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Item 5.1 - Council Public Meeting Minutes - September 30RICHMOND HILL * a
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Agenda !tern
Wednesday, September 30, 2015 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers Richmond Hill Town Hall 225 East Beaver Creek Road Richmond Hill, Ontario
Mayor Barrow
A meeting under the Planning Act of the Council of the Town of Richmond Hill was held on Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
The following Members of Council were present:
Mayor Barrow Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora Regional and Local Councillor Hogg Councillor Beros Councillor Muench Councillor West Councillor Cilevitz Councillor Chan
The following members of Staff were present:
K. Kwan, Director of Development Planning S. Aiello, Manager of Development — Subdivisions G. Galanis, Manager of Development — Site Plans P. Chow, Planner II - Subdivisions A. Karaiskakis, Planner II — Subdivisions F. Toniolo, Planner ll — Site Plans K. Hurley, Acting Deputy Clerk T. Arbuckle, Council/Committee Clerk
Mayor Barrow read the Public Hearing Statement.
Moved by: Councillor Cilevitz Seconded by: Councillor West
That the agenda be adopted as distributed by the Clerk, with the addition of the following correspondence:
1. Correspondence from Doreen Coverdale, resident, dated May 19, 2015
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2. Correspondence from Masoud Modir, 67 Richmond Street, dated September 4, 2015
There were no disclosures of pecuniary interest by Members of Council under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
3.1 Request for Comments — Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium Applications - Primont Homes (Bayview) Inc. - Part of Lot 56, Concession 1, W.Y.S., Lot 14, Registered Plan 65M-2217 - 0 19th Avenue and 5 Glen Meadow Lane - File Nos.: D02- 15028, D03-09007 and D05-15001 — (SRPRS.15.120)
Andy Karaiskakis of the Planning and Regulatory Services Department provided an overview of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium applications to facilitate a residential development consisting of three (3) single detached dwellings and 173 block townhouses on the subject lands. Mr. Karaiskakis advised that staff's recommendation was that the staff report be received for information purposes only and all comments be referred back to staff.
Chad Jean-Baptiste, MMM Group Limited, agent for the applicant, noted the history of the development proposal for the site and advised that in his opinion the proposed development was in compliance with the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan and the Town's New Official Plan. He noted that the proposed development was within the permitted density for the site and did not require an Official Plan Amendment.
Bill Trotter, 6 Glen Meadow Lane, noted his concerns related to safety including the slope of Glen Meadows Lane onto Bayview Avenue, the speed of traffic, area traffic congestion and the need for a further traffic study. He expressed his belief that information presented to the public was misleading and noted the need for caution when proceeding with the proposed development.
Elizabeth Trotter, 6 Glen Meadow Lane, advised that she was a long time area resident and that she chose the location based on qualities such as the closed residential street. She advised concerns related to the area water table and mineral levels noting that her home was serviced by a well which requires regular testing. She advised that as a result of changes in the area, changes to her filtration system have been required and requested clarification respecting who would be responsible for possible damage to area properties and the adverse effects on the water table. Ms. Trotter noted concerns related to the slope of Glen Meadows Lane at the access to Bayview Avenue, tree growth patterns in the area and the dynamics of the community.
Yang Gu, 18 Glen Meadow Lane, advised of his concerns related to the introduction of a high number of units on the closed residential street and possible conflicts with the fire code as a result of only one entrance to the proposed development.
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Kian Kashani, 31 Glen Meadow Lane, provided a history of the area noting changes to the landscape as a result of development and advised of his concerns related to the Oak Ridges Moraine, proposed density, water table issues and traffic safety. He advised that area residents would be required to make concessions for the proposed development and noted concerns related to safety.
Cornelia Bittner, 14 Glen Meadow Lane, advised that she was opposed to the proposed development noting the negative impact on the quality of life for area residents. She expressed her concerns related to safety for pedestrians and drivers, access to the Canada Post mailbox, snow removal, overflow parking, winter driving and the slope of Glen Meadow Lane onto Bayview Avenue. Ms. Bittner advised of her opinion that the proposed development was incompatible with the existing homes.
Frank Bittner, 14 Glen Meadow Lane, noted that the proposed development had a modern look that was not architecturally compatible with the existing estate lot neighbourhood. He noted his desire for a more harmonious design that would be reviewed with area residents and advised of his concerns regarding the access to Glen Meadow Lane and emergency access to the proposed development.
Nancy Bruno, 10 Glen Meadow Lane, noted the history of her property and the extensive planning process and consultation with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. She noted a previous development that was refused access onto Glen Meadow Lane and advised of her concerns related to the adverse effect the proposed development could have on area property value. Ms. Bruno requested that the integrity of Glen Meadow Lane be maintained and advised that the proposed development was not planned carefully noting the high density.
Murray Evans, agent for area property owners, advised that he was representing several property owners on Glen Meadow Lane and noted concerns related to how the density was calculated by the applicant. He reviewed the gross vs. net density as well as developable land vs. the total site area which included environmental lands and how this information was being presented to residents. He advised that this proposal was higher in density than proposals for the downtown core and referenced the relief in zoning standards be requested by the applicant including relief of lot coverage, reduced front yard setback and townhouses less than 6 metres in width. Mr. Evans referred to the relief of front yard setbacks being requested for the units fronting onto Glen Meadow Lane and noted concerns related to the street scape and transition to homes on Glen Meadow Lane.
Patrick Lau, 28 Glen Meadow Lane, advised that he was a long time resident of the area and noted traffic issues related to the access to Bayview Avenue from Glen Meadow Lane.
Moved by: Councillor Muench Seconded by: Regional and Local Councillor Hogg
That SRPRS.15.120 with respect to the Zoning By-law Amendment, Draft Plan of Subdivision and Draft Plan of Condominium applications submitted by Primont Homes (Bayview) Inc. for lands known as Part of Lot 56, Concession 1, W.Y.S, Lot 14, Registered Plan 65M-2217 (Municipal Addresses: 0 19th Avenue and 5 Glen Meadow Lane), Town File Nos. D02-15028, D03-09007 and D05-15001, be received for information purposes only and that all comments be referred back to staff
Carried Unanimously
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3.2 Request for Comments — Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Paul Paglialunga and Denham Custom Design and Build Inc. - Lots 47, 48, 49, 17 and 18, Registered Plan 2539 - 56 and 60 Wright Street and 51 Hall Street - File No.: D02-15015 — (SRPRS.15.145)
Phoebe Chow of the Planning and Regulatory Services Department provided an overview of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications to facilitate the construction of eight semi-detached dwelling units on the subject lands. Ms. Chow advised that staffs recommendation was that the staff report be received for information purposes only and all comments be referred back to staff.
Peter Smith, Denham Custom Design and Build Inc., agent the applicant, noted the site supported three dwellings and was located within the downtown local centre. He advised that the proposed development was for 8 units which would provide intensification in the area that was supported under the Official Plan. He reviewed details of the proposed development including height, unit square footage, floor plan details, frontage and design quality. Mr. Smith noted the incorporation of land for the widening of Wright Street within the proposed development. He advised that his clients were in general agreement with the staff report and would be continuing to work with staff to address issues including a resubmission and internal side year setback. Mr. Smith advised that the project scored well within the context of various Town policy documents and advised that he was present to receive comments that would be considered prior to making their second submission to Staff.
There were no members of the public who responded to the Chair's invitation to address Council on this matter.
Moved by: Councillor West Seconded by: Regional and Local Councillor Spatafora
That SRPRS.15.145 with respect to the Zoning By-law Amendment applications submitted by Paul Paglialunga and Denham Custom Design and Build Inc. for lands known as Lots 47, 48, 49, 17 and 18, Registered Plan 2539 (Municipal Addresses: 56 and 60 Wright Street and 51 Hall Street), Town File No. D02- 15015, be received for information purposes only and that all comments be referred back to staff.
Carried Unanimously
3.3 Request for Comments — Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan Applications - Gil Scholyar - Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5, Plan 2404- 168 and 176 Elgin Mills Road West - File Nos.: 002-15004 and 006-15013 — (SRPRS.15.164)
Ferdi Toniolo of the Planning and Regulatory Services Department provided an overview of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications to facilitate the construction of a twenty (20) unit common element condominium townhouse development on the subject lands. Mr. Toniolo advised that staff's recommendation was that the staff report be received for information purposes only and all comments be referred back to staff.
Murray Evans, Evans Planning Inc., agent for the applicant, referred to the previous application for a portion of the site noting that the applicant had acquired more lands to increase the size of the site in order to address concerns related to circulation of emergency vehicles. He advised that the application was not seeking an increase in height and incorporated a transition to the properties to the north. Mr. Evans noted that this was a changing neighbourhood and a mixed use area and that the proposed development was located on an arterial road.
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A resident of 51 Cooperage Crescent noted existing non-residential uses in the area and advised that the proposed development did not confirm with the existing neighbourhood of single detached family homes. He noted existing townhomes in the area closer to Yonge Street and that freehold townhomes would be preferable to condominium townhomes.
A resident of 53 Cooperage Crescent advised that her property bordered the proposed development on two sides and expressed her concerns related to the density of the site. She noted the increased density compared to the increased site size and advised of concerns including set back from her property, insufficient visitor parking, traffic congestion and insufficient outdoor amenities and green space. She referenced the quality of life for the new and existing residents and noted that the proposed development did not incorporate space for the widening of Elgin Mills Road.
Diane Karelis, 158 Elgin Mills Road West, advised of concerns related to site access, grading overflow parking, incompatibility with existing neighbourhood and the impact on wildlife and trees.
Navid Tavakoli, 52 Cooperage Crescent, advised that he was opposed to the proposed development noting that it was incompatible with the current area and expressed concerns related to traffic congestion, privacy and the negative impact on area property values.
Esmaili Hengame, 53 Cooperage Crescent, expressed concerns related to quality of life, property value, lot coverage, privacy and the increased density of the proposed development. He noted the character of the community highlighting that the non-residential uses in the area were modest and advised that this application would be precedent setting as there was no existing townhouses in the area.
A resident of 158 Elgin Mills Road West noted the existing homes that border the proposed development and advised that single family homes would be a more appropriate option for the area. He noted concerns related to property values, the site entrance, noise concerns, wildlife habitat and the widening of Elgin Mills Road not being incorporated into the proposed development. He advised that the proposed development was not a good fit for the community.
Al luorio, 19 Cooperage Crescent, noted that the proposed development would be precedent setting for the area which was currently all single family residential dwellings.
Gary Fallis, 54 Cooperage Crescent, advised that the proposed development did not fit with the current community and expressed concerns related to property value, noise, privacy, density and the negative impact of the construction in the area.
Moved by: Councillor West Seconded by: Councillor Beros
That SRPRS.15.164 with respect to the Zoning By-law Amendment and Site Plan applications submitted by Gil Scholyar for lands known as Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5, Plan 2404 (Municipal Address: 168 and 176 Elgin Mills Road West), Town File Nos. D02-15004 and D06-15013 be received for information purposes only and that all comments be referred back to staff.
Carried Unanimously
Moved by: Councillor Cilevitz Seconded by: Regional and Local Councillor Hogg
That the meeting be adjourned.
Carried Unanimously

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