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Page 1: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,



experience returns from

IRD : Institut de Recherche pour le Développement


Dominique DAGORNE - US 191/IMAGO - IRD Bretagne


Page 2: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

Introduction :

IRD is a French public science and technology research institute.

It conducts scientific programs contributing to the sustainable developmentof the countries of the South, with an emphasis on the relationshipbetween man and the environment.

with research aims

- Climatic impacts and Natural hazards; - Biodiversity and dynamic of marine ecosytem ressources; - Environnmental impacts for sustainable developpement;

IRD research is conducted in liaison with French universities and researchinstitutions , and for oceanographical aspects in mainland France (Paris, Toulouse, Brest, Marseille, Sète ..), in the French overseas territories (New Caledonia, Réunion, Guyana..) and with partners in the South mainly in theintertropical zone (West Africa, Guinea Gulf , Upwelling areas, ) .

Page 3: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

who define some « end-users » profiles (academic / applied research) ( no research in remote sensing production, only use)

- physics / bio-geochemistryPhysical oceanography (dynamic) – Climat (OA interface)

Coupling dynamic / carbon cycle (phytoplancton, nutriment,..)( universities and research institutions )

- biologists : ecosystem approach – fisheries - AMPIRDs unit (CRHMT Sète) coastal / oceanic areas

users practice : Observation analysis (in situ, satellite, ..)Modelling ( forcing, validation)Campaign support

involved in projects : AMMA/EGEE, EUROCEAN EBUS,.. andmany overseas areas and collaborations :

ex : Marocco, Senegal, Peru, South Africa, Pacific,..

Foreign institutions are directly involved in its research programs by the way ofcooperations ( Training, PhD support, scientific exchange,..)

Page 4: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

Geographical areas ( ATLantic/INDian) and programs

-Eastern Boundaries UpwellingsSystems :Canary, Benguela, Humboldt, (California)

for Regionals / Locals areas


-Tropical Atlantic : AMMA AfricanMonsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis

EGEE campaign ( 2005-2007)

(LEGOS – CRHOB/Cotonou)

-Indian ocean : REMIGE (ANR)


- South Africa and Mozambique channel

- Austral ocean : GOODHOPE

- West Indies and Amazone

- Pacific ( SouthWest , Tahiti,..)

with new-caledonia team (LEGOS)

Page 5: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data , and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat, marine ecosystem, coastal management,..

Since 2006, it exist an internal IRD project to animate an exchangenetwork for developement of oceanographical satellite data consultationand visualisation tool ( also modelling results and in-situ measurements)

This is a attempt to promote remote sensed ocean retrievals intooperationnals products for end-users communities , where the potentialof these information has not been fully reached

- necessary « link » between several providers and final « end users » in science community ( of IRD ) for « integrated » approach :

- consultation and visualisation by WEB;

- uniform acces from « standardized » data extraction;

- «add value » product (indices);

- analysis tools and developpement;

Page 6: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

A constat : satellite data are underutilized ..

- It exist constraints and limitations ( due to retrieval in remote sensing techniques)

for « basic » (operationnals) satellite parameters :

SST(s) , « SSR » (color, mainly CHL) , wind , SSH

and (experimentals) derived products : ex : Primary Production, fluxes,..

- Data can be difficult to access, manipulate and process

( informations, training, technical approach, ..)

- Existing (too) many access sites (WEB) for archiving, visualisation, (processing?).

but many dedicated to only one « thematic » ( by instrument, parameter, area..)

- All data from providers not really usefull for (final) users ( institutionnal, format,..)

- Few of them are really « integrated » ( ex : coaswatch (US), NAUSICAA (EU),..)

and none for developing countries ( ex : South Africa / AMIS )

Page 7: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

Expected results

-Exhaustive review of satellite sources informations , with an « expertise » on available .. and usefull products ( adequacy, resolution, quality, acces, processing,..) for « end-users » research community ;

-Easier acces to data available from several providers, for pre-defined areas for various remote-sensed bio-geo physics parameters , space-time resolution , delay (DT/NRT);

-WEB application for data browsing and simultaneaous viewing of « Quick-Look » ( and downloading binary data .. for their own processing);

- acces to elaborated « indices » allowing synthetic representation of space-timeenvironnemental data;

-Development of collaborations with scientifics teams, use for developingcountries and promote of capacity building in remote-sensing.

Page 8: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,


For « all » usefull informations

- Delay – temporal resolutionhistorical ( « Delayed Time » : DT ) : month, week,..i.e. long term data set archive

« Near Real Time : NRT »( Day - 1/2) : 3days, daily, 12H, ( hourly) « operationnal » monitoring

- Various areas and « scale » from «global » / regional / local / (sub)local

-« best » existing spatial resolution ( 25 km � 1 km)

compromise area extend / spatial - temporal resolutionparameters availabilities from providers

Page 9: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,


- easy » navigation for WEB image visualisation ( QuickLook)

Data export and use

-Area and time series data extraction from original ( and global) sets;

- Standardized export format (netCDF / HDF / raw)

- own users tools (Import – « Processing » – Visualisation – merging - ..) on the shelf ( ferret, CDAT, BILKO, . and GIS approach) langage (matlab, IDL, NCO/NCL,..)

for existing finals primaries parameters : SST(s), SSR, wind, SSH, (SSS)derived : meso-scale features, fluxes, current, MLD, PP,..

and add-value resultsex : climatologies, anomalies, time series, « indices » ,..

Page 10: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

A set of Available Satellite products ( Level 3 / 4)

DT (month, week,..)


AVHRR PathFinder








« merged » AVISO

NRT ( 3 Days , daily, 12H)






« analyzed / merged » (L4)


« QuickScat » MWF



SSR : CHL Case II waterNwlr (L2)


WIND(speed, dir)


1982 – 1 deg

1985 – 4 (9) km

2002/08 – 4 km

1998 (2002)– ¼ deg

2004/07 – 1/10 deg

2007/08 – 1/20 deg

2007 - 1/10 deg (?)

1998 – 9 km

2002/08 – 4 km

1991/08 – 1 deg

1999/07 – ½ deg

1999/07 – 1/4 deg

1992 – 1/3 deg

Page 11: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,


-Delayed Time

Seasonnal variability on Papua- New Guinea

Atlas Upwelling Systems

SST trend on Upwelling systems

SST- wind - CHL trends

Upwelling Indexes on Benguela ( 1987 – 1999)

Time-Space SST index on local upwelling areas

Front Index development

Meso scale eddies Mozambique channel

Page 12: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,


Page 13: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,


UPWELLINGChristian MULLON et coll.

( 2008)

« image browser »

screen copy

Page 14: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,
Page 15: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

Recent trends in primary productivity of upwelling systems in a global warming contextEastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems - June 2008 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


Page 16: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

SST UPWELLING INDEXES - BENGUELA - Météosat / 1987-1999 (H. Demarcq)

CUI Costal Upwelling Index Intensity CRI Coastal Retention Index

SST Minimum coastal SST EXT Mean Offshore extent

Page 17: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,


Mean SST

on « shelf »

0 - 500m

1985 – 2007


A-SST (anomaly)

Page 18: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,


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Page 19: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

EdgeEdge--gradient gradient (derived from (derived from CayulaCayula--CornillonCornillon method)method)

Page 20: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

Moyennepour chaquelatitude jusqu'al’influencedu front

Front IndexFront Index

Page 21: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

( GLM )

Page 22: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,
Page 23: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,
Page 24: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,
Page 25: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,
Page 26: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,
Page 27: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,


-Near Real Time

-Senegal - Mauritanian upwelling : SST products comparaison

- Senegal wind-SST modelling (ROMS, WRF,..)

Spreading of Equatorial upwelling in Guinea Gulf

Oceanographic cruise survey ( FILAMENTOS , february 2008)

Synergy with high resolution ( MODIS)

Alghulas current early retroflexion (summer 2008)

Page 28: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

SSTs retrieval comparaison - 2008/01/11 on MSG area

( Collaboration with LPAO-SF ESP/UCAD Dakar - B. Sow)

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Page 30: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,











B. Bourles


Page 31: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

Athie, G., and F. Marin (2008), Cross-equatorial structure and temporal modulation of intraseasonal variability at the surface of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C08020, doi:10.1029/2007JC004332.

Abstract[1] Intraseasonal variability (10–50 days) in the equatorial Atlantic Ocean is analyzed from multiyear (1999–2005) satellite gridded products of sea-level anomalies (SLA) and sea-surface temperature (SST). Two regions with distinct intraseasonal variability have been identified. The first one, westof 10°W, is dominated by westward-propagating anomalies, with maximum values in SLA along 5°N and in SST along 2°N: They occur in borealsummer with periods of 25–50 days and are known to correspond to tropical instability waves (TIWs). We show that TIWs have also a signature, though weaker, south of the equator, especially along 5°S, in SLA. Northern and southern anomalies propagate together westward, being mostly out of phase, suggesting that equatorial wave dynamics is involved in TIWs variability. An SST signature of TIWs is also observed near 2°S, in quadrature with SST anomalies detected in the Northern Hemisphere. The interannual modulations of the TIW signature in SLA and SST are compared anddiscussed. The second dominant intraseasonal signal is only seen east of 10°W in SST and corresponds to an equatorially trapped variability, confined to the Gulf of Guinea with periods between 10 and 20 days. This signal is present in boreal summer when an intense SST front is observedjust north of the equator. Intraseasonal variability with comparable periods is also observed in the meridional wind stress throughout the year. Comparison of SST and meridional wind stress anomalies suggests that the 10- to 20-day variability in SST is forced by the wind stress but seasonally modulated by the presence of the SST front.

Time-Longitude plot of intraseasonal anomalies (<50 days) in 2002. SLA anomalies along (a) 5°N and along (b) 5°S and SST anomalies along (c) 2°N, (d) the equator, and (e) 2°S.

Time-Longitude plot of SLA intraseasonal anomalies (<50 days) from 1 May to 30 September for every year (from 1999 to 2005), along (top) 5°N and

(bottom) 5°S.

Page 32: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

Now - october 2008 : VOCAL-REX cruise - ( IMARPE – LEGOS – LOCEAN)

Page 33: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

In Project : SST AVHRR/METOP 1 km

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07/24 – 08/27 – 09/13

Last : 10/09 (MWIR)

Climatology (PFV5)

Week 2007/09/13 (MODIS)

Daily 2007/09/11 (SAFO)

Page 35: ISSUES AND CHALLENGE · The high temporal and spatial resolution of satellite data, and its continuity, make satellite data an important tool for monitoring and characterizing climat,

Key limitations for exploitation - Need for

- « remote sensing » interface between providers and scientists

( mostly in the « biological » community ..)

- Continuity of satellite ocean production by major agencies / programs

with acquisition, (pre)-processing (level 2 to 4)

and « integrated » archive(s) center for distribution.

- DT : Long term time series with « composite » (week) and reanalysis;

- scientifics developments and new products (sensors) :

ex : SST – accuracy, cloud mask, aerosols, diurnal variability,..

new ‘operationnals’ products : climatology, anomalies, fronts, indices

Primary Production, Water case II (TSM), high resolution wind, fluxes

- For developping countries

NRT : good communications network or satellite communication link ( EUMETCAST)

Training effort – processing tools

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