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  • 7/30/2019 ISTC Annual Report 2012


    Annual Report2012

  • 7/30/2019 ISTC Annual Report 2012


    The Illinois Science & Technology Coalition

    is a member-driven, nonproft organization

    that cultivates and attracts research andtechnology-based economic development in

    the state. Our mission is to:

    Foster sector-driven public-privatepartnerships and executable projects that

    increase economic development.

    Attract ederal resources and private

    investment that increase our innovation


    Raise awareness and visibility or Illinois

    innovation ecosystem and advocateor state and ederal policies to enhance

    its development.

  • 7/30/2019 ISTC Annual Report 2012


    1 Illinois Science & Technology CoalitionAnnual Report 2012

    Board o Directors


    John Anderson


    Illinois Institute o Technolo


    Gerald Roper

    President & CEO

    Chicagoland Chamber o


    Percival Barretto-Ko

    Senior Vice President

    Corporate Strategy

    and Government Aairs

    Astellas Pharma US, Inc.

    Steve Johanns

    Area Manager

    Eaton Electrical

    Vince Kwasniewski

    Vice President o Business

    Development and

    Commercial Director

    GTL Resources

    John Larson

    General Manager

    Global Alliance Manageme

    Abbott Laboratories

    Jerey Mays


    Illinois Business Roundtab

    Azmi Nabulsi


    Takeda Global Research &

    Development Center, Inc.

    Warren Ribley

    Executive Director

    Illinois Medical District

    Matthew Summy

    Vice President

    Government and Regulato



    Greetings rom ISTC leadership

    This was a landmark year or the Illinois Science & Technology Coalition (ISTC), which celebrated new

    leadership, a new home, increased partners, and signifcant growth in research and technology-based

    activity in Illinois.

    In June, we joined this dynamic organization during a time o unprecedented momentum or the Illinois

    innovation ecosystem. The ISTC had just moved its ofces to 1871a 50,000 square oot innovation

    hub that now houses more than 200 start-upsto join a vibrant community o innovators and technology


    Throughout the year, with the strength o our members, the ISTC increased the states innovation capacity

    by advancing sector-driven economic development projects, advocating or and securing increased

    state and ederal resources, and elevating the visibility and awareness o the states world-class science

    and technology assets.

    Key highlights rom 2012 included:

    Helped secure resources that will revolutionize the energy economy, including unding or the $120 million

    Department o Energy Joint Center on Energy Storage and Research hub and the $72.5 million Energy

    Foundry (ormerly Illinois Science and Energy Innovation Foundation)

    Launched the Illinois Open Technology Challenge, increasing the availability o public data across the

    state and encouraging the use o technology to address government challenges

    Selected to lead the Illinois Pathways R&D Learning Exchange to build a deeper talent pipeline o

    science and technology proessionals

    Completed the frst year o the Illinois Innovation Index, a valuable tool to measure and benchmark the

    states position in the innovation economy, and published the frst annual report

    We look orward to building on these eorts and accomplishments to cultivate more economic growth in

    the year ahead and thank all o our members and partner organizations or their continued collaboration.


    Mark Harris

    President and CEO

    John Anderson

    Board Chairman

  • 7/30/2019 ISTC Annual Report 2012



    Sector-Based Research, Development,

    and Innovation Initiatives

    During the past year, the ISTC collaborated with its public and private

    members and partners to lead sector-driven initiatives that are

    advancing technology-based investment and economic development

    in Illinois. These areas include Energy and Sustainability,

    Biotechnology and Health Innovation, Advanced Manuacturing, andNanotechnology.

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    3 Illinois Science & Technology CoalitionAnnual Report 2012

    Energy and Sustainability

    Illinois is paving the way or next-generation energy

    solutions. The ISTC has targeted a number o

    initiatives to advance and accelerate transormative

    eorts around energy storage, grid enhance-

    ments, and sustainable energy innovation that will

    enhance the states position as a leader in the

    energy economy.

    Smart Grid Implementation

    The landmark Energy Inrastructure Modernization

    Act included an investment rom utilities Commonwea

    Edison and Ameren to spend $3.2 billion over the

    next decade to upgrade Illinois aging grid and integrat

    new energy-saving technologies. The ISTC acili-

    tated a key component o the legislation to mandate

    the ormation o the Illinois Science and Energy

    Innovation Foundationnow called Energy Foundry

    a $72.5 million eort to accelerate entrepreneur-

    ship and innovation and empower consumers to acces

    Illinois revolutionary smart grid.

    In 2012, the ISTC helped establish and launch the

    Energy Foundry, which is colocated with the ISTCs

    ofces at 1871. In addition, the ISTC is an Energy

    Foundry board member and is a ounding member o

    the Smart Grid Advisory Council (SGAC), the states

    statutory advisory board to monitor smart grid deploy-

    ment by the utilities.

    Korea-Illinois Smart Buildings Initiative

    In 2011, the ISTC spearheaded the ormation o the

    Korea-Illinois Smart Buildings Initiative (KISBI), a

    public-private partnership, and secured state unding

    to leverage $1.7 million in oreign direct investment

    rom the South Korean government. KISBI helps large

    residential consumers retroft their inrastructure

    to pursue energy efciency. Currently, KISBI is workin

    with six acilities to install energy efciency technol-

    ogy that will enable them to take advantage o deman

    response technologies and participate in ancillary

    energy markets in 2013.

    Oak Park Smart Cities USA Project

    In August 2012, Oak Park was selected rom among

    288 communities around the world to host the Smart

    Cities USA Demonstration Project, which will serve as

    best-in-class demonstration o the benefts to con-

    sumers o working together to monitor their energy u

    generate their own power, and pool their resources to

    ISTC and South Korean

    partners signed a letter o

    intent and memorandum

    o understanding that

    secured $3 million to

    support investments insmart meters, solar

    panels, and energy storage

    and consumer energy

    management systems.

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    4 Illinois Science & Technology CoalitionAnnual Report 2012

    participate in energy markets. The ISTC partnered

    with the Village o Oak Park during the Smart Citiesapplication process to secure the commitment o

    the Korean government and corporate partners. With

    the ISTCs guidance, Oak Park signed a letter o

    intent and memorandum o understanding with South

    Korean partners that will bring in $3 million to

    support investments in smart meters, solar panels,

    and energy storage and consumer energy manage-

    ment systems.

    Shedd Aquarium Energy Master Road Map

    The Shedd Aquarium has long played a leading rolein demonstrating how large acilities can promote

    sustainability. In December 2012, ater a six-month

    development process, the Shedd launched an

    Energy Master Road Map in partnership with the ISTC,

    Citizens Utility Board, Civic Consulting Alliance,

    West Monroe Partners, Institute or Sustainable Energy

    Development, City o Chicago, and State o

    Illinois. The plans goal is to cut the Shedds energy

    consumption in hal by 2020 through a mix o

    smart energy strategies, saving approximately 10 mil-

    lion kilowatt hours annuallyenough to power

    750 households. This groundbreaking eort will serve

    as a national smart energy model or other museums

    and civic institutions.

    The Illinois Smart Grid Regional Innovation

    ClusterOver the past two years, the ISTC acted as managing

    partner or the Illinois Smart Grid Regional Innovation

    Cluster (ISGRIC), which was launched in 2010

    to promote cluster-based market segment economic

    development. To support ongoing eorts, the ISTC

    helped to secure a ollow-up grant rom the U.S. Small

    Business Administration to participate in a third

    year o cluster development activities. The ISTCs eorts

    with ISGRIC are already star ting to bear ruit:

    in 2012, the organization hosted the second annual

    Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid and the NewEnergy Economy and also extended fnancial support

    to 12 smart-grid start-ups.

    In February 2012, the ISTC produced the Illinois Smart

    Grid Market Inventory through the eorts o

    ISGRIC to chronicle the analytical, regulatory, and

    technological developments related to the smart

    grid currently under way in Illinois.

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    U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu announces the $120 million DOE award or Argonne

    National Laboratory as University o Chicago President Robert Zimmer, Governor Pat Quinn,

    and Argonne Director Eric Isaacs look on.

    Targeting Federal Resources

    In November, state and ederal ofcials celebrated a $120 million award romthe U. S. Department o Energy (DOE) to a team led by Argonne National Laboratory

    that will develop a battery and energy storage hub over the next fve years. The

    hub, to be known as the Joint Center or Energy Storage Research (JCESR), will com-

    bine the R&D frepower o fve DOE national laboratories, fve universities (including

    Northwestern University, the University o Chicago, and the University o Illinois), and

    our private frms to achieve revolutionary advances in battery perormance.

    The ISTC worked with Argonne in developing the proposal and aligning partners,

    including helping to secure capital unding rom Governor Pat Quinn and the Illinois

    General Assembly. Illinois will now be an epicenter o energy storage research,

    working to develop lighter, more powerul, and cheaper batteries or everything rom

    smartphones to electric vehicles.

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    6 Illinois Science & Technology CoalitionAnnual Report 2012

    Biotechnology and Health Innovation

    Illinois has a diverse and vibrant lie sciences com-

    munity driven by frst-rate research institutions, top

    global companies, and many emerging enterprises.

    The ISTC works with its leading members and partners

    to increase health innovation and collaboration

    opportunities across the biotechnology community and

    to ampliy Illinois and the regions position as a lie

    sciences hub.

    Illinois Medical District

    The Illinois Medical District (IMD) is the nations largest

    urban medical district and eatures an unparalleled

    concentration o healthcare acilities and providers.

    With renewed leadership, the District is ocused on

    expanding innovation in healthcare, medical science,

    inormation technology, biotechnology, medical

    devices, and clean technology. In 2012, the IMD joined

    the ISTC board, and our organizations are working

    collaboratively to develop a master plan or the District

    to drive economic development through health inno-

    vation. To help inorm and defne the IMDs strategic

    goals, the ISTC sponsored an economic impactstudy in partnership with the University o Illinois at

    Chicago that will establish a comprehensive baseline

    analysis o the Districts impact on the regional economy.

    The ISTC osters global partnerships or the State o

    Illinois. In 2012, the ISTC signed three memorandums

    o understanding (MOU) in China and Brazil ocused

    on biotechnology and energy.

    In May, the ISTC and partner iBIO signed an MOU with

    the Shanghai Biopharmaceutics Industry Association

    (SBIA). The MOU established a relationship with the

    SBIA that will increase investment and innovation

    in pharmaceuticals, economic development, medical

    devices, and related sectors.

    Targeting International Collaboration

    The ISTC also signed an MOU with BIO-RIO (Plo de

    Biotecnologia do Rio de Janeiro) in September as part

    o Governor Quinns trade mission to Brazil. BIO-RIO

    is a leading Brazilian organization that promotes enter-

    prises and entrepreneurship in the felds o biotech-

    nology and lie sciences, and the MOU solidifed BIO-

    RIOs decision to open an ofce in Chicago in 2012.

    In addition, as part o the agreement, the ISTC and BIO-

    RIO will promote participation at international events

    such as BIO 2013, support the exchange o talent and

    ideas, advance trade investment opportunities, and

    support cooperation between technology parks in Illinois

    and Brazil.

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    Supporting Industry Conerences

    On April 2225, 2013, McCormick Place will hostthe Biotechnology Industry Organizations (BIO) annual

    International Convention, the largest gathering o

    biotech frms in the world. At Chicago BIO 2013, the

    industry will come together to discover the latest

    innovations, share industry knowledge, connect with

    partners, and explore business opportunities. The

    ISTC has been working in advance o the event to help

    showcase Illinois and the regions strength in the

    lie sciences and is also playing a leadership role to

    align and coordinate the states research institutions.

    This eort includes highlighting the states transorma-tional research and innovations and acilitating

    business partnerships among academia and industry.

    In addition, the ISTC worked to engage the leader-

    ship o the Advanced Medical Technology Association

    (AdvaMed) to attract its inaugural convention to

    Chicago in 2014.

    Biotechnology Economic Impact Study

    To highlight the overall strength o Illinois in liesciences, the ISTC partnered with iBIO and Ernst &

    Young to produce an economic impact study or

    the industry. Based on preliminary fndings, the study

    provides data confrming that the Midwest region

    is the largest and most diverse biosciences cluster in

    the United Statesin terms o size, economic

    strength, and dynamism. The report will be released

    to coincide with the BIO 2013 conerence.

    In May, the ISTC and the Citizens Utility Board signed

    an MOU with the Administrative Committee o Baodin

    National Hi-Tech Development Zone and SGT Researc

    in Beijing. The agreement seeks to promote coopera-

    tion on the development and deployment o smart

    grid and sustainable technology in energy, economic

    development, environment, and related sectors.

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    Advanced Manuacturing

    Illinois is a global center o manuacturing, eaturing

    one o the most diverse manuacturing bases in

    the nation and home to many o the most competitive

    manuacturers in the world. As one o the states

    leading job growth sectors, Illinois manuacturers

    compete on innovation and represent a large con-

    centration o the R&D activity taking place in the state.

    In 2012, the ISTC increased its involvement in the

    advanced manuacturing sector by playing

    a leadership role in the states National Governors

    Association (NGA) Policy Academy on Advanced

    Manuacturing. Illinois was one o seven statesselected to take part in this eort, which aimed to

    spur innovation and entrepreneurship in ways

    that encourage the growth o advanced manuacturing

    industries critical to economic development. The

    ISTC chaired the Innovation Working Group, which

    developed strategies to strengthen collaborative

    partnerships among universities, national labs, and

    industry to build on competitive advantages, increase

    the sharing o intellectual property, and support the

    development and commercialization o technologies

    important to advanced manuacturing.

    In addition, the ISTC worked closely with the University

    o Illinois, which led a multi-institution proposal as

    part o the National Network o Manuacturing Innova-

    tion (NNMI) pilot institute competition. Although the

    proposal was not awarded ederal unding, the ISTC is

    driving ollow-on activities that align the statesresearch strengths to better equip manuacturers o all

    sizes in Illinois with the tools they need to increase

    their global competitiveness.

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  • 7/30/2019 ISTC Annual Report 2012



    Enhancing Illinois Competitiveness as a

    Source o Ideas and Talent

    Since being ormed by Governor Quinn in 2011, the Illinois Innovation

    Council (IIC) has served as a vital link to connect the public and

    private sectors. Over the past year, the ISTC has supported the IICs

    mission by pursuing initiatives that seek to create a supportive,

    dynamic environment or innovation across Illinois.

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    Illinois Open Technology Challenge

    Through the leadership o the Innovation Council,

    the ISTC has increased the availability o public data

    across the state and encouraged the use o tech-

    nology to address government challenges. This eort

    includes launching the Illinois Open Technology

    Challenge (ILOpenTech), an initiative to promote collabo-

    ration among government, developers, and com-

    munities and create digital tools using public data that

    serve civic needs and promote economic development.

    Launched in October 2012 at the Illinois Municipal

    League Conerence, ILOpenTech builds on the success

    o regional eorts on open data as well as the 2011Apps or Metro Chicago, Illinois competition. In partner-

    ship with the Smart Chicago Collaborative, the

    competition includes at least $75,000 in prize unding,

    which will be awarded to Illinois most innovative

    developers rom our pilot communitiesBelleville,

    Champaign, Rockord, and Chicagos south suburbs.

    Sponsors o the initiative include the Chicago

    Community Trust, Google, the John S. and James L.

    Knight Foundation, and the Motorola Mobility

    Foundation. Additional support is being provided

    by Comcast.

    Governor Quinn announc

    the launch o the

    Illinois Open Technology

    Challenge in October


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    Connecting the Dots

    One o the greatest challenges in building a vibrant

    innovation ecosystem is ensuring that entrepreneurs

    and innovators have the tools and knowledge they

    need to be successul. As a result, the IIC developed a

    new platorm or its members to harness their assets,

    strengths, and networks in order to address common

    issues acing Illinois entrepreneurs, industry and

    nonproft leaders, and policymakers. Star ting at the

    January 2012 meeting, innovators o all types made

    seven-minute Connecting the Dots presentations to

    the IIC. Innovators described the problem they

    are seeking to solve or tackle and the resources they

    need to accomplish their objectives.

    In all, the IIC heard 24 Connecting the Dots presenta-

    tions in 2012 rom start-ups, corporate partners,

    government leaders, universities, and nonprofts.

    Presentation highlights included:

    An overview o Illinois Pathways (see next section),

    which helped secure more than $2 million in cash

    and in-kind support rom IIC member institutions

    The Illinois Gigabit Communities Challenge, a $4 mil-

    lion competition that provides unding to promising

    ultra-high-speed broadband deployment projects in

    Illinois; the challenge drew more than 40 applica-tions, including several IIC member entities

    Several health innovation presentations that align

    activities at the IMD

    Argonne Director Eric Isaacs, Mark Harris, and State o Illinois Chie

    Operating Ofcer Andy Ross at the December 2012 Innovation Council

    meeting at Northwestern University.

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    Illinois Science & Technology Institute

    In late 2011, the ISTC established the Illinois Science

    & Technology Institute (ISTI), a tax-exempt 501(c)(3)

    public charity, as a complementary eort to ocus on

    STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math)

    education and develop Illinois talent pipeline. The ISTI

    seeks to advance scientifc understanding and tech-

    nological innovation in Illinois through discovery, educa-

    tion, invention, and partnership.

    In September, ater a competitive multistep process,

    the Illinois State Board o Education awarded a three-

    year, $430,000 grant to the ISTI to serve as the lead

    entity organizing the Illinois Pathways Research andDevelopment (R&D) STEM Learning Exchange. Illinois

    Pathways is the states education reorm platorm,

    utilizing ederal Race to the Top (RTTT) unding to sup-

    port college and career readiness across STEM

    programs o study. Learning exchanges are unique,

    public-private educational opportunities with busi-

    ness resources to prepare students to compete in the

    global economy. As part o its response, the ISTI

    secured more than $2 million in cash and in-kind com-

    mitmentsmore than our times the required match

    rom its STEM coalition partners.

    The R&D STEM Learning Exchange will connect

    students, teachers, amilies, universities, nonprofts

    entrepreneurial communities, and employers elec-

    tronically and through events. Its mission is to give a

    Illinois students an opportunity to participate in

    high-quality, student-driven research and innovation

    experiences. By presenting students with the possi-

    bilities and opportunities or STEM degrees and career

    the exchange will encourage critical thinking and

    inquiry skills. In addition, the exchange will provide

    platorm or students and teachers to interact and

    explore the rontiers o knowledge in science, techno

    ogy, engineering, and mathematics in our state.

    A 2011 report rom the Georgetown University Center

    on Education and the Workorce shows that

    Illinois will have an estimated 319,000 STEM-related

    job openings by 2018.

  • 7/30/2019 ISTC Annual Report 2012



    Championing Science andTechnology Through Awareness,

    Visibility, and Advocacy

    Awareness, coordination, and collaboration are important elements

    in sustaining a vibrant innovation ecosystem. To help shape the

    dialogue among government ofcials, policymakers, and businesses,

    the ISTC regularly shares inormation and updates through

    publications, newsletters, and events.

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    17 Illinois Science & Technology CoalitionAnnual Report 2012


    Throughout the past year, the ISTC hosted conerences

    and events that att racted leaders in business,

    academia, and the public sector. These gatherings oer

    a platorm to promote innovation and draw attention

    to emerging opportunities.

    Washington, D.C.

    The ISTC organized three Science & Technology Lead-

    ership Forums and an Innovation Day in Washington,

    D.C. These events showcased the work o our member

    organizations to members o the Illinois congressional

    delegation and sta and emphasized the importance o

    sustained, predictable unding or basic and appliedresearch.

    JanuaryEnergy Storage (with Argonne National

    Laboratory, University o Illinois, and Northwestern


    AprilBig Data (with Fermilab, Illinois Institute o

    Technology, and University o Chicago)

    MayPersonalized Medicine, Medical Devices, and

    Drug Delivery Mechanisms (with Loyola University,

    Northern Illinois University, University o Illinois, and

    University o Chicago).

    Springfeld, Illinois

    The ISTC organized and hosted three Research,

    Development, and Innovation (RDI ) Caucus events in

    Springfeld over the past year. Each gathering

    ocused on a dierent issue, and topic areas included

    multistate benchmarking with the State Science

    and Technology Institute (SSTI), smart grid technology

    and a look at the talent and capabilities o Argonne

    National Laboratory.

    In March 2012, the ISTC partnered with the Chicago

    Innovation Awards and TechAmerica to host a round

    table discussion and reception at the GovernorsMansion. The roundtable was convened to highlight

    collaboration among the public and private sectors

    in promoting the growth o Illinois innovation ecosys-

    tem. Nearly 70 companies and institutions attended th

    event, including representatives rom the Governors

    ofce, the Illinois General Assembly, and ISTC membe

    and partners.

    ISTCs Mark Harris with

    Senator Durbin and

    Caralynn Nowinski rom

    University o Illinois.

    Innovation roundtable at

    the Governors Mansion

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    18 Illinois Science & Technology CoalitionAnnual Report 2012

    National Academies Conerence at

    Northwestern UniversityThe ISTC partnered with the National Academies and

    Northwestern University on Growing the Innovation

    Economy in Illinois, a daylong conerence in Evanston.

    Speakers included representatives rom several ISTC

    member organizations: Argonne National Laboratory,

    In March 2012, the Organisation or Economic

    Co-operation and Development released OECD Territorial

    Reviews: The Chicago Tri-State Metropolitan Area.

    The report noted that Illinois has gained a better under-

    standing o how to promote science, technology,

    and innovation assets, internally and externally. In

    addition, the ISTCs role in ostering the development

    o important high-growth clusters such as clean

    technology and energy innovation and the IIC were

    identifed as key components in the states innovation

    ecosystem. According to the report, the combination

    o increased investment in R&D and patent activity and

    better coordination among entities within the tri-

    state region could help Illinois achieve higher levels

    o success.

    OECD Report

    Baxter, Illinois Institute o Technology, Northwestern

    University, University o Chicago, and the Universityo Illinois. At the conerence, the ISTCs Mark Harris

    and Ted Fetters presented an overview o the

    organization and released the ISTCs report, The 2012

    Illinois Nanotechnology Report: A Road Map or

    Economic Development.

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    19 Illinois Science & Technology CoalitionAnnual Report 2012

    Media Impressions

    Steal this idea! Illinois takes steps to become a major smart grid hub

    March 2012

    Illinois commercial broadband connections soarMay 2012

    System analysts, Web developers in demand in Chicago: Latest Innovation Index

    tallies job postings in state

    July 2012

    Illinois schools more innovativeAugust 2012

    Illinois universities get better at capitalizing on researchAugust 2012

    Illinois $72.5 million smart grid unds debutsSeptember 2012

    Seeking private-public unding to urther scienceSeptember 2012

    Illinois Open Technology Challenge Seeks Innovative AppsOctober 2012

    Champaign To Participate in Illinois Technology ChallengeOctober 2012

    Illinois Making More Public Data Available Online

    October 2012, St. Louis

    Argonne chosen as Energy Dept. hub or advancing electric car batteriesNovember 2012

    Illinois Sparks an Electricity Efciency ClusterDecember 2012

  • 7/30/2019 ISTC Annual Report 2012


    Abbott Laboratories

    Argonne National Laboratory

    Astellas Pharma US, Inc.

    Baxter International

    Chicagoland Chamber o


    The Chicago Zoological

    Society: The Brookfeld Zoo


    DePaul University

    Eaton Corporation

    Fermi National Accelerator




    GTL Resources

    Illinois Business Roundtable

    Illinois Institute o Technology

    Illinois Medical District

    John G. Shedd Aquarium

    NanoInk, Inc.

    Northern Illinois University

    Northwestern University

    Takeda Pharmaceuticals, U.S.

    University o Chicago

    University o Illinois

    Willdan Group, Inc.

    222 Merchandise Mart Plaza

    Suite 1212

    Chicago, Illinois 60654


    [email protected]


    ISTC members ISTC partners

    Biotechnology Industry


    Broadband Illinois

    Chicago Council on Science

    and Technology

    Chicago Innovation Awards

    Chicago Innovation Mentors

    Chicago Metropolitan Agency

    or Planning

    Chicagoland Entrepreneurial


    Citizens Utility Board

    Clean Energy Trust

    The Energy Foundry

    (Illinois Science and EnergyInnovation Foundation)

    Illinois Biotechnology Industry


    Illinois Department o

    Commerce and Economic


    Illinois Innovation Network

    Illinois Technology Association

    Illinois Venture Capital


    National Center or

    Agricultural Utilization


    National Corn to Ethanol

    Research Center

    National Governors


    Pharmaceutical Research and

    Manuacturers o America

    Smart Chicago Collaborative

    Southern Illinois University



    World Business Chicago

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