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ews"It Is Simply Uncanny To Be Listening To Some

European Or South American Station As Clear ..And With As Good"Tone As Local Station"

ULast Night I Listened to The Duluth Symphony Orchestra. It Was AlmostUnbelieveable - Every Note So Clear -- I Have Never Heard Anything LikeIt Before From Any Radio" I. Campbell. Mogadore, Ohio

VATICAN CITY CLEAR AS A BEll"Mrs. Swayze is getting just as big a thrill

out of the new radio as I am. She called methis morning about eleven and told me shejust got Vatican City, Italy, just as clear asa bell, in fact heard the bells and even theclock ticking in the studio. Not only is thetuning of short wave stations thrilling, butthe SCOTT ALLWAVE holds a new enjoy-_ment for us when we tune in our favoriteAmerican broadcast stations. I have neverheard a radio that made each program sorealistic, is so sensitive, and so selective. Weare getting programs from stations that wenever dreamed of getting on our otherradios_ DJB, DJD, DJX, Berlin, Germany;FYA, Paris, France; HVJ, Vatican City,Italy; EAQ, Madrid, Spain; GSC, GSB,GLS, GSF in London, England; HJ1ABB,Medillin, Colombia; COH, COC, Havana,Cuba, HJ lAB B in Barranquilla, Colombia;HJ1ABE, Cartagena, Colombia; HJ4ABL,Manizales, Colombia; HPSB, Panama City,Panama Republic. I have heard all thesestations as clear as you would a local Amer-ican station, also heard them identify them-selves in English. These are stations I havereceived since last Friday when I installedthe Scott Antenna. I have been picking uptwo or three new ones each day."

c. K. Swayze, Flint, Michigan.

FULFillS All CLAIMS FOR IT"I am more than pleased with the per-

formance of my SCOTT ALLWAVE RE-CEIVEk. The first receiver, to my knowl-edge, that fulfills all claims made for it byits producer, a truly wonderful instrument.I experienced no difficulty in locating mostEuropean stations, Central and SouthAmerican stations.'" C. Eickmann, Hyattsville, Md.

ONE of the most difficult prob-lems facing the prospectivepurchilser _of a radio receiver,

is to decide just what merit there isto the claims made by the manufac-turers of various receivers. It isonly natural that it manufacturershould be enthusiastic about the re-ceiver he is building, but whether itwill arouse the same amount of en-thusiasm in the purchaser after heoperates it, is something else. Forthat reason, I believe this issue ofthe "Scott News" is deeply interest-ing because the description of theresults obtained with the newSCOTT FULL RANGE· HIGH FI-DELITY ALLWAVE RECEIVER isnot my description, but is takenfrom letters that have been writtento me by owners during the past fewweeks. These letters give you im-partial, authentic information ofthe kind of reception being obtainedby Scott Owners in various parts ofthe country.

However,- if before placing yourorder, you would like to actuallyhear and see a SCOTT ALLWAVERECEIVER in operation, listen to itstone, hear the clarity and volumewith which it brings in distant for-eign stations, write me, and I willbe very glad to give you the nameand address of the Scott Ownernearest to you.

ADMIRES PRECISION"We all have admired the precision and

careful way in which this set is built. It isto be compared only with the 16 cylinderCadillac, which I consider the best car onthe market, and you know how they arebuilt."


AND CLEARNESS"It is hard for me to express just how

much we enjoy our new SCOTT ALL-WAVE. Each evening we receive programsfrom Berlin and London with volume andclearness comparable with WGN. It cer-tainly' is a pleasure to tune in a wonderfulorchestra and have them play for an houror more and not be interrupted by a num-ber of advertisements. To tell you the truth,I was more or less in doubt as to just whatkind of results I would get from my receiver.I had read so many advertisements by vari-ous 'radio companies as to what wonderfulreception was possible with their receivers,and then when I tried them out I was al-ways greatly disappointed. This is not trueof the SCOTT ALLWAVE. Every word ofdescription contained in your folders andletters has been upheld by the remarkableresults obtained from the SCOTT. One sta-tion which we logged with very good loudspeaker volume and clearness was Calcutta,India. This station was received at 9 :00A. M. This is really remarkable consider-ing that Calcutta is 12,000 miles distantfrom South Bend." "0_

D_ Hoffmall, Soulh Belld, Indiana:

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NO TROUBLE GETIING EUROPE"Had no trouble getting the following

European stations in the afternoon-DJD,DJB, Germany; FYA, France; EAQ, Spain;2RO, Italy; CTlAA, Portugal. The recep-tion on these stations was quite clear anddistinct. In the evening I picked up manySouth American stations as well as one ofthe German stations."

c. P. McNulty, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.


AS IF LOCAL"My receiver was set up at noon, May

9th. On that evening I began with localbroadcasts. The reception was marvelous.Just for a trial I switched on the shortwaves and soon was listening to a speechmade by someone who, every now and then,addressed another as 'Your Majesty.' Whenhe finished, the King of England replied.Every word was as distinct as if it werecoming from a local station. I was stillskeptical until the station was announced asGSL, London, England."

G. R. Boyce, Chicago, Illiuois.


"I have delayed writing you until I wasfamiliar with the operation of the newSCOTT ALL W AVE Receiver and in aposition to render a fair report. And evennow-after a three-weeks' test-I am fear-ful of seeming to slop over by using toomany superlatives in its praise. I don't be-lieve though, that I can say more than thatit is all you claimed for it. In spite of thefact that receiving conditions have beenvery unfavorable most of the time, I hadno trouble from the first in picking up theusual European and S. A. stations; and theonly morning I tried, I got VK3ME, hold-ing him for over an hour. But it is whatone can do in the way of controlling thequality that appeals to me. The quality ofreproduction I've been able to ge~ h~s bee?,nothing short of marvelous-limited, itseems to me, only by the broadcasters them-selves and their 10 Kc. separation. I haveowned or played with most of the betterreceivers on the market today, including-----, and I don't think I. overstate itwhen I say that the SCOTT is almost asfar ahead of any of them as to the averageset is ahead of the first set I owned (agenerative reflex) way back in 1924."

R. H. Jones, Appleton. Wis.

HAVE BEST RADIO NOW"As much as I hate letter writing, I think

I must take time out and tell you all aboutmy SCOTT ALLW AVE. For the last ~2years I was trying to get the best. radIObuilt and sometimes I thought I had it, foramong them were such as -, -, -, butafter trying my SCOTT ALLWA VE, I knowthat I really do have the best radio now.Just now I am enjoying a program f~omDJD Berlin Germany, although there IS astor~ and thunder prevailing."

J. P. Morris, Harmarville, Penna.


"The SCOTT ALLWAVE arrived abouttwo weeks ago and I have delayed writingto you so that I could give it a tryout firstand would be in a better position to expressmy opinion of it. On opening it up it ap-peared to justify the name 'The RollsRoyce of Radios.' I inst:llled it in the WauClubroom and the interest and most favor-able comments it has created would astoundyou. I will give you some idea of thelocality where the set is installed and youwill see that the position is about as bad aspossibe for reception: Wau is about 5 de-grees south of the line and is about 40 milesfrom the coast, but to reach Wau means awalk of 7 days over range after range ofmountains up to 10,000 feet high. This walkis not often taken on, excepting by natives,as we have four most up-to-date air serviceswith over 30 airplanes for passengers andfreight. It is quite a common sight to seehorses, cattle and motor cars and completetrucks being unloaded from the big threeengine Junkers that are capable of carrying4 tons in a lift. Wau is 3,000 feet abovesea level and is surrounded by 10,000 feetmountains and almost every day we get atropical d i s t u r ban c e; however, nothingseems .to upset the reception from theSCOTT. The only complaint I can makeabout it is, that I spend less time at mywork than I should. I listen in to Londonevery afternoon from 3 :30 to 5 :30 P. M.The reception from this London station iswonderful and London is over 11,000 milesfrom Wau. When Big Ben strikes the hour,and although I only have the volume onless than one-fourth, the rafters in the roomshake. It is just the same with speaking,singing or music. Every night I do a triparound the world, commencing at Hong-Kong, then Japan, Manila, and all Austra-lian stations, Moscow, Rome, Paris andAmerican stations, and many others thatare foreign to me. These stations all comein with loud speaker strength and wonderfulclarity. On Tuesday I listened in to Tokio,Japan, calling Paris and the announcer keptsaying that Paris was not coming through atall well. I tuned into Paris and got won-derful reception. I could have sold my setthree times already, but find I couldn't dowithout it. In conclusion, I would like tothank you for the interest that you havetaken and the trouble you have gone to,and once again to express my opinion thatthe SCOTT ALL WAVE is the receiver ofreceivers." T. Flower, Wau, New Guinea.


"I suppose it is about time that I let youknow that I received the receiver in goodcondition, and it is working fine. for thiskind of hot and dry weather, due to static;although, by using the noise suppressor Icould drop the static interference to a lowdegree and get favorable reception. It is awonderful instrument and has a very finetone. I am always hearing these words whenanyone comes in to see it: 'I'm going righthome and kick mine out'-'I never seen aradio like that'-'It sure is beautiful'-'Ithas such a wonderful tone.' Well, the re-ceiver sure speaks for itself, and I am wellpleased with it. I have received D JD inGermany and a station in London, and I amonly using a straight aerial at present about75 feet long, but I expect to do better whenI get the aerial up that was shipped withthe receiver. I am experiencing receptionnow that I have looked for for a long time.

G. H. Lufl, Penbrook, Pelllla.


rived promptly as promised and no time waslost in its installation, and there was nodifficulty in bringing in foreign stations. Ihave always thought my location was excep-tionally noisy, but with the combination ofcontrols you have inaugurated, noise is nowa minor matter. The tone is priceless,whether from American or foreign stations,and the selectivity is incredible, and as I arrindulging in superlatives, and one must intalking about your SCOTT, may I mentionthe accuracy of the calibration both on shortand broadcast bands. As a matter of fact,when the receiver was first installed, andbefore the volume was turned up, I dialedto GSD on 11.7 5 and there it was. Well,the set is absolutely marvelous and I thankyou for it." C. Goodman, Philadelphia. Penna.

EXCEPTIONAL TONAL QUALITIES"Everyone who has heard the set so far

has commented on the exceptional tonalqualities, and I am more than pleased. Oneof the most interesting observations is thata poor orchestra sounds just what it is, andthere are a number of performers that Icould stand on myoid radio but that areshown up too badly on this one. I heardErnest Hutchinson playa piano recital froma local studio yesterday which eQuId hardlyhave been improved on if he were playingin my own living room."

J. Honeywell, Baltimore. Md.

NOTHING SEEMS DISTANT"The set is positively wonderful in every

detail and does all you say and claim. Wordsdo not express the action and pleasure it hasgiven me. Nothing seems distant with thisreceiver."

THE BEST SET IN TOWN"I have only compliments to express to -

you for this new model which gives verygood results-clear tone, volume, etc. In theopinion of everyone who heard it, it is thebest set in town."

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yesterday. I took it out of the boxes at3 :30 and at 5 :30 I not only had it in opera-tion, but had received London, Berlin, anda station in France; all coming in perfectlyand with marvelous tone quality and volumeequal to any American station."

A. McAllister, Bridgeton, N. J.


CEIVER installed last week Thursdaynight. I have had many sets in the past tenyears, but this surpasses them all. The toneis beautiful. On the short waves I have hadLondon, Paris, Spain and South America.I am delighted with the set."

H. Lally, New York City, New York.


"I have waited to give the radio a goodtry before I wrote you and believe me, itreally does live up to its reported perform-ance, and the tone quality leaves nothing tobe desired. We get the international newsfrom London, England, every night on the25 meter band. The machine itself is awork of art; both outside and inside arebeautiful. When any visitor comes to thehouse, I have just got to show them theinside with all the wonderful finish you haveput there, and that, with the superb tonequality, makes them all exclaim that youhave, without a doubt, the world's finestradio (no exceptions)."

A. W. Galloway, Flint, Michigan.

"The performance of the receiver ismarvelous. After using the best receiverson the market from the early days of radio,I can truthfully say that anyone who hasnot heard the SCOTT ALL WAVE hasnever listened to a program as it is trans-mitted. It does not sound like radio. Closeyour eyes and you have no difficulty inseating yourself in the auditorium wheresuch a program might be in progress. Atouch of volume on a pipe organ, largeorchestra or band gives you a thrill thatwords cannot adequately describe. Nonoise, no vibration, no sour notes. It istruly a musical instrument. In the shortwaves it is exceptional. Yesterday on 18megs. I listened to Buenos Aires direct withbetter results than the rebroadcast throughKYW, a 10,000 watt transmitter only 40miles away. KYW on local broadcasts isperfect at this .point. Every word was clearand understandable. I could make it heardall over the house, without the semblance

. of distortion."

"I am writing you to inform you that Ithink your radio is a whale of an instru-ment. The tone is beautiful and is truly awonderful instrument."

F. C. Richards, Cincinnati, Ohio.

MASTERPIECE OF MODERN SCIENCE"I am writing you today to let you know

my impression regarding the SCOTT RE-CEIVER. Despite the clarity and detailsof the description in the advertising folderspublished by you, we admit that everythingamazed us. We do not know what to admiremost; whether the quality of the materialor the care and solidity of the construction,combining to make a set that delights andrepresents a true masterpiece 0f modernscience. The quality of reception is muchabove what you advertise, to the extent thatwe do not believe anything more perfectcould be conceived. The volume, stabilityand fidelity of reproduction surprised eventhe most exacting listeners, giving cause toaffirm that whoever has not heard a SCOTTis still unaware of the marvel of radio."

J. G. Araujo, M ana as, Brazil.

"To say we are pleased with this setwould be expressing it mildly. We are sim-ply amazed as well as delighted, and I wantto say right here, Mr. Scott, you have an-other strong booster for SCOTT RADIOS.Regardless of the most stormy, unfavorableweather; the reception is excellent. I haveexperienced no difficulty whatsoever inbringing in London, Berlin and Holland, andthis with myoid single wire antenna."

E. J. Grippen, Endicott, New York.



"I have received my new SCOTT RE-CEIVER and I am very well pleased withit. In the first half hour of operation I wasable to bring in with amazing volume andclarity the better known stations of Spain,England, France, Germany and Italy."

H. C. Olmstead, New York City, N. Y.

TONE SIMPLY SUPERBFirst, I must tell you how thoroughly

pleased I am with the new SCOTT. Andthat is a compliment indeed, coming from

anyone who has been extremely critical inthe past! Its tone simply is superb, by allodds far superior to anything I have everheard. Indeed I hope you will feel perfectlyfree to refer any prospective purchasers inmy neighborhood to me. I shall be glad toinvite them to my home where they mayhear for themselves the performance youclaim. Such proof should do more to sellSCOTT than the printed word, and I amhappy to extend you this small degree ofcooperation. Last Sunday morning I hadVK2ME with such clarity and volume thatMrs. Eisenhardt, from her bedroom, askedme to change my mind and take a walkinstead."


"I have been so busy enjoying mySCOTT ALLWAVE that I have delayedwriting you and telling you just how pleasedI am with the reception I am getting. I cannow realize how much real music I havemissed with myoid set. Even folks' voicessound so much clearer and natural andsingers are so much sweeter. Band musicis my favorite and I can hear instrumentswith this -new receiver which were utterlysilent in the old set. Organ music, too,sounds so soft and mellow that it is sheerdelight to tune in this set. We still haveour old set and now when we tune it in forcomparison with the SCOTT ALLWAVE,it is hardly conceivable that a radio canbring in such perfect reproduction of soundand voice. Our favorite programs have be-come a source of greater pleasure and Iconsider my SCOTT ALL WAVE the bestbuy, dollar for dollar, that I have evermade."


"I think that the SCOTT ALLWAVE isthe most beautiful thing both in appear-ance and performance that I have ever seenor heard. I want to congratulate you forcreating such a marvelous receiver. One ofmy neighbors told me this morning that hecertainly did enjoy my radio last evening.I asked him why he did not come over, andhe told me that it would make it less realnot to see the orchestra, for he could notsee how a receiver could reproduce suchfine music (I had DJD, Berlin, tuned in atthe time). If I could talk to you personallyI could express myself better, for I cannotsay too much for my SCOTT RECEIVER.It is just what you said it was, and will dowhat you said it would do and more, Mr.Scott. I can hear the intake of a person'sbreath between words when they are speak-ing into the mike. I know that the moresensitive and selective a receiver is the morenoise or other interference it will pick up,but within reason it can eliminate this iftuned right. I could go right on telling youthe fine points about my receiver, but youknow what it will do. Here are some of thestations that I have tuned in (but by nomeans all that I listened to): 12RO, Rome,Italy; EAQ, Madrid, Spain; DJD, DJA,

(Continued on page 6)

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DJC, Berlin, Germany; PRA, Rio deJaneiro; VK3ME, Melbourne, Australia;Radio Colonial, Paris, France; GSC, GSB,GSA, London, England; PHJ, Holland;REN, Moscow, Russia; VK2ME, Sydney,Australia, and XETE, Mexico. I have alsoreceived a lot more than that which I didnot log that come in like a local. I want tothank you again for such a wonderful. "receIver. A. R. Hodges, Lynchburg, Va.


"I received my SCOTT RADIO on the7th of May and have been having a lot ofpleasure from it since. Have had a goodmany people in to see and listen to it, andthey all agreed that it was the most beauti-ful and best toned radio that they had everseen or heard. Have had England, Germany,France and Holland all like locals."

J. S. Rouse, ll1ercedes, Texas.


AS LOCAL STATIONS"I have been getting England, Germany,

France, every day as clear as my local sta-tions. Australia comes in every morningvery clear. I am highly pleased with theSCOTT; it is a wonderful receiver and weare enjoying it to the fullest extent on bothbroadcast and short wave bands."

Mr. 1os. Moquin, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.


"The tone is as nearly natural as I pre-sume will ever be produced mechanically.That first night we heard the King's re-sponse to the House of Lords from anEnglish station clearly and distinctly, eventhough an electrical storm was going onout of doors." P. E. Kerkow, Covi~lgton, Ky.


"I have been using my SCOTT ALL-WAVE for about three weeks and want tosay that I am perfectly satisfied with it.The tone quality is wonderful, and while Ido not fool a great deal with short wave,I have brought in all principal Europeanstations with plenty of volume and goodquality. South American stations are easyto get all down the line."

L. E. Hawes, Springfietd, Mass.


"Just a few lines to let you know whatresults I am getting with iny SCOTT ALL-WAVE, and what I think of it. I havelistened to or tuned practically all the bet-ter receivers on the market, and in myopinion, no receiver I have seen is com-parable to the SCOTT. The finish and ap-pearance is beautiful, the workmanship. xcellent, the performance, tone and power'{ceIling any other receiver I have used or\lrd. Have heard with good quality the\cipal foreigns, and on the broadcast

bands get stations never heard before. Iwish to thank you again for the personalinterest you have taken and the variousaids you have given to insure the bestreception." T. L. Cilley, Hickory, N. C.

"Am very pleased with everything. Twohours after getting home had it operatingon my old ant~nna and got surprising re-ception. Have read your instructions care-fully and memorized same last night. I haveno difficulty tuning in two English (Lon-don), two German, and one Italian (Rome),two French (Paris), one Spain, Madrid,Cuban and Mexican stations. Had clearreception on most of them with volume ofa powerful local, the volume control onlyone-fourth on at that on some of them."

J. Saunders, Groton, Conn.

MARVELOUS TONE AND SELECTIVITY"I believe the set to be everything you

claim. It is a beauty externally, has mar-velous tone and fine selectivity. I receivedVK3LR and VK3ME the other morningwith more volume than I could use, inci-dentally, the needle was one-half way overon both stations. Picked up Melbournetesting with Canada at 8:00 P. M. on 11.4mc. with perfect clarity. This station hasbeen on from 7 :00 P. M. to 8 :00 or 9 :00P. M. several evenings. Europe is receivedperfectly. In closing, I wish to say that Iexpected a lot from your set and I firmlybelieve that I am going to get it."

I. l"I. Ham, Washington, D. C.


"I like the tone on the broadcast bandvery much. The sensitivity-fidelity controladds considerably to the tone on the broad-cast band, as well as improving DX recep-tion on the short waves. The following is abrief summary of the short wave stations Ihave tuned in the last week: From England,GSC, GSL, GSB, 'GSE; from France on11.90 meg. and 11.71; from Germany, DIGand DFL came in good; from SouthAmerica, LSY at Buenos Aires; Colombia,Venezuela, Ecuador and also several Spanishstations from S. A. and Central A. that Ihaven't identified; from Russia, RV1S, goodreception almost daily; also received sta-tions from Cuba, Mexico, Canada andHawaii; from Australia. VK2ME andVK3ME; from Java, YDA., almost daily aswell as several telephone stations fromthere; Java comes in loud most of thetime; from Japan, several Japanese stationsdaily." R. E. Miller, Oakland, Calif.


"I have received the SCOTT ALL-WAVE. It seems to entirely live up to yourstatements about it. The best complimentto the machine has been paid by Mrs:Drury. With quite an ear for music, she hascomplained that our old set was off tunewhen heard at a distance, but she says yourset is absolutely true whether heard near orat a distance." A. P. Drury, Washington, D. C.


"Our SCOTT ALLWAVE RECEIVERarrived. The tone of this receiver is mostwonderful, as natural as the human voiceitself. I don't see how you can build areceiver that will reproduce such beautifultones when all others have that dreadful'boxed-up' sound, and when one raises thevolume it blurs all over the place. But whenwe increase the volume on the SCOTT ALL-WAVE the speaker just talks louder andlouder without the slightest blur."

F. Macauley, Vallejo, Calif.

FAR BEYOND EXPECTATIONS"The set performed so excellently that it

is far beyond my expectations. All the wellknown foreign stations came in so clear,steady and without noise or background hissthat you could not tell whether it was a highpowered American station on the regularbroadcast band or a foreign station."

A. Nl. Zintm€71nall, FullertOl'l, Pennsylvania.


"To date, May 23, I have been able tolisten to the Australian stations VK2ME,VK3ME and VK3LR every morning, butonce, since receiving the SCOTT on May9th. Naturally atmospheric conditions havebeen unsettled for the past week, but dur-ing that time I have compiled quite a list ofshort wave stations which, to me, are arevelation of its ability. The volume fromDJD, Berlin, is by far the most powerfulstation which I have listened to. When theNorth American Directional program isbroadcast the volume from this station isso great that with the volume control lessthan one-fourth on it can be heard to thetop of the house. It is so clear that I heardsomeone in the orchestra clear his throatduring a lull in the program. I get abso-lutely no fading. I am absolutely astoundedat its performance."

Gilbert W. Dixon, Rydal, Penna.

"Just a few lines to let you know that theset arrived in perfect condition and I amdelighted with it. It certainly is a beautifulinstrument and the tone is wonderfuL"

H. W. Koster, San Francisco, Calif.

"I have tried most everything on themarket and it is impossible to describe byletter the reception the SCOTT ALL WAVERECEIVER gives. Really, you are in aposition to get just about anything thathappens to be in the air, and to get it insuch a manner as to be received withPLEASURE. I try to make myself contentin listening to Germany, England, France,Australia, Japan, Portugal, Holland, SouthAmerican countries, Russia, and a fewothers. If, I were to go in for logging andreceiving series, there is no limit to thepossibilities of stations you could securefrom using this set. It is the greatest thingever offered the radio buyer."

R. H. Duggan, Sandersville, Ga.

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A WONDERFUL INSTRUMENT"First of all I want to really congratulate

you on such a wonderful instrument as theSCOTT ALLWAVE which we have just hadfor a week. It is a fact that reception directfrom Pittsburgh is equally as good as thatfrom our local London regional station. Thefidelity control, together with the basscontrol, gives one complete control of thereproduction, assuring such high fidelity aswe have never before been privileged tohear. Thanking you again for the wonder-ful cooperation you have always shown me."

L. Keats, London, England.

APPRECIATES PERFORMANCE"During my stay in Oeiras and after-

wards at Sintra, I had the occasion to ap-preciate the performance in short waves onmy SCOTT ALLWAVE, and for your in-formation, I am going to mention below thereception I more insistently heard, as ifthey were issued by local stations: W8XK,W2XAL, W2XAD, W2XE, VE9JR,W3XAU, W1XAZ, W2XAF, PRA3, PSK,HJ1ABB, YV3BC, CP5, HJ3ABI, W1XAL,without, of course, taking into considerationthe European stations which were heardwith perfect neatness."

v. R. Santos, Lisbon, Portugal.

ENORMOUS RESERVE POWER"I had heard other receivers, but none of

them has the fidelity in reproducing thehuman voice or the musical sound as yourreceiver. Besides the gorgeous quality oftone, another characteristic that distin-guishes it is its enormous reserve to pullinto the loud speaker very far stations whichto other receivers would be considered asunknown. All my friends who have heardyour receiver agree to the effect of con-sidering it the most perfect piece in radioworkmanship. "

Diego O. Marrero, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

EXTRAORDINARY SUPERIORITY"We are pleased to inform you that the

SCOTT ALL WAVE RECEIVER withRegent cabinet, including automatic recordchanger combination reached us in perfectcondition. The packing was perfect, whichmade it possible for the cases to be trans-ported in perfect safety. We have testedyour new SCOTT ALL WAVE RECEIVERand it was with great joy that we found thatyour sets really show a great difference andextraordinary superiority from the view-points of sensitivity, tone quality, power,appearance and finish, as compared withother sets. We sincerely congratulate Mr.Scott for his creation and application ofmodern engineering in radio receivers."

F. M. Cassam-Chenai, Diego-Suarez, .1;Iadagascar.


"The SCOTT ALLW AVE RECEIVERhas come up to all my expectations. Like agood soldier, it is always ready to meet any

duties required of it, and meet them it does-whenever and wherever they be. MySCOTT is always here prepared to meet mywants, be they short waves, medium or longwaves. In actual results, what a world ofdifference there is between the SCOTT andother receivers, even those of repute. Iliked my previous sets well enough, but Iknow now what radio reception can andshould be. The SCOTT is bringing muchjoy and happiness into our home. For thiswe are greatly indebted to you, Sir, inreturn the least I can, and will do, is torecommend it freely and willingly your out-standing receiver to all my friends."

D. Polnay, Johannesburg, S. Africa.

"The receiver is perfectly satisfactory. Iam getting excellent results from Europeanstations-Berlin, London and Paris come inwith a bang. The performance far exceedswhat I expected. Prior to buying theSCOTT I had tried a number of receiversand results were not satisfactory, but recep-tion on the SCOTT is equally as good ashome radio stations." K. Calvert, Chauk, Burma.


"It might interest you to know thatwithin an hour, last Sunday afternoon, I hadfour continents; Daventry and Zeesen per-fectly, Pittsburgh about 4; Sydney at fullstrength with volume control about one-third on, and Bombay the same. Friends Ihave in, who are great wireless enthusiasts,say that they have never heard such perfectreproduction. As far as I am concerned Ifind wireless reception put on altogether adifferent plane now. Late yesterday after-noon the short wave emission on the Wales-Scotland match came through as well asanyone can have had it in England."

G. Elias, Ploesti, Rumania.

"I have very much pleasure in advisingyou that I received my SCOTT RADIO perS. S. Haiti, and that same arrived in perfect,A No. 1 condition. Immediately upon re-ceipt of the radio I assembled same myself,and following your instructions closely, Ihad no trouble whatsoever in getting im-mediate reception. I must really congratu-late your firm for engineering such amasterpiece. The set turned out to be farbeyond my expectation-the tone is entirelydifferent to the ordinary set of radios, andreception from foreign stations is as clearas a bell. I have the set going for only twodays and I have got reception from the fol-lowing short wave stations: Madrid, EAQ;London, GSC; Boston, W1XAZ; Berlin,DJA; Schenectady, W2XAF; Barranquilla,HJ 1A B B; Caracas, YV 1B C; Caracas,HV3BC; Pittsburgh, W8XK; Paris on25.20 meters; Bogota, HJ3ABF; London,

GSA; Berlin, D Je. Please take note that Ihave had reception from these stations withan indoor aerial and that they came in verypowerful and clear."

R. Calderon, Trinidad, B. W. 1.


"I am pleased to inform you that I re-ceived my SCOTT ALLWAVE RADIOfour days ago and it arrived in perfect con-dition. I can assure you that I consider thisset as a jewel for its beauty and high qual-ity, and I am quite satisfied to have pur-chased it. Its performance is magnificent onall wave lengths and its purity of tone isadmirable. It is all that a real radio fanaticcan wish, and with the enthusiasm thatprompts me to write you I cannot help con-gratulate you, as deserved, by the magicianin radio reception. Your receiver is beinghighly admired by many persons who haveseen and heard it, and in giving you thisexplanation I am merely performing a dutyof justice."


"This serves to thank you for the SCOTTALL WAVE RECEIVER. I am very muchsatisfied with the result, not only as regardsthe musical tone, but also because of theincredible number of stations which can bereceived at any time with the maximum of.clarity. I have heard very distant and lowpower stations just as if. they were localstations."


"I feel that you will be interested in thereception I have been having on my SCOTTALL WAVE RECEIVER. I use this setmostly on short wave as it is seldom thatlong wave reception is good in the tropics.During one month I logged 81 short wavebroadcasting stations in 26 different coun-tries. This does not include any policestations, airplanes nor amateurs. It onlyincludes stations that were received withgood, clear loud speaker volume. Includedin this list were stations in Japan, SouthAfrica, Australia, Brazil and Argentina. LastSaturday afternoon and Sunday I logged 47stations in 21 different countries in aboutfive hours. The English and German sta-tions are exceptionally good, specially onthe 19 meter band in the morning. Hollandand Russia also come in very good, thoughthey are not as regular as the English andGerman stations. I have been using shortwaves since 1927 and do not believe thereis any set that compares with the SCOTTALLWA VE for tone quality and reception."

1. F. Mattson, Oriente, Cuba.

Page 8: It Is Simply Uncanny To Be Listening To Some EuropeanOr ...


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