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 e come

:O rganizationa l Adop tion of Best Practiceand Continua l Im rovement

Marty La rsen, M icrosof t

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Tod ays Agenda


Imp lementa tion and Tra nsfer of Best Pra ctices





O ut


The f ive steps with add itiona l d a ta and exa mp les.

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Tha nks for jo ining us today.Please use the cha t fea ture to send in your questions.

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5 Day Best Practice Transfer (BPT) Prog ram

1 . Assess Rea d iness for Change


3 . Setting up breakout sessions4 . Facilita tion of BPT Brea kout sessions

1 . Start

2 . Scope and O b jectives

3 . Prob lem and Analy sis

4 . Develop ment of Process f lows

5 . Development of Consensus and Actions


5 . Rea lizing the return on ef for t: The Rep or t O ut

G ain Pre arin Re ort

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Assess Readiness for Change

Identify the O rganizationa l Impetus

Anticipate and Identify the Resistance to Change Assess O rganiza tiona l A lig nment

Assess the Time Commitment

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Prep aring Leadership and Sta f f

Techniques for Overcoming Resistance to Change


W ork with multip le levels of leadership− Policy, Process, Procedure

Identif ica tion of Scope a nd O b jectives

Scope Identif ica tion formand f acilitation

Identify team members

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Preparing the Breakout Session


Room set-up Scop e Doc




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O verview of the BPT Breakout Session

Ground Rules


“Fish Bone” Brain Storm

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O verview of the BPT Breakout Session

“ PotentialSolutions”

Action andCommunication Plans

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BPT Report O ut

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Assessment of ReadinessAssess

Scoping Gain


Prep a ring for Brea kouts



  Rep or ting the Breakouts



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Best Practice Transfer (BTP)Facilita tor Prep a ra tion

Psychology of a Brea kout Session

 mpowere eams an g -per orm ng ea ms

O wnership of solutions

Team and or anizationa l behavior

Facilitation of a Breakout Session

The leaderless facilitatorThe tools of the facilitator

Objectives of a Breakout Session

 tream ne ec s on ma ngRed uction of bureaucra cy

Structured rob lem solvin

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Assess Readiness for Change

Identify the Organizational Impetus

“ W h do I ca re” and “W h do we need to chan e” 

Assessment of current state maturity Anticipa te and Identif y the Resista nce to Change

“ W hy we cannot change”

The p sycholog y of cultures and ind ividua ls

  ssess rgan za t ona gnment

Is the organization a ligned and set up for change?

W ha t do we want to chan e 

How will we mea sure the change?

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Assess Read iness for Change W ork Product

Answer“ “− y o ca re an y o we nee o

cha nge ” Maturit Assessment ver hi h level

− Based on IO, CMMI, ISO 20000 or other

Past Resistance to Change and Past Efforts− Cultura l ba rr iers conf ronted

Identif y W ha t is to b e Changed

− Behavior, work p roducts, tools, repor ting

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Scope G oa ls and O b jectives

Conf irm the Ef for t (time) the Lea dership Tea m iswilling to Commit

Confirm the Time the Leadership Team is willing toCommit to the b reakout tea m members

Conf irm the W ay in which the Time Allotted will beCommunicated

Agree on KPI’s or Measurements

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Breakout Session Leadership Pre-Meeting

Mini session of Q & A with the ob jective of having leadershipf ill out a nd ag ree on session’s the “ Scop e a nd O b jective”

Prior to the lea dership p re-meeting the f acilita tor may or maynot send the Scope and Object form to the leaders

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Prepare for the Breakout Session

Super Sticky Post-it Notes

Name Tents or Name Tags

Flip Charts (two or more)

Roll of Butcher Paper


Lea dership Pre-meeting Slides

Candy | Horn Projector



BPT Session Slides (specific to the session focus)

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Breakout Start

Set up Room Appropriately

  ang any repr n e a er a

Handwrite Agenda and Post on W a ll

Invite Lea dership to Kick O f f Meeting

Confirm the Appropriate Team is in Attendance Post “ Check-in / Check-out” Form

Post W O or App rova l Number if Ap propria te

G ain Pre arin Re ort

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The Breakout Session

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Breakout Session Agenda

Ground RulesIntroductions


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Breakout Principles and Ground Rules

Ground RulesIntroductions


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Top 50 Crea tivity Killers

1. O ur place is dif f erent.

2. W e t ried that before.

3 . It costs too much.

38 . It’s impossib le.

39 . I know a p erson who tried itand got f i red.

20 . It isn’t in the budg et.

21 . Can’t teach old d og new tricks.

2 2. G ood thought, but impra ctical.

4. That’s not my job.

5. They’re too busy to do that.

6. W e don’t have the time.

40 . W e’ve always done it this

way.41 . W e’d lose money in the long


23 . Let’s g ive it more thought.

24 . W e’ll be the laughingstock of the industry.

25 . Not that again.

7. Not enough help.

8. It ’s too rad ical a change.

9. The staf f wil l never buy it.’

42 . Don’t rock the boa t.

43 . That’s what we can exp ectf rom the sta f f.


26 . W here’d you dig that one up?

27 . W e did alr ight without it before.

28 . It’s never been tried .’. .

11 . The union will screa m.

12 . That will run up our overhea d .

13 . W e don’t have the authority.


45 . Let’s look into it further.

46 . W e’ll have to answer to the


30 . Let’s for m a committee.

31 . It won’t work in our pla ce.

14 . Let’s get b ack to reality.15 . That’s not our p rob lem.

16 . I don’t like the idea.

s oc o ers.

47. Quit dreaming.

48 . If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

49 . That’s too much ivory tower.

32 . The exec. committee will never go f or it.33 . I don’t see the connection.

34 . Let’s a ll sleep on it.

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17 . I’m not say ing you’re wrong but…

18 . You’re two years ahead of your time.

19 . Now’s not the right time.

50 . It’s too much work.. .

36 . It’s too much trouble to change.

37 . It won’t pay f or itself.

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Scope Review

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Cause and Effect 

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Process Diagrams (Macro)

  Process Diagram (Swim)

Cause and Effect

 Specific to the Focus of the

Breakout Session

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“As Is”

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Identify Issues

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Root Cause Analysis

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Future State “To Be” Map

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Future Sta te Map (“ To Be” )

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How Do W e G et There?

Solutions Constra ints Actions

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The Action Plan

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W ha t Needs to be Communica ted

W ha t is the intended purpose / action?W ho is the intended aud ience?

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RACI if Applicable

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W e Must know who is Accounta b le


W ha t process am I suppor ting when? W ha t ha t to wa rewhen (Responsible)

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Metrics Plan

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Metrics Plan

What How to Measure Target or Direction

 incident management). E.g. f rom open to closed 80% closed within

1 hr

~ 10 0% ticketsclosed in 24 hrs

# of knowled geb ase upda tes (submissions) top rob lem ma na gement

Cap ture baseline a ndcount after that



# of tickets upd a ted within 2 hrs by N th levelsupport

In CRM Increase,

Tar get 1 00 %


mins for 100%

# of tickets assigned to g roup q ueue for incidentsreported to the Helpdesk

In CRM? Target: within 15minutes for 100%

# of customers responded to by Helpd esk within30 minutes for a ll intake (phone, voicemail, email)

From survey Ta rget: 100%

BPT R t O t

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BPT Report O ut

G ain Pre arin Re ort

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BPT B k t S i R t O t

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BPT Breakout Session Repor t O ut

Consensus on a Shared Need (Scope)


Mod if ica tion or a dop tion of Scop e and O b jective worksheet  

“As Is” Macro d iag ra ms

“As Is” Rommler Brache diagrams

Consensus on G oa l of Current Process

Introduction of best practice definitions (ITIL/ Industry)


onsensus on espons ty s o urrent rocessRACI dia g ra m

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BPT Breako t Session Repor t O t

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BPT Breakout Session Repor t O ut

Identification of Value-add and Wasted Efforts

Maximize va lue 

Red uce the 8 aspects of wa ste

Consensus on “Should” or “To Be” Diagram

Consensus on G ood Pra ctices in Need of Ad op tion

Introd uction of good p ra ctices a t the a ctivity level

Consensus on Actions Required to Adopt Good Practices

Codif ica tion of actions req uired to incorp ora te a nd susta inood ractices

Consensus on KPIs and Metrics Identif ica tion of business ana lyst f or collection of metr ics

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Lea dership Rep or t

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Lea dership Rep or t

Each Day of the Breakout Session Should End with a

Cover the a genda items tha t were comp leted

Highlight and conceptual challenges the team may have had

Cover the scop e review exercise, cla rif ica tion of def initions,points of confusion

 − Diagrams, issues list, etc

MOST IMPORTANT – cover any and all issues aroundmanag ng e exp ec a ons o e ea ers p eam− Reset or re-negotia te expecta tions as necessa ry

Cover the end of day rep ort a t the b eg inning of the nex t

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tea m breakout session

Lea dership Rep or t

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Lea dership Rep or t

Rep or t to Tea m any Lea dership Feed back

Cover with Tea m the W ork Prod ucts AlreadyDeveloped

Va lid a te the “As Is” p rocess map

Validate the “To Be” process map

Validate issues identified

Va lid a te RCA’s completed

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Return on Effort

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Return on Effort


Identif ica tion of work p rod ucts tha t d emonstra te the

execution of the best practices.

 eport ng an commun ca t on o wor p ro ucts


 Identif ica tion of mea surements tha t d emonstra te atrend toward improvement


Reporting and communications of metrics

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ITSM Academy Af f ilia tes

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ITSM Academy Af f ilia tes

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