two years in Scriptoria with you and that your going to be EDITOR IN CHIEF. I’m going to miss you making fun of people and being ha-ha-larious. You’re so strong and independent. Ah sweet pea, I know you’re going to get far in life and I’m so proud of you already. Take care of Scriptoria next year baby girl. I’m sure you’re going to do a wonderful job.

Minerva – I love you so much girl. I’m so glad I got to have you for a class this year. You always knew how to put a smile on my face. I am going to miss you so much. I have faith in you Minnie. I know you’re going to make the best out of life. I believe in you so much you have no idea. Remember that time in the bathroom? Ah, I think you do. Good times. I’m going to miss you so much.

Kayla – I am so glad I got to meet you this year. The way we could always talk about anything and always laugh at everything and everyone. Remember that weird looking girl? Every time we would see her when we would walk out of Math Mods together? Or when we would make fun of your ex. I just remember every time that we were around each other we’d always be laughing it up or talking away. I’m going to miss you so much girl. I will always be here for you okay.

Luis Aguirre –I will always care about you and your great family. You all had welcomed me into your family with open arms and even though things had changed, you accepted me just the same. I know things will get better in the long run for you all. You are such a caring individual with the greatest hugs. Please tell Amanda that I miss her so much.

Dom – Chick I’m glad we got to

have so much fun this year together. You became my going-out buddy. It was so much fun going around in your little green truck everywhere, all the different boys who came into our lives, and how we would make fun of JJ. I’m glad I got to spend a good portion of my senior year with you. It was so much fun.

Zach – The only reason why you’re in my senior goodbye is because you sat to the left of me this entire year in newspaper… Just letting you know. Aahaha Zack, you are such an amazing guy. I hope no girl or no one ever taints you. You have such a good head on your shoulders. I know you will get far in life with your great personality. I know I could turn to you and laugh. For some reason we tend to laugh at many stupid things and how we both love Pugs. Look alive Zach.

Navarro – Sir, you are seriously the best teacher in this school. It has been an honor working with you this year in Scriptoria. I feel very sad to see it end and I’m sure you are going to miss all of us even though we never really to do our work...jk!

I’m going to miss your outbursts of movie lines and singing during class. No teacher really compares to you. You were able to keep us all in check this entire year. Congratulations you’ve tamed the wild beasts. You have taught me so much within these past two years in Scriptoria. I am eternally grateful for everything. You’re great Navs, don’t ever forget us.

I would love to also thank all the other people who have been here for my senior year. You all have made my time here in high school worthwhile as well: Bianca, Jazmin, Mari, Brandon, Alora, Clarissa, Josh, Danielle, Jesse, Phillip, Evan, Jon, Kat, Victor, Tray, Alyssa, Syndel, Jesse “Beatles” Acosta, Sasha, Brandon G. I will never forget the good times we’ve had.

I am glad to say that my senior year wasn’t short of amazing. I had a blast and I feel that I am ready to take on whatever is next in life.

It was great being a part of all this and I couldn’t be any more excited for what’s to come. Good Job 2010, we did it. 39

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“You have powers you never dreamed of. You can do things you never thought you could do. There are no limitations in what you can do except the limitations of your own mind.”

— Darwin P. Kingsley

The aforementioned quote serves the purpose that, as senior high school students getting ready to leave the halls where I also once called home, it will ultimately come down to the individual whether or not he or she succeeds.

After you leave high school, no one will hand you anything; no one will tell you when to get to class and what notes to take that are important for the upcoming test.

The challenge is yours now. When you dream, dream big. That’s the only way you’ll

ever taste the level of success you’ve set out to accomplish. Do me a favor: when you walk into your first college

class and sit down, look to the left and right and notice the person sitting at each side. Then tell yourself, “You are my competition. Whether I ever see you again, I have to know that you want my job; my career. From this point, I have to do everything in my power to make sure I am the one who secures the position years from now when I graduate and I’m applying for the position. I wish you luck because, when you’re going up against me, you’re going to need it.”

The end is always bittersweet. I know the time has come to cleave from me. I always wish I had more time with everyone.

Kat, Kyle, Kyle and Rosalie, the challenge is now yours. Every year, the graduating members of Scriptoria tell me that they are irreplaceable. However, every year, new and existing members step up to the challenge and make Hanks Media the success it continues to be.

Be strong. The challenge is coming. To my seniors, this group is about the funniest, and most

procrastinating, group of students I’ve ever had. Remember, people like funny; they like timeliness more. I have so many memories with this group that I can honestly say I don’t believe I’ll ever have another group quite like this.

Eddie, you have the potential to be a really good writer. Keep working on your craft. Focus your energy on sports writing. You can become the next Peter King.

Denisse, I still don’t know why you were in my freshman journalism class. I’m glad I found you and moved you into my advanced class. You took it all in stride and exceeded my expectations. Good luck in the future.

Cynthia, I won’t hold it against you that you chose Mr. Collete and B over me. You are very talented. Continue to work on your craft.

Robert, have you had your coffee today? You are an effective writer. Don’t wait until the last second to come up with brilliant work. Apply yourself early.

Carlos (AD), you raised the bar this year with your designs and eye for photography. Keep working at your craft. I know one day you will be considered an expert in

your field. Evee, April H, Dom and Jenna, thanks for taking

this journey of expanding the photography department within Scriptoria. Because of the lessons learned with you, the quality of photography will only get better.

Jarrett and Derek, I can’t separate you in class, why try now? You two are amazingly talented individuals. Jarrett, continue being everyone’s best friend. You’re always going to be needed. Derek, stop having a man crush on me. Thank you for taking Scriptoria your senior year. The memories will last a lifetime.

Rudy, I wish I had you for four years. I’m glad I had the pleasure of getting to know you the final semester of your high school career. Get ready to compete. You’re an exceptional writer.

Rachel, Matt, April and Jordanne. My four babies. I came into this profession because I wanted to see long-term growth. You four are the first set of students whom I’ve had for four years. Thank you for trusting me to do right by you.

Rachel, your talent is beyond measure. One day, you’re going to wake up and understand that the reason you are stronger is because of the challenges you faced. Remember to always hold your head high and don’t let anyone, including me, deter you from accomplishing what you are sure to accomplish.

Matt, you were a photojournalism student! You eventually became one of my strongest writers. Your growth as a writer confirms that what I do works. Thank you for your effort...and your baked goods.

April, you and I share the same belief in that people will always know where they stand with us. It’s okay to let people know you are hurting. They know you care.

Jordanne, I honestly believe that when my Isabella gets older, she will have the same character traits as you. Sometimes when I look at you I see my Blue. That’s the best way to describe it.

You two will forever be a part of my life. I can’t thank God enough for allowing Him to trust me with the two of you. As a teacher, my hope is that, at one point, you’ve mastered the curriculum within a classroom setting. In other words, I hope you learned enough from me. In this case, I have learned a lot from the both of you.

Thank you all for allowing me to come into your life and become a part of it, whether it was big or small. I take my job as an educator seriously in the hopes that one day you will become the leaders in this community.

If you know me by now, you know that a movie quote wasn’t too far away. I’ve used this one in the past and will continue to use it. In the last scene in “Dead Poet’s Society,” Robin Williams turns to his class after a profound gesture of respect and says to his class, “Thank you boys. Thank you.”

You have my most humbling and deepest thanks. Thank you all. Thank you.

Story by Alex Navarro • adviser

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